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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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there are many questions. zoya yarosh, deputy of the kyiv city council. i congratulate you, ladies and gentlemen, i congratulate you. good evening. i know where i'll start, but the conversations between the deputies are now continuing in a series that kyiv has always been the most protected city, and now we have problems, let's say, well, as they say, i don't know, maybe we already have enough missiles, but now there are certain problems and there may be enemy attacks, and you have to understand that maybe we don't have the shield that we had before. "how to live in the event that there are damages, and somewhere it is possible to allocate money for this, well, that is there is some kind of uncertainty or there is no such thing, and there are no conversations, there is confidence that actually, well, it will be possible to defend myself and pass this difficult period, well, actually, i did not hear such conversations, so i can only say for myself, in any case, i remained in the city of kyiv and at the beginning of a large-scale invasion and actually intend to stay now, i hope
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that in any case we will fight, we will believe in the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and well, i think that somehow we will and help and increase the number missiles, which concerns the damage possible from 2022, at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, we form a reserve fund every year, thanks to which it happens. renovation of damaged buildings and objects in the city of kyiv, so far, fortunately, we can restore. actually, the kyiv city council approved changes to the city's economic and social development program, the budget, including more than 15 billion hryvnias to help the military. i won't go through the program here, but you tell me more about it, again, are there enough funds that can it be accumulated? in these changes, to prescribe
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for those things that are extremely necessary today, and at the same time, of course, to leave some funds for the city itself to be able to carry out repairs, to provide for itself, well , new people are constantly arriving in the city, the city itself has to live, but it does not have water flows in the streets, excuse me shit and so on and so on and so on, you can give up something, obviously like every city somewhere, but in principle there should always be money for the city to live, to function, this well, that's actually it a lot of things, well, plus finding money in order to, well... prescribe, let's say, to help the military. tell us more about these changes to the economic and social development program of kyiv. please. well, first of all, the wording of funds is sufficient for defense, i believe that in the period of such a difficult war, in principle, it cannot sound like sufficient funds for defense. and, unfortunately, we do not have enough of them all the time, and it is very good that the city of kyiv and other cities find an opportunity to further, er... somehow finance the defense forces,
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with the latest changes, another 1.5 billion was added to the actual financing of defense needs, this is the defender of kyiv program, this is the care program, which provides funds to defenders and their families, this is 30 million subventions from the ministry of defense, this is money for the construction of fortifications, in general since the beginning of the year. it is already about 6.5 billion. in fact, at the beginning of the year we heard a lot of criticism from the public and on the air about the fact that kyiv allocates very little funds, because at the beginning of the year it was a little more than 1.5 billion, but, as i said in every broadcast, we every time the budget is adjusted, we increase and additionally allocate such funds, understanding the revenue and expenditure parts of the budget. and the main thing is that of course we
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cannot, you know, throw away everything, as you said, because the city has to live, there is such a thing as the actual spending budget, yes, we cannot take money from the salaries of teachers and doctors from construction of shelters, but of course from some such not so important, unprotected items of expenditure, here we can... distribute such funds, it was also important here, well, let's be more literal a moment about the perspective, but now it will be summer, of course, well, absence is possible, again in the case of enemy attacks, reinforcement, we do not know what the situation will be, we believe in the armed forces, and i hope for the help of our partners, but in any in this case, summer is not critical for people's lives, at least in the absence of, let's say , heat supply, well, electricity is more important, because there can be different things, by the way, about electricity. without revealing secrets,
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people who know how the city lives, in a communal sense, say that they should be provided with, say, electricity, pumps that provide pumping, well, sewage. there is water supply and even water purification, many, many things, on which , again, simple life, people's lives depend, and if this is not there, life will immediately become very difficult and even very, very difficult and complicated, or is it going now, well, of course , that it is the executive power that the city should do, yes, but regardless of whether there are talks about and thinking about how to make it possible to provide such generators in any case, gas, some stations, anything that is at least critical infrastructure. which allows the city to live and function as a certain system, but it remained, because i think that now is definitely not the time to think that somehow it will be, well, it never happens like that in war, i am not saying that someone thinks, but please, in reality no one thinks like that and has never thought, for the first time we encountered
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such large-scale power outages and its real shortage back in the winter of 22-23, and already then we began to take measures, well... i can say concretely, that, for example, together with my colleague hryhoriy malenko and his darnychany foundation, with the help of the government of taiwan, we thank them very much, large powerful generators worth a million dollars were purchased and delivered for the utility company kyiv teploenergo, and they are currently ready to be used in in case, if there really will not be enough electricity for ... boiler plants to work, similarly , purchases were already made at the expense of the city budget and other, actually benefactors, so that the critical infrastructure was somehow protected. of course, it is not 100%.
