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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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it is also worth having a generator that works on gas, not just gasoline, because the probability that there will be gas in the pipe is higher than the fact that we will have gasoline and diesel there, because these are also imported goods, and gas we still have a little of our own, so do what you can do in your own place with your own consumption, it will be the best, thank you very much, thank you very much, uh, svyatoslav pavlyuk, executive director of the association of energy-efficient cities of ukraine, was in touch with us, and now news from iryna koval and of the entire espresso tv community, everyone was working, everyone was preparing, now listen to mrs. iryna, and then i'll be back in 15 minutes. thank you, mr. mykola, i will tell you about the most important thing in a moment, wait.
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18:00 in ukraine, news time on espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. ukraine will receive another patriot system from germany. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyy after a telephone conversation with chancellor olaf scholtz. this is already the third patriot system in addition to irest, which ukraine received from germany. president . urged other countries to follow germany's example. the need for air defense systems increased after russia's massive attack on energy infrastructure. ukrainian border guards captured three invaders. this happened during an enemy assault on our positions in donetsk region, the state border service said. all the invaders were servicemen of the 10th tank regiment. among them - the shooter and two. officers of the unit, they are all contract workers,
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they said that they don't like our military operations they pay 2,000 rubles each, they said they would, they thought they would be bodyguards purely, which is why they are in the rkbz, but they were gathered in a pile and for an assault on us, and well, accordingly, before that, the boys... broke them. the command of the ground forces denied the information about the conflict between the employees of tsk and the representative of the public organization. it is about the alleged beating of a woman in khmelnytskyi region. but according to the military, the violator performed her physiological needs in front of veterans of the russian-ukrainian war. the police opened an investigation into hooliganism criminal proceedings. the ground forces are also preparing an appeal to the security service of ukraine and demanding. they saved a furry dog ​​in
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the dnipropetrovsk region, employees of the state emergency service freed the dog from the trap. the four-legged one was deeply stuck in the mud near the reservoir and could not get out on its own. rescuers were called to help the animal. they quickly got the dog out of the pond. people will be able to be safe at the same time during the shelling in lubotyn in kharkiv oblast, construction has been completed bomb shelters of the highest class, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, announced this. in addition to the main room, the shelter has an additional 10 rooms, as well as a storage room equipped with a generator, supplies of water, food and fuel for a month of continuous stay. finland introduces new restrictions on the border with russia. water
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border crossings will be closed on april 15, the press service of the government of finland reported. these are the haapari and santio sea crossing points. traffic in the saimen canal for civilian vessels will also be suspended. restrictions introduced to protect these routes from illegal migrants trying to get to the eu from russia. after orenburg and orsk in russia. another city is flooded - kurgan, which stands on the tobol river, there is a lot of water fifty kilometers away, the floodwaters cover 15 to 20 km per day, in some places the water level rose by 12 m, so whole houses were completely submerged. in australia , a man with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center, six people died, eight more were hospitalized in serious condition. among them
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is a small child, it is reported news agency reuters. the incident happened in one of the largest shopping centers in sydney. to stop the massacre, the law enforcement officers had to... shoot the attacker. an investigation is currently underway. it is known in advance that the attacker acted independently. this means that there is no permanent threat. at this time, we do not know who the attacker was and what his motives were, but the investigation is ongoing. we do not rule out the possibility that it was a terrorist attack. the defenders of the 24th brigade and... of the name of king danylo have been defending our country from the russian enemy since 2014. were one of the first to liberate the southern territories of ukraine during the counteroffensive in 2022. also, the military held the defense of the city of bakhmut and is still carrying out combat missions in one of the eastern directions. now the brigade is inviting
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motivated ukrainian men and women to join its service. how to join this team? see further. the 24th separate mechanized brigade is one of the most experienced units of the armed forces of ukraine, it is now easier to join a professional military team, because the brigade has opened its recruiting center in lviv and invites ready to liberate the state from the russian occupiers. our brigade, it is one of the oldest brigades, it is institutionally already formed, it has experienced fighters and instructors who can convey the great rich. military experience. our brigade has been participating in hostilities against the russian federation since 2014. you can join the service voluntarily in the recruiting center or on job search platforms, where everyone can choose a position according to their experience. you can get all the current ones in the recruiting center
