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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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science ukraine, send congratulations to the director of the academy kulibanova, who inspires me with great respect for her mind, for her for all the qualities she has, and i say goodbye to you, good luck, we will definitely see each other tomorrow, and i wish you all success and victories . it's 7 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. two people died, another was seriously injured in the ocheretyn community in donetsk region. russians
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dropped their guided aerial bomb on a five-story residential building. under people can be in the rubble. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the search operation is currently not possible due to the security situation. the driver of the emergency medical aid brigade was injured as a result of the shelling of petropavlivka in kharkiv region. oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, announced this. the russians dropped ammunition on the village. at this time , the 58-year-old driver. went on a call. the victim was hospitalized. meanwhile , ukraine will receive another patriot system from germany. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi after a telephone conversation with chancellor olaf scholz. this is already the third patriot system, in addition to airisty, that ukraine received from germany, which has a total of 12 installations. the head of state called on other countries to follow germany's example. the need for anti-aircraft systems. defense
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increased after russia's massive attack on the energy infrastructure. ukrainian border guards captured three invaders. this happened during an enemy assault on our positions in donetsk region, the state border service said. all the invaders were servicemen of the 10th tank regiment, among them - a shooter and two privates of the unit. all of them. contract workers, they said that they would be paid 200,000 rubles for fighting in our country, er, they said that they would, they thought that they would be purely rearguards, which is why they are in the rkbz, but they were gathered in a heap and for an assault to us, and well, accordingly, before that , the boys broke it. bohdanivka is under the control of the armed... forces of ukraine. the
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ministry of defense denied the information spread by some telegram channels that the russians captured a village near chasovoy yar. intense fighting continues there. enemy for any price seeks to break through our defenses in the area of ​​the temporary yar. for this purpose, last night the enemy's assault groups came out on the northern outskirts of bohdanivka and are currently trying to gain a foothold there. at this time, bohdanivka is controlled by the defense forces. the enemy's offensive actions are not successful. the command of the ground forces denied the information about the conflict between the employees of the tsk and the representative of the public organization. it is about the alleged beating of a woman in khmelnytskyi region. according to the military, the violator performed her physiological needs in front of her veterans of the russian-ukrainian war. the police opened a criminal investigation into the hooliganism. the ground forces are also preparing an appeal to the security service of ukraine and demanding an investigation into the woman's behavior. they design and build. volodymyr
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zelenskyy congratulated the workers of the defense-industrial complex on their professional holiday and presented them with state awards. this was reported in the president's office. it was on this day two years ago that our defenders destroyed the russian cruiser moskva with ukrainian-made neptune missiles. and now in there are more than 500 enterprises working in ukraine that produce military equipment for the defense of our state. almost 300 thousand people are involved in this very important, priority production of ours, and all this is really one of the main foundations of ukraine's independence. the events of the war prove it, prove it every day, with the help of naval drones created by our people, ukrainians, ukrainian soldiers.
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are cleaning the black sea from russian terrorist influence, thanks to ukrainian developments, the putin system, it feels that aggression really has its price. ukrainian thighs, ukrainian armor, ukrainian fpv, drones, are no longer anything, anything so unusual. 400 people will be able to stay safe during shelling at the same time. the construction of a bomb shelter of the highest class has been completed in lubotyn, kharkiv region, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, announced this. in addition to the main room, the shelter has an additional 10 rooms, as well as a storage room. generator with supplies of water, food and fuel for a month of continuous stay. construction of the fifth and sixth power units has begun at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. also in plans to complete two others in parallel.
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energoatom announced this. according to energy minister herman holoshchenko, the construction of the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant is a major geopolitical project of the united states and ukraine. these new technologies will be able to... dislodge the russians from the european nuclear energy market, and ukraine will return the lost capacities after the occupation of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. these blocks, atomic blocks, make it possible to balance. this is a special feature of the american technology of 2000. today, the enemy strikes and destroys balancing powers in the state conditionally now had ip blocks, we could maneuver in maneuver in the system. in australia, a man with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center, six people died, eight more were hospitalized in serious condition, among them a small child.
