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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of jan yavomelniki's spresso and it's time to learn about the main events of this hour. one person died, two more. suffered due to enemy shelling in the kharkiv region. during the day, the occupiers set fire to chogoivskyi, kharkivskyi and kupyanskyi districts, the national police said. an enemy drone dropped explosives on the village of mala-vovcha, killing a 58-year-old local woman. the russians attacked the village of slatine with guided aerial bombs, wounding a 51-year-old woman. the building of a private enterprise was also damaged in the village house. in addition, in the village of martove , an unknown explosive device went off... and in
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the kharkiv region , a tractor driver ran over an explosive object, as reported by the state emergency service, this happened during field work near the village of yavirske, balakliya community. due to the detonation of an unknown object, the operator received minor injuries, his tractor was seriously damaged. two energy workers. detonated with explosives in the chernihiv region, reports the detek company, the event occurred in the morning during during the execution of works by the chernihiv-oblenergo brigade, the car of the electricians ran into a dangerous object, the workers were injured and taken to the hospital. and the explosions sounded in the temporarily occupied berdyansk. prior to that, local residents had heard about the work of the local air defense system, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, said. according to him, hitting the base of the occupiers in
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the territory of south hydromash. currently, the russians are trying to negotiate a fence around the surrounding area. the state bureau of investigation has closed the case regarding illegal enrichment yevhen borisov, former head of the odesa regional territorial center for staffing and social support. the law enforcement officers established the facts of the acquisition of elites by members of his family. mobiles and real estate abroad, for a total of uah 190 million. the difference between the value of these assets and the legal income of his family is more than uah 140 million. voynkom could not explain where this money came from. borisov has been in custody since july last year. the figure is suspected under article 368. prim. 5 of the criminal code of ukraine. illegal enrichment. he is for it. will serve up to 10 years
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of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years. the investigation was carried out in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies of foreign countries, to whom the state bureau of investigation expresses deep gratitude for their contribution to the case. another collaborator was detained by the security service in the kharkiv region, she turned out to be a former employee of ukrposhta, who during the occupation of izyum... offered her help to the invaders, after which her was appointed head of the local rosposhta branch. in this position, the postwoman organized an address mailing of russian propaganda newspapers for the residents of the community, and also tried to introduce postage stamps and envelopes with kremlin symbols into circulation, she faces up to 12 years in prison. protests under the parliament of georgia. today there
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is a draft law on foreign agents to be considered, so hundreds of people gathered at the protest, georgia reports, online representatives of public organizations unfurled banners with the inscription "no to the russian law". they compare the proposed law to russia's, which the kremlin uses to suppress opposition views. the united states congress will pass a bill on aid to ukraine. and israel this week, senate democratic leader chuck schumar said. for this, president joe biden initiated a meeting with the participation of the republican leader in the senate mitch mcconnell, the speaker of the house of representatives michael johnson, the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives hakimi jeffries, as well as chuck schumer himself. and while ukraine remains a hostage.
