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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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therefore, i understand the actions of the state in this matter, and my attitude to this is as follows. gentlemen, i actually want to talk to you about the content of this law. how do you evaluate it for yourself, whether it can change the situation with mobilization, whether this law will be beneficial, or some individual moments in it... it will only provoke the citizens of ukraine to avoid mobilization, and mr. vladyslav, perhaps i with your permission , i will start, so we must understand the following, ukrainian legislation has many excellent initiatives, but are all these initiatives implemented in practice, as they say, the issues are debatable, and here we have to understand.
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not only how effective the mechanism developed by our people's deputies will be, but also how it will be used and applied in practice, because the mobilization potential of our country seems to be equal to the last 4.5 million people, but we can see that the ukrainian army is already feeling lack of trained, motivated, self-sufficient and ready for prolonged combat servicemen, why is this happening, the reason for that... may be low, but the key question regarding the actual implementation, application of the norms of this draft law, because it has not yet acquired the status of a law, because president volodymyrskyi has not signed it, is whether all the norms will be included in this draft law to be carried out in full, because once again we remember that ukrainian society demands and expects an extremely high level of justice, whether it will be observed, we will see only later. well,
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for now, it is worth understanding that the current draft law corresponds to the existing realities on the battlefield, which means that the issue of intensifying the mobilization process remains important. friend oleksandr, do you have something to add? yes, any decision, er, has the expected results and probable consequences of the decision, which are specified in this draft law. for now, there are first of all the expected results, so there may be consequences, of course, they must also be taken into account, but we must understand that the most important thing we have now is mobilization, and there is no doubt that the expectation is that this the draft law will contribute to the fact that we will still be able to demobilize a sufficient number, the question is how we will be able to learn later, how quickly we
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can learn, so we should think more in this direction, so without a doubt , my expectations could be a bit too high for this draft law, even when it was a bill before it was passed, but we have what we have and we have to work with what we have, there are many points in the bill regarding... who will not be mobilized, who is followed by armor, and it is possible quite controversial points, for example, employees of the apparatuses of the ministries, protected from mobilization, in addition, we know very unpleasant stories about the fact that mobile circuses in ukraine are recognized as strategic objects, which are also employees who will not be mobilized,
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we know that employees of tv channels received full armor single marathon, and in your opinion, similar stories, they will provoke a feeling of injustice in citizens, and whether or not this happens, it will not lead to the fact that people will avoid mobilization, and the number of evaders in ukraine will only to increase, as, for example, you think, mr. vladyslav, the issue of information support for the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, including those institutions that are directly related to the mobilization processes, remains relevant, as it happened, the ukrainian army has already overcome six waves of mobilization, and here it is not only about the activities of the ukrainian army, in principle, in accordance with the legislative framework, the law, mobilization and mobilization training. mobilization is the responsibility
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of the state, the state, the government, starting with the prime minister, that is, in fact , all state institutions and institutions take care of these issues to one degree or another. of course, the issue of informing society, why mobilization is important, what goals it pursues, what will happen if mobilization does not take place, and here i agree with my friend oleksandr, who emphasizes that it is better to fight with one's own army than to fulfill the whims of the russian occupiers within meat assaults, which will definitely happen if ukraine does not withstand this russian onslaught and, accordingly, the russian occupation forces will move further west, to the countries of eastern europe, and here it is obvious that we... are faced with the question of how effective the same information campaign is, if people have reasons not to trust the mobilization processes, in one way or another they try to avoid the mobilization processes, this is a challenge, and a challenge including for those institutions, ministries and departments responsible for information
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policy in our country, there are many questions, not all of them have answers, but there is a key one, due to the destruction of our unity, we will lose country, there is no need here for... even yesterday to look for ways, motivational factors, arguments in order to convince the ukrainian society, the citizens of our country, who fall under the scope of the law on mobilization and mobilization, that the protection of our country is extremely , friend oleksandr, in your opinion, how effective is the information campaign regarding the involvement of ukrainian citizens in the armed forces of ukraine. well, well , you see, i can only say what i am doing about this, i guess, well, somehow evaluate my own actions, it seems to me that the most useful thing i can do in this situation is to just go and talk
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directly to the people, i've been trying for probably the third week, well i've been doing this, and... when the military talks to the citizens, frankly, about the things that citizens are scared, but most importantly, they communicate on the subject of those things that citizens would like to ignore, for example, the fact that the situation is extremely difficult now, i understand, everyone is tired, and the military and the rear are tired, let's communicate more . for that matter, one to another, that's what i can do i, uh, evaluate a media campaign, well, you know, i uh, i can evaluate a media field, well , it's no secret that this media field, we now have,
