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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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has the appearance of an absolute trend, well, if we talk about russian influences on world art in general, then they are colossal, if you look and read even oksana liniv's interview, which is being discussed so actively now, she says directly, and many other artists also say that there is no cancellation of russian culture in the world in general, and this is considered in the world as a deanery, how can this culture be touched, and russian culture is often academic. its literature is classically among the top, russians are very concerned about the development of their culture, they achieve absolutely productive results, that's why we see such a situation, plus we don't forget that the russians have a lot of money, so, well, let's say so, if some people say it directly, that the russians buy people at various film festivals and in hollywood, in particular too, but it can be an indirect purchase there, it... can be such an interpretation
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of the russian market as a profitable one that cannot be refused, for example, the french made a lot of money last year by selling their tapes to the russian market, russian cinemas. let me remind you that the big hollywood studios have refused this market, all hollywood films that are shown in russia are shown illegally, but the french and many other... europeans, they just entered this market and make a lot of profit from it. well, then i will talk about the good things, because anatoly kryvolap's exhibition opened in kyiv. this artist used to be very often called the most expensive artist of ukraine. and indeed, if you look at the sales of his paintings, they were constantly being installed at various auctions records, especially if we are talking about ukrainian visual art. but in the end,
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it seems to me, with an agreement, this image of mr. anatoliy got detached a little, and they already started calling him differently, simply anatoliy kryvalap, i don’t know if there is one of the most famous ukrainian artists, mr. anatoliy himself was at this exhibition , and it was nice to see what a huge line was lined up to get his autograph, to take a picture with him, these are the paintings he painted in the 90s... 2000s, he loves them very much and is very good at working with texture, and we can already see the icons that he has been painting since the 14th year, and he painted a church in the village of lypivka, this is kyiv region, near borodyanka, you must go and see this church, and these icons, as you can see, are so luminescent , they are pink, they are bright, and the artist says that this is ... an interpretation
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of god as an explosion of color, but i think that it is not so often that artists of god interpreted the higher forces in general in this way, so i advise you to see this exhibition by all means , it takes place in the m17 gallery. well, the movie me and felix was released iryna tsylyk, this is, well, as it is often called, the adaptation of artem chech’s book who are you, however, i wouldn’t say that it is exactly such a screen adaptation, it is a completely different work, because iryna herself is at the presentation, at this screening she said that she and her husband, they are husband and wife, with artem chekh, that they have quite different views of the world, if artem chech's book is quite harsh, then irina's too, it is more poetic. more prone to some kind of sympathy,
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that's why the film turned out like that, it tells about a boy who lives in the 90s, and he lives with mother and grandmother, and grandmother brings her boyfriend to the apartment, and the boyfriend is such a little, well, very special man, he walks in a black leather coat, he served in afghanistan, which caused him a colossal injury. he often drinks, goes on binges, but the boy has such a specific friendship with him, and this man leaves an indescribable mark on his further future, this main character, artem chakh wrote him from himself, and the role of the child in the film was played by the son of ira and artema, such a family film, iryna tsylyk positions this one i highly recommend the film as a spectacle.
