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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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we saw it in peacetime, that these people lived a completely different life than the majority, the majority of the country, and to expect them to somehow change their lives in the conditions of a large-scale invasion, not to mention war at all, then i think it is absolutely naive hopes, only real, so to speak, real punishments for... for abuse can bring them to their senses, because if you know, a person says that he works a little for the state, but now he doesn't work anymore, that's how he understands the state, generally works only for himself, well, that is, why the state to spend money on these people, you know, we have, in principle, where to put this money, the same with the so-called parties for the collection of drones, well, let's just collect for drones without a party, in principle, the same
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money will be , it is also possible to direct the money spent on the party to more, more reasonable goals. thank you oleksiy, there is actually nothing to discuss here, it seems to me that we are all united about the fact that, well, the country should live, and the officials should live in the country where the war is going on and behave accordingly, without excessive moralizing, if they do not understand this, then they really should... work not a little for the state and a little for themselves, let them work for themselves, well, here you know, here it is more important than ever, well, some example from the from the top, that is, it should go from there anyway, because it is vertical, which, roughly speaking, was somehow brought to their senses by their superiors, if their superiors do not bring them to their senses, they do not show it by their personal example, well then we see such stories , well, the whole thing...
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our problem is that yes, we have, ot literally, until we have half of the elite mobilized into the army, that is, the real elite, not the creative one, which we practically all fight for, but the economic one, which is there, but until it is all mobilized, nothing will happen, well, on the other hand, i will remind you, i will remind you, how the presidency of zelensky began with the story that a robber will come out of here, and i... i am now managing the customs, that is the customs, that's right, i understand, for $ 200 i'll take the lead, that is, so what, that is, again, you can say anything publicly, but if it does not come to a logical end, and people are not, well, at least not fired from their jobs for such things, then it will only be, so to speak... well, yes, we
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remember how zelensky i asked a customs officer there, somewhere in uzhgorod, or where he was, in the first month or the second month of his presidential term, i asked him what iphone he had, what kind of car he had, and where he got his lexus, well, that is , a lot of this was said then, that i will show you all how to live, i will show you how how to live honestly, well, actually 5 years of the presidency, this is an illustration of the vision of the chief inspector... of the lviv customs office, when she does not even realize, does not even think about saying such things on camera, that this is also nonsense , what in general, even if you have that cartier, don’t flaunt it, don’t show it there in the center of lviv and say, i’m the goddess of the lviv customs here, and i absolutely do not like all the rules, well, this is also a very big question , which is obvious after the war. it will be especially acute
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when people return from war, and when those who fought, will be, they will look at these ladies with dogs, with leashes from gucci for $200, or for cards, well, you know, i would not wait for them to return from the war, because many will not return, you know , and to wait for them to mock those people, simply demonstrating that they are all screwed up. well, i don't think that these people will wait for this, that when the war ends, we will restore order, order must be restored now, if they do not want more, so to speak, tragic consequences. thank you, oleksiy one more short topic, i think we 're just exchanging thoughts on this global flood, all-russian flood, orenburg and orsk, and it looks like a vivid illustration of actually what... their
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comments there, what they're saying in general quite meticulously, you covered this topic in the chronicles of the information war, tell me... how do they first perceive and how do you perceive this flood that these cities, orsk and orenburg have reached, and there it seems to me that the water has already gone further into the mound , this is mismanagement, roadlessness, irresponsibility, everything that is possible, well, there are several such layers of perception, well, the first layer of perception is actually what russian propaganda is trying to do about it there, well, it is... just a natural disaster that could not have been to predict, it all happened like that, well, that's the main thing, and woe betide us, we will save everyone and that's it. there is such a next level of perception, it is also splashed out a little in the russian media,
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it is that, in principle, questions arise as to how it was possible to build an embankment of some kind embankment, but in this orsk, the dam actually broke there, and it was not a dam, it turns out, but just an embankment. which was together with the road and they poured it immediately less than the possible floods, they poured it without concrete, without anything, they took almost a billion rubles for it, well, in other words , they basically stole it, and that’s all you, this story with this dam, she revealed otaku history in russia, which is generally relevant there for them in the last 10 years, because this dambanov. it was built in the 18th year, it was designed from the 14th, that is, it is a completely new story, it this is precisely an indicator of the military economy of russia, and the military economy of russia from this point of view looks quite interesting, because it is clear that they pumped money from all regions to the center,
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spend this money or directly on embezzlement, well, that is, there are some projects like pseudodumps, which are simply stolen, so that , well, because there are those close to putin, this is all. rich families of russia, for which they need to get money from where, where do they get it, now after sanctions have been imposed on them, they practically cannot to earn money abroad, they receive them directly from the russian budget, and this dam is such an example, one of such examples, all the money was simply stolen, poured into it is unknown what, and this is the result, at the same time, the entire burden of maintaining the infrastructure. of russian there, the daily life of russians has been completely transferred from the central level to the local level, there is no money at the local level, and that is why it is simply such a huge disparity, such a gap between the increasingly
