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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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that's because in 10 seconds, there's a moment of silence, but we want to thank you. kostiantyn denisov, spokesman for the legion of freedom, and we , like the whole country, will remember all the dead ukrainians in this second russian-ukrainian war. let's honor with a moment of silence the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that... it was unleashed by russia.
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where is the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. the russian fsb tried to kill the leader of the kherson region. the russians launched an fpv drone on oleksandr prokudin's car. and the fire on the car was adjusted by a resident of the kherson region. he was detained by the security service of ukraine, the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, said. a local
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resident, a scoundrel, who was detained by us on april 10, we managed to document all this, he was detained at the stage of a completed attempt, the enemy drone was planted in a timely manner at the expense of our rebbe. meanwhile, seven people were injured as a result of russian shelling of the kherson region. the enemy attacked almost 20 towns and villages of the region during the day. enemy shells hit the cellular tower of the port. infrastructure, as well as a gas pipeline - informed the head of the kherson region oleksandr prokudin. a high-rise building, three private houses, an outbuilding and cars were damaged. the russians wounded two people in kharkiv oblast and attacked in the middle of kupyansk. an injured 62-year-old man was rescued from the rubble of one of the houses. in another house, a 73-year-old man was injured. a fire broke out as a result of the shelling. on an area of
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​​200 m2, the state emergency service reported. the russians killed a man in donetsk region, and another was wounded. the enemy shelled the village of new york in the evening. a 64-year-old woman was killed, a 60-year-old man was injured, - reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the russians shelled the zaporizhia region 410 times a day, attacking eight populated areas. points were hit by aircraft from drones in golyaipol and mala tokmachka, and artillery hit novoandriivka and malynivka. residential buildings and infrastructure objects were damaged. there are no casualties, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the kremlin plans to restart the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. this was reported by the russian dictator putin, the international atomic energy agency. -
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writes the wall street journal, referring to the reports of magat experts. experts are concerned about moscow's intentions and believe that this will worsen the situation in the armed forces. according to their data, russia wants to connect at least one reactor to its power system and may do so before the 40th anniversary of the plant's connection to the soviet union's power grid in december. entrepreneurs of the kharkiv region will be exempted from certain taxes charges, in particular from payment of a single tax, tax on real estate, land and rent. the decision concerns the business that continues to work in the region, oleg seniguv, the head of the region, said. such relaxations will help entrepreneurs to adapt to realities and develop their economic potential, and local communities will be compensated for lost income from the state budget. will be responsible for the scandalous video. the police searched. a blogger who
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put his nine-year-old daughter behind the wheel and made fun of it. a 31-year-old man shot a video and posted it on a social network, the video quickly went viral on the internet, causing a wave of indignation. protocols were drawn up on the violator under the articles of failure to fulfill parental responsibilities and for handing over the control of the car to a person who does not have the right to do so, said the first deputy head of the patrol police department , oleksiy biloshitskyi. on the international day of appreciation of plants, another 1,030 occupiers fertilized ukrainian soil, and since the beginning of the great war, 453,000 russians have become fertilizers. also, our defenders tried so that the equipment invaders did not pollute ukrainian land. 23 tanks, almost fifty armored fighting vehicles and more than 30 artillery systems were burned. in addition, three anti-aircraft vehicles, one anti-aircraft vehicle and more than 60 enemy cars and
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special vehicles were destroyed. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 97 combat clashes took place at the front. per day the hottest part was in the bakhmut direction, where the russians stormed the positions of our troops 33 times. another 29 attacks took place in the novopavlovsk direction and 18 in the area avdiyivka there was also unrest in the south, there were seven combat clashes in the orihiv direction and six in the kherson direction. the russians stopped their offensive in the kupyan direction. during the day, our aircraft struck 12 areas where enemy troops and equipment were concentrated. destroyed four russian anti-aircraft missile systems, and rocket launchers and gunners hit another enemy concentration point, two of his air defense systems and one station of the rep-occupiers. in order for our army to become even stronger, i will remind you of our collection:
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the unit needs walkie-talkies and armor plates intelligence of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us... the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 50,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. republicans are ready to support additional aid to ukraine, but in the form of a loan - said the former us president. trump. he supported the speaker of the chamber us representative mike johnson, who is trying to resolve differences regarding financial aid to ukraine. however, according to trump, it is europe that should help more with money, because it is more important for europeans than for the usa. ukrainian ships chernihiv and
