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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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with systems, this is what we managed to tell at the moment, continued iryna koval, and the news editors are ready to share fresher and broader information, and we will return in 10 minutes, wait. thank you, oksana, yes, indeed, in a moment, i will tell you about the most important thing at this time, wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and now to the most important events. the rocket attack in luhansk hit the machine-building plant, which was supposed to start work soon. it confirmed the local gauleiter, pasichnik. witnesses write on social networks that what happened...
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less than two flights and publish videos. bohdanivka under the control of the armed forces of ukraine , the ministry of defense denied the information spread by some telegram channels that the russians captured the village near chasovoy yar. intense fighting continues there. the enemy seeks to break through our defenses in the temporal ravine area at any cost. for this purpose , the enemy's assault groups left last night. on the northern outskirts of bohdanivka and are currently trying to gain a foothold there. at this time bohdanivka is controlled by the defense forces. the enemy's offensive actions are not successful. in australia, a man with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center, six people died, eight more were hospitalized in serious condition, among them a small child. this was reported by reuters news agency. the incident happened in one of the largest shopping centers in sydney. to stop
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massacre, law enforcement officers had to shoot the attacker. an investigation is currently underway. it is known in advance that the attacker acted independently. this means that there is a constant threat there is no at this time, we do not know who the attacker was and what his motives were, but the investigation is ongoing. we do not rule out the possibility that it was a terrorist attack. it is ongoing in turkey. rescue operation on the cable car in antalya. as a result of the accident, one of the booths crashed into a broken support. one tourist died and 11 were injured. rescuers tried all night to lower 166 tourists who were stuck in 24 cabins. someone managed to be brought to the ground by ropes, someone was rescued by helicopters. on khmelnytskyi atom. power plants started
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construction of the fifth and sixth power units, there are also plans to complete two others in parallel. energoatom announced this. according to energy minister herman galushchenko, the construction of the khmelnytsky nuclear power plant is a major geopolitical project of the united states and ukraine. these new technologies will be able to displace the russians from the european nuclear energy market. these blocks, atomic blocks. make it possible to balance, this is a special feature of the american ip technology, today the enemy strikes just reduces the balancing power in the state, so if we had ip blocks there conditionally now, we could maneuver in to maneuver in the system, 400 people will be able to be safe at the same time during shelling in... because the shadows in the kharkiv region
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have completed the construction of a bomb shelter of the highest class, the head of the region oleg sinigubov announced. in addition to the main room, the shelter has an additional 10 rooms, as well as a storage room equipped with a generator, supplies of water, food and fuel for a month of continuous stay. a car accident occurred on the kyivchob highway near the village of gadzinka in zhytomyr oblast. cars traffic is partially complicated in the direction of kyiv - reported the national police. law enforcement officers are currently working at the site. they are investigating the circumstances of the accident. transported counterfeit. the police detained a man in chernihiv oblast. the police found about 200 containers in the suspect's car. 400 bottles with alcohol and packages with alcohol of unknown origin. the vehicle was seized from the man. all
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substances were sent for expert research. the police opened criminal proceedings. defenders of the 24th brigade named after king danyla defends our country from russian enemy since 2014. they were among the first to liberate the southern territories of ukraine during the counteroffensive in 2022. also , the military held the defense of the city of bakhmut and is still carrying out combat missions in one of the eastern directions. the team is now inviting motivated ukrainian men and women to join its service. how to join this team? see further in our material. the 24th separate mechanized brigade is one of the most experienced units of the armed forces of ukraine, it is now easier to join a professional military team, because the brigade opened its recruiting center in lviv and invites those ready to liberate the state from the russian
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occupiers. our brigade, it is one of the oldest brigades, it is institutionally already formed, it has experienced fighters and instructors who can teach. rich military experience, our brigade has been participating in hostilities against the russian federation since 2014, you can join the service voluntarily in the recruiting center or on job search platforms, where everyone can choose a position according to their experience. in the center recruiting, you can get all the latest information about vacancies and chat with fighters. now, first of all, they need specialists in electronics, as well as doctors, financiers, accountants. drivers, vacancies will be found for people of various professions and skills. uav operator, assistant uav operator, master technician, electronic intelligence operator, electronic warfare operator, and these jobs require some knowledge, experience in
