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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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beat european support for ukraine, first of all. in belgium, we have a new national law that came into force last week, and it is clearly aimed at combating interference. this is what we are doing at the belgian level, but i am convinced that we need to act at the eu level as well. we need more tools to combat russian propaganda and russian disinformation. not to russia, the russian arrenburg continues to sink under water, sirens are wailing again in the city, an urgent evacuation has been announced, the authorities explained this by the fact that the situation critical, and in the last 10 hours the water level in the ural river has risen by 40 cm, exceeding 11 m. orenburg residents were urged to take documents, medicines and essential items with them and leave their homes immediately. the peak of the flood is expected tomorrow. let me remind you that on april 5 at in the city
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of orsk, orenbur region, the dam broke. on april 9, heavy water came to the regional center. well, a toyota land cruiser prado belonging to former sbu employee vasyl prozorov exploded in moscow, the explosion just happened, the driver turned on the ignition. prozorov survived for information propaganda media, he received leg injuries, he was hospitalized for one of an explosive device went off in the car. prozoro worked in the sbu until he was 18. after his release, he fled to russia, where he admitted at a press conference that he was a russian spy. to become a pilot, scout, tanker or gunner during the full-scale war between russia and ukraine , high school students increasingly choose military specialties. why do they want to join the army and who do they look up to? see yes. in our story on kirill
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bohdanov, well, he also started from samiz, and if i'm not mistaken, he also graduated from the odessa military academy, and in my opinion , he can be such a bright ukrainian example of a ukrainian officer. this is how 16-year-old yuriy talks about the person he wants to emulate in life and profession. the guy has already decided to become a military man, plans to enter ... a wax academy in odesa and be a scout. i have good physical indicators and i believe that the scout profession will suit me the most, and i am ready in this direction and evolve. scouts are perhaps one of the most versatile of such fighters, able to perform various types of tasks. for example, in addition to ordinary intelligence, they can also carry out some sabotage. the task,
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that is, to sabotage the enemy's rear. high school students can learn about various military professions from the military themselves. they hold meetings with graduates in schools of the lviv region. oleksiy came to talk about his educational institution and his admission experience. he is a third-year cadet at the faculty of missile forces and artillery national academy of ground forces named after petro sahaidachny. the boy also chose a profession after the same meeting at school. i have my own impression of how... now the state actually needs new personnel, fresh personnel, they should be motivated ukrainians, young ukrainians who choose their choice of profession, namely the defense of the state, in such a difficult time for us, that is, this the period when we returned to war again, it is 400 years old, it is cyclical again, it will continue further, and now, so that our country and state expressed, we need to mobilize our efforts not only of the military, active, not only of our, so to speak, adults, but also of our youth, with his example, oleksiy motivates schoolchildren to become leaders. he explains,
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specialized universities produce the basis of the ukrainian army, it is from the officers that it depends on how the armed forces of ukraine will fight in the future. the key thing about our youth is that it is a formal reorganizer of the army, that is, currently fresh heads, fresh thoughts, fresh views, these views are exactly what helps us to move to standards faster nato, rather, got a new view, a modern interactive view, that is, it is significantly different from our, so to speak, that... old-timers and soviet times, now we are with the help of the fact that new, motivated mods are coming, who already see how happening in general, and where the world is developing, have a more clear point of view about where the army needs to move in the future. 16-year-old yuriy also sees this role in the army for himself, he says that the defense of the country is the main reason for him to choose a military profession. military is a profession that, uh, well, i didn't choose it because it's prestigious. but it is simply considered
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quite prestigious in society at the moment, and in principle, i believe that it should be so, because it is, after all, protection from external... external aggressors. the lviv regional territorial center for staffing and social support organizes and supervises the recruitment campaign for the admission of schoolchildren to higher military educational institutions and military colleges for non-commissioned officers. about the military military personnel who have already participated in military operations, or are acquiring relevant professions, tell schoolchildren about their specialties. pilots, scouts, gunners, tankers shared stories from their own experience. they motivated so that today's young men and women in the future too... could defend ukraine with dignity from the enemy. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. by the way, good initiative, in fact, it is very cool to hear when high school students choose their heroes, role models among
