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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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we return to the live broadcast of saturday's political club, and we will continue with the next guest. we have andriy zakrevskyi, the chairman of the board of the association of oil and gas of ukraine, an energy expert. mr. andrii, good evening. good evening. today we will talk with you, well, we will talk about the topic that hurts many ukrainians, hurts the energy industry, and i think it hurts. in principle to the entire civilized world. the occupiers have once again struck a massive blow at the ukrainian energy sector, both in the kyiv region and in the lviv region, kharkiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, that is, energy facilities were actually attacked again. mr. andriy, please tell me, does this threaten an energy collapse for our state, at least in the near future, and what should we do about it? what steps
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should ukraine take to avoid such a negative scenario? well, yes, firstly, we will endure, and ukraine will endure, secondly, the regret of the lost time, the regret of the lives of people, detek, ukrenergo, tsenterenergo, which at one time were under fire. we repaired it all made it so that people would receive light, and now, when the fruits of their labors have been destroyed, it is a pity, a pity that we did not spend the two years that we did not spend on getting involved in more dispersed decentralized energy, as practice has shown, there are no such obstacles that can not projectiles can penetrate, developed that there are, in addition to the obstacles of nuclear plants and underground gas storages, but still... you can
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bomb easily, it’s a pity, but i don’t see anything terrible in the future, there is no more wow effect, just simply, colleagues, there is no there is no effect when we can get scared such direct blackmail, which we will not overcome now in the next six months, that is , it is clear that we need to do, we need to do decentralized energy in ukraine, in your opinion, how realistic is it? this decentralized energy, this is a completely different approach to entrepreneurial activity, you know, in front of my eyes, i saw how the epicenter company, two girls, one angelinka, and the other oksana, watched ether with me and broke the spine of their opposition there inside the campaign , when kapstroy did not want to build these sunny ones there panels, they built 2k near kiev, now 76 million... dollars are being invested, but in front of
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my eyes last week the owner of the new post office called and talked to me because something needs to be done for his customers and so on, and in a week he already created the company novaposhta energiya, but it literally happened yesterday, well, this is what business does, i am confident in our business, that is, he will install a gas-powered power plant for himself, and he will have electricity for 8 hryvnias each, he will also install solar power plants for himself , he himself he will also install... yembaher gas-electric stations cost 2.73 kopecks for 2 years with capital investments, that is, he will install everything himself, it is no longer clear to me what to do for kharkiv residents who find themselves in high-rise buildings with central heating, that is, in i have a problem with this, but for the sake of business and ukrainians, i am calm, that is, we still, relatively speaking, now need to prepare as much as possible for next winter, as far as we understand... and above all, maybe, maybe we
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do not understand something with you, we have literally 12% left from the maneuvering, generation from what we had just a month ago, we have only basic power generation left, these are nuclear power plants, and next year we have 12 regions of ukraine in which blackouts are guaranteed for more than... hours a day, and we, if we will not make additional crossings through the dnipro, there will be four regions that will be completely without electricity. how much time do we have to at least minimize these things that you're talking about, because it's very important, the audience has heard some specifics about the number of areas, and we understand that in mainly these will be the regions of the south and east, such as kharkiv region. kharkiv oblast is now...
