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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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which is even worse than afghanistan, now trump says that he would be much stronger than biden, he would be much more effective, and he could save ukraine, that is, in this case, ukraine is just a tool, a tool of the internal political struggle between biden and trump, and ukraine is the issue on which trump all this time, in all these 2.5 years, just dulled biden's rating, and now he sees that at this moment biden is not ... useless to do anything with the congress, and he himself wants to play proactive role in to help ukraine, that is, ukraine is not really an individual topic of negotiations within the pre-election debates of the united states. ukraine is a tool. ukraine is a tool for trump to sink biden's ratings and to show that he is an active president in terms of foreign policy. well, while the united states of america is solving... the ukrainian, the so-called
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ukrainian issue regarding financing and regarding the opening of this large tranche of 61 billion dollars in the european union, they are saying that it is necessary to expand and speed up military aid to ukraine, in particular to provide additional air defense systems, the head of eurodiplomacy, josep borel, wrote about this on the x social network, he said that there will be a meeting of the eu council of ministers in april, and that at... sav borel, i expect bold decisions at the joint meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the european union on april 22 with betro kuleba and rustem umyerov, the european union supports ukraine with all its forces, but when they say that the european union supports with all its forces, it is perceived a little differently in ukraine, because if borel is thinking only about air defense systems, so apparently ukraine is even thinking about whether or not foreigners will come here. legions, including
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the french, the situation is not easy in ukraine, the russians are trying to advance, the russians are destroying the energy infrastructure in ukraine, so the situation is quite tense, what do you think borel means when he says that the european union will support ukraine with all its might? at this stage, borel is talking specifically about air defense systems, that is, he must be credited here, that blocking the budget of the european... council on against the background of the inability of european countries to provide ukraine with additional patriot systems, this is indeed a very powerful step, which no one within the european council, within the european community in general, expected, but in fact it is a very correct, very sharp, i would even say in a certain way a hawk step for that european countries are ready to provide more air defense systems, more anti-missile... defense systems for our security, so we have to
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give credit to josep borel. if we talk about the support of european countries in general, then it is very necessary to separate support at the individual level, at the bilateral level of relations, and support at the level of the european union, because at the level of the european union we see that this support is beginning to weaken. we have certain problems with communication with oleksandr. now i hope we will resume contact and talk with him about how the european union actually tries and promises to help ukraine with all its might, well, at least this is what josep borel, the head of european diplomacy, who wrote on the x social network about what will bold decisions regarding support for ukraine , on april 22 there will be a ministerial meeting of representatives of the european union with the participation of, among others
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, dmytro kuleba and rustem umerov, and one more issue that will be quite relevant already in the last few days, on april 17 in washington, the ministers of finance of the big seven at the spring meetings of the international monetary fund and the world bank group, they will consider a new approach to the use of frozen russian assets, that is, those assets that are located abroad, which ukraine may... will to use, or rather, the world will use to help ukraine, the financial times writes about it, it will be a compromise offer from the united states of america, not as radical as confiscation, but more aggressive than the current eu plan with allocating profits from assets to ukraine. we are at the point when we need to study all possible ways to maximize the value of frozen reserves, in the interests of ukraine we cannot wait forever, we understand that - dali told the newspaper. singh, deputy counsel
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of the president of the united states of america on national security. this issue is quite important for ukraine. i mean, using frozen russia. assets, because experts talk about various amounts that can be frozen around the world up to 300 billion dollars, so in principle, the question is whether the world community will dare to allow the united states of america, great britain, germany, which help ukraine a lot, to use these frozen russian assets in order to pay for weapons and equipment that are delivered to ukraine for... ukrainian soldiers, to support the energy infrastructure, which is now being actively destroyed by the russian occupiers. in a word, there are a lot of questions, we hope that on april 17, where this big meeting will be held in washington, of the finance ministers of the g7
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and the international monetary fund and the world bank group, we will hear concrete proposals, because the world is tired of russia, the world is tired of putin. the world is tired of the aggressive policy of the russian federation towards ukraine, this terrorist activity of putin is treated with caution in the world and they understand what is happening in ukraine, and especially in the last few weeks, when the russian occupiers are striking the energy infrastructure of ukraine, destroying tes and tec, trying to deprive ukrainians. heat, light, and actually everything that the civilized world is used to, these attacks on civil infrastructure can be classified as crimes, war crimes, however, yesterday i had valery chala on the air, he