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election campaign in the usa , the american singer taylor swift appeared in the political arena of the country. it is her support that current us president joe wants to enlist. and donald trump's voters consider her a psychological weapon of the pentagon. why did the singer's name start appearing in discussions about the future vote for the us president? let's see. taylor swift is not just a singer, a cultural phenomenon. her world tour is a hundred. the highest-grossing in history, its income is more than a billion dollars, the show is so popular that european cities are competing for the right to host a concert of an american singer, willing to listen and see a live performance, come from different cities and countries, tickets are sold out instantly,
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experts estimate the impact of this tour on the world economy at about 5 billion dollars. the federal reserve bank of philadelphia said that swift's concerts in may. 2023 were the most profitable for local hotels since the beginning of the pandemic. the economy of singapore received about 250 million dollars, which affected the country's gross domestic product. swift concerts in july were able to increase the gdp of the state of colorado by 140 million dollars. because of her wild popularity, taylor swift quickly became part of a political campaign in the united states of america. at first, like most stars, she avoided political topics. however, during the 2016 us presidential election
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, she posted a photo from the polling station and urged people to vote, but did not say who she voted for, hillary clinton or donald trump. after its publication, more than 169,000 americans registered to vote. after the election of donald trump in 2018, swift made her political stance public for the first time. she endorsed and signed with democratic politicians phil bredesen and jim cooper in the us midterm elections in her home state of tennessee. after the singer publicly supported two democrats, then us president donald trump. said that he liked her songs 25% less. at the beginning of 2024 , the taylor swift effect was mentioned again. an article from the new york times said that the biden campaign is on the back burner growing ratings trump is actively looking for
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a new strategy, in particular to increase the number of voters among the youth. young fans of the artist can provide biden with an additional electorate. in the end, the influence of the american singer lay. it's not about targeted campaigning for a candidate, but rather about the number of people who will come to the elections. as of today, approximately 53% of american adults consider themselves taylor swift fans, and 16% identify as die-hard fans. meanwhile, they admit that they still haven't decided who they will vote for presidential elections and are ready to follow the calls of their favorite singer. had the last five-section low-floor tram. from 2021, the city purchased 10 such vehicles of domestic production. the project was implemented with credit funds from the european investment bank. electric transport is equipped with air conditioners, video cameras and can simultaneously accommodate up to
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250 passengers. the new wagons will run on the sykhiv route. about 70 trams of the lviv utility company leave the depot. electrotrans. we now have another project, modernization of the trams that we have, so that the low-floor function is preserved, because today the question of accessibility is a question of our priority. these trams, they already take it for granted, one such ukrainian tram is 30% cheaper than an imported one. these trams are of a high class today. the latest, investment, technological, and therefore more of them are needed not only in ukraine, in lviv, but also in ukraine. i remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of forces
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special operations. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. the war continues, so there are no small donations, every hryvnia is important, you see all the details on the screen. that's the situation for the moment, i'll see you at 3:00 p.m., you can always read more about the important things on our espresso tv website, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, stay close and meet my colleagues marta on the espresso airwaves olyarnyk and vasyl zimu.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, the information marathon is in full swing, today there are a lot of events, we will analyze all of them together with our guests, whom we will add to the ether, vasyl zima and marta oliyarnyk will be working for you in the studio in the next few hours, and well, let's start with the actual military topic. oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information group resistance is already in touch with us, in fact, we will be able to discuss important front-line topics with him and not only that. mr. oleksandr, welcome to espresso, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well , let's start with the statement, shall we? oleksandr syrskyi, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, stated that the russians were ordered to seize time until may 9, the day of pabedabesiya. how do you rate yourself now? time around the city, is the enemy really pressing there with their maximum efforts now, and there are all
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the prerequisites to believe that they will still manage to do it? the situation near chasovayaro is really complicated, the fact that the russians have a corresponding fake, regarding certain dates, we are very we know very well that since the beginning of 2022, when they started their full-scale invasion of ukraine and constantly tried to adjust some of their... big victories to some dates, or the new year, or may 2, may 1, may 9, and so on and so on, or even putin's birthday, and that's why there may be such a target for them, but as of today, they must at least complete the basic tasks, i.e.... this is to capture bohdanivka, capture ivanovske, capture klychiivka and andriivka , only after that they can start