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it, for example, and there these candidates at best, better, have better chances to be good, successful military personnel. but the same uav operator is often a gamer in the past. the mayor of lviv, andriy sadovyi, who came to the opening of the center, emphasized that every ukrainian should now be ready to stand up for the defense of our country. we must all understand that russia was, is and will be our enemy, and all men who have reached a certain age must have the skills of military service and must be ready to devote part of their lives to our army, we have no other alternative. 39-year-old evgeny for a graphic designer by profession, he designed the recruiting center of the royal brigade in lviv. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the man volunteers and helps his fellow
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soldiers, and now he himself plans to join this military team. perhaps my profession, specifically what i do, will be useful. maybe not design, maybe construction, maybe some... engineering structures, because i believe that it is necessary, after all, to make some border, which should be used to separate the enemy, to make some fortification lines and so on. this is already the fifth office in lviv, where you can come to get information about military vacancies in brigades and stand up for the defense of ukraine. the city is home to the first recruiting centers of the ukrainian army in ukraine, as well as recruiting centers of the special purpose brigade. national guard of ukraine azo, third separate assault brigade, lviv 103rd territorial defense brigade and vovka davinci battalion. natalya starepravo, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. such were the news at that time, i only have to remind about our collection, for
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means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles. the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. and let's not delay, let's help. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on the screen. you can read more news on our website espresso tv. a brief summary of our main points social networks and watch us on youtube. we will see you at 5 p.m., and my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika continue the broadcast. we said, you did
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it, thank you, but we need more. we are talking now about donations, we are collecting 2 million, i remind those who have not heard yet. and who has not yet donated, 10, 20, 100, 200, who can more, please donate for our defenders, the cold ravine and the black zaporozhians, they know which drones they need and what to do with them, qr-codes and card numbers you see, you know what to do with them, let's discuss this issue together we will decide that it will be easier later, and in the meantime, until we find out, we offer you to hear the opinions of the economist and member of the economic discussion club oleg penzyn, in connection with our studio, mr. oleg, i am glad to welcome you, i am also glad to welcome you, and can i start... such a slightly left-wing question, maybe even a class one, but i ca
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n’t help but ask you, because it is based on official statistics, for the past year in the warring ukraine, where heat generation was destroyed by 100%, as we just found out where the huge lack of funds, as ivan plachkov told us, for recovery. critical infrastructure for the new heating season, where there is a lack of money to buy certain types of weapons, where there is a lack of funds for certain programs, and we and we have to help the military all the time and make collections from each pocket a little bit and to a heap, and in in this country in some parameters, well, for example, in audi or in other cars, such as toyota and renault. growth in sales of new cars, and in general, in some
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cities, if you look, then, let's say, with if you come to qatar, look at what cars you can earn to buy in 10 years, this is what the real statistics look like now, how it happens, some of us are fighting and don't pay, and others have a surplus of funds, well, when you drive around kyiv. and see what is done in the evenings, how public catering establishments work, let's call it that carefully, it feels like this is a completely peaceful city, you just have to understand that you and i are a little like that, you know, a distorted picture emerges, we are with you we live in a warring country, but you and i are moving cobblestones and launching its fund... we live in a warring country, but we are indexing
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social standards, raising minimum wages, and we understand absolutely clearly that we are doing this with credit funds, today ukraine does not live according to the rules of wartime, today you and i, probably thanking our partners, in fact, have completely transferred to them... the entire burden of the state's social obligations, well, not just like that, mr. budanov at the reporting press conference in december past months year said: do you understand that we have been fighting for two years at someone else's expense, it is true, we say that we need patriots, but we simply do not understand that one patriot missile costs 7.5 million dollars, and when for example, we are evaluating the possibility of financing air defense with our own
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funds, not with the help of partners, with our own funds, then one night of air defense with the use of patriot missiles can cost us 100 million dollars, we are ready to pay that money, so you know, we live with you a little bit in the world of stained mirrors, unfortunately, and... and all that i am talking about, what you are talking about, this is a manifestation of these stained mirrors, we did not transfer the economy to military rails, you and i did not centralize funds local budgets, we have not put decentralization on hold, you and i are moving roads and cobblestones, starting fountains, we live as if we are in peacetime, mr. oleg, but why can't we do this? for the third year in a row, simply, even talking with your colleagues,
