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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together! to sum up, we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso, news, working in the studio. khrystyna parubiy. capture chasiv yar by may 9. the russian army received such a task - said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the occupiers are concentrating their efforts to break through our defenses, west of bakhmut, to reach the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, seize time and advance to the kramatorsk agglomeration. some of the russian infantry went to the novy neighborhood, but ours the military destroyed their phividron. and
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artillery. in order to strengthen the defense in this direction, the brigades will strengthen with ammunition, drones and means of reb. a truck driver died in the morning due to a russian drone attack in the krasnopil community in the sumy region. russian terrorists deliberately dropped explosives on the cabin of the car. it caught fire and burned almost completely. they could not save the driver - the prosecutor's office of the region reported. russian terrorists killed three residents of donetsk region and wounded five others. two people died in netailovo, which the enemy attacked from aviation hit a private house. another person died in novoselydivka. the occupiers fired at the village from hurricanes. two houses and two shops were damaged, the regional police reported. in addition, the russians dropped guided aerial bombs on a five-story building in ochereteny. currently , two wounded are known. but
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there are probably still people under the rubble. as a result of artillery attacks, two residents of krasnohorivka and a resident of bogu boguyavlenka were also injured. and at night, the russians attacked selidove with four s-300 missiles. five apartment buildings were damaged, educational institution, enterprises, cars and agricultural machinery. a 77-year-old man was injured during the morning shelling of cossacks in the kherson region. he is in serious condition in the hospital, the regional military administration reported. in general, the russians injured five people in the kherson region during the day. the enemy attacked 18 towns and villages of the region. it hit the preschool educational institution and port infrastructure. a high-rise building and 17 private houses were also damaged. the russians have suspended the offensive on the lyman and kupinsky directions, but they are not stopping attack. belogorivka in luhansk oblast. this
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was announced by the head of the regional military administration, artem lysohor. our defenders hold the defense and prevent the enemy from advancing. meanwhile, the occupiers continue to shell villages where civilians still live. makiivka and nevsky were shelled with artillery and mortars. the latter also attacked enemy uavs. rehabilitation project through brazilian. implemented in kropyvnytskyi, train military personnel and veterans after injuries or amputations. classes are free, aimed at physical education rehabilitation and socialization, our journalists will tell more. mykhailo drobotenko is 30 years old, he is a professional military man who has been defending the country since the time of ato. two years ago, near severodonetsk, he was seriously injured during demining. blew up on an anti-personnel
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mine, we received a combat order to take a position, since i knew the area there well, we took this position, but there were enemy anti-personnel mines, and in order for its comrades not to blow up, they were needed to choose, on that there were no engineers at the time, i was the only person who understood... in this case, i went to the exchange. before the injury, the scout was engaged in sports, so even now he firmly decided not to stop. first of all, he wants to exercise in order to be in good physical shape, he also has ambitions to participate in competitions, dreams of becoming a world champion, so he was one of the first to join the sports rehabilitation project in his hometown. what interested me - wrestling, it's like in life, you constantly have to fight, it's impossible to relax here. everyone will find
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something for themselves in these classes - i'm sure coach serhiy korkach. for some it is physical. rehabilitation, for some it is psychological, some will be distracted in this way. i want to help the boys to be in good physical shape, yes, that is, and this is more of a goal as rehabilitation for the boys, so that they don’t focus on their problems somewhere, yes, that is, but come here as a team, develop constantly, yes , i.e., i.e., were constantly in the team of people, the idea of ​​the project belongs to the league that organizes jiu-jitsu competitions in ukraine, says the founder of kropyvnytskyi club gene skirda. classes for defenders are held three times a week, anyone can join. we developed a methodology together with israeli specialists, specifically for training for veterans. the fact is that juuji is a very adaptive type of fighting, and here a person, starting from there, of any age,
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of any build, and also here are people who do not have one, two limbs, that is, they can find under a certain technique and... still successfully practice and perform also at competitions. mykhailo drobotenko advises brothers and sisters to do sports even through internal opposition. later, it will develop into a habit that you cannot do without. self-motivation jokes about its own motivation. he has a combative nature and is not used to giving in to difficulties. he is also supported by his daughter and girlfriend. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. unexpectedly. and i will remind you about... our collection of communication and security equipment is needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is
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uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected more than uah 75,000. let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. your hryvnia is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. large-scale road accident in kyiv. six cars collided on the 17th kilometer of the brestlytovsky highway. five people were injured, the capital police reported. police and medics are on the scene. driving is difficult. the causes of the accident are being investigated. accidentally crossed. with ukraine, four poles on quad bikes and a motorcycle got lost in hungary and drove into our territory. they were detected using a bispectral camera. the violators explained to the border guards that they were taking part in the international extreme driving race krakow-istanbul. every day they cover about 300
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km, mostly off-road, so they got lost from the route. a protocol was drawn up on the extremists, they are being deported. russia continues to be flooded by the powerful current of the tobol river, which washed away a pontoon bridge in a village near the city of kurgan, local media reports. the water is coming suddenly and has already risen to 5 m. the level every hour rises by 20 cm. the authorities called on local residents to evacuate. by the way, the city of kurgan is home to russia's only plant for the production of infantry fighting vehicles. already. which day also floats the russian city of orenburg. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website and in our social networks, join, put your favorites, and i will end the issue with this, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us.