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the higher command, among the heroes of the war, officers, soldiers, soldiers, men at the front, women at the front, boys at the front, girls at the front. because in any case the future, you know, they say, ukraine must always be ready for war, and this is the future of the world, in principle, well, maybe someday a system will be created where everyone will live in peace, but it will happen, i think , very soon considering what people are like now and what principles and values ​​the majority live by, so of course ukraine must always be ready if ukraine is strong, motivated, motivated an army motivated by citizens, aimed at protecting itself first of all and at a possible threat to... those who want to climb on us, well then we have good prospects to survive and develop in this difficult world, but she is a guest, we now we will talk with radyslav tkachenko, a lawyer, i congratulate you, good evening, actually we will talk
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a little about a little about economic topics and issues, they are very important, especially in a situation when there is a war going on in the country, and taxes and money, that is... . have, if not primary, then very important importance, ukraine undertook to restart the bureau of economic security by july 1, 2024 as part of the program with the international monetary fund and the ukraine facility, and what kind of reform are we talking about, and why should it be carried out right now, why are our partners insisting on this? you know, i would really like to continue the thesis that you talked about, that ukraine needs to be able to defend itself, and it is precisely about the fact that we need to be... able to defend ourselves economically as well, in order to so that we can support our armed forces, support their economy, in order to, in order to get the appropriate funds, and right now the reform of the economic security bureau is just about that, we are talking about the fact that we need to
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completely reboot this agency, because it is not achieving the goal of providing this economic security of our country, for the sake of which it was created. and in connection with what arose such a need in general, the problem usually arose due to the fact that this body did not become what it was created for, it did not become such a certain analytical center that should reveal risks to economic security, to eliminate such risks, on the contrary, he has become such a law enforcement agency in, let's say, conventionally old, according to the old model, that all he can do is... create problems for business, put pressure on him, for example, arrest assets of the business, to take away the means of production, because of which the business simply stops, and certainly it does not suit anyone, it does not suit the taxpayers, it does not suit our international
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partners, it does not suit the investors, without these three groups, without these three we are just groups we cannot develop our economy, because without influence there is no influence. new funds into our economy, we will simply stop in development and will not be able to maintain it, as a result we will not be able to maintain our defense capability, both economically and militarily, so now we are talking about the reboot of this body, we are talking about that a new leader should be elected, and such a leader should be chosen with the participation of international experts, who should have the right to vote before. ours by national experts, why is this important, because we have already lived to the point where we actually do not trust, perhaps, our national experts in choosing the head of such an important body, so we are talking about the fact that this body
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needs to be restarted right now, in addition, it is very important now to re-certify all employees of the state bureau of economic security, because without re-certification of all... employees , trust will not be restored on the part of business, on the part of our citizens in this body, and this is extremely important, and the third. an important aspect that needs to be done is to conduct audits of the activities of such a body once every two years so that society, international partners, investors see that this body is really working to ensure economic security in our country. yes, you said, it is very important that the partners should join in checking and electing a person to the position, and checking all the people who work, so that they understand that it will not be so simple that you did something and everyone forgot about it , but it is important, of course, that they have their own here entrepreneurs who should directly work to
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protect economic security, but not create economic danger for business, should also express their opinion, so recently representatives of ukrainian business made a joint appeal regarding the future reform of the economic security bureau, what exactly worries entrepreneurs, you are somewhat voiced, it is possible to specify what threats to business this draft law contains, if the entrepreneur is concerned, then perhaps you can name some specific examples, when uh... there is something about what to say, because it is soft, let's say, unexplained, please know, our entrepreneurs, they are not satisfied with the way the bureau works, in principle, because it all boils down to the fact that the bureau is not engaged in the shadow shadow economy , is not trying to bring the shadow economy, let's say, off the wall, is not trying to somehow investigate these schemes that exist, they are on the contrary focused on attacking the conditionally open honest business, which is
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already operating with great problems due to the risks that have brought war to our country, and they are not satisfied, of course, because the activity of the bureau leads to the fact that such entrepreneurs can seize the property that they use in their business, they can seize the means of production, because of this, work stops. people lose their jobs, as a result , the amount of money coming to the state budget in the form of taxes decreases, in addition, managers and business owners are arrested, the courts choose simply exorbitant bails for them, because of which they cannot continue to work, and of course all this confuses business, and they do not want such a story to continue, and they are trying to at least influence this through this bill. bureau of economic security, some wishes of the business have been heard, such as a complete
