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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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these two films, vasya the reformer and yagidka, they were so typical with make-up, they were urban stories, they were very playful stories, but really there were people from such a bourgeois class, they looked weak, not very nice, and on dovzhenko’s posters so he himself painted bourgeois in the claws of the soviet government, he also painted them as unsympathetic and unattractive, so i actually remember his kharkiv... the period when he also drew political cartoons in the visnyk publishing house on the unattractive petlyur, vennichenko, skoropatsky, i.e. people who allegedly were dearly close to him. but let's look at the next film zemlya, which is certainly the most famous, i think, ukrainian film in the world right now, yes, which brought dovzhenkoi world fame, a film about collectivization, which is supposed to be. with the earth, with
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the roots and with nature.
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and now this movie earth is coming out and i understand that it has been in the box office for days and days.
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at the same time, in parallel, parallel to this abomination written by poor damyan, suddenly such a movement begins, so in the world, this film is recognized, dovzhenko becomes a star abroad in europe, america and so on. in what, how, in your opinion, what is the strength of this film, what was the innovation of the earth, why did the world suddenly perceive this film? for many, he became, if not instructive, but he became an example of her view of nature, probably, and in this film you can feel a kind of dovzhenkivskaya task, and the gap is very strongly felt there, the impression is that he is already starting to doubt one's impulse, that is, it is such a... a story about
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not being oneself and losing oneself, and so on dualism, maybe he, well, if he amplified the voice of this film, and by the way, this is a very interesting idea, and the soviet authorities immediately felt it, it is this dualism and this break with themselves, maybe because there was in the film, well, you are asking now about why the film was so popular. it was dovzhenko , he still couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried to play along with the authorities somewhere, or to play in such a revolution of reshaping his residents and trying to raise them, as it were, to a higher level, and now i’ve lost my mind, well, i’ll come back, but there, but dovzhenko, he was a pantheist in his essence, that is, he was not
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a christian, or very atypical, lost his faith during his studies, probably, but he was absolutely embedded in ... embedded in nature, and for him nature is that, that was everything, and if you look further there then evange's film, which filmed the construction of dniproges, and together with the films of other directors, it resembles such a very painful realization that something is wrong with us and we are being led somewhere wrong, and they are trying to change us to the point of destroying us. so that we are gone, and in the land, there are these typical ukrainians, who if only it is necessary to do something with them, or change them, or hide them away from civilization, eh, there are already
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people of a new generation, and there is simply a great nature that captures all this, against the background of which it takes place, where there is almost such a mythical way of thinking, where the old man in... kindness goes to another world, where there is a naked woman, which was also a very revolutionary move at the time, and it was his wife, it was yulia sontseva, who later, with whom he continued to work a lot already in moscow, she was his assistant, and then grew into an independent director. if we will have time, i will also ask you about yulia sontseva, but before that i want to ask about you who said that he flirted with power. for me , the relationship between stalin and dovzhenko remains a kind of paradox, why did stalin not destroy dovzhenko as a kurbas, like this entire generation, why did he
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save him, even from dovzhenko's words, several times, that's what devzhenko thought, why? i think you can only fantasize here, because we don't know what was in stalin's mind, and what, and what did stalin want? debt to yours, in your opinion, this is irena tsymbal, researcher , literary critic, she believes, she a researcher of the actually shot revival, and she believes that because dovzhenko was so authoritarian himself, well, he was impressed by the power and authoritarianism of stalin himself , as if he himself was attracted, attracted by stalin, his figure, a valid opinion, me, since he was a director, then she could have taken him. this figure from an anthropological point of view, yes, because he was undoubtedly an outstanding personality, i now have the thought that maybe dovzhenko, when this