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cherkasy will take part in international exercises in great britain. minesweepers have already arrived at the base of the royal navy in... the english city of portsmouth. here, the crews will undergo training together with the british fleet and the us navy, our naval forces said. by the way, these ukraine received ships from great britain last year. each of them served more than 20 years in the royal navy. however, mini -seekers cannot enter our territory in the black sea due to the montreux convention, which restricts the passage of warships through the bosphorus strait during its time. they call to defend the country side by side with experienced warriors. the 24th brigade named after king danylo opened a recruiting center in lviv. how to join the brigade further in the plot. the 24th
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separate mechanized brigade is one of the the most experienced units of the armed forces of ukraine. it is now easier to join a professional military team, because the brigade has opened its recruiting... center in lviv and invites those who are ready to liberate the country from the russian occupiers. our brigade, it is one of the oldest brigades, it is institutionally already formed, er, it has experienced fighters and instructors who can transfer a great deal of rich military experience. our brigade has been participating in hostilities against the russian federation since 2014, you can join the service voluntarily in recruiting centers or job search platforms. where everyone can choose a position according to their experience. in the recruiting center, you can get all the latest information about vacancies and chat with fighters. now, first of all, they need electronics specialists, as well as doctors, financiers, accountants, and drivers. vacancies will be found for
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people of various professions and skills. uav operator, assistant uav operator, master technician, radio electronic intelligence operator, radio electronic warfare operator. er, and these vacancies require er, some knowledge, experience in it, for example, ee, and there these candidates are at their best. better have a better chance of being good, successful military personnel, but the same operator fell out - this is often a gamer in the past. the mayor of lviv, andriy sadovyi, who came to the opening of the center, emphasized that every ukrainian should now be ready to stand up for the defense of our country. we must all understand that russia was, is, and will be our enemy, and all men who have reached a certain age must have forever. military service and must be ready to dedicate
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part of his life for our army, we have no other alternative. 39-year-old evgeny is a graphic designer by profession, he designed the recruiting center of the royal brigade in lviv. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the man volunteers and helps his fellow soldiers, and now he himself plans to join this military team. maybe my profession will come in handy, what exactly... i do, maybe not design, maybe construction, maybe some engineering structures, because i think that it is necessary, after all, to do some the border, which should be used to separate the enemy, make some fortification lines, and so on. this is already the fifth office in lviv, where you can come to get information about military vacancies in brigades and stand up for the defense of ukraine. ukraine's first recruiting center ukraine operates in the city. of the army, as well as the recruiting centers of the special purpose brigade of the
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azov national guard of ukraine, the third separate assault brigade, the lviv 103rd territorial defense brigade and the vovka davinci battalion. natalya starepravo, vitaliy kolekha, tv channel espresso. we will see you at 10 o'clock. stay with us. today they are on their heels and thank the armed forces of ukraine for this. in the conditions of the war, a ukrainian woman found the strength not only to join the ranks of volunteers, but also to participate in the reconstruction of the country at the city and state levels. sometimes this path has to be overcome on the verge of life and death. the head of the molychan city military administration after. occupation of the zaporizhzhia region and enslavement by the muscovites, she was forced to leave her post and home, but
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returned to help women live on. we are making plans, we are preparing for recovery, we started last year, realizing that the occupation was about to take place, we began to purchase utility equipment, this year we realized that if there is no victory , we do not need all this, ukrainian panelists of the women's congress held in poltava. a representative of both front-line and tolov regions, it is noteworthy that the event eventually reached the regional center of the poltava region, a powerful humanitarian and educational hub. there are many challenges in the city, and in particular our educational spaces, this is what i see and want, so that our children return to our city with their families as much as possible, which means that our spatial educators must work, in order for them to work, there must be shelters, and shelters are not just plain places anymore, and i thank the business that left now to the meeting and helps us create initiatives
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in shelters as universal, cool, welcoming spaces. extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of europe, canada and the usa also took part in the events. each and every one of them admired the indomitability of ukrainian in their speeches femininity women in local self-government bodies and administrations, volunteers. military and community leaders are on the front line, resilience and leadership have become a daily necessity for them. industrial giants such as the farexpo group of companies demonstrate their support for women in times of war. during several years of implementation of the women's leadership program, the mining company managed to increase the share of women in management by 60%. equality, inclusiveness in companies increase profits. increase their corporate image among the youth, and the most important thing is that
