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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. loudly in the temporarily occupied luhansk, several explosions were heard there, witnesses write on social media... that there were at least two flights and publish videos. smoke is visible over the city. previously, there was a hit in the area of ​​the machine-building plant, where the russian occupiers were based. in the temporarily occupied crimea, they also complain about attacks. in the kerchin area, russian air defense is allegedly operating. the kerch bridge was closed. bohdanivka under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. in the ministry of defense denied the information that. some telegram channels spread
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that the russians had captured a village near the temporal ravine, and intense fighting was going on there. the enemy seeks to break through our defenses in the temporal ravine area at any cost. for this purpose, last night the enemy's assault groups came out on the northern outskirts of bohdanivka and are currently trying to gain a foothold there. at this time , bohdanivka is controlled by the defense forces. the enemy's offensive actions are not successful. aggravation of the eastern front. in recent days, the enemy has been actively attacking bakhmutsky and estuarine directions. they are advancing in storm groups with the support of armored vehicles, in the pokrov direction they are trying to break through our defenses with dozens of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi reported. he visited the military in these areas of the front to discuss strengthening defenses, including drones, rep and air defense equipment. also sent to these directions.
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reserves, despite significant losses, the russian army uses new units on armored vehicles, so it should achieve tactical success, - said sirskyi. the russians killed two residents of donetsk region, another eight were injured, krasnohorivka was shelled from artillery, one person was killed and one was injured there. two private homes were destroyed, one more person died in new york, and two local residents were injured. russian terrorists attacked the village with hurricanes. three houses were damaged, the regional police reported. in addition, five victims were injured in kostyantynivka. the enemy hit the market with tornadoes. there are 10 houses, a shop, cars, gas pipelines and electricity grids in nivychchyna. over 2,200 occupiers per day shelled donetsk region several times. seven people were injured as a result of russian shelling of the kherson region. the enemy attacked for almost a day.
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20 towns and villages of the region. enemy shells hit the cell tower, the port infrastructure, and the gas pipeline. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson region, informed. a high-rise building, three private houses, an outbuilding and cars were damaged. the russian fsb tried to kill the leader of the kherson region. the russians launched a pivvidron at oleksandr prokudin's car. a resident of kherson corrected the fire on the car. he was detained by the security service of ukraine, reported the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. and a local resident, a scoundrel, who was detained by us on april 10. it was possible to document all this, he was detained at the stage of the completed attempt. the enemy drone was planted in a timely manner at the expense of our soldiers. russians injured two people in kharkiv oblast, attacked.
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in the city of kupyansk, a wounded 62-year-old man was rescued from the rubble of one of the houses. in another house, a 73-year-old man was injured. a fire broke out as a result of the shelling on an area of ​​200 m2, the state emergency service reported. they hide weapons warehouses, disguising themselves as civilians. activists of the atezh movement discovered a russian warehouse in the basement of a school in novooleksiivka, temporarily. occupied kherson oblast. the occupiers store artillery shells, mines and other ammunition there. in this way, the partisans emphasize that the russians continue to violate international law to achieve their goals. he hit the child and ran away. in lviv oblast. the police are looking for the driver. yesterday evening in the village of stynyatyn a car ran over a 30-year-old girl and disappeared. they told the regional police. the child got it. she is in
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the hospital. law enforcement officers have opened criminal proceedings. kermanych faces up to three years of imprisonment. more than 45 billion hryvnias of this. 2018 is provided in the budget for various assistance programs for enterprises, such an amount of funds was allocated for business support for the first time, announced the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmehal. these are soft loans, grants and compensations. the government expects such assistance to be able to add 1% to gdp as well will motivate ukrainian production. so shmehal called on ukrainians to buy their own goods. when buying ukrainian, we return. funds back to the ukrainian budget, and we return again to the fact that we finance our army, our soldiers, and this is our joint contribution to victory. the third factor is the creation of prerequisites for the preservation of human capital, including the return of ukrainians from abroad. in many developed countries, this is the culture of supporting one's own
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business, it helps in what is close 70% of the population, people buy from their own producers, 70% of everything they consume. in ukraine, this percentage is twice as low. a new position for oleksiy reznikov, the former minister of defense, has become the director of security and defense programs of the ukrainian institute for the future, the institute's co-founder ihor liskyi wrote on social media. let me remind you that reznikov headed the ministry of defense for more than two years. during this time, the department had several scandals with the purchase of products and ammunition for the military at inflated prices. took a course to the bottom, two years ago ukrainian neptune missiles hit the missile cruiser moscow. the very next day, the flagship of the black sea fleet sank. the weather helped the ukrainians and the fact that the russians did not expect an attack is recalled in the naval forces.