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to see it, the only betrayal that is already spreading among people who want to see this movie is too bad, many theaters have booked it, you can see this movie at like 11 am on weekends, i don't think many people it's convenient for people, but this is the situation, you know, movie theaters write bad movies, and then they say that ukrainian movies are not watched well, although we see that, on the contrary, a lot of ukrainian films are collected much more than foreign, american films, well that's it's been a trend for a long time, now we see such good enough indicators, the films i victory and berlin, there soon this film will reach the top three, as i think... well, now let's listen to iryna tsylyk herself, i recorded a small interview with her i'm at the presentation. in general, i don't position this film as a film about the 90s, it's just that the action of this story takes place in those times, and since the story is autobiographical, we moved away
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from it, and i did not choose, it was not my goal to make a film about this period, but i understand , which of course this movie is to some extent tells about these times, what about the fact that a whole wave of our films was poured out, well , we just grew up and began to reflect, and i think it was a very important stage like, well , i don’t know, the transition from one world to another, these shaky post-soviet 90s , with identity crises, with poverty, with our confused parents and us, who were growing up, changing and looking for some... reference points, figures to lean on, and of course, today we are adults, in a different way, we see a lot and probably ready to reflect a little on this, in our country, by the way, almost everyone once, when it is not positioned as a film, as
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a film in the 90s, almost no one positions it like that, maybe except for sensov in his time, but surely the audience pays attention to it at the very beginning of the trailer, and the authors want as much as possible that no... not about we are shooting it, why yes, we have some kind of, well, not acceptance of this period, there is some until now, well, i guess we are already scared, how much can we listen, what my god, there are so many of these films about the 90s, in fact there are not many of them, i i would still watch, to be honest, a number of films from different angles highlighted what was happening to us, that's why books and films, may there be more, especially since we all have completely different authorial views. and that's why sentsov's film is a kind of one world, my film, or buryachkova's, or noyabrova's, or sotnichenko's, these are completely different films, that's why, and also a frequent question, is it possible to watch the film with children and teenagers, i think it is possible, like cinemas they say
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it's 12+, i'm going to play it safe and say it's 14 plus because the movie has a little bit of a strong one in there. matyuks and smoking scenes, all children are different, they they saw it all, it's not news for them, but of course i have to warn you, as a mother of other parents, that there is a little bit of this about izryk, for example, i love him, there is a poem by len, like him, as an actor , what was it like to work with him, and what is the point of taking such non-professional actors, but known in another field, what does it give to the film? i was actually very afraid to approve him, because despite the fact that he is the bearer of an insult and a jerk to me, as a jerk in the proposed circumstances , felix is ​​perfect for me, of course there was fear, because he is a poet, a punk, a difficult person, he is an introvert, he cannot
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be with people for a long time, and cinema is a process, it is difficult, but i must say that he had such a powerful internal motivation that it was the most disciple. it seems that we did not have any conflict or, well, you know, some sharp corners, and of course it was risky to combine professional and non-professional actors, but it seems to me that we somehow put this puzzle together, the family grew to a heap, and it supposedly works, but which one in general, was it determined by you target audience, i understand that it is not a no thing for an author's cinema, but still... so who, who could be the viewer of this film? well, by the way, this is an author's film, but to a large extent it is also an audience film. i really wanted to make a film for ukrainian viewers, and again, i am not objective, i am its author, but something tells me that we hit different, for example, age categories,
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because i first of all wanted to talk about my generation of 30-40, but at the same time, thanks to this film, some opportunities and dialogues are created. with the generation of our parents, but also children, that's why i honestly invite everyone to the cinemas, especially the older generation, because these are people who are not so bold in going to ukrainian cinema. until now, but i already have some experience of previous screenings, and i see that people say, oh, next time you have to take mom, grandmother, then please take the last one, because people are already coming, there are pre-premiere screenings, yes , what were perhaps the most frequent, most standard reactions to the film, what were perhaps the same questions asked by the same people, oh, i don’t know about the same questions, in general, i have a very diverse collection. some impressions, and sometimes something surprised me, for example, we received one special award at
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a fairly large festival of youth and children's cinema in europe, this is an italian festival, and it turned out that this prize was not awarded by a professional jury, but by 600 italian teenagers, that is, that for them it is understandable and close, i was actually surprised, also i just returned from a tour in the usa, where it was shown at various universities, and often americans told me that they saw so much there everything in common with their childhood, youth somewhere in provincial massachusetts or some other states, honestly i was also surprised, i didn't think, i thought that i was making this movie for ukrainians, but it seems that it managed to touch others a little. well, this is a movie, specifically about teenagers, let me remind you, iryna herself says that i watched the movie when i was 14 years old, and it will really be interesting to watch it from around this age. and now we will actually talk about teenagers and their perception
