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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. the russians killed one person in donetsk region and wounded another. the enemy shelled the village of new york in the evening. a 64-year-old woman was killed, a 60-year-old man was injured, the regional head vadim filashkin said. the russians shelled the zaporizhzhia region 410 times a day, attacking eight settlements. aviation was hit on the job. from
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drones in golyaipol and mala tokmachka, from artillery they hit novoandriivka and malynyvka, damaged residential buildings and infrastructure objects. there were no casualties, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. entrepreneurs of the kharkiv region will be exempted from certain tax charges, in particular from paying a single tax, tax on real estate, land and rent. the decision concerns a business that continues to work in the region - the report said. oleg senigubov, head of the region. such relaxations will help entrepreneurs to adapt to realities and develop economic potential. and local communities will be compensated from the state budget for short-lived revenues. will be responsible for the scandalous video. law enforcement officers searched for a blogger who put his nine-year-old daughter behind the wheel and bragged about it. a 31-year-old man shot a video and posted it on social media. the video quickly
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went viral on the internet and caused a wave of outrage. protocols were drawn up on the violator under the articles of failure to fulfill parental duties and for transferring the control of the car to a person who does not have the right to do so, - said the first deputy head of the patrol police department , oleksiy biloshitskyi. the commander of the operational troops will educate young officers of the southern command, major general andriy kovalchuk is leaving... the garden and will now teach cadets, he wrote about this on social networks. the commander thanked the military for 2.5 years of service for the liberation of zmiina island, mykolaiv oblast and part of kherson oblast. andriy kovalchuk will head the odessa military academy. the appointment was already welcomed there. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 97 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the best in... the khmut direction. there, the russians
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stormed the positions of our troops 33 times. 29 more attacks took place in the novopavlivskyi direction and 18 in the avdiivka area. the south is also restless. seven combat clashes took place in the orihiv direction and six in the kherson direction. in the kupyan direction, the russians stopped their offensive. during the day, our aircraft struck 12 areas where the enemy's military and equipment were concentrated and destroyed four russian anti-aircraft missile systems. and rocket launchers and gunners hit one more enemy concentration point, two of his air defense systems and one station of the occupiers. and we have new collection walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected
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more than 5000 hryvnias, let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. ukrainian ships chernihiv and cherkasy will take part in international exercises in great britain. the raiders have already arrived at the base of the royal navy in the english city of portsmouth. crews will come here. preparing for exercises together with the british fleet and the us navy, our naval forces said. by the way, ukraine received these ships from great britain last year. each of them served more than 20 years in the royal navy. however , minny searchers cannot enter our territory in the black sea due to the montreux convention, which restricts the passage of warships through the bosphorus during wartime.
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become a pilot, scout, tanker or gunner during a full-scale war between russia and ukraine. high school students increasingly choose military specialties. why do they want to join the army? and to whom they compare, look further in the plot, at kyryll bogdanov, well, he also started from the very bottom and if i am not mistaken, he also graduated from the odessa military academy and in my opinion, he can be such a bright ukrainian example of a ukrainian officer. this is how 16-year-old yuriy talks about the person he wants to emulate in life and profession. the boy has already decided to become a soldier. to enter the military academy in odesa and be a scout. i have good physical indicators, and i believe that the profession of a scout will suit me the most, and i am ready to develop in this direction. scouts are perhaps
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one of the most versatile such fighters, who can perform various types of tasks, for example, for example, in addition to ordinary reconnaissance, they can also... some sabotage tasks, that is, sabotage in the enemy's rear. about various military professions, high school students can learn from the military themselves. they hold meetings with graduates in schools of the lviv region. oleksiy came to talk about his educational institution and his admission experience. he is a third-year cadet at the faculty of missile forces and artillery of the petro sahaydachny national academy of ground forces. the boy also chose a profession after the same meeting at school. i have my own impression about that.