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more catalyzed intensive offensive actions, especially taking into account the urban battles in the time gap, so far they do not have such opportunities, because these settlements are under either full or partial control of the defense forces of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, and to continue the topic of the temporal ravine, this is me today. with whom i discussed and even with colleagues, who in fact, but also very different opinions on this matter, and here the topic is about the situation with the volunteer ukrainian corps, the right sector, which is part of the 62nd brigade, as far as i understand, and i was there, is in the current yar, and the censor wrote about it, and there were also contributors who raided commissions, transferred fighters, commanders to different units, and there is no understanding. what is happening there, well, i now have an understanding for myself approximately what is happening and what could have caused it, but is it possible that you have
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more information on this matter, is it correct, normal in a situation that develops when the higher command can give orders regarding reformation, rotation, deployment, disbandment, dispersion fighters, units and so on, please, and i don't have a full, full amount of information about this today. of this situation, but let's look at the situation in the following way: our enemies, the russian occupying forces , have been doing something in recent years, they not only disbanded and regrouped, redeployed these groups, in general a strike group or a group of troops of this type, such as, for example, a group of troops of zaporozhye or a group troops, they could divide... into several separate groups, and
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reformation itself was what they used advantageously for them some goals, just as right now we see how a new, completely new group of troops of the north is being formed on the territory of the russian federation, which is being formed in accordance with the demands that they can put before it, namely this. so, in this way, we can draw the appropriate conclusion from this: russia is constantly engaged in such reforms. and regrouping, in accordance with the tactical and strategic conditions that arise before it, should our general staff of the armed forces of ukraine accordingly reform, regroup the relevant units in accordance with the requirements that are currently in front of them in matters
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of defense of the country, certainly in my opinion, and it does not depend. from what kind of formation it is, what kind of unit it is, the main thing is that they meet the defense conditions of our country as much as possible. mr. oleksandr, let's talk about the situation in the avdiyiv and novopavliv directions, because there is also a very, very uneasy situation there, what do you notice there now, is the enemy trying to intensify their efforts there, i have you mean in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, yes, to novopavlivsk? in the direction of the city of kurahule? for the russian occupiers, these are the priority directions, but now it is still the most priority for them, it is the times i am. all other directions are, let's say, a statement of those offensive reflections that they had since last year. therefore, for now, they
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are continuing their offensive actions with this intensity. if we are talking about some. from separately taken areas, then for me according to the general analysis, i believe that the most priority for them is yar and kupelsk times, then it is the 0.532 line, i.e. it is from maryanka to ugledar, ugledar is more priority for them than anything else south of, let's say, time yar. they use reserves to continue their offensive actions and will continue in the future, after the so-called inauguration of putin, i do not exclude their large-scale, quite intensive mobilization in a repressive format, which they use for what? in order to replenish its
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human resources and continue the assault during the second half of 2024. precisely in the chasovo yaru area, in the lyman-kupinsk area and the axis, as well as lines 05-32, and also, we do not rule out that they will increase the pressure on the robot performance in the zaporizhzhia region. tell me, please, this week, well, there are quite unequivocal statements that aid for ukraine and israel may be voted, there are statements from the republicans, there are even statements from donald trump already on this topic, that he is ready. another weapon to give humanitarian aid, well, i understand that this one iran's attack on israel may have sobered up a little, and this aid, which i think will be provided to ukraine as quickly as possible, and in fact they have enough equipment to provide in warehouses, it's not that there will be anything completely new now to do from scratch, how it can affect at least stopping the enemy offensive, because the question
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of an existential threat to ukraine, it is voiced both in europe and in the usa, i think the question is clear, that ukraine must accept... and hold back even though b until october, because by october it even hints at what could happen a kind of breakthrough, if the aid is sufficient, the mobilization will be carried out again not for the sake of a tick, but an effective mobilization will be carried out with reinforcement, and not just a numerical accumulation of some people. and the help we currently receive from the european union, it can primarily be useful to us in matters of defense, but if we are talking about counter-offensives. opportunities, this is of course also the help of the usa. if we can somehow increase the volume that we will receive from europe, then we can certainly partially form reserves for counteroffensive actions. but without the usa, in this case, we will not be able to talk about
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at least some counteroffensive actions until the end of 2024. only. defensive type, which will be aimed primarily at exhausting our enemy, that is, destroying the maximum amount of human resources, as well as the mechanized component, taking into account the fact that russia will conduct mobilization, we will also need our own mobilization, because one way or another, but we must answer with quantity, not only with quality, but also with quantity, that's why a comprehensive approach to the answer. days of decisions, if we are talking about the adoption by the congress of a draft law on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, first of all, now this is an initiative, it. is implemented precisely because of the events in israel, then not only that it may not be accepted in the interests of ukraine,
