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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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if it was the polish systems that started to be shot down, and even then we would feel more protected, and actually, we would feel that nato, well, actually supports us not only with weapons, but also with very specific actions, then the intelligence data would be added, added would also protect the ukrainian sky. of course, this step would be revolutionary, but so far i don't... believe in it very much, as regards strikes on our underground gas storages and power plants, and as regards our strikes on russian refineries, on systems that process oil, then actually now the situation looks like a certain initial stage. and the result will depend on who
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will hold back this scaling, i want to say that as early as april, well, western analysts paid attention to the fact that russia began to strike more precisely, and uses, no, no, holds, yes, uses for such targets are very expensive high-precision ballistic missiles and... at the same time it aims at weakly defended areas where it did not aim before, in fact ukraine does the same, chooses such fan attacks, high-precision, well, there are a lot of targets, for ukraine already has drones that fly 1,500 km, and ukraine is also doing it, but the question now
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is scaling, who will manage to scale... because russia is also acting on the border, and the task that the kremlin is now setting concerns today, literally today , and the calculations are definitely swiss. for the swiss dialogue, for a serious conversation to begin in switzerland about freezing the war and high hopes for the fact that participation in this particular part of china can lead to positional gains for the kremlin. this is definitely a danger for us, and therefore this political part of the war, it is... extremely connected with
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what is happening on the battlefield, and therefore the fact that ukraine is accelerating the scaling of high-tech means of destruction and intelligence is definitely , gives a certain impetus and certain hopes that at some stage ukraine, the defense forces will be able to even without the powerful participation of the western coalition. well, to hold the front and to some extent to destroy russian defense potential, but the exhaustion of our infrastructure remains a really big problem, because we know that only the strikes from march 22 to today have caused more damage to ukraine than the entire winter before that, and until march 22, mr. valentin, thank you very much for your explanation. clarification for those accents that relate to
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the directions of changes in our air defense system, thank you very much for your important comments, i would like to remind you that it was valentyn badrak, director of the center for research on the army, conversion and disarmament, military analyst and writer, then we will talk about where ukraine can find these patriot air defense systems, we know about the initiative of britain and germany to find such air defense systems for ukraine, we will talk about this. in the second part of our program, after the advertising and information block. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. is the world ready to stop russia? will ukraine have us support? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak: a formula for confronting a strong enemy. igor's diary yukhnovsky how to live with dignity, overcoming losses.
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combining faith and science. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale. champions league quarterfinals only on mego. who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field? find out on april 16th and 17th, exclusively on megogo. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans, and simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format, every monday, at 22:00 on the
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espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go. we will have better roads and even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september on saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we continue our "war and weapons" program and talk about the fact that ukraine needs to strengthen air defense systems and
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a number of countries, in particular germany and great britain, have volunteered to help with the search for the patriot air defense system. and before that, the president. ukraine and the minister of foreign affairs talked about a certain number of air defense systems, which is at least necessary to cover our cities from russian attacks. and now to us military expert, editor-in-chief of the information and consulting company defense express, oleg katkov, joins. mr. oleg, welcome to kanaluso. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. i'll start with the president's statement that was made a few days ago, where it was said that ukraine needs at least 25 patriot systems, then the minister of foreign affairs talked about at least seven patriot air defense systems. explain to our viewers how many we have now, both this 7 and 25, are they
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significant numbers compared to what they have other countries in europe that own these weapons, regarding the number of patriots in ukraine, you can rely on... exclusively public information that has been repeatedly announced, it is about the fact that ukraine received one patriot from the usa, another from germany, also germany and the netherlands were brought together for two, and we are already talking about three, but also the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said a few months ago that ukraine received two more air defense systems that can shoot down anything that is not intended. but the point is that when it comes to an air defense system that can shoot down anything, this means that it can effectively counter both direct ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets such as aircraft. only two complexes fall under this category from the available and from the available, because it works effectively
