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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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for the russian center to pay attention to it, so why are these signs of collapse? it is also necessary to understand that such complex things do not always happen at the same moment and in the same historical period. once the province of the russian federation was helsinki, warsaw, and then the province of the russian federation was astana, kyiv, tbilisi, baku. now we will see, this is the third stage, most likely in the coming years, that yakuskulan ulande will cease to be a province. in some of these republics , russians constitute the majority of the population, national minorities, so to speak, indigenous peoples are a minority, others have a complex national composition, in which these peoples themselves have complex relations among themselves, for them russians are a balancing nation, still others have a national majority. which can
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claim some kind of subject representation, can all the national republics of the russian federation somehow be measured by one, by one or the same ruler only because they are national republics, you understand that these are all artificial regions, that in fact the borders are national - the ethnic composition of any russian republic is just such an artificial one invented by the central committee of the bolshevik party, just like any other russian region where ethnic russians live, and it is. eh, but apart from that, this does not mean that subjectivity, which today is virtual or created by the bolsheviks, cannot turn into a political given, a political map, as it happened, for example, with kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, tajikistan, which also, in many respects , their border states, defined by themselves, were the soviet union, and but in 1991, they gained independence and for more than 30 years in a different field, of course, some of them are proxy russian, some are very dependent, but they keep it, very important or... which you
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said, of course, it is not one line, because the situation is different , a different ethnic, demographic, economic, historical context, but the second component is regionalism, because in reality we will be talking about secession from moscow not only in the regions of the so -called national republics, but also in many that are inhabited mainly by the so-called russians, which in themselves are or are not a nation, or an ethnos, or a super-ethnos, this is a separate topic of discussion, most likely siberia... the so-called far east, that is, the pacific coast with vladivostok there and the seaside, the amur region in khabarovsk, and maybe the region of st. petersburg, ingria , perhaps kuban-don, they will most likely also move from moscow to the creation of their new independent states, where new nations will arise, and there will be uralians, siberians, because no one wants to associate themselves with moscow and this russia. and can you explain to me what this approach is different from the russian approach to ukrainians? vladimir putin. on february 23
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, 2022, he spoke about the self-determination of some mythical peoples of ukraine, which have never existed in nature, because there is an overwhelming national majority here, as you know, ukrainians. the russians invented donetsk and luhansk people's republics and said that some mythical people of donbas live there, although the majority of the population in these regions of ukraine are ethnic ukrainians. now you are talking about some new nations that should arise on the basis of ethnic russian the nation that makes up the vast majority of ee. in russia itself, how this approach differs from putin's, i never understood, to be honest, mr. oleg, in fact, there is a very big difference, and they are a component, as we know, of what today is called the united states of america, it was the english , there are scottish, other colonists who have decided that they want to pay taxes to london, yes, to have a provincial assembly there and not have a representative, in the same way in canada, in australia there were people who identified themselves with the british crown for a very long time, which again did not... did not prevent them from creating
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their national states. if we are talking about the territory of the russian so-called federation, then in the territory of the far east, in the territory of siberia, 100 years ago, during the first stage of the collapse of the russian empire , state entities arose. the republic of siberia, the far eastern republic and many others. accordingly, people in all regions economically, geographically, demographically, are quite capable of creating an independent state and the russian so-called ethnos is very difficult. to call it a nation does not necessarily have to have one one state, it can be a political-state ethnos, for example, germans in europe live not only in germany, they live in austria, yes, then the germans of austria became austrians, that is , this is the process of creating a political nation that took place over the last 100 years, nor germans of german origin ethnic group live in switzerland and some other countries, so there will be nothing unique in this case with the russians either, we know latin america, which was actually created by the spaniards... together with
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the local population of yews and the struggle for independence from the spanish crown was led mainly by immigrants from the iberian peninsula, but now there is argentina, there is peru, there is... colombia and they have their own subjectivity and a political nation, but you know what the difference is, you are a pore, you compare immigrants civilizations with autochthonous ones, both ukrainians and russians in these territories are not resettled people, maybe in siberia and the far east, russians are not resettled people in the far east, by and large it is a resettled ethnic group that was formed there from various slavic groups, who came to these came to these territories there in the far east, maybe even ethnic ukrainians. there were more than ethnic russians at the beginning of the 20th century, but in any case they are autochthons, and americans, or canadians or there, the peoples of latin america, who make up the majority there, where there is no majority