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of course, such a generation is quite expensive and not convenient, but let's hope that these steps are still here. which have already been done, which we will do in the future, will still allow the city to live, at least in case of a critical situation, just a minute, i will ask again, but in this and the changes we are talking about, such an item was interesting, checking the legality of the placement of temples and buildings of religious organizations associated with the aggressor country, i will only ask about one building that is standing there near the historical museum, where the tithe church used to be, demolished by the way. even at the time of these invasions, i don't know what to call them, tatar-mongols or orkomongols, in any case, they say, well, i'm not in kyiv now, but people say that everything is standing there, some trade is going on, although there is a solution court, even the appellate court left the decision
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in force there, and what to do with it, well, look, as for the tithe church, the plot of land there has been transferred for permanent use just... and this is the full authority of the ministry of culture to bring it to the proper state and actually implement the court decision, and you know the attitude of ukrainians and kyivans towards the moscow church was very clearly visible when the museum, without waiting for the execution of the court decision from the debtor, precisely from the own religious community of the moscow church, let's call it that, announced on fundraising for independent implementation. the court's decision and literally in less than a day even more was collected than they asked for, i hope that thanks to this the court's decision will be fulfilled, but our decision that we made, it concerns land plots that are in communal
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ownership, and the executive body was instructed to conduct a full inventory, because well, i personally after the petition, respectively, which was registered. did not get a sufficient number of votes, i was then in the land commission, the permanent commission on land issues , construction and architecture of the kyiv city council, and we created a working group to consider the petition, and we really saw that there are a lot of self-occupied land plots in kyiv, where something is happening or happened construction, there are land plots that were officially transferred to the use of religion. to the municipality, which can be attributed to the country of the aggressor, and no construction has yet taken place there, but they have secured them for themselves, so it is necessary to inventory everything, where the construction is illegal, with the help of the courts, to ensure that these plots of land are released, where
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the plots of land are transferred , but nothing has been built yet, return their ownership to the territorial community of the city... of kyiv and decide what to do with them next, but not to the moscow church, and that's where they are already built, well, there the issue can be resolved only with the help of a law that has been pending in the verkhovna rada for quite a long time, and similarly, where communal property has been transferred for the use of religious communities, everything must also be inventoried and put things in order i understand, this issue is quite difficult, it is quite painful, we did not immediately come to such a decision, but i am very glad that we finally made it, and it is not about destroying churches, yes. to do something like that, not to respect the opinion of the religious community, it is about bringing everything to a state
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of legality. thank you very much, thank you for your work, first of all, thank you for your comments, zoya yarosh , a member of the kyiv city council, was in touch with us about decisions that affect the life of the capital, and now the military summaries of the day in my performance, because my second colleague. zgurets, he is on business, and he will surely return, i hope, in the next few days, well, i don't know there, so i won't say, well, but sometime this week he will continue, and today i will talk to viktor kevlyuk, the military expert of the center of defense strategies, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good evening, yes, if you don't think that i am so very smart and know everything related to military topics, then i will not pretend to be smart. serhiy helped me a little with questions that are important today
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and worth discussing, but i will use his officer's notes as they say, so the president and commander-in-chief sirsky says that the situation on the front line, in particular the eastern directions of very hot, has significantly complicated , which has changed over the last week in action of the armed forces of ukraine, or the actions of the enemy, and if our military-senior military-political leadership is not talking about stabilization, but about complications, you know, when a senior military officer talks about complications, then in human language it is all very bad, or how ? well, first of all, the higher military-political leadership is a participant in the same informational and psychological operation, it must say something that will be used by the armed forces as an advantage in the future, so it is not the fact that what was said live by high-ranking officials that really means some kind of catastrophe. as for the question you... removed, er, general staff statistics, so april 15, 54 combat engagements, 14-76, 13th 60,