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says that in the world international not so in practice, not so clearly in legal practice, not so clearly prescribed the responsibility of the parties who... deliver these strikes, and when, for example, the russian federation does it, it is necessary to prove, in documentary, which documents, in some specific evidence, to provide evidence of what is happening, although, i hope, that the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other investigative bodies of ukraine are doing their best to ensure that, in legal terms, everything is done correctly and that the international institutions, which also consider issues of war crimes, still receive all evidence of volodymyr's criminal activity putin, so that he has not one warrant from
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the international criminal court for the deportation of ukrainian children to the russian federation, but also for the destruction of critical infrastructure in ukraine, for the killing of civilians. people in ukraine, for the fact that they destroy our cities, for the fact that they rape women, for the fact that they commit war crimes on the territory of the ukrainian state, i think that this issue, this issue will be brought to a logical conclusion, and putin will receive more than one warrant from the international criminal court and appear before the international tribunal. friends, we we are working live on the tv channel, and also on... our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you this: would you trust the authorities , political power, the military after the war, we ask about this for a reason, and in the second part of our program we will talk about a public opinion poll, where ukrainians
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also answered this question, we will compare our survey results and television and youtube polls with what they actually say ukrainians, so if... you you have a smartphone or a phone at hand, you can also vote if you entrusted the power to the political power of the military after the war 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next we have boryslav bereza, politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. boryslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations vasla. ukraine. glory to heroes. so, mr. borislav, yesterday verkhovna the council of ukraine adopted the law on mobilization and emphasized the main points of how mobilization should take place, further mobilization in ukraine, because this mobilization
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has been going on for two years, and without this law, and it is clear that the mobilization process was ongoing, it continues. do you think the adopted law will affect the process. mobilization and how? well, let's take turns, do we now have a law on mobilization? yes, on the basis of this law, we conduct mobilization, is it effective? no. it is not effective, but not because the law does not allow and because there are no mechanisms and no motivation among people, will the new law change this situation, no, it won't, will it affect, well , the provisions of this law on the fact that the vast majority of ukrainians who are currently in military service do not want to serve , no, that won't happen either, why? well, because this law does not motivate, moreover, in order to change the situation. it was necessary to motivate, well, firstly, it was necessary not to waste time, secondly, it was necessary for the authorities not to embarrass themselves all the time,
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with constant reputational and corruption scandals that raise more questions, than the answer. thirdly, it was still necessary to show the authorities how she or her close people are fighting today at ground zero and defending ukraine. this, by the way, would show, well, that the authorities consider the possibility of the participation of close people, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues. business partners in military military operations, and that would also be good, and finally, the latter should have conducted a large all-ukrainian information campaign, which should motivate people, but for that , at least for a start, it is necessary to study the experience of countries in which it was done, for example israel, for example, azerbaijan, other countries, no one has done this, moreover, you have seen someone personally watch the president... the movement for mobilization, no, on the contrary, he distanced himself, and do you think that people
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will be very motivated after that, when they don't hear at all from the president that they need to mobilize, that's part of it, but there's another part: a large number of our military expected a provision in this bill like demobilization after 36 months, and by the way, that would be very right with in terms of mobilization, imagine what some... a man is in a city or village and sees how his neighbors or relatives or acquaintances go to the armed forces, but only the 200th or the third return, because otherwise it is impossible to leave the army now, and then he sees that they have started to return, and he understands that the army is not only an entrance, but there is no exit, and it is like in a civilized country, for example, like in the same israel, where there is a war now, but there are also mobilized, who are demobilized, and... instead of them mobilize others, and it is practically implemented. why we don't have that
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can you do and i forgot, a huge number of voters of volodymyr zelensky do not perceive mobilization, and such a story would demotivate them, would demotivate them to vote for zelensky. that is why this story failed. and we see that instead of creating a motivational factor, they created a demotivational factor for the military. this is a big problem, and the president, how to solve it? they promise a new law in 8 months, that it will be created, they do not say when it will be submitted, they do not say when it will be adopted and they do not say what provisions will be in it, so there are no questions much more than the answers, but again, any law should change things for the better, because of the provisions in it, are those provisions in this law, no, they are not, everything, no. muta and gingerbread, which would change the situation. unfortunately, there is no demobilization. well, obviously, when the leadership,