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information about vacancies and chat with fighters. now , electronics specialists, as well as doctors, financiers, accountants, and drivers are urgently needed. vacancies will be found for people of various professions and skills. uav operator, assistant uav operator, master technician, electronic intelligence operator, electronic warfare operator, and these vacancies require some knowledge, experience in it, for example, and there these candidates at best, better, have a better chance of being good, successful military personnel, but the same. this is often in the past gamer. urban the head of lviv, andriy sadovy, who came to the opening of the center, emphasized that every ukrainian should now be ready to stand up for the defense of our country. we must all understand that russia was, is and will be our
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enemy, and all men who have reached a certain age must have the skills of military service and must be ready to devote... part of their lives to our army, we have no other alternative. 39-year-old evgeny is a graphic designer by profession, he designed the recruiting center of the royal brigade in lviv. first a full-scale invasion the man volunteers and helps fellow soldiers, and now he himself plans to join this military team. perhaps my profession, specifically, what i do, will be useful. maybe not design, maybe construction, maybe some engineering? will be, because i believe that it is necessary to make some kind of border, which should be used to separate the enemy, to make some fortification lines and so on. this is already the fifth office in lviv, where you can come to get information about military vacancies in
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brigades and stand up for the defense of ukraine. in the city the first recruiting center of the ukrainian army in ukraine, as well as the recruiting centers of the national special purpose brigade, are operating. party of ukraine azov, the third separate assault brigade, the lviv 103rd territorial defense brigade and the vovka davinci battalion. natalya starepravo, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and teach. our goal is quite ambitious - uah 720,000. and let's not delay, the war continues, so the help of each of you is very important. you can see all the details on the screen.
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such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. follow us on social networks. and watch our unique content on youtube. we will see you. already at 7 p.m., literally in a moment, my colleague mykola veresen continues the conversation. and good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, until the 19th hours, that is, we still have about 50 minutes to figure out what is happening in ukraine and in the world. now we are waiting for diplomat, expert, internationalist yaroslav voytko, who will tell us about what is happening in western countries, in the united states, in europe, and whether. will they finally give some help to ukraine, well, it’s wrong, i said, finally it’s not appropriate,
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because they give, but i want more, as we already said in today’s program, and now all ukrainians are waiting for it more, so am i i will ask if mr. yaroslav is there or not, if there is, then let's say that there is not yet, what we will talk about, we will definitely talk about the parliament of the united states, where somehow it stopped under... not put to a vote at least on the agenda of the house of representatives, which is now actually responsible for this assistance, there is nothing on the agenda for this week, there is nothing that we are waiting for, so it is obvious that we need to ask the experts how much we can count on may ukraine be at the end in the end, she still received some kind of help. how likely it is,
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it is impossible to say at the moment, there are also such rather pleasant moments, it is about europe, now you see the ukrainian and american flags, and some european, maybe we will see, and then we will talk about it, because there are very persistent rumors about that , that the europeans, seeing this, that the help from the united states is not helping or delayed, is starting to... see, you heard me, it's always nice, maybe the europeans will help, i hear rumors from estonia, they are very proactive, about millions of shells, about the czech option, we also know that in the czech republic the president somehow started, now everyone collects money, everyone accumulates money in some way, so that, after all, it is not all free for someone, for ukraine it is it can be free, we also know that if we mention again... it can be free, we also know that if we think about returning to
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the united states again, then there it will not be grants for ukraine, but it will be loans, that is , you will have to answer for this money someday, although interest-free, as far as i can imagine, that's all mr. yaroslav voydko and i will talk about, diplomat, international expert, good health, mr. yaroslav, thank you for finding time for us. my congratulations, mr. mykola, and congratulations to our viewers. thank you. well, how do you feel? you and i can't say anything, and even i do n't think anyone in the united states congress can say anything. we all rely on our senses. your feeling suggests that they will still give these 61 billion. will they not? the feeling is that they have to give, especially since yesterday there was a meeting with the presidential candidate, although he
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has not yet... to the fact that, in principle, ukraine should be given that money, but you see what mr. trump says, he says that such funds should be given only as a loan, we know that... his assistant from, who worked with him in the first term, ms. fiona hill, says that he did not consider ukraine as such, an independent state at all, i think that this was precisely one of the consequences of his meeting with putin in helsinki in 2018, and in addition , there was another moment when, in fact, because of that. that he asked president zelensky to open a lawsuit against president biden,