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12th 97, 11-78, 10th 55, dev 83. these statistics give no reason to say that something has escalated or calmed down in the last week, but it is known that the enemy has stopped any active actions in the kupinsky direction. during the last ten days, nothing has happened there, well, from an operational and strategic point of view, there have been local tactical clashes, the enemy remains active on the lymansky, in the chasovyarsk and novomykhaivsk directions, but i did not see any changes in the actions of the parties. if we talk about times, you know, communicating with colleagues who also communicate with, well, they know more, maybe, and - it is clear that somewhere the enemy managed to pass, somewhere the enemy, well, it is easier,
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somewhere it is more difficult. what is the current situation around the time ravine, and if possible, i will ask you today too, because the current officers, spokesmen, they, for obvious reasons, i respect their decisions, they do not talk about it, because they do not know the situation, i do not say that you all you know, but still on we can assume the expert's rights, because this is an important topic that concerns her... if i'm not mistaken, the 62nd brigade, which was formed by the volunteer ukrainian corps, the right sector, and we are talking about what ukrainian pravda writes, what censor, but we are talking about the fact that checks, disbanding and transfers of both the military and non-commissioned officers and privates in various units are currently underway, if, if it is possible to talk about it, because again, maybe it is worth waiting for some kind of report from this excuse, but here again... the question is very painful, everything related to the army, especially those units that have shown themselves in battles, and we don't know, and
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there is a lot of speculation about this, maybe sometimes it is necessary to clarify, at least how it must happen, that such things happen sometimes in the armed forces of ukraine, by the decision of the higher command, please, well, first of all, in order to disband the unit, it is not necessary to have the 67th mechanized brigade, any, you need the appropriate one. i do not know anything about this, what is happening in brigade, i can't say, everything is on a level. current at the level of information that spreads in social networks, there you can also see a message that the 67th separate mechanized brigade has a new page on facebook, what does this mean, i have no idea, but the fact is so present, that's what regarding the assessments
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of international experts, the austrian expert tom cooper said just the other day that... "i have never liked politically motivated formations, so let's wait for some more reliable information, maybe the personnel department of the general staff will explain something to the ukrainian society about this. as of today, as far as i know, the 67th brigade is holding a defense in the chasovoy yar area, which concerns the situation near this city today, chasov. has great operational and strategic importance, unlike bakhmut and avdiivka, which we lost, chass offiar is a really important point, and both sides understand it. if the chasovar is captured, the enemy gets an excellent bridgehead for the development of an offensive in the direction of kostiantynovka and druzhkivka. if you look at
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map, the n20 highway is clearly visible there. bakhmut and four well -prepared fortified districts, sloviansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka and kostiantynivka, are located along this highway. conduct an offensive operation and capture this agglomeration at once. the enemy had already asked, nothing came of it, in the end they lost nothing and the kharkiv region in addition. therefore, i think that they drew conclusions from their failures. as. if it is possible to isolate the southernmost point of this network , the city of kostyantynka, certain operational and strategic opportunities will open up for the enemy prospects, first of all , the logistics line of the defense forces in this area will be disrupted, and secondly, in the future, this may lead to the collapse of the entire defense front, the defense forces
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in the donetsk region, currently there from the side of the adversaries... of the airborne troops, which is considered the most combat-capable, the 98th airborne division from ivanovo, the 11th separate airborne assault brigade, these two organizations are reinforced by the 102nd motorized rifle regiment, the 150th motorized rifle division and the fourth brigade are fighting there luhansk separatists from the second army corps, they operate from three sides, trying to advance. from the north through bohdanivka and kalinov, from the east to the west along the highway bakhmut chasiv, road 05-06 and reached the easternmost microdistrict of chasovoy yar, called kanal, from the south they attack through ivanivskoe along highway t-0504 to the settlement of stupochki, i.e. it