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re-certification of employees, the election of a manager with the participation of international experts, an audit of the bureau's activities, however, there are some things that have still not been heard by the legislator when adopting this bill, firstly , there was no invitation. no prosecutor's standards activities and their interaction with business, because prosecutors still do not know how they need to interact with business, do not know how to behave, how to build these relationships, how to conduct procedural management in criminal proceedings conducted by the bureau of economic security , secondly, it's very important for business, is to understand that the amount of bail will be... reasonable, that it will not be a burden so burdensome that it will simply be an absolute deprivation of a person's
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liberty, so that people understand that there are some rules that define it, they'll understand how it all works and they'll have more confidence in our law enforcement system, and of course it's very important that asset forfeiture is always based on a court order, that's a very important requirement from the point of view business, because today... law enforcement officers allow themselves to seize property for which the court did not give permission for its seizure, and then they do not return it, because they either evade the execution of the court decision, which obliged them to return this property, or simply ignore such demands of business, because of which its work is blocked, therefore it is very important for business that these changes are also heard by the legislator and accepted, you know, this is true, when it is ignored, there are decisions, there are demands, it is simply ignored and... somehow everyone never mind, this is actually definitely not the kind of story that should attract large investments to ukraine,
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we, by the way, i read statements and representatives of the gp morgan bank regarding this situation, regarding the prospects of investment and aid, and despite the fact that there should be made specific changes for that it would come, well, actually, you voiced certain, certain moments, what is happening and what needs to be changed, hence the complaints about pressure from the economic bureau. security of other law enforcement agencies, sorry, you, you voiced it, but will the reform really help to settle this issue, if so, to what extent, and maybe it is necessary to do something more, which is not provided for in the reform, but what but so that it works and now during the war, when it is very important to do it, and in the future. look, we believe that, in principle, the reform itself, if it will be only in this in the half-assed form that it is now, it will not be able to fully ensure and eliminate the risks that business sees in
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the activities of the economic security bureau and in general the law enforcement system as a whole, therefore it is very... important to listen to the needs of business, because it is on their shoulders that the ukrainian economy and the opportunity for us to provide our armed forces ourselves without outside help, because as we can see from the news, it is not always possible to get help, therefore it is very important to listen to the needs of our local business, and this , in addition, it will allow attracting international investments in the future, when an international investor will... you see, in ukraine it is possible to work according to clearly defined rules, but, in addition to the reform itself, in our opinion, it is also very important to continue to defend the guarantees of an independent judiciary in ukraine , in order for judges to be impartial, and for them to be able to respond to arbitrariness on
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the part of law enforcement officers, only in this way, if the courts can stand in the way of ... preventing law enforcement officers from arbitrary actions, we can talk about the fact that our business will be protected from such actions, and the investor will see that justice can be achieved in the courts of ukraine, therefore it is safe to invest here, therefore it is also important for us to focus on building independent, impartial, objective and fair courts. thank you for participating, thank you for... professional and frank comments, radislav tkachenko, a lawyer, was in touch with us and talked about the problems that exist and how they should be solved, because in fact , the solution is primarily needed by the ukrainian entrepreneurs, ukrainian business, our partners, who, investing in ukraine, still want to invest in something that in the future will live according to european values, at least and
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laws, which is the most important thing, and how is europe and the world living now, yuriy fizer is ready tell the world about ukraine, yury, good. but it will be literal, you see, i already annotated it so that it would be more interesting for you, after a short pause, yuri and i will continue, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda, we are visiting every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bahmud. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society , and feedback, you
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can express your opinion at the end of the day with a phone survey, turn on and on! the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, and repairs. winds up kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with torrential fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the line together, good evening, we of ukraine, let's continue, i am happy to pass
