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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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child, this can also be evidence that she has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, have some kind of warm and trusting conversation with him, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists . read an exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have support usa? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak: a formula for confronting a strong enemy. diary of igor yukhnovsky. how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science. about
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these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about.
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help understand the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world, a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. maria gurska meets every week with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria.
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in kursk every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with au sisters. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis?
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oleksandr babakov is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern commercial court of appeal commit, handing over the poltava gzk to russian raiders. the decision is made by an absolutely corrupt component. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial reform in ukraine is ongoing, soon, a qualification assessment of all themis servants should be conducted for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics. obviously not everyone will pass it, and until this happens, the judges continue to surprise us, no only by cloud fortunes, but also by extremely absurd decisions. others run away from their positions until the selection committee finds them unfit and dismisses them in disgrace. today we will tell you about those who stood out, and first the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed judge kuznyk from his post.
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of the city court valery malkov, who was prosecuted for driving under the influence. malkov was caught drunk driving for the first time in august 2019. then he collided with... vaz while driving a foreign car in varasha, while malkov had clear signs of alcohol intoxication, but refused to undergo a medical examination, there is no need to be rude here, what is this, i am not going to press pause, no one, there are documents in the car, i can't, you smell of alcohol, i you drank today, no, i'm in this car, were you drinking before you hit that car or after, i didn't hit that car, i... i'm from this car at all, i'm visiting my mother, wait, what are you filming me for? the court found malkov guilty, imposed a fine of uah 10,000 and deprived him of the right to drive year, however, that year in august, the minister of aphemids jumped in drunk again. the supreme council of justice
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decided that such behavior of malkov is not compatible with the status of a judge. another traitor judge was sent for dismissal. the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice recommended his dismissal. judge of the kherson district administrative court serhiy varniak. in august 2022, due to the russian occupation of kherson, the judge was assigned to work at the odesa district administrative court, but varniak never got there. instead, after the deoccupation of kherson moved to the still temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region, where he received a russian identification number and a pension. the final decision on the dismissal of the traitor from the post of ukrainian judge must now be made by the supreme council of justice. in ukraine, a complete reboot of the judicial system is underway, competitions are being held to fill vacant positions in the courts of the first and appellate instances, and the selection of judges for the constitutional court is underway. in parallel with these processes, there is a qualification assessment for the suitability of the incumbent positions servants of themis. especially resourceful ones
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try to escape into retirement as early as possible, so that they are not kicked out for violations, because judicial resignation is not just a pension, it is an extension of immunity and huge lifetime stipends. payments from the state, and until it is the turn to administer justice, there are still judges with very dubious reputations and sky-high fortunes that cannot be explained by official income. this is lyudmila kropyvna, a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal. recently, she is very afraid for her safety, forbids journalists to film himself, despite the fact that he is a public figure and, according to our information , travels accompanied by security. we don't know what scared the judge so much, but we really want to know about... the origin of the funds that allowed her to purchase a large house in the suburbs of kyiv, an elite cottage town in kozen. koncha-zaspa is a favorite residence of the political and business elite of ukraine. there is a lake, a river, parks, private beaches and, in general , a very picturesque place. at the end of 2021
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, lyudmila kropyvna bought a house here for 260 m2 with a gazebo and a pool and 20 acres of valuable land. houses of the same area with a large living room and a fireplace, a kitchen and a dining room. with three bedrooms and a sauna are priced here next to the judge from 1 million dollars, however , the price of ludmila kropyvna's house turned out to be almost eight times lower and is a little more than 5 million uah. it should be noted that by law, public officials, including judges, are not entitled to receive individual discounts other than those given to everyone. so if an official buys something at lower prices market, it can be regarded as an improper reward, or simply a bribe. and this is... the judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, svitlana aldanova, and she also has a habit of underestimating the value of property. a few years ago, she bought a toyota raft-4 for allegedly $600, when the market value reached from $25. today, svitlana aldanova, a millionaire judge, according to the declaration, has