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well, extremely negative tones, and it's not in our hands at all , and answering your first question, regarding the circus and justice, well , look, it also causes a sense of injustice in me, and... but well, i look at this question in a slightly different way, here it is not fair or unfair that one is fighting, the other is not fighting, there is a more important story here, if we are defeated, that is why those who fight, and those who do not fight, it will not be easier, accordingly, i act in view of this kind of view of things, and therefore i go and communicate with these people, and well, you know, i will not say that we have a hopeless situation situation, because in reality, when it is a frank conversation, then you can correct the media field somewhat, than it is now, and literally today
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i will have a meeting in chernihiv, on sunday i will have a meeting in lviv, in the center of uku , at 2 o'clock, i will be glad to see everyone. let's communicate, well, let's realize which ones we now face challenges and risks, and listen, we already did miracles in 2022, we were not counted on much, we were given little time for complete surrender, and let's be honest, we surprised ourselves, well , we know how to surprise one thing one, well , let's do it now, because if we don't succeed, then we all ... will not like it very much, and my friend, alexander, actually, i know that you are also actively engaged in recruiting, and in general, this is the story of recruiting , how effectively it shows itself in ours realities, and can it, if not replace,
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at least supplement mobilization, well, i believe in this holiday, because in my opinion, a citizen of... the republic, it is his sacred duty to fight for that republic, and when it is in mortal danger , but his right is no less sacred. is to choose where exactly to fight for this republic, and this is a conversation of adults, i tell people how it is there, and people ask me questions, such as what they should do to get to us, and what they should do in order to get there before us, the probability of staying alive was as possible higher, these are... adults, and we have something to tell them, because the ratio of losses,
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for example, on the road of life near bakhmut in march, april of the 23rd year was, well, 1:13 in our favor, accordingly i show people, that we cannot win, that is, we know how to inflict... you on the enemy such losses, and if we inflict such losses on him, the amount of time, i am not prepared to say how long it will last, but sooner or later it will end faster than we, moreover, i will remind you again, there is no other way out, because if god forbid we'll be defeated, then we'll have much less chance of surviving than going to fight them now, well... and i'm talking about her goodness, i'm talking about
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devinci, i'm talking about how things are set up there , and, well, when you talk about how, well, kindness is equal, when you talk about what exactly you're fighting, when you talk about ulf's medical service, who got me out of... from very difficult situations, and i now i can continue to fight, i tell them about ground robotic complexes, about unmanned aerial vehicles and that we are already at war with it, and well there is a high chance that these people will fight side by side with us, and there is a disproportionately higher chance that these people will stay alive if they were to fight... with us , than if we are defeated in this war. like this. mr.
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vladyslav, in fact, friend oleksandr raised a very interesting topic, regarding the fact that people who want to serve in specific units, in specific positions, fear that the military commander will send them to completely different units, and i want to ask your opinion , how important this... moment is and does the new draft law on mobilization somehow regulate this issue? and are these fears of our fellow citizens justified? so obviously, my friends, with whom i maintained contact, the general staff is often heavily involved in the transfer of military personnel who, as part of certain recruiting campaigns not related to the activities of friend oleksandr, end up in positions and units to which they were not directed. did not plan to enter, although they had the appropriate documents, relations, that is, it is a challenge,
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a serious challenge, which is faced now, while the same recruiting policy is still being formed within the ukrainian army, such cases often occur, in fact it is not easy, because how can we declare that the recruiting campaign is working effectively if those who volunteered to serve in the ranks of the defense forces of ukraine in specified positions do not falls into these positions. is engaged in other matters, it is definitely not about justice, so it is obvious that within the framework of the current draft law on mobilization and mobilization training, this issue must be agreed, whether it is detailed prescribed in a separate article, i did not see this in that draft law, should there be responsibility in this context for the commanders who take on the obligation to take military servicemen for promotion, it seems to me that it is. because it seems to me that it is primarily in our volunteer movements and units, the question of mutual trust and mutual
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responsibility of ordinary fighters and their commanders, it is of an extremely high level, because one warning that i often hear from our fellow citizens who hesitate whether to go to the rear of the ukrainian army or not, including related to the sub-conductor, which commanders will serve, unfortunately, modern history does not have a very positive side. of history, including related to the not very effective and successful activities of some commanders and chiefs, who are called revengers in the outside world, this is a serious challenge, a challenge that breeds despair, and despair ...destroys ukrainian society from within, like rust eating away at that the extremely high level of trust that currently exists between the ukrainian army and the ukrainian people, and there is a lot to work on here, including within the framework of the implementation and full implementation of those provisions that are specified in the newly adopted draft law on mobilization and mobilization laws adopted by our elected officials. the law on
