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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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[000:00:23;00] kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espressu in the studio. the enemy attacked the dnipro'. 12 people, including a 15-year-old teenager, were injured in the petrov region in lyubimivska hromada and in dnipro. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. as a result of shelling, 33 private houses were damaged, 10 cars and a forklift were damaged. one person died as a result of a russian attack on the krasnopil community
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in sumy oblast, the ob'. the military administration, the occupiers also fired mortars and artillery along bilopolska, sredinobudsk and khotyn communities, in total the enemy fired at the border of sumy oblast 19 times. and two large-scale forest fires started due to shelling in the kharkiv region, the state emergency service reported. the russians launched artillery and mortar attacks on the kupyan district, as a result of the attack in the village of kurylivka, fires in about 5 thousand square meters. rescuers managed to extinguish the fire, fortunately, no one was injured. israel was helped by its allies to protect its airspace. president volodymyr zelenskyy once again called on his partners not to turn a blind eye to russian attacks on ukraine, but to help repel the aggression of the putin regime. the head of state
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said this. to his traditional evening address. russia uses every day, every week, every month to do significant damage. unfortunately, ukraine's aid is still limited, and the russian state still has access to critical components that are necessary for the production of missiles and drones. each missile that strikes ukraine contains at least dozens of electronic components, a chip. which supplied by companies from other countries and imported through the territory of russia's neighbors. in shahkhed, the components are also produced in the free world. all this must be stopped and the condoning of terror and the ability of terrorists to find accomplices around the world can be stopped. a consensus was reached on aid to ukraine and israel, this week the senate
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will try to help both. this was announced by senate majority leader chuck schumar at a press conference in new york. according to him, us president joe biden had a telephone conversation with congressional leaders. for now, the best solution is to pass a supplementary law on national security, which includes assistance to both countries. let me remind you, we are talking about a $95 billion package approved back in february. this help the speaker of the house of representatives mike jones. has not yet been put to the vote. fighting for one's country is a great honor for a man, says military officer mykhailo kovaliv. now, after being wounded, he serves in the center of the territorial configuration of the lviv region and motivates people to go and defend their country. hrystyna parobiy heard his story. i like to fight for your country i think it's a great honor for
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a man when he... carries a gun and he's responsible for his actions. my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i currently serve in the dorobitsky tsp, military. i was still present on the maidan, of course. there was such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement, a certain drive, a change in the country, and then of course i wanted to go and fight for my country, for my homeland, i wanted to go, of course, i was first year student, no finished, unfortunately, the end of the maidan was the month of may, and by then the maidan had already been disbanded and i
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had already volunteered for... everything possible, i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, and i generally did everything i wanted, that is, i wanted, i was taught, i was in intelligence, i was in the infantry, i was in assault units, that is, i tried everything that in the 15th year i already transferred to the azov regiment, from the 15th to the 17th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino. in the 20th year, i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade, in the 21st year we had a combat deployment, we went, drove into the side war in
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zolote, were present there for about 8 months, we were supposed to be withdrawn and on february 24, of course, what i met in the trench warfare, here is the full scale, for me what i expected almost, what i wanted, and full. full-scale war, airplanes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i think that's what i lived for, to meet all this and fight all this evil, and we were constantly moving from border to border, we were the assault group, well, the assault group, the assault unit, we were practically not dug in, today it's been an hour here, an hour there, then three. the third task, then they spent the night somewhere, the next morning again some kind of battle started, because the russians were constantly climbing somewhere, they always wanted something. a combat encounter wounded me, i had to report that my guys were wounded, i
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was asked to evacuate them, i was the commander of the detachment at the time, i am right, i report, unfortunately, i am leaving the protected city a little, it flies above my knees, i am no longer i feel leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, unfortunately the situation is no longer under control, and i was already dragged along the street, over stones, with my hands like this, because the car could not approach, because the enemy bopela were working, my problem was above the knee , got a little closer to the nerve, hit the nerve, contusion of the nerve, neuropathy of the small superficial nerve, the foot, unfortunately, did not go up, for a long time, i was treated, for about six months, i was taken out of state, so it is similar, as with... standard here is this bureaucracy, and it's okay, experienced all these situations, then, of course, i didn't want to be disabled, i still want to go back east, when i got injured, i didn't even know that such a status was of limited use, because then the order came that we can't take you east, because it