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located simply, i can list, i can list, of course, sumy, sumy, kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhya, kherson, mykolaiv, odesa, odesa regions are guaranteed to be disconnected. how much is what i said, how much time is needed for energy workers, for the state, in order to at least somehow minimize these things, because we understand that in eight months, even less, it will already be winter, and in fact, november is already the winter period, relatively speaking, that is, we need to prepare already and we need to prepare, both from the point of view of protecting our energy facilities, and from the point of view of responding to that. what can be done in order, as i have already said, to at least reduce this possibility of power outages for the areas of electricity, and accordingly , electricity will drag along, we understand everything else, well, let's face it, the state has not been able to install a gas-electric
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power plant for 14 months already donated to usade, so the state needs it from 14 months to the end, and... for private companies, if the company is like the epicenter, it took a year and a half to do it, if the company is like nova poshta, then it took a week, if some companies of the odesa region, which put solar panels and gas-fired power generation, it only took them 3 months, still in 2022, and already in december they arrived with their embachers, with their gas-electric plants , and at the same time... passed, and this odesa, that is, next to them there, did not know how to disperse the transformers and protect them, that is, they came to the point that they were knocked out the year before last winter, i am looking for whom,
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i do not believe the state, i believe the citizens individually, how should they be helped, of course , this is to remove postal charges completely on all elements of electric stations, on any, that is. this is to make it so that there are no, well, for example, loans, i’m not talking at all, if loans were given for at least three years, if they were given for three years, then tomorrow everyone would normally run and put it all, in principle , if to talk about the current situation, you and i are talking in some kind of static situation, and what would be done if the russians continue to act to destroy the energy industry, have they already done everything they could, you can say why in some kind of static situation or not. you guessed everything you could, they did it, that is , there won't be such a rush of leaks for one simple reason, that there are no objects left , but if they hit the underground gas pipelines according to the gas transport structure, i already talked about it , we still have 70 such raids that will last as they were now, well, how
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god forbid that people do not die, you know, and are not injured, and the fact that they hit the pipes is for the glory of god, the gas transportation system is not electricity with artificial projects for one and a half years on and provided. 10 years and so on, we, gas workers, we do everything much faster, another such topic, very important, interesting, at the expense of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. the russians are threatening again that they will launch the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. now, as of last we heard , this morning it is in a state of cold shutdown, which the zaporizhzhya power plant is threatened, actually, if the russians launch it, will they be able to do it in general and does it pose a certain threat to ukraine? well, let's face it, for me the situation looks as follows, at one time dergachovska shobla
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allowed the wistinghaus company to install its fuel assemblies at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, knowing that it would be seized. that's it. now the problems that are happening at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant are happening where the fuel cells of the westinghouse company are installed, where the russian fuel is standing, everything is in order there, now further, if the station is in a state of cold shutdown, plus, there is still fuel in the belly of the nuclear reactor, this is the safest place in the world, i will not repeat this, every person who i was at least once on an excursion to my favorite nuclear power plant... a ukrainian woman is told there that you are in the safest place on earth right now, what will the russians do if we raise it, that is, now, if everything ends badly and we will start bi-fights for the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant power plant, it can
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be in the state it is in for three weeks, and nothing will happen to it, but only if you try, for example, to lift a special fuel assembly on a crane, at that moment when the fuel assembly leaves or... nuclear reactor at this moment, the speed of your reaction to events at the nuclear power plant drops to 6 hours, and if god forbid you take and start the atom... the reactor and it works, at this moment, this is, especially, if it is under load, well there is a difference, now the nuclear reactor emits exactly 700 boilers, 700 kw now it emits heat, at the moment when it starts working, it emits a gigawatt, you understand, that is, well, there is a million times the difference, what can happen, that is, the launch of nuclear reactors is... putin's words, for me, for andryukh zakrevskyi, you have something going on in ukraine, the intelligence proves it,
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i don’t like it, and now i will launch the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in order to reduce the speed of decision-making by your military and political leadership to a minute, this is what is happening, and by the way, what it might even be from zaporizhzhya nuclear, if they try to launch it, do you allow such a possibility? i think that it will definitely be launched and there will be some kind of accident on... i 'm sure of it, look, when he sees that he can't reach something, he will still retreat, he destroys it, that is, only he i am sure that there are oligarchs nearby who want to oppress, who are sorry and so on, but only he sees, he is putin, yes, the collective necrophilic putin of russia, only this necrophile sees that he cannot reach this living thing, he makes it. you see, i am 100% sure that there will inevitably be some problem to launch, you
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said that the russians have basically already hit all the energy facilities, at least the ones they wanted to hit, but we remember how in the winter of 2022 , in 2023 , they did not attack power plants, but ... substations, is it possible that such a scenario will be repeated now, when thermal generation in ukraine is basically destroyed, when practically 100% of thermal power plants are destroyed, is it possible that the russians will move there conditionally now in april, in may, in june, until they will strike the substations again, which, conditionally speaking, will cause a blackout. in the lower regions and large cities of our country, and we will repeat
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the scenario that we had there a little more than a year ago, well, with the help of idiots, for example, we restored two khuzla transformers, the only ones in the south, of course according to them will strike, i told you that there will be no light in the kherson-mykolaiv odesa region in winter, because we did not disperse these nodes there, that is, in they are us they will be hit 100%, i can tell you right away, they will hit them 100%, but they will also hit the crossings that touch and there will be sabotage at the crossings that will go through kyiv and further through the dnipro, because if in the west of ukraine, along the right bank, our power generation is very scattered, there are no very large places left over from the soviet union . and so on, here, well, there are big things like that, i’m only there a little near the nuclear