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both against such things as iskander and against aircraft, which has been proven many times by the so-called blocking patriot, and samptsi, but in relation to samptsi, that’s the case in the fact that during all... this time, after quite long talks, italy and france were able to, these two big ones countries were only able to single out one complex, and therefore, and it was quite public, so it is unlikely that they would do it again, let alone two at once, and it would certainly not be a secret, given the position and publicity of rome and paris in this matter , therefore, most likely , ukraine still has a little more than three patriot batteries, and but the question regarding which patriots themselves, these are very... very important questions, because objectively there are now in service in the nato countries in that including and around the world in general two types of patriot: patriot pack 2, which uses only jam missiles, which effectively fights precisely with aircraft, high-altitude aerodynamic targets at
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ranges of 160 km there, and there is pak 3, which has anti-missile capabilities and allows you to shoot down ballistic missiles such as iskander, shoot down kenjals and even zircon. that is, this is it again. the third and it can also, of course , work with jmt missiles against aircraft, so for now we can only say approximately that ukraine has three dashes of five, probably systems. patriot, not all of them may be pactrets, definitely 100% known about three, relative to the number patriots in, for example, nato countries, then recently joseph borel at the summit of the europe forum, he directly said that the western armies, that is, the western world, is nato, it is the usa, plus its european segment, nato, then it is about that in general there we are talking about 100 batteries, batteries, let me remind you, this is actually an anti-aircraft missile complex, because well... a battery is such an organizational staff structure, but if you take exactly how many
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batteries of petriods, then there is only one, which usually consists of ods, one command post, six to eight launchers, again, that's it such a configuration is quite vague, we are talking about a modern digital anti-aircraft missile system, so the number of launchers can be changed, as well as usually on the smaller side, some countries cannot afford such a number of launchers in one patriot battery, there, for example, sweden, it orders only from a limited number of starters. a third or four, and japan is also far from being a poor country, it has five launchers per battery, but if we talk about nato countries, we are talking about about 100 batteries, if that is the case according to the available information more precisely, we are talking about 95, of which 60 are directly in the usa, and 35 to 35 are what are in europe, and these 35, they are quite conditional, because... it is better to talk more about 30 , because now some countries are just in the process of receiving
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additional patriot systems, for example, such as sweden, romania, poland, and so on, let's say, it has a plan to increase the number of petryzons, we already have two, two reinforced batteries, and they plan to order another 12, and so on, so it is also necessary to understand that even receiving the first systems, for example, sweden did it, this does not mean that they immediately began to be ready for combat, usually one and a half to two years should be added to this time, these are the standard terms for the full combat capability of the system, when after how did we get it, so when we talk about seven or 25 additional batteries for ukraine, how realistic are these figures in terms of what other countries have, can we hope that someone will share such a number? let's hope so, because there is quite a bit here the logical position broadcast by the ukrainian
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government is that there are patriots in countries, for example, in germany, at least 10 pac-third patriots can still be found, it is possible that a certain number of them are still in the so-called warehouses, maybe in a rather dead condition, because they have been decommissioning them since the 2000s, that is, they have been selling them off. perhaps they were taken out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had, well, we can say that they still have about 10, so when there are only 10 patriots in germany, and we hope that she will give us another seven pieces, yes, no, we don’t talk about it, because of course, i just immediately understood that if the entire western world consists of patriots, then 1/4 part, if we talk about 25, well, that already speaks for itself , that it cannot be easy, as well as the fact that... if europe is in conditions where the usa does not at all, well, so far, has no signs that
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this is objectively a blockade of aid to ukraine, i do not know , how to call, because it goes beyond any limits of discussion at all, when the usa does not allocate aid to ukraine and that they are shooting themselves in the foot by the fact that everyone in poland, in europe, and even in japan, the prime minister is saying in a speech in congress that the usa should return to the role of guarantor. security, because well, how can you not add help when you promised to do it, so we exclude 60 batteries from the american ones in this situation, and then even seven batteries from the 35 there let the european ones are also quite a significant mark, so of course we are not talking about the fact that somewhere out there someone has a whole basement of seven dead, which is filled with patriots, it is only necessary remember where to open the keys from it and get the anti-aircraft missile complex from there. it is difficult, so immediately, when even germany, after all, it is the leader of the coalition directly,