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is of limited use, i also receive a disability of the third group, and i did not want to be a burden for the guys, by order of the general staff, i was transferred to the tsk tsp, the city of dorgobych, there is a lot of negativity, er... a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90 % very aggressively, what ukraine gave me, and why i have to go to war, to open borders in general, i am from here first of all, i can give you my passport, but why doesn’t zelenskyy go, and why doesn’t the government go, a lot of chatter, a million reasons to abdicate my responsibility as a man, i plan on until i'm fed up, until or until i'm hurt, or until god forbid, i may not be alive, but i 'll know that... i've done anything for the country , everything, everything that i could do, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know my boys, my friends, will know, my friends, that i did everything as much as possible, i am responsible for myself, ukraine begins with me, personally, i give
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everything, i can still give to them, i don't see anything terrible in this, but i remind you of our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit and... the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles in the eastern direction and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. in general, our goal is 720 thousand hryvnias. let's not delay the war continues and the help of each of us is essential. every hryvnia of yours is very important. you can see all the details on your screens now, so scan and don. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because we care about your comments and your views, and there are live ateru broadcasts, all program releases
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and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, be around every day. to learn more useful and interesting information, follow updates on our website., as well as on our social networks. meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk in a moment. we will see you in less than an hour. good morning to everyone who watches the espresso 782 tv channel, the day of the russian large-scale invasion has already begun, and we will analyze the events of the past day, as well as follow the events of this morning. my name is andrii saichuk and
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we are starting, well, we are starting with our morning roll call, now we will learn how was the night in the zaporizhzhia region and in the city of zaporizhzhia, actually askad shorbekov, the report includes a deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, mr. askad, good morning to you, congratulations, please tell me how the night passed, were there any shellings that night, and the situation is relatively calm, for sure, compared to the previous days, today's was nothing. calm, as well as for the regional center, in general, of course, the enemy does not reduce any activity in the front-line communities, the greater number of shelling was precisely in the front-line communities in orifa, gulyaipole, well surely, what should be summed up there, surely, that the whole week, if we talk about the whole week, the intensity of shelling of the front-line communities was quite high, and unfortunately, gulyapilshchyna was one of such communities, which suffered more than yesterday, because it was wounded yesterday one person, the day before yesterday two more people were wounded, that is, the enemy c... is not hitting, and because of this
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, the civilian population itself is suffering to a greater extent, actually mr. fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia regional administration, the military administration, said that recently, the russians do not use s-300 missiles to attack zaporozhye, but they use them, in particular, the calibers of which are different iskanders, which only fly for literally 30-40 seconds, how to organize the safety of people in the city in this case? look, we also emphasized this on your broadcasts, that for more than six months the enemy has changed its shelling tactics, specifically using long-range artillery, well, i think, the issue here is that every air alarm, it must be very, the population must be very responsible to to her, because a it is usually followed by ballistic strikes from crimea or aircraft carriers, of course, 40 seconds is probably the maximum speed, but we have seen from practice that there are two or three... minutes between the announcement of an air
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alert and the strikes, of course, the question is for the population, it is to understand where there is a shelter, where the storage is, to date, on the website of the city council, on the website of the regional military administration, there is a map with shelters in the city of zaporizhia, in the controlled part of the zaporizhia region, where the population can see where there are shelters. for today day continues the work on the arrangement of these charms, of course, we must understand that their number, unfortunately, is still not enough. and not all of them are there, probably, which is the most comfortable equipment, but, again, they are there, and in order for people to take shelter there, in order to increase their security, they currently perform this function, raids continue with representatives of the regional military administration, the national police, in order for the shelters to have constantly open access, this is also a big problem, and the whole of last year was actually also the struggle with this, because there are various balance-keepers of these shelters, starting from condominiums, ending with... or private businesses, and of course, it is important today to achieve
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24-hour availability of these shelters, and to continue the work on their arrangement, among the initiatives, for sure, it is important to note that at the upcoming session of the city council, it is planned to allocate a little more than uah 100 million to once again direct them to the equipment of shelters and mob shelters, and there is also an initiative of the cabinet of ministers, so far this is an initiative, it is an additional 500 million for the zaporizhzhia region just in case. shelters, well, let's see, we hope that the cabinet of ministers supports this initiative, today many people are discussing the issue of the future russian offensive this summer, and many western analysts believe that including the zaporizhia direction can become the main, main attempt to break through the russian front, what about it they say in the city, what is the current situation on the zaporizhia front, unfortunately, of course, that the zaporizhia region is... a priority, this is not the first time, probably, during exacerbations, it is
