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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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let's repeat the scenario that we had a little over a year ago, well , with the support of idiots, for example, we restored two transformer nodes, the only ones in the south, but of course they will be hit, i told you that the kherson- there will be no light in the mykolaiv odesa region in winter, because we did not disperse these nodes there, that is, they will hit them 100%, i can tell you right away, they will hit them 100%. but they will still beat at intersections that touch and there will be sabotage at intersections that will go through kyiv and further through dnipro, because if in the west of ukraine, on the right bank, our power generation is very scattered, there are no very large places, unprofitable from the soviet union, the remaining grids and so on, well, there are only large such things. there is a little near
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the nuclear power plants in the lviv region, yes, that is, in all other regions there is no such concentration, there is no crowding, well, to be honest , if they are going to strike, well, let them strike, i will tell you honestly, because there is only one missile there will cost 10 times more to repair after they hit and that too exhaustion, yes, that is, it is already a risk ratio and so on, well, in principle, they are rarely idiots, they would rather shoot something in a shopping center than... put a cheap transformer, but the crossings through the dnipro, they will beat and beat the eyes two transformer units in odesa. as you think in principle, we can count on the fact that with this situation with maneuvering thermal power plants, we will be able to pass the winter more or less normally for the population and for industry. what needs to be done is the question here. is how the situation will be
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with crossings abroad, it is clear that if you have 7 gigabytes of generation left, and you sometimes need 14 on a whim, then there will never be any more, you understand, that is, well, well, nowhere to go, the question is how much they will help us with dispatch help from abroad, and this is the most expensive electricity, which is understood, that is, price increases will begin in the country itself, i understand correctly and... there is no other way, well, there is simply no, there is no longer physically, they, our management, which she does this, she dragged on for a long time, pulled, here, and even now, listen, well, if they don’t raise the tariffs, that will be idiocy, i don’t know, it’s already going according to the mood there, populists like venezuela or the same russia, but if they don’t raise the tariffs , then the situation will turn out, well, if
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we transfer from one pocket to another, then the front will not get money, they don't give us money for the front, we spend it ourselves, that is, if they don't raise the tariffs, then that's it. i read today, for example, yevhenna from trebin, there is such a guy, he writes, it's fine, he says, we have to stop to engage in populism, take and deliver from 7 o'clock to 9 in the morning and from 7 to 9 p.m. slap tariffs 10 times more, i agree with him, this is how it should be done. so that, you know, then a person will feel what he feels, the time was not loaded, but no, then let people feel what is happening at that time with the pressure of the dispatchers, when this happens, you need to catch this moment, you must not engage populism, and love 10 times, as it corresponds to reality abroad, that is, abroad, prices can soar 20 times during peak hours there in the summer, that is... and they pay, they pay according to
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the market, the question here is how much ukrainian consumers will be able to pay such tariffs, we understand that part of the population will absolutely not be able to do this, and you know, there are fears about the fact that part of the population will not be able to do this, these fears are greatly exaggerated, or in any sense, they are also many of these people who really cannot. to pay at this time, and if they can't pay, sir, then what the hell is included from 19 to 21. well, that's a good question, but people will tell you that they only come from work at this time, that they have no other time, because they came there, let it be, let it be that people say not to me, but to the people of kharkiv, who at this time have the only opportunity in a high-rise building to teach an electric heating device, because they took it away. fuck this
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heat generation and everything, let's look at the well-to-do residents of kharkiv, who have small children and nothing else, except for electricity, they won't be able to do what you tell me with... you say, i'll pay, okay, that's the last thing, probably already issues at the expense of atomic ones power plants, as far as we understand, as of today, nuclear power plants are the main source of electricity production, well, in addition to, let's say, wind and solar power plants, yes, we well understand that the rashists, too, there, they make up some kind of . can they hit the substations that relate to nuclear power plants, in fact in this way, well , at least there temporarily disable the power supply already from nuclear power plants, which in fact will be in such a case, well, the finish line before the full