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andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov are broadcasting the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel. we congratulate you on saturday as well we're talking about this week's highlights. and today, as we always have several guests, we will have a conversation with vitaly portnikov. and now we already have our first guest. already, i hope, are in touch. serhiy brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. congratulations, mr. serhiy. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. congratulations, colleagues. glory. glory. so, as soon as we heard the information, there was a conversation between the federal chancellor olaf scholtz and the president of ukraine volodymyr
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zelensky. there was a message from the minister defense of the federal republic of germany mr. pistoris that germany will immediately send patriots to ukraine, but as quickly as possible. situation such a solution? well, first of all, i would like to say that, of course, one battery will not be enough, frankly, to at least cover those main directions. which for today, where there is the greatest threat, the greatest risks, if we are talking, for example, about the south of our country, first of all, it is odesa, of course, mykolaiv region, er, kherson, the situation is slightly different there, because purely the front-line zone, and there it should be more about, for example, anti-aircraft missile complexes of small or medium, small or medium radius, in fact, this is what applies to kharkiv as well, but there are certain other possibilities, we usually talk about them straight we will definitely not be miter, it is better than nothing, of course, because we see that the south
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suffers precisely from ballistics, patriot, and today this is the weapon that can knock down this ballistics, not give the opportunity to attack so menacingly and so murderously, as it happens on today, well, look, we have two days of mourning in the south in a row, first odesa, it was after the losses on april 10, then mykolaiv, it was the next day, a double-strike tactic. the enemy is using, that is, he is so openly and brazenly now hitting precisely ballistics that there must be a countermeasure, of course the force in this case is periods. if we are talking about a battery, of course, from four to eight launchers, of course it should be a certain time for them to arrive in ukraine, especially during the war , we understand what kind of hunting the enemy has started even before how this information appeared in the public space, well, of course, in any space. in this case it will strengthen our possibilities, not as much as we would like, of course there, well, it will not be 100%,
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but nevertheless, it is also on the other hand, if we take the political aspect, it is a perfect example of what we all always talk about , that not in words, in fact, i really hope for a certain reincarnation, although i did not believe in it enough to do so, but a little, if i joke, i hope our duke richelieu in odessa, for example, his spirit settled... macron and from there, there will be certain, let's say, advancements in this regard. i don't know how many patriots there are in france, but the fact that they would be better used today in the south of ukraine, in particular in the odesa region, is 100% here. there are other systems, well, the italian analogue of the patriots, this is something that can also boost us in terms of air defense, i hope it will happen extremely quickly, although, if we take the experience of the war. then these supplies still pass quite quickly, if there is a desire, again, if this is not just
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a political statement, we see, these are real affairs, i hope it will be quite fast, but there must be complete secrecy, there are also certain fears about this, of course, because it is a weapon that will knock russia in the teeth, mr. sergey, such a question about the front, i wanted to you also want to talk, during this week we... see the same deep state on the maps, we hear from various representatives, from the military, that the rashists, unfortunately, continue their offensive on the eastern front, in the donbass, very often now the issue of the temporary ravine, for example, here on to for example, today we also saw that there is progress, in principle, to the temporal ravine, our defenders are restraining the enemy in different areas of the front, in your opinion, how will the situation develop further? whether to expect an offensive in the coming weeks, months, at least there in donetsk, luhansk oblasts, possibly
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kharkiv oblasts, i think that this question is one of the main ones that our citizens are interested in today in the context of how the situation will develop further, well, in any case - in any case, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow the enemy will not stop, the only thing that is in the information field, you know, for example, the zaporozhye direction, is that it is closer and... that it is more convenient to comment on the rabotinsky bridgehead, for some reason some time ago they gave out that this is news, the enemy has left in the offensive, the situation there is no less complicated than in other directions, it’s just different, other directions, let’s say, are heard more often in the information field, but now and in the work, well , there the intensity of fighting has increased, intense intense fighting, they actually started after that and began as the enemy was... knocked out of those positions at the beginning of autumn last year, there was a certain operational
