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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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nations are narratives, nations and narratives, nations are products of social imagination, and therefore it matters in what language we form these ideas, and it does not matter so much where a person was born, you can be born in ukraine, have a ukrainian surname and be a russian nazi, like we see a lot of people who are in moscow today, ethnic ukrainians, they are calling to kill us, isn't this an initiative to simply preserve tchaikovsky, i think it's commercial, i think it's an initiative , because it is necessary to sell places for foreigners, let's say, there are those who want, i know, many chinese came to study, tchaikovsky, yes, tchaikovsky, this label, but it's a russian label, you can't do anything with it, tchaikovsky, although with literature it's easier, there's a marker - this language with music is more complicated, although again, why is it more complicated, the most famous operas of tchaikovsky, they are connected with russian plots, yes, let's not discuss it now, and with russian literature, yes. well
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, it is different with ballets, and as you know, he generally conceived the swan lake in bavaria in the south of bavaria seeing this lake near the castle, but tchaikovsky we still have to understand the historical context, tchaikovsky is perceived everywhere as a russian composer, and we remember these more when you remember the swans of the lake, when... the next general secretary dies na na na television, but i would like the swans of the lake to be turned on in russia now on all channels, and in this, in this we would accept, here it is okay, but for them, for us, we have to soberly look at the world, tcheikovsky is a russian composer in the whole world, we will not be able to make it ukrainian, and no it is necessary, we have our own, and we have to do our own, as our classic said, and there is something to be proud of, and more, again... this is an imperial complex, but well,
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for example, i was dying recently, and one long topic , we don't have time, oksana lina, a world-renowned conductor from the city of brody lvi, she is currently promoting ukrainian music, trying to do it, but there are no ukrainian masterpiece operas there, let's say classical ones of the 19th and 20th centuries, well , no, then there are no , and, well, i have a hard time in the area of ​​music, i'm not so much there. material, well, let's say, there are a large number, if already in the sphere of my competence, there are a large number of beautiful, successful european nations that do not have their original, their original philosophy, so what? nothing, they live well, they have their own literature, maybe even more, the recognition that we don't have something is a guarantee that it will appear, like the fantastic czech novel of the second half of the 20th century, prague was all german-speaking at the beginning on the 20th, yes, at the end of the 19th, with a desire... kavka
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first, or the same meinrik who is there writes novels about prague, in german, this is austria, after all, but the realization that this is so already in the second, in the second half of the 20th century, gives rise to the kundera phenomenon, the grabal phenomenon, and this world- class fantastic novel, that is, this is the way, and we must honestly say, we have it here, and we are proud of it, it is ours, it is ambiguous here, our very same one can be in some ways a hero, in some ways a tramp. but here we just have a vacuum, we don't have it, it doesn't exist and it doesn't exist, and we need to calmly admit it and work to make it happen, thank you thank you for this conversation, it's a short conversation, the most interesting always begins when you have to finish the program, thank you for the conversation, vakhtan kibuladze, philosopher and writer was a guest of the program proper names, we will see you in a week, thank you.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war to talk, serhii zgurets is with us, and what he is doing the world, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuliy, good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr. please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the future, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on... it's about politics
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, about the world, i'm maria gurska, my interlocutor is pavel koval. chairman of the committee on international affairs of the polish sejm and authorized representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine. good day. good day. what are you doing now as the commissioner for the reconstruction of ukraine? this is a function in everyone a large european country and in the usa and all over the world there are such appointed people who act on behalf of the state, on behalf of the government for cooperation with ukraine. it also looks like this in our country. something more is being created than it was before , because polish-ukrainian relations are rich. therefore, a special public council will be assembled from representatives of business, science and non-governmental organizations. this council will be an advisory body under the prime minister and will have its own chairman, and this will be my role.
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this is the decision of the prime minister, who will also perform all the roles of the representative. in his order , a secretariat will be specially created, which will consist of several dozen employees. this secretariat will deal exclusively with relations with ukraine, especially in the context of reconstruction. so, this institution is being formed little by little. the institution has already been formally created, for this there are relevant orders of prime minister tusk. we have been working on this for the past few weeks, we wanted it to be something special, so that from the ukrainian side there would be a feeling that we are approaching the topic holistically, that is, not only politics, not only the government, but also the higher schools. elections are also going on in poland and last sunday was a super hot time, we are between two rounds of elections. last sunday, the first round took place, and on april 21, the second. how does the government assess the results of the first
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round of elections and what are the challenges for the next one? i appreciate the results well, because we, as the government majority, previously had influence, ruled in seven or at most eight regional sejms. now we will finish. with european funds, and it is in the regions , because it is the regions that are in charge , that most of the real changes take place in politics, i would say, because the regions decide how to spend money on ecology and energy, a large part of european money goes through the regions, and there we have gained the most power, and this is also a chance for everything to happen. białystok is a great result for democratic candidates, there will be
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second rounds here and there, this is even a little surprising, because, for example, there will be a second round in my hometown riaści, i assume that the president, who represents active citizens mykola, will win in the second round, but he still needs to will make some effort for this, we still have more than a week of election campaign ahead of us. the world media write that now politicians, not only in poland, but all over the world , tend to postpone difficult issues related to ukraine until after the elections, and it is difficult, because, but listen, here we have no options and there is no such problem, so that the elections in poland do not end in april. ahead of us is the second part of the locals. so when will there be time to solve the complex issues of dialogue? but we deal with it all the time. i even sometimes think about ours program lord, how can it be that we have something to talk about every week, is there another country that we could talk about relations with every week, there would be new topics every week.
