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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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are there any concessions or is it possible to involve international partners in order to settle even those issues that still exist are issues of disagreement, disagreements between both countries, well, the war, it is still going on between azerbaijan and armenia, it is a cold war, we see it from the way things are going... since the shelling of the border forces, as a result of which civilians die, but before that we also saw certain raids by azerbaijani units on the territory of armenia, when those villages that azerbaijan considers with their own, so the war continues, it's just... its scale is different, but in fact there
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is such a tension, it exists, and this once again confirms that it is necessary to find as soon as possible a solution, a political solution to end this confrontation, because in principle, er, i am referring here to the period of our initial ukrainian diplomacy, when we created such an organization in the years we were involved in its creation as a goan. after all , it was about including azerbaijan, armenia, and other post-soviet countries that believe that, which see their future in european integration, unfortunately, for certain reasons , it is said that there was no necessary support from the west for... and the activities
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of the proper activities of this organization, it did not give the desired result, but the desire was such and such. i am sure that, just like armenia, which has declared its european future, i think that somewhere there are such visions in a large part of azerbaijani society, another thing is that, let's say, er,... that format, in which the statehood of azerbaijan has now found itself, he foresees it e somewhat different diplomacy, different, of a different kind, i would say, that's why sooner or later it's obvious to us, and we have to talk about it, and it was discussed, obviously at the brussels meeting, it's about joint integration, as azerbaijan, as in
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armenia first, and then it is possible that azerbaijan will also try to find itself in this association, so this step and the confirmation that in principle azerbaijan too, as we know, was a member of the european parliament, his representatives were there, but for certain reasons, a certain demarche, they... we got out of here, so to speak, but we will look at it as a temporary phenomenon and express hope that we are together, but this is definitely after the victory of ukraine, after we can free our country from the russian aggressor. by the way, russian aggression was echoed in this discussion as well. of the brussels meeting,
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because those armenian figures, politicians, who , when, how, who criticized pashinyan, they reproached him, why are you turning to europe, don't you see how europe behaved with ukraine, it provoked, yes so to speak, in dragging ukraine to such a pro-european course, and, suddenly, at the moment when decisive support of ukraine is needed. it does not provide this support. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr boshko, the former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of armenia was in touch with us. we thank you for participating in this broadcast and we will stop for a few minutes, after which we will continue our dialogue. champions league quarter-finals only for megogo, barcelona-psg and man city-real. who? who
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will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field, find out on april 16 and 17 exclusively on my read an exclusive interview in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. with the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba: is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have the support of the usa? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak: a formula for confronting a strong enemy. igor yukhnovsky's diary: how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgil up to 30% in bam taushka travel pharmacies. maria gurska every week meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government on the restoration
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of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will it look like? our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sister au. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola september. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world do you dream about. norman we can imagine that. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, together. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is this our safety with you. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy. with fire and returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. good evening, once again to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, saturday political club, live broadcast, and
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we will now have 50 minutes of communication with vitaly portnikov, we will discuss the most important events that affect both ukraine and... actually, mr. vitaly, i think we should start, again, probably with the united states of america, so that a lot depends on their help, and actually during this week we heard various statements, we heard statements from trump, we heard statements from mike johnson, from republicans, from democrats, and they are all connected, it is clear that with the help of our state, using. according to which the republicans support aid to ukraine, in principle the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, has already voiced this, he says
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that his own people, conditionally speaking, will support and the same johnson will support aid to ukraine, if it is provided on credit. so on the other hand, we now essentially see a publication, for example, the spectator, it writes that the biden administration is allegedly afraid of nuclear escalation much more than at the beginning of the war, and this may actually be evidenced by the same statements about that ukraine should not fire at russian oil refineries and so on and so on. what does all this indicate? it? trump's appearance, the provision or non-provision of aid, the fears of the biden administration or individual representatives of the biden administration that ukraine is hitting russian oil refineries, how to put it all together, as they say, whether this aid will finally come and whether