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the military leadership of ukraine says that in 8 months, well, through the mouth of the spokesman of the ministry of defense, that the law on demobilization will be in 8 months, then obviously they mean that now there are not enough people, if simply say what will happen demobilization after 36 months, this means those who left on the 24th. in february, within 12 months , they should be released from their duties, accordingly , other people should be mobilized in their place, and yuriy sodol, the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, said during the consideration of the bill on mobilization in the verkhovna rada that the armed forces of ukraine lack personnel . the occupying army of russia prevails at the front by almost 10 times. let's hear what he said. situation. at the front, and i now head the operational-strategic grouping of troops
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khortytsia is part of four operational-tactical groups, these are kharkiv, luhansk, and donetsk regions. the enemy exceeds us by 7-10 times. we are short of staff. a mechanized infantry, motorized infantry, rifle division, as a rule, there are eight. 10 men, so now we have two left in the detachments, some detachments have three or four men, according to the tactical standards for... this detachment is given to defend a guaranteed 100 m of the defense front, if there are two men, they can defend 20 m front. that which speaks general, it is perfectly clear, but this is the scale that he is talking about, that there are 10 times more of them at the front than ours, but, well,
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they also have a country, sorry to interrupt you, and you have not heard about it, you didn't know about it before, don't you remember? how zaluzhnyy appealed and said that we need mobilization to mobilize 400,000 in a year, and zelenskyy answered him: i don't see the need, i wasn't convinced, now sodal comes out and says that it's too late, even, it's too late now, then recently , zelensky said, i don't see that anyone is needed was mobilized, and at the same time he says that for the month of june, the russians will mobilize an additional 300,000, i want to remind you that in... last year, the russians began to mobilize 400,000 and have already finished this mobilization process, 400,000, 130,000 is current losses, this is what the armed forces of ukraine have crushed this year, 130,000, this is one hundred percent those who were destroyed by ukrainian soldiers, of these 400,000, 130 will be replenishment, another 70,000 are the so-called
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or1, the operational reserve is one, they will be created and will be tighten up as needed. and another 200 000 are the same two armies that shoigu said about, one army is 100 00, they are creating two new armies and another 300 thousand, so zelensky does not understand how the supreme commander, when he is told this by a hard worker, said a hard worker, and now, when sodalf says, i suddenly realized, well, it's a shame, it's an open shame, let's tell the truth, soda tells the truth, moreover, everyone said it a long time ago, zaluzhny said it, shaptala said it. but zelensky ignored their warnings, he lost time, half a year of loss to be able to mobilize, and why? because in front of zelensky's eyes is his rating, and he wants to win the upcoming elections more than to win the war, unfortunately, this is true, no, he is not against winning the war, on the contrary, he is in favor, but he
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wants to win the elections more , because otherwise he would have already made an unpopular decision with his... voter, but his voter does not see these decisions, precisely because zelensky is very careful about his rating, so i say once again, the situation will not change, we have to mobilizing now for a month is minimal, well , at the same time we need to mobilize somewhere around 150-200,000 people, and then we need 25-30,000 per month, this is what the military says, so zelensky is silent about it, he does not say about it, and why not says, why does he name how many... people need to be mobilized, again the rating, this damn rating, i forbade it, frankly forbade you to conduct opinion polls on the rating until the end of the war, until we win any ratings, because it is the orientation to this rating that proves it to rabies, in him now the rating is falling, the trust-distrust balance is now at the level of 25%, recently it was almost 60, trust in zelensky is falling, and he
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is trying to keep his rating at least by not accepting not popular, but state ones. decision, well, it's not normal, it's inadequate, but without winning the war, he won't win the presidential election, i know he won't win, but he's living it, you see, he, he 's in the grip of the churchill syndrome, when you believe, that you win the war, but then it turns out you can't win the election, yeah, that's how it works anyway the whole world, because in a democratic society people are tired of the politician who was there during the war and want to change him. this is always the case, only in a totalitarian world the same politician remains, for example, in russia, where stalin remained, or now putin remains, in any case there will be changes in a democratic society, ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelensky does not understand this , for him it is too complicated conditions of the situation, he, you
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remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple solutions, always. simple solutions, he believes that with such and such an effort he will be able to convince his constituents to vote for him again, that's all. well, and, on the background of our mobilization problems, there is another problem with our aid, or rather not our, american aid to ukraine. artillery shells and anti-aircraft defenses could run out of defense forces quite quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to… christopher cavoli at a hearing before the house armed services committee . america, let's hear what he said. now the russians outnumber the ukrainians by five times, that is, the russians fire
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five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can shoot back. in a few weeks, that ratio will be 10 to one. we are not talking about months and we are not talking hypothetically. mr. borislav, tell me. the internal situation, internal politics in ukraine, it influences on the decision of the americans and not on the decision of the americans? no, it is not affected at all, now it is only affected by the internal games and the efforts of each of the two parties, the democrats and the republicans, to win the presidential elections, this is the main story that is now preventing ukraine from receiving this aid, but you know, i can to say otherwise, when we had a year of comprehensive... support from the united states, did zelensky use it to get some agreements that would oblige to provide support to ukraine and