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power outages, well, look, first of all, they already hit these transformer balls near nuclear power plants, this is not news and... so i will rephrase your question, when they hit the transformer nodes of nuclear power plants again, what will we do? i don't know, to mr. kotin, this is a question, maybe he is still messing with us and is engaged in projects at the expense of the wonderful project house, in 10 years we will get two new nuclear reactors in five years, this is a very cool project and so on, and what will happen when they are in... we had an energy expert on the phone, we will now talk about what is happening in the caucasus, oleksandr boshko, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to armenia in
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the period 1996-2001 and 2005- we have been in touch for 10 years, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, good evening. well, recently there was a meeting in armenia between prime minister nikolay pashenyan, united states secretary of state antony blinken and the head of the european commission, ursula funderlein. it can be said that this meeting, it shows to to a certain extent, a change in geopolitical priorities in armenia? it not only shows changes in priorities, foreign policy priorities in iran, but it also certifies the beginning of an era, you can. to say, the modern history of the south caucasus, the political history, which for a long time was under the influence of the dominant and economic and political russia, and in this regard, i think that this meeting, the
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document that came out of the meeting, is extremely important, it is said primarily about ee... economic relations, of course, in in the field of multilateral relations, armenia, the european union, the united states, it seems to me that armenia is simply transferred somewhere, to the distant year 2013, the month of september, when it refused to sign. of the multi-format agreement between armenia and the european union, now it is trying to make up, as a result , it lost a lot of things, in my opinion, that geopolitical tragedy for the armenian people, i mean the exit of armenians from
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nagorno-karabakh, it is also connected with foreign policy mistakes course in armenia, which it allowed, in 2013, but now pashinyan sees, sees what it led to, in the end he decided to diversify foreign political relations, but this also applies to economic issues, because in armenia, as we know, absolutely in absolute dependence on russia, and... politics, and the economy is the same as politics, so it is, of course, about solving these problems and geopolitical ones, which include both economic and political issues. mr. oleksandr, questions
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about the current relations between the kremlin and yerevan. for example, an american institution, a private one, the institute for the study of war, says that... the kremlin wants to actually challenge sovereignty in armenia, that is, de facto to take various measures to undermine this sovereignty, to undermine the current government. armenia, and in principle, they are already taking such actions, unfortunately. how effective can such actions be, and how can armenia now resist the actual expansionist actions of the kremlin, which in principle have always been for many years, after the restoration independence in armenia, and now these steps are becoming, shall we say, more and more aggressive, especially in the context of the fact that... russia is losing its influence on politics, on internal political processes in yerevan,
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in general, a lot of all kinds of things were said about this meeting in brussels opinions and assessments, both in armenia and in other countries, in particular in russia, in azerbaijan, where this meeting was wary. as for armenia, i generally follow the events in this country, i am constantly on facebook, so to speak, in armenian, since i own in the armenian language, i have many friends, acquaintances there, i root for this country, there were many inflated estimates that they said, this meeting, it will give a ticket er... in armenia to europe, er, but as we we see,
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in the end, this meeting came down to purely economic issues, providing support for stability, economic stability and institutional stability, in armenia, it is meant, of course. er, opposing her attempts to destabilize the situation, both political and economic. regarding expectations, i saw the meetings, followed meetings and in the parliament, when pashinyan met with deputies, then a congress of pro-european forces took place, in armenia, fortunately, we also have... such a political force, while i was working as an ambassador in armenia,
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this could only be dreamed of, because armenia was completely tied to russia, absolutely, so it means that these expectations did not come true, and this is understandable, because armenia as a country, we have experience with ukraine, it must go through a certain stage, so ... to pass exams or solve homework, so it was about this meeting was not about homework, and not about an immediate exit, so to speak, from russia's political, structural or whatever , on the eve of this meeting , the relevant institutions in armenia conducted an analysis of the situation.
