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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso . the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are returning, quite alarming reports are now coming from the red sea, from perth bays, from this region. we see that iranian missiles are being moved there, some troops are being pulled up to israel, us ships, so in a word, so are we. we are carefully watching this
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region, but it is even more pleasant on saturday, for example, to monitor those who call themselves liberal russians, they are also crying, and they are crying just like all these putin conquerors, what worries them today, they are not so worried there this is high water and 36 regions that have flooded, how much more, they are worried that macron is more, call him, you see, this is the first, the second, that they care, scholz refused, answered. well, before the withdrawal of troops from ukraine, they are worried about it, and they are even more worried that the usa has banned the import of russian aluminum, copper and nickel to the usa and great britain. this is the news. well, what worries us, besides the war, of course, is the actual potential introduction of blackout schedules throughout ukraine. they have already announced the four main pillars of blackouts in ukraine and all these schedules, if it is not possible to restore the heat generator. right, if there is
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increased consumption, that is, it is hot outside , and yes, july, august, there is no possibility to transfer electricity to some regions, and if there are not enough volumes that we take abroad, about energy, we will talk about all these possibilities on our air further, ivan plachkov, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in the past and chairman of the council of the union of the all-ukrainian energy assembly , join our conversation, mr. ivan, we welcome you, congratulations, good health. do you all agree with those four points, or do you have anything to add? well, look, the situation is really very, very difficult, i would say critical, damaged, destroyed a lot energy infrastructure facilities, and its next reliable supply or supply to all regions depends on us, first of all we must not forget that we need to save electricity. as much as
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possible, especially in the evening, it is necessary to ensure one hundred percent payment for electricity, because energy companies need funds, they are very lacking for restoration, and of course there are two more such factors, well, i would say the main ones, these are the possibilities of attacks and infrastructure destruction, and understandably. the main factor is air defense of these facilities that are operating today and providing electricity to consumers, as far as outages are concerned, there are two types of outages, that is the schedule of emergency shutdowns and power outages, i think we need to prepare for power outages, this is much better than emergency schedules outages, what is the emergency schedule?
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exclusions, this is when dispatchers, when there is a shortage of electricity and the power system is not balanced, they accidentally disconnect those consumers who are included in the schedule. as a rule, these are the same consumers on e-e not on the term is unpredictable, it can be short-term, long-term, eh, and an avil blackout is a schedule when all consumers know for what period it will be cut, there, for example, there is electricity for four hours, there is no electricity for an hour or two, and thus we we attract a larger number of consumers, and in this way we balance. energy system, but today the energy industry, well, they have done such a miracle, even with my experience, almost 50 years in the energy industry, i can’t imagine how they do it, how they keep the energy system from
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total blackout, which the russians are trying to destroy our energy infrastructure. there will be a difficult situation in the summer period, when temperatures will rise and consumption will increase a lot, and of course, we already need to actively prepare for the heating season, we know that heat and power plants are also collapsing, including in kharkiv, kharkiv ts5, there are very a difficult situation, and it is necessary to distribute the heat supply, it is necessary to... distribute it to the boiler houses, it is necessary to increase their capacity, can translate networks and so on, of course, to protect those heat and power plants that are still working, i mean the ones in kyiv, there in other big cities, because a few days ago there was
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an attack on the sumy tets, well, the situation is tense, but i still want to once to pay attention to the fact that today... it is necessary to mobilize absolutely all the resources and equipment in the country, it is necessary to mobilize human potential to carry out repair works, for this we need a lot of funds, it is tens, tens of billions, we are given such large amounts of money that we could not dream of before the war, i.e we have so many billions of different dollars and euros in our lives. haven't heard from the imf or any other things, maybe i'll ask you about a few small parameters, but you as a specialist can evaluate them, the first thing that ukrenergo, and det, and other energy experts tell us is to especially save
