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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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18 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, i will start with the situation in the dnipro, there i inform you that the sounds of explosions are heard. and ten minutes earlier, the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine reported that rockets were moving towards the dnipro. well, in dnipropetrovsk oblast, in nikopol, three men were wounded as a result of enemy shelling. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the russians hit the city with a drone. as a result of the withdrawal, a fire started. the victims have multiple shrapnel wounds and fractures. they were admitted to the hospital on the spot. emergency services are working. one person
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died as a result of enemy shelling of a reedbed in donetsk region. two others were seriously injured and were hospitalized. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb on a five-story building in the village. the impact caused a fire. emergency workers found the body of a 67-year-old woman from under the rubble. the rescue operation is ongoing. 29 children were evacuated today from the lipetsk community in the kharkiv region. this was reported in regional police. law enforcement officers took the children to safe places together with their families. as the region suffers from constant russian shelling, the military administration announced the forced evacuation of children from 47 villages in the region. two kha-59 guided missiles destroyed our defenders of the sky. this was reported in the
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defense forces of the south. the russians once again tried to strike odesa. the air force managed to eliminate enemy targets over the black sea. the first ukrainian pilots have completed training on f-16 fighters, said the british ministry of defence. our soldiers underwent intensive training under the leadership of the air force of the united kingdom. the next stage for the military will be training in france. volodymyr zelenskyi will sign the law on mobilization within two weeks, deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada oleksandr kornienko said. according to him, currently there are no resolutions in the parliament that blocked the signing of amendments to the law. and volodymyr zelensky condemned iran's massive attack on israel. this is what the head of state said wrote to the page on the social network ex. zelensky called on the us congress. act decisively
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and enact the necessary assistance to strengthen security. he emphasized that the actions of iran and russia threaten the whole world with the expansion of the war. and the discussions that are still going on are not capable of stopping drones or shooting down missiles. german chancellor olaf scholz, who is on an official visit to china, characterized iran's attack on israel as a serious escalation of the situation. and also expressed germany's solidarity with israel. in turn, prime minister rishi sunok said britain would send additional aircraft to the region to prevent a repeat of such combined airstrikes. let me remind you that tonight iran launched at least 186 rockets and 146 ballistic and air-to-surface missiles at israel. israel claimed to have destroyed 99% of all targets.
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last night, iran launched a barrage of missiles and attack drones across the middle east toward israel. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation, which i strongly condemned. thanks to international coordinated efforts, in which great britain participated, almost all of these missiles were intercepted, saving lives not only in israel, but also in neighboring countries such as jordan. the royal air force of great britain sent additional aircraft to the region as part of the. our operations against isis in iraq and syria. condemnation around the world and important support from the united states, great britain, germany have shown two things very clearly: iran is isolated by its aggressive behavior, with which it wants to destabilize the entire region, and the possibilities israel was shown that israel is strong, israel can defend itself. meanwhile, israel declared. that iran will not respond to
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a massive air attack. according to the new york times, the president of the united states convinced prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to exclaim. conflict in the middle east, while telyaviv stated that he reserves the right to respond. in the face of the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition and demand a price from iran in a way and at a time that suits us. and what most importantly, in the face of our enemies' desire to harm us, we will continue to unite and grow stronger. and the following news. indifference kills. a rally in support of ukrainian prisoners of war took place in kyiv. relatives of kremlin prisoners and caring ukrainians took part in the action. the purpose of the meeting is to remind about the captured defenders. motorists joined the rally. they came
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through the streets of the capital in cars with azov inscriptions and posters. ihor klymenko held talks with the ministers of internal affairs. latvia, lithuania and estonia. the meeting took place in lviv. the main topic of the negotiations is the security of ukraine against the background of increasing enemy attacks on civilian and critical infrastructure. this was reported by the ministry of internal affairs. during the meeting, the ministers discussed the issue of mined regions of ukraine, the situation at the border and the creation of a safe educational space. also, with the help of augmented reality glasses, the partners were able to see the city of bahmud destroyed by the russians. raisin and buchu. one of the priorities that is on the agenda is, of course, security educational environment. the lithuanian government is ready to allocate 400,000 euros for the purchase of metal detectors for installation in educational institutions. we will continue to
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support you and stand side by side until victory itself. an inspiring spirit. the second day of kyiv started in kyiv. who half-marathon indomitable. it started with the do next step campaign. veterans undergoing rehabilitation ran a symbolic 150 m to draw the attention of civilian ukrainians to the problems of the military after being wounded. people still don't even understand, after the beginning, well, two years, and they still look, you know, to give way, not to give way, but still there are very many people. it's nice when they just approach on the street, they say there, a serviceman, says, yes, of course, i say, thank you very much, since the 14th year we have been helping our military, this is another reason to get together with the command, to see those guys who are not only now they came to us, when the full-scale began, and
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you will see our wards who underwent prosthetics or treatment in the united states. in the city of noginsk near moscow, russians for... the only church of the orthodox church of ukraine, the cleric of the orthodox church of ukraine sviatoslav skorokhod announced. according to the priest, in 2016, the noginsky district court issued a decision to demolish the church because it allegedly disturbed the peace of the local population. and i want to remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment. special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our the goal is quite ambitious, it is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 90 thousand.