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almost uah 2 million in her bank account, and keeps another 2 million in cash. lyudmila kropyvna and svitlana aldanova made illegal decisions in a loud room the case of raider capture in favor of the russians alone. giants of the ukrainian economy, the poltava mining and processing plant. at the same time , the elite property of kropyvna in kozyna appeared precisely after she, as a member of the collegium , began to consider the case of the transfer of gzk shares to raiders. the third judge from the collegium - larisa zubets, who has already changed her last name and is now ivanova, managed to escape to retirement. if you cannot count on a fair court decision, then how can you do business in ukraine? and if there is also a russian factor. this creates, especially now during the war, creates an additional negative connotation. for more than one year, in particular, through the courts, businessmen connected to the kremlin systematically pressured and destroyed the mining and metallurgical business, which is extremely important for the economy of ukraine, and the undemanding ukrainian themis blessed
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raiding attempts even in the midst of the war, despite billions in taxes that enterprises pay to the budget. the ferexpo group, which includes the poltava mining and processing plant only for 2022. 23 years, has paid almost uah 8 billion and is one of the largest ukrainian exporters. in september 2022 , the board of judges of the northern commercial court of appeal in the composition. of the zubets and aldanova liquor store, in violation of the law, gave more than 40% of the shares of poltava gzk to former shareholders who owned the company more than 20 years ago, to four offshore companies that were part of the russian group vs energy, that is, in the midst of a full-scale war of russia against ukraine, almost half of the shares went to the russians. the current deputy chairman of the russian state duma tried to seize control of the company oleksandr babakov, together with his companion yevhen. engineer, president of the central sports club of the russian army. judges pugs
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were happy to help them in this. the decision is made absolutely, well, with a corruption component. ugh. and the fact that the courts make absurd decisions very often. and basically, investors and business owners can hope at best for... an appeal to the supreme court, or in general to international courts, this definitely does not mean that this is normal. babakov is known not only for the fact that he voted for the annexation of crimea, introduction troops to ukraine and recognition of the terrorist ldnr. he is currently wanted by the sbu and under sanctions of ukraine, the usa and the eu. and in the united states, a criminal case is being investigated for the implementation of hostile political plans against ukraine and the united states. alexander babakov, this is a pensioner. a person who, as a deputy, voted for the annexation of crimea. currently, this is the deputy chairman of the state
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duma of russia, this is a co-advisor, this is putin's confidant. the second person is also a citizen of the russian federation, yevhenii giner. he is the owner of the csk football club. cska stands for central sports club of the army of the russian federation. giner is also wanted and under us sanctions. in addition, he is a partner of the russian corporation rosteg, which is engaged in exporting products. military assignment and the head of which is an old friend of vladimir putin, serhiy chemizov. in the autumn of 2023, the sbu informed chemezov, who, in particular, supplies daggers for attacks on ukraine, about the suspicion of financing russian aggression. all aircraft that are produced are produced at our enterprises, all brands of aircraft. it an engine-building company that produces all engines, in particular for space, airplanes, helicopters and... the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly calls babakov and giner
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the leaders of the organized crime group archers, as stated in the joint investigation of the schema program on radio svoboda and the scaner project. according to the conclusions of the sbi , this group of russian citizens illegally obtained a number of objects of ukrainian critical infrastructure through fraud. poltava gzk turned out to be another strategic object, control over which they tried to seize kremlin businessmen. of this russian aggression, and a trio of ukrainian judges helped them in this. the pakhs board consists of lyudmila kropyvna, svitlana aldanova and larisa zubets. this is how, apparently, after bribing the ukrainian feymida, the leader of the raiders, the vice-speaker of the russian state duma babakov, disposed of the stolen ukrainian assets in the program of the propagandist solovyov. turning to the new territories, i want to say that the expenses should not go there from the budget of russia. we should consider these areas as economically ready. to be there to realize, production there is the future income of both these territories and russia, in particular, and
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we should invest there, not based on our budget capabilities, but based on the capabilities of the economy of these territories. however , luzhnikovsky did not manage to manage the poltava mining and processing plant for a long time. last year, forkspo managed to defend its rights. the grand chamber of the supreme court canceled the decision of the northern court of appeal. actually recognizing that judges kropyvna, zubets and aldanova, giving enterprise to the russians mistakes were made. they changed the subject of the dispute without any legal grounds and contrary to their authority and went beyond the scope of reviewing the case. the motivational and resolutive part of the pachs ruling were contradictory and based on mutually exclusive conclusions. also, a trio of judges led by kropivna intervened in the ownership of the farexpo company, replacing the non-existent shares with existing ones in the resolution, and also knowingly and without reason ignored the government's prescriptions and legal norms, and instead of showing ... were guided by assumptions, at the same time, having taken 40% of the shares from the legal owners,