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repressive flywheel already started to spin, well, maybe he had some illusion that he will sacrifice himself, and well, that is, if he becomes. on the side, so to speak, of evil, then it will be like such a ritual sacrifice, and maybe others will suffer from this, less, maybe he somehow believed that he could influence the situation and persuade, maybe he believed that his art affects on stalin, and stalin will listen to him, but this, this is now my assumption, because dovzhenko, it seems that he is constantly in this decision. and i saw such an opinion that stalin, for example, offered him to move to moscow in the 33rd year, it seems, dovzhenko, you left, he offered him so that dovzhenko would not see the famine that is happening in ukraine, so that he could not , somehow, witness it very
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closely, although dovzhenko did not could not have known, of course, the parents were here, yes, the parents were here and it affected them, but... but in the 32nd year, he filmed ivan on the dniproges, which was also put on the shelf, although it was shown on the venetian festivals, it was the first at the first festival in venice, and maybe here the fact that both zemlya and ivan were already known abroad also played a role, they were seen there, as in the case of perodzhanov, when the publicity of his film, which did not manage to be hidden in time, played a role. raised the voices of the world film community , and perhaps that is why dovzhenko was dealt with in this way and the next film after the 32nd, it was already the 35th year, aerograd, which he shot for mosfilm already for the idea of ​​stalin, in
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fact, perhaps this is one of the reasons, it was the same i agree with you that i also think that because of his world fame and because stalin perhaps understood that it was better to use it. and stalin used it to the full, it seems to me, and what is dear about shchors as well, because shchors was also stalin's idea, to shoot the ukrainian chepayuv that way. yes, and in both films, in principle, it is very, very clear that if there are still hesitations in the land, and there are also a lot of them in ivan, there is hesitation in between, well, such an artistic understanding of whether what is here is good is happening, is this transformation good and where does it lead, because dovzhenko puts these doubts in the mouths of his characters, and they certainly look very motivating for those who start to build, aerograd and shchors, they are already quite
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like that, this is not a reflection of reality, these are clear structures, as it should be, and megalomania is very well written in aerograd, and this is such a train to something huge, gigantic, big, majestic, to conquer, to take away, to conquer, ugh, and this is also something that is not characteristic of ukrainians. i also planned to ask you to talk about what seems to me to be the most tragic script by dovdzhenko, which is called ukraine on fire, this script, the film script he wrote in 1942, if i'm not mistaken, yes, we found his address where he says these words ukraine is on fire, it's at the beginning of the war, he addresses as if with an appeal, it seems interesting to us just... look at the temperament of oleksandr dovzhenko. ukraine is on fire. on our wide
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spaces, so beautiful and joyful in the recent past, cities and villages have been burning non-stop for two years now, the language of latin jokers illuminating the great tragedy of our time. listen. participants of a great era, ukrainians who are burning the fire of ukraine. coming up the decisive time of the willless struggle, we will be worthy sons of our great time. in general, in this film script, do you know what is impressive? it is amazing how much it hurts him, yes, this catastrophe of ukraine, which became the battlefield of the second world war, how much it hurts him terribly. i found a quote, dovzhenko writes that... on november 6, 1943, listen just now, right now, these days, at this
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historical point, how painful it is to read and how it hurt dovzhenko himself. he writes: ukraine is destroyed like no other country in the world, all the cities were destroyed and looted. we have no schools, no institutes, no museums, no libraries. our historical archives have perished, painting, sculpture, architecture have perished, all bridges, roads have been destroyed, the war has destroyed the national economy, has destroyed people, beaten, hanged, driven into captivity, we have almost no scientists, there are very few artists, so he writes a movie script, shows khrushchev, yes, khrushchev, somehow, i don't know if it's khrushchev, or somehow this film script gets to beria, and from beria it gets to stalin, and stalin, terribly, stalin, with whom dozhenko walked, walked. in moscow, who ordered the script and was completely satisfied with stalin's dovzhenko, he is terribly indignant, and