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declining standard of living of russians, which is collapsing right before our eyes, that is, the collapse that happened this year with heat supply in almost all regions, it did not happen at all. this is the result of this history, and on the other hand, this is military expansion, 6% goes to war, purely to war, and this will certainly tear them apart, and the second story, which is very amazing, is that looting has become the main the problem of this flood, the ordinary, ordinary victim of the flood is not talking about anything else, except for looting, looting is a story that everyone... well, frankly , cannot cope with in all of russia, thank you, in we don't have much time left, oleksiy, here's the story of the way the russians live, well, they 've always lived like this, and where, where is this border, where, when they realize that it's flooding them at all, into their huts, well, look, if ,
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if people always live like this, then they do not see anything extraordinary in this, they have always lived like this, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, remember, this is... the famous phrase attributed to the marquis and pompadour: "after us, even a flood", well, the flood came, but not after, during, so to speak, because this is actually the quintessence of the existence of the current putin russia, and maybe russia in general, somehow it will all suck, the main thing for us is that we live only once, let's raise money now, let's start all the wars we can, because then we won't be hired anymore, so i think that this is just a logical consequence of how is politics being conducted, thank you, we have to finish, colleagues, oleksiy mustafin, olga len were guests of our program today, colleagues, thank you for participating in the program, let's see
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the final results of the survey, would you trust the power of the political leaders of the military after the war, please point to screen 87%, yes. no, that's the verdict program today, i say goodbye to you until monday, until 20:00, have a good weekend, goodbye. greetings to our viewers, today in the espresso studio i am with you, artem logotenko, and we now have an extremely interesting guest who joins us, from the hospital, why from the hospital, i will tell you later, this is volodymyr nikulin. policeman, lieutenant colonel of the police, deputy head of the main
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department of the national police in donetsk region and part-time protagonist of the documentary 20 days in mariupol. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i congratulate the audience. mr. volodymyr, from my experience as a journalist, an investigator, i can say that the police do not really... like to communicate with journalists, how did it happen that you became the main character of a journalistic documentary? please tell me about it well, first of all, i believe that i am not the main character of this tape, the main character is the people of mariupol, these are our defenders, these are our brave warriors, these are policemen, and the main characters are... journalists who are so-and-so task you, well, if i was near them, i
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am very glad, i helped something at that time, so , well, i do not consider myself the main character, mr. volodymyr, please explain, tell us about your experience, about these terrible 20 days in mariupol, how is everything? it started, how did the journalists attack you, how did you manage to get out of there in the first place? well, this is a story that almost applies to everyone who carries the wagons of our defenders, that this story began for me on february 24, the morning when our relative... when all people, all the military, police, all other services that
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are the defenders of our country rose up against me, the war began on the night of february 24, 22, i cannot say that there was such an experience of such a war , although... the war for us did not begin at 10 p.m. year, for the donetsk police, at that time , the war began in 2014, so we already had some experience of working during the war, then, i believe, there has not been such a war on our continent, in europe since the second world war, so to say we were also... ready? yes, we were preparing, yes, we had it experience, i believe that we met this war
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on the alert, but we could not expect that it was such a war, in any case, i think that journalists, now i can call them my friends, and i found myself near. well , it was no accident, it was no accident that i understood that the great power of journalistic work, the great power of the truth, during such events in our country, it, the great power of the truth, can help us in our struggle and in our war, so when i saw them at the scene of a terrible crime . during bombing raids
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in full, i turned to them, recommended myself, said that i was from the regional police, offered help, and we understood each other from the first, one might say, glance, i turned to dostislavovich, i promised our help, only later, when i found it. .. they all said that during such events, during such a war, the survival of journalists depends. well, one can say that journalists cannot survive in such conditions without the help provided by the military, police or other special units, this was already my words confirmed by words
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those journalists, it so happened that in... they did a great thing, and i am very glad if i am this one. mr. volodymyr, in order to leave mariupol, as far as i know, you had to cross 15 checkpoints of the russian occupiers. how did it happen, tell us about your experience? yes, at that time, at that time it was necessary to pass. 15 of these roadblocks, well, i think, it was not the roadblocks themselves that were more, how to say it, endangering the security, the very situation in the place, the very troops that entered the russian, because
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to get to them prisoners of journalists, well, that would have... they would have caused such damage, to put it mildly, that it was a mortal danger, so when we left, and we left in our own car, which by then had already been damaged by shelling, that was also a plus, you can say that, i understood what it was, that we were leaving, passing those roadblocks, i understood that under... it reduces the danger for journalists, it is for my friends, therefore, telling like this in general, how it had to be done promptly,
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frankly speaking, because at that time i have work experience in myself. i understand psychology, some psychology of criminals, and you can say that those who stood in these spotlights are the same criminals, war criminals are different from ordinary criminals, there is also a big difference, well, i had to do everything so that my friends, my family, who was with us, to them in captivity. that the consequences were very serious, and frankly speaking, i had a human desire for them to be in danger, so that, and there among them was vasylisa stepanenko, at that time she was 23 years old, and my daughter, my wife, and imagine that