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helps us make more informed decisions, and thanks to this training, after three years we saw results, we increased the number of women among managers by 60%, in leadership positions by 60%, we increased the number of women, the participants of the congress noted, female leadership is relevant in all areas life, every second business in the conditions of war is opened by women. if we are going to join the european union now, it is important for us to implement all the decisions of the european union about this parity equality. men and women, including all the decisions of the european parliament, the resolutions they ask us to adopt. the ukrainian women's congress is a unique platform that shapes the state's agenda in the field of gender equality. the event was held under the slogan "the way to restore the participation of women at the local level." and it took place with the support of usaid,
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the unpd development program, un women, the governments of sweden, canada, great britain, germany, and denmark. representation of the european union, the ferexpo company and the ukrainian women's fund. we come back, we remind you that you need to donate, thank you, by the way, for the donations that are available, almost 15,000, i count so well, almost 15,000, no, i'm sorry, 10,000. but there is already a qr code, so don't forget, if you haven't done this good deed yet, any donation, it will go to fpv drones, and those that are needed by two of our teams, and they are already programmed, tested exactly to hostilities, we, in the meantime, we want to mention one more date, well, in addition to the fact that it is the international day of rock and roll, and on this occasion, we always
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drown moscow, and the anniversary, so to speak flooding of moscow, today is also the 10th anniversary of the beginning. of the anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine, on the evening of april 12, 2014 , a decision was made that this would be the beginning of the operation, the protocols of these nsdc meetings are also very interesting, then president turchynov was performing the duties, the protocol itself is very interesting there, you can understand who yehu, what statements and who took which positions, this is for those who like to talk about what in the 14th year, if... they gave a decisive answer, well and so on, that is, this is for those who are interested in recent history , directly current we will ask viktor chumak about these things now, he was the chief military prosecutor of ukraine in the 19-20s, i also remember those times well. mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, good morning to all,
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good morning, you know, before we ask you some very important things, i wanted to ask you. as a professional, i cannot but ask you about what is just pouring out of the finno-ugric swamps, well, that is, we thought that this was the end of the multi-series story, about those fighting tajiks who show up, read dontsov, love stepan bandera, and with this one occasions with shouts of allah akbar, something is being burned all over the place and they belong to the islamic state, they thought that was the end of it, but then ... helicopters, then they seriously say that some rodents have gnawed, but not without the ukrainian trace, what's with these chekists of theirs, are they really such trieshniks, or is it some kind of trend to
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tell such lies every day? well, let me say this, from a karmic point of view, there is definitely no ukrainian trace there, because karma pays them in full, that is what is needed, she is working and will continue to work on this country for a long, long time, karma is what she did in ukraine and in other countries, and now about the chekists, you see, the situation here is that all russian, well, there is no journalism in russia , we simply say that there is no journalism, and there are no... in principle, any news tapes, yes, some could be said there, because all this activity, which is aimed at the formation of the information field, it is exactly propaganda , and it should be in everything, yes you can say, remember how i said ebels once wrote that a lie must be grandiose in order to be believed, and so here, you see, a lie must
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be grandiose in order not to be believed , and secondly, it must be said that you ... what every minute, every day, every hour and so on, that is, to hammer into the brain that the rodents are ukrainian, the track is ukrainian, the birds there are also ukrainian and everything else, everything that was reminded in their heads, it is all ukrainian, but by no means not from putin and his clan. mr. victor, in the 24th year, help us hold on, in the 25th we will counterattack, so we tell our western partners, how to hold on? how to hold on, because it is not a fact that they will help, that if europe is now mobilizing its forces and trying, then in the states it is absolutely not a fact that they will help, the american senator is already telling. why shouldn't we help, that we won't give advice anyway, that they don't have such a number of shells anyway, so it's not worth taking on this whole story with ukraine's help? well, look, we are losing
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propaganda activity in the united states, especially among the media we will lose a little to the conservative part of the american establishment, and indeed we should work there much more, much more carefully, to tell about how the war is going and... how ukraine is being defended, and we should do all this at the level that, in principle, this american voters demanded that american senators help ukraine, because any politician is trained to communicate with the voters and he is trained to their demands of the majority of voters. now regarding help, yes there is such a question, well let's say this the issue of american aid is now in great doubt. we're seeing this ping-pong going on between the biden administration and the congress, between, shall we say,