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this was reported by the reuters news agency. the incident happened in one of the largest shopping centers in sydney. to stop the massacre, the law enforcement officers had to shoot the attacker. an investigation is currently underway. it is known in advance that the attacker acted independently. this means that there is a constant threat there is no at the moment, we do not know who the attacker was and what his motives were? however, the investigation is ongoing. we do not rule out the possibility that it was a terrorist attack. in turkey, a rescue operation is underway for... all night they tried to lower 166 tourists who were stuck in 24 cabins, four coast
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guard helicopters were involved in the operation, some were brought to the ground by ropes, some were rescued from the air. following the oren'. burg and orsk in russia , another city is going under water - kurgan, which stands on the tobol river, there is a lot of water for fifty kilometers, in a day the flood overcomes 15-20 km, in some places the level the water level rose by 12 m, so whole houses were completely submerged. finland introduces new restrictions on the border with russia. water border crossings will be closed from april 15. it was reported in the press service of the government of finland. these are the haapsaari and santio sea crossing points. traffic is also suspended in the saimen canal for trawling vessels. the restrictions are being introduced to protect these routes from illegal migrants trying
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to get to the eu from russia. and i want to remind you about our collection. communications and security equipment is needed by the intelligence unit of the third sex special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. also subscribe to us at social networks and watch our unique content on youtube and watch the week's news already at 9 p.m., well literally in a moment the saturday flight club.
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on the air of the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel, andriy smoliy and vitaly portnikov welcome you and traditionally on... saturday we talk about the most important events of this week, and today, as always , there will be several guests, we will have a conversation with vitaly portnikov, and now in our first guest is already in touch, i hope, serhiy brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, colleagues, glory to the heroes, so, just that we heard the information, there was a conversation between the federal chancellor. olaf scholz and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , was informed by the minister of defense
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of the federal republic of germany, mr. pistorius, that germany would immediately send patriots to ukraine, but how quickly can such a decision change the situation? well , first of all, i would like to say that, of course, one battery will not be enough, i say frankly , in order to at least cover those main directions, which today, where there is the greatest threat, the greatest risk, we say, for example, and about the south of our country, first of all it is odesa, of course, mykolaiv region, helson, the situation there is a little different, because it is purely a front-line zone, and there it should be more about, for example, anti-aircraft missile systems of small or medium small or medium radius, actually this is what applies to kharkiv as well, but there are certain other possibilities, we will definitely not talk about them on the air, it is better than nothing. of course, because we see that the south suffers precisely from ballistics. the patriots for today are that
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a weapon that can knock down this ballistics, prevent it from attacking as menacingly and as murderously as it is happening today. well , look, we had two days in a row in the south, first odesa, it was due to losses on april 10, then mykolaiv, it was the next day, the enemy used a double-strike tactic, that is, he is so openly and brazenly now hitting himself... ballistics that the countermeasure should be, of course, force, in this case it's the patriots, if we're talking about a battery, it's usually four to eight launchers, of course it should be a certain time for them to arrive in ukraine, especially during the war, we understand what hunt the enemy has started even before this information appears in the public space, well, of course, in any case, it will strengthen our capabilities, not as... i would like, of course there, well , it won't be 100%, but nevertheless, this is also from the other side,
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if we take the political aspect, this is a great example of what we all always say, not in words , in fact, i really hope for some kind of reincarnation, although it does not have enough to i believed this, but a little bit, if you joke, i hope that our duke rysheliev odesa, for example, his spirit settled in president macron, and from there there will be certain, let’s say, advances in this regard, i don’t know how many patriots there are in france, but that that they would be better used today in the south of ukraine, in particular in the odesa region, here 100%, there are other systems, well, the italian analogue of the patriots, this is something that can also boost us in terms of air defense, i hope it will happen extremely quickly, although, if we take the experience of the war, then these supplies are still enough pass quickly if there is a desire, again, if this is not just a political statement, we can see, these are real cases, i hope, then it will be
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quite fast, but it must be a complete secret, there are also certain concerns about this, of course, because it is a weapon , which will give russia a hard time, mr. sergey, such a question about the front, i also wanted to talk to you, during this week we see the same deep states on the maps, we hear from various... representatives from the military, that the rashists, on alas, they continue their offensive to the east on the front, in donbas, the issue of the time gap is very often raised now, for example, today we also saw that there is progress, in principle , to the time gap, our defenders are holding back the enemy in various areas of the front. in your opinion, how the situation will develop further, or expect an offensive in the coming weeks, months. at least there in donetsk, luhansk oblasts, maybe kharkiv oblasts, i think that this question is one of
