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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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the idea of ​​holding some kind of conference in switzerland is being promoted, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that there is nothing for us to do there, at the same time they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we are not going there, then it is already a kind of panopticon, they say that we are refusing negotiations, we are not invited, but they say that we are refusing, it would not be so funny as it is sad, once again i want to... announce that we are in favor, but not in the format of imposing some schemes, which have nothing to do with reality. you know me looked at this picture again and realized that the panopticon is exactly where it was in the kremlin, you saw at what distance the journalists filmed it, that is, it is not at all clear who is sitting there, or it is just a soundtrack, some pranksters are doing this soundtrack, and the impression that putin was not really there, well, the comedy is
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that two war criminals and usurpers of power are teaching the democratic world how to act, that's it, well, that's the pinnacle of that, i'd say bullshit, the point is that after similar ones applications, the international criminal court finally needs to decide not only with putin, but also with lukashenko, by the way, lukashenko should have received the same a long time ago... the mod of the international criminal court, well, but something, something somewhere is delayed, it is obvious that it is necessary that our legal allies try to insist that, because the criminal, international criminal court has already expanded from two to four the circle of wanted persons, lukashenko himself, so to speak, could appear in the gag, well... . something stops him from
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this noble gesture, the very end, very briefly, what do you think the solutions can be at the global peace summit, and how much this peace will be in some perspective, we will be able to see this peace, well, i think that this global peace summit, it it is a development, i remember two or three years ago, and then two years ago, on the initiative of joseph biden, a global democracy forum was held, and it seems to me that this swiss summit can outline the structure of security policy for the future, for the next 100 years. thanks, it was volodymyr tsibulko, mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, and we continue our program, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube, there will be. please
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take part in our survey, today we are asking you this, would you trust the power to the political power of the military after the war, yes no, it's quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you trusted the political power of the military after the war and trusted them with power (0.800-211-381) no 0800 211 382 all calls. these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have oleksandr kraev, expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism, americanist, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, congratulations, good evening to you. this, this week, mr. alexander, david cameron flew to washington from the great of britain, and met with antony blinken and... with donald trump, and the main topic
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of conversation, of course, was support for ukraine in this difficult situation that is developing in our country, just yesterday the prime minister of japan visited there, fumio kisida, and he called on the united states of america to support ukraine and allocate the necessary aid, the question is quite simple, to what extent do you think the congress of pol... states of america is ready to make a decision on allocating $61 billion in aid to ukraine. if we are talking specifically about the ward representatives, because in fact the senate has already shown its readiness to remove this aid. the house of representatives is ready as far as speaker johnson is ready, speaker johnson is ready to do it in the next week and a half, two weeks, because there
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is a vote of no confidence being prepared against him, a vote of no confidence from his own party members, from margery taylor green, and so in order to call forth a certain set of voices in order to save him from this lo. trust, he needs in one form or another, or from the side of the republicans, or from the side of the democrats, to issue a certain aid package for ukraine, so in the next one and a half to two weeks we can expect an aid package for ukraine, in what specific form it will be, will it be a land list, will it be a loan, will it be any other form of assistance, we can't say yet because speaker johnson just hasn't given us the opportunity to talk about it because he hasn't... presented the specific text of the bill, but in the near future we will see the specific work of the speaker, we let's see specific decisions that can be put to a vote, and we will really be able to assess johnson's chances of political survival within the framework
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of american politics and, accordingly, the chances of adopting a pro-ukrainian aid package for ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of poland , radislaw sikorski, in an interview with cnn last year. congress of the united states of america for the long delay in the decision to help ukraine, which leads to the destruction, as he said, of the energy infrastructure and threatens new waves of refugees. let's hear what he said radislav sikorskyi. i again call on speaker johnson, let democracy decide. the issue should be put to a vote so that funds and the necessary weapons can be obtained. to be supplied to ukraine, if this does not happen, russia will cause new destruction, and the trust in the usa will be in question. mr. alexander, when sikorsky and other world leaders call on johnson to make the decision of the house
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of representatives, does this mean that this decision depends not only on johnson, but on a potential presidential candidate. of the united states of america of donald trump, and it is through the prism of this, exclusively through the prism of this, that one must look at this situation. here we must be frank that johnson is not an absolutely one hundred percent independent politician. in principle, until the beginning of march of this year , johnson was really just a spokesman for trump. and it was recognized by american political scientists, it was recognized by independent political scientists, that johnson really broadcast only trump's policy. in relation to the house of representatives, in relation to congress as such. at this stage, johnson tries to play a certain individual role, he is trying to find new allies, but in principle he continues to play within the boundaries of the trump fold. and within that logic, really what foreign leaders are doing, what