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ukraine will finally will still be able to fully receive, well, approval so that we can... fight russia not by 10, 20, 30, 40%, by 100% so that we can, at least as they say, keep the front and... and and and could at least move forward somehow, well, regarding the statements of donald trump, it is very difficult for me to understand why people have such a short memory, maybe there is a lot of news now, but it is surprising that such not only people who consume news there, but also journalists and analysts have a short memory, so you can open google and see february 15, trump wants the united states to help ukraine with a loan, march 5. trump offers to provide loan aid to ukraine. 5 days ago, zelensky
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reacted to trump's offer to provide loan assistance to ukraine. and here suddenly there is sensational news: trump wants to help ukraine with a loan. there is a completely different sensational thing in this statement by trump, which does not apply at all to all his statements about lending to ukraine. he says that he wants financial aid to ukraine from europe. equaled the aid of the united states, because it is a european matter, and he does not understand why the europeans pay less when it affects them more, and there is a certain trap in this, because they can, and that, by the way, is the question not only the current one, the question, let's say, of their politics, if trump wins the presidential election, they can demand from the europeans that they have increased their spending on helping ukraine, otherwise they will not help ukraine, this is a new round of the game. regarding the fact that trump told mike johnson that he is ready to help ukraine
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if there is credit, this is not a new position at all. so, there is still a way to get out of this position, firstly, there are no indications that mike johnson can be confident. he is not threatened with resignation, if he will put the issue of ukraine to the vote, because the position of majel taylor green, who promised to put this issue to the vote, did not change after his meeting with trump, and everyone remembers it perfectly, and mike johnson probably remembers it better than anyone , that trump endorsed kevin mccarthy, before his resignation as speaker of the house , which changed nothing. the question arises again, what is the meaning of trump's public support for anyone, when the latter does not change his position. supporters in the chamber representatives, maybe there is some kind of code, maybe trump
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has to say something else so that they understand that they have to act differently, i don’t know, it is to some extent a religious sect with its own attributes that are beyond our control and beyond our reach, but if seriously, there are several options, the number one option is that johnson will still put a bill that has already been approved by the senate to a vote. the problem is that the more he drags it out, the less likely he is to get votes in the house representatives, because even a few weeks ago, when this bill was passed by the senate, we said that the whole problem is in johnson, because if he puts this project to a vote, he will definitely get support. now the situation is not so rosy, and not only for us. the problem is that a part of the republicans, who could previously have completely calmly voted for aid to ukraine, may
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not do so now, because the issue is becoming toxic for their voters, especially where they listen very seriously to trump and they hear about the loan and listen to his words that we should not give gifts to anyone. some of the democrats, who obviously voted for this decision, now do not want to help israel, and this is a joint bill, let me remind you, it refers to the united states... helping ukraine, israel and taiwan. and, democrats may find the issue toxic to their constituents, who want israel to end its gas hostilities entirely. and if the israeli-iranian conflict starts now, we don't even know which one consequences from an american domestic political point of view this will lead to. so this is a problem, problem number one, problem number two. johnson is ready to make a decision. what exactly this credit will mean is probably relative, but this solution needs to
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be worked out and agreed on at the bipartisan level, the republicans themselves do not have a majority for it, because it is obvious that this radical part of them will not vote for it, because it against any aid to ukraine in general, mary taylor green, what do you say which says that ukrainians kill priests. she definitely won't vote for it, and all the people close to trump, so that he doesn't talk about lending, they won't vote for it, so it takes democrat votes, in order to have democrat votes, again... just like should this package look like, should it include aid to israel? well, obviously yes, without the help of israel, this project is not needed by the republicans, they will probably find a certain part of the votes of the democrats, that's enough. but here is another question, what else will happen if the republicans will want to write there, as they usually do, some questions that, say,
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are related to drop gas, with its terminal in michael johnson's home state. johnson, i'm not sure if this will pass through the house of representatives, then i don't really, until i understand it, you have to sit down and calculate, how long can such a procedure take? let 's imagine that the draft law needs to be developed next week, the deputies of the house of representatives are already starting, they can vote for it, they can start some voting procedures, but why, but why? and everyone says it will the most difficult moment in johnson's political career, namely ukraine. because he risks resigning, so even if he does , even if this bill passes, and there are enough votes from republicans and democrats, it still has to go to the senate, and there will be another problem here, because again, how republicans and democrats in the senate
