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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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the fourth year in general can make a so-called breakthrough, in principle it is already making it, we are now seeing a breakthrough in ukrainian energy, we are now seeing essentially different insiders about what we have already talked about with guests from budanov, and from foreign media, that russia is still planning its next offensive for may, june, july, tentatively for the summer, let's say so. that is, we can relate it to the context of the actual future negotiations, what putin wants now, at least he wants, we will not talk, he will succeed or not, to carry out certain, certain military steps, to occupy, perhaps, new territories, to strike the maximum and, i say, if to strike the maximum blows on the ukrainian energy sector, on the ukrainian economy,
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perhaps he will have some other goals, and in this way to get into a better negotiating position, i don't think it's about a better negotiating position, it's about simple things, this is not the logic of politics, it's the logic of a gang, if we manage to capture all of ukraine and destroy it all, well, that's great, we capture, destroy , we attach, then we talk, if if it is not possible to capture all of ukraine, then it must be captured. until the armistice at least as much as can be captured, but again this is nothing new, this is a program that appeared after the defeat in 2022, after the collapse of the blitzkrieg, it became clear that you cannot to make a puppet government that was supposed to provide all this, they decided that they would stop when they captured what could be captured, that is, at the moment of exhaustion, let's say, of the resources russia should... capture as much as possible of what
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it can capture, and protect against of the ukrainian army, as much as possible, this is one moment, then there is another moment, it is diplomatic, the question is not only about capturing the territory, but now there is this forum in switzerland in june, and it might seem that russia will react to it completely indifferently , because he has not decided anything in principle, well... the representatives and leaders of the country who essentially support this country will gather, people who do not support it very much may come there, and some vague communiqué will be adopted, if the global south is there , even peace formulas zelensky should not be included in it, this must be understood if there is a global south, i mean, simply for all good against all bad, for peace against war, for territorial integrity without a clear indication of how to achieve it and so on, but they went the other way, lavrov flew to beijing,
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began to talk about the need for a peace conference with the participation of russia and ukraine with equal representation of them and that china could become an alternative center for holding such a forum, that is, in fact, they are still trying to create an alternative diplomatic track. there are big forums in switzerland, president biden can come there, that is, if president biden is there, if president zelenskyi, the leaders are there. countries of the west, it will be a representative conference, but one that cannot decide anything, and we propose a conference at which these dynpins will sit between putin here and zelensky here and help them agree on who in this case looks like the world leader, well, of course , that is, if biden can only talk about peace in ukraine with zelensky and macron, sit down with zelensky and putin, if zelensky will agree to such a game, it is obvious. "here's bipolar peace,
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here's bipolar world, here's everything, everything is bipolar, and peace is bipolar in ukraine, so to speak, through the chinese role, and the world is becoming bipolar, thanks to xijianping's role in this whole story, and moscow essentially gives pass to beijing for such a game, and it is clear that now when olaf scholz will go to sydzenpin, and then sydzenpin will go to paris." then shizen ping will try to explain to scholz and macron that it is necessary to use this format, the strategic autonomy of europe, what about america, let us all gather in beijing and in the end we will finish it ourselves, and i will agree, if you agree, i will agree on it with putin when i have him, and it's a very risky game, in fact, it's an even more dangerous story than the offensive, given that the offensive is at least in... we have
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people who are professional military people, and we're going to have people who are professional pr people doing this story , who will not even understand what they are being dragged into. in the west it of course, they already understand, because this is a serious, serious application and very unexpected, and this is despite the fact that, in principle, china supports russia, that is, if it does not happen directly, if speaking, china does not directly supply weapons, as they say, from the conveyor to russia, then china helps others, for example, an article was published by shaded press, it says that china supplies massively. to russia , the goods are conditionally not of military purpose, but it is clear that they are microelectronics, that they are various types of elements for missiles, machine tools, and so on and the like, everything related to the production of missiles, tanks, and so on and the like, that is, we are talking about the fact that
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china is also trying to bring russia into a better negotiating position, with this kind of... support, we well, we understand very well that no chinese company would support russia and would not supply anything to russia, if there was no agreement from the top management of china, well, of course, this is not the kind of country where it is possible, it is a totalitarian country, well, i don't think that we are talking about a better negotiating position than china generally think in terms of a better negotiated position, the west thinks better in terms of a better negotiating position, it wants ukraine to have a better negotiating position, and this is another big illusion of this war. "well, you will advance here and there, and you will cut off the corridor here, and you will release this and that here, and you will have a better negotiating policy, a position in the negotiations with russia. i don't know who invented this, but we heard this all the time 2022, then 2023, you see, you