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mobilization also provides for certain... elements of confiscation of property for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine from citizens of ukraine. in particular , it is said that the owners of more than two cars will face the fact that their cars will be confiscated for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine. i'm interested in whether you think such norms are appropriate, and that's actually a friend oleksandr'. tell our viewers how much is needed on the car front? well, look, you need vehicles at the front, and you always need more vehicles at the front than there are, after all, like everything else, but here the question is not how many assets are needed at
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the front, the question is how to provide them. well, here is our approach to solving this problem, we find cars through acquaintances, volunteers, volunteer organizations and so on, that is , well, it is possible to provide the unit itself, if the state will help in this, ok, but there is a problem that is actually more important. rather than cars, these are people, and this is exactly what my colleague, interlocutor, er, commented on the probability of not getting to the place where you agreed to get to with the state, well, first of all, this does not happen in our country, well, i can say for sure for the recruiting centers of vovki
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davich, and i won't say that i heard somewhere that happened... such stories in those recruiting centers with which we communicate, if there are such cases, without a doubt they should not have them. we have not yet seen the final version of the bill, but those discussions that i followed before its adoption, there was talk of the fact that there will be an appropriate norm that will make it impossible for a person to get somewhere other than what he basically agreed with the state. it seems to me that this is extremely important in terms of trust, and here, well , listen, i have no doubts that this issue is for the state to decide, if i am wrong on this issue, i will be, well, sincerely surprised, because this is an extremely important story, it is much more important than cars is the actual reduction in the age
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of people who will be mobilized to 25 years, and in your opinion, to what extent... is this norm correct and should it not be necessary to reduce this age even more, mr. vladyslav, but for you, first of all, this is a difficult question, i understand how many spears i can fly into my back now, but i believe that war is still more a matter of the movement of young people, and this is actually, physical abilities, education, readiness to adapt, readiness and ability to learn, to master new techniques and technologies, young people, it seems to me . of course, ukraine has a huge demographic gap precisely among ours fellow citizens, men between the ages of 20 and 30, and i understand that at the state level , perhaps, it is necessary to be more lenient with young people under the age of 25, but in order for us to be as effective as possible in our confrontation with the enemy
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army, we need trained, motivated, strong, young people, how will this be resolved at the state level? i think that the fact that the conscription is now reduced from 27 to 25 years is a kind of barrage, that is, our government will also evaluate the perception of ukrainians the society of these changes to the national legislation, well, there may be more in the future, because as we can see, this rain is for a long time, the war is not abating, putin does not give up his alarmist plans, and they are absolutely obvious to him, he dreams of destroying... as a state, and ukrainians as a component of the unity of the peoples of the world, and therefore we must have the resources to fight the enemy army, including the same trained, picketed, physically developed one. personnel, here we have to address including our young people, so that now the norm works, when any citizen
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of ukraine, aged no older than 18, can voluntarily volunteer for military service in one or another unit. friend oleksandr, what can you add to this? well, you know, as for me, i would flood the generations, first ours. then what is after us, but there is an objective reality, and we just can't do that now, but we have a necessary number, it's the number of people, well, this is war, war is also about numbers, eh, of course, moral spirit, well, moral willpower, skills, all this is important, but... but without a specific number of people, we will not complete the tasks before us, so i actually do not have detailed information
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about our mobilization resource by age, but it is obvious that if such a decision was made, well, it must have been counted, how many of us in this category there are potential fighters, how many are in this one and that one, er, so er, well, the objective reality is one that i don't like, because when the war started, the youngest of the honor, he was, not yet 18, he already when he was signing papers from the state, to him i was already 18 then, and of course i would not want the generation younger than me to risk their lives now, but we simply have no other way out, unfortunately . and i don't have a guarantee that this threshold will never be lowered, it also depends on many factors, well, it
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depends on how we win back, in the near future, of course, i would very much like this threshold not to be lowered, but those who are now a little old, like me, a little less, should probably think about it anyway. about the fact that if we don't mobilize now, then guys in their 20s will have to fight . gentlemen, i have one last question for you, because we are a little limited in time, regarding the mobilization of women into the armed forces of ukraine, here i will quote, recently, an advisor from of gender issues , the commander of the ground forces, oksana grigoreva, in an interview with time... noted that ukraine should adopt a policy of conscription of women for military service based on the israeli model.