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electricity during peak hours 19 in the evening until 10:00 p.m., do not turn on a large number of devices at the same time, especially at this time from 7 to 10:00 p.m. in large cities. in kyiv, in lviv, in others, so much is included, illumination of monuments, illumination of streets, simply an incredible number of included devices, i understand that it looks good, but there is a war outside, if this is all turn off the wasp, this is external lighting in many cities that have not been flown by, does it give us any significant savings, definitely, definitely gives and will give, but unfortunately... we do not have such an organization of this process, we know that decisions are made in the office, responsibility lies with the government, and there is no coordination, here is the minister of energy, not
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even all energy industry enterprises are subordinate to him, well so it happened, we have such and such legislation, so he does not have the authority to solve these issues, like in... the difficult times of the 90s, although they were not as difficult as now, it happened, there was a position, the first the vice-prime minister, who headed and took care of the fuel and energy complex, it is even possible to appoint today's minister as the first vice-prime minister, who could coordinate this whole situation not only within the framework of the industry, but also ... with other ministries and departments and the main thing is with the heads of regional administrations, with the mayors of cities and so on, it should be such a round-the-clock work with them, unfortunately, as far as i can see, the father's work is not organized, but who should give the command
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there, look, we have a whole herman, the whole of galushchenko, can't he, for example, say, here are hipsters, we are cutting out a lot of light in a night club with prostitutes in kyiv, here are the richest lviv residents in eden cutting out light for themselves, as if they have versailles and a ball. we are cutting off the holiday, isn't it hard to do, the minister can't do it, he is, i will tell you, he can say, but he will not be listened to, look at what powers the minister has today, he communicates only with the enterprises of the industry and organizes and so on, the mayors of cities, they are not subordinate to him, why do i say that a position is needed at the level of the deputy prime minister with powers of authority, who can give the command to assemble. selection meeting, giving a command, developing schedules, giving consumption limits for
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cities, regions, and so on, this is such a big organizational job, but for this requires some kind of structure and powers, i say once again, today the minister does not have these powers, it is quite obvious, mr. ivan, that such a mechanism has been worked out, i just remember the previous period, when there were actually blackouts, 22-23 years, winter, and we remember, the month of december for 16 hours more than once there was no electricity for specific subscribers, but during the new year and christmas period it was not turned off at all, the christmas holidays ended, everything returned to the way it was before the schedules, that is, it is obvious to plan it and somehow there is to manage the process possibility, also. i am not talking about that now, kubrakov named the only way to protect energy facilities from these russian
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attacks, we understand that last year they thought about protection, but now they say that it was mainly protection against drones, now they say that there is a third the level of protection, how realistic it is to introduce it now, what it should look like and what objects we can protect, whether we can protect those huge hydroelectric power stations, tes, which also occupy a large area. with the help of our partners, i did not disappear now, the only divine protection, protection of objects and energy infrastructure, this is air defense, no building structures, concrete and so on, can protect power plants, high-voltage substations, high-voltage networks, distribution power transmissions, it is impossible, it was clear from the very beginning, i... it is impossible, unfortunately
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for us we still need to strengthen the protection of gas transport infrastructure facilities, we see that there have already been several strikes on gas storage facilities, we already have gas pumping stations that pump gas around the country, and they are also quite large. they develop main gas pipelines, and if russia is now trying to make such a total blockade of electricity throughout ukraine, well , i hope and am sure that they will not succeed, well, they are already starting to work on gas transport, but in this case, mr. ivan, look... that is even according to the most modest calculations, in order to cover
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the main, large heat generators, and this is not for you to tell us, these are just huge territories, in reality you cannot protect them there with any nets, grills, that is, 25-30 whole batteries are needed, so that on a large scale countries to cover the main ones, well, such as trypilska test or others in burshtyn, in burshtyn or. in other regions, they won't give us that much, that's why the energy experts, for example, have said so since the beginning of the year, we can restore something by the fall, but this has no meaning, because they will lash out again and will continue to shoot, the only option, they say, to decentralize heat generation, we know that there are partner programs, we know that in many countries there are these small, sometimes even mobile ones. these heat-generating installations, is there an opportunity for us to