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power plants in the lviv region, yes, that is, in all other regions there is such a thing there is no concentration, gathering, and frankly, if they are going to hit, well, let them hit, i will tell you honestly, because there one missile will cost 10 times more than the repair after they hit, and this is also exhaustion , yes, that is, it is already a risk ratio and so on, well, in principle, they are. rare idiots, they'd rather shoot something in a shopping center than just a cheap transformer, here are the crossings through the dnipro, they will beat and will beat these two transformer nodes in odesa. as you think, in principle, it is possible count on the fact that with this situation with the shunting thermal power plant, we will be able to get through the winter more or less normally for the population and for... here the question is, what will the situation be like with crossings
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abroad, it is clear that if you have 7 left a lot of generation, and you sometimes need 14 at a time, then they will never be there, you understand, that is, well, nowhere to get it, the question is how much they will help us with dispatching assistance from abroad, and this is the most expensive electricity, to be clear . that is, price increases will begin for the country itself, i understand correctly, there is no other way, well, there is simply no, there is no longer physically, they, our leadership. who is involved in this, she dragged, dragged for a long time, here, and even now, listen, well, if they don’t suspend the tariffs, that will be idiocy, but it’s already going on a whim there, i don’t know populists like venezuela or the same russia itself, but if they do not raise the tariffs, then a situation will arise, which will
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be transferred from one pocket to another, which means that the front will not receive money, but they do not give us money for the front, we spend it ourselves, that is if i don't raise...
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such tariffs, we understand that a part of the population will absolutely not be able to do this, and you know, these fears about the fact that a part of the population will not be able to do this, these fears are greatly exaggerated, in which i mean, neither are many of these people who actually won't be able to pay at this time, and if they can't pay, sir, then what the hell is going on from the 19th to the 21st, right? good question, but people will tell you that they only come from work at this time, that they don't have any other time, because they came there, let it be, let these people tell it not to me, but to kharkiv residents, who at this time have the only opportunity to learn how to use an electric heating device in a high-rise building, because their entire heat generation and everything was taken away,
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look at well-to-do kharkiv residents who have small children and and... they won't be able to do anything else except electricity, what do you say to me, i'll pay, well, that last one is probably already a question, at the expense of nuclear power plants, as far as we understand, as of today, nuclear power plants are the main the source production of electricity, well, in addition to wind and solar power plants, let's say so, we understand well... we understand that the rashists, too, there, they are also putting together some puzzles in their heads, whether they can strike at substations that relate to nuclear power plants and, in fact, such in such a way, well, at least there to temporarily remove the failure of energy supply already from nuclear power plants, which in fact will be in such a case, well, the finish line, before the complete
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shutdown of electricity, well, look, first of all, they have already struck. on these transformative ones bullets near nuclear power plants, this is not news, and that's why i'm paraphrasing your question, when will they hit the transformer nodes of nuclear power plants again, what will we do, i don't know about mr. kotin, this is a question that may still be scratching my nose pir and projects at the expense of wonderful projects with fistinghouse, in 10 years we will get two new nuclear e... reactors in five years, this is a very cool project and so on, and what will happen when, when they hit these transformers nodes near his power plant? i do not know, is mr. kutin ready to answer this question? thank you, thank you very much, thank you, mr. andrey, andrey zakarevskyi, an energy expert was in touch with us, we will now talk about what is happening in the caucasus, oleksandr boshko, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
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of ukraine to armenia in the period 1996-2001 and 2005-2010 we have years. i'm in touch here, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, good evening, good evening, well, recently there was a meeting of the prime minister of armenia nikolay pashenian, the secretary of state of the united states antony blinken and the head of ursula fonderlein of the european commission. can we say that this meeting shows, to a certain extent, changes in geopolitical priorities in armenia? eh, it not only shows changes in priorities, foreign policy priorities in iran, but also it. e-e testifies to the beginning of its era, one can say, e-e, the modern history of the south caucasus, the political history, which... for a long, long time was under the influence of the dominant and economic and political russia, and in this respect, i think that this
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the meeting, the document that came out as a result of the meeting, it is extraordinary important, it is primarily about its economic relations, of course in the field of multilateral relations of armenia. the european union, the united states, it seems to me, armenia is simply being transferred somewhere, to the distant year 2013, september, the month when it refused to sign the multi-format agreement between armenia and the european union, now it is trying to make up for it, as a result. and she lost a lot of things, in my opinion, uh, that geopolitical tragedy for the armenian people, i mean the exit of the armenians from
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nagorno-karabakh, it is also related to the mistakes of the foreign policy course in armenia, which she admitted in 2013, but now pashinyan has seen it. sees what this has led to, in the end he decided to diversify foreign political relations, but this also applies to economic issues, because, as we know, armenia is absolutely dependent on russia, and politics and the economy are politics itself, so of course it is about solving these problems. and geopolitical, which include economic issues, and political issues. mr. oleksandr, the question
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is about relations between the current kremlin and yerevan. for example, an american institution, a private institution for the study of war, says that the kremlin actually wants to challenge sovereignty in armenia, that is, de facto, to carry out various kinds of protection. in order to undermine this sovereignty, to undermine the current government in armenia, and in principle, they are already doing such actions, unfortunately, as far as such actions can be effective, and how can armenia now resist the expansive actions of the kremlin, which in principle have always been for many years, after the restoration of independence in armenia, and now these steps are becoming... let's say, more and more aggressive, especially in the context of the fact that russia is losing its influence on politics, on internal political processes in yerevan.
