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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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45 collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger well, there is information from the national police that... that on the morning
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of april 15, i.e. today, russian troops fired an e-1 thunder missile at the center of sloviansk, donetsk region, the missile hit near residential buildings, literally in the past hour had the opportunity to talk with the mayor of the city, and actually understand what is happening there, but more about the situation in the bakhmutsky direction, near chasovoy yar, near sloviansk, near kramatorsk and other populated areas. we will talk with oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th of a separate artillery brigade named after general khorunju roman dashkevich. mr. oleg, welcome to espresso, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning, good afternoon to all. yes, unfortunately, the morning was not a very good morning either, because we are actually talking about sloviansk, today an e1 thunderbolt was hit there. and this is some kind of new missile, well
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, we would like to ask you if you know anything, whether now the enemy somehow tries to use such missiles also closer to the front line, if you can share with us any info on this? so i happened to see this eruption, regarding these missiles, i am not ready to answer you because i do not have information, you currently have even more than i do, but i know that it is in slavic. recently, he has been increasingly trying to inflict fire damage, moreover, using various means, well, in this case, not only sloviansk, but also konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, and everywhere where he can somehow reach, he is trying to take out civil infrastructure, why i am sure that by civil infrastructure, because i am in these territories of the donetsk region and see. that the enemy often attacks civilian
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objects in particular, well, actually putin gave another order until may 9, until the victory day, because it is a day of remembrance and reconciliation all over the world, in them it is a day of victory, to take the time of yar, there is a situation there, which i don't know, will you comment or not, at least it is being discussed, there are messages on ukrainian law, on censorship, on many websites about the situation of the 67th brigade, which is the time itself. loss of position, checks, transfers, i don't know, again, if you want, you can talk about it, but in general, what is the situation at the time ravine as of now, and what can be expected, again, well, there is less than a month until may 9, how can it be activated the enemy in order to fulfill the task set by the kremlin, today we see his maximum efforts, especially in assault actions, he is trying to pressure us in any way. he is looking for slack, looking for, trying,
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using directly, both infantry units, and it has already been quite a long time, already the second month, he is trying to push us with a mechanized component, that is, he uses both heavy armored vehicles and light armored vehicles, the number of his cabs, which he is trying to drop both at times and at our defense lines, has increased. in our position, that is, he is trying to make the most of his advantage in the air, his artillery works quite densely and on a constant basis, both barrel and mlrs, but the defense forces are holding, holding their defense, and it cannot be said that only the enemy is trying to storm , defense forces also storm his positions, repulse some of his defensive lines, firing points. that is,
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the tactical situation is quite dynamic, difficult and constantly changing. well , again, if and if we are talking about the timekeeper, i , again, i can't not ask this question, because then i won't be a... journalist, and i won't be a presenter, but you can not answer if you don't have information, or you are also not interested, you still represent the 26th separate artillery brigade and roman dashkevich, this is the situation in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, but are there such practices in the army to understand, because you know, there is a lot of speculation on this topic, especially from people who do not understand the realities of the front, statutes, military laws there and so on, what is happening, i will say never i'm commenting because i'm not in the army, i don't know how it can be and even... no, i'll have to, i'll know, i won't have to, i won't know. the command of the armed forces of ukraine disbanded the 67th separate mechanized brigade of the volunteer ukrainian corps right sector, transferred its fighters to other units, the press service of the brigade reports. and on this topic, a lot, i say, a lot of comments, speculations of people who are not involved, and here, well,
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i need to explain a little in military terms, how it happens in general, if possible, please, well, i cannot discuss this issue, this not mine, not my competence at all, i know... that everyone who is currently in the armed forces of ukraine, they are our cousins. ok, the answer counts, thank you, again, i asked because i couldn't help but thank you, that you answered it yes, and i i would also like to ask about the situation, well , again, it is not necessary to say everything, obviously, as it is, but it is necessary to say what are the needs in terms of artillery, in terms of mortar fire, maybe also, this is very important in confronting the enemy, as far as i understand , there eh... well, in more or less close battles, is there at least hope that there will be more of this, because our partners are working, we hear there about certain, about certain hundreds of thousands of shells that are about to arrive, or have already arrived somewhere, but we need an understanding of whether it is real now affects the power and possibilities and