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of the heating season, at least in big cities, at least part of it should be covered by such small, sometimes mobile or stationary, but small generating units, well, of course, there is the first one, first of all , we are already saturated and we need to increase diesel generators where necessary in order to ensure.. read the social infrastructure, i mean the hospitals, i mean the children's there, well, in general, everything that is necessary for it to be independent, if... there is no electricity, they worked, well, for this we need to save up, to oblige it was necessary there is enough diesel fuel, there is gasoline and so on. the second thing that concerns distributed generation, what you say and what dtek says, this distributed generation can be built in the following three directions: the first is solar
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batteries, now it is necessary to activate and maximally contribute to private farms as well. even give loans to industrial enterprises to install solar panels. secondly, wind generators, the detector is engaged in this, and built them even during the war, and they even built a telegul station 100 km from the front, and they plan further, but to build, well , they need funds, they need loans, and today loans... state guarantees, it is necessary for the state to provide guarantees for loans for private companies as well, and thirdly, there are indeed diesel-generator power plants, steam-gas plants, such small ones , mobile, they can be concentrated
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on its platforms, well, i’m coming back again, we need funds, you tell us before... but the energy industry receives help from european countries, but that’s not enough, first of all, we need to make an energy ramstein and make the most of it equipment that today there are poland, romania, in germany, in the baltic countries at those closed power plants, but that's why everyone has already talked about it, that they are ready to hand it over to us. well , two factors are needed for this, i repeat once again, it needs to be organizational, organizational, it needs to be at the level, i don't understand who in the state leadership deals with it and cares about it, but i don't understand, there is no such person, the prime minister, he is he has
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thousands and millions of tasks, he needs centralized coordination and organization and... in the past, the minister of fuel and energy, this mr. ivan just calculated that diesel generators with the capacity of two nuclear reactors have already been imported into ukraine, you know at the nuclear power plant and they call for what to import, we have to take a short break, then we will come back and try to find out what is not allowed. .. stops the same united states from helping us , wait. champions league quarterfinals only on mego. barcelona-psg and man city-real. who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field? find out
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good health, ladies and gentlemen. my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go. the best roads will be even better with us, a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norban, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. you want to understand how ours is today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. big ether.
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courses of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a very cool writer, who with his books predicted what is happening around us, in addition , a diplomat and our former ambassador plenipotentiary to ukraine, ukraine, israel, the usa and canada in connection with us, this is yurii shcherbak, mr. yurii,
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i am glad to welcome you, i welcome you, friends, mr. yuri, let's start, let's go from the column of republican vance, where he actually said, that ukraine should not be particularly helped, any funds should be allocated, because first of all, there is not such a large amount of ammunition for... which we are asking for, we also do not have as many people as in russia, he actually put a cross on us and said , that you go to your deaf defense of europe, european aid, you need to have enough of what it is, and there are many such republicans, and what kind of story is this, friends, well, let's throw away all illusions and all our ideas about american democracy, and let's understand that... today, well, in the united states there are a lot of not only democrats in the states, but just normal objective analysts, they call trump an agent of putin, they directly
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call trump a fascist on the american airwaves. i once told that the former ambassador, the second ambassador of the united states to ukraine, bill miller, when we met, i was in washington, during. from trump's presidency, he leaned over to me, he was sick, desperately poor, and said that yuri, it's unbelievable what's being done here, it's real fascism, so let's understand it, and let's proceed from the fact that trump until the moment elections will do everything not to provide aid to ukraine, and therefore we should put aside all our illusions, although, well, i would say that uh... i still give 30% to the fact that this american aid bill will be passed, which ends up being necessary for us, and 70%, i am very afraid that