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it is impossible to make any kind of breakthrough in this regard, since everything is connected by economic and other humanitarian issues, including ties with russia, it cannot be resolved in a few months, or years, even, we are talking about at least a dozen, a dozen years . course of armenians to europe, the fact that she chooses such course, it was confirmed at this meeting, was going on, but this path is not easy, as we have our own experience, and we wish success to our armenian friends, friends on this difficult path. in your opinion, what are the prospects for a peace agreement between armenia and azerbaijan. there are prospects, there are prospects, and... work is being carried out in this direction, but at the level of expert groups, because it is said,
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it is necessary to agree on many issues related to some border enclaves, with the determination of the passage of the border, the state border between armenia and azerbaijan . so by the way, these issues have still not been resolved with georgia, armenia is also conducting relevant work there, but as for me, i... as for me, a person who is connected to that region, i see that azerbaijan there is no way to get out of the role of the winner in the war, and the winner of the war, there is such an opinion that he should dictate his terms, due to the fact that, for all the appeals of the armenians for the early signing of this treaty, some new
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proposals appear from the side of azerbaijan for what , in order to... bend the signing of this document. at the end of february this year prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan stated that he considers it real that azerbaijan can attack armenia, that is , in fact, a new round of war. we see that, in principle, after these words, a month and a half have passed, these statements have not been received. some kind of development, yes, but many analysts believe that such a development is still possible in the future, if this peace treaty is not signed, which you also talked about yesterday, how possible is a new war between azerbaijan and armenia, and what
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needs to be done to both countries in order to to avoid it, or to make some concessions or? is it possible to involve international partners in order to settle the actual, even those issues that are still issues of disagreement, disagreements between both countries? well, the war is still going on between azerbaijan and armenia, it is a cold war, we can see it from the way the border is shelled from time to time. forces, as a result of which civilians die, but before that we also saw certain raids by azerbaijani units on the territory of armenia, when those villages that were azerbaijan considers itself its own, so the war
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continues, it's just that its scale is different, in fact, this is the tension, it exists, and this once again confirms that it is necessary to find solutions, political solutions to end this confrontation as soon as possible, because in principle , er, i am referring to the period of our initial ukrainian diplomacy, when we created such an organization in the years, we were involved in its creation as guan, because it was about... including azerbaijan and armenia in the composition of this political organization and other post-soviet countries which believe that those who see their future in european integration, unfortunately, for certain reasons, it is said that there was no necessary
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support from the west for proper existence and activity. of this organization, it did not give the desired result, but the desire was such, such was, i am sure that just like armenia, which declared its european future, i think that somewhere there are such visions in a large part of the azerbaijani society, another thing , that, let's say, the format in which... now the statehood of azerbaijan has found itself, it assumes something another diplomacy, another, of a different kind, i would say, that's why, sooner or later, it's obvious that we have to talk about it, and it was discussed, obviously, at the brussels meeting, it's about
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the joint integration of both azerbaijan and armenia. first, and then it is possible that azerbaijan will try to find itself in this association, so this step and the confirmation that in principle azerbaijan is also, as we know, it was a member of the european parliament, its representatives were there , but for certain reasons, a certain demarche, they left here, so to speak, but... we will to look at it as a temporary phenomenon and express hope that we are together, but this is definitely after the victories. of ukraine after we can liberate our country from the russian aggressor. by the way, russian aggression was echoed in
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the discussion of this brussels meeting, because those armenian figures, politicians who, when, how, who criticized pashinyan, they reproached him, why are you turning to europe. do n't you see how europe behaved with ukraine, it provoked, so to speak, ukraine in quotation marks on such a pro-european course, and suddenly at the moment when ukraine needs decisive support, it does not provide this support. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr boshko, the former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of armenia was on the phone with us, we thank you for participating in this broadcast, and we will stop for a few minutes. after that, we will continue our dialogue. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in
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the psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. many today we will discuss important topics with you, for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy , good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, review of sports of events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in to the company of beloved hosts, thank you very much, elina. natalka didenko, who is chechen for information about cultural news, presenters who have become familiar to many, is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy
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parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team presents united by football together stronger football format changes the time of airing, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m., professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, the project is for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format every monday at 10 p.m. :00 on
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espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, once again to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, saturday politclub, live broadcast, and now we will have 50 minutes of communication with vitaly portnikov, we will discuss the most important things. events that concern both ukraine and the world, in fact, mr. vitaly, i think that we should start,
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again, probably with the united states of america, because a lot depends on their help a lot, and actually during this week we heard different statements, we heard statements from trump, we heard statements from mike johnson, from republicans, from democrats, and they are all connected, you see. that with the help of our state, with the help of ukraine, that is, with the absence, yes , you are absolutely right, and actually, first of all, trump announced a kind of condition under which the republicans support assistance to ukraine, in principle, this was already announced by the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, he says that his own people, conditionally speaking, will support the same johnson. will support aid to ukraine, if it will be provided on credit, right? on the other hand, what we 're actually seeing right now is a publication, for example, the spectator, it's writing that...
