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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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yes, and iran can now get out from under the backs of hamas, hezbollah and the houthis, which it also used as cover in this confrontation, and the confrontation will begin with the real enemy, and not with the enemy that was used by the shadow. thanks to andrii. andriy smolii. vitaly portnikov, 21:00, we must conclude by thanking all the viewers who watched the espresso tv channel, watched the saturday political club, and we will meet you in this program already next, next saturday. and we will discuss all the main topics already next week. goodbye. all the best, let's hope not without the next war, let's talk. i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. for your attention
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, the final news release and i will start with the situation at the front: the russian occupiers have intensified their assaults on the eastern direction of the front in recent days. this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the russians are conducting assaults with the support of armored vehicles on the lymansky and bakhmutskyi directions. on pokrovsky , they are trying to break through the ukrainian defense with the help of dozens of tanks and armored vehicles of the infantry. on the night of april 13, enemy groups. made their way to the northern outskirts of bohdanivka, near the temporary ravine in donetsk region. the ministry of defense said that the village is now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. intense fighting continues for him. the verkhovna rada adopted the long-awaited and long-suffering law on mobilization. on the day of voting on thursday, more than 300 deputies appeared at the meeting. the minister of defense rustem umyerov and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr were present. sirskyi and
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brigade commanders. this document defines new rules of the mobilization process, regulates rights military servicemen and conscripts, outlines the rules of deferment and determines the punishment for evasion of mobilization. we explain in the story how the conscription will now take place. two versions of the draft law: more than three months of work, more than 400 amendments and, in the end, 283 votes in favor. the verkhovna rada finally adopted a new law on mobilization. its strengthening is a necessary condition for ukraine's survival as a state, ukrainian servicemen say. western press writes about it. the ukrainian government is an unpopular topic avoided supreme commander-in-chief president volodymyr zelenskyi emphasized in public speeches and continues to emphasize that the strengthening of conscription is an initiative of the military command, for the implementation of which...
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deputies are responsible for the law, or one of the laws on changes to mobilization, that was voted this morning, at the request of our troops, the military leadership , there are some changes in the mobilization, and according to this mobilization, there is a strengthening of control over deviations, among those who voted for. most of the servant of the people faction and voice, the trust group and former members of the banned opzh. the european solidarity and motherland fractions did not support the document. first of all, due to the decision of the specialized committee at the last moment to exclude from the draft law the provision on the demobilization of those who have been at the front since the first days of the full-scale invasion. i clearly emphasized our claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization.
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extremely dangerous for the country and the army. the first is the lack of clear legal guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 36 months, 18 of them in the front line. the second is the rotation that must take place to restore the combat capability of a person and a unit. on the exclusion of the norm regarding demobilization after 36 months of service. deputies were asked by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi, his predecessor valery zaluzhnyi took the same position: there is an acute shortage of people at the front, what will happen in a year is unknown. pratovnik exceeds us by 7 dashes 10 times. we are short of staff. we now have branches there are two, some departments have three or four men left. according to the tactical standards
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for this unit, it is given that they defend a guaranteed 100 m of the defense front, if they have two men, they can defend. 20 meters from the front, the question immediately arises: who else has 80? position of the general staff to develop a separate bill regarding the terms and conditions of mobilization. according to the ministry of defense, this should take about eight months, which means that for the time being, only one door will remain in the ukrainian army - the entrance. the way out is either a serious injury or a return from captivity. uncertainty increases the tension among the military. many of them want to know when exactly they will be replaced by others. the new law should help significantly replenish the ranks of the defense forces. it envisages both a whip for evasives and gingerbread for those who will join the ranks of the army. in particular, all citizens of ukraine who are on military registration must,
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within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law, clarify their registration data. this also applies to those who are abroad. it will be possible to do this both face-to-face and... by phone or through an electronic cabinet, otherwise men of conscription age will not be able to receive consular services, as well as issue a foreign passport. in ukraine , basic military service is being established instead of conscription. citizens aged 18 to 25 will have to complete it for up to 5 months in peacetime and up to three months during martial law. registration in the electronic cabinet is voluntary, the summons will not be sent through it. evaders will be deprived of the right to drive a car. those who do not update their data will be fined up to uah 22,500. other restrictions, such as seizure of property until the final version according to the law, they did not get caught. another innovation, all men who