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the zaporizhia front line that worsens, well, it seems to me that a few months ago , the activity of the russians actually increased precisely on our front line, they announced the capture of orichov and other settlements there, but at the moment , fighting continues in the area of ​​work, our military is holding the front line, there are no significant changes, of course, that there is tension from the point of view of this expectation, because, of course, the population is also confirmed by this information... psychological, let's say, special operations, however, on the part of our military, on the part of the authorities at all levels today quite active work is being done on the construction of fortifications and in general. to strengthen, let's say, the resource-rich zaporizhia direction. we hope that this consolidation of efforts will not give the enemy the opportunity to advance in any way. so far, despite, once again , the great activity of the russians on the zaporozhye front line, they cannot achieve significant changes. mr. fedorov also said that in
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the temporarily occupied territories of the zaporizhzhia region, the processes of, so to speak, the replacement of the ethnic composition are actively taking place, i.e. ukrainians they intimidate and force them to leave , after all, balytsky also spoke about it, about the fact that they actually forcefully deport people if they have pro-ukrainian views, instead, thousands of ostarbeiters or gas starbeiters from the east of russia came in, and they can stay there forever, unfortunately, these trends exist and they have started today, in fact these processes have definitely started. from the first days of the occupation, when family members of the occupiers first moved in, and in fact many of them stayed to live in the zaporozhye region, and today these the processes are related to so-called doctors, so -called educators, because the local population does not cooperate, the russians are trying, on the one hand, to get human resources to service their military machine, on
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the other hand, to dilute the ethnic composition in order to temporarily reduce the resistance of the population occupied territories, but i would like to emphasize that despite the propagandist accusations that they will deport someone somewhere, i mean the local population of ukrainians, in reality these processes look a little different, yes indeed, they take the housing of ukrainians, but they deport them to the territory not under the control of ukraine, they actually imprison them in the deep territory of russia, transport them somewhere in the deep territories, that is , unfortunately, there is no free way to leave the temporarily occupied territory, and this is again this is a conscious policy of the occupiers, so if they had the desire to let the population go, they would not have closed the crossing points between the kamiansk, vasylivsk communities, zaporizhzhia region, because before that, in the first year of the war, every day there 600-700 people left the temporarily occupied territory, in fact, the russians today are doing everything possible to prevent people from leaving the temporarily occupied territory to the controlled territory, and that is
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, all these stories about deportation are mostly stories about imprisonment and robbery people, but again about the imprisonment of people deep in the territory of russia. then , well, actually, it is still unknown what happened to the journalist of the publication riya melitopol, the russian occupiers kidnapped her, so she has been in captivity for 8 months, ah, she was detained back in august of the 23rd year, together with the administrators of the channel, and so far, so far, there is no movement regarding her release, and it is not known where anastasia glukhovska is, except... everything, the russians do not just come to the occupied territories, so that they need to find some kind of work there, but i read an incredible story about how mom and dad had an only son, they were muscovites, lived for half a year, but their only son was 23 years old and was terribly eager to join the russian army in order to go
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to war in ukraine and in ukrainian land to perish, he died somewhere near melitopol, they buried him in melitopol, they put some tricolor wreaths there, and as a result, mom and dad decided that they should move closer to the grave of their only son, and they came to melitopol to visit his grave, well, my mother made a comment about this, she said that it was not for nothing that he gave his life for these new territories, so now we will live here, and let the banders rule in lviv oblast, the road to the zaporozhye region will be closed to them. see, in general, you know, it is difficult to comment on these things, it is a distorted consciousness, a distorted mentality, unfortunately, the values ​​are distorted, that is, there are already some moral guidelines for russians, well, for sure, it is very difficult to evaluate them for the majority, or with those with whom we clash, everything there for a long time already somehow has
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some kind of perverted form from the point of view of human qualities, so let's say it is not surprising that we have such precedents, and this is the action of propaganda and it is very important. for us, this is a very important signal that we must counter propaganda temporarily in the entire territory. very it is important that our local population does not succumb to this propaganda pressure, because we must understand that every day similar theses are imposed on our local population. it is very important to continue to communicate with them and, nevertheless , not to give the opportunity for our local population to zombify them and make them, let's say, enemies of our country, because the majority of the population today remains pro-ukrainian, it is important to us. to maintain contact with them today and not allow such russian influence on our residents, sir askad, i agree, but how can we counter it, let's say that once again in... melitopol , a russian