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capabilities of the armed forces in first of all deterring the enemy, well, and possibly reaching the enemy somewhere far away in his rear, well, if the war did not change. no matter what technologies are present today, this is what i am saying now to the defense forces, which really help a lot in our defense, in our attacks, but artillery still remains the god of war. it is without artillery-fire damage that today there can be no high-quality offensive or defense, that is, the need for shots for artillery, well, i say. and barreled as szv and mortar also belong here, if more than 100 mm, it is already barreled artillery, mortars, the need has always been, is and will be, if the active phase of the war continues, and today we have such a need, it exists, we know this from the statements of our top
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leaders, both political and military, the president himself recently noted that we have such a need because the enemy outnumbers her... us by six times the number of shots, so we still have hope that the help this will accelerate, which will be in larger volumes, if to say whether we have shots, yes, we have them, we use them, if we did not have them, then of course, our artillery unit would not be in the combat zone either, because if we were doing here, but i definitely want, and it is a necessity, that there should be more of them, i will also ask about... the possibility of adjusting artillery, how seriously the enemy affects it and whether there is an ability to oppose it in the radar fight, well, we understand that drones are used there to a certain extent by the way, again i'm not an expert, but yes, maybe you can correct me then, please, regarding the adjustment of the artillery,
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the determination of targets there and so on and so on and so on, or today, how difficult is this struggle today to break through, maybe somewhere and direct the artillery where it is needed and how strongly the enemy opposes it. well, and you manage to counter the enemy adjusters again, which i think are also flying and searching there? it must be admitted that our enemy is really professional, he has such professional means of electronic warfare, radio intelligence, this is radar intelligence, acoustic reconnaissance, of course uavs (reconnaissance), he also has specialists who are trained, who know how to work, that is, we in... still operate with professionals, and although they have a lot of partially mobilized, untrained ones, however after all, their basis is still professional, no matter what, but for our part, we must admit that we are not
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some kind of ignoramus either, our front still teaches, before that we had trained fighters, and for today, i can say about our unit, about our air reconnaissance, although... i i see new guys, i see mobilized young guys who work professionally as sphere intelligence, i also see new means of our radio... new means of intelligence, namely artillery intelligence, which our western nato partners supply us, that is to say that we are very we are not giving in, but they really have a bit more resource, they have more resource than any reb, bebu, it must be admitted, we lack it somewhat, that is, there is a need for this particular one to continue to be closed in this case and... and if you take the level of training, if you take our air reconnaissance, i would
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say that the level of professionalism of our foreign pilots is more professional than the russian ones, that’s what i’m saying, my opinion, maybe someone will disagree with me. thank you very much for participating, thank you for the professional answers and honest answers, oleg kalashnikov was with us, the head of the press service of the 26th separate artillery brigade named after general. roman dzhkevych's gurunju, this is the bakhmut direction, well, we know that it is a direction to one of the directions, it is chasiv yar and we talked about the work of artillerymen in this direction. yes, we are moving on, but by the way, i would like to remind you that the most important phrases, the most important statements , the most important theses that sounded on our airwaves, you can view on our youtube, we try to put very prompt and relevant information there, and actually there you have the opportunity check out short videos in the shorts section on hot topics, our
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united by football, stronger together. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong. the spirit appreciates the ability to stand side by side with one's brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills 100. documents significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. well, we continue to work for you. lots of events today, right? vasyl zama and marta oliarnyk are in the espress studio, and now we will be joined by arie
