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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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we will be able to hear in the next news release, which our colleagues have already prepared, and anna yevamelnik is ready to tell us about them, we congratulate you, we give you your own word, and we ask you to briefly tell what this release will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, then the news team will work, we will tell about the main events of this hour and i will start this issue with the situation in poltava region. the occupiers attacked poltava, an explosion rang out in the city during the air raid alert, the head of the region, philip pronin, reported on official page in telegram. i promised to inform you about the details later. one person died, two more. suffered due to enemy
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shelling in the kharkiv region. during the day , the occupiers set fire to the chogoiv, kharkiv, and kupyan districts. they told the national police. an enemy drone dropped explosives on the village of mala vovcha. a 58-year-old local woman died there. the russians attacked the village of slatene with guided aerial bombs, wounding a 51-year-old woman. the building of a private enterprise and a residential building were also damaged in the village. in addition, in the village of martove, on an unknown explosive. the device was blown up by a local fisherman. and in the kharkiv region , a tractor driver ran over an explosive object. as reported by the state emergency service , this happened during field work near the village of yavirske of the bakali community. due to the detonation of an unknown object , the operator received minor injuries, his tractor was seriously damaged. a map will appear in kharkiv oblast. changed territories, it
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will be developed by the specialists of the mine action coordination center, which is currently at the stage of establishment, the head of the region told about it oleg sinyohobov during the meeting of the regional office of international cooperation. the newly established center will also develop a compensation program for equipment that is destroyed or damaged during field work. we must cooperate in every possible way. in order to demine our territory as quickly as possible, since it is directly related to the establishment of life activities, establishment and restoration of business in the territory of that region, and this is as a consequence of the restoration of economic stability of our region. protest under the parliament georgia. today they are to consider the draft law on foreign agents. hundreds of people gathered at the protest, it is reported.
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georgia online representatives of public organizations unfurled banners with the inscription "no to the russian law". they compare the proposed law to russia's, which the kremlin uses to suppress opposition views. and inside the georgian parliament, a fight, a conflict with kulaks took place between the leader of the opposition party citizens, alekko alisashvili and mamuka mdinaradze. one of the leaders of georgian. who passed the law on foreign agents for consideration, the meeting of the committee was interrupted due to a fight. the united states congress will pass a bill to help ukraine and israel this week, senate democratic leader chuck schumer said. afterwards , president joe biden initiated a meeting with senate republican leader mitch mcconnell, the speaker of the house of representatives.
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michael johnson, house democratic leader hakeema jeffries, and chuck schumer himself. in anticipation of a truce, french president emmanuel macron hopes that during the olympics in paris it will be possible to agree on a ceasefire in ukraine and gas. in this matter, he is counting on the help of his partners, local publications write. in particular, macron will turn to the leader of china for help. seat of pina, who will visit paris in a few weeks. the french leader is convinced that these competitions will bring a lot of benefits from a diplomatic point of view. at the same time, macron expressed confidence in the successful holding of the opening ceremony of the olympics on the seine river. however, he noted that the french authorities have also prepared backup scenarios. france is not naive. if we assume that there are security risks, we have a plan b and... even a plan c, in particular,
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we are preparing a ceremony that will be limited to the central square of the trocadero, and therefore it will not go along the seine river, and there is even a scenario that will be transferred scandalous dismissal at the lviv school the conflict has been going on for several months due to the decision of the city education department, the ex-director of the educational institution halyna mykhailyk disagrees with the results of the competition for the vacant place. kateryna oliynyk spoke with all sides of the dispute. halyna mykhaylyk worked as the principal of the 96th school. during two years. in february, the woman's employment contract expired. the city education department did not renew the contract, but announced a competition for a vacant position. halyna mykhailik herself says that she faced pressure from officials. on january 12, at the first conversation, there were already threats
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and humiliation of me as a person, and later psychological pressure was constantly exerted on me, not only by mr. zakaljuk, but also. i did not have a deputy mayor from the development department during those two years no complaints, no comments, i received a monthly salary, i had no complaints, no reprimands, but andriy zakaliuk, the head of the city's education department , has a different opinion, according to him, galina mykhailik's contract was not renewed due to uncoordinated purchases and bonuses of her own mother, and this the conflict situation that has arisen now is absolutely incomprehensible to us, because by virtue of all that we have, we have fulfilled all the legal norms in order for competition a to take place, the competition was transparent, the competition was live, to release the ex-director, not some teachers, parents and staff of the school want, they demand to annul the results of the competition, work has been done, which