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were first diagnosed with disability of the second and third groups after february 24, 2022, will have to undergo the vlk again. this does not apply to military personnel who received heavy. injuries during a full-scale invasion, a number of motivations are also provided for, for example, the right to a one-time compensation of 50% of the first installment on a mortgage loan and an additional payment of uah 1,000, plus another 100,000 after the second year of service, also servicemen and their wives or husbands will not be charged interest on the use of credit and fines and penalties, if it is not about a car or a mortgage. a month at... zero will be counted as years of service for three years, for the destruction or capture of enemy equipment, additional vacation and remuneration, and at the request of the parliament, the cabinet of ministers still passed a resolution on additional payment of uah 70,000 per month for those on the front lines . the society is already actively
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discussing the new law. many civilians are not satisfied with increased control and sanctions, military personnel have the opposite opinion of the document claims briefly on the resolution. of the law, in my personal opinion, it should have been tougher, especially in terms of the responsibility of evaders, because now i don't see any effective rules there at all, but considering the tenacity with which the people's deputies worked, it's good that at least something was adopted. the age of those subject to mobilization is also changing. at the beginning of april , president zelenskyi finally signed the draft law, adopted 10 months ago , on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. ato veteran taras chmut, head of one of the largest charitable foundations come back alive, in an interview with ukrainian pravda, expressed the opinion that the signature appeared too late. in my opinion, mobilization should take place from 20 already, we have lost too much time, if we want to survive as
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a country, we have to face the war again, accept it as a reality and start doing something about it. because otherwise it is all in vain, all these hundreds of thousands of people who have died, who are maimed, who are dying today, while we are talking here, it is all in vain. how many additional people are planned to be drafted into the ukrainian army? earlier, the president announced the figure 5,000, they say, this is exactly the number the military leadership asked for, but recently zelenskyy emphasized that there is no need for such a large-scale mobilization now, since the ukrainian... headquarters conducted audits and found internal reserves, that is, those military units that have not yet directly participated in military operations on the front line. according to ukrainian intelligence, on june 1 russia is preparing 3,000 additional military personnel for a major offensive. the defense forces
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of ukraine need to make up for the losses they have suffered experienced a full-scale invasion in two years. according to the estimates of the internet publication techsti.orgua, which are based on open data. ukraine's mobilization reserve is 5,200,000 men aged 25 to 60 . these are those who are in the territory under the control of ukraine and... do not have reservations or the right to postpone fighting for their country, a great honor for a man, military mykhailo kovalev believes. now, after being wounded, he serves in the center of the territorial configuration of the lviv region and motivates people to join the army. his story he told christina parubiy. i like to fight for my country, i think it is a great honor for a man to take up arms. and he is responsible for his actions, my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i currently
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serve in the dorobitsky tsp, a military man, i was also present on the maidan, of course, that i have such a youthfulness. the calling was for all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement, some drive, a change in the country, and then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country, for my homeland, and i wanted change, of course, i was a student first in the first year, i did not graduate, unfortunately, the end of the maidan was the month of may, yes, then the maidan was already dissolved and i had already volunteered in the right sector, they tried everything possible ,
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i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, i generally did everything i wanted, that is, i wanted, i was taught, i was in intelligence, i was in the infantry, i was in assault units, that is, i tried everything that to do, the 15th year, i have already joined the regiment azov, from the 15th to the 17th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino. in the 20th year, i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade. in the 21st year, we had a combat trip, we went, drove into the chain war, zolote. they were present for about eight months there, we were already in... and on february 24, of course, what i encountered in the trench warfare was the full scale, for me
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, what i expected was almost what i wanted, and full drive, full-scale war, planes , aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream already come true, i think this is what i lived for, in order for you to meet all this and fight for this evil. then we were constantly moving around the front line, we were an assault group, well, an assault group, an assault unit, we were practically not in a trench, today it was already an hour here, an hour there, then the third task, then we spent the night somewhere, the next morning again what some kind of battle starts, because the russians were always climbing somewhere, they wanted something all the time, a combat clash injured me, i had to report that my boys were wounded, i was asked... to evoke them, i was then the commander of the department, i am right, i report , unfortunately, i leave the protected city a little,