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in general, regarding this meeting in brussels, many opinions and assessments were expressed, both in armenia and in other countries, in particular in russia and azerbaijan. where they were wary of this meeting, regarding armenia, i generally follow the events in this country, in me, i am constantly on facebook, so to speak, in armenian, since i speak the armenian language, i have many friends, acquaintances there, i support this country, but there were many inflated estimates, which, they say, this one from... the meeting
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focused on socio-economic issues, providing support for the stability of economic stability and institutional stability. it is meant, of course , to oppose her attempts to destabilize the situation, both political and economic , in relation to expectations, i saw the meetings , followed the meetings and in the parliament when pashinyan met with deputies, then the congress took place. forces in armenia, fortunately we also have such political power, at the time when i was working as an ambassador in armenia
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, this could only be dreamed of, because... completely armenia was tied to russia , it is absolutely said that these expectations did not come true, and this is understandable, because armenia as a country, we have experience with ukraine, it must pass a certain stage, so to speak, pass exams or solve homework, so this meeting was about about... homework and not about what is an immediate way out, so to speak, from the wardship of the political structural or that russia was not on the eve of this meeting, the relevant institutions in armenia conducted an analysis of the economic situation and came to the conclusion that the jerk, which in some which. ..
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it is impossible to carry out a reconciliation in this regard, since everything is connected by economic and other humanitarian issues, including ties with russia, it is impossible to solve it in a few months or even years, it is about at least tens of tens years of her course armenians to europe, the fact that it chooses such a course. it was confirmed at this meeting , but this path is not easy, as we have our own experience, and we wish success to our armenian friends on this difficult path. in your opinion, what are the prospects for a peace agreement between armenia and azerbaijan. there are prospects, there are prospects, and work is being done in this direction, but at the groupex level. because
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it is necessary to agree on many issues related to some border enclaves with the determination of the passage of the state border on the border between armenia and azerbaijan, by the way, these issues have not yet been resolved, and with georgia there, too, armenia conducts accordingly. work, eh, but as for me, as for me, a person who is connected to that region, i see that azerbaijan is unable to emerge from the role of the winner in the war, and the winner of the war, there is such an opinion that he must dictate its conditions, due to the fact that, to all the appeals of the armenians, before the signing of this agreement as soon as possible, there are some uh... new
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proposals from the side of azerbaijan for what purpose in order to delay the signing of this document at the end of february of this year , the prime minister of armenia, nikol pashinyan , stated that he considered it real that azerbaijan could attack armenia, that is , in fact, a new round of war. we see that, in principle, after these words... one and a half months have passed, these statements have not received any development, yes, but many analysts believe that such a development is still possible in the future, if this peaceful agreement is not signed the contract, which you also talked about yesterday, as far as a new one is possible the war between azerbaijan and armenia, and what
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both countries need to do... in order to avoid it, whether to make some concessions, whether it is possible to involve international partners in order to settle even those issues that are still issues of disagreement , differences between both countries? well, the war is still going on between azerbaijan and iran, it's about the cold war, we can see it from... from the way border forces are fired from time to time, as a result of which civilians die, but we saw before that certain raids of azerbaijani units on the territory of armenia, when those villages that azerbaijan considers its own were captured, so
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... the war continues, it just


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