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he now has a very bad, i would say, relationship with our president, and because of that he got his first impeachment, we know he got his second after he wanted to arrange 6 january 21st, what a coup yes, but i would just ask you, mr. yaroslav, well... the loan is, well, there is a very preferential loan, very, very pi, but on the other hand, trump, he is a businessman, it is hard for me to imagine that he can give money to somebody just like that, he... you want that money back someday, obviously it won't come back, just like the american lendley from wwii, i read somewhere when i was preparing that the payback ended in 72 year, and this retribution was many times less than the americans paid for these, for these goods the military that entered the soviet union
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during the second world war, so i don't see any strange things here, this is... the nature of trump, he is like that, he is a businessman, he does not understand how to give gifts. yes, he said about this that we give a lot, but we should not give more, especially since he has a very specific attitude towards ukraine. moreover, there is such a danger that since we have been giving, in principle, a lot of grant aid until now , it was going to the account. american budget, in fact all of it went, the lendlease law was adopted in 2022, but its term of validity expired in october 23rd, and now there is no question of, let's say, if it was possible to talk about lendlease again and provide as part of this the law helps us, now he
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says that there will be a loan, it can be without a fixed term. the loan, or rather, it is fixed-term, then it will be, an interest-free loan, and the great danger is that now this grant and budget assistance at the expense of the united states, it will stop, all the next presidents, the republicans, for sure, and maybe the democrats, will now transfer it to a credit basis, this is a bad thing for us, although president zelensky said that if there is no other way out... he said this 5 days ago , then you will have to take a loan, in addition, there is a possibility and the united states puts forward such an idea to give these funds at the expense of those frozen funds, which are now russian assets, which are present in europe first of all, but
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some european countries oppose this . .. that there is no real mechanism yet in order to dispose of these things in such a way that it would be so that a mosquito would not sneeze, that it would be on a completely legal basis. no, well, many questions, i agree, even, even the latest credit scores, if trump's installations, they are also dangerous, because then it imposes a burden on the ukrainian banking and financial system, and there may be a default or not? we will be able to give this money, because if we now owe 100 billion there, then we will owe 160 billion there, accordingly, this would make it difficult for investors to understand how much money ukraine has and how much it needs, it's all really complicated, about europe, mr. yaroslav, europe says, well, yes, i hear
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such rumors, maybe at the level of gossip to some extent, that if the americans... do not give these shells , then we will give, they say, the europeans, and the estonians, and the czechs, and many say, and experts say that there are already millions of questions, how do you think the europeans can replace the united states in the sense of military support for ukraine? they will not be able to replace the united states, because 60 billion is that after all, not the few, even tens of billions that europe can provide, it is not ready for this yet. although, if, as a replacement for certain things, it can exist, this european aid, and trump is saying that europe, because this is happening, this war on the european continent, should take a bigger role, there are different ideas about this , there is an idea about allocating 120 billion
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for 5 years for ukraine for military needs, there is. the needs of ukraine, which we currently have, must be closed, let's say, today information was received that thanks to the german side, it provided another unit of patriots, which in general ukraine needs, as assessed by the ukrainian side, about seven pieces, at least, in europe there are 100 such units, which will allow to cover the wrong ones... just, let's say , kyiv, and kharkiv, although it is difficult, because it is 30 km from the russian border, and our other facilities, let's say, of the same energy infrastructure, which... have recently been waiting for, let's say, the same, such a frenzied attack, which survived, say, tripoli gs, which received five rocket hits, then, of course,
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no object can withstand, it is said that the baltic countries, in the baltic countries, or rather, they put forward such an idea to allocate 0.25 gdp. for help to ukraine, military aid in particular, because when the process of restoration is going on, someday, when we will win, i have no doubt about it, but now , of course, we need to stand on the battlefield in the 24th year, and that is why they also counted the experts , that if all countries, let's say the same european union , give 0.25% of their gdp, then it will be even 120 billion dollars for one year can be collected in this way, and not the 120 that are proposed to be stretched over 5 years,