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the main ones that our citizens are interested in today in the context of how the situation will develop further, well, in any case, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow , the enemy will stop, the only thing that is in the information field, you know, for example, the zaporizhia direction, is what is closer and what is more convenient, it is possible to comment , rabotinsky bridgehead, for some reason some time ago they gave out that this was news, the enemy had gone on the offensive, the situation there is no less complicated than in other directions, just different, different directions. let's say in the information field they sound more often, but now also in work, well , there the intensity of battles has increased, inte intense battles, they actually began after and began when the enemy was knocked out of those positions at the beginning of autumn last year, there was a certain operational pause, and then slowly these rolls, now the enemy has become more active in all directions, so
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of course there will be a continuation, of course the enemy is trying to raise those reserves, he has them, but here, again, be very careful, the situation is dynamic, extremely difficult, the same reserves that the enemy is trying to bring into battle, they are not immortal, they die, they die on an industrial scale, if you can say so, and on the temporal abyss, although the situation there is extremely difficult indeed, and if you fall over there from the temporal abyss, again there is a willowy, newly minted job, the situation is also... hot, very hot, bahamian direction, we see there along bohdanovka there is an advance of the enemy, on the other hand, today there are certain counteroffensive actions, including in the avdiiv direction, and there are already recaptured positions from our side, we already counterattacked there and recaptured these positions, but the enemy will not stop, this is for , so that society
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it understood, because you know, now i will say perhaps a somewhat cynical piece... such, but i think i can afford it, for some in our country, unfortunately, some time ago, the situation at the front before these active offensive actions of the russian occupiers on in all directions, in particular on avdiivskyi, it began to turn into an anti-terrorist operation, somewhere there is thunder, somewhere there is a war, in our country, sorry for the word, i do not use it, but i use it clearly, we can talk about the situation at the front and... end it, no, the war full-scale, i want to remind you, that is why the enemy will now attack, we will try to act as much as possible, again, i did not for nothing mention the reserves, that they are not immortal and the quality of these reserves, we will continue to contemplate the situation, weapons are needed, bk are needed, this is what , well, actually people, including, i hope, these people in our country will still
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pull themselves together and appear, but please tell me, mr. sergiu, the following are now appearing in the western media... at least analyzes of the consequences and the possibility of ukraine's defeat, and many experts are beginning to say that the question is not a military defeat, but the question is that the breakthrough of the russians in some parts of the front, in some certain territories important for ukraine, may cause disappointment in society, unwillingness, as one of the bbc interlocutors emphasized today, to defend what cannot be defended, whether this kind of reassurance is not connected with such a... backlash if something so serious happens at the front. i understand perfectly what you are talking about, and the enemy is also counting on this, that there will be not only such, you know, moral fatigue of society, well, everyone, how they say, they are not born for war, that is true, but on the one hand, on the other hand, we understand that the russians will continue to promote this topic,
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that ukraine is not capable of winning on the battlefield, look, you are losing certain positions there, retreating somewhere , you don't have moving forward, it is clear, on the other hand, well , let's be frank, we have two options for action, either to die or to win, i personally, like my brothers, do not want to die, well, anything can happen, life is confusing, as they say, for example, in us, nevertheless, we must to win, and these are not just words, today we see successive offensives on odessa, on mykolaiv, on kherson, but i will tell you about the moral, morally, let's say so, emotional, emotional state of the enemy, including on the left bank, well, anyway well, we are talking more about the south, well, it will be more correct from my side, but i will tell you, today the enemy tried there, as they say, to storm our positions on the left bank, it did not work, it does not work, why, because it became more difficult to recruit even those pitiful units, or rather
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small units, which go to ours positions, to recruit, because there are those who refuse to take positions. and this is the 328th airborne assault regiment, i will say for sure that these are paratroopers, and the regiment, i’m not mistaken either, the same 104th airborne division, that is, the elite of the russian army, i’m not saying that they don’t know how to fight at all, they study, they know how to fight, they have units that are capable of combat, that know how to fight, but this is a landing force, these are those that on the left bank already reported in february about the destruction of our units, that is, we see that this morale... is getting tired of the war indeed, many people, including that side , and by the way, they also do not see any special victories, in particular on the left bank for today, and therefore we need to use this... too, but i say once again, today we need a technical, the technological component is more, and confidence will appear, including when you know that you have full bc, when you
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know that you have weapons, that you have someone to move forward with, well, i can actually convey my emotions to you , when my unit is full of bk, well, we dance, conditionally of course i say, everyone is happy, there is something to fight for, there is what to fight back and fight, that's why here... as they say, fire has two ends. this week, the council approved the bill on mobilization, which will most likely be signed by the president of ukraine in the near future. mr. serhiy, will this law, which will become a law in the future, actually solve the problems, in fact, that you are talking about, that experts are talking about, that there are not enough defense forces in our units. people in the personnel, yes, will it possibly stop the advance of the russians troops, the fact that we will get more people in