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, it is the population that comes from the spaniards, these are migratory civilizations, they migrated from the european continent, no one migrated anywhere here in particular, well, i have the majority of the russian population there with... 100 million 140, because in the far east in siberia, as you remember, few people live, this is also such an important point, in fact there are also several factors here, first of all, the land and sea empires are really separated, yes, that is, somewhere along the atlantic ocean separated the former metropolis from the colonies, and adesia is divided by the urals mountains, but besides that, the russians are also not that epnos who lived in no man's land, that is, in essence, with the creation of new political identities, and there, for example, the siviryaks of chiuraltse. those that were maximally russified, but which existed, can be restored first of all, the hungarian peoples, mishtorya, ryza, a little like that, most likely these renaissance of old identities, the creation of new ones will take place in parallel, but at the same time, even if the russians remain in this
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core of theirs, in this central highland of their on the territory of non-black earth, all the same , it will be a much smaller, more compact, less dangerous state for its citizens and for this world, so this process is not necessarily ... you will be 100%, but it can be in to a large extent, and just right for moscow much more important is control not over the national republics, but over their colonies, first of all siberia, with the sakha and so on, well, the sakha is a national republic, because from there they get money and the opportunity to finance their estates on the lazor coast and wars of aggression. well, on the other hand, we remember the situation when russia actually left at the disposal of the leadership of the republic of yakutia sakha all the income from the trade in diamonds and nothing, somehow they coexisted. without this money, it was long enough and it was extremely short term, here, because taking into account only a million of its population and colossal resources, not only diamonds, a sakha with a population of 3 million square kilometers can be, well, conditionally
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a northern kartar or ooe, the question is again whether an economically and politically independent sakha will be to focus not on moscow, which is far from it in all aspects, on... tokyo, on saul, on washington, that is, on the asia-pacific region, and it will develop and interact normally and will be absolutely indifferent to ukraine, which is a great sign for us , but before that in order to in order to interact with tokyo or washington , it is necessary to somehow get there, for that pasakh has access to the ocean, to which, you remember, to which ocean and what is the possibility of economic activity in general. in this ocean, i'm sorry, do you mean quiet or not, like yakutia , there is no way out to the pacific ocean, it must be to the north of the icy sea, which now again in the context of climate change is turning into
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a very important international highway and the importance of it will increase, besides there are different variants of the territorial organization of the post-russian space, in particular, the annexation of the gardan region to sakhim, which will provide access to the pacific ocean. and this option is quite interesting, and it has a certain potential. and tell me, please, when we talk about siberia and the far east, you probably remember that in the siberian republic, after the february revolution, coups appeared precisely because it was the seat of the white generals and those political forces that simply did not want state unity with the bolsheviks. and the far eastern republic instead, it was a buffer state. was created by the bolsheviks themselves in order not to enter into a direct military confrontation with japan, so that , you know, state formations are also quite complex from the point of view of historical succession, this is not the ukrainian people's republic, which was created precisely so that it would be a state of ukrainian people, yes, but
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things that are created with one purpose, they are not in a geopolitical vacuum, they are in dynamics, and the gradual acquisition of independence can change the contexts of the conditions in which they were created, i remind you that ukrainian... wait, but there were colonels and the whole army, yes bolbachans, diamonds, greeks, these are people who fought for three years before that and in the previous wars of imperial russia on the side of the empire, so the question is that when one person today belongs to the empire and perceives in the context of the fact that it is loyal to the empire, when its national formation arises, it can very quickly change its affiliation, and among the leaders as well, do you notice a change in the russian national at all? homes in recent decades, when there is a very rapid russification of russian peoples and the very rapid political
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marginalization of russian regions, something that did not happen in soviet times, one might say. it also happened in soviet times, we remember , in particular, on the example of ukraine, this russification, yes, because ukraine in the 20s, ukraine in the 50s, ukraine in the 80s before the start of perestroika is a different ukraine, the same processes are happening now, they were the same. during, let's say, the peak of the russian empire, yes, when, we are talking about independence, for example, of ukraine in 10 there 913 or 1916 even a year ago, it was a kind of dream of very few people, for example, like mikhnovsky, yes, in fact, the majority of people, even in the 17th year, including the ukrainian central council, until the last bolsheviks advocated the autonomy of ukraine, but the political context changed, and fortunately we have that we have our independence, our own state. there may be a reverse process of restoring the empire within the borders of 1991, which vladimir
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putin dreams of. so, let's say, there, ukraine cannot win back its own sovereignty own territories. the former soviet republics are falling like dominoes at the feet of moscow, as a result of which, as putin wishes, the russian federation extends to the borders of the soviet union, what will happen to the people of russia? of course, this is the worst option for the people of russia, because in this case, during the restoration. empires or settlements, they will lose their next, and perhaps the last chance for their own independence and sovereignty, is the scenario you mentioned possible, it is not a change in gravity, therefore, in principle, it is not historically deterministic and it can happen, but most likely it will not happen, in many ways, thanks to our position in the opera, but in many ways the probability of this scenario will depend on our key partners and the position of the states of the free world, primarily the united states. if they remove themselves, if they give up the role of the leader of the free world, of course, it will free the hands not
