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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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i can’t afford such a number of launchers in one patriot battery, there, for example, sweden, it orders only a limited number of launchers, three or four, and japan is also a distant, not poor country, it has five launchers per battery, but here if we talk about nato countries, we are talking about 100 batteries, to be more precise according to the available information, then we are talking about 95, of which 60 are directly in the usa, and 35... up to 35, this is what there are in europe, and these 35 are quite conditional, so it is better to talk more about something 30, because now some countries are just in the process of receiving additional patriot systems, for example, such as sweden, such as romania, poland, but she is also like that , let's say this, she has a plan to increase the number of patriots, we already have two more, two batteries of reinforced composition, and they are about... to order
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12 more, and therefore it is also necessary to understand that even receiving the first systems, for example, as sweden did, this does not mean that they immediately went into combat formation, by this time it is necessary usually add a year and a half or two, that's it the standard terms until the full combat capability of the system, when after it has been received, so this is when we are talking about seven or 25 additional batteries for ukraine, how realistic are these ... indicators from the point of view of what other countries have, is it possible to hope that someone will share such a number, let's hope, because there is a quite logical position that the ukrainian government broadcasts, there are patriots in countries, for example, in germany, at least there may still be at least 10 patriots in third countries, it is possible that she still has a certain amount in the so-called warehouses, maybe quite in...
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that condition, because they decommissioned them during, starting from the 2000s, that is, they sold them off, maybe took them out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had, well we can talk about the fact that she still has about 10, so when there are only 10 patriots in germany, and we hope that she will give us seven more pieces, yes, no, we do not talk about it, because of course, i just immediately understood , that if the entire western world is a real petri dish... then 1/4 part, if we talk about 25, well, it already says that it can't be easy, and even about the fact that if europe is in conditions when the usa does not at all, well , so far, has no signs that this objectively blockade of aid to ukraine, i don't know what to call it, because it goes beyond any limits of discussion in general, when the usa does not allocate aid for ukraine and thereby shoots itself in the foot by the fact that now everyone and... both in poland, and in europe, and even in
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japan already the prime minister says in a speech to congress that the us should return to the role of security guarantor, because, well, how can it not to add help when you promised to do it, so we exclude 60 batteries from the american ones in this situation, and then even seven batteries from the 35 there let the european ones are also quite a significant mark, so of course it's not about the fact that somewhere there someone has a whole... there is a basement filled with these people, which is filled with patriots, you just have to remember where the keys are to it, to open and get anti-aircraft missile systems from there, it is difficult, therefore immediately, when even germany, after all, it is the leader of the coalition directly, which adds has to get air defense to ukraine, she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be some rather difficult ways with the search for some combinations, well, again, berlin has experience when they, together with the netherlands,
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took one battery of patriots, the netherlands gave, by the way, two launchers, germany gave the other one, and then there may be a situation where we have to take it somewhere, someone will give one launcher, someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone will hand over a radar station, for example , somehow her they will restore it, someone there, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it, it is, well, let’s say this, it is a separate conversation, but... we believe that it cannot work without it, and all this is additionally, in fact , in addition to the direct question of where to get the patriot batteries themselves, uh, well, here and there, by the way, it should still be noted that germany also said that it will look for options outside the borders of asia and the middle east, as i understand it, er, yes, this is just asia, i mean, japan, which does not export weapons in principle. but a rocket
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maybe it transfers it to the americans, but it has recently lifted its own self-restriction on the export of weapons and can transfer the missiles it produces. to sell to the usa, in the event that the usa provides assistance, you can forget about it, taiwan, well , there are seven batteries, well, japan has 24, 25, and taiwan has seven more, taiwan will definitely not transfer anything, there is korea, the south, of course , well , it also does not transfer any weapons to ukraine, and it is quite understandable why, because the dprk is there alongside them, which is always there. is testing something, firing missiles into the sea and demonstrating what it will do to the soul and all that, and the middle east is a very difficult region from the point of view of trade, weapons and diplomacy in general, but there are really patriots there, in particular only in saudi
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arabia it can be up to 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that are much more closed in the public sphere than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and therefore it is possible to talk only about... a certain, well, gap, how much is there it can be, it is 18 or 25 petrets, well, approximately otsi ot in the interim, saudi arabia is really quite a possible potential donor, because it is quite focused directly on european, american weapons, and well, let's say, there are chances in my opinion, but unless of course berlin will negotiate, because berlin since 18 blocks the sale and therefore here the participation of more london, which was also announced by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine koleba, who will also look for the patriots, can be much more positive, because the trade balance of arms directly from saudi arabia and great britain 10