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the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and in general, how do you assess this current bill in the version that it will soon, most likely, be signed by the president, or stop, i would like to start with that . the answer is because there will be more people, at least those people who will appear, and they will additionally appear after the adoption of this law, i really hope for it, maybe not as many as they plan at the very top, it's hard for me to talk about it, what are the general numbers, and i didn't want to i would like to voice my guesses on this matter, well, because it is not incorrect either, the most important thing that we promise is good preparation, this is the truth. just like that , no one will send anyone into battle, because a fighter must go into battle and understand that he will not die in the first battle, he will complete the task,
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and we will move on, we are all interested in this, so that there are people around , who will put their shoulder, well, this is the absolute truth, and any commander will tell you about this, that it is not easy, no, there may be such, just give us people, we will run forward, at the beginning the full scale of such was seen, and then people... very often died without really completing the task, but it was, unfortunately, unfortunately. and as for the law itself, well, it has already been approved, it should already be implemented, i hope in a certain time, and i think that some measures should be taken more strictly against evaders, i hope that maybe something will be adjusted over time, but after all, let's talk about the most important thing, we really need people, and if this... the law will help replenish these ranks of ours, it will be very, very wonderful, we will prepare people, we are currently recruiting in all
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departments, and i will say this, where they are engaged in this responsibly, before the adoption of the law, then people come there, people appear there, because they also see motivation, see preparation, and see the end result is that they really do go into battle, prepared and most importantly unafraid. i hope, well, after all, this law will really be positive. in principle, what do you think, mr. sergey, how much can we hope that we will be able to cope with these weapons that are currently at our disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, taking into account the fact that we are unlikely to quickly receive any additional opportunities from the allies, and the ukrainian military-industrial complex is being deployed quite slowly, and secondly, it can be destroyed by russian aggressors. in those attacks that they are carrying out now on ukrainian soil, which are absolutely not accidental, as far as in principle, even if
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they can imagine an additional number of people in the armed forces of ukraine, it can be assumed that these people will have a sufficient number of weapons so that turn into cannon fodder in the further struggle with the russian aggressor, i know, probably very much so... even to use such a word, i am an unsurpassed optimist, i hope that the supply of weapons will take place, at the beginning of the war there was a trophy, by the way, there was quite a lot, it made the work easier , because they didn't have theirs, and the allies were also slowing down quite a bit then, i hope that now they won't stop these arms deliveries, they will speed up after all, and the führer almost said that he woke up in scholka, yes, he woke up. the leader, maybe at least on this one stage, i hope there will be weapons from there, including and not only from the german leader, today we are talking about ours. a good friend
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of the general, the president of the czech republic, petr pavl, who, remember, he promised there 800 thousand shells, he already says, but there are a little more than a million, and this is what is announced publicly, i hope that these numbers are not final, i really wanted those weapons, we also need to use technologies, you know that, as we always say about projectiles, there are not many of them, they are consumables, we need them as much as possible, then... we will fight back and still go further, i hope that after this active defense, after the destruction of russian resources, we will still have the opportunity to liberate our temporarily occupied territories, well, nothing will make me refuse the left bank, i have to go further, my house is further, it is behind the tile, so how can you stop me, you can't stop me, like my brothers. thank you, mr. sergey. serhiy
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brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer organization. army south was on our air, we are now let's break for just a few minutes, and you stay with us, please, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, i was helped by feminost uro, thanks to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps to regain control by urination both day and night. minost oro - urination under control, ask at pharmacies, buy with a 10% discount in the pharmacy network, we wish you health and the pharmacy of your family. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm choking that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital plus is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. herovital+ good health, active life. new gerovital
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exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, the political club on the espresso tv channel is on the air, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... topics that resonate in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes changing the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future for
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the world. a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. together. stronger we return to the live broadcast of saturday's political club, and we will continue with the next guest. we have andriy zakrevskyi, the chairman of the board of the association of oil and gas of ukraine, an energy expert. sir andrei, good evening. good evening. today we will talk with you, well, we will talk about the topic that hurts many ukrainians and energy workers. and i think
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basically everything hurts.


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