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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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thank you for this conversation, about politics, about the world, watch our programs on the youtube channel of pavel kowal in polish and on the espresso tv channel every sunday at 15:30 and at 22:00 in ukrainian, read the highlights of our conversations in both languages ​​at, thank you very much thank you join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work. this is our safety with you, they, the boys from volyn, have proven that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, right up to holy victory everyone who pilots a uav, understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine .
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let's stick together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is none political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom. frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. watch this week 's judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? oleksandr babakov is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern appellate economic court commit by handing poltava gzk over to russian raiders. the decision is made by an absolutely corrupt component. congratulations. you are watching judicial control, i am tatiana
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shustrova. the judicial reform in ukraine is ongoing, soon, a qualification assessment of all themis servants should be conducted for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics. obviously, not everyone will pass it, and until that happens, the judges continue to surprise us, not only with cloud fortunes, but also with extremely absurd decisions. the others are fleeing to resign until... the valiv commission found them unfit and dismissed them in disgrace. today we will tell you about those who stood out, and first the news. the supreme council justice dismissed from his position the judge of the kuznetsovsky city court valery malkov, who was prosecuted for driving under the influence of alcohol. for the first time, malkov was pulled over for drunk driving in august 2019. then he collided with a vase while driving a foreign car in varasha. at the same time, malkov'. clear
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signs of alcohol intoxication, but refused to undergo a medical examination, you don't need to be rude here, i'm not going to press the pause, in which there are documents in the car, you smell of alcohol, i you drank today, no, i before that i don't have a car were you drinking before you hit that car or after i didn't hit that car i am me at all. and from this car i am going to visit my mother, wait, what are you taking me for? the court found malkov guilty, imposed a fine of uah 10,000 and deprived him of the right to drive a car for a year. however, that year in august, the servant of themis was again jumped drunk. the supreme council of justice decided that such behavior of malkov is not compatible with the status of a judge. another judicial adviser was sent for dismissal. the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice recommended the dismissal of positions of judge of the kherson district.
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of serhiy varniak's administrative court. in august 2022, due to the russian occupation of kherson, the judge was assigned to work at the odesa district administrative court, but varniak never got there. in return. after the de-occupation of kherson, he moved to the still temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region, where he received a russian identification number and a pension. the final decision on the dismissal of the traitor from the post of ukrainian judge must now be made by the supreme council of justice. in ukraine , a complete reboot of the judicial system is underway systems. competitions are being held to fill vacant positions in the courts of the first and appellate instances, and the selection of judges for the constitutional court is ongoing. in parallel with these processes, there is also a qualification assessment for the suitability of the positions of the current servants of themis, especially resourceful ones try to escape retirement as early as possible, so that they are not expelled for violations, because judicial resignation is not just a pension, it is an extension of immunity and huge lifetime cash payments from the state , and until it was the turn to administer justice,
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there are still judges with very dubious reputations and sky-high fortunes that cannot be explained by official income. this is lyudmila kropyvna, a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal. recently, she is very afraid for her safety, she forbids journalists to film her despite the fact that she is a public figure, and according to our information, she travels accompanied by security. we do not know what scared the judge so much, but we really want to know about the origin of the funds that allowed her to purchase a large house in the suburbs of kyiv, an elite cottage town in kozen. concha zaspa is a favorite residence of the political and business elite of ukraine. there is a lake, a river, parks, private beaches. and in general a very picturesque place. at the end of 2021, lyudmila kropyvna bought a 260 m2 house with a gazebo and a pool and 20 acres of valuable land here. houses of the same area with a large living room and fireplace, kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms and a sauna cost here in
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the neighborhood of the judge from 1 million dollars. however , the price of lyudmila kropyvna's house turned out to be almost eight times lower and amounts to slightly more than uah 5 million. it should be noted that for by law de... public officials, including judges, are disqualified from receiving individual discounts other than those granted to all. so, if an official buys something at below-market prices, it can be considered an improper reward or, in simple terms, a bribe. and this is another judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, svitlana aldanova, and she also has a habit of underestimating the value of property. a few years ago, i bought a toyota raft4 for allegedly $600, when the market value was from 25. today. svitlana aldanova is a millionaire judge, according to declaration, has almost 2 million hryvnias in his bank account, and keeps another 2 million in cash. lyudmila kropyvna and svitlana aldanova made illegal decisions in the high-profile case of raiding in favor of the russians of one of the giants of the ukrainian economy, the poltava