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looms a classic russian scheme, which is very different. mastered, this is an attempt to encircle the garrison of the time ravine, so far the encirclement is very far away, but the intentions are clearly visible, this is the situation, we don't have much time here, but maybe we'll make it, excuse me, two questions, i'm about the enemy's reserves, well, first of all , i learned that they created a group of 40 thousand in belgorod, in the belgorod region, but here is more threatening information that russia is preparing six divisions, almost 120,000 people, well, i don’t know, if there are 10 thousand in a division, six divisions, it should be like 60, well, in eastern siberia, well, they always have they were in moscow, they took the siberian ones, well, and now too, well and president zelensky said that russia will mobilize another 3,000 people in june, how do you estimate the enemy's reserves, and regarding the president's statements, well
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, with all due respect, he once said that we need 500,000, then the military said that 500,000, from where we don't need this number, so what? it is necessary for ukraine, i.e. the real capabilities of russia, not just to recruit people, to recruit at least as much as they can to train and provide, to equip, let's say, forces and means, why everything is taking shape in eastern siberia, because it is impossible to check, six of them are being formed there, 26, so i approached this philosophically, it is known for certain that the 21st separate motorized rifle brigade of the second general military army of the russians is now... being reformed into the 27th motorized rifle division, its 433rd motorized rifle division is being formed in the settlement of trechbinka, luhansk region regiment, two more regiments are being formed. at the totsk training ground 56th 589. this is what is really happening. it is known about the reformation of the 155th marine corps brigade into a marine
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corps division. but we observe this brigade in battles in the uglakhdar direction and no signs that reformation is taking place. therefore , the situation regarding reserves is generally similar. the enemy has it now. about 60,000 military personnel who have 45 tanks, 310 bmps, 310 guns and 10 rocket launchers. all this mass is formatted into 15 motorized rifle regiments, 16 separate battalions, like military services, i include here the landing forces, the marines, there are all kinds of different ones, including engineering rivals and four bars or storm detachments. in parallel all this reserve. are troops that are assigned to restore combat capability, they are in combat readiness from three, from two hours to three days, therefore, for a front
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200 km long, 6,000 reserves are clearly not enough, we can say that the enemy does not have strategic reserves, he they should be formed, but due to the domestic political situation, when the facade of power in the russian federation should be formed after the presidential elections. well, this won't happen before may, so a decision on mobilization can be made at the beginning of june, or will the enemy be able to summon 300,000? it is possible, but now they avoid this decision in every possible way, well, literally for two minutes, but regarding our capabilities, you know, even now in lviv i see a lot of young men, really young men, who buy certain military things there, well, there are where to buy and... and those shoulder pads and everything and a lot of troops, well, again, i don’t know who and what, but the process is going on and the law will be signed by the president and will come into effect, what are we really capable of not
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just for indicators, for real reinforcement troops, we are talking about a real reinforcement with trained and equipped people, if we are talking about the law that was voted in the parliament the other day, in my opinion, it does not give any tools to the territorial center. staffing in order to complete the task of staffing, and since there is no human resource, there is no one to train and from whom to form new military units, so for me the issue of replenishing the armed forces with personnel remains very, very worrying. well, this is despite the fact that people are studying, i know that training and work are going on at the landfills, the question is how the troops of these people will arrive and in what quality and state of readiness. well , because now at this moment, when we are talking, there are also many people at the training grounds who are also training, i hope that the instructors at the training grounds know their work, will perform it
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in good faith, well, again, we will believe that the people from whom it depends, they exercise the powers given to them by the law, and again the army will have reinforcements, because when they say that there should be qualitatively trained professional people, well, there should be different people, and there should be people who dig... there must be people who will carry shells, there must be people who will bring that car with those shells, this is a big, big, very, very big mechanism of the ukrainian army, but we believe that it will be possible to do it in time until the moment when the enemy is there, how many of the five directions have already been indicated, and from which he can attack, we will see, in any case, we must be ready, and as practice has shown, even this great war already in x time we can hold , the main thing is to be ready, thank you very much, mr. viktor, thank you for joining, viktor kyvlyuk, a military expert of the center for defense strategies was there. in touch with us, these were the military summaries of the day, which i brought today instead of serhiy zurets, but again, serhiy will return and will tell us. and