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but let's not delay, because the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. you can see all the details on the screen, so join the gathering. such was the news at that time, we will see each other at 20:00, and literally in a moment meet my colleague, mykola veresnya. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matro-lux is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. mattrik is your universal thin mattress for the uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matric from one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and
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ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. country. should receive the right to start negotiations on accession to eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be unpleasant. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united
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by football, stronger, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin until 8:00 p.m., that is, one hour and 45 minutes. we will communicate with you and start with the situation on war, it will not only be about war, you will understand what it will be about when i name a person who, i hope, will now appear before our eyes, said ismagilov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, mufti of the spiritual administration of muslims of ukraine to 22nd year, good health, mr. izmagilov, i wish you health, thank you, i have it. you know, well, you coincided so well, i understand that we had planned to invite you for a long time,
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but at night iran also attacked israel, well, there was a big bombardment, what do the muslims of ukraine generally say about this conflict, which has been going on since 1948, in general, what are the moods, they are for israel, they are for palestine, they are for iran, they are for saudi arabia, well , just to be clear. where are the sympathies, how are they distributed, the muslims of ukraine should be for ukraine, if someone has not understood it yet, then people need to be given it. that we have our own war in the country, and the war in the middle east is a secondary theater of hostilities, an echo of the war that putin unleashed against the entire civilized world and, first of all, against ukraine. and absolutely not the secret is that at first he used hamas to divert the attention and
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help of america and the european world from war in ukraine, now another satellite of russia-iran is unleashing a new war, and i am absolutely sure that this is also being done on the orders of russia, that is, our enemy is opening new fronts in order to further stress the increasingly civilized world, and in order to divert resources, attention, and... weapons, finances from ukraine, because immediately all attention, all aid, is reoriented to another theater of hostilities. concerning muslims of ukraine directly, i did not investigate or monitor this issue, this issue arose only last night and
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not even a day has passed, but iran has always been perceived by muslims not only in ukraine, but in the world. as such, you know, a shiite country that behaves very aggressively, including, iran has always behaved aggressively against the sunni muslim world, resolved conflicts, as it was in lebanon, and in yemen, in other parts of the world, and i think muslims should be on the side of common sense and justice and i would i really... wanted muslims all over the world to be on the side of ukraine. one more question, i don't know if you somehow maintain relations with your co-religionists in russia? because now we see that there is a huge wave after the terrorist attack in crocus, well, i would call it that, well, maybe not anti-muslim, but pro-russian with such suspicion towards
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muslims, and russia, unlike ukraine, is half of it. a muslim country, there are whole regions, some information reaches you, how do people react to it, do they understand that it is not such a simple story, when russians say that russia is above everything, it literally means that russia is first, all others are secondary, including the muslim regions of the russian federation, and this is dangerous for these muslim regions, in my opinion, after 2014. i do not maintain any ties with the muslims of russia and do not want to, they are absolutely in line with putin's policy, they are the same imperialists and are happy to go to war against them, i have been convinced of this more than once, regarding the fact that
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russia is allegedly muslim country, it doesn't match reality, since the population. does not affect the government in russia, the government in russia is, you know, such a hebeian, moscow patriarchy, and even if there were 90% of muslims in that russia, they would not have the right to vote, usually the kremlin has the right to vote, including and the patriarch of moscow, as for the understanding of muslims in russia, what is happening, there is no such understanding. this can be understood through telegram channels, through websites, through what is broadcast directly by muslim publics, er, looking at it, i see that they are absolutely in line with the information policy that comes from the kremlin, and they believe the mass media and
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the information provided by the kremlin, accordingly, they sincerely believe in what... that pours from their russian television screens, now to our business, look, what i wrote, i will read it to you, a list for exchange was offered to the russian side, from the ukrainian side, the ukrainians offered to exchange, that means 146 muslims and one catholic, the lists offered the russian federation ignored this... said the verkhovna rada's authority on human rights by mr. dmytro lubents, according to him , a one-to-four exchange formula was proposed, the number of returned halves of russia. several times the number returned by the ukrainian side, but they don't even want to talk about it. what does this indicate? 148 out of 146 co-religionists are muslims
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offered to ukraine, let's somehow make an exchange. no, no, no, not ignored. what do you think this means? i will tell you more, on the eve of the holy month of ramadan, our side offered. to give a certain number of several dozen russian muslims as a gesture of goodwill, before the beginning of the holy month, the russian side refused to accept them, so it does not surprise me at all that they refuse to exchange them now, and they refuse to exchange them, because these people are not valuable , muslim peoples are a secondary population, even a third class. the population of this sub-empire, they absolutely do not appreciate the muslim population, so they very actively let them into meat assaults in