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becoming a military man explains, specialized universities produce the basis of the ukrainian army, it depends on the officers how they will fight the armed forces of ukraine in the future. the key thing about our youth is that it is a formal reorganizer of the army, that is, at the moment, fresh heads, fresh thoughts, fresh views, these are views - this is exactly what helps us to move to nato standards faster, get a new view faster , a modern , attractive look, that is, it is significantly different from ours, so to speak, from the days of soviet times, now we, with the help of the arrival of new, motivated young people, who already see how it is happening in general, and where it is developing world, have a more clear point of view about where the army needs to move in the future. 16-year-old yuriy also sees this role in the army for himself, he says that the defense
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of the country is the main reason for him to choose a military profession. the military is a profession that, well, i didn't choose it, it's... that it's prestigious, but it's just considered quite prestigious in society at the moment, and in principle, i think it should be, because it is , after all, protection against external, external aggressors. recruitment campaign for admission schoolchildren to higher military educational institutions and military colleges of sergeant ranks is organized and supervised by the lviv regional territorial center for staffing and social support. schoolchildren are told about military specialties by soldiers who have already taken them. participation in hostilities, or acquire appropriate professions. pilots, scouts, gunners, tankers shared stories from their own experience. they motivated so that modern young men and women in the future could defend ukraine from the enemy with dignity. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr
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studeny, espresso tv channel. ukraine opened an embassy in the republic of koddiar, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine reported. this country is one of the leaders. in west africa, and ukraine wants to intensify cooperation with it and establish contacts with local business, the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized. you can find more information on our youtube channel, where there is a live broadcast of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. also you can find all the latest news on our website and in our social networks, join, put your preferences. and this is the end of the episode, further on the air, say hello to my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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today they are on the heels and thank the armed forces for this, a ukrainian woman in wartime found the strength not only to join... volunteers, but also to participate in the reconstruction of the country at the city and state levels. sometimes this path has to be overcome on the edge of life and death the head of the molychan city military administration, after the occupation of the zaporizhzhia region and enslavement by the muscovites, was forced to leave his post and his home. however, she returned to help women live on. we are making plans, we are working towards recovery. we started last year, realizing, yes, that there will be a partial occupation. we started to buy utility equipment, this year we realized that if
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there is no victory, we don't need all this. the panellists of the ukrainian women's congress held in poltava were representatives of frontline and frontline regions. it is noteworthy that the event eventually reached the regional center of poltava oblast, a powerful humanitarian and educational hub. there are many challenges in the city, and in particular our educational spaces, this is what i see, and i want our... children to return to our city with their families as much as possible, which means that our spatial and educational spaces must work, in order to they worked, there must be shelters, and shelters are definitely not just simple, and i thank the business that went to the meeting now and helps us to create initiatives in shelters, as universal, cool, friendly premises, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of the countries of europe, canada and the usa took part in the events. each and every one of them admired the indomitability of ukrainian women in their speeches. women in
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local self-government and administration, volunteers, soldiers, military and community leaders are on the front line, resilience and leadership have become a daily necessity for them. industrial giants such as the ferexpo group of companies demonstrate their support for women in times of war. by several years implementation of the women's leadership program, the mining company managed to increase the share of women in management by 60%. equality, inclusiveness in companies, increase the profits of companies, increase their image of companies among young people, and most importantly, it helps us make more informed decisions, and thanks to this training, after 3 years we saw results, we increased the number of women among managers by 60%. in management positions by 60%, we increased the number of women,
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congress participants noted, female leadership is relevant in all spheres of life, every second business in wartime is opened by women. if we are going to the european union now, it is important for us to implement all the decisions of the european union precisely about this parity equality of men and women, including all the decisions of the european parliament, the resolutions that they ask for... the ukrainian women's congress is a unique platform that shapes the state's agenda in the field of gender equality. the event was held under the slogan path to restoring women's participation at the local level and was held for the support of the united states agency for international development usaid, the development program of unpd, un women, the governments of sweden, canada, great britain, germany, denmark, the representative office of the european union, the ferexpo company and the ukrainian women's fund.
