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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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to support ourselves, that's why we traveled around the cities, that's how we somehow survived. we were very lucky to visit the artists valentina and mykola deka, their life, their works and their history are a modern personification of living folk art, and their family house is a living museum in itself, because there were many famous masters of petrykiv painting in the family. this is the founder. oleksandr stativa of the first school and his uncle, a well-known master and teacher, fedir panko. in addition, valentina's sisters and her children also draw. this is fedorasovychapanko, this is the work, v in the 60s of the last century , it returned from the exhibition, he gave it to my mother. well, the children's work has already gone, it's svitlanchyna's work, lesina's work, one and the other. and... on
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this wall it is mykola's work by the younger son, it is interesting that the rooms in the house are made in a separate color, there is green, yellow and blue, each of them is decorated with a petrikovsky painting, you see, there is a lot of positivity in the painting, all such symbols positive, all bright, sunny, and birds, in their beaks, which are twigs, this means that this is a wedding symbol, well, just as my daughter was going to get married, this room was painted by svetlana's eldest daughter, this is my sister's work, a big watman and two small ones, and i will show you the rooms in green color. valentina painted this room first, 45 years ago. thanks to special technology. painting
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is almost not a terrible time, glue and egg yolk were added to the paint, flour was taken, if it was brewed like a paste like this, then color was also added, and then such a whitewash was created, and then the painting was applied over it, well, this painting was done in watercolor forms, because then more gouache it was not, but in the 76th year, you see, it does not peel off, nothing, the base, when it is good under the painting, then it... holds up. in addition to the painting itself, the house contains many family heirlooms, embroidered shirts, painted chests and an old computer from which applications for international festivals and exhibitions are sent. if valentina was fascinated by art as a child, then mykola came. before painting,
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already having a family and children, well, at one time he was a learned agronomist, let's say, he worked there with large groups of people, that is, in two farms, they have an irregular working day there, but we already had three children and construction, so the question arose that he should change his place of work, so he gradually became parallel to me at first. to help there with my drawings, plans and everything, well , it turns out, so they say that i attracted him to my work, and it was furnished, not me, because i told him, look for yourself, i don’t want to be responsible for your decision, you must accept it himself and the choice is yours. eventually, the passion for painting turned into a big one a family business, now there is even a tourist farm with a hotel and a place for conducting master classes, and there was nothing but... one old house and
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a fence made of roofing felt and something and such a chimney stood above the cellar and look what we from what we have done over the years, mainly children come to us, mainly in the spring and autumn, we hold a master class in peterkivskii rospisalka , motanka, pysanka, straw weaving , pottery . they can stay in a mud house, which is already more than 100 years old, or in a newer, also clay building, which was built by foreign volunteers using old technology, and there were three men from poland, one girl from germany, one girl from italy, and just one from ukraine , yes, a group of volunteers, they wanted to see how a hut is being built, because now no one will have such a hut, i don't know, an adobe hut of a mini-hotel here. appeared, then we also
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decided to cover it according to the old technologies, in winter we mowed ored and ryegrass, and this very mini-hotel is covered in in such an ancient style. yes, please, these are the thick walls you see, good walls, there are also conveniences, nooks and crannies. the last couple built a family gallery, on one side - mykola's works, on the other - valentina's, and if the artist continues to do painting, then mykola also creates author's works. works that captivated us with the naivety inherent in folk art, three works, it is called the birth of the world, each nation has its own idea about the creation of the world, but our righteous ukrainians believed even before christianity,
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that the world was born in this way, god's eye, it flew from distant worlds, flew through a solid unsightly darkness, and somewhere this eye stopped. from a cleansed tear, the primordial primordial, the primordial god was born, a juicy race, which began to fly beyond this eye, driving away the darkness, darkness, gloom, creating a living space, and then this soper shed a tear on this eye, which unfolded to the point of an iryi-vyriy, on which a primeval oak tree with rejuvenating apples grew up and the first gods who ate these apples were immortal, and he also scooped flew to the top of an oak tree and began... to create our world. mykola's family was wealthy, but the soviet authorities dispossessed his father and deprived him of the house, which is now only in this picture. i'm just going to add to my mother's stories, i drew this house, she told
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me, i drew it, you see, there used to be some steep roofs, such tenuchki, such sorys, hay and fields. which were next to the manor, we had a lot of impressions from the day at the farm with the artists, but the old houses and the gallery are not all that we remembered this day, the painting was born on the white mazanka’s house, that is why it was my idea to create such a hut so that it would travel, that is what valentine was called and the traveling one... it was made at the zaporizhzhia base, my brother, he helped make, as they say, zaporizhia, so we will make a house, and then we will paint it as a family, by the way, the kalush group filmed a clip of the kalush party at this very house, i will arrive with a clean head.
