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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 1710 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings to our viewers, today in the espresso studio i am with you, artem logotenko, and we now have an extremely interesting guest who joins us, from the hospital, why from the hospital, i will tell you later. it
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volodymyr nikulin, police officer, lieutenant colonel of the police, deputy head of the main department of the national police in donetsk region and part-time protagonist of the documentary 20 days in mariupol. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. i greet you, i greet the audience. mr. volodymyr, from his experience as a journalist and investigator. i can say that the police do not really like to communicate with journalists, how did it happen that you became the main character of a journalistic documentary, please tell me about it? well, first of all, me i believe that i am not the main character of this tape, the main character is the people of mariupol, these are our defenders, these are our courageous warriors, these are the police... and
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the main characters are journalists, who are you such and such a task, well, if i were with them around, i'm very glad, i helped something at that time, so, well, i don't consider myself the main character, mr. volodymyr, explain, please, tell us about your experience, about those terrible 20 days in... in mariupol, how did it all start, how did the journalists attack you, how did you even manage to get out of there, well, that's it a story that almost applies to everyone who wears epaulettes, all of our defenders, that this story began for me on the morning of february 24, when it was... our relative
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aggression began, when all the people, all the military, police, all other services, who are the defenders of our country, the war began on the night of february 24, 22, to say that there was such an experience. i can’t have such a war, although the war for us did not start in the 22nd year, for the donetsk police, at that time the militia, the war began in 2014, so we already had some work experience during the war, so such i believe there has not been a war on our continent in europe since the second world war. therefore
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, to say that we were also ready, yes , we were preparing, yes, we had experience, i believe that we met this war on the alert, but we could not expect that it would be such a war in any case, i i believe that journalists, now i can call them my friends. and i found myself nearby, well, not by accident, not by accident, i understood that the great power of journalistic work, the great power of truth, during such events in our country, it is the great power of truth, can help us in in our struggle and in our war, so when i saw them. at the scene of the terrible crime
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of the russians, when they inflicted a full-scale bomb attack during the hostilities, i turned to them. introduced myself, said that i was from the regional police, offered help, and eh, we understood each other from the first, one might say, glance, i addressed dostislavich, i promised our help, only later, when i was in other places, i communicated with a foreigner, they all said that during such events, during such a war, the survival of... journalists depends on the military, well, maybe so to say that journalists cannot survive in such conditions without the help provided by the military, police or other special
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units, this was already my words confirmed by the words of those journalists, it so happened that they did a great thing, and i am very glad if i or, mr. volodymyr, in order to leave mariupol, as far as i know, you had to cross 15 checkpoints of the russian occupiers, how did it happen, tell us about your experience, yes, at that time, at that time you had to... 15 of these roadblocks, well, i think, not the roadblocks themselves were more like that is to say, they endangered the security, the very situation in the place, the very troops that
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entered the russian army, because if journalists were captured by them, well, that would be, they would cause such damage, to put it mildly, that well, it was a mortal danger, so when we were leaving, and we left in our own car, which at that time had already been damaged by shelling, it was also a plus, you could say, i understood what it was like, that we were leaving, those were driving by.. .posts i understood that overcoming each roadblock, overcoming each roadblock, it reduces the danger for journalists, it's for my friends, so telling the story in general, as it happens, i
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had to do it quickly, frankly speaking, because at that time i also... i have work experience myself, i understand psychology, where is the psychology of criminals, and it can be said that those who stood in these spotlights are the same criminals, war criminals are different from ordinary ones with a big difference, well , everything had to be done so that my friends, my family, who were with us... to them in columns, because the consequences were very severe, well frankly, i had a human desire for them to be a danger, and there among them
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was vasilya stepanenko, at that time, she was 23 years old, and my daughter, my wife, every day. and they will submit to torture, and there will still be dangers, i am not, that is why i am doing everything so that we leave that zone of terrible danger for them, well, for me it was a task, maybe that is why i served all these years in the police, on that time of the police in order to, in order to carry out these actions, mr. volodymyr, when this... filming took place, when you tried to leave mariupol and actually left, did you think that the collected material would become the documentary film of the year and win an oscar, well, i didn't