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pause, and then slowly these rolls, now the enemy has become more active in all directions, so of course there will be a continuation, of course the enemy is trying to tighten the reserves that he has, but here well, again, be very careful, the situation is dynamic, extremely complicated, the same reserves that the enemy is trying to bring into battle, they are not immortal, they die, they die on an industrial scale, if you can say so, and in a flash of time, although the situation it is extremely difficult there, and if you fall over there from a temporary ravine again. there verbove, novoprokopivka work, the situation is also hot, very hot. bakhmud direction, we see there is an advance of the enemy along bohdanivka, on the other hand, today there are certain counteroffensive actions, including in the avdiiv direction, and there are already recaptured positions from our side, we already counterattacked there and recaptured these positions, but the enemy
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won't stop, it's so that society understands it, because you know, now... maybe a bit cynical stuff like that, but i think i can to afford it for some in our country, unfortunately, some time ago the situation at the front before these active offensive actions of the russian occupiers in all directions, in particular on avdiivsk, began to turn into an anti-terrorist operation, somewhere there is thunder, somewhere there is a war, in our i'm sorry for the word, i didn't use it, but i will use it clearly, we can... like this, to subvert, boil the situation at the front and end it, no, it is full-scale, i want to remind you, so the enemy will now attack, we will try to act as much as possible, again - i'm not for nothing i mentioned the reserves, that they are not immortal and the quality of these reserves, we will continue to contemplate the situation, we need weapons, we need bulls, this is what, well, actually people, including them,
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i hope that these people in our country will still pull themselves together and with will appear, please tell me. mr. serhiy, the following media are now appearing in the western media, at least analyzes of the consequences and possibilities of the defeat of ukraine, and many experts are beginning to say that the issue is not a military defeat, the issue is that the russians broke through in some areas of the front in some certain territories important for ukraine, may cause disappointment in society, reluctance, as one of the interlocutors of the bbc emphasized today, to defend what cannot be defended... perhaps this kind of reassurance is not connected with such a backlash, if will something so serious happen at the front? i understand perfectly what you are talking about, and the enemy is also counting on this, that there will be not only such, you know, moral fatigue of society, well, as they say, everyone is not born for war, that is true, yes, but on the one hand, on the other hand we understand
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that the russians will continue to promote this topic, that ukraine is not capable of winning on the battlefield. look, you are losing certain positions there, you are retreating somewhere, you are not moving forward, that is understandable, on the other hand, well , let's be frank, we have two options for action, either to die or to win, i personally, like my brothers, cannot die we want, well, anything can happen, life is confusing, as they say, for example, in our country, nevertheless, we must win, and these are not just words, today we see another offensive on odessa, on mykolaiv, there to kherson, but... i will tell you about the moral, moral, let's say so, emotional, emotional state of the enemy, including on the left bank, well , after all, we are talking more about the south, well , from my side it will be more correct, but then i will tell you, today the enemy tried to storm our positions on the left bank there, as they say, it did not work, it does not work, why, because it became more difficult to recruit even those miserable
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units, or rather small units, which go to our positions. recruit, because there are those who refuse to take a stand, and this is uh the 328th airborne assault regiment, i will say for sure that these are paratroopers, and the regiment, i am also not mistaken, the same 104th airborne division, that is, the elite of the russian army, i am not saying that they do not know how to fight at all, they are learning , they know how to fight, they have units that are capable of fighting, that know how to fight, but this is a landing party, these are the ones that on the left bank already reported in february about the destruction of our units, that is, we see that this morale is getting tired of the war indeed , many people, including that side, and by the way, they also do not see any special victories, in particular on the left bank for today, and therefore we need to use it too, but i say again, today the technical, technological component is more necessary, and
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confidence will appear, including when you know that you have a full bc, when you know that you have weapons. that you have someone to move forward with, well, i can actually convey my emotions to you when my unit is full of bc, well, we are dancing, conditionally, of course i say, everyone is happy, there is something to fight for, there is something to fight back and fight, so here , as they say, a stick has two ends, on this week the council approved the draft law on mobilization, it will most likely be signed by the president of ukraine in the near future. mr. serhiy, will this law, which will become a law in the future, actually solve the problems that you are talking about, that are being talked about? perts about the lack of personnel in our defense forces units, yes, will possibly stop the advance of russian troops, that
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we will get more people in the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and in general, how do you evaluate this current draft law, in the version in which it will soon, most likely, be signed by the president. will it stop i would like to start my answer with this, because there will be more people, at least those people who will appear, and they will additionally appear after the adoption of this law, i really hope for it, maybe not as many as it is planned at the very top, it is difficult for me to talk about it, what are the general numbers, and i would not like to voice my guesses on this matter, well, because it is also incorrect. most importantly we promise this is good training, this is the truth, no one will send anyone into battle just like that, because a fighter must go into battle and understand that he