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concerns not only repairs, but the general environment, the teaching staff, the attitude towards children, during these two years the school has undergone enormous changes. it is very unfortunate that the education department does not pay attention to any of our requests, our appeals, and so on. here we are not talking about the candidates themselves, here we are talking about the violation of the law, the law by officials. the competition for the vacant position was held on march 8, and yaryna won it nechapurna for more than a month, the newly appointed director was not allowed into her office, only on april 10 did she enter. to work, i tried to come to my workplace, but we were not allowed, that is, a group of people, as i understand it, teachers, technicians, parents, that is, they do not agree with the decision of the head of the education department, so she does not agree with my appointment to the position
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director lawyer andrii petryshyn is convinced that the educational competition was held with violations, ex-director halyna mykhaylyk has already appealed to the court. the competition had to take place two months before the dismissal, instead it took place after the dismissal, this is a gross violation of the law. moreover, the very decision on the competition of the competition commission contains signs of forgery and the use of forged documents. the conflict between the leaders has a negative effect on the students' desire to study at school, complains oleksandra troyan's mother. this situation, which has developed with the change of the director, is very unpleasant to me, because first of all, the children should continue the educational process, if it was on a competitive basis, that there should be a new director, that's all, then everything must continue, the educational process must continue. the other day
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, a meeting of all community directors was held at the 96th school. this meeting caused a new wave of dissatisfaction among parents. there was such a situation that our children were interrogated by a worker. group, which is unacceptable, because third parties interrogate minors at school, this is nonsense. if the city authorities do not reach a compromise by april 16, the parents promise to block the kyivchop international highway. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. i remind you about our collection of communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of forces. special operations, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is 720,000 hryvnias, and we already have more than 100,000 hryvnias in our accounts. the war continues, so there are no small donations, every hryvnia is important. you can see all the details
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on the screen. i have everything on this otti, i tell you see you at 4 p.m. you can always read more about important things on our website. espresso tv website, also subscribe to ours channels on social networks, and i encourage all viewers to support espresso's youtube channel. and then my colleagues marta oliarnyk pick up the air. and vasyl zima, stay with us, so what, we continue to work for you, in the studio vasyl zamat, marta oliarnyk, so in the next few hours we will continue to be on the same wavelength with you, to be in the same company, because there are really many events today, and they all need our analysis, well , help... in this we will have our guests, whom we will add to our broadcast. with
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oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on energy and housing and communal services should appear on our air every minute. mr. oleksii, we see you, we welcome you to our airwaves. glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes, glad to be useful. well, the situation in anretitsa, almost all annual efforts to restore and repair the power system after the 22nd year. were destroyed in a few days, the deputy minister of energy grynchuk said about it, how about you assessed the situation with our energy system, and by the way, well, we now hear a lot of statements that some physical structures could not protect against direct missile strikes, so we need more air defense systems, but we still understand that a certain amount of work was carried out and maybe someone expected that these fortifications. so around energy objects, they will still become more effective than they actually showed themselves,
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how would you assess the situation now? thank you, well , such a good, relevant, difficult question, that's why i'm starting to answer: first, right now i'm on the road at a gas station, we're going to kharkiv, tomorrow there's an on-site meeting of the committee, where we'll work together with the local authorities to figure out what exactly they have in kharkiv, do you understand? here it is absolutely necessary for each territory, for each object, for each city to understand what is its own specific situation, because for example, you know, in kharkiv and the kharkiv region , people are affected, affected, or rather, tets5, this is tets, which on about a third of the city was kept warm by heat load, and zmiivska, zmiyivska tets is a thermal power plant of the state company centerenergo. that is, it also creates problems there now with a shortage
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of electricity, that is why schedules in kharkiv are used there, but this is also a very dangerous problem for the winter, because right now the city has to decide what to do next, but definitely the key issue, theoretically everything can be repaired, something longer, something shorter, more money, less money, but it is clear that there were different degrees. damage, but some part can definitely be repaired, restored, some very for a long time, and it may not be necessary to do this, because the repair will cost more than the construction of a new one, but the key question, you are absolutely right, if these objects are not further protected by air defense systems, then we can see how, unfortunately, accurately hit missiles and sometimes drones, what in general. it's strange, you see, because a rocket is a rocket, i understand, and how accurately they hit objects,
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i'm still under the impression of this attack on the trypil station, that's right, well, i live not far there, i know it very well, and see and this is the fire, and the video, and the photo, and now there is a discussion about how it was fortified, and whether it is even possible to properly fortify the thermal station, you know that there are three degrees... of protection and the third degree is in general, well, conditionally, a concrete sarcophagus, a concrete sarcophagus of this kind can theoretically be built over transformer substations, you understand, these are other objects, there are transformers, relays, automation, which can be protected to a certain extent, and it was protected to a certain extent, this is exactly what did this recovery agency led by hire together with the state company ukrenergo, the situation there is more or less normal. because the enemy is attacking these substations, but they are more or less protected and something breaks down,