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i.e. israel may be taken out as a separate package, or assistance will be given to ukraine under the terms of lending, this is economically unprofitable for us, and only the third moment, very unlikely, it ... can be realized, that is, if completely this the draft law will be adopted in the same way as it was submitted back in october 2023, i have one question here, and a question and remark , and the second, the second question will be, i thought today that lesya ukrainka, she is a brilliant ukrainian poetess, because she predicted such a secret ukrainian weapon, which is used against russia today, she called him the one who breaks the dams, and here is the one who breaks the dams from the rice song, he today... dams in russia, and there he can even sink or and flood this factory that repairs and manufactures armored vehicles, that firstly, is it possible, will it affect anything, and
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secondly, yesterday i was very advised by a poll that was made public that 51% of french people, well , french boys, aged 18 to 25 , more than half, are ready to fight on the territory of ukraine, in case it is necessary to protect the interests of france, well , in fact, it is very, in my opinion... a good indicator, well, first of all, if it is possible for the russian factory to sink it there, i looked today that the water is flowing well, rising there are mounds in that, and the second one is here, because by the way, russian propagandists are here, they are theirs, they are already spreading the topic that the french contingent is almost standing in ukraine, they already have such data, no, we do not have such data officially yet, but in general, if french representatives of the security forces appear in... . then it can be representatives of the operators of anti-missile complexes, or, if we are talking about ground troops, then this is the cover of one or another part of the border,
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it must be understood exactly that way, no one will directly fight for ukraine, and liberate our territories in of the defense forces of ukraine. in principle, the trend is positive, it must be admitted, it really is. on the other hand, we see that ukraine can rely exclusively on its own capabilities, as well as the capabilities of truly reliable partners. it is very interesting that recently it is france that has demonstrated that it is a more reliable partner of ukraine than, for example, the united states, which has been in its political shapito for more than six months on... the italian pole, and that's why i i do not rule out that it is france that can become a catalyst for general trends in europe, as it was during the second world
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war, when this coalition of allies was formed against nazi germany, the same can happen right now, but events are happening more slowly, we must understand that the general political... context , which currently exists in europe, it is more pacifist and, let's say, bureaucratic, and therefore, it significantly hampers the processes that can effectively respond to the threats posed by russia. we, by the way, and please, marta, mr. oleksandr, i still wanted to clarify with you, now we see a little bit of silence from the russians, i mean, now there are no massive, combined attacks, which were there a little while ago. than a week ago, should we be prepared for the fact that a series of such massive attacks will continue, because cnn writes that the russians specifically waited for
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winter to end, because they supposedly knew that ukraine would move its assets air defense from civilian physical cities closer to the front line, well, and accordingly , the object of the energy infrastructure will be more vulnerable, and right now they are this period and chose what do you think about it and whether? we should expect massive attacks on critical energy infrastructure to continue. let's put it this way, in principle, it's two in one, because yes, indeed, they understood very well that we have a lack of air defense means, which is why we will use those that protected the corresponding regions along the line of combat, because we need this, we have an acute air defense shortage, this is not a secret, the president constantly talks about it. of ukraine and officials, officials who have the relevant authority about the relevant statements, but there is a
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different context. that is, two in one, namely , that the russians from 2024, the beginning, they lost two a50 aircraft, long-range radar reconnaissance and observation, without these aircraft, they cannot implement large-scale strikes, missile strikes deep into ukraine, and therefore they from february to march, the second half of march, we had to endure large-scale strikes on our energy supply, in a certain sense it was... this one saved us, we did not face these strikes during the frosts, during the winter period, already the second in the middle of march, it was not so strict as to somehow reflect this deficit in the energy issue, but in the long run they will continue these strikes, so after some period, to what extent they will be able to restore their potential, and they for...
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depends on their own production, they will resume her strikes directly at those targets, so unfortunately they will continue until they reach their target. thank you, mr. alexander, for your analysis. oleksandr kovalenko, military and political observer of the group informational resistance worked for you in the espresso ether. we are now moving on and will take a short break, but after it we will definitely continue to inform you about the most important events and analysis. them with our guests, so stay with the espresso. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa cape covers with a discount of only uah 599. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers, the upholstery is torn. sofa cape covers. tired of the color. sofa cape covers. one movement. and in front of you is your updated favorite sofa for almost nothing. only
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now and affect our. life, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with sergey rudenkom, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.


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