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there are indeed many issues to discuss. i hope that this new council under the prime minister, which i told you about, created for cooperation with ukraine, will also work effectively with them. she will take care. different spheres, including culture, economy, and cooperation with local authorities, we have a chance to do a lot together, i would like local authorities self-government actively participated in reconstruction. polish local self-government bodies began to help ukraine from the very beginning of the war. we have very strong cities and very strong regions. first of all , they joined, but not only that, small communes also joined. there was really a lot of activity, i think now you have to tell them, okay, now you can participate in the collaboration. i would like to... get help from the event for investments in ukraine. conceptual help can be really great. a few words about the weak
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parties of these elections for poland. peace calls it his ninth victory. it is known that their high results in some cities were made possible by low voter turnout. the opposite of what we saw after the parliament. on the edge of society's emotions , the current election without this tension, still gave us a slightly better result than in october, and the dog is really in the first place, but they have no coalition ability, this is their nonsense, they can say that they won the election, but manage at the highest level, with luck, only four will have voivodships, this is the scale of their defeat, they probably did not win in any of the 100 largest cities, or only in one, and in fact in none. they just brag that
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in such a national count they had 34% and came first, because the next parties had 30% and below, but these other parties form a coalition, the dog is not present in the local authorities, and that's good, because they are terrible treated local self-government bodies as a cash cow with which you can do anything... they say it's dark, scary, but we go to work, we are fighting, we are showing performances in
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military kharkiv, which russia is attacking, hitting its energy infrastructure and killing people, and this is a beautiful cultural city, the second capital of ukraine, and by the way, this city is warsaw's sister city, i didn't know about that , just now found out what to do with the fact that russia is erasing this city from the foundation of the earth in front of everyone? i was recently in kharkiv, i also have the feeling that the russians are too much around kharkiv, they are thinking of some such solution to either surround kharkiv or destroy it, to force kharkiv residents to leave the city. the mayor of kharkiv igor terikhov says that the russians will not destroy kharkiv, the city will not surrender. kharkiv must be defended, and i am now going to the usa precisely for this purpose, to talk about defense there. wherever i can, in particular with my colleague who is responsible for the reconstruction of ukraine, as well as with deputies, with
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the house of representatives, and with senators, i go to talk about ammunition, because in the trenches near kharkiv i saw that ammunition is really needed and without them it is very difficult . you just need to arm the soldiers who defend kharkiv, it is necessary to give people hope in matters of reconstruction, such rapid reconstruction of the infrastructure that they need. we cannot allow russia... to make kharkov a gray zone, where there would be no school, no kindergarten, no shop, etc., and people would live as if in a blockaded place. this is actually the goal of the russians, and we oppose it. all the efforts of polish diplomacy in europe serve this purpose. you know, when i talk to people, i always tell them that all matters in foreign policy that the prime minister of poland is currently dealing with in one way or another concerns the search for weapons and assistance to president zelenskyi and the ukrainian today, in
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polish politics, nothing is as important as defense, and defense is ammunition, and ammunition is holding kharkiv. it is important for people in the west to understand that ukraine's loss of a large city, the successive depletion of kharkiv by the russians, terror against the city, or invasion deeper into the territory of ukraine, is not a problem of ukraine alone. in all countries whose governments are on the side of justice and international order, that is, on the side of ukraine. therefore, if putin if it is possible to break through the front or do something bad with kharkiv this year, the current governments in france, italy and germany will feel it.