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the occupiers could not fully use the anti-aircraft defense that was on board. the sunken cruiser was more than 186 m long and had up to 16 cruise missiles on it. he participated in all the wars of the post-soviet period. in order for our army to become even stronger, i will remind you of our collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates intelligence units of the third regiment of special operations forces are needed. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected. more than uah 50,000, let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. china increased sales of non-military equipment and
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components that moscow adapted to produce weapons in the war against ukraine, the communication press reported with reference to the administration of the us president. last year, almost 90%. of microelectronics arrived in the russian federation precisely from china. 70% of the machines are also manufactured in china. in addition, chinese and russian companies are working on the joint production of drones on the territory of the russian federation. the occupiers also receive turbojet engines for cruise missiles and optics for armored vehicles from china. sources of the publication warn that such cooperation is dangerous not only for ukraine, but also for the whole of europe. loud applause and tears in the eyes of the audience. kherson regional academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish came to the capital with a performance: you will be amazed, as the witch will say. during the performance, people's artist
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of ukraine olena galsavalska spoke about the occupation and constant shelling, about the blowing up of kakhovska gez. our film crew also watched the production. the hall of the national theater named after lesya ukrainka is full, at the entrance to it is the russian tricolor, on which all the spectators trample and do not miss the opportunity to wipe their feet. the indomitable kherson theater came on tour with a performance based on a play by the writer olena malyarenko. anti-tank witch, the premiere took place in his native city on december 2 last year, it was brought to life by the chief director of the kherson theater serhii pavlyuk. both the actress, the director, and the writer know from their own experience what the russian occupation is like. today, they live under shelling, but they do not
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lose faith in ukraine and share their feelings through creativity. but it was fundamental for us that the first premiere took place in kherson. and we are all stars. mr. roman, the head of the minsk military administration, told us morochko gave an armored car, we brought elena ihorivna to kherson, there was just a rush, we only have about 100 seats there. but they were killed, she is about us, about kherson, about indomitable kherson, about the indomitable people of kherson, who have already been tested by fire and water, and there will be copper pipes ahead, and we want us to pass this test with honor. you will be impressed by the solo performance, which is closely performed by the people's artist of ukraine, olena galsavalska. the actress spent nine months in the occupation. her character is in the play eliminates the consequences of the flooding of his own apartment after the occupiers blew up kakhovsk. hes tells his godmother on the phone how she lives in kherson. and already in kyiv, you
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understand that maybe people didn't come across like that, well , alarms, well, sirens, they understand that something, something, a siren, yes, as i say in the play, and you are worried that people will understand, you want convey, this is that state of mind, you understand, because it is impossible, nine months. this madhouse, i don’t know at all how i endured it, but the lord gave me strength and returned me to the profession, that’s exactly what it is the important thing is this. today , two/thirds of the team of the kherson theater has already returned to their hometown. so far, the actors are working on two sites in a shelter, however , they do not lose hope that they will soon be able to go on the big stage. well, you know, it’s difficult to explain to people who haven’t been to kherson, who don’t understand, haven’t seen, haven’t felt the trash in which we have to live, but we’re used to it, and since the liberation of kherson, i
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’ve been there, in the theater has no windows, simply no, but out of 300 windows, if 20 are still alive, that's it well, he is under fire from all sides, but he is alive, he is working, we are waiting for the moment when the orcs are driven from the left bank and we can go back and open all our scenes already. the free city of hepson again. glory snezon. tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and russian territories continue to go under water. the tobol river is actively flooding the city of kurgan. they write propaganda. according to forecasts of the russian ministry of emergency situations, the water level outside will rise four times to more than 6 m. now there is almost 5 m
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of water in the river and many houses have already been flooded. the city of orenburg was also completely flooded. only spiers, roofs, and houses are visible from under the water. the network jokes that these are dragon's teeth. and the russians are preparing for defense 100 km from the border with ukraine. such was the morning in ukraine. you will find more information on our website and in our social networks. join, put your preferences. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two
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we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. battle during the time of yar. the russians are intensifying mechanized attacks against the backdrop of a shortage of personnel and ammunition in the armed forces. is there a threat of a breakthrough? while waiting for bold decisions, american help. blocked, the european union is going to expand military support to ukraine. mobilization without demobilization. the draft law approved by the parliament is awaiting the president's signature. will new legislation help win the war? about this and other things, in the next one hours we talk with our guests, political expert volodymyr tsibulko, americanist oleksandr kraev and politician boryslav bereza. the second part of our program will feature journalists olga len and oleksiy mustafin. however,
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before starting our today's big conversation, let's watch a video of repelling the attack of the russian invaders near the time ravine. heavy fighting is currently taking place there. let's watch a video of how the enemies were beaten by the ukrainians. glory to the armed forces of ukraine, glory to the heroes.