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now i want to offer you a story about a military man who works in the drohobytsky district territorial contact center, and what kind of person he is, what kind of work he does and why it is worth understanding that... people who work in the central committee they, many of them who have passed the front, understand their responsibility and behave accordingly to his work and to those people with whom he works, we look at the plot. i like to fight for my country, i think it is a great honor for a man when he takes up arms and he is responsible for his actions. my name is mykhailo kovaliv, i currently serve in dorobitskyi. "i
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was still present on the maidan, of course i had such a youthful call to all this, i was still a young boy then, i wanted some kind of movement, some drive, change in the country, and then of course i wanted to go and fight for my the country for my homeland, and i wanted changes, of course, i was a student first in the first year, i did not graduate, unfortunately, and..." tried everything possible, i just liked it, i really like military affairs, military art, and i generally did everything i wanted, that is, i was taught, i was in reconnaissance, i was in assault
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units, that is, i tried everything in the 15th year, i already transferred to the azov regiment, from the 15th to the 17th year i was in azov, we worked in the direction of shirokino, in the 20th year i signed a contract, got into the 24th brigade in the 21st year, we had a combat trip, we went, stopped in okovnyk. war gold, were present for about 8 months there, we were already supposed to be withdrawn and on february 24, of course, what i met in trench warfare, here is the full scale, for me what i expected almost, what i wanted, and full drive, full scale war, airplanes, aerial bombs, what i wanted, my dream has already come true, i think this is what i lived for, to meet all this and
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fight this evil. we were constantly moving around the front line, we were an assault group, well, an assault group, an assault unit, we were practically not dug in, today it was an hour here, an hour there, then the third task, then we spent the night somewhere, the next morning some kind of battle started again, because the russians were constantly climbing somewhere, they always wanted something. i was wounded, i had to report that my guys were wounded, i was asked to evacuate them, i was the commander of the detachment at the time, i am right, i report, unfortunately, i am leaving the protected city a little, it flies above my knees, i am no longer i feel my leg, unfortunately, i already have two wounded, unfortunately the situation is no longer under control, and i was already being dragged along the street, over stones, with my hands like this, because the car could not drive up, because the enemy policemen
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were working, i had a problem... above the knee a little bit closer to the nerve, hit the nerve, contusion of the nerve , neuropathy of the small superficial nerve, unfortunately, the foot did not go up, for a long, long time, i was treated for about six months, i was taken out of state, so it’s similar, as standard, this is the bureaucracy, it’s okay, i survived all these situations, then of course, i didn't want to be disabled, i still want to to return east, when i was injured, i did not know at all that such a status... limited fit, then the order came that we cannot take you east, because you are limited fit, and i also receive disability of the third group, and i do not wanted to be a burden to the boys. by order of the general staff, i was transferred to the tcc of the tsp in the city of dorhobych, there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstanding, mostly more than 90% are very aggressive, and what did ukraine give me, and why should i go to fight to open the borders at all, i am from here in the first place turn, i can give you my passport, why
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not... zelensky, why doesn't the government go, a lot of chatter, a million reasons to abdicate responsibility as a man. i plan on till i get fed up, or till i get hurt, or god forbid, i might not be alive, but i'll know that i 've done anything for the country, anything, anything, what could i do, my conscience, my honor, my dignity, i will know, my boys, my friends will know, my acquaintances, that i did everything to the best of my ability, i am responsible for himself. it starts with me, personally, i give everything i want, i can still give them, i don’t see anything wrong with it, i thank the hero of this story for his work and actually all our soldiers, who are either in the tsk, who have a military medical certificate commission by the decision of the management, who is on polybo.


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