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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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they have, well, millions of people, who are simply a mass, there is such an impression that a third of the country, if not in the ministry of emergency situations, is in the army or in the russian guard, and all these power structures do not protect, basically do not protect russians, moreover, it turned out that the greatest danger for the russians during the flood is the russians themselves, well, on the other hand, well, what did you want, orsk knows it, the name hints at something, and the fact that this is really a huge danger is indicated by the fact that the people no, they don't evacuate, they literally get into a situation there, when they are already really flooded and there is not even a place to climb onto the roof, only because they are afraid for their property, and this is simply the biggest problem, there is one problem, and it is worth talking about it. and this problem, by the way, is not
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only this flood, this is the problem of all previous floods. people do not fully understand the problem that is coming. when it was said that evacuation was necessary, people stayed until the very end. houses, it is clear to protect your home, endlessly engage in summons and accordingly talk about letters of credit, and the most important and most valuable thing, of course, is life, and all the intellectual... potential of orenburg is our residents, this is the most important thing, but still, usually more people here want to save tvs, sofas and kettles, you went to save people, no, a refrigerator, washing machine, and why did you take the trailer, and this is really the biggest problem, moreover, when russians are asked by those who got into this trouble, but what is there? you have where you
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most need help, they say, protection against marauders. there are some problems which the main ones? we are now all gathered in a group, our boys, our village. we help each other with water and food, take turns, because we have people who open houses.
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this whole orenburg region saw exactly what we saw in all those places where the russians captured, occupied, or temporarily occupied our territories, everything they do, they immediately steal, and this is also the result of putin's war, when just the population of russia , well, it’s simple, well, it was completely dehumanized, that is, in such a natural wilderness, the main thing is what they are afraid of russians are marauders, well, well, this, this, you know, this... says something, and - when they are called to leave, well, the reaction, they literally hold rallies to say that they will not go anywhere because they are afraid, that they will be robbed, we will not go, marauders, we will go to ostrany, they tell us to evacuate, please, only they brazenly stretch us, they creep into us, red... and white robbed
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houses, climbed from boats, allegedly as spectators, approach and rob houses. well, in the end , some other victims tell how exactly how quickly it happens, and the main thing is that it happens during the day, that is , there are no law enforcement agencies there at the moment when they should be there. many people are still sitting on the roofs and do not want to leave their houses, because vandals are opening everything all around. for example, viktor's second floor was opened during the day yesterday, we sailed from there to the city at 12 o'clock, drove off, bought flashlights, oh families, we are coming, his upper window is already broken, but we haven't gone in yet, we don't know, but we were there and computers, only they don't leave because of vandalism, and everyone would have evacuated a long time ago, and you know, in principle, safety is the main thing, which, as it were, should symbolize. putin, and here, you see,
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there is no such security, it does not exist, not only where belgorod is bombed and bombs fall there from russian planes, not only. in the front-line territories, not only where the war is going on, he not only creates danger for people there, it turns out that putin even manages to create danger for people where there is simply a natural disaster, because all this politics, all this, you know, propaganda of hatred, as a result , simply brutalized the russians themselves, when they, well, turn into those orcs that we saw, and why, well, if they are told to join the russian army, because ... you will be able to rob ukrainians, why should they go to the russian army, if they can easily rob their neighbors, and you don’t have to go far, you don’t have to risk yourself, you can just go to a neighboring region or a neighboring city, or even just to a neighboring house and rob his during the flood, well
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this is logical, and this is exactly the result , and that's why the russians, when they go out and shout putin, putin, well, it looks quite funny, well... that's right, they shout where they need to, but they won't be heard , putin, help, putin, help, putin, help, help, in fact, what is left for the russians themselves, and what remains for them, as the governor of the kurgan region, is the vice... shumkov, to fly around the territory with icons that are to be flooded, and it is not me i am exaggerating, that is , this is the protection that russia as a state provides to its citizens, to fly over helicopters with icons area to
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see how it is absorbed by the water. well, that 's what they started with, and that's what they ended with, so they can still, i don't know, hang or shoot the propagandists, which they are another time... not a problem, but again some kind of terrible natural disaster for the whole of russia. see you the key to beauty is a healthy liver. karsil - gives the liver strength. there are discounts on carsil tablets. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam. for savings exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week:
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the war of russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's win. they help to understand the present and forecast future. world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football. stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how our entry into the eu will look like. in the project "close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska". every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sister. and an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond.