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only of the so-called russian federation, but of its key allies, the prc, iran, the dprk, and in such a domino effect, it can lead to greatly weakening all our key partners and our own ability to resist. no, why am i asking this question, because perhaps vladimir putin is right, he is destroying ukraine and wants to destroy other former soviet republics, because the alternative is the collapse of russia itself, which can be prevented. the collapse of russia itself, the russians must do everything possible and impossible to destroy ukraine, other former soviet republics, a simple, i would say, existential conflict, either russia will be, but within the borders of the soviet union, or it will not be even in the current borders, it is worth fighting for, fortunately russia will not be, because it is of course a colonial empire, the last in europe, which, like all other empires, there are belgian, portuguese, dutch, spanish, french, ottoman, besides , austrogorsk, she can fly in, yes, that is, how much... this crazy criminal and terrorist putin, he is an inadequate person, absolutely, he would not want to turn away
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the inevitable, with his actions, he is on the contrary, a called prophecy, he, considering that someone there works against russia, wants it to dismantle, the controversial turn of history, when it really forces people from all over the world who are adequate to work systematically on its dismantling and speed it up, it would happen anyway, but thanks to putin it will be faster, unfortunately, at too great a cost, primarily to ukrainians. it can be said that the west is interested in preserving the territorial unity of the russian federation, will do everything possible to preserve its stability, at least so that several nuclear states do not appear again on the political map of the world, which will then you need to convince, give one of them nuclear potential. the deneterization of the post-russian space will be complete, that is , there will not be a single state with a nuclear space in this space, this is a big plus for the whole world, in terms of whether the west will help to maintain this empire, well, again. we understand that the west is a very big cliché, there are different countries, there are different interest groups in each of the countries, including in
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the united states, and part, although the establishment, the entire bureaucratic, diplomatic, is always in favor of maintaining this status quo, against any changes, he is extremely inert, but, already repeating the words of a war criminal, let's say, like it, don't like it, the empire will collapse, so remembering bush's chicken speech three weeks before the ghp drove the last one. . in the ussr, the same thing will happen without the will and desire of the establishment of the free world, the dismantling will take place, the question is, it will be controlled, the whole world will benefit from it, so it begins. from enslaved peoples and all so-called non-citizens of the russian federation, yes, because there is no citizenship, they are subjects, and ending ukraine with all its neighbors, global security, or it will be, burying its head in the sand, the huge bosnia of 17 millionx2 km in 1994, so the question is whether russia will be dismantled or not, and will we be ready for it,
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will we be able to direct it in a more constructive direction, and what will happen after that dismantling, because geography will still exist, some... states on the eastern and northern border of ukraine from millerov will exist, there will not be , unfortunately, the pacific ocean, and the question is how much these to the state will be adequate or inadequate, in many respects this is the task of ukraine, our geopolitical subject. thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, oleg magaletsky, a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, was in touch with us, we talked with him about the future prospects of the russian federation, about what will happen to this state in the next ten years, we understand that will depend on it. how will the russian-ukrainian war end, we now see that the stakes in russia are very high, so that to preserve this empire, and it is necessary to destroy everything around, and ukraine is only the first stage that russia has chosen for itself in order to start this destruction, it is obvious that if ukraine falls, there will be other former soviet republics, there will be thousands of victims, there will be a huge migration crisis, and therefore the west
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should help not so much us, but itself, to prevent these political processes. historical process, realizing that russia is at stake if it fails to destroy the ukrainian state and other former republics of the soviet union. now we will see with you the conversation i had with the british writer, director and screenwriter alex gardland, in connection with the release of his new tape, which you can see now on the screens of ukraine, and i will say goodbye to you before this conversation. all the best to you guys, until the next meetings, congratulations mr. garland, and let's start with the plot of your new film and the script. 19
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states have seceded, the united states army is ramping up. the white house warns of westerners... and you know what's going on a veritable civil war across america. we are out of politics. judging by the news, this will be the best. civil war in the united states. many say that this is another utopia. however, the plot itself is superimposed on that for'. political struggle that we have all witnessed in recent years, whether you were trying to create a utopia or simply fearing the future that awaits the world of the united states soon. the action of the film takes place in the usa, because america is the most powerful country in the world. but the problems highlighted in the film
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may concern not only america, but also many others. for example, among these problems are extremism, division and populist politics, which also exist in my country. they are common in many societies, europe, asia and south america, so yes, it is definitely a global problem that the film is talking about. i would like to understand how you feel about how the audience will react to this film, whether you want to warn them or just want to state the reality that they almost already find themselves in, the problem
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that we are dealing with. wo is associated with marriage communication i think the problem with the lack of communication is that people are being told by others what to think instead of engaging in open discussions. instead of talking, there are often lectures, so i don't want to contribute actually through the cheat. instead, i hope to promote two-way communication with the film audience. i... ask this question because i just want to understand how you perceive this prophecy in art as a statement reality, which can definitely happen,