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of cinema and how to get them interested in this topic, because unfortunately in ukraine there is no they teach cinema in schools and a lot of very interesting, just amazing things, and we don't know in general, for example , that in the 20s we almost had hollywood here, and this is not an exaggeration, and we will talk about... now ask for the book that i showed you at the beginning of our broadcast, let's talk with the author, the book is called your book about cinema, the author is olga birzul, who is also a film curator, olya, hello , hello, hello, and tell our viewers briefly what film curator, well, there, by the way, in the book, i tell about it better, so that not only your viewers, but also teenagers have an idea. what is it, it is a very good and interesting profession, which allows you to express yourself about certain
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phenomena, events, about your thoughts, to reflect through cinema. in fact, this profession is very close to art curators, it’s just that art curators use paintings, installations, sculptures, and film curators use cinema, you know, i want to tell you that when i was a teenager... i was interested in both music and cinema, but there was we have very few sources of information, i remember how we had three there there were channels and i had to look for something, and i will say that if this book had come to me when i was 13-14 years old, i will say for sure that it would have seriously influenced my formation, because you describe, well, first of all, in an interesting form, but there is so much terminology of the history of cinema, our history, how a film is shot, how it is prepared, what is distribution? that is, this is just some incredible amount of information, firstly, thank you for this book, and secondly, tell me
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how you chose the approaches to be like this to interest the audience, teenagers, that is, how exactly this book was thought out, what hooks, perhaps, you set together with the publishers so that teenagers would read and really get excited about the filmmaking process. thank you for having already read it, because they are... quite fresh, thank you for the nice review, in fact, i didn't, i didn't develop anything with the publishers, because i already had this concept ready, i was lucky - to gather, work on this book to my friends, katya slonova, an illustrator, artist , and lara yakovenko, who is also, i call her the architect of our book, and since we all love cinema, it was easier for us to compile all my knowledge and jokes and mine and katina's and larina's into a single edition, you can say that
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we directed it, and there are several principles, first of all, i too , it hurts me too, like my mother, that there is no book about cinema for teenagers in ukraine, i honestly do not know how to talk about cinema with children, because it is a completely different genre, i think that cinema enters you productively, somewhere in the teenage years age, because you start with reality more. hang out to argue with her, to look for her flock, and the cinema comes to the rescue here, but it is some kind of crazy injustice that at such an important age as yours, there is no book that could accompany you in this process of learning. and i, of course, understanding that the history of ukrainian cinema does not have such a great legacy of teenage films, tried to find something in each period that could be interesting in the period of adulthood, this is the first principle, that is, all
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stages of establishing the development of the history of world cinema and ukrainian cinema, they are based on examples, with and on the examples of films about teenagers, about coming of age, about such a turbulent age, this is the first and second principle that i put as a basis, this is the principle of montage, because thanks to montage, film language appeared, and that is why i edited the book on different parts, and each part was named according to the basic principle of montage, and when we break it down by sizes, that is, there is a plan, which is about the history of cinema, where we look, in what environmental conditions cinema was formed, that is, how we look at cinema , where the character lives, what he is lives, what he breathes, then there is a medium shot, where we talk about the stages of film production, how a film is made, and a close-up is the profession of cinema, that is, we consider each profession separately, we have a section of details that is very important to me, which i rearranged
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finally, i was afraid to scare my audience with too complex. there already in detail we consider all this important terminology and we do it from an ethical point of view, not only from an aesthetic point of view, it was very important for me to talk about the nature of cinema and the ethics of cinema, because in fact my basic goal is to teach teenagers to watch, not just to watch a movie, but to see a movie, that is, to be able to notice in the movie not only entertainment, something interesting, bright, in fact, to see certain flaws of humanity there. certain stereotypes, certain superstitions, and through cinema to become a braver, more worthy, one might say, more aware personality. yes, and there is a section about cinema as propaganda, yes, you understand, you explain very well how exactly cinema was used for propaganda and how it can be used, yes, because it is an intersection
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of politics, also, and here, and well, a lot different sections, to me, i want a separate compliment. to say to katya slonova, who made these illustrations, they are incredible, very cool, i meet you here, you are interviewing in the last one, this seems to be the chapter, yes, if i am not mistaken, there are all our acquaintances, who is there, the film critic, my colleague darya badyor, and we see denis ivanov there, the distributor, and anton baibakov, who is a composer, one of the most famous, i interviewed them, and they are their images, their drawings, you can immediately recognize them, who they are, they are very well interpreted. an artist i really liked it, but tell me, please, i very carefully want to ask you about viktor, because the book is dedicated to him for our viewers , i will say that viktor onysko is one of the top editing directors in ukraine, olin man, unfortunately, he died, but this extremely,