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couldn't, and you won't have a better bargaining chip positions, and there were none, and there are none, because russia was not going to hold any negotiations, these are all fictions that live in the heads of western politicians, because..." they were in such a situation, then they would have left for the negotiations, they are in a worse position, and putin is not them, he is absolutely fine, he will simply mobilize a certain number of people there and throw them like cannon fodder, he will do something else that is very unpleasant for his own compatriots, but he needs so china may think otherwise, china just doesn't want russia to suffer some kind of tactic. times in this war that strategically they will definitely win, there is no question of that , they are sure that they have a lot of time, but they see that if russia, say, is forced to end this war not when putin would like, but, let's say, simply because there are really
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no more resources to fight anymore, then this is a defeat for russia, even if at the same time it retains control over the occupied territories, you understand, when the war stops not because ... agreements, but because that there is not enough equipment or people or something else, this is a defeat, well, not enough for there are still further aggressive actions to contain something, but it is no longer possible to advance, and missiles to destroy energy can no longer be produced, because there are no components, this is what china wants to prevent, but again, it wants to prevent it so as not to fall under sanctions , and that's why the americans can put pressure on the chinese, that's not the case. because in china before lavov's visit there was janet yellen, the secretary of the treasury of the united states, who clearly said that no, you cannot cooperate with russia, they say it all the time, of course they cannot stop it completely, but these intimidations are connected solely with the fact
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that they hide better in them, if they, the more they hide, the less they can afford, of course, and that's all, that is , the americans are not idiots either, that china is a strategic ally of russia , that both countries are in a relationship of mutual assistance, one needs the other, that xizen ping and vladimir putin really understand each other, there are no illusions that these two countries are allies in this whole story, but given that china is not wants to admit it opportunities to make big eyes all the time and say, we want, and i will find. and then, then all this goes deep into the deep, and deep into the deep is a smaller amount of production, that's true. china, china is basically trying to hide its direct support for russia. china, official, official, all the statements of china indicate that we are against any supply of weapons to the parties, they say, here you
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are supplying weapons to ukraine on the battlefield, as said by this deputy secretary, i'm sorry, the permanent representative of the security council, the permanent representative of china in the security council. here are these supplies of weapons on the battlefield, they only increase the escalation, and we want negotiations, but we are peaceful, we do not give anything to russia there, we just trade with it, as i just read. not by certain military components, although it is clear that these are military components, and it is clear that russia simply produces a lot of things on its territory, we must not forget that russia is still a state with a large number of military-industrial complexes, that is, factories that produce various types of equipment, and they can build all kinds of new factories, as they built, for example with the same shaheds, by the way. if we have already talked about the shaheds, then i would like to
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talk about another topic, and it concerns another ally of the occupiers, iran. and why this topic is very important, because it also resonates very, very much and is very closely related to ukraine. this topic is very much related to ukraine. i pay a lot of attention to this topic, i have someone there. writes, what and why are you writing about it there, why are we here at all, come on, let's write about a lot about ukraine, we won't to write there about israel or about iran, and i say that this is a wrong position, because we do not live on a separate planet, we live on planet earth, and geopolitical interests in the event of a war or an attack by iran on israel, and in the event that if the middle east flares up again, for us these and these things and these and these consequences, they are for... in short, because now
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we will move on to the questions, our viewers know, and if they don't know, then you perfectly remember that last week, there was an attack by the israeli armed forces on damascus, the capital of syria, where they were actually destroyed several representatives of chile. of the officers of iran, yes, who in fact were preparing attacks there, including on israel, attacks on other states, and now in the foreign press, including among politicians such as biden, who has now interrupted his, his saturday, his, his sabbath rest and communicates with his entourage about a possible escalation in the middle east, it is about iran striking israel. the next days or the next weeks, we don't know that, i do
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n't think anyone knows exactly when that might happen or will not happen, but if it happens, here, of course, for our state and for all of us, it will also be a certain moment that will affect the position of the united states of america and many of our other allies in helping ukraine, that is, even in the media, militarily, in any... way, and now we come to this question, is a real conflict in the middle east possible, is an iranian attack on israel possible in the coming days, weeks or months, and if so, what intensity might it to be, well, and the third question, how it can ultimately affect ukraine, because it seems to me that russia would be clapping its hands there and would very much like for that to happen and for iran to attack