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a part of the congress, the republican part of the congress and speaker johnson, and i read a very interesting, you know, conclusion that basically affects our aid, to date, the most influential person who does not hold any political office in the united states of america, none, is a presidential candidate. not the president, not even a member of congress, not a senator, not anyone another, and a presidential candidate, and he occupies today, influences, or rather, helps us much more, that is, the common man who is today, the common citizen of america, who is today, but has more influence than practically all the political forces there are taken together, moreover, i am a little annoyed by the fact that here is the ukrainian diaspora in america, it is mostly republican. pro-republican, and i do not yet see, well, i do not see a huge activity of the ukrainian diaspora there in relation to the republican part
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of the congress, maybe i'm missing something, maybe i'm reading the wrong news, but these news so far do not have what they simply demand from the senators, the republicans, and that is the huge ukrainian diaspora, i say that most of it is the pro-republican part, that's it... to demand, but let 's talk and we heard it from macron, and europe definitely understands that, if there is no help from the united states, then it will have to close this help, that's a hole from the united states will have to be closed to europe, i think they will if they understand that this is absolutely true, and why do you have such confidence, because you know, we remember it not by words, but by deeds, many words , and... in practice, now the policy is confirmed by france as the leaders in the purchase of russian liquefied gas, well , that is, putin is given as much as possible, i
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am sure that macron is aware of this matter, yes , i also read it, i also read it from a politician, that, in principle , sanctions are imposed with one hand and liquefied gas is bought with the other, but... let's say that, in principle , the pressure will still be on western europe, on the leaders in western europe, it will be quite... strong, although macron speaks most of all, and scholes does most of all, frankly, if you take it on the money, in terms of money and equipment, they provide, most of all, the germans provide, i think that they will be able to close the hole from the americans, they will be able, perhaps, if not 100%, then for a part, but you know what it will be called, it is not will be called not so that we win, but so that we do not fall, that is, so that we do not fall to the end, but can i say, an informed optimist, yes, let's say so, because in principle i talk to people a lot, and so far i have not become an informed pessimist, i have not passed into
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the category of an informed pessimist, but in principle what this year will be quite difficult and that this year must be held on, this is a fact, because this is precisely the year when all these pre-election races are superimposed, more or less the establishment of all these pre-election races. they will give clarity, and they will give greater clarity, that trump has some ideas there, some ideas to somehow plant there, or is there whether they are or not, we do not know, we can only rely on the opinion of some insights published by the press, but whether they actually exist, we cannot say for sure, so i want to say that you understand, there will also be clarity , there has also become more clarity, it cannot be trump, in principle, he will not be able to understand. that he will not be able to resist, or rather, resist both russia and china at the same time, he will have to choose, if he is going to resist china, then in principle it is necessary
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to help ukraine so that china... china does not help russia and so on, you see, there will be a lot of interdependent factors in the coming year that will possibly improve our situation, but before this situation of ours will be improved in the 25th year, it can be significantly worsened in the 24th, and before that we must be ready, ugh, mr. viktor, thank you for the conversation, for answering our questions, viktor chumak was with us, the chief military prosecutor of ukraine in the 19th. 20 years, now we have to take a short break, and then we will talk with hanna gobko, wait, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv unbox strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home
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gentlemen, me called mykola verez. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads it would be even better with us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project, their own names with... yaroslaya barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be to analyze the guests of the project this week , and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17-10 for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team
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presents: united by football, stronger together! thank you for espresso, thank you for donating, those who haven't, when you see the qr code or card number above it, be sure to do so, we continue to collect the thoughts of our guests this saturday morning, and with us on "link" deputy of the previous one convocation, she headed the committee on international affairs, foreign affairs, and now it is very important, as you understand, hanna gobko is in touch with our studio, mr. hanna, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, and you know i don't want to start with international, but with the fact that, well, it is, in principle , international, because the center of the terrorist organization in lubyanka, it manages not only various ha'.


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