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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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on iranian institutions in damascus, israel's military cabinet meanwhile has not decided how and when to respond to the massive missile and drone attack on the country that happened on sunday night. the times of israel writes about it. the conflict between iran and israel is a long-term confrontation, which is connected, in particular, with the hostile attitude of the leadership of the islamic republic of iran to the state of israel. ihor simovolos, executive director of the center for middle eastern studies, joins our broadcast. mr. igor, welcome to our efi. thank you for that joined, greetings, good morning, in your opinion, how do you assess the world's reaction to the expected attack on israel by iran, biden assured support, but at the same time , we heard that in the united states they do not support any counterattack by jerusalem against iran, and so, in your opinion, is this a sufficient response and will it help to prevent a major conflict from escalating in the middle east, well , i think that... well, let's assess the situation
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as of today, because we don't know, what will happen tomorrow, we don't know what decisions will be made in tel aviv, in washington, in tehran, but as of now, i can say for sure that at least such an uncontrolled escalation has been avoided, and after the united states of america and the great... along with jordania, as you already noted on their broadcast, they shot down most of the missiles and drones outside israel, that is, as we can see, there is strategic depth here, and escalation was avoided, the very support from the united states of america and israel's allies does not make it possible. or,
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let's say, in complicates the possibility of application a retaliatory blow from israel, perhaps for someone, among israeli politicians, this is not very satisfactory, but the world is built in this way, and obviously the leadership of israel will have to listen to the advice of washington, in general, and in the statement of the ukrainian side there is such a moment , yes... a hint that here are the allies, they didn’t just help the weapons there, let’s say, they directly participated in repelling this attack, well , this is probably the first reaction that ukrainians have, and why don’t ukrainians have such allies who would take up the matter together, so to speak, and what in general is common in this situation with israel and ukraine, and what is not so common, in your opinion, well, i think that in order to... have such allies,
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it is necessary to work on this not for the last few years, but to work for a long time, yes, and since our nation swayed in one direction and in the other and tried to slip between the drops, then actually the result we have is what we have , regarding what is common, what is different, well, it is obvious that this story is on close by it is completely different from the russian-ukrainian war, and there we are talking about such a strategic confrontation, which has been going on for at least 30 years, or even more, where both countries clearly understand that there, respectively, israel or iran are strategic opponents, which trying to influence the positions of the parties, and each of these...
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these countries, despite the fact that they would demonstrate such a certain aggressive behavior, are engaged in strategic defense. as far as similarities go, no doubt, the key similarity is the actors, more precisely here, the same actors are involved to one degree or another, and the same russia, that is , the united states of america, great britain, iraq. they are all involved in one way or another in the russo-ukrainian war, and accordingly, the war in the middle east, the biggest expectation, obviously, is the aid package that will hopefully be voted on this week, where ukraine and israel are going through a coma, this is what unites us, at least when it comes to military support, i.e. it comes out because of this open attack
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of iran on israel, it may be, well, the understanding that something needs to be done with this aid, there is a package for ukraine, for israel and for taiwan, right? you have high expectations, we will see this approval this week, you see, there is at least a shift, yes, that is, we see that the discussion will begin, that is, this indicates that this strike, this escalation, it led to what certain changes, in the offices of the capitol, and accordingly we will hope for these changes, and together with that there are still several very important events, well, for example, the world began to understand more clearly the disposition of the parties in general, and russia, as you can see, is also forced to decide, perhaps it would not want to in view of the strategic agreements with israel, but the direct confrontation between israel and iran, where iran is
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russia's closest ally, forces russia to decide which side it is on, that is, the picture becomes clearer, and it becomes clearer not for israel. in this case, and more precisely for our other allies, that is, for those who tried, perhaps, to sit through this story, yes, or, let's say, to get by with a little blood, that is, this axis of evil, which ukrainians have been talking about for a long time, it is already becoming obvious to everyone else, and accordingly , iran is moving from the category of imaginary adversaries to the obvious adversaries, that means, well... more resources will be spent to prevent the strengthening of iran, which means that iran will not be able to transfer most of the weapons to ukraine, well, it means to the ukrainian front, the russians, that is, here there are pros and cons, we again,
