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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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the balance of trust is not trust, now it is at the level of 25%, recently it was almost 60%, trust in zelenskyi is falling, and he is trying to maintain his rating at least by not making unpopular, but statesmanlike decisions, but this is not normal, it is inadequate , well, but without winning the war, he won't win the presidential election, i know he won't win, but he lives with it, you see, he, he's in the grip of the churchill syndrome. when you believe you're going to win a war, but then it turns out you can't win an election, yeah, that's how it works anyway all over the world, because in a democratic society people get tired of the politician who was there during the war and want to change him, this is always the case, only in the totalitarian world the same politician remains, for example, in russia, where stalin remained, or remains putin, in any case , there will be changes in a democratic society, ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelenskyi... does not understand this, for him these
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are too complicated conditions of the situation, he, you remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple decisions, and always simple decisions, he believes that with such an effort he will be able to convince his voter, to vote for him again, that's all, and in the background of our mobilization problems there is another problem with our help, or rather not our american. aid to ukraine, the defense forces could run out of artillery shells and air defenses rather quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to partial or total defeat in the war. this was announced by the supreme commander-in-chief of the united states nato forces in europe, american general christopher cavoli at the hearing of the committee on armed forces of the house of representatives of the united states of america. let's hear what he said. now. the russians outnumber the ukrainians
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by five times, that is, the russians fire five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can shoot back. in a few weeks, that ratio will be 10 to one. we are not talking about months and we are not talking hypothetically. so, mr. borislav, tell me the internal situation, internal politics in ukraine, it affects the decisions of the americans. not the decision of the americans? no, now it does not affect it at all, now it is affected only by internal games and efforts of each of the two parties, democrats and republicans, to win the presidential elections, this is the main story that now prevents ukraine from receiving this aid. but you know, i can say something else, when we had a year of comprehensive support from the united states, did zelensky use it to get... some treaties that would bind
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to give support to ukraine and weapons too, did zelenskyy sign any agreements, anything else? no, why, because he believed that the war would last for two or three weeks, or because he believed that it would always be like this, they would come to him, it does not happen, he was warned about this, by the way, israel is now within the framework of the agreement about soyuznychestvo, will constantly receive weapons from the united states, and this to me in... on my broadcast , israeli military journalist serhiy auslender said: they are waiting for additional money, but the main money, the main money, they receive the main military aid because there is a contract, because they signed it, why didn't zelensky do it, because he can't calculate the situation, well , that's true, but the main problem right now is precisely that the republicans and democrats would around this bill, because for each... one of them it is important as
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a blow to the opponent, and not as help to ukraine. for republicans, this shows that, look, biden does not care about domestic american problems, he does not want to strengthen the border. for biden, it's a different story. look, they are want to destroy our democratic standard procedure of how we want to give people citizenship, or residency, whatever, whatever, or whatever, every one of them is attacking. ukraine generally recedes into the background, i will tell you more, i am now watching american tv channels very carefully, there it has disappeared, ukraine has disappeared and taiwan has disappeared, there is only israel, now there is an attack by iran, here is an attack by iran, but the problem is that ukraine itself refused to draw attention to himself, have you at least heard that zelensky addressed our diaspora, which... in the united states
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in order for them to go to a rally, for a protest, in order for them to attract the attention of their candidates in the elections, no, they did not hear, but why, what is preventing him, by the way. and where are the demonstrations, where are the hunger strikes, believe me, it can all be done, and by the way, this was proposed to zelensky back in november of last year, he is silent, he does nothing, so it is not necessary to say that nothing depends on us, we could influence but we haven't used the window of opportunity, and we're not using the tools that are available now, we're just waiting, but what is happening now in the united states is a total shame, because the united states is now so messed up... that it is giving up its leadership function in the whole world, and that is also true. and you already mentioned israel, there was information already this evening that lebanon fired dozens of rockets at israel, at least 40 rocket launches were recorded from the territory of lebanon at israel, and it is obvious,
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it is obvious, as international agencies predict, that there something bigger than missile launches is unfolding, well, let's keep an eye on those. situation, obviously, the united states of america will now respond to the situation in the middle east and again ukraine, as you say, correctly, will be relegated somewhere to the third or fourth plan. mr. boryslav, thank you for the conversation, it was boryslav bereza, a politician and public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. friends, there is information from the middle east, i hope that in the second part of our program we will also mention this, that ... that the israeli air defense system is intercepting missiles that are now, which are now are attacking her, him from the territory of lebanon, and in principle, obviously, obviously, the situation will be tense during this weekend in the middle
