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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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we pass our own floor to you, anya, and ask you to briefly tell us what this issue will be about. congratulations, colleagues, this release is about the initial situation in the kharkiv region, where, unfortunately, there are victims after attacks by muscovites. be with us. the occupiers killed two civilians in the kharkiv region, the enemy dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of lukyanivtsi in the lipotsk community. she hit the educational institution, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, announced. rescuers determine the number of injured. in the kharkiv region , a tractor driver ran over an explosive object. as reported in the state emergency service , it happened during field work near the village of yavirske. of the city community,
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due to the detonation of an unknown object, the machine operator was slightly injured, and his tractor was also damaged. almost 30,000 contaminated contaminated soils were discovered by experts during the research in the kharkiv region. the society of scientists, together with the food and agriculture organization of the united nations, explored 1,100 km in the region. experts. it is noted that the consequence of the russian invasion was the reduction of cultivated areas, and as well as a decrease in the volume of production of agricultural crops. currently, according to preliminary estimates, the russians have caused damage to the environment of kharkiv oblast amounting to almost uah 37 million. for us, in general, as for ukraine, for the state, for the government, for every citizen, it is extremely important to understand the losses. that the russian federation has caused, not in
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the format, the russians, the slanderers have caused a lot of grief, but specific numbers, we need specific numbers in order to bill them in the end and demand compensation, reparations, whatever you want to call it, but the first step to productive conversation and concrete actions is data. a replacement card will appear in kharkiv region. territories, it will be developed by specialists of the mine action coordination center, which is currently at the stage of establishment, said the head of the region olek synygubov during a meeting of the regional office of international cooperation. the newly established center will also develop a compensation program for equipment that is destroyed or damaged during field work. we have to cooperate with every absolute effort in order to maximize. co
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demining our territory, as it is directly related to the establishment of life activities, establishment and restoration of business in the territory of that region, and this is as a result of the restoration of economic stability of our region. the russian invaders hit the slavic region of donetsk region with a thunder e-1 bomb. the enemy attacked the city in the morning. previously, no one was injured, the national police reported. at the same time, there are two apartment buildings, an educational institution , a bank building and six cars. the state bureau of investigation closed the case regarding the illegal enrichment of yevhen borysov, the former head of the odesa regional territorial center for staffing and social support.
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guards established the facts of the purchase of luxury cars and real estate abroad by members of his family, for a total of 190 million hryvnias. the difference between the value of these assets and the legal income of his family is over uah 140 million. explain where this money came from? voenkom could not. borisov has been in custody since july last year. the figure is suspected under article 368. note-5 of the criminal code. ukraine: illegal enrichment. he faces up to 10 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years. the investigation was carried out in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies of foreign countries, to whom the state bureau of investigation expresses deep gratitude for their contribution to the case. in anticipation of a truce, french president emmanuel macron hopes that during the olympics in paris.
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it will be possible to agree on a ceasefire in ukraine and gas, in this matter he is counting on the help of partners, local publications write, in particular, macron will turn to chinese leader xi jinping for help. who will visit paris in a few weeks. the french leader is convinced that these competitions will bring a lot of benefits from a diplomatic point of view. at the same time, macron expressed confidence in the successful holding of the opening ceremony of the olympics on the seine river, but noted that the french authorities have also prepared backup scenarios. france is not naive if we believe that there are security risks, we are we have a plan b and even a plan c. finally, we are preparing a ceremony that will be limited to the central square of the trocadero, and therefore it will not pass along the seine river, and there is even such a scenario that will move the ceremony to the stat the france. the high school will be turned into specialized lyceums. the ministry of education selected the first 25
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educational institutions that will test the reform. in the future, they will become mentors for others. by september of this year , each region must prepare a network project. profile lyceums, what changes await high school students and when the reform will start, dmytro didora will tell. the reform of secondary education is the next step in the development of the new ukrainian school, and the people of nushiv will be the first to experience it. these children are currently studying in the sixth grade, the structural changes will fall on their 10th-12th grades of high school. you can hear from parents that, for example, programs are overloaded, yes, that children are very much in... programs are overloaded, including the increase in the number of years, allows, well, to unload this program a little. the reform of vocational secondary education provides that after the ninth grade, students will have a choice to enter either an academic or a professional lyceum. the first involves preparing students for admission to a higher
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education institution, where they will be prepared for the future student life, and the professional direction involves mastering a profession and obtaining a full high school diploma. the next step is to enter the labor market. students will be able to choose study profiles, subjects and courses for in-depth study and prepare for mastering a profession at school. vocational guidance, which will begin at the basic level, will also help in this. our goal, first in order for the child to have more subjectivity, there was a choice, first the choice of profile, then the choice of a part of the subjects inside one's profile. he has been practicing at the kolomyia lyceum number 9 since 2009. professional training started with physics and mathematics, and today there are already four directions: pre-professional training starts from the fifth grade, so that it is easier for children to decide which specialization they like. this helps graduates to pass the national multi-subject test better.
