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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are returning to ether, and as promised, we have a special guest in our studio, oleksandr yapchanka, lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, vovka davinchy battalion, honor group. while oleksandr and i are talking, you have exactly half an hour to donate to our military, for which... we are just now collecting 2 million uah, we want to collect fpv drones for the 93rd brigade and for the 72nd, you see on their screens and a qr code, you can also see the card number, for those who do not know how to use that qr code, we will be grateful to everyone for every hryvnia, and welcome mr. oleksandr, to our studio, glory to ukraine, glory as after injury, much better than 7 months ago, incomparable, even running a little.
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oleksandr, what are you doing now? i have already been appointed company commander, accordingly i have three tasks: people, technologies and resources, because in some time, obviously quite soon, and we will go, well, to perform combat tasks, and now we are on completion now we are actively engaged in recruiting, in particular, i am traveling around the towns of lviv oblast so far, although i have also been to chernihiv, recently, literally yesterday, there was an event in lviv, at the ukrainian catholic university, actually regarding a frank conversation, a frank conversation, well, i call it a recruiting tour , because, in principle, it was planned that way, because if you want
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to have something in common with people, or to solve a common problem, or have a common task, then you'd better talk to these people directly, it's proven. medical reform, we traveled for a year, we talked, and then the reform somehow got out of place, and since i succeeded in this way once in my life, i will try it again, only with the solution of a completely different problem, er, this is a recruiting tour, this is how we planned it, that it is a tour, the commander travels and looks for potential comrades, it turns out that this is not just a recruiting tour, it turns out that this is a kind of conversation, soldiers and... and the rear, ugh, and actually, well, it is quite difficult to calculate the results, ugh, but from the fact that what i hear, er, it seems to me that it is beneficial, why?
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because firstly, people who realize come the whole depth of the problem now, these are people who understand that... to hear that such people have to talk to me, because this is a category of people who hid in a small house, with them, well, when i communicate online, communication is quite difficult, we have no ground, they rely on some of your data, i rely on others, so communication often does not stick, if these are people who are aware of the seriousness of today's situation, then we have to talk about , how should we, as a society, act in this situation, and this
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is extremely useful for me, this tour turned out to be, and i am convinced that it is also beneficial for people, because they hear answers to questions that do not give them peace, in particular, as regards mobilization, in particular, as regards recruiting, uh, well, the first question, they ask, in why the difference, uh, i say, after all, recruiting is your voluntary decision, and mobilization is an instrument of coercion by the state, when recruiting, you as a ... person who made a voluntary decision, choose where exactly from the combat unit you go do you want to go to war? second story, uh, still, uh, people they ask how it is fought, well, not about pictures, we see videos, good videos, but
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we understand that there are such videos from the other side, regarding the defeat of our forces and means, they ask absolutely specific questions. they say, how will you cover the sky over the positions, how will you provide logistics at the position, how will you carry out fire damage, and another interesting thing from this tour, i would say a feature, mostly women come, i was surprised at first, because after all after all, this is a tour about recruiting, huh, but i won't i'm writing that it's... it's called a frank conversation about the war, i think, okay, women came to talk frankly about the war, a normal story, what age, uh, but now, i would say, if it's about the age of conscription, but we say that women are coming, and then i realized what is happening, they are asking
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questions like this, how about the position, how about the position, i think they are coming to ask this for their husbands, uh, well, you understand, just now ... a level of, let's call it, concern, i don't want to say mistrust, because it's even unpleasant to voice it to the people in uniform, that is, you say, this is a recruiting tour, let's go and talk about the breakdown just in case, things, warm and crackers, so on to the actual thing, they will obviously make up their own minds, and what if they hand me a summons, that's bad news, but good news is found. he sent his wife to leave, and that’s great, it’s true, if now one of the men who wanted to go there, but didn’t go because of this or that level, well, don’t trust me, damn it, but they asked their wife
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to go there, well done, a huge thank you to everyone who came there, because i don't know, probably or later... will such a man go to our unit, to my company, in particular, will he go to another unit, i recommend a volunteer unit. chapters, but the fact that he did the action and still, well, at least he didn't hide from this conversation, at least indirectly, it's already good, that is, it definitely didn't get worse, and in this round i'm trying to solve the problem of this mistrust between the military and between the rear, this is something that two years ago i could not even imagine in my stupid... thoughts that, well, that there would be mistrust between those who are trying to save the country and