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we also chose a quote from stalin, who simply says that this script by dovzhenko, ukraine is on fire, is a revision of leninism. on january 31, 1944, just imagine, a special meeting was convened by stalin. kpb makes a speech, there is a transcript of stalin's speech, which says the following: if avayne is judged by dovzhenko's film story, then the representatives of all nations do not participate in the national war ussr, only ukrainians participate in it. so, here, again, dovzhenko is not right with the authorities, his film story is anti-soviet, a vivid manifestation of nationalism, a narrow national limitation, well... and of course it is impossible to make this film, it is absolutely everything
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is cut down, and dovzhenko writes this famous phrase in his diary, he writes that on january 31 , 1944, i was brought to the kremlin, there i was hacked to pieces and the bloody parts of my soul were scattered for shame and death in all the gatherings, i was held for a year and i fell, my heart could not withstand the burden, wrongs... and evil, i was born and lived for good and love, i was killed by the hatred of the great just at the moment of their smallness. is this the moment of truth for... dovzhenka, this story with ukraine on fire, is it not, is there a moment of truth for him, but on the other hand, he continues to shoot something even further, he then shoots also michurin, that is, it’s not the end yet, no, it’s not the end yet, and during, well, actually during the war, he also shot a chronicle film, uh, like notes about the war, but then there was a farewell
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america since 1951, and there was also a farewell america, so absolutely also a propaganda film, yes, it’s about... dovzhenko is gone, but in that interval there was also a poem about the sea, i don’t know if it was an epiphany or, the moment of truth, the moment when he expressed it already, he said it a little earlier, he has such a phrase that our film experts included in the exhibition, the river screamed howl, the wounded beast, this is a story about a film study of how the dnipro changed due to the development of kaskas , well, actually, the construction of this was a tool for the soviet authorities of a gigantic project, and here is the movement back
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, which we later dealt with after the russians blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, and now zaporizhzhia will also suffer. yes, dovzhenko , somewhere in the 20s and 30s, he, he had such a phrase that between true beauty, i choose beauty, and it seems to me that it is his, again , this is my fantasy, but it is very reminiscent of his political manifesto, because he had to either construct the truth, and perhaps this is also one of the reasons why he was under stalin, because stalin valued artists, he understood who... what he is capable of, but with dovzhenko by his side, it was easier for him to control him, and he, because what a mean thing dovzhenko did, publicizing ukraine in flames, it was really such a blow in the back for stalin, i and we
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are talking today in this program . person, the mentality of this person and so on. now the critical question is not only the return of dovzhenko's creative heritage, but also the return of dovzhenko to the center, yes, the institution you head, yes? not a return, but actually saving. for people who do not know about the history of the dovzhenko center, i would like to remind you that in 2022 there was a decision by the ukrainian authorities to reorganize the dovzhenko center, which actually meant the liquidation of the dovzhenko center. the cultural community supported you, the court recognized the order of derzhkino on the reorganization
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as illegal, but now, as far as we know, there is an appeal, yes. what is the current situation with dovzhanko-center? the situation at the center is difficult, because we have not received state funding for several months, and this greatly affects the efficiency or motivation for work, but people, museum workers or archivists, film archivists - this is a very specific category of people who for some reason protect what they in fact do not belong to... we protect what belongs to the country, and if the country does not need its own film fund, then i have a question about what, what are we fighting for, but my colleagues who are currently working in the center, they understand very well his responsibility and his importance in working with those films that we
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keep, this is actually the largest collection, the only one of ukrainian cinema in ukraine, and here with... with dovzhenko there is also a direct relationship, i believe, because he had an idea also, when he worked at the wolf, he had the idea that ukrainian films needed a film archive, or a fund where they would be stored, because films were treated so carelessly, they burned and spoiled easily, and he had an idea creating a film archive where films will be stored, but in the 30th year, ukrainian cinema all left. in fact, in russia, maybe something remained in the film studios, but at a very high risk, because it was not allowed, and actually in ukraine until the 94th year of its cinema. kyiv or the cinematheque did not exist only thanks to the efforts of some very wise people, among whom were mr. yakovyna and ivan dzyuba, and yuriy ilyenko.