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zayden and israeli political scientist, lieutenant colonel zapasu tsahalu. will be with him. to talk about iran's attack on israel, and we welcome you to our airwaves, i congratulate you, good evening, dear lviv residents and other residents. thank you, first of all, for the ukrainian language, it is very nice, and actually we would like to talk with you about the situation that happened these days, so iran has already openly attacked israel, before that it used its proxy armies, we understand that this probably the first time iran opened. attacks israel, but many are now watching the situation in the middle east, we are watching with bated breath whether there will be a big war there, because we understand that the situation is heating up, so the situation is getting worse, and israel itself is now thinking about what it can be the response to iran's attack, we don't
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know it yet, yes, today they promise to announce this response, do you think there will be any symmetrical response. tion in the form of hundreds of drones, dozens of missiles, that is, what can it be and will this reaction be in your opinion? well, i think that wikipedia will definitely tell you that israel does not have missile forces, only planes, drones too, well, but we may, there are still some drones that can do something else, one way or another, we have developed our development, the vector of development military, he is a little... and that's why iran is developing them, too missiles, because they're cheaper, and because he can't fight in the air with ours, with our pilots on platforms 16, f35 and so on, so i wouldn't say that there's any, you know, a problem here , and the situation changed a lot,
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maybe even the other way around, after the strike and after... the fact that there was essentially no tragedy, no casualties, no infrastructural damage of any kind, and therefore, although indeed, the volumes were historic, of historic size, never this has never happened before, so you know, i don't think israel. fasting, today or, as you said symmetrical, symmetrical strike, mostly the answer will be asymmetrical, the need will be to find targets that will have a strategic impact on iran's development, on iran's maybe program, nuclear program, on the rest of its military, maybe it's people,
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maybe it's infrastructure, but yes or otherwise... the answer won't, won't, won't be so symmetrical, it's firstly, secondly, from a military point of view, when your enemy attacks you, you always ask yourself, can he with this attack, do you want to challenge you as you said yes to the answer, and so and so you will fall into a trap, this is also one of the senses, why you should answer no. i myself am fully confident in our and the military and other and other people who are engaged in security, that they understand this and will convey this, this meaning to the government, well, in that regard, benjamin is still a person who i think at this stage will accept correct solution, i have two questions in one, one
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clarification, you just said about the missile forces, i will not argue here, but as for the missiles, well, the family of the israeli yerekhon ballistic... missiles, the program there started back in the 70s, are they only medium-range missiles, i don't know if they can reach iran there, well, it's just interesting, because when something is there, it's good when it is there, it is even written there that it can carry nuclear charges, but we know that israel does not have nuclear weapons, so we do not talk about it, yes, but i would just like to know if iran knows about the fact that there are, well, secondly, i still can’t understand, first of all, what are the goals, they said that they are their goals achieved what they set out to do? somewhere a child was injured, as far as i understand, something fell somewhere in the neg desert, you are in the judean desert, and secondly, why did they warn that they would be beaten, this is some kind of practice, because ukraine was attacked. but well, in principle, almost at the same time when putin said about the start of a special military operation, please look, i remember fenimore
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cooper, that the expectation of death is worse than death itself, that is such, such pressure, psychological they always use, and hamas uses them, and khrispalla, i understand, it's clear that when you tell people that you're going to hit there in how many hours, or... and that's how you affect society, and even when - maybe you won't achieve some real goal of destroying something, you first said what you did what you said, the next time you build a platform, a foundation for the fact that if you say the next time, we will strike in a week, we are a week let's wait and then through there i don't know, moon, we will expect that, that is one of the goals of psychological,
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psychological warfare, so that your enemy is always under pressure, and this pressure will destroy him in the end, yes, you remember you know that iran is not at war. as aggressive as, for example, the russian federation, so they, they have a theory that they can strangle, israel, and so they build this octopus or proxy, zbala, hamas, the hossites and others, and quietly , quietly, they have time. there are quite a few, and they don't set deadlines if this happens in 50 years, let it happen in 50 years, and here in this, in that through such a prism