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israel. well, of course, this attack is possible, it will happen in the coming days, everyone understands this very well, it is in months and weeks. so, secondly, it was absolutely clear that iran could not fail to retaliate, after the high-ranking representatives of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in damascus, the head of this corps, were destroyed. in syria and the middle east, general zahadi. thirdly, no one knows what kind it will be intense, because in tehran they also understand very well that the israelis, when they were preparing this attack on the residence of the guardian corps of the islamic revolution, often say that this is an embassy, ​​it is not an embassy at all, it is just one of the buildings not far from the iranian embassy, ​​but this is an ordinary house, this must also be clearly stated, which does not have any immunity, so ... in israel, they also perfectly understood that they would strike, if there was a successful strike, there would be
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a response from iran, and they knew how they could to respond to iran's response, so actually iran could be trapped, if they strike with a large force, they would thus give israel the opportunity to retaliate against iran, including on what, on its nuclear facilities, and thus to close of iran's nuclear program forever and do it not by ourselves, what about iran and israel like iran, no, it's in response, you are against us. attacked with ballistic or cruise missiles, we answered you, now look, the capabilities of both countries are enormous, in ballistic rockets for israel fly to from iran, i apologize, they fly to israel in 12 minutes, the wings of these missiles in two hours. in
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the reverse side the same tempo. thus , ballistic missiles from israel can reach iran 24 minutes after the launch of iranian missiles. this can all happen at the same time. and this is also completely understandable, because... i'm one way or another sure that in both capitals, in tehran and in jerusalem, they are well aware that this is an almost obvious thing that needs to be, well, one way or
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another, really dealt with . so we are let's see how adequate the iranians are, if it turns out that they are not adequate, there will be a serious war, because it is clear that if israel strikes some strategic objects of iran, iran will not be able to say after that: that's it, let's finish. i'm not sure it's in putin's favor. in favor of putin, if there is any long-term conflict, between israel and iran, it is unlikely. to be eternal, because they do not have common borders. iran may use hezbollah to launch missile attacks on the north, but also cautiously, because it understands that if the army of defense of israel, which has now left the gaza strip, will go to the north of israel and into lebanon, then both hezbollah and
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lebanon can collapse. iran is not interested in this, because hezbollah is controlled by lebanon itself. so, the situation. can be very difficult, all of this , together with the strike on the residence of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in damascus, looks like dragging the iranians into a trap from which they will not be able to get out. we now have to see with you whether they fall into this trap or not, because they can act differently, they can capture ships, as they did today, they can for a... strike, but not a very serious one that can't be answered legitimately, the way you can answer a strong attack, they, that is, they can take careful steps, you remember andrii, that when general kasem suleimani, the head of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, was killed, by the way, on the personal order of our hero of our today's
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broadcast, donald trump, he gave the order, and then. also said, trump made a risky move, an incredibly risky move, why, because the iranians can to answer so seriously that this would be a serious problem for the united states, such a direct confrontation with iran, the iranians never answered this seriously, they did, and that too was actually the case. obvious to all of them, but that response was not one that allowed the united states to do a really big escalation, that didn't happen, and now there could be a repeat of that situation, you see that those who want to strike iran in a way that resolves the issue its nuclear program, all the time they are creating
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traps for iran so that iran will confess as much as possible hit him, this is the second time. in effect, benjamin netanyahu is doing what donald trump did once. well, here's the whole situation. by the way, if we talk about iran and nuclear weapons, then this week there was also such information in the foreign press, and in ours, that at this moment iran is already approximately ready, there is a readiness for several . weeks, two or three nuclear bombs, well, it's a conspiracy theory, well, at least that 's what they say, and that they, that... that they're in the process of being developed and that they're trying to do it, well, of course, that this is a fact, and this is this information, which, in
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principle, i think, should not even be called conspiracy, as far as there is, i mean the presence of the presence of working nuclear weapons, of course, that is, here conventionally speaking , they were called the same terms at first, now they are called the terms, that they can hardly have them ready there for several days, that's for sure. yes , information that only the iranians themselves know. not sure what they know either, you know, with nuclear bombs, the kind that makes you think it's there and it's not. that is, we are talking about what, after all after all, iran will most likely use the so-called gi, a hybrid such a scenario of war against, against israel and its allies, there may be such an option that there may be a hybrid scenario, because mr. vitaly just noted the information very correctly. about the seizure of one of the non-iranian, portuguese sub-portuguese, non-israeli ships under the portuguese flag, and
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the armed forces were not just there to bite, not just hezbollah, but the israeli armed forces landed on this ship and its capture, yes yes on the ship, which, which co-owner which is one of the... of the israeli billionaires, well, by the way, not just the armed forces of iran, but the naval forces of the vertigo corps of the islamic revolution, that is, that is, in principle, we can already now witness that it is going, maybe going according to the so-called hybrid scenario, and if we approach this hybrid scenario, then it is quite possible that it will be, but as they say, we will see, yes, that is, that is, in any case, which... i say again that it is important from the point of view of ukraine, because in any respect, informationally and politically, it will be including us, like any