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billions over the past 10 years and pounds of dollars, mr. oleg, we are now talking about talking about the complexes, and why do we forget first of all that surely the first place should be... missiles for these systems, what with the production, means of impression under the patriot, what are the needs and what opportunities do manufacturers have to satisfy the demand of both ukraine and other countries that use these weapons? here it is much more difficult, that is, it is clear that, well, it is already clear that they are not lying around somewhere with the patriots, and there is also a problem with missiles, relatively production of new rockets, because of course there is. reserves, we still hope that ukraine will still receive missiles from the reserve, and not wait until they are manufactured, because otherwise everything becomes quite critical, and perhaps this explains the fact that the search for patriots rests on the number
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of missiles themselves , which will need to be transferred , that is, even if you get 25 batteries of patriots there, there may not be enough missiles for them in such a trivial amount, what is the problem with regard to the production of missiles... gmt missiles, which are designed to destroy aerodynamic purposes, they are produced by rayton, and the officially announced rate of their production is 20 missiles per month, 240 per year for all the patriots in the world that exist, eh for understanding, if even just to charge these eh, well, take all american patriots and charge them with these missiles, it means... that rayton has to work for about 7-8 years just to provide one of the total zap to these american patriots. at the current pace. of course, it expands. an important aspect here is that they are expanding the production of rockets. now the production of gmt missiles is starting in europe,
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it will be in germany, a joint venture by reit + mdba, camblock. but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year, the pace of production of zm+ missiles should be set at 35 missiles per month. regarding missiles, anti-missiles, more precisely, mci anti-missiles, that is, which are intended for the patriots and are supposed to shoot down already ballistic targets, such as the same iskanders, work effectively against daggers, all the rest, then the official notification and, well, this is public information, absolutely , it, it became the subject of congressional hearings there congress even knocks out. budget, the fact is that locket martin currently produces 500 mci anti-missiles, for everything. well, there is still in japan, but again it is not known, because japan did not announce any data regarding the american 500 units per year with a plan
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to expand their production to 750 per year by 27, but for this money is needed from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from. the us congress, that is, everything is difficult, but the plans so far are 750 by 2027, and quite realistic, in any case, because again, there are more and more patriots in the world, this is the main system. which will definitely be in service for another ten years, and even taking into account the fact that work is currently underway to integrate these missiles without mce, on the american ship englik and other systems with shipboard systems ayeg, etc. mr. oleg, right now we are talking about the patriots, about missiles aimed at the patriots, and in front of you i am talking to alantid badryuk, he says that we need to look around and look for countries that can also have systems. south korea, for that matter
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to receive support in such systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the fleet of our air defense systems ? projects under the common name khaysar. their essence is to, well , create their own proposal, this is against the background of the fact that turkey bought 400, received sanctions, the patriot already there, the price list did not suit them, which is quite possible to understand, after all, a billion dollars and missiles for 2-3 million dollars, it is quite expensive, so they went the way of investing the maximum funds in creating their own, there is a really long-range missile complex, khaysar. at the same time, at the same time, it is still only, let's say, at the stage of completing tests and starting
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serial production, that is, it is not that it is possible to get them in a ready form and in the right amount right now, it is actually, if you order, then you have to wait years in relation to south korea, the whole problem with this country is that again it is in in the case of missile defense, it relies... on american complexes, it relies on the patriots, it relies on american deployed complexes, and in the end it does not produce similar complexes with missile defense capabilities. there is a country that really has the ability to create and sell anti-missile defense systems, which also does not export weapons to ukraine, like south korea, this is israel, this is the david's sling complex, the most interesting, it is already allowed to... export, its first customer became directly finland, and it is different
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much lower cost than the patriot, and its missile costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon 20% of the cost of the mci, that is, roughly $ 400-500 against three, and this missile should be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot pak-4 , which is currently being developed, but is very important here. nevertheless, in relation to these slings of david and this missile, to understand that israel still maintains such a difficult political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or at least the re-export to ukraine of weapons, it is blocks mr. olezh, literally just one minute, how did you predict the search for the patriot system for ukraine in the short- or medium-term perspective, what can ukraine optimally count on in... according to your estimates? unfortunately, once again
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the situation primarily depends on the usa, if the usa nevertheless accepts its general aid budget for ukraine, then the question of where to get the patriot, where to get the missiles for them, they automatically disappear, this opens up the possibility of strengthening the ukrainian air defense in the necessary amount funds, in the conditions of the us blockade aid to ukraine, it is very difficult. maybe in europe they will be able to collect one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short term, in the future, of course, they can say that now one, now the day after tomorrow two, and then there, we will go there, but that’s later maybe, of course, with such an aim for the 26th-28th year. mr. oleg, thank you very much for your professional comments, for your time, let me remind you that it was oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense. and if we talk about the results of this program,