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you have to look at iran's hopes, that's why such a strike, it was something not unusual, but if you think about everything from the other side, it will also fit under the very paradigm, it is supposedly unusual, because they did it for the first time, but... to the world, world vision, this is not the first, putin was the first, putin was the first to show two years ago that you can attack an independent state and nothing will happen to you , putin showed it even faster, he showed it in 2008 year, when probably georgia, and it actually caused this entire list of events that we have now, i will also mention ichkeria, because my friends will be offended by me, and ichkerians in particular, because well... there is a little there a little yes, they are a little different, but i just ca n't help but remember, because actually it was also an aggression against the people who wanted independence, and their leader was killed, but you never said about the rockets,
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did i miss the eyes of the family, if it is not possible, whose program is there, is there a program here, so it really exists, how much, when, it is true only wikipedia knows, and unfortunately i can't tell you. and by the way, i also wanted to ask you, this anti-missile defense system is extra-atmospheric, which shot down ballistics in space, air of 3, i think it 's called, it's just an incredible system, in which huge amounts of money were invested, and the united states gave a large amount , as far as i know, one missile for this air defense system costs 2 million dollars, but can you tell me more about this system. because well , it is very interesting that in fact the rockets, yes debris, we saw near the red sea, they, they were, but, but the rockets themselves crashed outside the atmosphere, in the stratosphere,
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yes, rockets crash in the stratosphere when they go at a high, high speed, really it, it is an arrow 3, if you translate it into ukrainian 3, in hebrew eh- 2, that is , arrow-2, each of them works in another. star heights, there are only four of them, i.e. the iron dome is the smallest and then another one, then sec2, then, ah, yes, it is capable of shooting down a ballistic missile, it is not a very difficult target for it at all, because calculating the trajectory of the ballistics is enough , well, at least for such a ee for... and such a system is not very not very not very difficult, bloody rockets are already more difficult, because they change, they are dynamic and so on, but as you saw here
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, our algorithms are able to find and accurately perform tasks, yes , yes, this, we, little by little , are moving in the direction of space wars, although not as we them, as hermert wells or someone else described them to us. you know, i cannot but ask this question again, because it is sensitive, and many ukrainians ask it themselves, they say, but why not our allies rockets are shot down over ukraine, as they were shot down there, well, either over israel, or on the way to israel, we know that jordan opened. also its space in order to be able to work there, but actually there was a statement by cameron, a minister of the british government, who said that we are afraid of escalation, because iran is iran, russia is a completely different story, and your opinion is simply on this matter and how difficult this coordination is, because doing anti-aircraft defense at the same time is this protection, well, you have to have coordination, it’s not like not to knock each other down and in general, well, that’s it difficult work, please, yes... and that
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is partly the answer to the question, first of all, i would not look, you know, compare there: israel is helped more, ukrainians are helped less, israel is supposedly helped more, because just to help, first of all, yes, although we are not a member of nato, but where, where yury, where in fact we are a member of nato, we speak the same language in orders, we have common systems. er, regulation, adjustment, in fact, since 2018, we have a headquarters in, that is, a room, headquarters in an office in the headquarters, nato headquarters, we have been for 30 years, even more, we develop technologies together, trade arms and so on, and so on, that's why our military trained together, that's why here...
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really, this is one of the main things, that's why it was possible to have that coordination, this is firstly, secondly , iran is a common enemy for us, and for jordan, and for saudi arabia, and for others, well, yes, they opened this air, air front to us, so that we could work on the territory and partially help us, and so it was announced. it was, maybe the jordanian military was there too so on, and so the fight in general was good for them, it was in the fight with e-e with anti-aircraft missiles, and because there were a lot of them, and here it is, they did not know whether they would reach israel or fall partially on the territory jordan, that's the volume,
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but ... everything up to and including missiles and ballistics and winged aircraft, here by almost 80, almost more percent, then all the work of those systems that we mentioned with you, arrow three, arrow two, yes, thank you thank you but also by the way literally we have 30 seconds short yes or no you believe in a big war at close range come in the near future, no, thank you, ria zayden, and the israeli political scientist, reserve lieutenant colonel tsehal, great respect, well , cool ukrainian... mr. zayden communicates so well, we will be glad to see him on the air about israel's successes in the fight against the aggressors, who would not have been the aggressor, well , as a matter of fact, we agree, we have a common, let’s say, problem, yes, we suffer from enough dictatorial aggressive regimes, because israel, ukraine, they deserve that the world supported i mean the democratic world i mean the united states of america, which eventually...


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