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war, which, which, which will involve our allies and the civilized world, well, the most important thing is that it is, in any case , the globalization of conflicts, and by the way, when the war in ukraine began, and the first martyrs began to appear and... i also told my israeli colleagues at the time that i believe that iran is not supplying these martyrs for nothing, but that iran is trying to do everything possible to test its weapons on some real training ground, that is ukraine is an ideal training ground for iran, it can be beaten there on real infrastructure objects, and not on those that you will reproduce for yourself somewhere in the desert and... you see where the shortcomings of drones are, you see, the russians are now very seriously perfecting their drones from the anti-aircraft system , they said, oh, it’s all clear to the iranians anyway,
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it’s not clear, look, now it’s much more difficult to shoot down drones of the shachet system, because they somehow paint them differently, give them some other wings, that is, in fact, the iranians got two years of testing their, at least lethal drones devices, if you take into account what kind of ... different dome in israel, in israel, then this is a very serious job, and again, taking into account the fact that the drone will arrive in israel in the morning, somewhere in 10 hours, 9:10, from lebanon faster, somewhere in one and a half to two hours, then this attack can now be fully programmed, bearing in mind the ukrainian experience, and look, there was another moment that spoke about the possibility of a war between iran and israel. the russians at a certain stage, remember, they actually ran out of missiles that were in the warehouses, and they began to go to tehran, demanding that
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the iranians sold them not only an unmanned aerial vehicle, ballistic missiles, and none were there, it seems, as once we heard about an iranian missile, and so in principle here i was, by the way, my last next question, that despite the fact that iran supplies muhajer 6 reconnaissance drones, same. the same, the same shaheds, conditionally speaking, maybe some components for some kind of weapon, but not for supply, that is, they will never agree to this, why, and because there are few of them, they need them, they themselves need them, and here the israelis could always think and americans, why do they need them so much? well , now we are talking about the fact that they are needed now, new ones can be made, so they... were already needed, because they were already preparing for a possible conflict in the middle east, and the fact that they denied the russians missiles is was an indicator of
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what we... their plans for the future, of course, this is a very serious story, and it seems to me that it can also be summed up like this, as the fact that you and i are probably talking, it is april 13, yes , the famous nissan month of the jewish calendar in which all occur historical events, as a rule, ending with the story of jesus christ, which also took place in this month, as you know, and here we can talk just on the eve of a new big clash and a new big such duel between judea and persia, you know, again a biblical story, these are all biblical stories, they simply repeat themselves there once every thousand years, and it
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can absolutely be, because... iran was preparing for this duel and that is why it refused even its beloved russian friends, who really wanted to shoot at us, and israel was preparing, more moreover, as of now, iran no longer supplies the same shaheed in such volumes to russia, that is, russia itself does it, according to various data, russia now makes 30 shaheed per day, plus or minus, and so iran supplies there every wednesday and and many spectators. reading various monitoring information, they know that every wednesday a plane arrives too early in vnukovo, on vnukovo, yes, but they bring what, details, and the rashists themselves already put it on their own, according to the russian production of shaheds, according to this quantity, we can imagine how many shaheeds the islamic republic itself can produce per day, about the same amount, and by the way, it's also
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not enough. for the israel defense forces, for the israeli intelligence services, it is a certain reference point that somehow allows us to think about the amount of weapons without any talk about nuclear weapons now, because it is generally, listen, in the conditions of israel's confrontation with iran, it is also not not a trump card, as you know, how many weapons iran could stockpile at the moment when such a new phase of the conflict might begin, but by the way. notice that the phase is not provided for, because already ending our conversation, it is worth recalling that everyone talked about the possibility of opening a second front in lebanon, which could be used by hezbollah, there was a lot of talk about the houthis, who are stopping trade in the red sea, now alone iran is stopping, as we can see, the islamic revolutionary guard corps can, as it turns out, do without the houthis, they are ready to intervene themselves, but no one talked about the fact that the main danger is
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the direct ... participation of iran in the conflict, and now we we come to such a situation when llyalkovit himself, just as putin, like llyalkovit, came out in february 2022 from the backs of various scumbags and apes with whom he overlapped, that is, the proxy army, so iran can now come out from under the backs of hamas, hezbollah and the houthis, with whom he also covered himself in this confrontation, and the confrontation will begin with a real enemy, and not with an enemy that used shadows. thank you to andrii, we must conclude by thanking all the viewers who watched the espresso tv channel, watched the saturday political club, and we will meet you in this program already next, next saturday, and we will discuss all the main topics already next week, goodbye, all the best, let's hope that we will not talk without the next war.
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2:00 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the iryna koval studio, your attention to the news release until may 9 to seize the time of the ivars, this is the task the russian army received, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. the occupiers are concentrating their efforts to break through our defenses, west of bakhmut, to reach the siversky canal donets donbas, seize the time of the ivars and advance to...


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