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really think about that, i first of all thought about promoliupov seeing the light of day. and while we were in mariupol, we did it, my friends, the journalists did it so that the world community could see these crimes. for me, frankly speaking, the very idea that no one would see these crimes, no one would know about them, that was the worst thing for me, and when we did something, when we passed materials that were shot at the maternity hospital in the higher cities of mariupol, hospitals, on the streets, and when these materials were available, they were sent. in the world, i already felt that this was a great
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work of my friends, journalists, and the fact that these materials of theirs would become the basis, and something, there would be some prizes, awards, well, i could not do it at all, frankly, such were small nuances when my fellow policemen and i... talked about some topics, we rejoiced at our very small success, when we repelled some attack, when we prevented promotion to these russians, when it happened, it was a joy for us, and to think that there will be some awards, that there will be some film, well, i can imagine it, frankly speaking. mr. volodymyr, it turns out that you, as a policeman , performed your main duty, you
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recorded crimes, and thanks to you, the whole world saw the horrors that the russians staged in mariupol. i want to ask you about something else, you were forced to leave donetsk in 2014, when the war actually started, and now for the second time, here... in the 22nd year, you again had to leave a new one for yourself home, tell me, have you thought about transferring your service to safer regions, because now you continue to serve in the donetsk region, i believe that all my comrades who did not become traitors, who came, who at this time... served during the hostilities, because
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the hostilities continued from the 14th year until the beginning of the full-scale aggression, also, i believe that this was our duty, this is ours, well, we can say that at that time it became our goal of our work, to say that it... was easy for my comrades, easy, i can't at all, no one in the world in other countries, i think, has such a terrible experience as working during the war, i mean the police forces, well, to be honest, i didn’t even have the desire, i didn’t have a cape , i did not think to translate. well, this is my region, this is my land, and i, i had
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a desire to stay working, now i have a desire, and i believe that this is ours, this is our work as police officers, it has shown itself that we are doing a great job, we are helping you, well and our work in mariupol also showed that we are the right people. what what it concerns me personally, well , maybe we have been preparing all these years of 2014 for these events, maybe unfortunately, the experience, the experience we have acquired, the experience we have gained, he has already agreed to do his business in maribula. tell me , please, were you able
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to survive these 20 days in hell, or are they still with you? you know, i can say this that for all the employees who were with the defenders of mariupol, we were a little bit in this position, it was easier for us, and you know why, because constantly... action uh, i believe that people who are civilians, who were in the city, they suffered more, because we never had such a day... to stop, to think about something, and i can say that it is so special the military, the police, and other employees who defended were not afraid of this event for this time, but what our residents of the city
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of maryuu experienced, this is this horror, and it is impossible to forget about it. and the fact that mariupol has left a trace of my soul, this is definitely, i am impressed by my city, i consider it my friend, native, second city, although i'm not from mariupol, so i believe that we did what could be done in mariupol, although, although now i look... from now on, what could be done, make it more. mr. volodymyr, last year in the month of august, the russian occupiers launched a rocket attack on the city of pokrovsk, and a few minutes later they hit it again in order to inflict
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maximum damage on the people who came to rescue the wounded from the first attack. our film crew, in fact, and myself, then recorded the consequences of this terrible shelling, the russians simply hit the center, in the apartment buildings, partially destroying them under the foundation, and we know that you suffered the same, were affected by this shelling and, as far as i understand, you are now being treated after the attack. there's a wound there, right? yes, like all my comrades, the policemen who were in pokrovsk, i went to the scene of this terrible tragedy, this crime, it is definitely a crime, because at that
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time i was hiding in a residential building in the center of the city, as if there was some kind of headquarters there is located, it is an absolute thief. and from legal point of view, both from a human point of view and from any point of view, this is a crime, no matter who tells himself there with the russians that they did something during the war, what they should have done militarily is a crime, they hit the residential house, they waited after people began to be helped and saved. they were rescued by the police, emergency workers, doctors, and when they hit the police a second time, well, it was a blow in the back, it was definitely a blow in the back, at that time there were a lot of materials posted