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friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on social networks and youtube platform, please take part in our poll, today we ask you this, would you trust the power of the military political force after the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a special opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you would trust the power of the military police force after the war (0800-201). 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest, volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, writer, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine.
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glory to heroes. let's start our conversation with the mobilization law, because one. in april, the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved the bill on mobilization in general, but the parliamentarians withdrew it from the document, a norm that would provide for the demobilization of military personnel after 36 months of service. now let's briefly remind our tv viewers, actually, that there is a draft law in this? basic provisions: limited fitness, and those who received the second and third groups of disabilities after february 24, 22 , except for military personnel, must re-pass. vlk. all conscripts must clarify their data in the tcc, cnap or electronic cabinet within 60 days. all men must have a military registration card with them document and show it at the request of authorized law enforcement officers. men who do not update their data or evade mobilization may be restricted from driving.
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consular services will be limited to conscripts abroad until they update their data. the provisions on rotation and de... mobilization, as i said, in 36 months will be spelled out in a separate law that will be adopted later. mr. volodymyr, what will be the consequences of these changes to the mobilization legislation and order mobilization, well, first of all for society, and secondly for war. well, first of all, for war, for war, constant and uninterrupted training of specialists is necessary, especially since... since the war is moving into a more high-tech phase, the training of such specialists will have to be conducted much longer. secondly, many brigades now have, well , about 40% of combat-ready personnel, which means that they must be replenished as soon as possible.
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it is desirable to preserve the professional backbone of the brigades, it is very difficult, because the majority of... own specialists are continuously sitting on at the front for two years, and if we don't come up with at least some rational rotation, then we remember the 17th and 18th years, there for six months on the line of combat, and then the brigade was taken to rest. now, of course, the intensity of the war is much higher, so it is necessary to find some forms or financially with it. or, accordingly, more frequent rotations, because first of all, it is felt that the troops lack high-class specialists in all electronic warfare, and then
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the introduction of the aviation component is expected in a few months. in two probably aviation will start working in a few months, aviation requires a huge infrastructure and engineering personnel, especially in the area of ​​aviation weapons, so there are a lot of challenges here, but at the same time, the assault brigades are just exhausted, and you need to somehow understand, let them rest, otherwise they are just people at the limit of possibilities, this is simply burning out. so to speak, the most valuable personnel, the most experienced, and it will be expensive for the armed forces. mr. volodymyr, i wanted to ask your attitude to the fact that, in principle, all the amendments that were proposed and people's deputies during the last two months, they were virtually ignored,
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except in committee, and it looks like that the bill that the government submitted on december 26 , 2023 could have been fully voted on in january, for example, or in february, and it just was time was wasted on the development of these... and on the preparation of these amendments, and they, they, well , they simply did not enter this law for one simple, banal reason, because the deputies from the servant of the people were not in the session hall on april 10, they did not voted for these amendments, these amendments were simply all canceled as they did not receive the appropriate number of votes, why was it necessary to follow all these procedures, why did it all have to be arranged and show that the parliament had decided something. when in the end everything was actually decided outside the parliament? well, here is a very important political point: the point is that such
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laws as the law on mobilization should be a law on justice and a law on national unity in the face of an external threat. in fact, quality the discussion of this law and the votes cast in favor of this law, they are very unconvincing, seven votes, this is, in essence, such a psychological experiment, even the position of zelenskyi himself is important here, because one of the first comments that appeared after the adoption of this law, himself zelensky says that the current legislation suddenly turns out to be enough to recognize the evaders as evaders, but did this voted law bring more justice to ... people in the military, current people in the military, it was in the army that they hoped for 36 months, as a certain, well, the term of such a cut-off, when
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a person who stayed in total, well, with the coefficients, accumulates 3.6 months of being in hostilities and at the front, he must, well , rest for at least a year, otherwise he simply and professionally pours down and exhausts to the extent that, well... but the fact that this norm on demobilization was not included in this law is also, in principle, the absence of this, well , conditional gingerbread, that is, for those who have already been mobilized and for those , who is going to mobilize, because it is not clear, mobilization continues, but no one sets these terms, those who are already at the front. do not understand when their service will end, when they will be able to demobilize, and those whom they are trying to mobilize also do not understand how far they are going, either for