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ballerina came to melitopol. in melitopol, she came as a volunteer and told our ukrainian children what russian dance is and how she will teach it, well , she taught all these strange movements, you can see the poster immediately so that the children immediately look at this ballerina, learned that... they are one people and here and there she dances, we we simply cannot give this video, because it sings a pro-russian soul in russian, but you see, the children are happy to repeat some of these stupid russian movements after her, there is more weaving, stomping, er, some kind of patting on the leg and so on, and it is understandable , that these children, they are children, they absorb like sponges, they do not have. what is bad and what is bad, because what is bad and what is good, they learn from some of their parents. look, it's actually painful to watch this
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footage, but the only countermeasure we have today is to keep going information and communication work with the residents of tot, this is the continuation of receiving children in online education in ukrainian schools, many children today from the temporarily occupied territories continue to connect to our online schools. today it is important for us to broadcast through, including through television, because... people there watch satellite television, have access to social networks, we must today broadcast from all sources what we think about them there, what we understand, what is difficult for them, what they have here is under control some of them are waiting for them, they are supported, and in general , after the de-occupation processes, they are also supported, that is, we should not put a cross today or in some way draw a line under those people, even if we have some precedents there, when there are some classes in schools there, they are still our residents. we have no other way but to fight for them, because we already have precedents in the so-called dpr, lpr, when several generations of people, well, children, in fact,
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who today partially fight there, including against us, so we have no other way than to fight for their consciousness and prevent them from fully, let's say, entering into collaboration or succumbing to this, let's say, russian mentality, unfortunately, there is no other way, we have to endure it today and that's all still fighting for these people, well, thanks. i thank him very much for this conversation. askat shurbeko was with us a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. at the end, i wanted to say that i read that a russian mercenary died in the battles near zaporozhye in the fall of 23 oleksandr mozaev, known as babai. yes, and now it became known that yes, it turns out that his body, well, it was a body, was not quietly, quietly rustling, and well, it ended up in the territories accordingly. of ukrainian controlled ones, namely his type there, well , he was killed by the 65th mechanized brigade, you
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told, ictv tells about this plot, that’s what turns out to be the 65th icbm combatant of the marines, some muscovites attacked him, they called from an unfamiliar number and said that they were asking to return the body of that woman and offered him 100 thousand dollars, that's all ukrainians they are held captive by... but in fact it is the price of iberian pork at least per kilogram, i first thought about it, and the second i thought about something else, and he said that he did not give, well, he said that like and we don't trade corpses here, we won't be this one, huh, but i think, where, and what, what did they do with that body in the end? ukrainians, well, but just where is this old man now, well, his body, well, where is it, of course, he is in hell, but where is the body, i wonder, you just know. so it remained unanswered, i believe that this information is not complete, no completeness criteria not met, myctv journalists, yay-yay, it didn't work, dear friends, we are going on a short break, if
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you know where grandma is, let us know on the hotline, now the kids will start calling us and say grandma i was scared by the old man, probably it was another old man, not like that moskal, but it's good that he's already in the other world, let's take a short break and then visit kharkiv. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an exclusive interview with the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba: is the world ready to stop russia, or will ukraine have us support? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak: a formula for confronting a strong enemy. igor yukhnovsky's diary: how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of
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the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, we we continue our roll call and now we will visit kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, we will ask about how the night passed there, and how the people of kharkiv are actually doing, whether there is panic due to the fact that the russians
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may start an offensive, what is the situation in the city now . mr. bohdan, how did you sleep last night, how is this morning in kharkiv? good morning, i slept well, there was one alarm, somewhere around two in the morning, and there were no explosions or impacts on the territory of the city, as for the region, well, as always, there are hostilities there , the border area is suffering, well, that’s understandable, kupyansk and further along the line from... that's why i think that today the people of kharkiv got enough sleep, rested, the weather is good, the sun is shining, that 's why it lifts people's mood a little, the very danger that now the city can be reached by cabs , she, she looks, well , she looks really dangerous, and what
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are the thoughts, what are the people of kharkiv waiting for now, what are they hoping for. well, the strengthening of the air defense system is, first of all, unambiguous, it is so, well, i saw with my own, we saw from saturday to sunday, how our air defense system worked, our air defense system worked successfully, i mean the shooting down of the shaheds, well, i was on a high floor, the night was so clear, and i could see how they were firing, this was on the approach to kharkiv, and literally, well, in front of my eyes in the air there at such an altitude, several kilometers, they... were shahedis, there were two of them there, there were explosions in the air, and it was both visible and audible there, that is, well, in this regard, if we are talking about shahedis, well, it seems to me that the situation was intensified, not one of them broke into the territory that night kharkov, they were shot down in the region on the approach already directly to the city, but as for missiles and various different ballistics


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