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consumption, with this they solve the issue of a large number of muslim population, which is increasing, they want to drag out this war, accordingly, including with the forces of russian national minorities, therefore absolutely. it is not surprising that they throw buryats, dagestanis, tatars, bashkirs into meat assaults, this is a common practice for them, not a titular nation, let's say, the muslim peoples of the russian federation are absolutely not valued by the authorities, they are considered as expendable material, and therefore expect some , you know such a... condescending attitude towards them, well, it's not it is worth it, but what is more surprising is that the muslim regions, relatives, loved ones, children, wives of these
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people, they do not protest, there is no indignation, there is no civil resistance, no pressure on the authorities, because these people are completely powerless, lawless, they are just slaves of this empire, it is their own fault that this has happened to them. it is their own fault that the government, their country does not value them at all, they do not fight for their freedom or their dignity, accordingly, the one who does not value his freedom and dignity will fertilize the black earth of ukraine. then the next question, not yet a military one, is also rather theoretical, but what do you think after putin’s departure, let’s imagine that he died somewhere or he went somewhere or dissolved into the air, how will the north caucasus behave, how they will, well, people who, well, for example, the chechens with whom i
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spoke, they say that this leader of the so -called chechen, half-chechen blood, they, they want to kill him, this kadyrov, and generally exterminate all these people , who usurped power in chechnya with the help of the kremlin, to what extent is it possible to create some... some possibilities, excuse the taftology, for some, well, not an uprising, some resistance, maybe, maybe, some criticism of the central russian power in the kremlin? i think that we do not know at the moment how long they will want to remove this decoration called putin, at least until 2030, the kremlin authorities calculate. that putin will remain in power, possibly even longer, if during this time ukraine will be able to inflict
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such losses on russia that indignation will begin in the regions, then indignation in the regions of russia it will start precisely with the muslim regions, they are boiling little by little, and there is a certain dissatisfaction there, it sometimes manifests itself very sluggishly, but it is felt, if ukraine continues to inflict heavy losses, will transfer the war to the territory of ukraine, to the territory of russia, if ukraine release, win in the theater of war, then this dissatisfaction can be intensified, that is , we do not know how many years it will be removed. putin's decoration, and if the authorities in the kremlin decide that it is necessary to change the decoration, they will can do it exactly as it was done with yeltsin, i.e....puts
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someone else in his place, withdraws from politics himself, i am tired, i am leaving, and it is absolutely necessary to understand that if the russian population is not driven to despair, then they will they will accept anyone who is put in putin's place, they will really accept him and obey him, but if the degree of tension is very high, then the first may explode. to the north caucasus said, one more question, eh, this is already so completely military, as far as i understand, you you serve in air defense, and here the washington post wrote that the drones in the ukrainian sky are paralyzed by the hostilities of both the ukrainians and the russians, yes, well, because they are hanging and the russians, the ukrainians are watching, er, and movement on the front is impossible, and the russians and
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ukrainians. who is easier to move ukrainians or russians, who is more harmed by these drones, which the washington post writes about, really now the situation on the front has stabilized, new technologies, they help to spend less manpower, i.e. personnel and rely more on technologies, and therefore really technologies, especially drones for... just this year, if last year this type of war, a type of this technique was only felt, then this year it is already active and massively used, experience, experience is still small, but it very interesting, everyone is watching, including countries abroad, how the future theater of hostilities will develop, how unmanned aerial vehicles
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can. influence the development of the war, if we want to win, we need, we desperately need to win, then we need to become a more technological army, so that we destroy the enemies not only with the strength and courage of our soldiers, our technological capabilities, new types of weapons, as for the air defense forces, then we will shoot down everything that flies above us, as we ourselves joke, if we do not fly, then no one will fly. and look, technologically, you feel better, for example, than i do, obviously, because i am sitting here in lviv or there in kyiv, there is the potential of ukrainian engineers, scientists who could create these technological advantages, our drones are very good proved, and directly on the line of contact and in the rear of the enemy, our
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drones fly up. and will strike far in the rear, more than 1000 km from the front line, in the rear of the enemy, the russians did not expect this at all, they did not count on the fact that ukraine would transfer the war to their territory, something that directly concerns the line of combat , our fpv drones and manned drones, including vampires and everything else, they drive our enemy crazy. they are really afraid of our drones aircraft, because they inflict very large tangible losses on the enemy. accordingly, we need to be ready, and our drones, which are ukrainian-made, show excellent results. therefore , it is necessary to direct assistance to our armed forces and state programs to make our
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army more technological. thank you very much, thank you very much, said izmagilov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine , the mufti of the spiritual administration of muslims of ukraine , was in touch with us until the 22nd year, we talked not only about the war, but like everyone who listened, understood that we also talked about the situation with muslims in ukraine, but mostly in russia and the middle east, it seems to me that this is all, it was interesting to listen, i think so, now we will talk... about the war again, but this once with viktor boberenko, an expert of the analysis and policy bureau, if he appears now, oh, good health, mr. viktor, thank you for seeing you, good health to you, good health, well, that's the first thing and the main question, the russian troops received the task of capturing the time of the ivars by may 9, he told us about it oleksandr syrskyi, as far as it is likely.


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