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it flies above my knees, i can no longer feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, the situation, unfortunately, is no longer under control, i have already been dragged along the street , on the stones, with my hands like this, because the car couldn't drive up, because the enemy bopela were working, i had a problem, above the knee, it got a little closer to the nerve, hit the nerve, nerve contusion. neuropathy of the small superficial nerve of the foot, unfortunately, did not go up, for a long time i i was treated for about six months, i was taken out of state, so it’s similar, as standard, this is the bureaucracy, it’s okay, i survived all these situations, then, of course, i didn’t want to be disabled, i still want to go back east, when i was injured, i i didn't know at all that such a status is limited-fit, because then the order came that we can't take you to the east, because you are limited-fit, i get a disability of the third group, and i didn't want to be a burden for the boys. by order of the general staff, i was
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transferred to the tesk of the tsp in the city of dorgobych, very there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90% are very aggressive, what ukraine gave me, and why should i go to fight, open the borders in general, i am from here first of all, i can give you my passport, and why doesn’t zelenskyi go, but why doesn't the government go, there's a lot of talk, a million reasons for... taking responsibility as a man, i plan on until i'm fed up, or until i get hurt, or until god forbid, maybe i won't alive, but i will know that i am for the country. anything, anything, anything i could do it, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know, my boys, my friends will know, my acquaintances, that i did everything as much as possible, i am responsible for myself, ukraine begins with me, me personally , i give everything that is due, i can still give them, i don't see anything wrong with it, this week
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our energy infrastructure was again attacked by the russians, during the massive... attack on april 11 , kremlin terrorists hit generation facilities and systems transmission of electricity in five regions: odesa, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, lviv and kyiv. in the city of ukrainka, kyiv region , the trypil thermal power station was completely destroyed. in just two attacks, the russians damaged about 80% of the thermal power plants and most of the hydroelectric power plant. the biggest destruction in kharkiv. the regional center... is funded by other regions. if the government does not find a solution, then already in the summer, and later in the winter, power outages may become permanent. us secretary of defense lloyd austin criticized ukraine's strikes inflicts on oil refineries on the territory of russia. and he believes that they do not
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affect the course of the war. the head of the pentagon said this on tuesday during a meeting of the special committee. senate of the us congress and stated that attacks on russian oil facilities could negatively affect global energy markets. therefore, the us recommends that kyiv focus on military goals. of course, these attacks could have consequences for the global energy situation. i think it is better for ukraine to focus on strikes on tactical and operational targets. which can directly affect the current hostilities. meanwhile, the international energy agency issued a similar statement that ukrainian drone attacks on russian oil facilities could undermine world markets, because they depend on russian exports of oil, diesel and aviation fuel. at the same time,
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analysts note, oil prices rose to the highest level since october due to threats of a direct iranian attack on israel. currently , brent is paid more than $92 per barrel. increasing tensions in the middle east made it difficult supplies from the oil-producing region. in general, oil prices have risen by about 19% this year. the issue of american aid to ukraine is still not guaranteed. after a recent meeting with house speaker mike jones. donald trump said that he does not object to a financial package for ukraine, but not as a gift, but in the form of a loan. while ukraine remains a hostage of the election campaign in the united states, the american singer taylor swift appeared in the country's political arena. it is her support that the current president wants to enlist usa joe biden. and donald trump's voters
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consider her a psychological weapon of the pentagon. why the name of the song. in general began to appear in discussions about the future voting for the president of the united states. see further. taylor swift is not just a singer, a cultural phenomenon. her world tour became the highest-grossing in history. his income is more than a billion dollars. the show is so popular that european cities compete for the right to host a concert by an american singer. those willing to listen and see the performance live, come from different cities and countries, tickets sold out instantly. experts estimate the impact of this tour on the world economy at approximately 5 billion dollars. the federal reserve bank of philadelphia said swift's concerts in may 2023 were the most profitable for
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local hotels since the pandemic began. the economy of singapore will receive. about 250 million dollars, which affected the gross domestic product of the country. swift's concerts in july were able to increase the gdp of the state of colorado by 140 million dollars. because of the insane popularity of taylor swift. quickly became part of the political campaign in united states of america. at first, like most stars, she avoided political topics. however, during the 2016 us presidential election . she posted a photo from the polling station and urged people to vote, but did not say who she voted for, hillary clinton or donald trump. after
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its publication, more than 169,000 americans registered to vote. after the election of donald trump in 2018, swift made her political stance public for the first time. she endorsed and signed a contract with democratic politicians, phil bredisen and jim cooper. in the us midterm elections in her home state of tennessee. after the singer publicly endorsed two democrats, then us president donald trump said he liked her songs 25% less. at the beginning of 2024, the taylor swift effect was mentioned again. an article in the new york times said that biden's company is actively looking for a new strategy amid trump's growing approval ratings. in particular, to increase the number of voters among the youth. young fans of the artist can provide for biden additional electorate. in the end, the influence of the american singer does not lie in