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they repair transformers, that is , they caused less damage there, namely at such powerful generation facilities, such as the zmiiv tets, tets5, trypil station, others stations of the detek company, these are the lviv region, ivano-frankivsk, vinnytsia, dniprovsk, there, unfortunately, there is much more impression, impression, because... it is impossible to protect them completely, and air defense, well, unfortunately, i can already to say, because it already exists, it appeared in the mass media, this news, i can already take it. to refer to, because i calculated it before, yes, unfortunately, i undertake to assert that indeed after the end of the heating season, some objects were removed, in fact , the anti-aircraft defense forces of the installation, i do not blame, because i understand how it was necessary to defend the kharkiv sums for today, i understand the situation at the front, you see, we
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simply do not have enough of them physically, well, as you can see, it is if there is not enough, and this is the key. there was a problem today, and as a result it really led to the fact that the objects were affected, i nevertheless, since i possess enough such delicate information, i appealed yesterday to the leaders of the factions to support my proposal and my draft resolution on the creation of a temporary investigative commission according to the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of these budget funds for this shelter program, tens of billions were really spent. hryvnias, i don't want to blame now in general, but i am convinced that it is necessary in closed mode, without unnecessary pr, well, it’s easy to check how effectively these funds were used, how well these projects corresponded to reality, how well the cost estimates corresponded to reality, because we know, unfortunately, yes, what about the cost estimates in
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our country, what manipulations take place in almost the entire public sector, and in companies, and in the budget. and so on, and as a result, it is easy to then draw the appropriate conclusions, it seems to me that it would be absolutely appropriate, so i will inform you whether the leaders of the factions support or do not support the procedure for creating such a tsc. well, actually about money you said, and here it is, well, a few days ago, this discussion appeared, it is interesting: the centerenergo company refuted the fake that the state budget was allocated for the protection of the tripoli thesis from russian missiles and drones.
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allocated them, you understand, and at the beginning of the year we allocated a very significant amount to them, there in total, i think, about 20 billion, my assistants are checking there now, you understand, but they went for official information, specifically for, first of all, for the state of the ukrenergo company at the substation, you understand, at transformer substation, i would like to remind you that ukrenergo is our high-voltage networks, this is the company that essentially makes our power system unified, but instead of the generation facilities, both state and private, no funds were spent there from the budget, for with my information, and they did it at their own expense, and the energy center in general has long been a loss- making state company, because it was deliberately driven into losses, i
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think that i do not want to blame them, well, i have a feeling that there somehow there, well... they got by on the minimum, without going out the fact that they didn't have additional money for this, they already owe everyone, including lviv miners for coal, you know, other miners and so on, and according to my information, the same private company invested much more of its money there to protect this one, and in principle it may have saved them to some extent, but once again this is such a subjective assessment, and that is why i propose to look into it professionally, well, really 9.7 billion from the budget did not go to the energy center , that's true. mr. oleksiyu, look, i would still like to to ask you, you as a competent person in this field can give your assessment, but look, now there is a lot of talk about the fact that perhaps it is worth not thinking about the repairs of these or other energy facilities, actually more to make them autonomous, to do so a kind of
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energy network so that there is no such thing. the theory is like this, a good theory is like this, now there are a lot of such theorists, you see, they are now proposing a theory of how to make a distributed energy system, i am not against it, but it will take 5-10 years, very large funds, which things will be reflected both on the tariff and on everything, investments, i immediately have a counter question, please tell me, which investor will now come to invest in such a distributed generation, distributed network, which investor will come here, well, this... it is possible only for budget funds, this can only be done by our state budget companies, ukrenergo is primarily there, the gts operator wants and so on, but then you have to understand e. speed will be able to do it gradually, but i definitely
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guarantee you that it is absolutely impossible to replace everything that has been destroyed in six months, that’s for sure, and that is why today we have a very real alternative, which is an increase in the capacity of imports, because we currently have 1.5 percent of imports to make 1 7 gigawatts and, in principle, it is possible to make it at the level of 2.5 before the heating season, so that you can imagine 2.5 gigawatts - this is conventionally 2.5 nuclear units, well, that is, it is such a power, it is somewhere one 1/6 of that , what we need is a powerful reserve, you understand which of the west can come to us here at your place it is precisely at the substation and further redistributed throughout the country, and i am not against the fact that now those who can put... in themselves and on individual houses there first of all, solar panels, there are some alternatives, and they have been for a long time boilers, some diesel generators, although it cannot, it