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weapons too, did zelenskyi sign any agreements, anything else? no, but why, because he believed that the war would last for two or three weeks, or because he believed that it would always be like this and people would come to him? it doesn't happen like that, he was warned about it. by the way, israel is now within the framework of the treaty of soyuznychestvo, so... it will constantly receive weapons from the united states, and this is what an israeli military journalist, serhiy auslender, told me yesterday on my air, they are waiting for additional money, but the main money, the main money, the main they receive military aid because it is the contract, because they were signed, why didn't zelensky do it, because he can't calculate the situation, well, that's true, but the main problem right now is that the republican. and the democrats are fighting over this bill, because for each of them it is important as a blow to the opponent, and not as help to ukraine. for republicans, this
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shows that, look, biden does not care about domestic american problems, he does not want to strengthen the border. for biden, it's a different story. look, they want to destroy our democratic standard procedure like we do we want to give people citizenship, or in the form of residence, be it for... it doesn’t matter, or something else, each of them attacks, ukraine generally recedes into the background, i’ll tell you more, i’m now watching american tv channels very carefully, there ukraine has disappeared disappeared and taiwan disappeared, there is only israel, now iran's strike, here is iran's strike, but the problem is that ukraine itself refused to draw attention to itself, you. have at least heard that zelensky appealed to our diaspora, which is huge in the united states, so that they leave to a rally, to a protest, in order for them
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to attract the attention of their candidates in the elections, no, they have not heard, but why, what is preventing him, by the way, and where are the demonstrations, where are the hunger strikes, believe me, all this can be done, and by the way , this was offered to zelensky back in november of last year, he is silent, does nothing, therefore... it goes without saying that nothing depends on us, we could influence, but we did not use the window of opportunity and we do not use the tools that is now, we're just waiting, but what 's happening in the united states right now is in general it's a shame because the united states is now so messed up that it's giving up its leadership role in the whole world, and that 's also true, and you already asked about israel, there were reports already this evening that lebanon fired dozens at israel.. . rockets, at least 40 rocket launches have been recorded from the territory of lebanon towards israel, and it is obvious, as international
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agencies predict, that something more than rocket launches is unfolding there, well, we will monitor this situation, obviously, the united states of america will now respond to the situation in the middle east, and once again ukraine, as you correctly say, will be relegated somewhere to the third or fourth plan. mr. boryslav, thank you for the conversation, it was boryslav bereza, a politician and public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, friends, there is information from the near east, i hope that in the second part of our program we will not mention it either, because the israeli anti-aircraft system intercepts the missiles that are now, that we are now attacking it, it from the territory of lebanon, and in principle. and obviously, obviously the situation will be tense throughout this weekend in the middle east, we will monitor this situation with you. friends,
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i remind you that we are working. live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, those who watch us on youtube can take part in the survey, just like on tv, today we ask you about whether you would trust the power of the police and the military after the war, let's look at the interim results of the television poll, these are probably not correct data, eh, but 100% you could agree. with this on youtube 75%, yes and no - 25%. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society.
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drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, that's why that there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and us. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day for
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two o'clock. vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant. special guests, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 on expresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on telekanaluso. my name is serhiy rudenko. today in the issue. small martial law constitution. the mobilization law provides for a new order of
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armor. will it ensure fair mobilization? all-russian flood. whole cities go under water. orenburg and orsk are an illustration of what is really happening in russia. optimism remains. ukrainians believe in victory and expect it in one or two years. whom are they hoping for in post-war politics? friends, we are live tv channel also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take our poll, today we ask you this, would you trust the political power of the military after the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you would trust the political power of the military
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after the war. then vote by number 0800-211-381, if not, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, today is a traditional journalistic studio, my colleagues olga len, political viewer, espresso host, author and host of the war information program. olga, i congratulate you, i also congratulate oleksiy mustafin, journalist, publicist, historian. tv manager oleksiyu, i also congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. well, since we ask our viewers whether they would trust the power of the military police after the war, i will then explain why we are conducting this survey, referring to a sociological survey conducted by the razumkov center. i will ask you colleagues, and you about this, whether you trusted the power of the military police
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after the war in the format of blit.


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