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targeted campaigning for a candidate, but rather in the number of people who will come to the polls. as of today, approximately 53% of american adults consider themselves taylor swift fans, and 16% identify as die-hard fans. meanwhile, they admit that they still haven't decided. who they will vote for in the presidential elections and are ready to follow the calls of their favorite singer. the high school will be turned into specialized lyceums. the ministry of education chose the first 25 educational institutions that will test the reform. in the future, they will become mentors for others. by september of this year, each region must prepare a project of a network of specialized lyceums. which. changes await high school students and when the reform will start, dmytro didora will tell. the reform of secondary education is the next step in the development of
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the new ukrainian school. nushivtsi will be the first to experience it. now these children study in the sixth grade. the structural changes will fall on their 10th-12th grades of high school. you may hear from parents that, for example, programs are overloaded, yes, that children study a lot, programs are overloaded. including an increase in the number of years allows you to unload this program a little. the reform of vocational secondary education envisages that after the ninth grade, students will have the choice of entering either an academic or a professional lyceum. the first involves preparing students for admission to a higher education institution, where they will be prepared for future student life. and the professional direction involves mastering a profession and obtaining a full high school diploma education the next step is exit. labor market. students will be able to choose study profiles, subjects and courses for in-depth study and prepare for mastering a profession at school. vocational guidance, which
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will begin at the basic level, will also help in this. our goal, first of all, for the child to have more subjectivity, was the choice, first the choice of profile, then the choice of a part of the subjects within the profile. since 2009, kolomyia lyceum no. 9 has been practicing the choice of specialized training. in physics and mathematics, and today already have four directions: pre-professional training begins in the fifth grade, so that it is easier for children to decide which specialization they like, it helps graduates pass the national multi-subject test better. we see that children from the physics-mathematics class pass mathematics just flawlessly, they feel very comfortable, and they pass tests as a specialized education, as specialized classes, as a chemist. the profile of the biological faculty, it is simply incredible, we already have a lot of our own doctors, the educational institution also introduced additional electives and its own
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scientific society, high school students practice writing term papers, and then, when children come to us already from universities, they say how good it is that you taught us this, because term papers already in universities are simply very easy for them, to the implementation of the reform in the kolomyia lyceum, they say... they are ready, but they have their own wishes, it is necessary to reduce the workload of children in these specialized classes, i.e. give eight or so subjects, no more, so that it is not 14, 15, 16, this is for children, not that it's difficult, it's just a waste of time, the amount of items really will be reduced to 12 instead of 17, says the secretary of the parliamentary committee on education, nataliya pipa, this is an opportunity to conditionally not teach those subjects to which you do not...have, are not related to you, as skovoroda said, to test it in older classes, and by design it should be so that in the 10th grade you can choose one profile and try that
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it did not suit you, change it in the 11th-12th, this is by design, so now we let's see how it will be. currently, there is a discussion on the creation of professional lyceums, rather than all of them will be opened on the basis of schools. today in ukraine, only 35% of students choose specialized education after the ninth grade. the reform should increase the number of applicants to 45. as early as next year , about 100 more educational institutions should join the 25 schools selected by the ministry. in 2027... the reform is planned to be implemented at the national level. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. this is how our team saw this week. i, iryna koval, was with you. keep yourselves.
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a phytovitamin complex that takes care of the heart and strengthens the body. herovital+ - good health, active life. the novelty of gerovital energy is even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet of plenipotentiaries. of the government of poland on the restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre au. an unusual look on the news good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation
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of facts and... a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, stronger together,
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congratulations, you. the real front program is on the air and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in ours program, we will talk about this. head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budanov gave a long interview to german journalists. britain and france called on the nuclear countries to be held accountable. israel withdraws its troops from the southern gaza strip. the united states has warned beijing of the consequences if it provides military aid to moscow. in an interview with the german tv channel ard, the head of the defense ministry of ukraine kyrylo budana confirmed that the russian army will launch a new offensive in donbas at the end of spring, at the beginning of this summer.


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