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mining and processing plant. at the same time , the elite property of kropyvna in kozyna appeared precisely after she, as a member of the collegium , began to consider the case of the transfer of gzk shares to raiders. judge from the panel larisa zubets, who has already changed her last name and is now ivanova, managed to escape to retirement. if you cannot calculate an unfair court decision, then how can you do business in ukraine? and if there is also a russian factor, well, it creates, especially now during the war, an additional negative connotation. for more than one year, businessmen connected to the kremlin systematically pressured and destroyed an extremely important for the economy of ukraine through the courts. we are not a metallurgical business, but the undemanding ukrainian themis blessed raiding attempts, even in the midst of the war. despite billions in taxes that companies pay to the budget the ferexpo group, which includes the poltava mining and processing plant, paid almost
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uah 8 billion in 2022-23 alone and is one of the largest ukrainian exporters. in september 2022 , the panel of judges of the northern commercial court of appeal, consisting of kropyvna zubets and alda. new by its resolution, contrary to the law, gave more than 40% of the shares of poltava gzk to the former shareholders who owned the enterprise more than 20 years ago, to four offshore companies that were part of the russian group vs energy, i.e. in the midst of full-scale war of russia against ukraine, almost half of the shares went to the russians. the current deputy chairman of the russian state duma , oleksandr babakov, together with his companion yevgeny giner, president of the russian army sports club, tried to seize control of the enterprise, judges pags gladly helped them in this. the decision is made absolutely, well, with a corruption component, ugh, and it is obvious that the courts very often make absurd decisions, and in
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fact investors and business owners can hope at best for a higher instance, on the supreme. here or to international courts at all, it certainly does not mean that it is normal. babakov is known not only for the fact that he voted for the annexation of crimea and the introduction of troops into ukraine. and recognition of the terrorist ldnr. he is currently wanted by the sbu and under sanctions of ukraine, the usa and the eu. and in the united states, a criminal case is being investigated for the implementation of hostile political plans against ukraine and the united states. alexander babakov. this is a pensioner who, as a deputy, voted for the annexation of crimea. on he is currently the deputy chairman of the state duma of russia. this is a co-adviser, this is putin's confidant. the second person is also a citizen of the russian federation, yevhenii giner. he is the owner of the csk football club. cska stands for central sports
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club of the army of the russian federation. giner is also wanted and under us sanctions. in addition, he is a partner of the russian corporation rosteg, which exports military products and is headed by an old friend of vladimir putin, sergei chemizov. in the fall of 2023, the sbu reported chemizov, who, in particular, supplies daggers for attacks on ukraine, about suspicion of finances. all aviation that is produced, it is produced in our facilities, all makes of aircraft, it is an engine company that produces all engines, particularly for space, aircraft, helicopters and ships, both civil and military. the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly calls babakov and giner the leaders of the lushniki organized crime group, as stated in the joint investigation of the schema program on radio liberty and the project. scanner project. according to the conclusions of the sbi the specified group of russian citizens illegally obtained a number of objects of ukrainian critical
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infrastructure through fraud. the poltava gzk turned out to be another strategic object, the control of which kremi businessmen tried to seize the purse strings of russian aggression, and a trio of ukrainian judges helped them in this. the pakhs board consists of lyudmila kropyvna, svitlana aldanova and larisa zubets. this is how, apparently, by bribing the ukrainian feymida, the leader of the raiders, the vice-speaker. of the russian state duma babakov in the program of propagandist solovyov disposed of stolen ukrainian assets. turning to the new territories, i want to say that the expenses should not go there from the budget of russia. we must consider these territories as economically ready to implement there. production there is the future income of both these territories and russia, in particular. and we should invest there, not based on our budget capabilities, but based on the capabilities of the economy of these territories. it was not possible to dispose of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant luzhnikivskyi. last year, forkspo
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managed to defend its rights. great chamber the supreme court canceled the decision of the northern court of appeal. actually admitting that judges kropyvna, zubets and aldanova made mistakes in giving the enterprise to the russians. they changed the subject of the dispute without any legal grounds and contrary to their authority and went beyond the scope of reviewing the case. the motivational and resolutive part of the pachs resolution were contradictory and based on... on mutually exclusive conclusions, also a trio of judges headed by the nettle intervened in the ownership of the farexpo company, replacing in decree non-existent shares for existing ones, and also knowingly and unjustifiably ignored government prescriptions and legal norms, and instead of evidence was guided by assumptions, at the same time, taking 40% of the shares from the legal owners, the judges left in the ownership of the plaintiff and third parties, the funds received by them for the sold and the disputed shares - 27 million dollars, so thanks to the kremlin businessmen not only got richer by 27 million, but also actually