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as they say, the big global game, and our conflict, the russian-ukrainian war is again. as part of a big global game, this is what can be seen now, of course, any predictions, as you understand, are thankless, but nevertheless, i already see these elements, mr. igor, summing up, the new york times writes about the fact that israel decided not to retaliate after the conversation between biden and netanyahu, this policy of containment, it has been against... in the middle east for all these years, whether it plays a positive role in the overall stability situation or not, there is still we can also mention the ukrainian case, when the usa disapproves of, for example, ukraine's attacks on oil refineries, and has repeatedly stated this, in your opinion, is this an effective policy? well, if
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we assume, let's imagine that the united states of america makes a decision to shoot down missiles and drones directly over ukrainian territory, yes, just as they made a decision to shoot down drones and missiles on the territory of jordan and saudi arabia, then, of course, we we will be forced to listen to american recommendations, but if if it is not, then these are recommendations that can be ignored. ugh. thank you for your inclusion, for your expert opinion. ihor simovolos, executive director of the middle eastern studies center, was a guest of svoboda ranok. i remind all our viewers that you can comment on this video and share your thoughts in the comments, i manage to follow some of them during the live broadcast, let's discuss, and you can also ask your questions to those guests who join our broadcast. well,
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let's talk about culture: ukrainian culture movie theaters are currently screening me and felix, the feature debut of ukrainian director iryna tsylyk, based on the book "who are you?". writer, and now a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, artem chekh. the film tells the story of the boy timofey growing up in the 90s, his relationship with his family, friends, first love, with the former counterintelligence officer felix, who served during the war in afghanistan, is in the center of the plot, the description of this film says. by the way, the role of the main character timofey was played by the son of iryna tsylyk and artem czech andriy. and one of the main roles of the counterintelligence officer felix was played by ukrainy. writer and poet yuriy izdryk. those who watched this film, including film critics, write favorable reviews on social networks, a special screening of the film is taking place in kyiv and eight regional centers. in total, the tape will be shown in 44 cities of ukraine. and then
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iryna tsylyk, the film director of the film me and felix, joins our broadcast. ms. iryna, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining and i congratulate you on the all-ukrainian. tell us what your emotions are in connection with this, what are the reviews you hear, we have already mentioned that many positive reviews, in fact, maybe some impressions from viewers that you have already heard in person or ... read on social networks are so important and significant for you? good morning, well, i'm afraid that my review will be too emotional, because i'm just overwhelmed right now, i just returned from kharkiv, because we really started from kyiv, we had a pre-premiere screening, and then we managed to travel four cities, mykolaiv , zaporizhzhia, dnipro and kharkiv, and all these cities are so warm, i would even said, welcome. what i think, i will remember this special experience for a long time.
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in fact, i made this film primarily for the ukrainian audience, that's how i felt, and that's why i'm experiencing such an exciting experience right now, you finally give the film to the people for whom you created it, and all you have to do is wait for the reaction, and well and accept what i started. the real life of this child of yours. irina, tell me for those who have not been to the cinema, have not yet watched, why it is worth watching, why it was chosen post-soviet aesthetics, or the aesthetics of the first years of ukraine's independence? it's not that i deliberately wanted to emphasize this aesthetic, or shoot, as some believe, a film about the 90s, it's just that the action of this novel, and accordingly the film, takes place at this time. the autobiographical story of artem chech about his very special friendship, first of all, with a veteran
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of the war in afghanistan named felix - this is a man who is largely broken, but at the same time very charismatic, special, and also, in general , this is a film about family relationships, about how shaken by the trials of these difficult times, parents, on the one hand, traumatized us, and... on the other hand, they tried to somehow fill our lives with bright moments, so in the film, at least as a director, i really wanted to preserve this balance, so that there would not be this black and white world, because by and large there were a lot of nuances, and i think that the film hits well, i can already see from the first reactions in different age categories, which is not often, because people of my age plus or minus 30-40 and.. .generation of our parents, but at the same time teenagers talk about the fact that the film resonates with them very much, so
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i invite all those who have not seen it yet to the cinemas, we are very much looking forward to our viewers. iryna, an interesting detail is that you worked with your husband and your son on this, on this tape, how did you work together as a family, is it more difficult to work with your loved ones than with strangers. there are advantages in this. and cons, already, because when you already have a certain, well, let's say, a system of relationships, a certain world, but this world is suddenly transferred to the set, well , there are many difficult challenges for director, but on the other hand, i am grateful for this experience, it turned out to be a kind of family journey and ours with chech during our childhood, but it is not only about us, it is about people of our generation in general. but also the son, he actually played his father as a child, and he