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we really have a demand for at least 25 systems patriot, we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal, if at best we can get five systems of a similar class from our partners, it will be very, very good. it is also necessary to make a bet on cooperation with european companies regarding the acquisition of european air defense systems, and still not to forget about cooperative ones. problem projects with a number of countries, where we have to create joint air defense systems of various purposes, which are also extremely necessary for solving various tasks and for protection. peaceful cities and for the protection of the battlefield, therefore we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have a concrete result on the front line. these were the main points related to the search for patriots for ukraine. stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting information to come. hello, my name is yuriy fizar,
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this is an espresso exclusive, today i will talk with my interlocutor about urgent ukrainian-american relations, what to expect from washington, i mean the aid that is currently stuck in the house of representatives and much more. so, today the ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine, mrs. bridget brink. madam ambassador, i welcome you and thank you for joining me here. nice to be with you. so, you arrived in ukraine at the end of may 2022. how was the situation in our country different from the current one? the current situation is radically different. when i came to ukraine in may 2022, the streets were practically empty and
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there were roadblocks everywhere. when i was driving then, i saw a lot of destruction. now, despite two years of brutal war against russia of ukraine, i am observing incredible progress. 50% of the occupied territory was recaptured by the brave defenders of ukraine. ukraine was able to export food through the black sea ports, sending more than a thousand ships, that is, more than 33 million metric tons of grain and other cargo, and during two very harsh, but incredible winters, ukrainians were able to conserve energy... electricity for the whole country. these are really great achievements, and despite the military efforts of russia, we see that the economy not only survived, it is growing, it is about 5% in 2023 and projected growth in 2024. obviously, this is a difficult
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time and a difficult situation. for ukraine, but we undertake to be with you in the future. right now, i see the incredible resilience of every person in the country who wants to win this fight with russia. thank you very much for that and thank you to all the american people for the help you are giving us. let's talk about this help. now we are very dependent on external funding, and unfortunately, the draft law... which provides ukraine with about 60 billion dollars is stuck in the house of representatives. however, we do know that house speaker mike johnson is going to put this relief package up for a vote after representatives return from the easter break, around april 9. what do you personally think about it, will
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they vote for it, and if so, will there be any of the innovations that speaker johnson is talking about? i am sure that the us congress will support an additional bill regarding ukraine. of course, it is up to congress to decide when that will happen, but my confidence is based on the fact that other than the president of the united states and the entire administration, ukraine has bipartisan support in congress. visited ukraine, including senator schumer. he was here in lviv with a delegation just a few weeks ago. such visits further reflect the support of the american people. we know very well that the struggle for freedom is now being waged in kona, so that russia and putin cannot repeat something similar in other places. we
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support ukraine in its struggle for its existence. what about innovations? as for innovations, it will be up to congress to decide. we have prepared argumentation based on the president's proposals. this is what we adhere to. as jake sullivan said a few days ago in kyiv, there is no plan b. there is no plan b, because a lot of american politicians talk about plan b. they say, yes, we're talking about plan a because that's the master plan, but what about plan b? there is no plan. so we only have plan a. yes. we support him. thank you very much. at the beginning of march, in an interview with cnn, you said that the united states of america had reached a crucial point in its support for ukraine and that the people in washington... should redouble their efforts to help ukraine, did they listen to you on capitol hill? i will say that not yet, but i am sure
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that our congress will reflect the will of the american people and the strategic interests of the united states, the essence of which is to help ukraine. i propose to talk about russia. just a few weeks ago, they held what... we in ukraine call it a farce. so putin reappointed himself again. but what do people in the united states of america think about what happened. we definitely think so these elections are undemocratic, and i have nothing more to say about it. we do not recognize any elections on sovereign territory. let's talk about support from the western world. in february, french president emmanuel macron said that he does not rule out
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the possibility that one day western troops will be on the territory of ukraine. i understand that most western leaders disagreed with him , but what about the united states of america. we understand that there were no american troops in ukraine. but can we at least hope to sign some kind of agreement with the usa like those we have already signed with great britain and france. yes, definitely. okay, can you tell me what will be included in this deal? not yet, it's still being discussed, but it looks like we're close to that point. i cannot name specific terms, but i can say that there are active negotiations on this matter. with representatives of your government. let's move on to the issue of corruption in ukraine. you once said that in order for western investments to come to ukraine, we need to have an independent judicial