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the judges left the claimant and third parties in the possession of the funds received by them for the sold and contested shares - 27 million dollars. so , thanks to the decision of pax, kremiv businessmen not only got richer by 27 million, but also actually received for free the shares of poltava gzk with a total value of 1.241 million uah. so a year ago i decided. the grand chamber of the supreme court annulled the decisions of kropyvna, altanova and zubets, and the shares of poltava gzk were transferred to the legal owner of the company ferrekpo. and press network companies to satisfy partially. the ruling of the regional appellate commercial court of september 12, 2022 in case 910/251/22 was annulled. interestingly, shortly after the supreme court put an end to this case, four of the raiders' offshore companies went into liquidation. everything points to the fact that they were created specifically for this package, and
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the decision of the pags panel is due to the corrupt influence of the russians. since the 19th year, we haven't... introduced judicial reform, didn't clear the bar of primaries, first instance and of the second instance of the court, and the first instance and the appeal, many examples of absolutely, well , let's say absurd decisions, abuse of the decision, and when it turns out that such raids can be organized on this company, when they can capture, and in fact take management hostage, when they can block ... to paralyze conscious activity, which significantly discredits ukraine in the world. flex is listed on the london stock exchange, and poltava gzk is considered one of the most attractive investment objects on the markets. so actions around him is not only a blow to the economy of the state in the midst of russian aggression, but also to the investment climate of ukraine. an attempt
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to put pressure on foreign investors may also affect international aid to ukraine in wartime conditions, and it is illegal. the actions of pocket judges in these fights without rules endanger the entire judicial reform, which is a key condition for the further movement of ukraine to the european union. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, message me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. good bye. greetings to our viewers, today i am artem logutenko in the studio with you, and we will talk about mobilization. i will have very interesting
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speakers with me, this is vladyslav seleznyov, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine 2000. 14-2017, as well as the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and oleksandr yavchanka, the company commander of the vovka devinci volunteer battalion, i welcome you, guests, good day, glory, i want to start, first of all, i want to talk to you about how important and relevant mobilization is, actually, let's start with you, friend oleksandr. in particular, you recently said in an interview with deutschvela that if ukrainians don't go to the military today en masse, later they will fight anyway, but already in the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation. i want to ask you to comment and explain, in your opinion, how much time ukrainians have
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to mobilize, and how many people are currently needed for the front... in your opinion? i believe that it is worth starting from numbers, we understand that they are of the order of 200, 300 thousand plan to demobilize, accordingly, we must understand that we need a comparable number, to oppose them at the front, this is actually the answer to your second question, the answer to your first question, well, it is also obvious. that's exactly what they do: they capture the territory, demobilize everyone there and throw them into the same meat assaults, so now just common sense should tell us that it is better to fight in our own army than later to fight in the army of the occupier. gentlemen, i now have a question for you regarding the content of
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the bill on mobilization itself, which was approved. by the council as a whole on april 11, the first, most important issue in this draft law is the lack of information in it about the demobilization of military personnel who are currently serving, mr. vladyslav, what do you think about this? not a very good situation, because in fact there should be certainty, including in the issues of demobilization, besides, we must remember that in the beam'. who was called up for mobilization and was not ready to conclude a contract on a professional basis for serving in the ranks of the armed forces, was released either because after 12 or 15 months, but there was
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an understanding of how much time our fellow citizens are called up to the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, the product of a full-scale war can make certain adjustments, but nevertheless there must be certainty. official spokespersons of the ministry of defense now assure us that this process will be organized in the near future. months, but it seems to me that this is too distant a perspective, a clear understanding of how long our soldiers who volunteered and enlisted in february, march, 22, must serve in order to stand up for the defense of our country, this is an urgent issue, and this does not mean that all of them will immediately be freed from evil in the armed forces, for some, combat work is close to their hearts and they do not seek to return to civilian life, but. .. again, in order for us to be as responsible as possible in the plans for the demobilization processes, the mobilization campaign must work just as effectively, which will call for
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motivated, further prepared, rurally equipped and trained members of the ukrainian army military personnel comrade oleksandr, i wanted to ask you how the military at the front perceived the news that the bill on mobilization was not passed. excuses the demobilization, just yesterday on the evening broadcast, we talked about it with one of the soldiers, lviv residents, and he said, what do you think about me? part of me thinks, i can't know, but i'll say what i think... i'm on this, war is unpredictability, and you can't guarantee people something to predict, er, it's kind of, you know,