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which, she adds, should get air defense to ukraine, she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be some rather difficult ways with the search for some combinations , well, again, berlin has experience when together with the netherlands they assembled one battery of patriots, the netherlands handed over, by the way, two launchers, germany gave the other one, and then it could be like this situation. that will have to be taken somewhere, someone will give one launcher, someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone will hand over a radar station, for example, somehow it will be restored. someone has it, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it it is, well, let's say this, it is a separate conversation, but we believe that it cannot work without it, ah, and all this is additionally, in fact, aside from the direct question of where to get the patriot batteries themselves, uh, well, here and there, by the way, you still have to
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to note that germany has also said it will look for options outside of europe. and the middle east, as i understand it, yes, this is precisely asia, i mean japan, which does not export weapons, in principle, but the missile may be transferred to the americans, but, well , recently there will be lifted the independent self, well, self-restriction regarding the export of weapons and can transfer the missiles it manufactures on the market under license from lohit martin, it is against mci missiles to be sold to the usa, in the event that the usa provides assistance, please. you can forget, taiwan, well, there are seven batteries, well , japan has 24, 25, and taiwan has seven more, taiwan, for sure, will not transfer anything, there is korea, the south, of course, well, it also does not transfer any weapons to ukraine, and it's quite clear why, because right next to them is north korea, which is constantly testing things there, firing
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missiles into the sea and demonstrating what they 're going to do with seoul and all that, but the middle east is a very difficult region in terms of trade , armed with diplomacy in general, but there really are patriots there, in particular, only in saudi arabia can to be up to 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that are much more closed in the public sphere than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and therefore it is possible to talk only about a certain - well, gap, how much there can be, it's 18 or 25 patriots, well , about this... in between, saudi arabia is really quite a possible potential donor, because it's quite focused directly on european, american weapons, and uh, well, let's say, there's a chance in my opinion, but if of course not berlin will negotiate, because berlin since the 18th year blocks the sale
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of eurofighter aircraft to saudi arabia, which is why london's participation is greater here, which was also announced by its minister of foreign affairs. countries in doubt, which will also look for patriots, can be much more positive, because the trade balance of arms from saudi arabia and great britain directly 10 billion over the last 10 years and pounds, dollars, mr. oleg, we are now talking about talking about the complexes we, and for some reason we forget, first of all, that rockets up to these should probably be in the first place systems, that with the production of means of impression under the patriot, what are the needs, what are the opportunities of the manufacturers to satisfy the demand of both ukraine and other countries that use this weapon, here it is even more difficult, that is, it is clear that, well, it is already clear that they do not mess around with the patriots somewhere, there is also a problem with missiles, in relation to the production of new missiles, because of course there are reserves, but we still
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hope that ukraine will still receive missiles from the reserve, and not wait for them to be manufactured. because otherwise everything is becoming quite critical, and perhaps this explains the fact that the search for patriots rests on the number of missiles that will need to be transferred, that is, even if you get 25 batteries of patriots there, there may simply not be enough missiles for them, what is the problem, and regarding the production of missiles, there are gmt missiles that are designed to destroy aerodynamic targets, they are manufactured by rayton and ... the declared production rate of them is 20 missiles per month, 240 per year for all the patriots in the world that are, to understand, if even just charge these, well, take all the american ones patriots, and load them with these missiles, that means that rayton has to work for about
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7-8 years just to provide one of the total zaab of these american patriots. at the current rate, of course it is expanding, the important aspect here is that they are expanding missile production, now in europe gmt missile production is starting, it will be in germany, a joint venture with rate + mdba, camblock, but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year the pace, in 26-27 the pace of rocket production+ should install 35 missiles per month, relative to missiles, anti-missiles, or rather mce anti-missiles, that is, which are intended for the patriots, and should shoot down already ballistic targets, such as the same iskanders, work against daggers effectively, all the rest. the official announcement, and well, this is public information , absolutely, it became the subject of congressional hearings in the congress, even the elimination of the budget, the fact is that loket
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martin currently produces 500 mci anti-missiles for everything, well, there is something else in japan, but again it is unknown, because japan is not announced no data, relative to the american 500 units per year with plans to expand. by the 27th year, their production is up to 750 per year, but for this you need money from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from the us congress, that is, everything is difficult, but the plans are 750 until 2027, quite realistic in any case, because there are more and more patriots in the world again, this is the main system that will definitely be in service for another decade, and even taking into account the fact that integration work is currently underway. rocket mc on the american ship englib and other systems from well shipboard systems ayeg. mr. oleg,