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, they will agree among themselves to what extent the administration will be interested in this bill , if it will have any... things that will one way or another harm the pre-election in biden's interests, how in principle can we hope to get it approved quickly, now the next question is that you and i generally understand clearly what we are talking about, when we hear all this talk about loans and start taking them at face value , how much does the administration want to allocate in? the country's money, if i'm not mistaken, at the moment, it's 60, 60 billion dollars, but we're talking about, if we're talking about credit, then not all, not the whole amount, 48, 48 billion dollars, goes to new needs military-industrial
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of the united states complex, these 60 billion, by the way, it is also an interesting thing when we say that we receive this money. and we will all breathe a sigh of relief, without them we will not survive, this is 12 billion dollars, which we will receive if this bill is passed, immediately and in service, all other weapons still need to be developed, so the question arises, what is donald trump so worried about , he himself has 12 billion dollars, i am very sorry, trump is a man, maybe he is gone now, but in principle this is a lifting amount for donald trump himself, he could give us own 12 billion dollars and calm down. we are constantly discussing loan rates for the amount of 12 billion dollars for a country whose military budget is how much? hundreds of millions of dollars, hundreds, hundreds of billions of dollars, hundreds, 12 billion dollars, we receive assistance from the european union for a year,
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10 billion dollars each out of these 50, it looks like that. about children, i will honestly tell you that i don't even know how to comment on it, of course, when you say a loan of 60 billion dollars, we give 60 billion dollars, that's the kind of money, they should give it to us, they don't, that's two, that's 12, 48 is jobs in the united states, that's money for the united states, that's that, that's a redistribution of the united states budget, and i'm so, frankly , surprised by that, and we're discussing it seriously, so. what are they doing, they are taking time, but imagine that they gave us these 60 billion dollars, and 12 billion of them would not be burdened with credit, what would happen? and everyone says that ukraine will never be able to give back this money, why can't we give back 12 billion dollars, what kind of fiction, well, that's all, if it wasn't yes, i would say, it is critically important for us,
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when every penny is on the account, you could just give it up, frankly, it's not a big deal. head to yourself, because when you name the whole amount, of course your eyes open wide when you understand that we are now, and it is about survival now, all this money in the long run, it is very good, but there will always be a question for which country, existed, controlled the borders, so that half the territory was not occupied as a result of delaying all these things, and that's all, frankly, it's cynical. mr. vitaly, you said such and such a phrase or sentence. they're stalling, republicans, and here it is, and here it is, of course, it resonated so much with me, what are they stalling for, is it within the framework of trump's election campaign, or? are those people who are currently delaying aid to ukraine as much as possible opposed to aid to ukraine, or are they de facto, so to
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speak, working out some subpoena in favor of the kremlin? a subpoena in favor of the kremlin, it makes sense if you look at the world through your eyes donald trump. donald trump is absolutely sure that ukraine still cannot win the war in russia. he does not hide it. he is sure that the whole problem is that joseph biden cannot negotiate with vladimir putin, because joseph biden is generally a bad politician and does not know how to negotiate with anyone, although we remember that joseph biden tried to negotiate with vladimir putin several times in a row before the war, i had a long phone conversation with him, remember, i called once, twice, yes, i don't think that trump would have done better, but this i assure you that trump is sure that he will do better, well, everything in trump's life is better than others, that's trump. this is trump, you can already go to vote at the headquarters, you understand, this is trump, but why spend money there? one, then why create an escalation, two, then why should ukraine
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liberate territories, three, when it will still leave behind only what trump and putin agree on, well, that ’s what, you know, if you are a businessman, that’s all absolutely useless steps, but if putin wants this, this and that, he will get it, question. simply in the fact that a certain number of ukrainians and russians will die in defense of this territory, or in its liberation, conditionally speaking, and for what? and you will also perish, let some more amount of american money be spent? and everything is very simple: in november, trump wins, this is his idea of ​​life, his staff immediately starts some negotiations with the kremlin, at the moment when trump becomes president, a security agreement is concluded between the states and russia, uh, but... to me they just report that she has such and such a territory, such and such status, she has to do this, this and that, and there will be peace, no one even asks,