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system, free mass media and absence of corruption. is there any progress in these directions? i will say that your president, who represents your people and your democracy, has set an ambitious goal to integrate into the eu and nato. a strong democracy is especially important on this path. important components of which are dynamic and free media, an active civil society, strong institutions, a system of checks and balances, and an independent judiciary. this is the vision of your president, who reflects the interests of your people, and we strongly support you in this. in this the keys however, we supported and continue to support all the steps that were taken to solve some of the problems that exist in ukraine, including the fight against corruption,
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raising the level of corporate governance to international standards, and reforming the justice system. all of this is critical to achieving our main goal, and it's also critical to business, as we heard from special representative pena pritzker on the initiative. having standards and the rule of law in place so that businesses can be confident that their investments will be protected laws and regulations, this is crucial, we hear this all the time, so it is extremely important to achieve this goal. as far as i understand, this corresponds to the aspirations of the people of ukraine. and my last question for today, a few weeks ago republican senator lynsey graham visited ukraine. and he said that he changed his opinion about the expediency
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of holding elections, namely presidential elections in ukraine now. he claims that elections can still take place. what is the official position of the american authorities on this matter? ukraine - a sovereign, democratic country, and only it can decide such issues. thank you, madam ambassador, for your answers, and thank you for all the help we receive from the united states of america. it was an exclusive espresso with my interlocutor, ms. ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine bridget brink , they talked about ukrainian-american relations, not about the help we received, receive and will continue to receive and much more. my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon. events, events happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know
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that... what is happening, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them by modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the saturday political club is on the air on
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the espresso andrii tv channel. maliy and vitaly portnikov, we welcome you, and traditionally on saturday we talk about the most important events of the week, and today, as always, we will have several guests, there will be a conversation with vitaly portnikov, and now we already have the first guest, i hope you are in touch, serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, congratulations mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations to my colleagues, glory to the heroes. we just heard the information, there was a conversation between federal chancellor olaf scholz and president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky, there was a message from the minister of defense of the federal republic of germany mr. pistorius that germany will immediately send patriots to ukraine, but how quickly can such a decision change the situation? well, first of all i would like to say that, of course, one battery will not be enough, i say frankly, to
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at least cover those... the main directions that today, where there is the greatest threat, the greatest risks, if we are talking, for example, about the south of our countries, first of all it is odesa, of course, mykolaiv region, kherson, the situation there is a little different, because it is purely a front-line zone, and there it should be more about, for example, anti-aircraft missile complexes of small or medium, small or medium radius, actually , this is what applies to kharkiv as well, but there is certain possibilities are different, about them usually. we definitely won't talk live, it 's better than nothing, of course, because we see that the south suffers precisely from ballistics, patriots today are the weapons that can shoot down this ballistics, prevent them from attacking so fiercely and so to the murderer, as it happens today, well , look, we have two consecutive days of mourning in the south, first odesa, it was for the losses on april 10, then mykolaiv, it
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was like that the next day. the enemy uses double blows, that is, he is so openly and brazenly hitting ballistics right now that the countermeasure must be, of course, force, in this case it is the patriots, if we are talking about a battery, it is usually from four to eight launchers, of course it must be a certain time for that for them to arrive in ukraine, especially during the war, we understand what kind of hunt the enemy started even before this information appeared in the public space. well, of course, in any case, it will strengthen our capabilities, not as we would like, of course, there, well, it won't be 100%, but nevertheless, this is also on the other hand, if we take the political aspect, this is a perfect example of what we all always say, that not in words, in fact, i really hope for a certain reincarnation , although i didn’t believe in her enough for that, but a little, if i joke, i hope our duke richelieu
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in odesa, for example, his... the spirit of president macron settled, and from there there will be certain, let’s say, progress in this regard, i don’t know , how many patriots there are in france, but that they would be better used today on in the south of ukraine, in particular in the odesa region, it is here one hundred percent. there are other systems, well , the italian analogue of the patriots, this is something that can also boost us in terms of air defense, i hope it will happen extremely quickly, although, if we take the experience of wars, then these supplies still pass quite quickly, if there is a desire , again, if it's not just a political statement, we're seeing it, real things i hope, then it will be pretty quick, but there has to be total secrecy, there are some concerns about that too, of course, because well it's a weapon that will knock russia in the teeth, mr. serhii, this is a question about the front.


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