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cameron is doing, what sikorsky is doing, what macron is doing personally, all this influence that they are having on the united states of america, it shows that. .. the potential future leader of the united states of america needs to take into account the ukraine issue, it is necessary to take into account the issue of aid, so if trump really wants to be a global leader, if he wants to exert a real potential influence on the international community on its european allies within nato, it needs to be more pro-european, it needs to be more conscious about the problems of ukraine. so what sikorsky is saying now, what cameron has been doing... officially, this visit was not as successful as everyone hoped, but it's all directed not so much at trump as at johnson. it is aimed at the fact that he should understand his potentials in terms of politics, he should understand his potentials in terms of planning
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survival as the speaker of the united states house of representatives, and he has to put the ukraine bill, the ukraine budget bill to a vote, because that's his only chance to... negotiate with the coalition to keep him as speaker with conservative republicans with potentially democrats , it already depends on the text of the bill itself, so one way or another, but both sikorsky's statement and cameron's negotiations, which he conducted, it's all directed at johnson, it's all directed at trump and the fact that aid to ukraine is not exclusively a foreign policy issue, it is a domestic policy issue, and it is an american election issue. well, what is the interest, can you explain, what is trump's interest in not providing money to ukraine? his only interest is to sink biden's rating, because biden has been saying for the last two and a half years that ukraine is exclusively a matter of his administration, it is solely a matter of
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how active a foreign policy president he is, how transatlantic he is, and now biden, more precisely trump, now trump, who before... well, back in july 23, said that ukraine is a corrupt hole in which you should not invest money, which is even worse than afghanistan, now trump is saying that... he would be much stronger than biden, he would be much more effective and he could save ukraine, that is, in this case, ukraine is just a tool, a tool of the internal political struggle between biden and trump, and ukraine is the issue that trump is all this time, in all these 2.5 years just dumbed down biden's rating, and now he sees that at this moment, biden is unable to do anything with congress, and he himself wants to play proactive. role in helping ukraine, that is, ukraine is not really an individual
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topic of negotiations within the pre-election debates of the united states. ukraine is a tool. ukraine is a tool for trump to sink biden's ratings and to show that he is an active president in terms of foreign policy. well, while the united states of america is solving the ukrainian, so-called ukrainian issue, regarding financing and regarding. the opening of this large tranche of 61 billion dollars in the european union says that it is necessary to expand and speed up military aid to ukraine, in particular to provide an additional air defense system, the head of eurodiplomacy josep borel wrote about this on the social network x, he said that there will be a meeting of the council in april eu ministers, and what borel wrote, i expect bold decisions at the joint meeting. of foreign affairs and defense of the european union on april 22 with dmytro kuleba and rustem umyerov, the european union
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supports ukraine with all its might. that's when they they say that the european union supports with all its might, in ukraine it is perceived a little differently, because if borel is thinking only about air defense systems, then apparently ukraine is even thinking about whether foreign legions, including the french, will come here the situation is not easy in ukraine. the russians are trying to advance, the russians are destroying the energy infrastructure in ukraine, so the situation is quite tense. what, in your opinion, does barel mean when he says that the european union will support ukraine with all its might? at this stage, borel is specific about air defense systems, i.e. here we must give him credit for blocking the budget of the european council against the background of the inability of european countries to provide ukraine with an additional patriot system, this is really a very powerful step, which within the european council,
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within the european community in general, no one expected, but in fact it is very correct, very sharp, i would say, even in a certain way , i am a pillar step for european countries to be ready to provide more air defense systems for our security, more systems of anti-missile defense, so here we must give credit to josep barel, if we say... in general about the support of european countries, then we must very clearly divide support at the individual level, at the bilateral level of relations and support at the level of the european european union, because at the level of the european in the union, we see that this support is beginning to weaken, we have certain problems with communication with oleksandr kraev, now i hope we will restore contact and talk with him about it. as the european union actually tries and promises to help ukraine with all our might, well, at least
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this was stated by borel, the head of european diplomacy, who wrote on the x social network that there will be bold decisions to support ukraine, on april 22 there will be a ministerial meeting of representatives of the european union with the participation of , among others, dmytro kuleba and rustem umerov and... one more question that will be quite relevant already during the last few days, on april 17, in washington, the ministers of finance of the big seven at the spring meeting of the international monetary fund and the world bank group will consider a new approach to the use of frozen russian assets, that is, those assets that are located abroad, which ukraine will possibly use, or rather the world will use in order to help ukraine. the financial times writes about it, it will be a compromise offer from the united states of america, not as