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will not die in the first battle, he will complete the task, and we will move on, we all they are interested in this, so that there are people nearby who will lend their shoulder, well, this is the absolute truth, and any commander will tell you about this, that it is not easy, no, there may be such people, just give us people, we will run. at the beginning of the full scale, such people were seen, and then people very often died without really completing the task, but it was, unfortunately, unfortunately, as for the law itself, well , it has already been approved and should be implemented, i hope that in a certain time, and i think that some measures should be taken more strictly against evaders, i hope that maybe something will be adjusted over time , but anyway. let's talk about the most important thing, we really need people, and if this law helps to replenish these ranks of ours, it will be very, very wonderful, we will train
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people, we are currently recruiting in all departments, and i will say yes, where it is done responsibly , even before acceptance of the law, then people come there, people appear there, because they see the motivation, they see the preparation, and they see the final result, which they really are. they go into battle, prepared and most importantly, not afraid, i hope, well, after all, this law will really be positive. in principle, what do you think, mr. serhiy, to what extent can we hope that we will be able to cope with these weapons that are currently at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, given that we are unlikely to quickly receive any additional capabilities from the allies, and the ukrainian the military-industrial complex is enough. is slowly unfolding, and secondly, it can be destroyed by the russian aggressors also in those attacks that they are absolutely not
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randomly carrying out now on ukrainian soil, how much, in principle, even if you imagine an additional number of people in the armed forces of ukraine, can , it can be assumed that these people will have a sufficient number of weapons so as not to turn into cannon fodder in the further struggle with the russian aggressor. you know, probably, i will even use such a word an incomparable optimist, i hope that the supply of weapons will take place, at the beginning of the full-scale war there was a trophy, by the way , there was quite a lot, it made the work easier, because there was no one and the allies were also quite slow at the time, i hope that now these supplies weapons, they will not stop, after all, it has accelerated, and the fact that in scholka has woken up... well, the leader has woken up, maybe, at least at this stage, hope that the weapons will come from there, including and not only
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from the german leader, today we speak about our good friend the general, the president of the czech republic, petr pavl, who, you remember, he promised there 800 thousand shells, he already says, but there are a little more than a million, and this is what is announced publicly, i hope that... these numbers are not are final, i would really like those weapons, there must be technologies, you know, like about shells, we always say that shells or drones, there are not many of them, they are consumables, we need them as much as possible, then we will fight back and leave everything - still further, i hope that after this active defense, after the elimination of russian resources, we will still have the opportunity to release our temporarily occupied ones. territory, well , nothing will make me abandon the left bank, i need to go even further, my home, it is further, it is behind the hood, so how can i be stopped, i cannot be stopped, as well as my
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brothers. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was on the air, we will now take a break for a few minutes, and you stay with us, please, we invite you to of our sleep laboratory, matrolux - one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture, matrik - your universal. mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matrix from one of the country's largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture, and also with a 20% discount. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. delivery is carried out by throughout ukraine within two to five working days. with us, you know what you are buying. rather than
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it's all in the information. in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self -titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, there will be topics. actual, guests - special, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are returning to the live broadcast
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of saturday's political club and will continue with the next guest. we are currently in touch with andriy zakrevskyi, chairman of the board of the association of oil and gas of ukraine, energy expert. mr. andrii, good evening. good evening today we will talk with you, well, we will talk about the topic that hurts many ukrainians, hurts the energy industry and, i think, hurts the whole civilized world in principle. the occupants of once again they inflicted a massive attack on the ukrainian energy industry, this includes the kyiv region, the lviv region, the kharkiv region, and the dnipropetrovsk region, that is, they actually attacked energy facilities again. mr. andriy, please tell me whether this threatens an energy collapse for our state, at least in the near future, and what should we do about it?


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