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do you think it is appropriate, mr. vladyslav, to ask you a question? such a lively discussion took place in the ukrainian segment internet, after ms. oksana made such and such a statement, but it is obvious that we must understand that the russian federation is nowhere in the foreseeable future. the quality of our neighboring country will not change, which means that resource and human issues remain relevant, yes, in fact, the israeli experience is unique, can we implement it 100% with such a tracing in our modern reality? the issue is highly debatable, but the fact that at least several tens of thousands of female servicemen are already serving in the ukrainian army, including officer positions, including commander positions. fighting units is our reality, and of course, here the issue should not be related to gender politics so much as to the professional skills, professional
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abilities and professionalism of the citizens of our country, who are ready to defend our land with weapons in their hands. regarding the definition of this thesis, i think that a more detailed relevant expert community should work here, studying a more detailed and social one. the risks of those processes and the readiness of the majority our women to take up arms, but again, we have ukraine alone, we have no other land and the enemy absolutely does not hide its army attacks, so it may happen that all citizens of our country will be forced to take up arms, because the chances of survival in in case of occupation, each of us has a lot of ukrainians, i thank you very much... you for your comment, mr. vladyslav, i know that you should disconnect already, thank you, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, friend, oleksandr,
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actually. i would like to continue this topic with you, tell our viewers if there are any in the battalion devin wolves or women? yes, of course, and actually it is, including the medical service of ulkh, who saved me, first my arm, then a new one, for which i am infinitely grateful to them, and answering your question. regarding the mobilization of women, well, we are in such a situation that everyone, starting from a teenager and ending with an elderly person, must be able to fight, but unfortunately, as of now, it is so, the question is whether they will fight, i believe that a woman, a citizen of the republic , which has the right to decide. to fight
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it or not to fight it, as far as it is concerned coercion is the same as for a man, well, my subjective opinion, i think not, if you asked my opinion, but would i like to be in the dugout, next to women, despite the fact that there would be an option, that is not necessary of course they have to, because there is no one left, so i... no, and if it happens that i will be in the dugout with and there will be bells nearby, i will have a lot of respect from these people, because, well, i am convinced, what happens, we simply do not have women in the battalion in such positions as riflemen and grenade launchers, so with great respect to every woman who army, with great respect for every
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woman who... actually performing purely combat tasks, but i would prefer this to happen. well, my friend, oleksandr, you have every chance to meet women at the front, because there are 4,000 of them there, and in general there are more than 60,000 of them in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. i thank you very much for your time, take care of yourself and victory to us all. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i thank our viewers, stay with the espresso tv channel, and remember that protecting our country is everyone's duty. see this week in the collaborators program. as
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a pro-russian the blogger spread fakes about ukraine, the technologies of the president's office are banal, and who in kherson organized a celebration in honor of the occupiers. russia is the motherland. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator's program, about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. our next issue is dedicated to ensuring that none of the sellers who helped the russians, were propaganda tools, handed over our po... avoided responsibility for treason, prepared fakes for kremlin media and spread disinformation about ukraine. the technology of the office of the president is banal in its stupidity and so low-grade. recently, the security service of ukraine detained blogger dmytro korniychuk in kyiv. it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried to discredit the command of the defense forces in
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favor of russia. he also... spread disinformation about the social and political situation in ukraine. law enforcement officials note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively picked up by major russian tv channels and internet publications, which created production plots based on them. during the search , the pro-russian blogger was found to have computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities. korniychuk has 26,000 subscribers on youtube and an audience of 5,500 on telegram. however, his content was scattered. much wider and russia actively used it. now the nedobloger faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is serhiy mykolayovych cheravko, the former deputy mayor of kherson. and i will now tell you how he changed his a political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, even now unites both soldiers on the battlefield and
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people who help each other in the body. cotton economy, the social sphere of the new.


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