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or as a warning that allows you to somehow stop the destructive processes in society? no country is immune from terrible events. one of the biggest mistakes that countries can make is to believe that they are exceptional, that they will not be affected by the problems that others are currently experiencing, such complacency is false, extremism is something that needs constant monitoring and protection from it. and everywhere. and you can ask why you decided to turn to what is actually relevant plot all your previous scenarios were,
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let's say, such a fantastic picture of the distant future. and this film is rather an appeal to an almost current political reality. why did you decide, let's say, to descend from heaven to earth? i don't know, it's a story i've been dying to share since i wrote it, which is almost four years, in fact i described what was happening and seemed to me to be quite scary, disturbing and dangerous. the truth is that even fantastic stories often stem from something real. it can be related to a breakthrough in artificial
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intelligence, psychology, or as in our tv show, developers about how tech billionaires in silicon valley are treated as geniuses when in reality they are just entrepreneurs. so i always try. that such a plot is not suitable for the creation of a science fiction film, that's all. one of your earlier films was about contact with artificial intelligence, which did not yet exist as a reality. today, in fact, we have already come close to this reality. how do you even imagine the worlds to be artificial intelligence, you think you are fat. can answer that question, it's a good question, i'd be an idiot if i said i knew
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the answer, frankly, i don't know, but i'll tell you what i think, the process has already started, a similar process has already been observed by humanity , i mean nuclear power or nuclear weapons, as soon as it became clear that it was possible, it already meant that... it will inevitably happen, the same will happen with artificial intelligence, people, journalists, filmmakers, or just ordinary citizens can spend a lot of time thinking about it's worrying and asking yourself whether it's good or bad, but there's nothing you can do because the process is irreversible, so the question is not whether we can stop it, it's what we 'll do when the new age comes, if we consider. .. nuclear weapons, then in a sense we have dealt with it, both good and bad, bad, because nuclear weapons have spread all over the world, and at some point, in
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the future, all this can easily turn into a disaster. on the other hand, we've done well because nuclear weapons haven't been used in conflict since world war ii world war so it's kind of a mixture, i can assume that something, something similar will happen with artificial intelligence. a large part of the problems that we are experiencing today, which you raise by and large, it is still related to the thinking of the person himself, and you can say that this is such a comic book thinking, thinking in fragments, small, fragments of reality, and you are the person who created it's a comic book mindset, you grew up in a comic book environment, you created your own comics. how can a person remain whole in such a fragmented environment mindset that dominates the world today? it's
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interesting, i really grew up on comics, my father was an animator, i don't have a concrete answer to this question, but i can say that there is a certain connection between comics and movies, because it is a sequence of images that are connected to each other and tell the same story, often when i'm writing a movie script, i... in a weird way, i see it as a comic book. i see a sequence of images or frames that are very similar to the drawings in comics. does it affect anything else? not sure, maybe not affected, but it's what lives in me since childhood. one of your scripts
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is a halo, it is. this is a clash of worlds that cannot find common ground, there are people, there are covenants, remember, this is good, it is essentially a theocratic empire, and we in ukraine also very often perceive our own war as a clash of civilizations, you imagine how civilizations can co-exist when they have completely different values, how to prevent this... constant conflict, in my opinion, it is certainly better that civilizations do not collide at all, any collision, as usually has bad consequences, one such consequence being disrespect, so it is better that civilizations, instead of clashing, treat each other as neighbors with proper human kindness.
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one of your screenplays was written based on a well-known novel, one can say by my favorite writer kajai shiguro, and this novel, like his other works, was essentially devoted to the issue of the lack of humanity, we can say that in your new film we see this nostalgia for humanity, but the question arises how to restore this feeling now in... i hope i understood the question correctly. i think the essence of ishiguro's works is how people can quickly slide into inhuman acts. if they do not think properly and act
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fairly and intelligently. these actions can be absolutely ethically and morally wrong. the lesson i learned from his writings and from life in general is how important it is to act rationally and caringly. after all, by giving up basic values, decency and respect, people can very quickly drive themselves into the depths of total madness. unfortunately, it takes very little time for individuals or states to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alexa, everything. thank you very much.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm nayevamelnik and it's time to learn about the main events of... this hour, one person died, two more were injured due to enemy shelling in the kharkiv region. during the day, the occupiers set fire to the chogoivskyi kharkivskyi and kupyanskyi districts, the national police said. an enemy drone dropped explosives on the village of mala vovcha. a 58-year-old local woman died there resident the russians attacked the village of slatine with guided aerial bombs. a 51-year-old woman was injured. the building of a private enterprise and a residential building were also damaged in the village.
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in addition, in the village of marto. go on an unknown explosive device.


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