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good morning, roman chaika and oksana vysochenska, today we are working for you, we ask you to donate in the traditional way, we will talk, we will... question our very informed guests, and we ask you to donate: 2 million, let me remind you, we want to collect for that to buy fp drones for cold ravine and black zaporozhians, 728,359 hryvnias are already in the account, as you can see , it is not enough, because even more than a million, 200, 62 million, must be collected here, and at the same time, two qr codes are two brigades, there are two cards on top, and remember that these are not just drones, they are drones that have passed testing of their own production, they are already adjusted to immediately report to you with good videos that
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will put you in a good mood for the whole day, and in the meantime, we will find out how the night went in the south of ukraine, the traditional threat was strategic aviation, whether they were there mopeds, drones, we will find out from the deputies of the mykolaiv regional council, because now there is also a situation there, in fact, there is a missile danger in the mykolaiv oblast, we hope. our guest is in a safe place and can already leave viktoria moskalenko, mrs. viktoria, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, yes, now we have a trivo. missile danger, so, let's say, in mykolayiv oblast the last few days have been very restless, in addition to drone attacks, we can see with you that missile attacks have intensified, and two days ago there was a missile attack that caused casualties in our mykolayiv oblast, this is on
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today five dead, five dead people, among them is a famous chess player. of the mykolaiv oblast, about which the mykolayov oblast chess federation wrote, among them there are well-known, familiar ones, therefore, unfortunately, this missile, missile, missile attack was one of the largest in terms of victims since the end of the 22nd year, we know that today is the day that the occupiers of mykolaiv region, odesa region, the entire south of ukraine. these are like plans for occupation, they don't leave these plans, when it will happen and whether they will get it, i can't comment on it, but understanding such strikes and the fact that today they are actually showing with their strikes plans for strategic infrastructure, for
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energy infrastructure, that the south of ukraine is very important to them, that's why everyone... today, those who live in mykolaiv oblast, in mykolaiv itself , in those, let's say, villages, which we know very well that these villages were, and the villages were precisely combat zones . to this day, people in those villages have not left, let's say, a peaceful life, because what is happening to them with their homes, with infrastructural points, it's water, it's products, it's a store. for example, even the road connection, of course , everything is still being put in order there, and there are many very nuances, there is a lot of work, a lot of money is needed for this, so the situation there is very serious in terms of infrastructure restoration in these villages, so that if we take
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the city of mykolaiv today as a whole, then of course the city of mykolaiv due to the fact that it has come... there is spring, well, spring is blooming, and of course what can, as it seems, not on this one, those those, let's say so, destroyed buildings, they don't stand out that much, but if you come to the villages, it's a very, very sad, sad story, because many people's homes have not been touched and rebuilt, of course, people cooperated themselves, they owe a lot to the foundations. thanks also to foreign support, these buildings and houses are being restored bit by bit, and i wanted to ask you ms. victoria, well, yesterday we asked the people of kherson, they are demining, sowing, demining, detonating, how did your spring campaign start, that is, how dangerous are
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certain territories, i will say that my colleagues, deputies of the regional council are also... are also businessmen in this area, and many really work at their own risk, many work at their own risk, they also spend at their own expense, well, accordingly with the appropriate permits , demining the territory is carried out, many risk people and equipment in this way, but thank god, there are cases like that, you probably heard about it too, that these were the cases that injured people. there have been cases of people working in the field and destruction of equipment, but these are certain risks, of course, this is also a business, there are people behind it, it's also about donating to the army, so it's all very connected, and i thank our colleagues today, the farmers, who are taking their own risk, conducting the sowing campaign, many of them
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today the other day, he rearranged his share business. and today they also sow vegetables, many vegetable projects, well, if we move away from the grain topic in general, that is to say, because they understand all these difficulties, and we can say that they are well done in this regard, who keep their business, preserve jobs for people and thus provide an economic basis for us to be able to donate to our... army and help local residents who need help, because without a joint, without a joint association, without joint assistance, nothing will not work, for today, if you take drones and help to all other brigades, but today you have a collection, then, unfortunately, the state budget today has not yet begun to finance this type of weapon, which is very strange, which
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is very strange, why is this not happening, this is very it is important on the battlefield, it is very important for us to be able to win, but unfortunately, today it happens only at the expense of people, people, of course, donate from their salaries, also businessmen who donate today, but i myself am let's say this, as a volunteer in terms of the fact that i also hold these meetings, and i know who will donate from the people, people will donate 500 hryvnias and 100 hryvnias, and those people who have funds, who have larger incomes, let's say, usually already lose interest, because everyone thinks that my house is from the edge, but i am i want to say not from the edge, because in... the enemy is also gathering forces today, and we can see this from the situation that is happening today in the mykolaiv region, that