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radical as confiscation, but more aggressive than the current plan of the european union with allocation of profits from assets to ukraine. we are at a point where we need to explore every possible way to maximize the value of frozen reserves in the interests of ukraine, you cannot wait forever. we understand that, dalip singh, deputy national affairs adviser to the president of the united states of america, told the newspaper. security, this issue is quite important for ukraine, i mean the use of frozen russian assets, because experts talk about different amounts. which can be frozen around the world up to 300 billion dollars, so basically the question is whether the world community will dare to allow the united states of america, great britain, germany, which help a lot ukraine to use these frozen russian assets in order to pay for
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the weapons that come to ukraine, equipment for ukrainian soldiers, to support the energy infrastructure. tours, which are now being actively destroyed by the russian occupiers. in short, there are a lot of questions, we hope that on april 17th, where this big meeting of the finance ministers of the big seven and the international monetary fund and the world bank group will be held in washington, we will hear concrete proposals, because the world is tired of russia, the world is tired of putin, the world is tired of aggressive policy of the russian federation. regarding ukraine, this terrorist activity of putin is treated with caution in the world, and they understand what is happening in ukraine, and especially in the last few weeks, when the russian occupiers are attacking the energy infrastructure of ukraine, destroying tes and tets, trying to deprive ukrainians
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of heat, light , well, actually everything. what the civilized world is used to, these attacks on civilian infrastructure can be classified as crimes, war crimes, although yesterday i had valery chala on the air, he talks about the fact that in international international practice it is not so, about the legal practice, the responsibility of the parties that inflict these strikes is not so clearly spelled out, and when, for example, it is done by the russian federation, then it is necessary to prove, in documentary, which documents, in some specific evidence, to provide evidence of what is happening, although, i hope that the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other investigative bodies of ukraine are doing their best to ensure that in
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legal terms do everything right and for that... that the international institutions, which also deal with the issue of war crimes, still receive all the evidence of vladimir putin's criminal activities, that he has not one warrant from the international criminal court for the deportation of ukrainian children to the russian federation, but also for the destruction of critical infrastructure in ukraine, for the killing of civilians in ukraine, for the fact that they are destroying our cities, for the fact that they are raping women, for the fact that they are committing war crimes on the territory of the ukrainian state, i think this is a question , this question will be brought to a logical conclusion, and putin will receive more than one warrant from the international criminal court and appear before the international tribunal. friends, we work
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live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please. today we are asking you about whether you would entrust power to the political power of the military after the war. we ask about this for a reason, and in the second part of our program we will talk about the social poll, where ukrainians also answered this question. we will compare ours the results of the survey, both on television and on youtube, with what ukrainians actually say. so, if you have a smartphone or a phone at hand, you can also vote for... if you would entrust the power to the political power of the military after the war 08021 381 no 08021 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will we have the results of this vote, then we are in touch with borislav bereza, politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. borislav, i congratulate you, thank you for being here today
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with us, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so mr. borislav, yesterday the verkhovna rada. ukraine adopted a law on mobilization and emphasized the main points about how mobilization should take place, further mobilization in ukraine, because this mobilization has been going on for two years already without this law, and it is clear that the mobilization process was, it continues, whether the adopted will affect in your opinion, the law on the mobilization process and how? well, let's take turns. do we have a mobilization law now? yes it is. based on this law we are conducting a mobilization. is it effective? no, it is not effective, but not because the law does not allow it, but because there is none. mechanisms and there is no motivation among people, will the new law change this situation, no, it will not, will it affect, well, the provisions of this
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law on the fact that the vast majority of ukrainians who are currently required to serve in the military do not want to serve, no, that too won't happen, why? well, because this law does not motivate, moreover, in order to change the situation, it was necessary to motivate, well, firstly, it was necessary not to waste time, secondly, it was necessary... the authorities for all the time not to embarrass oneself with constant reputational and corruption scandals, which cause more questions than answers. thirdly, it was still necessary to show the authorities how she or her close people are fighting today at ground zero and defending ukraine. this, by the way, would show, well, that the authorities consider the possibility of participation of close people, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, business partners, in the military. actions and that would also be good, and finally, the last thing, it was necessary to carry out a large all-ukrainian information campaign, which should
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to motivate people, but for that you need to at least first study the experience of the countries in which it was done, well, for example, israel, for example, azerbaijan, other countries, no one did this, moreover, have you ever seen that the president personally led the movement for mobilization, no, he is the opposite. dreamed, and do you think people will be very motivated after that, when they do not hear at all from the president that it is necessary to mobilize, this is just one part, but there is another part, a large number of our military expected such a provision in this draft law as demobilization after 36 months, and by the way, it would be very correct from the point of view of mobilization, imagine that a man is in a city or a village and sees his... or neighbors or relatives or acquaintances going to the armed forces and coming back only 200 or the third, because otherwise it is impossible to leave the army now, and here he sees that they have started