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can only work as an emergency reserve, you understand, but to quickly make a powerful, even this gas turbine generation, well, unfortunately, it does not happen, such processes take a very long time, and there are one nuance, very negative, which you all apparently. you understand, our energy management system has long been so unbalanced, relatively speaking, decentralized and liberalized, that in essence, i don't even know such a center, who could, because the ministry, unfortunately, does not have the authority to it's a pity, it's not because the minister is bad, everything was done so that the ministry would be responsible for such a policy, that is, our energy management system works according to the laws, it's time... and we already have two, two too many years, the war is half-assed, and not a single law has changed, not a single one there, the management decision has not changed, this catastrophe is real, and now all
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the professional people, not theoreticians, are talking about it, yes, who are there, the professional people in one voice demand that we need exactly such a system of immediate operational management of energy, introduce some kind position at the level of first vice prime minister with the conditional title of energy. wartime commissar and give him appropriate decision-making powers, it is clear that this must be a very decent, professional, professional person, if you think that we have a lot of them, no, but there are such people, i guarantee you, they exist, and now the only thing left is how to get them to go to work now, this government structure, which you and i have for a long time, mr. oleksiy, i briefly have one question from myself and one from the audience , lady... well, people comment on us on youtube, they also need to understand that they are connected to ether, i’ll just ask for myself, well, summer is hot, air conditioners will start soon, it’s good that there are private ones, but and industrial, that is, it
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can be peak loads, it is possible will it affect, will it not affect, i don’t know, i want to ask you, and the second thing, and the second thing ms. svitlana asks, she says that the electric energy became 2.65 for the population instead of 1.40, but where is yours, well, not yours personally, it is not up to your question is probably green, from whom to buy, but if... why did you suddenly decide that green is free? well, why did you suddenly decide that green energy is free, well, who tells you that, green stations now work at market prices, the market prices here are uah 6-7, well, for the end consumer, that is ask the industry, budget organizations, restaurants, any cafe, production at what price they buy electricity now, yes it is now, the last time before the troy strikes, this price decreased, but it is still equal to the market. they are sold to the public and delivered at a regulated price of 2.64 to be exact, but i have to tell you my feeling, maybe it will be unpleasant for you,
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i hate to say it myself, but something tells me that somewhere in the near future something will change here too , unfortunately, not in favor of population, i feel something like this, you understand that calculations are made in order to make this price for the population, well, unfortunately... to make it according to its cost price, because there is no such thing as free electricity, these are all fairy tales, which we did not mention, and that is why i believe that the morally just position would now be to cover at least the cost price, it should definitely be full control on the part of the population, then, you understand, all of this on the part of society at this cost price, but we must knowing this cost, well... it, if it is not covered, there's no one to date, there's no money in the budget, you can't put it all on the business anyway, it's not going well, that's why, unfortunately, i
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'm not predicting such a good one now. pleasant moments, and by the way, i answer, there will be peaks in the summer, there will definitely be air conditioners, there will definitely be, the price, well, it is not yet, well, it is relatively low, you understand, and that is why the population will consume, and i think they will be the first to beat the queue, to unlock the industry, because today we have such a policy, you understand, well , of course, that does not want people to suffer, and that is why they will drive out industry in the schedule and other businesses and so on. and the like, for this period of summer peaks, but then there will be winter peaks, and it will be much more difficult there, you understand, that is why the difficult situation is not easy, unfortunately, there will be no popular solutions here, we all just have to get used to it and to prepare for this, and as much as possible to prevent schemes, thefts, corruption of some kind, monopolization, this is definitely because during the war it is, well
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, looting, simply, if there are any inflated estimates, or, you know, schemes on the energy market will exist. thank you, oleksii kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on energy and housing and communal services, was on our airwaves. we hope that there are comprehensive answers to your questions, as we can see, you put them to us in the comments, unfortunately, we do not have enough air time for each of these questions to ask the question of showing the energy meter of your home, mr. oleksiy will definitely not be able to and . actually, it's a personal matter of everyone, you have to understand it, well, we don't live in the ussr after all, we live in a free one. well, here is olga rodikova writes that tariffs will be raised, this is a fact. well, you see, oleksiy kucharenko also talks about this, that now we don't even pay the cost price, therefore, if we talk about subsidies, if we talk about money from our partners, which, as you can see now, we are given more and more difficult, well, the same by itself, that this difference will have to be covered
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by someone, well, we have a plus... what debts are there for the population, well, in a word, this is a very difficult topic, but i hope that there are intelligent people who should develop rules for which ones somehow we can get through this period, well at least survive it, well, let's go now for a short break and after it we will continue, stay with the espresso, in a few minutes, we will continue, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, also a reliable battery is included in the set, call just order now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly
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