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we see that children from physics and mathematics the class passes mathematics just flawlessly, they feel very comfortable and they pass tests as a specialized education, as specialized classes, chemistry and biology faculty, a specialty is simply incredible, we already have a lot of our own doctors, the educational institution also introduced additional electives and their scientific society, high school students practice writing term papers, and then, when the children come to us already from universities, they say how good it is that you taught us this, because the term papers are already in universities, for them it is simply very easily given, before the implementation of the reform. in the kolomyia lyceum they say they are ready, but they have their own wishes. it is necessary to reduce the workload of children in these specialized classes, that is, to give eight or so subjects, no more, so that it is not 14, 15, 16, it is not that difficult for children, it is just a waste of time.
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the number of subjects will really be reduced to 12 instead of 17, - says the secretary of the parliamentary committee on education, natalia pipa. it is this possibility, conditionally not in... those subjects to which you do not have, are not related to you, as said skovoroda, try it out in high school, and the plan should be that in the 10th grade you can choose one profile and try to make sure it doesn't suit you, change it to the 11th and 12th, that's the plan , so now we will see how it will be, there is currently a discussion on the creation of professional lyceums, most likely they will be opened on the basis of schools. today in ukraine , only 35% of students choose. specialized education after the ninth grade. the reform should increase the number of those willing to 45. as early as next year, up to 25 schools selected by the ministry will have about 100 more educational institutions will join. in 2027, the reform is planned to be implemented at the national level.
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dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich and dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. and i remind you about our collection of communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third. regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. the account in... already has more than 100,000, the war continues, there are no small donations, they are important you see every hryvnia, all details on the screen. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 5 p.m., read more about the important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and support the espresso youtube channel, and my colleagues will continue to work for you , marta olyarnyk and vasyl zyma. well, we
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continue our day-evening information marathon on the espresso tv channel martoliyarnyk, vasyl zima works with you, and we invite a guest to the conversation, valery ryabikh, a military expert, director of development will be with us information and consulting company defense express. mr. valery, congratulations. greetings studio, greetings, dear viewers, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, well, let 's talk about these take-offs of planes, because of which the alarm is not announced, maybe throughout the territory of ukraine, but which definitely carry a threat, at least in those areas that closer to the border, su-27, the question is how many moles, you know, when planes are destroyed, it feels like there is some kind of infinite number of them, or are the russians producing them? or not are produced and again how effectively, provided that ukraine had
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more or less enough air defense systems, it would be possible to reduce the threat from these aircraft. well, here you rather mean su-57 aircraft, which in principle we now consider as carriers of those kha-69 missiles, which... as recent events have shown, racists can break through our air defense and, in particular, were hit trypilskutec, and here it should be noted that precisely the indicators of the tactical and technical characteristics of these missiles, they say that the area of ​​possible damage by such missiles is expanding. now , and most likely, there are certain signs that when
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this plane takes off, which in the russian terrorist federation itself is called a fifth-generation plane, in fact it is a transitional type that has not yet been proven to that, but they are striving, and for the time being they lack technological capabilities, but still , the potential itself is possible. carry missiles that can break through air defenses, they can cause their takeoff just as a consequence alerting in areas where such missiles may appear, well, fortunately, as long as these kha-69 missiles are not in large numbers in... er, the russian federation, and besides, there are not many such aircraft either, they can
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there are about 10 units, it is known that in the 22nd year they were produced about six units, in the 23rd year only three of these aircraft could be produced, well, we can assume. that such restrictions may be related, including, to problems with the russian federation's access to some component of valery, i'm just clarifying, sorry, that 4+ or 4++ or fifth generation aircraft, what to call it? well, here, well , let's put it this way, they interpret it differently, call it 4+, and here it's all about the fact that it's about the culprit. the listeners of the fifth or fourth generation, and well, there is a desire to make the fifth
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generation, it differs precisely in the possibilities of low visibility, which is achieved both by the use of special forms for such aircraft and special materials, and besides, for such aircraft it is a requirement that there is no external suspension with... armor and all weapons should be located in the fuselage of such an aircraft, but they are working on this now, this is what they were able to achieve. and, in particular, the introduction of this h-69 missile, which it hit the trypil tets, but there are still problems with this aircraft in that, well, the russian federation, as uh, does not have access to high technologies, at the moment did not manage to produce the engine
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of the fifth generation and on these planes, which they call the fifth generation. engines from the same aircraft are used su-35 and su-34, and these engines have the fifth generation to differ in that they must have a variable nozzle configuration, and in addition, they must ensure the achievement of constant supersonic speeds without afterburner and in addition. moreover, precisely the cameras of this engine should ensure its low visibility in the thermal spectrum, and the russian federation could not achieve this, and an even bigger problem is with the control systems, because the fifth-generation aircraft itself must be part of the information and combat system of the battle and