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the word to yuriy fizro, the world about ukraine, what happened there, yuriy, good evening, please , good evening to you vasyl, good evening everyone. to us at this time, today there is a lot of interesting news, in particular i will tell you about the following: jose borel, the chief european diplomat, announces bold decisions regarding ukraine in the pentagon, they do not know if there is a plan b to help our armed forces, but in estonia they have decided, they want recognize the pseudo-religious, russian pseudo-religious organization that calls itself the russian orthodox church as a terrorist, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. i am beginning to consider the possibility of implementation in the european union. of a separate regime of sanctions against russia, this was reported by deutsche welle journalists with reference to their own sources in brussels.
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according to published information , the initiators were the baltic states, poland, the czech republic, romania, finland and sweden. in particular , it is known that this separate sanctions regime for refia is designed to ensure the legal norm to punish those responsible and worsen the situation inside the country. for example, it is proposed to introduce restrictions. measures against representatives of the repressive state apparatus of russia, including those who are involved in politically motivated court decisions against representatives of civil society and democratic and democratic communities, well, they want to do it, that is , to introduce this sanctions regime even before the elections to the european parliament, and they, as i will remind, will happen, will happen. at least scheduled for 6-9 in june of this year, i'm sorry, but you know, you say, during the elections to the european parliament, i'm already used to the fact that all such things
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that can affect something and play a role, they are done during the elections, isn't that why related to this, well, like, but we did such things during the elections, vote for us, because we are doing one thing during the elections there in poland, well, who knows, because there are, you know, a lot of scaremongers about these elections that may pass a lot of far-right representatives. and they don't like it, because they are not so against russia, like everyone else, maybe it should be done before these elections take place, because who knows, well, this is my personal opinion, i have the right to it. at the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the member states of the european union, which will be held in brussels on april 22, it is necessary to make bold decisions regarding ukraine, the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, wrote on... the day before on his page in the x microblogging network, this is a former twitter. according to him , meetings with ukrainian ministers dmytro will be held at these meetings kuleba and rustem umerov. therefore, precisely
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during these meetings - says the chief eurodiplomat, it will be necessary to expand and accelerate the provision of military support to ukraine, in particular, to provide the ukrainian armed forces with air defense systems and the interception of russian city defense missiles. important infrastructure. well, very soon ukraine may conclude another security agreement , this time with the czech republic. this was announced the day before by the president of this country, petr pavel, after the meeting with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, which took place on the sidelines of the summit of the three seas initiative of the three seas in lithuania. according to him, the text of the agreement, according to peter. the rules are still being finalized, the approval of the agreement may take place as early as may-june of this year, and according to the president of the czech republic, the agreement may relate to the supply of materials for any
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non-material assistance, such as, for example, support for the provision of information, special services, or technology support, and so on quote: it can also be cooperation with the defense industry, the transfer of some production to ukrainian territory. here it is only important that before moving any military production to ukrainian territory, our western partners and allies should give us enough air defense equipment, so that later we can protect this enterprise from russian missiles flying from different directions and trying to get somewhere to hit, only in this way, or otherwise, it is called otherwise irrational capital invested, let's say, and that, and by the way, i want to say a word, i see now, well, the visit of the president there and in the country. now in the czech republic, yesterday shmyhal was with the physio, slovakia is going, work is going on, and i will look at the work of the ukrainian diplomatic sector there in the last months, well, it is the head of our
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diplomatic service, in principle, the president globally, he is the chief diplomat of our country, and he represents ukraine, but they put a solid four, you you just so very briefly, keeping track of everything that is happening, would you agree or not, if for a five-point system, firm, probably yes, yours would like a five, but there will be air defense and a five, of course, no. and no no, but, but we wish a five, a five, yes, of course we need these five, let's move on: finally give money to ukraine, because every day you delay the allocation of this money, you are playing against yourself, that's how the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sikorski , addressed the members of the american congress, in particular the house of representatives, regarding the unblocking of the draft law on the allocation of additional funding for ukraine. according to him , the reserves of ukrainians are decreasing. ammunition, in particular missiles, for anti-missile defense. at the same time, russia is intensifying shelling of critical infrastructure facilities, in particular energy and thus food.