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life, or to some injury or some statue, mr. serhiu, the most unfortunate thing in this the whole story is that the legislator refused to make a mandatory surcharge for being on the front line, well, there was a fixed amount, in my opinion , 70 thousand. uah and the legislator refused it to introduce and the cabinet of ministers introduced it, well, it formed it in the form of a resolution, a resolution is not a law, that is, considering how non-binding the ukrainian cabinet of ministers is in relation to the military, this refusal to include a financial incentive in the law also looks like a mockery of common sense, in general, it would be necessary to introduce a progressive... scale of additional payments, for example, after 12 months, additional payments to the military would have to be increased by 50%,
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after 24 by another 50%. plus, everyone there, i remember in the 17-18 years, for the destruction of enemy equipment, were good premiums, where are these premiums now? i believe that they should be ... we do not have answers to these questions, but we see that despite all the complexity of this law, it has been passed, and obviously the president will sign it, or if he does not sign it, then he must return it with a veto with his , well, to use the veto and come back with your amendments, in this process, which took place over the last few days, we still did not see these leadership... positions of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, anyway, he was not the one who convinced people's deputies of ukraine to vote, before that he recorded a video and said: "well
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, now we are talking with the parliament so that in..." they, so that they, that is, this is zelensky's distancing from this law, from the very process of mobilization, the intensified process mobilization, because now there will be rules for all conscripts, for those with limited suitability, they have already been canceled, now either suitable or unsuitable, that is, a lot of questions will arise, but it is not clear, on whose side these questions should be put in side... of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, they say, we are only the customers of the mobilized, the verkhovna rada passed this law, the supreme commander-in-chief says, we, we convinced the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i.e., why, in your opinion , was there no such flight of political leadership in this process, although the process of mobilization is a matter of life and death of ukrainians, the question of the future of ukraine, the present and the future as well, well, firstly,
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mobilization from... takes place according to the political decision of the political leadership, not the decision of the military, secondly, absolutely zelensky's comical behavior, as if he, uh, no, when introducing this bill, he will not sign it in the future, because he will sign this bill, or he will not sign it, so the question is also an intrigue, if he signs this bill, then he is a co-author of this draft law, if they want to transfer responsibility to the military, that it was the military that ordered such a law, it is not true, politically, the primacy of politics is always in the management of the military, it is always preserved, the military are only executors of political decisions, no matter how zelensky twists it, let's remember
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a completely paradoxical story. with the lowering, with the law on lowering the bar for mobilized from 27 to 25 years, the law was not signed by zelensky for more than a year, well, as far as i remember, the norms for signing the law are a month, that is, two weeks, a month, a month, in fact, the law was not signed for a year, and in the end zelenskyi signed it, even this law, it is not corrupt, it... really divides society into serfs and non-serfs, in fact, because it is very, very inconsistent and, i would say, anti-constitutional in its spirit, that is, there may not be a letter of anti-constitutionality, but the spirit of anti-constitutionality is that a part of society is placed in absolute inequality, an unequal position.
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on the other hand, if zelensky didn't get out of his way, he would have to side with the military and be a co-author and bear full responsibility for this, well, i would say, law that is not very popular among the people. well, while the people are discussing the new law on mobilization, a global peace summit is being prepared in switzerland, and putin and lukashenko, who met yesterday in moscow, complain about the world community and say that there is no question without russia. ukraine cannot be resolved, and putin insists on returning to the draft of the so-called istanbul agreement, which was justified by the negotiating teams of ukraine and russia at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, let's hear what putin has to say about the upcoming peace summit in switzerland? the idea of ​​holding a conference in switzerland is being promoted, but we
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are not invited there. moreover, they believe that there is nothing for us to do there, at the same time they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we are not going there, it is already a kind of panopticon, they say that we refuse to negotiate, they do not invite us, but they say that we refuse, it was it's not so funny as it is sad, i want to emphasize once again that we are in favor, but not in the format of imposing some schemes that have nothing in common. with reality. you know, i looked at this picture again and realized that the panopticon is right there, what was in the kremlin, you saw at what distance their filmed by journalists, that is, it is not at all clear who is sitting there, or it is just a sound track, some pranksters are making this sound track, it gives the impression that putin was not there, in fact. mr. sergey, well, the comedy is that two war criminals, usurpers of power in...


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