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on social networks, they saw them that it was residential, i understand that... they did it on purpose, well, there is no excuse for such a crime, well, the fact that i ended up there, i was driving after the time expired, i was already heading home by car, like other policemen in the city of pokrovsk, our the main police department, i went there to provide help, but i left... to leave people helpless at the time, without help, well, there are many possibilities, although, we, we knew what would happen, that the second blow would come, and at the time when well, this second blow was delivered, we took her out by car, there was a woman there, we loaded her,
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our car, our policemen, paramedics, there, men. was, who was on the fifth floor, he was contused, well, to leave them and run to save yourself, it was nonsense, to run, to put on body armor there, to hide there, it was not the time, well, at that time, yes, it happened that many of our policemen, who can be said to have been injured in the line of duty, at the same time received the... parran, i think that ram, is being treated, after that a little more, then these classmates need to be treated here, and... i wanted to ask you this here is pokrovsk, at the same time in the summer of the 23rd there was a kramatorsk attack on a restaurant, on a pizzeria,
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we very often see the crimes of the russian federation against the civilian population, which occur due to the adjustment of their missiles by ukrainians, who for some reason do this, regardless of what they see. .. horrors are brought by the russians, in your opinion, should ukraine react more harshly to people with pro-russian views inside ukraine, should the population be more vigilant, or should they perceive in a different way what is next to us, perhaps our neighbor, one of them maybe tomorrow adjust russian missiles at our... houses: in my opinion, treason is the worst, worst crime, and as people see it, and maybe,
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if we speak from god's point of view, treason is the most terrible thing that can be justified to these criminals , which leads, there is no way, given their views, to have something. to imagine yourself, to make a mistake, but to be a traitor, as well as to betray your people who live next to you, this is the most terrible thing, i believe that the punishment can be, should be applied more in our courts severe punishment for these crimes. because they have no excuse, let those who commit it, let them think about
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what they have done with their consequences, maybe even with this, because of this punishment, they will understand that what they are doing is here without any doubt, this is my personal view. mr. volodymyr, the last, probably for me, i have a question for you, i apologize, summing up our entire conversation, today, how would you evaluate how the russian federation conducts this war, certainly, this war has shown that it war is criminal from the beginning, and criminals cannot fight like... real, they conduct it criminally, they have no respect for themselves,
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they even consider themselves with these crimes, there are no soldiers who are worthy of respect from their side, at all, these crimes , which they committed, these will be dark spots on them for years to come, maybe... i think that the most important thing for us is to prove these crimes in the world community, to remember these crimes and to understand that these are unpunished criminals, to commit these crimes, that is why ukraine is now carrying out a very big, big one does the job, it's... touching world-class criminals, unfortunately, it's true, it's with our efforts, with our efforts, we stop these
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criminals who won't stop, well, maybe the people of the world will understand and there will be worthy help from our country, so that we won from the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture, order an orthopedic mattress. hamal just now. together with the mattress, you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants will help you choose the size for your bed. this springless orthopedic mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body. and that's not all. one side of the cover is made of camel wool. and the benefit of the dry heat it emits for the body is known to the whole world. and it's twice as nice, isn't it? this incredible mattress is made in ukraine. you will no longer have doubts when we reveal all the secrets and advantages of this mattress. first, it is springless.
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stronger together. vasyl winter's broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many became like relatives, as well as respectable guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. channel espresso. and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at
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espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. one person died as a result of enemy shelling of a reedbed in donetsk region. two others were seriously injured and were
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hospitalized. this was reported in the office. prosecutor general. the occupiers threw off.


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