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after all, let's hear him speak directly. the president of the united states of america went to kyiv during the war and assured the people of ukraine and its president that the us would do everything possible to support them in resisting russian aggression. and for this they will provide everything necessary, air defense equipment and missiles for them, artillery and ammunition. i turn again to speaker johnson on the pro'. the us congress, and for this it is necessary to allow democracy to prevail in the issue of allocation of voting aid, so that money and weapons could enter ukraine. if this does not happen, the russians will cause even more destruction, and the credibility of the united states of america will be at risk. well, it is not known whether the american congressmen listen to mr. sikorsky, because they
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did not listen to such an impression. and to the british foreign secretary david cameron, who was there recently, just a few days ago, the day before yesterday, it seems that mike johnson is not going to listen and neither are the 15% who support trump to eavesdrop on anyone, because at the moment it is not known at all when this question will be put to a vote, it is not known, if before they said at least that in the middle of april, and maybe a little there a little further in... the third, the third week of april, now it is silent , i don't know, i really want to put it anyway, let's move on, despite strong pressure from the west, serbia will not introduce sanctions against russia, the country's president aleksandar vučić said the day before after a meeting with the head of bosnia and herzegovina milorad dodik. according to the serbian president, his country has not changed and will not change its position, no matter who and how it
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is blackmailed, let alone more. mr. vučić said he was proud of this position, here is his quote: some people said that macron said that we should impose sanctions against russia, that this is blackmail, i repeat to you, that is the position that we, that we followed eight months after the beginning the war in ukraine, relevant even now, serbia had its own, small in terms of its size and number of inhabitants, but it big in the size of her heart and huge, literally a giant in the matter. statehood, this statist giant does not understand that russia wants to get rid of, to take away this statehood from ukraine, so perhaps the big heart that the serbian president is talking about does not exist in serbia. in pen- does the pentagon have a plan b for helping ukraine or not?
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currently, it is not known for sure. the day before, during a briefing at the ministry of defense of the united states of america, this is exactly what one of the journalists asked an official department representative patrick ryder. responding to this, mr. general said that at the moment he cannot say anything about the existence of any plan b. according to him, the most important task in the defense department of the united states of america is the approval of the congress for additional funding. well, when i interviewed ms. bridget brink, the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, i asked her the same question when we talked, she said we have a plan a, i say, is there a plan b? no, we are not talking about plan b because we have a plan ah, but this plan has stalled in the house of representatives and it is not known when it
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will be unblocked and when it will be released. we are worried there, but we will finish with yuri right now, then we will move to the shelter and we advise you to do the same, yuri, please, i will continue, so i will finish quickly, the only option for ending the war in ukraine is peace negotiations, the deputy permanent representative said of china at the un, dai bin at a meeting of the security council of the united nations. according to him , china adheres to the opinion that there can be no winners in conflicts and wars and that they only lead to escalation. situation, instead, says the chinese representative, official beijing will continue to maintain contact with all parties and play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the situation in ukraine. well, they also talked about the negotiations the day before in russia, where the self-proclaimed president of belarus, oleksandr lukashenko, has already flown several times, i don't remember, for a meeting with putin, for him.


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