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in fact, our team was enchanted by the world that mykola and valentina created on their farm. we really wanted to come back here without cameras to just live and paint with a brush made of cat hair, and two paintings... from the gallery, even went with us to kyiv. this series is about the ukrainian east. there were supposed to be architectural finds from the donetsk region and
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slobozhanshchyna, but part of these historical ukrainian regions are occupied today, and it is not known what state the architectural monuments will be in after the victory. but i would like to raise video archives and news chronicles and remember that the cossacks still live on the territory of the historical donetsk region. there were, uh, special flashlights that lit up if the enemy is approaching, then it was set on fire and firecrackers were sent to the tower. in the city of svatovo, luhansk region, local residents independently built a model of an ancient cossack tower. here in the middle of the 18th century there was a settlement of cossacks of the izyum regiment. svatovo luchka. from similar watchtowers, they looked like enemies. then it was mainly crimean tatars. about 10 people took the participants of our svativ residents, and the help of the military there at different times was also somewhere around +10 more people. before
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the russian occupation, the feast of the intercession was local gathered here annually to pray for peace in ukraine. so no matter how much kremlin propaganda tries to prove that left-bank ukraine. ukrainian embroidery and costume, whitewashed and painted stove, carved chests and icons, decorated with towels with inscriptions in ukrainian. how much more i want to tell about the ukrainian east, about everything that
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the ethnographic museums of the donetsk region and the occupied slobozhanshchyna hide, and everything that we will definitely come to restore after the victory. ahead of us are many more films and many different, unique expeditions the ukrainian east. how, what does the city of the future look like, and it is... a person is centric, but simply a person as such, and it is possible to build this ecological city at the expense of many common things, such common non- consumption, common public transport and some spaces and everything else, so when we share something or other things among ourselves. i have february 24 in my calendar, you see, that's why i put this number
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on february 24, i go in and look, we still have it today, which is our ninth, yes today, and i look at the 24th, now ours is this heavy it is precisely the beauty of our painting that protects us over time, because they say that beauty will save the world, creativity is spirituality, because spirituality is positive people, who will not want to oppress and terrorize someone and go to war against someone, if all people were all around so positively disposed, then probably today's events would not have happened, because spirituality is above all else in human life.
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congratulations, the epic floods that covered the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions distracted russian propagandists a little. from ukraine, i won't say, something strong, they continue in their spirit, but still somehow had to pay attention to it, because first the town with the symbolic name of orsk went under water, then in principle the larger city of orenburg, where 600,000 people live, also began to go under water, and that’s enough, they cut off water and electricity in high-rise buildings, that is , in fact, the city is... well, it’s absolutely not suitable for life now, and you know, i
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noticed such a direct dependence, as soon as russian propagandists start slapping some such pseudo-religious delusion about punishment heaven forbid, whether it is ukrainians or americans or someone else, as they immediately fell on russia, a natural disaster of an epic scale fell, then a fire, then a flood, then just a mass heat shutdown, last year... well, that was exactly the story, as only the propagandists began to be upset by storms in the united states, how half of russia was first washed away, and then burned. now the situation is repeating itself, again the black-haired evening marasmatics snarled solovyov, and it was literally on the second or third of april, and it sounded like this. we humans are more material than ukrainian beliefs in witches of all kinds, but... how did it coincide? at the very moment when zelensky was signing the law,
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a sandstorm with sand from the sahara fell on kyiv, like 10 egyptian executions, remember? egyptian punishments fell on the city captured by satanists. this is what is happening in kyiv now. here the sahara desert came to this city, betrayed. trampled and humiliated by its inhabitants, satanists seized power and rule the bar. literally two days have passed. and so it happened. 39 russian regions are in the flood zone, more than 10,000 houses are flooded. big water are expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions. the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, where the water continues to remain. flooding is expected as early as wednesday, hundreds have been affected. the water level in the ural river exceeded 10 m, which is 70 cm above the safe