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was 10 years old then, and now he is 14, and he watched the movie with us these days, and he suddenly saw it all with such different eyes, because he grows, his optics change, and it is terribly interesting to watch, and one of the main roles, by the way, of a counter-intelligence officer felix was played by the ukrainian writer and poet yuriy izdryk, how did you like working with him, he is not a professional actor, let's say a movie, he had never before, well, at least in yes, a person who graduated from yes, acting faculty, yes, he was not filmed at all, this was his debut in a professional film, and of course it was a huge risk, because izdrik is a very bright person, but at the same time it is not easy, and in general, to approve non-professional actors in the main role, it is always such thin ice, you can make a mistake with such a choice, but... but i honestly admit, there was not a single, well, moment when i regretted my choice, and
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i must say, izdrik, from my point of view, the best felix that could be, now i see honestly, here is the first wave of reviews, and all they note that izdryk played this role perfectly on the screen, and by the way, he received a very important award for it, the golden dziga. yes, yes, yes, well, you see, you open the stars with your tape, thank you irina, you motivated me to go and even for this interview, so many positive reviews, they motivate to watch ukrainian. cinema, it's important, thank you, iryna tsylyk, the film director of the film me and felix, told interesting details about the creation of this tape. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, i will remind you that our streams are available every morning from 9:00 a.m. on the tv channel, on the radio svoboda youtube channel, join, subscribe and
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manufacturer matrolux, which perfectly combines innovative technologies and modern ecological ones. order now. camel mattress from the ukrainian manufacturer. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. well, well, we continue ours telethon, and just now volodymyr ariev, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity appears on our airwaves. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. good day. well, first of all, let's talk about the fact that the verkhovna rada passed the law on mobilization, but as far as i understand, your faction did not
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support it, can you explain the position of the faction? well, most importantly, due to the fact that... there is no topic that was discussed very often, and which was actually proposed by the author of the draft law, the cabinet of ministers, which is the possibility of dismissal from the armed forces of ukraine or after 36 months of service, and now we believe that this law, it and this and other norms. they demobilize and demoralize not only those who can become military personnel, those who are military personnel who are already defending ukraine, there were also many other regulations, in particular, i absolutely do not understand the regulation about
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100% reservation of police officers and prosecutors. sdf, some of them are quite normal and well prepared to go and be mobilized, and now the number police officers can either be reduced by or in cities and towns, or those who... er , who are in the reserve there, who have resigned from the ranks of the ministry of internal affairs, can be taken from vacations and pensions, that is really everything that happens. it shows that a caste of untouchables is being created, but at the same time, for example, disabled people are deprived of the right
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to independently choose someone who will take care of them and they are forced to the point that if this, if the closest relative is not of conscription age, then he should take care of, but we understand that in families may be different. situation, therefore it is necessary to leave the right to the disabled person to choose himself, there are many things that can be listed, and not a single amendment was supported, and therefore in this case, uh, evaluating this draft law in such a form that it will only harm mobilization and undermine morale and current ones. employees of the armed forces of the future, and there will be little to increase the qualitative increase in the number of mobilized, then it
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is clear that we refrained. why do you say that he is unlikely to increase the number of quality mobilized? i'm sorry, it wasn't a question is heard. yes, why do you think that this law in this form will not ensure the influx of high-quality, mobilized new recruits. not that of quality, here the question is not, both in quality and in quantity, it is a question of preparation, in particular, it was not clearly stated that each mobilized person will be qualitatively prepared and equipped accordingly, so the question is to carry out that mobilization, which is really... necessary and well , the clear thing is that in ukraine, ukraine has, everyone in ukraine must understand that we
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will not win the war against the russian occupiers by mass, that ukraine also needs to mobilize a certain number of employees for those units that will be determined. and to switch to the technological component of the war, because russia has a much larger reserve, and therefore we need to win technologically and strategically, with strategic planning, and it is clear that this draft law, as it was drafted, is an attitude towards the defenders of ukraine. future defenders of ukraine, just like the resource, well, the same way it is treated in the russian federation. we have no right to treat those who