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east, we will monitor this situation with you, friends, i remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on on our platforms on youtube and on facebook, those who... watch us on youtube, you can take part in the poll, as well as on tv, today we ask you about whether you would trust the power of the political cells of the military after the war, let's see the interim results of the poll , television survey, these are probably incorrect data, but 100% could agree with this, on youtube 75%, yes... 25%. there are 15% discounts on zzilor in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel, the most. current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations simply. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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premium sponsor team. represents united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion. at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings,
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friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, it is being broadcast today. mala constitution of martial law. mobilization the law provides for a new reservation procedure. will it ensure fair mobilization? all-russian flood. whole cities go under water. orenburg and orsk, as an illustration of what is really happening in russia. optimism remains. ukrainians believe in victory and expect it in one or two years. who are they hoping for in post-war politics? friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us on youtube, please participate. in in our survey, today we ask you about this, did you entrust the power to the political power of the military after the war? yes, no, everything
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is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you would trust the political power of the military after the war, then vote on 0800-211-381, if not, 0800-2 11382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to introduce our guests today studio, today a traditional journalistic studio, my colleagues, olga len, political columnist, espresso host, author and host of the war information chronicles program. olga, i congratulate you. congratulations. and oleksii mustafin, journalist, publicist, historian, tv manager, oleksii, i also congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. back well, since we ask our television viewers whether they would entrust the power
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of the military to a political force after the war, i will then explain why we conduct this particular survey by referring to a sociological survey that conducted by the razumkov center, i will ask you, colleagues , and you about this, whether you entrusted the power of the political party to the military after the war in the format of a blitz olo, well, i would like to rephrase it a little, specifically, you know, a separate party... of the military, it seems to me that this a little wrong, in principle, i would say that i would never entrust power in the country to people who have not participated in the defense of the state in any way, that is, it seems to me that we should slightly revise our certain attitudes to what citizenship is , what is the opportunity to work in the authorities, somehow adjust it in such a way that it is clear that a career in the authorities can only be ... a person who directly joined the defense of the country, if a person did not do this
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during the war for whatever reason, he simply cannot have political position, but in principle, it seems to me, it should be like this. thank you ul, oleksiy, i also do not understand the political power of the military, because the military is different, they have different views on how it should develop. ukraine, that we are a democratic country, it is quite natural. the only thing that is obvious is the experience of people who have gone through war, and not only professional soldiers, because we have, so to speak, a national war, and many civilians joined, but at least the experience they had and self-awareness is very important, i think that those political forces that will take future participation in competitions in ukraine, they... should add to their ranks, including the military, including people who went through
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this war, if not to form a list from them at all, i will remind you that a very respectable person, for example, duweitzenhauer, he was a commander during the second world war and became president, but he became president as a representative of a certain political, political party, why are we actually asking about this and conducting polls about the flight. forces of the military after the war, and now we talk about it hypothetically, of course, but the razumkov center published the results of a sociological study, according to which 45% of ukrainians believe that a political force that can be entrusted with power in the post-war period can emerge from among the military, that is , it is not only about the party of the military or the party of generals. the party sergeants, and we are talking about political power, really, wherever it is,
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people who fought and who were at the front will obviously have the backbone, although i absolutely agree with oleksiy izurga that those who participated in the defense of ukraine, of course, obviously, those who did not participate in the defense of ukraine will not have the right, it is desirable that they would not have... the right to run for office in various authorities, and of course they would not receive any appointments, because it is clear that in this situation it is very ... it is important to participate in current events and to give everything that the state needs. another number that has been published regarding the trust of ukrainians in the institution, and i want to quote them again, is the trust in social institutions, so
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the armed forces of ukraine now 95.6% do not trust 2.8, a volunteer. battalion 86.1%, do not trust 7.4, well, to be honest, what are volunteer battalions? in this situation it is difficult to say, and they are all members of the armed forces of ukraine, or the defense forces, relatively speaking, or joined the national guard, 84.9% do not trust volunteer organizations 8.9 and public emergency services 80% and 4 do not trust 13.2%. well, olya, these are absolutely clear numbers, and here, actually, i don’t know whether it is possible or necessary to comment on the fact that the people on whom life in ukraine depends, the more people trust, that is, it is absolutely obvious that here there are no institutions that, let's say, do not participate in the defense of the state, and i would