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right now we are talking about patriots, about missiles aimed at patriots, and in front of you i am speaking with valenty madryuk, he spoke about the need to look around and look for countries that can also have air defense systems, in particular there turkey, south korea, in order to receive support in such cases. systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the fleet of our air defense systems? everything rests on the possibility, in particular, in turkey, let's say this, there are air defense projects, three national projects under the common name haysar, and their essence is to create its own air defense, this is against the background of the fact that turkey... bought the s-400, received sanctions, the patriot already did not accommodate their price tag there, it is quite possible to understand something, after all, a billion dollars, and missiles for 2-3 million dollars, it is
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quite expensive, so they went the way of investing maximum funds in creating their , there is a really long-range khaysar-u missile complex, at the same time, it is still only, let's say, at the stage of completing the tests and beginning. already serially produced, that is, it is not about the fact that it is possible to get them in ready form and in the right amount right now, it is actually, if you order, then you have to wait for years. in relation to south korea, the whole problem with this country is that, again, in the case of anti-missile defense, it relies on american complexes, relies on patriots, relies on american deployment complexes and in the end... makes similar complexes with capabilities anti-missile defense, there is a country that really has the ability to create and sell
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anti-missile defense systems, which also does not export weapons to ukraine, like south korea, this is israel, this is the sling of david complex, the most interesting, it is already approved for export, its first customer became finland directly, and it is significantly less expensive than patriot. and his rocket costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon 20% of the cost of mci, that is, approximately 400-500 thousand dollars against three, and this missile should be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot pak-4, which is currently being developed, but here it is very important to understand that in relation to these slings of david and this missile, israel still keeps it so complex. such a political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or at least pre-export of weapons to ukraine, he blocks it. mr. olezh, just one minute, how did you predict
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the search for the patriot system for ukraine in the short or medium term, what can it optimally do calculate ukraine according to your estimates? unfortunately, again, the situation first of all depends. from the united states, if the united states nevertheless accepts its general aid budget for ukraine, then the question of where to take the patriot, where to take the missiles to them, they automatically disappear, this opens up the possibility of increasing the ukrainian necessary amount of funds, in the conditions of blocking the us aid to ukraine, this is a very difficult issue, maybe in europe they will be able to assemble really one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short term, in in the future with... of course they can say that now one, now two the day after tomorrow, and then we will find it there, and there, but it can be later, of course, with such
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an aim on the 26th-28th -and. year, mr. leger, thank you very much for your professional comments, for your time, let me remind you that it was oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense express, our information and consulting company, and if we talk about the results of this program, then we really have a demand for at least 25 patriot systems, we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal, if at best we can to obtain from our partners five systems of a similar class, it will be very, very good, as well... we must make a bet on cooperation with european companies regarding the acquisition of european air defense systems, and still, do not forget about cooperative projects with a number of countries , where we have to create joint air defense systems of various purposes, which are just as urgently needed for solving various tasks, and for the protection of peaceful cities, and for the protection of the battlefield, so we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have...
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result on the front line. these were the main points related to the search for patriots for ukraine. stay tuned to the espresso channel. there will be a lot of interesting information. what is bahmud? bahmud? it is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are the boys who... never
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we hold. together. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time, on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. temporarily loud. several explosions were heard in occupied luhansk, witnesses wrote on social networks that there were at least two flights, and published videos. smoke can be seen above the city, previously there was a hit in the area of ​​the machine-building plant, where the russian occupiers were based. temporarily occupied crimea also complains about attacks. russian anti-aircraft defenses were apparently operating in the kerch area. the kerch bridge was closed. explosions thundered in the temporary.


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