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level. the water has already begun to rise to the high-rise buildings. almost 13,000 residential buildings were flooded in the region due to fovin, more than 7,500 people were evacuated, the water continues to remain. there was a tense situation in the kurgan region 30 years ago. during the record flood of 1994, water rose to the mark. 10 m 30 cm. the current flood may break that record. the water level in tobola may exceed 11 m. such values ​​have never been seen before. i'll probably be in an hour, i'll go to the mountain to gather, i'll sit somewhere in the entrance, if the neighbors open the door, i'll go to one of the neighbors, in general, i don't understand at all, i even think that they didn't tell me something, well, what can i say, it is said that the lord would regret that he had created the russians, and he would be saddened in his heart,
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the lord decided, he would wipe these foxes from the earth, which i created, from people to... animals, because i repent that i created them, and a flood fell on the russian girl. well, you know, it wouldn't make sense to talk about all this at all, if, well, you know, really, what's there to say, well, firstly, it didn't cover all of russia, yes, secondly, well, it will end, it won't stay there all the time, and it's not even 33 years ago, but there are a lot of interesting things, well, they definitely don't agree on something, because they were told that... what is going to happen, here it suddenly turns out, no, it is not going down, at least not yet exactly, and this flood continues to this day, today there were reports that the peak full, if not behind, then the urals is receding, here is now essentially information that refutes
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these data, at first they said that the peak of the flood could come on the 10th-12th . today there is already information that the orsk peak has passed, but, well, we hope that it is so, but before, from the moment the water leaves orsk, more than one week will pass, because there is a lot of water, a huge mirror of the spill, large areas are now under water, and after the water goes, it goes, it will only be possible begin to assess the total damage that has been caused. more than 12,000 houses are under water, this is not just a zone, a zone of damage, it is a real flood, and this, you know, a real flood in principle also showed such an interesting thing that, actually, what happened the way it happened, this is already the result of the war
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that putin is waging with ukraine, because this is such a big... flow, the first thing is that it started with the fact that it broke the dam, which, well, in principle , was conducted during the already war with ukraine, and how it was built, and how it broke through, that's all in in principle, it is also the result of such, you know, a kind of agreement between putin and his population, which says that we provide you with greatness, well, you can sort it out as you want in... inside the country yourself, and this is how it looked, well, let's talk first about this lady, i say once again, it was built already during the practically war with ukraine, at least it was built exactly when all the plans were already to fight with ukraine, and all the money was thrown at ukraine, and everything in general, everything was completely done for
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to fight, and completely russian power focused on the war, but all this rest was done according to... the residual principle, and therefore what was built, well, you know, even russian propagandists are beginning to guess that something might be wrong there, when some money seems to be allocated, someone builds something, and as a result, it then floods like that. an embankment dam several kilometers long in the city of ors was launched in 2018, in 2014 it is not considered a hydraulic structure. its key task is to protect the highway, which leads to the strengthening of shout hooray one after the other. the cost of the object is almost 932 million rubles. the dam was designed for a level of 5.5 meters, now the water has exceeded the mark of nine. returning to the orenburg region and the settlement of orsk, there this dam
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is built at a level of 5.5 m. the water is 9 m, and earlier the water was 7 m, that is, even if it was the same as before, last year 7 m, then that would be all one flood so the question is, why did we build it for 5.5? i have a press, i have another question, it was built for 900 million, this money is clearly not local, it is the funds of the federation or region, it's not a dam, it's just called that, it's a sandy earthen embankment, it wasn't even filled with concrete, to call things your own, just the water rose and washed away to hell this structure, which was called a dam, and on which with the name dam, someone smart spent almost a billion, but now... let's not throw around labels, there is an investigation, we assume that they will definitely find out, they definitely won't find out, because the first thing those
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who built this dam started to say was that they built it all right, but this is it in the literal sense, the rats gnawed. serhiy vasyliovych, and if the dam survived, but it began to be washed away from below, probably prematurely, what is the problem here?