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what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, we can do it imagine? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday - 17:10, sunday 18:15. on the press. welcome to the espresso channel. today in our military program we will talk about how ukraine can and wants to strengthen its air defense system. ukraine's need for increased air defense capabilities has become so obvious that, for example, the european parliament this week refused to vote on eu council budget issues until ukraine receives additional patriot systems, because the meps themselves believe that in there are as many as 100 patriot systems in europe. and handing over at least seven to ukraine for the protection of our cities is quite possible and quite logical, but these
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are the words of politicians, and it does not actually mean that the governments of european countries are about to make a decision to share patriots with ukraine. so what is the reality and what can ukraine do to really strengthen its anti-aircraft capabilities both on the battlefield and in the skies above ours. we are civilian cities in view of the russian threats, which still do not decrease. we will talk about this in the next issue of our military program "war and weapons". my name is serhiy zgurets, i am the director of the defense express information and consulting company, which is currently working together with the espresso channel to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense-industrial complex and our armed forces. and now we are joined by valentyn badrak, director of the army research center. versions and disarmament, military analyst and writer. mr. valentina, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, as
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always i am very glad of the invitation. we are with you right before the program, they discussed the fact that now the war is changing, and each side is trying to use the advantages of technology in one way or another, and the one who adapts faster, in principle, he really, well, has a certain opportunity to get ahead. the enemy, and the one who does the work on the mistakes faster, also, well, has a profit from this work, but i would like you to now so generally evaluate the modern battlefield, which is of decisive importance on it, and as an additional issue with our air defense, or the same there is this pursuit of technologies, where each side is trying to find the weaknesses of the other, well, i will probably start with the general one... the battlefield, and somewhere from september, the military
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actually signaled from the front that the war of drones had begun, and this was, on the one hand, caused by insufficient already in ukraine, and in the country itself, the aggressors in russia, precisely the artillery systems of modern and very... i would say, those smart ammunition that could be used very actively, and actually speaking, immediately there was a competition in how these drones will be upgraded, and we saw very serious things that happened, that is, the dynamics of technological changes increased from september 23rd, well , just in... several times we also saw the creation of drones, fpvi drones with self-capture of
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targets, whole, we also saw drones with thermal imagers, what it wasn't there before, but now in a massive form, we can see it, literally yesterday there was an interesting message that in russia they seem to have developed a communication system and are moving from pprc to dynamic. frequency changes, and this will apparently complicate the situation with drones, but at the same time, together with tim, the fpv efficiency of drones is estimated by the military to be around 10-40%, and it is said that it takes somewhere around 10 drones to destroy, for example, a tank, and many drones are lost, rap is very active. and this is in new, even old and new technologies,
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for example, from hunting rifles that shoot down small drones, to, for example , rebov rifles, very diverse technologies, interceptors are now being developed very actively, the americans have already purchased as many as 600 coyotes, yes, such interceptors, and... all this prompts specialists talk about certain changes. now there are opinions that, firstly, rap will influence more. secondly, there will be changes. in the sense that, for example, ground robots will make up the main or the core of capabilities on the battlefield, and already at the beginning of january, the ukrainians demonstrated several such interesting things, well, in particular, a kamikaze drone went as far as 4 km to
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the enemy and destroyed a bridge, this very such a trend, very interesting. e have shown deminers who can demine literally in front of the enemy 100 m and in front of the enemy, and these are unmanned platforms, these are very serious things, then the development of underwater drones, mini, even mini-submarines, these are all points, and of course, the development of air systems, for example, china has created, interestingly, created a drone, it was literally reported in march, a drone that is capable of splitting on three, on six other drones and create a swarm of drones, controlled, that is, these are very powerful ideas, powerful systems, but mainly what do we have, what conclusion do we have to draw, the conclusion is this, we are waging