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there is a constant drone reconnaissance of the enemy, which means that they are constantly being shelled today of the front-line territories, this is the chakiv community of kutsurup, that is, the artillery is there, what they get, and mortars, and lancets, so for now we can say that the south of ukraine is under threat, this should be said to the people, and this should be said to all those , who thinks that we have already won everything, that's why that this is the only way we can really win, but we recently saw this attack with our eyes and shelling, climbed the spit, fired at it, and so we are monitoring it all, and we really understand what is happening in the city, we also want to ask about the issue of water supply of the day ... the vodokanal reported that drinking water in the mykolaiv region will probably not be counted on until the 25th year, but we see that
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at the same time something like this is happening, because money is also allocated for the water supply of mykolaiv, what is the situation with that, we understand that summer is coming and water more will be needed, well, i want to say that the situation is difficult, we will hope for drinking water that they will also work very well and... but those drinking water filling points that worked during this period, but as you correctly noted that in in the summer period, they need to be increased, because people need it, not everyone has the opportunity to import and buy drinking water today, they also have it, it is also not cheap, so in terms of drinking water , it is necessary that our representatives of the authorities and the water supply company do the following, to these to these points there was more, regarding repairs in general, i cannot say any positive points today, because this has been happening since april 22nd
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, in fact, this is the second year this situation has happened, and many representatives of both the president's office and the government came, opened something there, they tried something there, and in the end the situation is standing still, that... the last moments, yes, you need to first make a project, technical conditions for the project, a project, after that talk about the fact that something will happen in our country capital repair plan water supply in the mykolayiv region. for now, i cannot give such information, because these are all only excerpts from the press conference, excerpts of some comments, so i will not comment on the water situation in the plan officially, because, unfortunately... it is not officially there, i know there are statements by vodokanal that you are paying debts, people who have debts, but those who, for example, can afford
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their wages, pay little by little, and there are those who have no income, and they really spend funds for drinking water, therefore, of course, people with the revenue part is very difficult today, i would like to comment that, for example, today we have a very important topic in... the deputy corps of the mykolaiv region, this is unification, it is a slightly different topic, but it also concerns the infrastructure and life activities of the mykolaiv region, this is a union of regional hospitals, i want to say that it is planned to unite about 10 regional institutions, for example, there is one hospital, and it is being added to it, that is , two or three more hospitals are being added to one hospital, this causes outrage among us today. because everyone understands that the service is going to get worse, they can make the health service worse in that way, so we don't
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plan to have a discussion about that. in the regional commissions, because it depends on the deputies of the regional council, that is why we are studying this situation today, if this situation gives significant savings, then it is understandable, but so that people do not suffer in terms of providing services, because it will, for example, be out of three hospitals, one chief doctor, and that's all, of course, many medical workers will lose their jobs, because this is a significant reduction, we will listen and understand at the commission. which reasons, of course, that it is saving money, this is the first and main reason, that is why the situation is like this today, thank you for being with us on saturday morning, victoria muskalenko, deputy of the mykolaiv regional council from the south, where the alarm signals are now sounding , because the air force reports a missile threat, so stay in shelters, and just to realize this in reality and mykolaiv mykolayivshchyna it is between.
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and odesa, but if you look across the dnipro estuary, it is actually three steps to crimea, not that three steps, we already they told us that in fact ours have to use drones and drones to drive them out of the spit when they climb out to fire, but they already mentioned the kutselyubyn community and ochakiv, who was there recently, that is, the distance to the enemy, as in les poderevyanskyi in this play katsaps, so on that bank, on that bank katsaps, well, that's how they look. a short pause, we are already being told that the repulse is in the mykolaiv region, so it is good that if everything went well, we are going for a short break, we ask you to stay with us, donate, we will be back in a few minutes, we will talk about the evacuation from the front-line zone of donetsk, which is actually very difficult now, wait, there are 15% discounts on gliciset and glicised max.
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stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two... hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. thank you for watching, i wanted to tell you that these russians, who think they are good, that is, they flee to europe and continue to publish the same putin instructions on their internet, so these good russians write that in the moscow region announced a recruitment.


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