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they will succumb. leave mariupol and actually left, did you think that the collected material would become the documentary film of the year and win an oscar? well, i didn't think about that, i first of all thought about the fact that the world would see mariupol,
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and we were already in mariupol. we did it, my friends, the journalists did it so that the world community would see these crimes, to me frankly, the very idea that no one would see these crimes, no one would know about them, that was the worst thing for me, and when we did something when these materials to be filmed were transferred. at the maternity hospital in the higher cities of mariupol, hospitals, on the streets, and when these materials were sent to the world, i already... felt that this was a great work of my friends, journalists, and that these materials of theirs would become
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the basis, and something, there will be some prizes, awards, well, i don't think so at all, to be honest , these were the little nuances when my fellow police officers and i talked about something. we gave birth to our success very little there, when we repulsed some attack, when for 10 minutes, we prevented the advancement of these russians, when it happened, it was a joy for us, and to think that there will be some awards, that there will be some kind of phil, well, i can imagine it, this frankly speaking, mr. volodymyr, it turns out that you as the police performed their main duty, you recorded crimes, and thanks to you, the whole world saw the horrors that the russians staged in
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mariupol. i want to ask you one more thing: you were forced to leave donetsk in 2014, when the war actually started, and now for the second time, in the 22nd year, you had to leave again... leave already a new home for yourself, but tell me, have you thought about transferring your services to safer regions, because now you continue to serve in the donetsk region, i believe that all my comrades who did not become traitors, who came, who were on duty at that time. during the hostilities, the hostilities continued, my land, and i had a desire to stay to work,
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now i have a desire, and i believe that this is our, this is our work of the police, she has shown herself that we are doing a great thing with you help, well and this is also our work in mariupol showed that people need us, as far as i personally am concerned, well , maybe we were preparing all the years of 2014 for these, for these events, maybe, unfortunately, the experience, the experience we gained, the experience we accumulated already agreed to... do my business in marilu, tell me, please, these 20 days in hell, did you manage to survive them, are
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they still with you? you know, i can say that for all the employees who were for the defenders of mariupol, we were a little bit in this position, it was easier for us, you know why? because of the constant action, i believe that people who are civilians, who were in the city, they suffered more, because not a single day did we have such a thing to stop, to think about something, and i can say that it is so especially to be afraid of this events, in the military, in the police, and other employees who defended. was not for this time, but what our residents of the city of mariupol experienced, it is a horror,
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it is impossible to forget about it, and the fact that the world of my soul left in mariupol, it is definitely, i am impressed by my city, i think my second, native ... second city, although i am not from mariupol, so i believe that we did what could be done in mariupol, although, although now i look from this time, what could be done, done more of her mr. volodymyr, last year in august, the russian occupiers launched a rocket attack on the city. and a few minutes after that, they hit him again to inflict maximum damage on the people who came to save him. wounded
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from the first flight, our film crew, in fact, and myself, then recorded the consequences of this terrible shelling, the russians simply hit the center, on the apartment buildings, partially destroying them under the foundation, and we know that you suffered the same way, suffered from this shelling, and as far as i understand, now you... after being wounded there, yes? like all my comrades, policemen who were in pokrovsk, i went to the scene of this terrible tragedy, of this crime, it is definitely a crime, because walking around a residential building in the center of the city, at that time, hiding, as if there was someone there
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headquarters is located. this is definitely a crime, both from a legal point of view, and from a human point of view, and from any point of view, it is a crime, no matter who the russians there are telling themselves that they did something during the war, what should have been done militarily, this is a crime, they hit a residential building, they waited until after the people... had to provide help, were rescued, rescued by the police, emergency workers, doctors, and when they were in the middle of the heat , they hit them a second time, well, it was a blow in the back , this is definitely a blow in the back, at that time there was a lot of material, laid out in social networks, they saw them, residential.
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i understand that they did it deliberately, well, there is no excuse for such a crime, well, the fact that i ended up there, i was driving after the end of time, i was already heading home by car, like other policemen in the city of pokrovsk, our main police department, i went there to help. to leave, to leave the people helpless, without help at that time, well , there is no way, although we, we knew what would happen, whether there would be a second blow, and at the time, when this second blow was struck, we took them to car, there was a woman there, we loaded her, our car, our policemen, paramedics.
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there was a man who was on the fifth floor, he was contused, well, to leave them and run to save yourself, it was nonsense, to run, put on body armor there and hide there, there was no time, well, at that time, yes, it happened, that we are many of our police officers, which can be said, performing their duties. in this case, the rams were injured, a little happened after that, it is necessary to be treated here for these consequences, i wanted to ask you this, pokrovsk, at the same time in the summer of the 23rd there was a kramatorsk flight from a restaurant to a pizzeria, we very often see russian crimes...
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federations against the civilian population are


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