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can be implemented, i believe that she should actively act on this issue, and at the same time , president macron should act on the issue of russian money in banks in the west, it should be taken and done now, and not say that it is necessary. who today can do more than europe, than such powerful governments as france, italy, germany? is it time to act? if, god forbid, something happens to kharkiv, it will be late i will also quote the head
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of european diplomacy, josep borel, who said this week that a full-scale conflict in europe is no longer a fantasy. we are now observing such moments of change in rhetoric, at first it was visible in macron's statements, while mobilization continues in ukraine, and this week, after long discussions, the verkhovna rada passed a government law, mobilization is also starting in poland, tell us more about it, who will be mobilized and what is the goal ? it's not quite the same as when
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a general mobilization is called, it says currently on mobilization,
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editor of espresso, went to study and will soon be at the front. this is a reality, and every european must be ready for it. if putin breaks through the front, not only drone operators will be needed, all your men will be on the front. speaking of the media, i would also like to emphasize the increased activity of russian trolls, which i observe in poland. in particular, troll factories and st. petersburg. therefore, of course, i understand that the mobilization in ukraine is now very broad, but your words will make... me for a moment to think and also to mention in this conversation that in poland there are now very intense informational attacks in the conspiracy, especially in social networks by the russians, and i think that first of all we on the polish side should prepare for even greater attacks of propaganda and disinformation, i i feel that the russians are preparing something, and it is becoming more and more. another impression i have
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this week, which i would like to share, is the conversation, because geographically poland is next. it is also necessary to overcome the barrier of awareness that if putin does something bad in kharkiv, this is it will directly affect our country, there will be changes. i'm also talking a lot now that more security resources are needed, that people
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need to get used to behaving differently, to prepare, to be more aware of where the bomb shelter is. our government has already started to take this issue very seriously, to provide more education and training in civil defense, sometimes i think the changes that this war has brought about are just beginning, things that we have forgotten about as topics of conversation all of a sudden are becoming real, the peace summit initiated by ukraine. the idea of ​​discussing peace is president zelenskyi's formula, but i think this is what ukraine should do, and it is being done well, and we support it, but the truth is
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that victory always begins on the battlefield. at a minimum, it manifests itself in the ability to stop the enemy, and then all the conversations go differently, so i think that victory always begins on the battlefield, and only then there are conferences, meetings, they always end somewhere at the negotiating table. it will be the same this time, but the key is what will happen on the battlefield before june, so because june will be the month we see putin's plans in action, we're only getting a glimpse of his plans, which are currently hidden. two pieces of news that upset me personally this week. the first came from the usa, that ukraine would be able to join nato only after the end of the war. this week , the spokesman said.
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the territories occupied by the russians today and so on and so on, but war is a peculiarity of the pendulum, at the end of our thoughts about it we understand that war is not only what happens on the front, it is the most important, but war is also what happens.
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you and i talked about mobilization, how to carry it out, if the ukrainians do not receive a clear signal that they are joining nato, that is , it turns out that stoltenberg and others must influence the mobilization, with politics, as with diplomacy, you just need to talk a lot, travel, to explain, i promise that i will talk about ukraine at every meeting next week in washington. i will probably have ten of them, we are fighting and there is still time until july, this is my role, everyone must do what he can, what he must do, for what he can influence in his sphere, everyone should do what he can, i would say so, and the second such voice, unfortunately, is negative for ukrainians, the head of the pentagon austin says that ukraine should not attack the russian oil infrastructure, bloomberg writes about this , what do you think about it? critics? trump, which suggests that he is the candidate and potentially the future, which we don't really know, but also the politics of the biden administration, and these are really moments like this, recently in warsaw
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at my invitation was gariel kasparov, this a prominent russian, one of those who never had any illusions about putin, but he also emphasized the criticism of president biden's administration, which has done a lot and it should always be said honestly, but at the same time has this element of thinking in the drip category.
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if we are betting that ukraine will win, then the russians should get a signal that the ukrainians have their own way of fighting, and the ukrainians should get a signal that they are successful, this week we commemorate the 14th anniversary of the smolensk tragedy, you were close to the dead president of poland, lech kaczyński. what does this date mean for you and what are the main conclusions after all these years, it is also very important for ukraine?
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a heated conversation when i, on behalf of the polish delegation, demanded that the president's body be returned to poland. donald tusk was prime minister at the time and while he was on the plane, the russians seized the moment. preliminary agreements reached with tusk about the transportation of the bodies of the presidential couple to poland were not fulfilled, as the russians always do. as soon as the prime minister got on the plane and was on his way back
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to... but he was very focused on manipulating this tragedy from the very beginning, he had a specific goal. today i see that he actually had two goals. the first, so that it does not affect in any way.
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but for me, years later, there is no doubt that they quickly felt that by not providing complete information, they could create further divisions in polish society, manipulating messages, so what about the victims of the smelen disaster, maybe i'm talking too much about it, and we remember about victims of katyn, because today is a special day. these days are now, and we fix it on the anniversary, we remember the victims of the disaster, but we also remember why they flew there, the reason was to honor the victims of katina, murdered by the russians, this especially ennobles their mission, which ended in a disaster.


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