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adventurous, to say the least, and what this fighter actually said about, well, it's been three years, and er, i'll only go home when i get the chance. .. cleanly, he will understand that his place has been taken by someone else, or even better two, until he has such confidence, of course he will not leave there, but i suppose that not everyone thinks the way he thinks about this matter, and therefore, the state simply, well, is forced to at least understand how the mobilization will go, what it is about, in order to demobilize people, we need mobilize, well, at least the same amount. better more, we still cannot understand how the dynamics of mobilization will go in our country after the adoption of the law and i hope the president, so i understand the actions of the state in
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this matter, and my attitude to this is as follows. gentlemen, i actually want to talk to you about the content of this law, how you evaluate it for yourself, whether it can ... change the situation with mobilization, whether this law will be beneficial, or some specific points in it, just the opposite will provoke ukrainian citizens to avoid mobilization? i will start with your permission, so we must understand this, the legislation has many excellent initiatives, but whether all these initiatives were implemented in practice, as they say, is a debatable issue, and here we must understand not only how effective
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the one developed by our people will become deputies, the mechanism, and to what extent it will be used and applied in practice, because the mobilization potential of our country seems to be equal to the full strength of 4.5 million people, but we can see that the ukrainian army is already experiencing a shortage of... why so is happening, the reason for this may be low, but the key question, which concerns the actual implementation, the application of the norms of this draft law, because it has not yet acquired the status of law, because president vo has not signed it, is whether all the norms laid down in this draft law will be implemented in in full, because once again we remember that ukrainian is socially. it requires and expects an extremely high level of justice, whether it will be observed, we will see only later, well , for now it is worth understanding that the current...
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draft law corresponds to the realities that exist on battlefield, which means that the issue of intensifying the mobilization process remains important. friend oleksandr, do you have something to add? yes, any decision has expected results and probable consequences in the decision, which are prescribed in this draft law, even now. there are first of all the expected results, so there may be consequences, of course, they must also be taken into account, but we must understand that the most important thing we have now is mobilization, and without a doubt, the expectation is that this draft law will contribute to that we will still be able to mobilize a sufficient number, the question is how we will be able to learn later, how quickly we will be able to...
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learn, therefore, after all, we have to think more in this direction, so without a doubt, my expectations might be a bit too high for this draft law, even when it was a bill before it was passed, but we have what we have and we have to work with what we have, there are a lot of points in the bill about who will not be mobilized... who is followed by the armor, and it is possible, quite controversial points , for example, employees of ministries, protected from mobilization, except in addition, we know very unpleasant stories about the fact that mobile circuses in ukraine are recognized as strategic objects, which are also employees who will not be mobilized,
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we know that employees of the single marathon tv channels received full... your point of view, similar stories, they will provoke a sense of injustice in citizens, and whether or not this will happen, will not lead to the fact that people will avoid mobilization and the number of evaders in ukraine will only increase, as, for example, you believe mr. slava, the issue of information support for the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, including those institutions that are directly related to mobilization processes, remains relevant. how did it happen? six minutes of mobilization, the ukrainian troops have already overcome, and this is not only about the activities of the ukrainian troops, in principle, in accordance with the legislative framework, the law, mobilization and mobilization preparation, the state, the state, the government
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headed by the prime minister, is responsible for mobilization. that is, actually all state institutions and institutions should take care of these issues, take care of them to one degree or another, of course, the issue of informing society, why mobilization is important, what goals it pursues, what will happen if mobilization does not take place, and here i agree with friend oleksandr, who emphasizes that it is better to fight at the head of one's own army than to fulfill the whims of the russian occupiers in the framework of meat assaults, which will definitely happen in the event... that ukraine cannot withstand this russian onslaught and, accordingly, the russian occupation forces will move further west in countries of eastern europe, and here it is obvious that we are faced with the question of how effective the same information campaign is, if people have reasons not to trust mobilization processes, in one way or another they try to avoid mobilization processes, this is a challenge, a challenge, including for those institutions, ministries and agencies responsible for
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information policy. state, there are many questions, not all of them have answers, but there is a key one, due to the destruction of our unity, we will lose the country, there is no need here and now, even yesterday to look for ways, motivational factors, arguments in order to convince the ukrainian society, the citizens of our country, who fall under the scope of the law on mobilization and mobilization politics , that the protection of our country, which we are , of course, friend oleksandr, what do you think ? how good is the information campaign about the involvement of ukrainian citizens in the armed forces of ukraine? well, you see, i can only say what i do about it, i guess, well, somehow evaluate my own actions, it seems to me that the most useful thing i can do in this situation, it's just go and...


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