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rather say here that this is only an indicator that despite probably all... those kinds of processes to undermine the defense capability of the country, which is here it's been going on for about a year now, you see, well , it still didn't succeed in directly destroying its trust in the army, despite all the changes there, and somehow it didn't succeed in getting the idea out of the minds of the citizens that the country still needs to be defended, even though such an impression , that they did a lot for this, and the fact that the country needs to be defended? this statement was confirmed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, because the law on mobilization, which was introduced by the government of ukraine on december 26, 2023, on april 11, 2024, was generally adopted by the parliament, and parliamentarians removed from the document the clause on demobilization, which provided for
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the release of those who are at the front, who are in the armed forces. after 36 months of service, which is still in the law on mobilization, we will briefly remind our viewers that those with limited fitness and those who received the second and third groups of disabilities after february 24, 22, except for military personnel, must re -pass the vlk, all conscripts within 60 days must clarify their data in the tcc, tsnap or electronic office, all men must have a military registration document with them and show it on demand. authorized law enforcement officers, men who do not update their data or evade mobilization may be restricted from driving vehicles, conscripts abroad, consular services will be restricted until they update their data, well that's very short, a thesis, i would say , eh, theses of the basic law of this
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mobilization, oleksia, considering the procedure itself, how did it all happen, that all these 400 amendments, in fact no one supported it, and there were no votes for these amendments, and it was just a formal procedure passage of these 400 amendments, almost 400 amendments, with the exception of committee ones, whether it was necessary to arrange this long period of consideration of this draft law, which is so necessary during the war, and whether it was necessary to observe... procedural norms in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, taking into account that , that there is a war in the country, and the leader of the mobilization process, one way or another, if he did not want it, is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, and all this could be done much easier and faster, well, first of all, no one knows the procedure canceled
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it is necessary to follow the law and the procedure, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, well, it is in general. habit of the current government, we remember even the laws that did not relate, so to speak, to military issues, military issues, even in peacetime, conditionally in peacetime, since the war has been going on for 10 years and it is obvious that the entire term of the current government is spent on during the war, but before the large-scale invasion, we remember, for example, the adoption of the land law, that is, the situation was absolutely the same, h... speak, speak, you do not interfere with us, submit amendments, we will consider, then no amendments are accepted, they are adopted in the form in which the subject of the legislative initiative submits. the cabinet of ministers or someone else, so, well, we have to get used to this, that this will obviously happen in the future, it is obvious that it could have been adopted earlier and not delayed
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so much, but again, well, this is a general situation when politicians remain politicians even during the war. we remember how much there was now around the fact that there is no such thing in the law. demobilization procedures, but we have to remind that in general, this issue was raised, once again by the same servants of the people, the same one, sorry for the bluntness, was the first to raise this issue, although the military then said that it should not be determined by law, since we do not know the situation, we cannot predict a situation that depends not only on us at the front, so again it seems to me that too much time was lost precisely because of... given the political circumstances of making any decisions, even in conditions where we supposedly have there is a parliamentary majority of parliaments, but on the other hand, what happened in
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the parliament, oil, shows that there is no parliamentary crisis, if there are votes in the parliament for the adoption of the bill on the mobilization bill, and if... the servants of the people do not go to session, when they do not want these amendments to be voted on by this faction at all, well, it turns out that the office of the president of ukraine, when necessary, can mobilize, and this is the majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and here are all the conversations there about the parliamentary crisis, which were during the last two months, they they just don't have any reasons, well , they didn't have any reasons before, because there were votes in principle for the adoption of this law before, they were there since december. when it was introduced for the first time, they were fine, but since the president, let me remind you, it seems that since may 23rd, he did not even sign the law on lowering the threshold
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for mobilization from 27 to 25 years, it gave both his political forces and a bunch of others well , i consider this to be a false signal that it is necessary at this moment to literally join some kind of, you know, race and struggle, uh... for literally protection, who better to protect the dodger? well, for some reason the political power of the president and he himself decided that these are not his voters at the front, that his voters are exclusively in the rear, and they do not want to mobilize, and they need to be protected, moreover, they have forgotten something that our country is at the front the same civilian people who are there also temporarily, their rights must also be protected, and in principle, well, somehow all this... well, the government started it, the government got into it, the government as a result arranged, well , i think the story is absolutely disgusting with this