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johnson is a pitiable figure who has found himself in the center of world interests, because everyone persuades him, he is a completely inadequate figure, he is nobody, he is a very gray person, but that.. . no less, he fulfills the will of trump, and he does everything to delay and not to put this draft law to the vote, but we must proceed from this, even if we believe in a miracle, in a miracle, even if we still believe in the power of american democracy, mr. yury, there is another option, that everything depends on which foot and whatever publication you read, you will read politics, and there they say, but listen, even when trump was the first time... as president, he generally said that ukraine is part of russia, and that is how it should be, the politician writes, we do not know, will trump run out today and shout fake news, fake news, but this is how politics is written, and the hill, for example,
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if you read it, says that no, trump is ready to give money, but since, well, it is the fault of a long-time barig who sued, won back his billions, he says no, yes, let’s interest, let's give loans, but in the form of a loan, well, or politics. or dehil read, in fact, in trump today, is he who is willing to give money? let's, let's not, lean in, because we often do, some publication will appear in the american press, everyone rushes there and shouts hooray, or vice versa, treason, because this is the american press, it's not like that either, there is a huge internal struggle, and they evaluate trump differently, but the lens. speaking, i say that there are two levels: at the diplomatic level, if i were today the ambassador of ukraine in washington, in the united
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states, i would not say. such harsh words about trump, and i would proceed from the fact that if he wins, then we have to somehow coexist with him, this is one level of state and diplomacy, and the second level is something that you and i must understand very well, he is an agent putin, now he is sitting in this he is in a state without money, he is asking putin for money, they have already started giving him this money through the russian... masonry, he is not predictable, but he is not predictable in a disaster, in a bad direction for ukraine, and we must understand that, and should pray to god that, grandfather biden, with all his indecisiveness, with all his, let's say, senile caution, that, if he won the election, it wasn't so
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bad. prospects for ukraine six months from now, when these elections will be held. mr. yuri, we have 3 minutes until the next news release, i can't help asking you yet, because we all we are wondering why we are going to propose some kind of peace formula, why spend money on organizing forums, how we will rebuild, it just sounds beautiful, or really, why should we organize this peace summit in switzerland now, if rus. they won't be there, and putin is already laughing at everyone. so, friends, i completely agree with you, russia and china are now united like never before and will do everything to completely destroy this idea of ​​a global summit in sweden, in switzerland, they will definitely do this, based on results of lavov's trip to beijing, further.
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it is said that even the president of switzerland has said that there is no illusion that there can be success, because if china does not come, but is represented at a low level, and if india and brazil do not come, then nothing will come of this summit it won't work, because we don't need to convince our allies, who are already convinced that... we need to help ukraine, this is the problem, this will be the fifth forum, we got a lot of money, and what result will we see, but i very i doubt the great success of this event, mr. yury, thank you for your answers, thank you for your frankness, for being with us on this air, yuri shcherbak was with us, a diplomat, the former ambassador of ukraine to israel, the usa and canada, well, you see, and here it is a specialist
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a lot. summer experience, well, really, if you want, you can play this game, take a calculator, look at this open data, which was for the maintenance of various of these trips, and they started as early as the 22nd year, we are going to london to distribute money for the reconstruction of ukraine, the war is just beginning, well, you mean a full-scale one, it wasn’t just one such meeting, then they left again, there will already be a dozen, if it is in a column, you will be sad, you will understand that these are exactly the huge funds that we are talking about said ivan plachkov, which are necessary, for example, to protect, buy air defense and rebuild the energy industry, this is the money, but they continue to roll around and sign some formula of the supreme fair of ukraine. yes, and money is also needed to repel the attacks, because the financial times already calculated that on the russians are preparing an offensive in four directions at the same time: donetsk region, kherson region, luhansk region, zaporizhzhia, and even suggest that an assault on kharkov is possible. this is where the money is needed now, at the same time as the bpo system, this is... what we
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have managed to tell at this moment, then iryna koval and the news editor are ready to share fresher and broader information, and we will be back in 10 minutes, wait. thank you, oksana, yes, indeed, in a moment, i will tell you about the most important thing at this time, wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and now to the most important events. the rocket attack in luhansk hit the machine-building plant, which was supposed to start work soon. this was confirmed by the local gauleiter pasichnyk. witnesses write on social networks that it was the least.


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