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defends ukraine, because we have to be anti-russia, and, unfortunately, i did not see respect or incentives for defenders in this draft law. according to official information, about half a million men already have armor. i apologize, the sound is lost somewhere, they don’t hear, according to official information, about half a million men of draft age are protected from mobilization by various orders of the cabinet of ministers, they are there, let’s say in some strategic industries and so on and the like, at the same time the very process of this reservation, it is not transparent, if you take, let's say, the mass media, then it's like that as a rule, people who work on a single telethon, i... and this shows that, in general , the process of protecting critical industries from mobilization is opaque, it
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takes place in manual mode, and there are still no protection mechanisms, for example, from mobilization for business, should this be the mechanism anyway, er, because here it is very easy to fall into... some kind of populist discussion, where on the one hand everyone should fight, but on the other hand, in reality, it is either people, who are unlucky, or volunteers, let's say, respectively these rules, if they are not there, they can be abused, we all remember this recent story, scandalous with the journalist of slidstva info yevhenii shulgat or shulga. which, which, for which mobilization - it was actually a special operation of the security service of ukraine by the actions of tsk employees in order to
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disrupt the investigation. of the heads of the sbu department in its abuses, that is , we have come to the point that mobilization, mobilization in the form in which it exists, can be used as part of the repressive machine and the repressive apparatus of the government, well this the narrative is criminal in general, because using mobilization as a punishment, or as an attempt at intimidation, creates the appropriate. the atmosphere, the corresponding mood in society, and society understands that if they punish like that, it means there, well, it means it is bad, and instead of communicating with society that it is an honor, look, it is a great respect, they try to put it as fear and punishment, this is an absolutely criminal story, and therefore for it, well, i have other
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epithets. just no, in terms of quality and format, well, it's clear that people are people create additional value and taxes for ukraine, and in large quantities, well , touching them in order to send them to the infantry, well, it's like hammering nails with a microscope, for example, look at the manager of a large company who organizes work in such a way that this company will pay millions or billions. taxes are taken from serving in the infantry, after that the company collapses and there are simply no taxes, to whom do all ukrainian taxes go now, all ukrainian taxes go to the armed forces of ukraine, and that's it it's just that even the government considered that all this is provided by the armed forces of ukraine in this way, so what is the effectiveness of taking away an effective manager, it will not be
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zero, but deeply negative. dova, therefore, but this is really not reflected in the bill, it is not clearly reflected in the bill about what and how it is possible to protect those who work at the military-industrial complex from mobilization, that is , it is written there, but very, very optically and can be used to avoid calling in specialists who produce ukrainian weapons, that's how you can call, that is... it all depends on how a person in the tsk approaches this. in general, the draft law carries very big corruption risks, and a lot is put at the mercy of the government, and the government, what we saw, we saw that government structures make decisions that the mobile circus, or the state, there is the communal kryvyi rih circus, are strategic
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for the economy , enterprises, and it turns out that clowns cannot be mobilized, but i understand that for the president and the government, this sphere is close, and they are purely friendly, collegially, so to speak, they don't want to mobilize anyone here, but you have to calculate with regard to mobilization how effective a person can be in the army and how effective he can be for... the main soloists, for example, of national theaters and operas and so on, that is, national institutions, i don't know if this amendment has passed into law, no, the amendment has not passed, and in fact here, if we have already mobilized, well, let's really get
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gold... the fund of ukrainian culture, it maybe, that is, that is, the philharmonic soloist should go in the infantry, and tserkach should not, the criteria are unclear, mr. volodymyr, thank you, thank you very much, there is no more time, unfortunately, for a conversation, volodymyr ariev was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity, well , just now, the news release with kateryna shiropoyas. congratulations, colleagues, we will quickly tell you about the most important events. in the morning, the russians struck the center of slovyansk in donetsk region, the head of the city's military administration, vadym lyakh, said. the rocket hit near the five-story building residential building, formed at the place of impact.
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vyrav information about.


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