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between those who are also interested in saving the country, i am convinced that thiel wants the country to be saved, but between these two groups, in which the common goal is to save the country, there is now such mistrust, it is a bad story, that is why my tour, first of all, about this and then about records, very often this... trust blames journalists, and even the top military leadership said that journalists are to blame for the fact that, let's face it, they wouldn't show all those stories from tsk on streets, then people might not have been discredited by the tsc, there wouldn't be those scandalous stories about the property of the tcc and so on, it somewhere looks the same as, for example, there, if we did not talk about the fact that... we have domestic violence, then we would have less domestic violence, or that , i don’t know what’s there, about the fact that we have children, if
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we didn’t talk about the fact that children don’t read much, then the reading level among children would be higher, or if we didn’t talk about the fact that russia attacked, but nowhere at all, then perhaps she would not have attacked, resnyk said, there is no need to talk about it three days before the attack, how to deal with that and how to deal, for example, with the fact that a journalist, an investigator of the investigative service of information, who conducted an investigation. about the abuse of power, then i received a subpoena, and the subpoena looked like a reprisal for the fact that the journalist was doing his job, well, i guess we should start from the base, we are a democratic republic, in a democratic republic, first of all, the government, that 's how it was elected, the majority is like that, so i'm sorry, i didn't vote for them, don't do it, it's all your power now, next time
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do everything to ensure that there is the power that to you, well, which one you think would be better, do everything for it to be, sorry, you are in a democracy, there is no other way here, this is the first basic story, the second basic story is freedom of speech, well, freedom of thought, journalists are about freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and... the third story is the expediency of certain actions, and there is always, well, the world is arranged here, there is a conflict, on the one hand, well, the conflict is purely not in the plan between journalists and the state, in terms of the fact that the holders of authority would not like any information to become public, because individual cases of abuse in tsc paint a picture of total abuse. tsk, i understand the message of the government, but look, it doesn't work like that, that is, you can't
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ban it, and it will disappear, because how can you ban talking about it, and it will disappear, because if only you ban talking about it, it will not disappear, but there will be more of it, the same story with anti-corruption, well, you can't say, let's shut the mouths of journalists, then we will deal with that corruption there. it doesn't work like that, there will be more corruption, of course, because what is it? it is argued that our international partners watch your anti-corruption investigations, they argue to their voters that there is no need to help ukraine, because look, there is total corruption there, but if you had not written about it, then there would not be such a problem, well, it is a coherent system , but it still doesn't stick to the heap a little, because it is coherent in... well, information, but not, not in terms of the situation, we need to solve the situation with corruption, and not just so that someone
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somewhere does not hear about it, so anyway, i thank you for your work, i would like to thank all journalists, including investigators, for what they do, i am convinced that they, well, listen, this is one of the pillars of ukrainian democracy and the change of government, which is extremely important, because journalists, investigators, those themselves... who are now investigating corruption, well , the new power holders, the followers of the previous power holders, until now they write in the comments, that's how you should, you are behind. the best president of all times and nations did not become president again, well, these are people who also got lost in the three pine trees, because the journalists were just doing their job, and they are doing it now, and it is quite strange to write them down as followers of this or that political, well, politics, by the way, i had the opportunity to ask this question to denys bigos, and just in the 19th year, i told him,
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did you have doubts, did you understand that the disclosure of this information was about svynarchuk? will affect maybe the outcome of the runoff vote, he said, yes, i was, i was aware, did you understand, that this could have been an informational outpouring specifically for that, so that, to use you as a tool, i said, yes, this, i understood this, and we hesitated, but, but, but here it is important that journalists should not be responsible for the consequences of information, if they are socially important, that too, that too a very important moment, journalists should not build the information policy of the state, journalists should not create a patriotic mood in society, or or or moral spirit to support society, i don’t know where it came from, but today in our country they say that no one journalists have this work from the communist system, there the journalist was an instrument of spreading
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ideology, it was arranged that way there, he worked for... the state, that's right, well, a journalist who works for the benefit of the state, but he does not work for the benefit of the state with specific power , a specific party, he works for the benefit of the state as such and for the benefit of a democratic state with freedom of speech, ugh, that's why the same journalist today will investigate the abuses of today's government, and tomorrow will investigate that the use of competitors actually return to us this trust in the military communicate communicate once again communicate with the military with the rear only with the military no well look at how i will take this from the hospital you how well the synapse connection between and between yes i go i communicate directly with