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economists, well, they said, there are in the front, but there are relocated business, and it is not necessary to run away and take the company somewhere to slovakia or poland, you can do it in part of the western regions of volyn, zakarpattia, which does not know curfew, and in other regions near the western borders of the region, this is great a place where you can move. a huge amount of business, charge it precisely to support the wartime economy, and after all, it is in these regions that there are a lot of idps who often remain unemployed, respectively. need payments, and unfortunately not everyone gets enough, so i have a question to you, that is why it is not possible to do this in shmyhal, even if he sees the supreme yermak of ukraine every day, this is exactly what is bothering him, look, look, in our country, a lot of decisions are made based on one or another political expediency, we
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we live with you as if in a pre-election period, constant, and there are a lot of decisions. are accepted today, not based on the need for ukraine, for the war, for victory, but based on the fact that how will the future elections evaluate your behavior, what will be the elections tomorrow, and when we look at the voting with you, well important draft laws in the verkhovna rada, we see exactly this approach: an approach not from the point of view of real expediency, expediency from the point of view of eyelashes. victory, and the expediency of the political, from the political expediency, it is probably worth raising social standards at the expense of loan money, from the political expediency, it is probably worth creating, beautiful fountains, launching, translating to the khmelnytsky obrukivka in kyiv, many things,
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it is probably worth doing from the point of view of political expediency, but it definitely does not fit into... the ability to fight for the independence of ukraine. now you are carrying out certain measures in order to donate, but we understand with you that all those things must be financed from the state budget. the fact that you and i are raising money now simply means that the state budget is not funding the things they need to fund, instead of doing things that can wait until the end of the war. i... things that cannot wait, and this is about the army itself, about mobilization, about providing for those who are there on zeros and their families, this is also very, very important, we used to say that there was a figure of 500,000 that needed to be mobilized during the year, then they started to erase this figure, we don’t need 500,000 without clarification, more or less is needed, no, we said , which is less,
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but they did not say how much, are we in a position, is our budget in a position to provide for these mobilization... processes of all military personnel, their families, will ukraine pull it off? let's deal with arithmetic of course, well, high school level, er, in a year at a minimum, at a minimum the mobilized costs the budget in uah 1,300 at a minimum, and my acquaintances who went through mobilizations. who are currently fighting, raise the question that when you come and they give you a list of a couple of pieces of paper, where it is written that you have to buy with your own money, starting with tactical clothes and ending with military equipment, you do not begin to understand, and who is responsible for this it is realistic to pay, you or the budget, so 1,300 00 is the minimum, for us and you,
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well, let's remember the repeated statements. 1,100,000 people work in defense security structures, if we are talking about those who died heroically, they still remain dependent on the state, because the state owes their relative 15 million hryvnias, which are being delayed, we also know that, so you have to count the million 100, take 100, multiply by the million 300, and you get a situation where ... just for the minimum wage of those who are fighting today, 1.4 uah is needed, even more, well, i got a bigger figure, mr. oleg, right now i am clicking on the calculator according to your words, in general, if i count, i have that it is necessary to mobilize funds, and these are also a plus payments that are made at the start of mobilization according to the law, i
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have already reached four in total, and this is not the end, and this is not the end, because let's remember madam, madam... lasa, who told that the ministry of defense is needed for the purchase of weapons, not the 250 billion that is in the budget, at least twice as much, remember this figure, and the following was said: in order to mobilize an additional 350-400 thousand people, 700 billion uah are needed . we open the state budget for the 24th year with you and look at the number 1.7 this is what our beloved collects state for a year, then i have a question, please tell me for what money, i am asking as an economist, i am not a politician. for which money we are planning with you now, in accordance with the long-adopted law on changes on mobilization, to additionally select people who
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will pay them all that we are talking about. moreover, let us remember with you that 40% of the amount of 300 million that i mentioned is their salary, so this is without the 70 thousand that the cabinet of ministers adopted in the resolution. those who have 30 days at zero, an additional 70,000 must be paid, the question of where it comes from, despite the fact that the macro-financial aid that is received clearly cannot be used for the needs of defense security, it exclusively covers the social package, ugh, this is a big question for me, i am taking the 70 thousand that i voted now the government as a one-time, not a one-time, but additional payment for the service. look, i am now starting from my school calculations of at least the minimum