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they just report that south vietnam someone asked when kissenger negotiated with led dekho, no one forgets, just report, that's it the agreement between hanoi and washington, well , trump has such an idea about politics, it is from the 70s of the 20th century, there are serious guys. they agree, and there are, well, how should i say it, there are some small countries that just have to understand this, but if you give money, if you create unnecessary illusions, ukraine will start read, scream, why is that, you know, like a grown person who doesn't want to hear this childish outburst, doesn't want to get on their nerves, and they just think it's unnecessary, along with that... they don't want to be seen as people who go against the grain public opinion, they see that the majority of americans are in favor of helping ukraine, well, in this case, they
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simply show that we want too, we also want to help, just not like the democrats, we don't want to drink our money, we want to give credit, this is all empty chatter, which we have already explained in the discussion the sum of 12 billion dollars is a loan, it is not... to say, it is obscene for a large state, it is a small state, if you, which gives you 12 billion, and for which this is a serious budget amount, and it tears away from the heart, from its own taxpayers, serious the money that could be used to build is incredible, maybe, i would say, there are some infrastructure facilities, she says, you know, we want to get interest from this, we want to get this money back when you can, well, when they say that ... in the united states we understand that this is all theater. so i explained to you the reasons for this theater well, trump thinks so, but it's one thing, trump thinks, trump thinks, and another
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thing, whether it will still be the way he thinks, because his idea of ​​the world and the real world - we understand, a little, a little different things. i can answer this question in a big way, er, the problem is that... trump may see the world differently, but 2025, one way or another, may be related to the problems of putin himself. we understand that putin has a bottomless barrel of resources, he can think that he has some he has a moment. to at least stop the war. always a question of when? again, logically, logically. we talked about this back in 2022, if you remember,
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andrii, that putin will drag. to the presidential elections in the united states, at least to many it seemed that it was too long, how to make it until the presidential elections, well, i am asking for april 2024, we already understand for sure that it will make it, true, that means after the presidential elections in the united states in principle, putin can it is considered necessary to talk with their winner not so much about the war in ukraine, because it is one of the... moments of the situation, but about how to coexist. i just don't think he's going to negotiate on terms that donald trump will like. but the fact that there will be an opportunity for, let's say, more serious russian-american consultations, and not those, relatively speaking, closed or episodic ones, which we learn about from time to time, is true, here... right,
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it's just a matter of , who will be the winner elections, but the fact that the person who wins in 2024 will most likely talk about something with the president of russia is also true, it is true, that is, that is, even if biden becomes the president, secondly, and he has such chances yes, we can see the latest polls now, and i also published them on my own. resources, where, where it is said that biden now has even more, at least there for the last few weeks, we see that he is growing, so the rating, their chances, my assessment, i think, many other analysts, 50 on 50 now, in in any case, to say that trump is the winner, it is, let's say, biden, yes, here we come to it, biden stands for the second time, is re-elected for a second term, what
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does he do in this case? is biden doing, is the same negotiation happening again that we talked about under trump, conditional, yes? that is, the russian position, it will be adjusted when biden is re-elected, parallel to their position, which they have when trump is elected. i think they have a position on getting trump elected that is not as great for trump as one might think. they may just have a position there, and it's a little bit, and you also have to understand it, the position is yes, they can now work out certain positions of theirs during these negotiations, you see that they want to talk specifically with the united states, but i will tell you more, i admit that such consultations may take place even before the presidential elections in the united states, washington may also be
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interested in some kind of suspension. before the presidential election, ugh, not to create the illusion that only trump can negotiate with moscow, this can also be certain calculation, i'm just not sure that putin will go to any talks before the presidential election, but this is, as always, the price of the question, and the level of putin's understanding of the institutional problems of his own country. we don't know, because we don't live in putin's head, how adequately he perceives the economic, let's say, reality that exists in the third year of the great war, and we'll move on from here, really, you made me think that putin, relatively speaking , now these months, the nearest, there 2024 in general can make... the so-
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called leap, in principle, he is already making it, we are now seeing a surge in the ukrainian energy industry, we are now seeing essentially different insiders about what budanov has said, we have already talked about this with the guests, and from foreign media, about the fact that russia is still planning another one of its own offensive in may, june, july, tentatively for the summer, let's say so, that is, we can... tie it into the context of the actual future negotiations, what putin wants now, at least he wants, we will not talk about whether it will work out in him or not, to carry out certain, certain military steps, to occupy possible new territories, to inflict maximum, and i say, if so, to strike the maximum blows on the ukrainian energy sector, respectively...


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