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to return, and he understands that the army is not only an entrance, but there is no exit, and it is like in a civilized country, for example, like in the same israel, where there is now a war, but there is also mobilized, who are demobilized, and others are mobilized instead of them, and this is practically... implemented, why can't this be done in our country? and i forgot, a huge number of volodymyr zelenskyi voters do not perceive mobilization, and such a story would demotivate them, would demotivate them to vote for zelenskyi, that is why this story failed, and we see that instead of creating a motivational factor, they created a demotivational one for the military, this is a big problem, and the president promises how to solve it? the new law in 8 months that his will be created, they don't say when it will be introduced, they don't say when it will be passed, and they don't say what provisions it will contain, so
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there are far more questions than answers, but again, any law should make a difference for the better, thanks to those provisions , which are in it, are these provisions in this law, no, there are none, that’s all, there is no whip and gingerbread that would change the situation, unfortunately. well, it is obvious when the leadership, the military leadership of ukraine says that in eight months , well, from the mouth of the spokesman of the ministry of defense, that the law about demobilization will be in 8 months, then obviously they mean that there are not enough people now, if you just say that there will be demobilization in 36 months, it means that those who left on february 24 in 12 months should be released from. performance of their duties, and accordingly, other people should be mobilized in their place, and yuriy sodol, the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine, said during
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the consideration of the bill on mobilization in the verkhovna rada that the armed forces of ukraine lacks personnel, the occupying army of russia prevails over at the front almost 10 times. let's hear what he said. the situation is at the front, and i am now the head of the operational-strategic group. two, some departments have three or four men. according to tactical regulations, for this department, it is given that they defend guaranteed, 100
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men. defense front, if there are two men, they can defend 20 m of the front. what the general is saying is absolutely clear, but this is the scale he is talking about, that there are 10 times more of them at the front than ours, but they also have a bigger country, see what i am interrupting you, and you didn't hear about it, you didn't know about it before, you don't remember how zaluzhny applied and said that we need mobilization... and zelensky answered him: i don't see the need, i don't convinced, now sodal comes out and says that it is already too late, indeed, now it is already too late, then recently zelenskyi says that i do not see that anyone should be mobilized, and at the same time he says that the russians will mobilize an additional 300,000 for the month of june, i want to remind you that last year the russians started mobilizing
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400,000 and have already finished it... 130,000 is current losses, this is what the armed forces of ukraine have crushed this year, 130,000, this is one hundred percent those who were destroyed by ukrainian soldiers, of these 400,000, 130 will be replenishment, another 70,000 are the so-called or1, the operational reserve is one, they will be created and will be to tighten as necessary, and another 2,000 are the same two armies that he said that... one army is 100,000, they are creating two new armies and another 300,000, so zelensky does not understand how the supreme commander when the industrious one says it to him, the industrious one said, and now, when sodolf v unexpectedly, i understood, well, it’s a shame, it’s an open shame, let’s tell the truth, soda is telling the truth, moreover, everyone said it for a long time, the lazy man said it, he whispered it, but zelenskyi ignored their
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warnings, he lost time half a year lost so that it could be mobilized, and why? because zelensky's rating is in front of his eyes, and he wants to win the upcoming elections more than to win the war. unfortunately, it is. no, he does not mind winning the war. on the contrary, he is in favor, but he wants to win the elections wants more, because otherwise he would have already made an unpopular decision with his voter, but his voter does not see these decisions precisely because... zelensky is very careful about his rating, so i say once again, the situation will not change, we need to mobilize now for a month at a minimum, well, at the same time it is necessary to mobilize somewhere 150-2000 people, and further in the month we need 25-30 00, this is what the military says, so zelensky is silent about it, he does not say about it, and why not says why he names how many people need to be mobilized,
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rating again, this damn... rating, i forbade, frankly forbade you to conduct opinion polls on the rating until the end of the war, until we win any ratings, because it is the orientation towards this rating that drives him crazy, his rating, balance of trust is now falling do not trust, now it is at the level of 25%, recently it was almost 60, trust in zelenskyi is falling, and he is trying to maintain his rating at least by not making unpopular, but statesmanlike decisions, but this is not normal, it is inadequate, well ... i know that he's not winning but he's living it, you see, he's, he's basically in the grip of churchill syndrome, when you believe you 're going to win a war, but then it turns out you can't win an election, yeah, that's how it works all over the world, because in a democratic society people get tired of the politician who was there during the war and want to change him, this is always the case, only in a totalitarian world the same
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politician remains. for example, in russia, where stalin remained, or where putin remains now, in any case, a democratic society there will be changes, ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelensky does not understand this, for him these are too complicated conditions of the situation, he, you remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple solutions, always simple solutions, he thinks that such and such with effort, he will be able to convince his choice. again about voting for him, that's all. well, and, well, against the background of our mobilization problems, there is another problem with our aid, or rather, not our, american aid to ukraine. artillery shells and anti-aircraft defenses may run out in defense forces rather quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to partial or total defeat in the war. about this.


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