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reserve we need, since the muscovites will mobilize, they have already named the figures of 3,000 by one, 400 thousand by conscription, plus there are more they go directly to them, there is a queue to get the money, i imagine that we need at least 300,000 reserves. i don't take those half a million, but only so that those 300,000 reserves, when they are available, will replace our military at the front, then 21 billion hryvnias are needed for them, these are additional payments based on what the government calculated, and 390 billion hryvnias, that 's right, it's just to mobilize this, well, provide this reserve, that is, these numbers are crazy, we can get them from our partners or whatever, that is, we can receive as aid or as a loan, is it impossible at all, no, no, no, macro-financial assistance cannot be used for war,
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a direct ban, ugh, so we can only collect that money through taxes and fees in the middle of the country, and i am sure local politicians and a lot of people will hate haiti very much now, but i will say two things that are extremely unpopular, the first thing: the first, the first sign of the transition of the economy to military rails means the stop of decentralization and the concentration of all funds in one the state budget, where local bodies are financed within the limits of the budget, which the central budget approves and sends to them in the form of subsidies, that is , there cannot be 500 percent of the bonus for the head of the local authority, please excuse me. all this is within the budget, so the first point is what i am saying: all funds to the central budget. the second point is the freezing of
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social standards, because we are really currently looking for additional money in order to increase payments. the third point is very unpopular. we are with you we understand that the 1.7 trillion that we are currently talking about in the budget is money that still needs to be collected. that is, the business must work for a year, the business must generate income from which to pay taxes, and these taxes must be 1.7 trillion, so whether someone likes it or not , in any case, mobilization must be carried out based on the economic feasibility of the business to form this tax resource mr. oleg, but look, mobilization is already needed in order to have time for the front campaign in may-june. and the money you speak of must be collected somewhere around november, december, the end of the year, well, look, the issue of the economy, the reservation of the economy, was repeatedly raised, they hated
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it as much as they could, but where to get the resources of the money that is needed, we take the ukrainian economy, 60% of the economy works legally and pays taxes, 40% of the economy sits in the wall. they can donate, there is no question, but unpaid taxes are direct shortages of funds for security and defense needs, how to extract this 40% light? well, look, economy booking, i already i have repeatedly said this, no matter how much someone likes it, but if you set a clear standard that a person who pays taxes works in a company that pays income tax, which... pays a single social contribution of uah 20,000, suppose, objectively, she has the right to economic reservation, if the business sitting in the shadows wants
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to secure. their employees from today's mobilization, let the light come out, let them pay money to the state budget, roughly calculated that such money in the case of the introduction of economic reservation can be in the order of 300 30050 billion, whether the village likes it or not , mr. oleg, you talk about the right things when the right cities implement them, but in our country , producers of some... spices, pepper, and circuses fall into the economic reservation , you understand , that is, these are the realities that in our country, the economic parameters of the reservation are prescribed exactly as you say, but they are decided at the local level, and at the local level , the best man brother swat and the boy who unfastened also get into the reservation. look, you have to to adopt the relevant law, just as laws were to be adopted now on specifics. as
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we are now waiting for changes to the administrative and criminal code regarding increased liability for evasion, there must be a corresponding law that will clearly regulate what and what are the conditions for making reservations for business, legal business, ugh, and the law must be, only who will write it, if not maryana bezugla with hetmantsev, then who will approve it later, but in such realities it all happens, mr. oleg, we must finalize... our conversation, very grateful, because you mentioned those things that politicians in single marathons do not like to talk about out loud. oleg penzyn, economist and member of the economic discussion club, about these realities of our non-war economy during the war. in a few minutes, we will ask oleksiy koshel a little more about similar things. it's a short break now, but stay with us. donate during the pause. then we will continue.
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of more than 20 kg. call us now and order superprotek insulating tape from just uah 99. call an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can do it imagine, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to catch up.


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