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received the shares of the poltava gzk with a total value of 1.241 million uah awarded by the troika for free. so a year ago by the decision of the grand chamber of the supreme court , the decisions of kropyvna, altanova and zubets were annulled, and the shares of poltava gzk were transferred to the legal owner of ferexpo. treasures of the private center, sections of partners and ferekpo companies. he annulled the public resolution of september 2022 in case 9212. of the commercial court of appeal dated 12. it is interesting that shortly after the supreme court put an end to this case, four offshore raider companies self-liquidated. everything points to the fact that they were created specifically for this device, and the solution board of pags due to the corrupt influence of the russians. we haven't brought anything since the 19th year. in the reform of the judiciary, they did not clear the bar of the first instance and the second
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instance of the court and the first instance and the appeal, there are many examples of absolutely , let's say, absurd decisions, abuse of the decision, and when it turns out that such raids can be organized on this company, when they can seize and in fact take hostage management, when they can block paralyze. stock exchange, and poltava gzk is considered one of of the most attractive investment objects on the markets, so the actions around it are not only a blow to the economy of the state in the midst of russian aggression, but also to the investment climate of ukraine. the attempt to put pressure on foreign investors can also affect international aid to ukraine in wartime conditions, and the illegal actions of pocket judges in these fights without rules endanger the entire judicial reform, which is a key condition for ukraine's further movement
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towards the european union. today. i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tatiana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. good bye. see this week in the collaborators program. ya. a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine. the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized the celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers following the call of a tagaman's heart. our
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the next issue is dedicated to making sure that none of the sellers who helped the russians as propaganda tools were handed over. our positions and welcomed the occupiers as liberators, did not avoid responsibility for treason. prepared fakes for the kremlin media and spread disinformation about ukraine. the technology of the office of the president is banal in its stupidity and so low-grade. recently, the security service of ukraine detained blogger dmytro korniychuk in kyiv. it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried to discredit the command of the defense forces in favor of russia. he also spread misinformation about the socio-political situation in ukraine. law enforcement officials note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively picked up by major russian tv channels and online publications, which created staged stories based on them. during the search , the pro-russian blogger was found to have computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities. korniychuk has 26,000
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subscribers on youtube and an audience of 5,500 on telegram. however, its content. welcomed a lot more widely, and russia actively used it. now the non-doblogger faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is the former deputy mayor of kherson charavko serhii mykolayovych. and i will now tell you how he exchanged his political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, even now unites both soldiers on the battlefield and people who help in the body. serhiy, 49, is from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics, starting with in 1998, he regularly ran for office. in 1998 and 2002, he tried to get into the kherson city council. in 2015, he became the deputy mayor of kherson and
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concurrently headed the regional organization of the kherson party. then he tweeted in ukrainian. and took care of education issues for children who moved from the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. there really is a problem, accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. but later he forgot his native language, and the occupied began to call the territories part of the great russian empire. in 2017, cherovko leaves the post of deputy mayor and runs for the verkhovna rada on the party's behalf in the 19th. tion block, but does not pass. in 2020, cherovko ran for the kherson city council, headed the list of volodymyr saldo's bloc, and again failed. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the shipping district of the city of kherson. in his position, he takes care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass exodus of ukrainians from ukraine. the situation is catastrophic. in ukraine,
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say, over the past 10 years, birth rate... decreased by 40%. and a few days before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , an interview was released on the lyubimy gorod youtube channel, where cheravko convinces the host yevhen brykov that there will be no war. how indicative that after february 24, these two will betray ukraine and begin to serve bloody murderers. sergey, well now it is clear that everyone's attention is focused on only one question every day: will we have it? the war, it was wished that it did not exist, of course. 99.9% will not, i recommend everyone who bought buckwheat, matches, salt, etc. to use them in cooking. for these traitors, killing and torturing ukrainians, occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which they gladly took advantage of.