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mykola yakovyna was the deputy and mykola yakovyna was also acting as the minister of culture for a period of time, because he the charter of the center itself was developed, then these people realized that we, well, we have a museum, but we don't have our own. there is neither a film museum nor a film fund, that is, our film memory is in another country, from which we are now, as it were, independent, and thus began a very long process of collecting film and returning it to ukraine, that is, we have been collecting film for 30 years, and we believe , that it is now formal, there is no need to transfer the films to some other institution, to normalize the activity of the center, to ensure its sustainability. so that we can ee to preserve the life of films and in a period when everything is threatened, i think that this is the primary function of the state, but since it does not really
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want to do this, but switched to the industry, accordingly, in their eyes, the film archive looks like ballast and something unnecessary, and to protect it there is no one but ourselves and our society, well, it's good that here our tasks seem to coincide with... that's why we continue to work and fight, although we would like to focus more on the topics that you raise today, because for us it is very important how we will relate to our own cultural heritage, how we will understand it, how we will talk about it, because now there are extremely many scandals surrounding each individual, and... it is clear that we know very little about elementary own cinema or about own art, and i also consider myself one of those people who are not very well -informed, i'm just lucky to work with
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those who do it, who do good research, and there are also people who remember history, but we we are very synchronous here with dovzhenko, that is, we, we are part of one a society where, on the one hand, we want russian funds, and on the other hand... we are threatened and they are our enemy, and we cannot figure out who our hero is, who we need to surrender, and this is the work of cultural institutions. anyway, i thank you, i thank you, thank you to your team, and thank you to the communities that support you, because you are doing tremendous work, even without funding, you are doing perhaps the main work of preserving cultural heritage, thank you, thank you for this i understand, thank you, because you are also among those who support us, thank you, olena honcharuk, the long-time leader. center was our guest, these are their own, their own names, we will see you in a week, thank you, the football format is changing the time of
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broadcast, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals , signals, emotions, the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect own the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, and... all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly
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strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. congratulations, today is a story about two girls and one boy who went missing in the chaos of war at the start of the full-scale invasion of russia. all the children we will talk about are from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. these are snizhana almagambetova, georgy burskyi and sofiyka vashchenko. snowyna is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her since february 24, 2022. a girl disappeared in... dovsky district, kherson region, in the city of gola prystan. and this 15-year-old lived just 20 km from golaya prystan in the city of oleshki in the kherson region before the war.
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boy, his name is george burskyi. be please look carefully, in his face the teenager is missing, and maybe you will recognize him and help him find him. just like snizhana and georgy at the very beginning of the war, nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko also disappeared in the kherson region. the girl was last seen in the village of chaplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana. and sofiyka, and above all, the search is, of course, complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory, and by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses, who, in particular, in social networks can see our videos about the search in the occupied territories, so i appeal first of all to the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy
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burskyi. and sofiy kuvashchenko, please call us immediately on the hotline number 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and, of course, children can stay both in the occupation and in the territory controlled by ukraine or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries and... there you see one of the children we are looking for, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the number 11630. 11630 - this is the only european hotline for missing children, which works in 28 european countries, so remember, better write this number down, you will never need it, but just in case you need to know it, i told:
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just one of the many difficult stories of children , who have gone missing, information about you can see all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here are pictures of children who are missing and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the service hotline number search calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. of course, now the vast majority of children we are trying to find are missing due to circumstances, one way or another. related to war. in occupation, in front-line cities or villages, or during evacuation. but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing due to running away from home.
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mostly boys resort to this. and girls in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about what you need first of all to do to prevent the child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive. to your child, there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and teenagers that indicate that you need to take more care of them, you need to take care of them more, what could it be? first of all, this is a disturbed sleep pattern, when the child goes to bed at three o'clock, gets up at 12 o'clock, this is definitely not good, it is definitely a reason to worry. further, it can be a depressed state, when the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of
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her if you notice any about... problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this can also be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences, if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of her, to have some kind of warm trusting conversation with her, to support, help, and sometimes to refer to specialists, to refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists. read an exclusive interview with the minister of foreign affairs in the latest edition of ukraine magazine affairs by dmytro kuleba: is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have the support of the usa? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak, the formula for confronting a strong enemy. igor yukhnovsky's diary, how to live with dignity until
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the loss and combining faith and science.


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