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the biden administration is supposedly much more scared of nuclear escalation than it was at the beginning of the war, and in fact, the same statements may indicate that regarding the fact that ukraine should not fire at russian oil refineries and so on and so on. what does all this indicate? trump's statements, the provision or non-provision of aid, the fears of the biden administration or individual representatives of the administration. biden about the fact that ukraine is hitting russian oil refineries, how is it all, as they say, put it all together, will this help finally come, and will ukraine finally be able to receive in full, well , approval for us could fight with russia not by 10, 20, 30, 40%, by 100% so
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that we could at least... as they say hold the front and and could at least move forward somehow, well, regarding donald trump's statements, i am very it's hard to understand why people have such a short memory, maybe there's a lot of news now, but it's strange that such a short memory isn't only there among people who consume news there, but also among journalists and analysts, you can open google and see that on february 15 , trump wants the union of... states to help ukraine with a loan. on march 5, trump offers to provide credit assistance to ukraine. 5 days ago , zelensky reacted to trump's proposal to provide loan assistance to ukraine. and suddenly sensational news. trump wants to help ukraine with a loan. there is a completely different sensational thing in this statement by trump, which does not apply at all to all his statements about lending to ukraine. he says that ... that
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the financial aid to ukraine from europe should be matched by the aid of the united states, because it is a european matter, and he does not understand why the europeans pay less when it affects them more, and there is a certain trap in this, so that they can, and this, by the way, is not only a current question, a question, let's say, of their policy, if trump wins the presidential election, they can demand from the europeans that they increase their spending on aid to ukraine. otherwise they will not help ukraine, that a new round of the game. regarding the fact that trump told mike johnson that he is ready to help ukraine in case of lending, this is absolutely not a new position, which means that this position still needs to be removed somehow, first of all, there are no indications of that. that mike johnson
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can be sure that he will not be in danger of resigning if he puts the issue of ukraine to a vote, because the position of mergel taylor green, who promised to put the issue to a vote, has not changed since his meeting with trump. and everyone is fine remember, and mike johnson probably remembers better than anyone, that trump supported kevin mccarthy, before his resignation from the post of speaker of the house of representatives, which did not change anything. the question arises again, what is the point of publicly supporting trump? anyone there, when this does not change the position of his supporters in the house of representatives. maybe there is some kind of cipher? maybe trump should say something else to make them understand that they should act differently? i don't know that. to a certain extent, this is a religious sect with its own attributes that are beyond our control and beyond our reach. but seriously speaking, there are several options for the development of events. the number one option is that johnson will still
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put it on the ballot. a bill that has already been approved by the senate, the problem is that the more he drags it out, the less likely it is to get a vote in the house of representatives, because just a few weeks ago, when this bill was being passed by the senate, we were saying the whole problem in johnson, because if he puts this project to a vote, he will definitely get support for. now the situation is not so rosy and not only for us, the problem is that a part of the republicans, who could previously vote absolutely calmly for aid to ukraine. it may not do so now, because this issue is becoming toxic for their voters, especially where they listen very seriously to trump, listen to him about credit and listen to him say that we should not give gifts to anyone. part of the democrats who obviously voted for this decision.


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