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our act, a meaningful act, definitely determines how we will build, with whom we will build our future. when the kherson region was occupied, cheravko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson, with red flags of the ussr. at first , this traitor together with... in the creation of a kind of rescue committee for peace and order. the purpose of this committee was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the plot about the creation of this commemorative committee was widely disseminated by the russian media to the masses. the invaders appreciated such fruitful work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military civil administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal. fairness to the creation of history, we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor fled to
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the left bank kherson region together with other similar fertilizer. this enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. now documents have been discovered there , reports on how the rashist pension system was created during the occupation and the work of the post office was improved. add to this a bunch of symbols of the russian federation and a scenario of events for the day. may day and day of russia. it's a pity that there was no script before the day of defeat and disappearance not to the state, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19, 2022, by presidential decree, cherebko was placed on the nsdc sanctions list, at the end of last year he was suspected of collaborating activity each of us makes several important choices in life. and sergey made his choice. now this pawn of the kremlin is inspecting the temporarily occupied genichesk. he opens schools and hospitals, organizes new activities to worship the killers, but he will not stay there for long, because soon the zes will reach the left
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bank of the kherson region, and it is not a fact that cherevka will be able to escape again. serhii, you are nightingale-ukrainian, don't forget it, because you will have to use it to justify yourself in front of the judge, and then listen to the sentence, and we hope it will be harsh. and this is just another traitor already with two suspicions, serhii volodymyrovych mukhin. born in 1990, originally from henichesk. we were all horrified by the mass political inertia of our citizens. before his worthless collaborative life, he was involved in politics. he was an assistant to olga mykhaylenko, deputy of the seventh convocation from the communist party, at public events. in 2014 , he ran unsuccessfully for the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the already banned communist party. then , in the 15th year, he became a deputy of the heniche city council and the kherson regional council from. left opposition. in 2020 at the local elections from that of the same party again entered the henicheska city council. you have one more opportunity
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for five years to change something in our community. after that, on november 21st, he was the head of the henichiv municipal service of one of the communal enterprises and called for the active removal of garbage. when we start to find out where these spontaneous landfills come from. they somehow do not fly by themselves, but in two years he betrayed both the local people and his voters, and the oath, when henichesk was under occupation, mukhin flew to traitors, like a fly on your own, you know what, at first he became a representative of the genichesky organization of the political party just russia for the truth. from the first days, our political team has been helping fighters in the area of ​​a special military operation, as well as the civilian population. and then he received several more bonuses in the form of positions from the invaders. in march 22nd, he was made
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the head of the fish inspection of henichiv district, and from november of the same year, he was also the chief specialist of air, rail, sea and river transport at the occupation ministry of transport of the kherson region. we are one people, we have a common idea, and while our brothers are fighting on the front lines, they are valiant and no less brave. this fly diligently performs his duties, thanks russian soldiers, spreads kremlin propaganda, restores communist monuments and works on a common future with the under-state. for this , mukhin has two suspicions from our law enforcement agencies. the first was announced to him for collaborative activities, and the second for public use of communist symbols. as it turned out that he was displaying a red flag in honor of the victory day parade organized by the occupiers. serhii mukhin also published video materials promoting the totalitarian regime and depicting communist symbols on his social networks. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court
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of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will get to muholovka and properly serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. two years have passed, the espresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time , neither the government nor officials took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet of ministers, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however , we did not receive a clear answer as to who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, it is...
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violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because today the rada tv channel is actually being broadcast on the t2 network on the button on which the "espresu" tv channel was broadcast for 10 years. tv channel rada is a state channel, it is a participant of the only news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and watch ft2 television, they can watch again the only news marathon, which is broadcast today, if i am not mistaken, at eight or nine tv channels, and that is. they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various means mass information to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reasons for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting were the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy. that body and others have denied involvement in
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the blackout. this document also does not regulate our disconnection, because there is not a single word written there about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels, which were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and we still do not have any explanations, justifications, why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered back in april 2020. the second time in a few months, it gathered the required number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. the government did not answer whether the tv channel will be returned to etr. a year ago, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to settle the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel to full-fledged work, because the restriction of tv channel broadcasting does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023
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, the us state department will evaluate. in the press of ukraine as partially free, the report discussed, in particular, the situation with the espresso, direct and fifth channels. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, as we work or try to work according to those rules and the law. canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work for them, this of course distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the digital ether t2 now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we... are doing
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our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win, but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and return the digital air to us, there is a great risk that in the future we can turn into russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of snakes. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cabs. networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but still we continue to call on the power of all the officials responsible for this to return us to the digital network, because a...


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