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the rear but when they come journalists, my communication with 20 is good with steel. that's how it was in oka, there were 100 people, but then journalists come, they film it and show it to a wide circle, moreover, if it becomes a news stream, that's a normal story, while i'm on vlk, i can go and chat with people, especially since now i am already in the status of a company commander, and i directly come and say, look, dobrobat, we were basically dobrobat, our battalion commander e.e. davinci was a hero of ukraine during his lifetime. died in the time of yaru right at the very front, now the new battalion commander is filemonov, filya is the same conceptual person, with the same values, respectively, competent commanders, we are fighting, most of them are already the third year, some, like the same filya, are still from the 14th year, it was his first combat experience, we have
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commanders with combat experience there since 10 years, we have security. come to us if you think you are interested in something, ask, let's chat, when i'm alone, a little bit is still not enough to break this trend of mistrust, okay, let's do it en masse, well, who but journalists should be encouraged to do so, after all you invited me to the studio, i told all this now, told about the tour at our next meetings. will be in ternopil, will be in frankivsk, i invite you there too, without a doubt, i will make a meeting in kyiv, but it would be it's great that i understand that it's quite difficult to disrupt a person, well, a company commander , if he's in positions now, it's impossible, if we were in berka now, it's clear that i couldn't be here, no,
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could not go on tour, but you periodically make inclusions. you tell me here already, i am not an expert in how to establish maximum communication between the military and the rear, we, we see, but we, we have communication, there is simply still time, which we see, we see in fact, the example of israel , it seems to me that we have we simply have our advantage of our time, that we have a parallel war between israel and their hamas, and there are also all the stories behind it, and we only see examples in the report. what we said about the fact that the example turns out to be that france, britain and the united states shot down rockets with their planes over israel so that they did not reach israel, and we are israel, and this means. that in principle it is possible to do this, for example, this is a good case, but here it is possible, we just know that this admiral is theirs, how is it, where is it, is it
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the admiral, who is the spokesman, ugh, sahalu, ugh, and eh, and without him nothing happens, that is, in fact he is the spokesman, but he gives three briefings a day, and this and that, he is freely available, moreover, he... comments on anything, or says he won't comment on it, he has that right, he has the right to comment on anything, absolutely, we have many spokesmen, but none of them have the right nothing to comment, nothing, we have a lag between comments, for example, they hit lviv region, we all know where they hit, we all know that happened, the comment will be official, maybe tomorrow, maybe never, because they are waiting for kyiv to say what to do, nobody in kyiv knows what to do, because there is no one to know.
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heard the problem, i don't understand how it is arranged, yes, because i am not currently in the structure, well, the ministry, yes, when i was in the structure of the ministry of health, i understood how the entire information structure is arranged, here i cannot say true, but what... i know, i know that there is a spokesman in the ministry of defense not so long ago, maybe something it changes, well, i see that this person is commenting, that is, i may have been with us, we had a painter, for example, a spokeswoman, she is now commenting on something, oh my god, i would love lazutkin very much, i respect him as a journalist, as a poet, as military, but can he comment. on events as an admiral, for example, as an army general, well, what am i going to answer here, i don't have an answer, but working as a spokesman i can say that you can comment on the most important events,
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well, at least that's how it was with us, like now, well, i won't tell you , here it is simply a matter of authority i know for sure that there is a spokesperson and i know for sure what he is commenting on, i just don't follow him all the time so that i can directly follow him, but i know that this is happening, how many minutes are we left, one minute, not much we are left, i think there are more of us. we need a minute, very briefly, ukrainians always think in terms of dreams, on the one hand voluntary, on the other hand total mobilization, a reasonable view of mobilization, a reasonable view, realistically look at the situation we are in now, the situation has not changed since 22 time of a full-scale invasion, he came here the enemy who wants to destroy us is a maniac who killed people in a massacre with his hands tied, this is their modus operandi, they act like this... and wherever they can advance, there will be a massacre, and accordingly we must now think no - maybe it will pass, or maybe it will pass
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later, we need to realize that a maniac is breaking into our house, we have to destroy that maniac, but we have to avoid this in all our further discussions, and then i am convinced that we will find a way out, we found it in the 22nd year, we realized it in the 22nd. year, nothing has changed since that time, it's just that now we've relaxed a little for some reason, let's stop this, it's dangerous, mr. oleksandr, half an hour was not enough for us, i think that we will invite you to visit us somehow, while there is such an opportunity, oleksandr yabchankaity of the armed forces of ukraine, the battalion of vovka davinci, a group of honors was with us, they talked about mobilization, about an honest conversation between the military and between the rear, and about what is missing in this honest conversation in order for there to be trust, thank you for being with us. .. with us, thank you donated, lesya vakulyuk, andriy sechu, worked for you, see you tomorrow, papa,
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12:00 pm
check with the consultant. a powerful strong saw is what you need! call! premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four men were killed in the siversk fire in donetsk region, fired by the enemy from a salvo rocket system.


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