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how is this even possible? wait, i understand, wait, it's very tempting to say, of course, how much money for this dam. in fact, of course, well, it’s a usual story for russia, someone stole something, as a result , they built something that was not supposed to be built, but
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now russian propaganda is also trying to justify it and generally tell that, yes, no, everything was built perfectly, but then these are those who are hers was used, somehow it was not used that way, and it was on the main federal channel, well, literally the first one. bad design, shoddy construction, bad materials, what's wrong with the dam, why did this happen? if there was a serious mistake in the project, this
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dam would not have lasted 10 years. the second stage of the life cycle is construction. i want to confirm once again that this dam lived. and the third stage is exploitation. i would still, probably, against the background of the fact that this dam stood for 10 years, i would have complaints against the exploiting organizations. and that's what it's all about in the end it is said, well, all this is said in order to remove, well, the responsibility in general from the supreme power, that is, directly from the kremlin, because this is a big, well, big disaster, it is clear that any country, well, it is not for nothing that it is warned against that a natural disaster can happen, but when something is done immediately, in such a way, where something is stolen, some big money, it... does not happen at the local level, it is reflected at the level of major ministries, that is, the center of moscow, the kremlin and so on further, and on the one hand, on the other
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hand. and what does the kremlin do then, only war comes out, that is, the only thing that putin, his entire ministry, all of this actually does, they do only one thing, they fight, they dispose of the russian population in the war, but in cases when this population needs to be protected from natural disasters, here they no, moreover, right away they say that it was supposed to be local organizations, moreover, the whole situation is now turning around in such a way that suddenly... such a story has surfaced that, in principle, it turns out that the central russian authorities do not care at all these are by the russians who live there, who have some problems there, no, she is only engaged in her realizations of her geopolitical delusions, but everything that provides the life of the russians directly, they have long and reliably transferred to the local level, which they simply do not give a damn about
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that money, because everything goes to the war. and that's how the deputies suddenly told about it on the air. obvious, for some, perhaps not immediately obvious, but still understandable problems. so, as far as everything related to drainage and construction is concerned all kinds of embankments, dumps and everything else. of course, you need to analyze. i'm not an expert when it comes to... i can say that in the krasnodar territory, he often becomes a victim of various crimes, and it seems obvious that these coastal defense structures, dams, for example, are out of order, the level of local self-government, which
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simply does not have enough money, that... the decisions, these adopted decisions, that well, actually, these are the ones adopted earlier. putin is not responsible for anything, putin is only fighting and, i say once again, he is implementing his own delusions, and thus disposes of the russians, and the problems of these russians. in principle , they don't really bother him, and this is what the situation has shown, and on the other hand, it also indicates that, you know, this consensus that has been around putin for almost 20 years, that putin provides stability, putin provides security, and for that they support him in all his follies, he suddenly collapsed along with that vorsk dam, because it turned out that the russian people only provide for putin's follies, but he...
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provides them with absolutely nothing, except the possibility of dying in putin's next war, and here is this situation, it showed it very clearly, and well, they want to live like this, let them live. another story that also arose around this also showed that not only there some economic things are not provided by the center and the kremlin, and putin and all. not only that they cannot provide to the russians, not only that they have relegated it to the local level, they also do not provide it. the basic security of russians, because the main problem faced by all the people who got into this flood is not what came water, that they died in this water, no, the biggest danger for them turned out to be marauders, and this is despite the fact that in russia the russian guard, there is the police, a bunch of some services in which they have, well, millions of people, who are just a mass, there it seems that
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a third. countries, whether in the ministry of emergency situations, in the army or in the russian guard, and all these power structures do not protect russians in any way, basically, they do not. moreover, it turned out that the greatest danger to the russians during the flood was the russians themselves. well, on the other hand, well, what did you want, orsk, it, you know, the name hints at something. and the fact that this is really a huge danger is indicated by the fact that people do not, well... do not evacuate, they literally get into a situation where they are already really flooded and there is not even a place to climb onto the roof, just because fear for their property, and this is simply the biggest problem. there is one problem and it is worth saying


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