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a combined war, in a combined war - is when very precious things collide with very… cheap but mass technologies, and we see that, we see that cheap mass technologies, the war of attrition is starting to dominate, we see the exhaustion of the ukrainian air defense system, we see the exhaustion of the russian artillery, in fact, when drones outperform and increase the effectiveness work and perform, well, of course they do. not the full range, but only about 30-40% of the artillery functions, but due to dynamics, due to cheapness, one projectile, well, of course , it is worth it in the russian market about 600-700 dollars, but we now have one ammunition worth up to 8 thousand dollars,
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recently the namo company reported that it had increased to 800 dollars, at the beginning of the year nato concluded a contract, which already had 5.5 thousand dollars for one munition, i am not talking about smart munitions that cost more than 60 thousand dollars, one munition, yes, and a drone alone costs 600 dollars, there, if it is more technological, it will still cost no more than 2-3 thousands of dollars, and how does this dynamic affect exactly on opposing anti-aircraft systems on... defense, you mentioned that the ukrainian air defense is slowly being depleted, probably due to the fact that the enemy uses shaheds or cheaper missiles there, the more expensive missiles are used to strike important targets like this one dynamics affects the formation of the russian offensive strategy there, our defense, when it comes
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to air defense systems, a very important point is related to the creation of the echelon itself. of anti-aircraft defense and the creation, so to speak, of a sequence of targets, that is literally today we read such and such an insider's report about yesterday and about the fact that a ukrainian s-300 was shot down in odesa region, hit by a drone, and according to the ukrainian military, this happened because they were not allowed to shoot down the drone. .. was over them, formally everything is correct, it reflects the essence of the problem itself. now ukraine has focused on the fact that the world is looking for patriots, patriot systems. we know that the patriot missile costs between two and four million dollars. and now i will return to the craziness itself. if you could take it
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a significant amount, to accumulate, yes, to collect a significant amount. systems, say, the same skyranger, skynex with programmable ammunition, then in fact all the issues of enemy drones and a significant part of missiles, they would take over, and then only ballistics would be dealt with, say, the same patriots, and, for example, airplanes at long distances, there 50-70 km from the front line, that's it... the moment is important, the second important moment is that you need to look more broadly at the market than only at the market of patriots, well, for example, let me remind you that saudi arabia in... in february of this year, during the exhibition, signed a new contract with south korea for 10 batteries of a new, well, not quite the same new system, but
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a medium-range system, as it is called, yes, which can at a distance of 40 km to confidently shoot down missiles, and such a system would also take on... part of the tasks, if, for example, the european union, europe could bribe, but the main issue with the patriots and with other issues, with other systems, is that , that we encountered quite a by the great selfishness of european countries, because now each of the countries thinks that they have to defend themselves, and ukraine, well, no matter what happens, it shows that the president of... moldova was called by the leadership of the netherlands, yesterday, yes, there was this information , transfer your batteries to ukraine, they have three batteries of patriots, and not
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so, really, not so, vulnerable now, right now, today and now we must protect ukraine, i am not talking about such countries as greece, yes, which are under they are under the great influence of moscow, and they hardly have their batteries. more will transfer, but, let's say, the same germany from ten of its batteries, well , it could transfer a couple or three, the same poland or romania, which just bought patriot systems, could well share the queue, yes, become, so to speak , secondly, why, why is it important to prove this to europe, because otherwise they themselves will have to use these systems to fight against the enemy. russia, when it attacks the european nato countries. well, of course, and of course, the purchase of patriot systems outside the european union, outside
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europe, it can also be, and well again yesterday, yesterday's speech of the prime minister of japan, mr. kishida in the congress of the united states of america, where he called even. to give up the leadership of the united states, and apparently he hinted that the united states could also sell to the europeans, say 5-10 batteries of its 60 patriot batteries, but it is indicative that this is a very bold performance by the japanese, who are now becoming, well, very strong , so to speak, they are pressing for ukraine, yes, i understand that they have their own, how many 24 batteries do they have. they are unlikely to share theirs , primarily because of the very powerful danger from china, which has now increased many times over, but to influence partners,