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therefore europe can play its role, ukraine must also, of course, increase its armaments, but it is also necessary to ensure that those enterprises that will work our military, so that they too would not be hit. on the russian side, as it was in our last months and weeks, i have a purely theoretical question for you, because this is a question about the past, we cannot change it, when ukrainian experts, ukrainian diplomats, ukrainian military, ukrainian sociologists, political scientists, and politicians say that we would like this and that would be good, and if they would throw money at us, it would be better for us. for some reason, no one remembers that if in 2000 some first year they started shouting: let's join nato, then
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this war would not have happened today, or if it had, it would have been a different war, that is, i have such a suspicion that the ukrainian society is not all, but some part of it, if it still cannot understand that i always give this example, in march of the 22nd year of the survey. showed that ukrainians mostly said: give us money, give us weapons, we will not join nato, here are the consequences, somehow estonians help ukrainians, such estonians, fewer people live there than kyiv, but they help, and they sit nicely, because they are members of nato , no one is going to attack them, and if they do, they will be overwhelmed, what do you say, well, theoretically, yes, you can already wave... fists after this fight, but do you remember the year 2008, when at the nato summit in bucharest, there was it is said that ukraine will someday be a member of nato,
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but then we were denied pedc, the plan to achieve nato membership, and until now the united states and germany are the two main countries that object at this stage to ukraine becoming a nato member, because... there are fears that in this way this defensive block will be drawn in, it is a defensive block, not a non-aggressive, not an offensive block, but due to the fact that ukraine will join, there is such an idea that, say, unoccupied parts, joining the nato block, can draw the whole block and be in this bloody war, let's even theoretically let's imagine that... some non -occupied part of ukraine joined nato, but here it continues its attacks, the russian federation
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continues to hit, let's say, the same military, energy and other objects, as the fifth article of the washington treaty provides, those nato members , who are supposed to protect ukraine, they should join this defense and thus this block. will be involved, that is why it has been talked about recently, and nato secretary general jen soltenberg said, yes, ukraine will be a member of nato, but after the hostilities end, and moreover, he said that there will be no other opportunities for such hostilities to continue, well, if this does not happen, again, this is such a theoretical question, but i would only add that we were not... we were not invited, and we didn't want to, and now when they say that we are under the impression that we have been knocking on this door all our lives, no one opened it for us, no ukrainians knocked
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on the door. nato and sociologists say that they didn't knock, and the deputies say that they didn't, they didn't knock, and the ministers, and really only in 2008 , they started somehow hinting that the poles from in 1991, they didn't hint, but the estonians seriously knocked and so on, well, it's not about that, i agree with you, because it was really possible, well, in 2019, under the previous government. during the last convocation of the parliament and under the previous president poroshenko , this was accepted as our constitutional task , and at least from that side, if we did not stop our defense programs, did not stop the production of weapons, and did not invest in some asphalt, along which then the russian tanks would go, then it is possible that at least in these
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five years they would have prepared us. to that war, or at least the three pre-war years, but so we have what we have, the european parliament will be elected in the summer of this year, what are your thoughts on this? a lot of people are very worried that the right-wing pro-russian or pro-russian interests will be quite widely represented, but when you start to understand by country, yes, they can get stronger, but as i say, don't blame. i have a hard time imagining a european parliament in which more than half of the pro-russian deputies will sit, in fact i can't imagine it, what do you say? well, there are two months right before the elections to the european parliament, so it is really necessary to carry out work to remove this russian element in those countries that will participate in them, let's say it is
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the prime minister. says that he had very strange information, the intelligence services of his country gave him about how many pro-russian deputies could already get into the last parliament and could get into the next parliament, so i would say that if ee countries. europe, and they realize what a threat it is from the russian federation, if they want to indeed, it was not some kind of pro-russian parliament, during these two months they should carry out their purge of these candidates and at least those who are already accused of cooperation with the russian federation, so that they cannot become the deputies that will happen,
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of course we... we ask, are there, of course , let's say, from the german side, any attempts at the same alternative for germany, a very similar, well , pro-fascist, actually pro-russian party, so that as few of their representatives as possible would run in the elections to the european parliament, but again, these are special services. and statesmen in these countries who want europe to remain europe, and not again some kind of pro-russian banklaw, thank you very much, thank you very much, yaroslav voydko, a diplomat, an expert internationalist, was in touch with us, thank you, then we don't, no, not until we leave europe, we will have tetyana vysotska, journalist, internationalist from strasbourg,
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