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interact down to tactical units for sure dominance in the air, i will only specify to the word, and now marta has the opportunity to ask a question, because i am interested, i have already read this in two, on two resources, and it looks quite so optimistic, president zelensky was shown the ukrainian analogue of the russian landset the other day, well, it is actually such a drone projectile, which is used there and inflicts a lot of trouble for the ukrainian army, could we really create something similar there, a combat unit of about 3 kg, what could it be, they don't tell, they don't show? they say that they are already being used at the front, but recently there have been evidences of certain uses of unknown drones, and they just said that this could be a response to the lancet from what is walking around the network, a photo, it shows a part of this drone, and well, he may be
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an indirect analogy of that lancet, which is made there according to a specific a... scheme with such four wings, here maybe we are talking about aircraft-type drones, but still here, let's say so, still, as an answer, it's rather for for everything can go about the effectiveness of hitting targets and the passage of anti-drone countermeasures. both radio electronic warfare and tactical air defense means, well , like a load there of 3-4 kg, it may be quite enough, because we are talking about, well, including for defeating stray objects, because it is about
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high-precision hitting of similar targets, and precisely... the ability of modern drones to choose the place of damage, well , it is possible that this drone can repeat a similar shape to a lancet, but the fact that certain changes are now being noted precisely in the statistics of the increase in the destruction of armored targets may be due to the fact that ukraine. just use similar means, and here it is only a matter of increasing the production of pods of such drones. mr. valery, look, now we see a certain activation of our drones on the territory of the russian federation, i mean well-targeted attacks on oil refineries, well, actually
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this began to annoy our enemies very significantly, and actually on... your website on defense express was information about what now the russians seem to be developing a complex of radio-electronic warfare that can protect these oil refineries from drones, what do you know about this development, so how true is this information, or is the enemy just trying to pretend in this way that it is not... . there is no point in launching anything there, because they destroy everything, or does this really indicate that the enemy already has something to shoot down these drones and is preparing for it? well, the enemy also has certain limitations, just like us protection of objects, and it should be noted that due to the fact that the territory of the russian
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federation is larger, there are more such objects, and despite the fact that the number of air defense means in the russian federation is quite large, but still it is like a blanket that cannot be pulled, well, over the whole... this russian organism, and that is why they are forced to make this statement now because they have developed and now allegedly want to implement their own rap system, which is supposed to counteract everything ukrainian drones that fly on a large number of objects in the russian federation, that they can solve this problem in a short time, this indicates first of all... that they have a big problem precisely with ensuring the security of these objects and in particular with the number of those air defense systems, wrote armor or
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some other systems to cover such objects from preschool attacks. in addition, it confirms that these strikes are effective and that they achieve their specific purpose that they set. the armed forces of ukraine, and this is, in particular , the reduction of the economic potential of russia federation and its ability to introduce this unprovoked large-scale aggression against ukraine. well, and besides the fact that the russian federation is third, it is thinking about what else can be countered, and here they probably remembered the means that they announced there about six months ago, and it can go. about such a radio-electronic warfare station as serbvs5, which they positioned as a station for the protection of objects, but
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it should be noted that precisely this russian officials declare that this station can to counter all drones, but we know that there are no miraculous means on the battlefield, and under any means sooner or later appear... well, alternatives precisely to bypass the possibility of these systems, well, for now , i think that this statement representative of the russian defense test, it is also being studied and our experts can already reflect on similar, let's say, characteristics of such a system, and in principle in this area it is known, changing frequencies, changing approaches. a change in tactics and still those objects that are, let's say, in the arsenal of the armed forces even now
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prepared for strikes, there are a large number of them, and even if the objects on which the armed forces of ukraine have already inflicted damage will be protected there, then this is only a small percentage of that base of objects, and they are still subject to damage, both in the near operational zone and in the far one, which will also be even more exposed to the strikes of the armed forces, at a long distance, with the development of the production of long- range means. mr. valery, we literally have a minute to answer, but i will ask very briefly, understanding the situation with the availability missiles for air defense, as of now and possible enemy strikes, how about going to shelter, of course, but... what should ukrainian citizens prepare for? , let's say so, to be
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in a guess as to how many of these means there are, but still, of course, that any blows of the enemy, they reduce our ability to repel them, in addition, we see that the enemy uses more and more and more new ones. means and also adapt to our tactics, therefore, of course, in the first place here we need to talk about ensuring security, responding to air warning signals and what the air force, armed forces of ukraine inform, must be carried out, especially precisely in the regions that are at risk of ballistic use. weapons, including, well, the s300, s-400, of which, unfortunately, the enemy still has quite a lot.
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thank you, valery. bykh, a military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, it's spresso, we're moving on, and now we're going to take a short break, but i remind you that we continue our volunteer activities, and it is important to help our defense forces, whoever can, everyone in their place, so please, if you have the opportunity, join our collection of 2 million uah in order to purchase drones for two teams that have already proven themselves well. yes, who have shown fantastic results and hope that they will have more drones, and in order to have more drones, we need you and me to raise the amount that will allow us to purchase them, so please have opportunity, join, you can see qr-codes and bank card numbers on your screens now, we are going to a break, after it we will continue our broadcast, be with espress, tired of heavy hoses that are constantly
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