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there is currently such a regrouping of forces in the world, and really, whichever side regroups faster, that side will have the advantages, and actually speaking, all strategic matters will probably be decided by heather. 24th year, maybe until october, and this requires, well, very dynamic changes in decision-making and in their implementation, that is , the supply of these systems, which we are talking about now, so the conclusion is to divide not only patriot, but also other systems, and the second is to persuade to convey not only what is there somewhere... in warehouses, conditionally, storage facilities, and to transfer what they currently have in the troops, to share, then there is one more proposal for discussion, when russia struck
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gas storage facilities, daggers, other systems, then this gave rise to such an idea , maybe in some way integrate the interaction of our air defense system and the defense system of poland, maybe this can be another such step in order to make... the air defense shield over our country more powerful, what do you think about such initiatives, decisions, suggestions? the idea is certainly interesting, but i do not believe that nato will agree to such a move, because in fact, if it is about the use of polish patriot systems, directly from the territory of poland, then this will create a situation when in... russia will call it, what, what was warned by general milley, the former, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who is still listened to very strongly. he
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said, first of all, to prevent a kinetic collision between the nato systems and the russian ones, here exactly this will be, so to speak , a violation of this, this, this situation and de facto it will be considered that poland entered the war, it would probably be much better if a certain number of patriot systems were quickly transferred. on the territory of ukraine, and then it would allow to avoid just such a threat to nato, although i say this from the position of the general panorama of the war, certainly for ukraine, it would be a much better decision if it was the polish systems that began to be shot down, and even then we would feel ourselves. more
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protected, and actually speaking, they would feel that nato, well, actually supports not only us weapons, and very specific actions, then the intelligence data would be added, the protection of the ukrainian sky would be added, of course, this step would be revolutionary, but so far i don't really believe in it, as far as strikes against our underground are concerned. gas storages and power plants, and as for our strikes on russian refineries, on systems that process oil, in fact , the situation now looks like a certain initial stage, and the result will depend on who will stop this scaling. i want
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to say that at the beginning of april, well, in the west analysts have drawn attention to the fact that russia has begun to strike more precisely, and uses, no, no, keeps, yes, uses very expensive, high-precision ballistic missiles for such purposes, and at the same time aims at weakly defended areas, where it previously did not . in fact, ukraine does the same thing, chooses such fan attacks, high-precision, well, there are a lot of targets for ukraine, there are already drones that fly at 1500 km, and ukraine does the same, but the question now is scaling, who will have time to scale these attacks and, let's
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say, exhausting. exhaustion of the enemy, because there is quite justified positions in the fact that russia is also acting on the border, and the task that the kremlin is now setting, it concerns today, literally today, and the calculations are definitely on a swiss- to-swiss dialogue, so that a serious one begins in switzerland. talk about the freezing of the war and high hopes that participation in this particular part of china can lead to positional gains for the kremlin, this is definitely a danger for us, and that is why this political part of the war is extremely is related to what is happening on the battlefield, and therefore the fact that in... the country is accelerating
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the scaling of high-tech means of destruction and intelligence, this definitely gives a certain impetus and certain hopes that at some stage ukraine's defense forces will be able to even without the powerful participation of the western coalition, well, to hold the front and to some extent destroy the russian defense potential, but... but the exhaustion of our infrastructure remains a really big problem, because we know that only strikes from march 22 and today, they did more damage to ukraine than the whole winter before that, and until march 22. mr. valentin, thank you very much for your explanations, for those accents that relate to the directions of changes in our air defense system, thank you very much for yours.
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important comments, let me remind you that it was '.


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