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by law, because it’s easy to take it all this time, then when the time is up, we could already form new brigades for six months, we could already do a rotation, but thanks to the commander-in-chief, well... that is, well actually president, we now have a problem with the fact that we don't have enough people at the front, it's not about demobilization for the simple reason that we don't even just have enough people, but they tried all the time somehow to avoid what should attract more people to the army, because the army needs to pass several million citizens in order for it to be an opportunity for some... to withdraw, to give them the opportunity to return home, they talked about some economic front, as if these civilians who are now in the army, they cannot return home and
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hold the economic front in exactly the same way as those who are holding it now, well, what is the problem, these are the same civilians, businessmen, workers in labor professions, farmers, well , they are absolutely no different, they can definitely do so hold for a while the economic front and the economic front... i believe it will not fall under this if there is simply a rotation of such and such. well, and more than that, the main thing that i did not decide, i think this whole story, after all, the authorities did not show their readiness to carry out a fair mobilization, because as long as there is such a thing as armoring at all, according to non-military criteria, that is, it should be only one booking criterion, this person is simply vital. to maintain the defense capability at his workplace, and it has exactly the same to be mobilized and obliged to be at that job, well, as a military man, he can't
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suddenly... say: oh, i'm resigning, sorry, it's me, i wanted to go somewhere else , goodbye, goodbye, i went somewhere, but if we book someone, then he should be at his place of work, like a soldier, regardless of whether he wants to be there or not, well, everything should be fair, right, and especially not there there should be some organization of art workers, the national union of journalists, these people they are very much needed now to ensure something, i don’t think at all... they are needed, well, the circus, the circus is needed, why, well, well, it’s all of us, we all understand very well, the defense capability of the country does not depend on these people in any way, because they are interchangeable in this regard, to tell some legends about the fact that there are some very talented people who absolutely cannot, well , that's all, that's all wrong, as a result of all this, they simply forgot that we have a large number of civilians at the front for... for whom
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all this whistling, it's just extreme, well, it simply demoralizes them first of all, and this is the main danger of the country, to demoralize those people who are at the front. thank you, olya, oleksiy, when this bill was submitted to the verkhovna rada and after that, a lot was said and is still being said about justice during mobilization, but what is fair mobilization? fair mobilization of everyone, everything else will always raise questions, one way or another, whether it is fair or not, but look at the law that has been adopted, and the system that, well , the ministry of defense and the government are proposing now, because the verkhovna rada ukraine has adopted a draft law submitted by the government, whether this system is in place now. fair
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without making a decision about the mobilization procedure, about how it will take place, i.e. can we say that now the mobilization in ukraine is fair? well, i'm sorry, i didn't hear the whole question, well , it's obvious that if there is a question, then it can be called not entirely fair, at least, of course, everyone has their own criteria, criteria, but it seems to me that... there are a lot of political games, these decisions could be made faster, more efficiently, and ultimately, it would have been more effective, but again this issue was postponed because there were questions about the ratings, politicians, who, who protects people, who does not protect people, and it seems to me that this did not have a negative impact on the adoption of this law, firstly, in terms of time, we always don't have enough time, and... we
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have such a great luxury in passing this law, it is on the one hand, and on the other hand , we see that politics has not gone anywhere, i wanted to return to the question you asked, whether there is a political crisis or whether there is no political crisis, political there is a crisis, it has not gone anywhere, there are simply decisions that must be made regardless of whether there is a political crisis or not, whether there is a parliamentary one or not, questions about mobilization, this is exactly such a question, because it is about.. .the survival of the country, the survival of every ukrainian, and obviously, these decisions must be made, regardless of whether there is a majority in the verkhovna rada or not. on other issues, such a majority, as we can see, well, in many cases, when votes are held, and even during the discussion of this law, when in half of the hall is going somewhere from the meeting hall, this means that in fact the crisis is quite deep, well, you will not invite the military to each and every bill, who
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will come to the hall and force the deputies to vote one way or another, that's why they and the military, that they perform more important duties, including at the front, so it seems to me that this is rather an imitation in that, you see, there is no crisis, there is a crisis, it has not gone anywhere, but how to fight with this political crisis that is or the parliamentary crisis in ukraine under the conditions when there are no... elections, that is, the elections will not be held soon, and it is clear that the parliament must work, and the president must work until the moment there is victory, until the war in ukraine is finished , how to motivate, or how, how, how to properly conduct a conversation with those who are in this political.


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