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extremely bad, not only for relatives, but also for our industry, because viktor really, he was. of the best, and the cinema suffered our huge losses, in his memory, ola, i want to ask you what were the principles of his work in the cinema, how he treated the cinema, and how he treated editing so that our viewers would also understand all this magic, which is constantly talked about when we talk about film editing, how it can change cinema, but this is what i want to ask you, i must say. the fact that the book is dedicated to age is not only because he is the editing director, he is a person with whom i am also older, we were together for 17 years, we met at the age of 23, music, cinema, books introduced us, fell in love, and we somehow yes, in this broth boiled all their lives, and i must say that cinema has never
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been an escape from reality for us, cinema taught us to exist in this reality, to respect it, to fit into it and to fight for it, and vitya entered the maidan in the 14th year for the two of us, because i gave birth to a daughter just then, i was this couch potato who foreign journalists and documentarians, because i was already working for a while at that time, they tried to explain what was happening in an informative way, and vitsya was on the maidan, and all this had already happened in the distance, and it helped us a lot... somehow to survive all these difficult, difficult periods, and vitsya had an incredible sense of humor, i'm somewhere i also tried to preserve it in the book, because with teenagers... and you need to be able to find the intonation that will hold attention, because cinema is actually an extremely complex industry, it is not art, as we will think, it is an industry
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that exists at the intersection of creativity , technology, politics and commerce, and all this needs to be explained in order to understand what cinema is and why liznytsia, a silver filth, appears at the cannes film festival, accordingly, vitsina's approach to cinema was very responsible, he... in the 15th year he stopped working with ukrainian productions, because they cooperated with the russians, and vitya, moreover , i must say that when zaharia was born, i still had the illusion that it was necessary to learn the russian language and look for dialogue, i immediately switched to ukrainian, so our child, her they call the school a language policeman, because it requires knowledge of the ukrainian native language. from other people, and ah, vitya actually still really liked editing clips, and he was also involved in doku, because together with katya gernostay they
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made videos about programs, they were always a little different, it was actually a contrast of certain genres that we all loved very much, we were waiting for katya or vitsya to edit a trailer about the program, and i can’t say whether vitsya liked action or non-action cinema more, because it’s always a story about coexistence with a director. because the director of editing still gives the first word to the director, and then they look for a form, compose, because editing is such a certain syntax, yes, that helps to form the vision of the director, and - i think that actually vitya bid was able to do a lot would still to have time, but unfortunately it was not meant to be, nevertheless, the montage principle that i use in the book is also about the memory of him in a certain way, and in general, for me , this book is about memory, because i
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see now what is happening with the warehouse, we see, even we find it difficult to implement commemorative practices during a full-scale invasion, and i would like this book to somehow help my daughter find friends, other teenagers who also ... lose their loved ones, see what we, what our generation is trying to do everything is possible so that this war stops, and the racists are punished, so that they remember us as we were, we were filmmakers, musicians, engineers, architects, economists, and i would like to try to remember that in this book. to remember the feat of the battle of other defenders who are now... our country, olya, thank you, i will say that victor himself recommends watching the films i, the eagle and the dying girl, the kingdom of the full moon and
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inside out thoughts in this book cartoon from pixar, absolutely support it, and there is a lot, a lot in the book tips, i liked it very much that you first describe the cinema, and here are all the old ones there, and the hollywood and our films are black and white, which are not always easy to understand, so on... after your description, i want to watch them, because you already understand , as they should be viewed. thank you, olya, once again, i will remind you, olya birzol was on our air, a film curator and author of a book, so i will show her again, she is so yellow, visually very attractive, you will immediately find her in bookstores, your book is about cinema , it is called with illustrations katya slonova is wonderful, so if you want to interest your children, teenagers. from the age of 14, as marked here, cinematographers, and you yourself want to improve your knowledge, understand how to watch a movie correctly, to understand it, why movies have such
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a colossal influence, this book is just for you. well, that's all for me friends, i wish you a nice and relaxing weekend and see you in a week. the new camolette metroplus mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metrolyuks is one of the largest orthopedic manufacturers mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together with the mattress , you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen and... consultants will help you choose the size for your bed. this springless orthopedic mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body. and that's not all. one side of the cover is scratched.
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5 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention the news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval and the most important events at this time. ukraine will receive another patriot system from germany. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi during a telephone call. conversations with chancellor olaf scholz. the ukrainian head of state called on other countries to follow germany's example. the need for air defense systems increased after russia's massive attack on energy infrastructure. the driver of the emergency medical aid brigade was injured as a result of the shelling of petropalivka in kharkiv oblast. oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, announced this.
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the russians dropped ammunition on the village. a year-old driver was driving...


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