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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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no, what is the problem in the army, has anyone thought, yes, this is a tranny, what is the problem, so you understand, because this adrenaline rush, then they sit and add adrenaline through gadgets, in times of calm, well, this is not normal, and that zelensky forbade, no, he said that we need to figure it out and take control, such a topic is normal, they have already taken control, the period of gambling during the war, we still only know, there were not enough casinos today, but we already have everything ok, not enough casinos yet. and i don't need it to talk about budgets, they spend the daily budget on taxes, and they rake up the other 364 days, you know, in a year, they paid taxes one day, and the other 364 days are in their pockets, that’s all about casinos and such troubles, well believe me, we can list these betrayals here, it’s already me, well , i really don’t want to be, you know, a traitor and always aim at the same gate, but on the other hand, well, if we keep silent about it, well then... we are with you we stick our tongues in one
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place, and then what comes out, and then at all there will be impunity, you look at what the western partners are saying, well, they are talking about reform babe, judicial reform, by the way, about the armor, all the mints have been booked, prosecutors have been booked, investigators have been booked, the resistance has been booked, judges have been booked, but lawyers have not been booked, this is me an example of the chervinskyi case, in which the representatives of the tsc can simply judge at the request of the sbuchnyk and hand the summons to the lawyers. and how will the competitiveness of the process then take place? that is, i'm sorry, the girl, the patrolman, the policewoman herself will not issue me a fine for an unfastened belt, she will write out, without problems, and what else are four healthy bulls doing next to her, i don’t know, on the kyiv track, it’s even, that’s all, and it’s called social justice, and if there is no social justice, a soldier sits in a trench and thinks : we need to save football teams today. at a time when
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there are no peasants in the villages, there is no one to sow bread, and they keep football teams, the only marathons, and we will not clean up all that crap today, by the way, the ministry of culture is not bad for 200 of these workers booked, i calculated like this, if 10,000 dollars per person, well, look, you can pay 20 million for yourself, such an increase is normal, and then we'll see, by the way, you know what we have, who we have? most of the declarants keep their savings not in the hryvnia, but in cryptocurrency, recently journalists dug up, the investigation was done, in the first place, attention, will collect savings in cryptocurrency appeared among the declarants, the national police of ukraine, glory to ukraine, it’s called, damn, i don’t have enough evil for that trash thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, for yours emotionality and for your analysis, it was major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor. papin, friends, we
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are working live on the channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take part in our survey, we are asking you if you should redirect funds from the only telethon on the armed forces in ukraine, yes, no, or your own opinion, write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote yes, 0800 211381 if you believe that... that the money that goes to the single telethon can be redirected to the armed forces. by the way, today the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said that this is impossible and he will not do it, this is a response to a petition signed by 25 thousand ukrainians, and no, if you think that there is no need to redirect funds from a single telethon on zsu, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free.
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vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with volodymyr yelchenko, a diplomat, representative of ukraine to the un in 2015-19, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2020-21. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening to you too. let's start, mr. volodymyr, with yesterday's video address of the president of ukraine, zelenskyi. who , after the partners of the state of israel successfully repelled the attack of iran, called on our partners not to turn a blind eye to russian attacks on ukraine, to provide ukraine with the same protection that israel has. let's hear what said president zelensky. modern aviation proves its effectiveness, modern systems.
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air defenses are capable of protecting life, now in the middle east it was demonstrated when aviation and air defenses shot down iranian missiles and shaheds that were directed against... israel, the whole world sees what real defense is, sees that it is possible, and the whole the world saw that israel was not alone in this defense, the threat in the sky was also destroyed by the allies, and when ukraine tells the allies that unity provides the best defense, its effectiveness, they already they themselves know very well, know and provide, and when ukraine says that the allies cannot turn a blind eye to russian missiles and drones, it means that we must act and act strongly. mr. volodymyr, over the past two days, i have witnessed ukrainians arguing on social media about what, why, why israel was helped to repel the attack, and why
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they are not helping us, well, in fact, president zelenskyy is calling to treat ukraine as israel. why the united states of america, great britain, germany, which took in... participation in the repulsion of this attack, where there were 150 air targets from the side of iran against the state of israel, why do they not do the same for ukraine, which repels the attack of the russian federation? it is difficult for me to answer this question, the call of president zelenskyi is very timely, of course, but unfortunately, the comparison, let's say, if we talk about the behavior of our partners in the situation with israel and... and in our situation, it is clearly not in our favor, and it causes a lot of questions, well, if you approach from a formal point of view, then it is clear that there is a difference, well first of all, iran is separated from israel by a considerable
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distance, that is, there is no common border, that is , let's say, closing the sky over ukraine, in the case of russia, is much more technically difficult. let's say, from a technical point of view, well, if we speak more globally, then the difference is that israel has a special partnership status with all the named countries, and first of all it is about the fact that there is an agreement between israel and the usa, where israel is considered a so- called key partner or ally of the united states outside of nato, that is, without being a member of... nato actually already has all the same security guarantees, well, almost everything that is provided by the fifth article of the washington treaty establishing nato. well, that's what the difference is. on the other hand, i remember how we
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asked and begged the united states, nato countries, and nato-canonization to close the sky over ukraine, to make a so-called no-fly zone, at the very beginning of this war, after the assimilation of russia, in february 24 of the year, but this was also never done, instead we waited a very long time for air defense systems, which we finally began to receive already after some time, but now we see that even the systems that are already at our disposal are clearly not enough, if we listen to the experts, i mean the military. who claim that there are about a thousand petrivot systems around the world today, these are precisely systems, not installations, that is, not one machine, but, well, let's say this, 1000 batteries, and eh, well, let's say this, mostly
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most of them are located in countries the middle east, as well as in poland, germany, and of course on the territory of the united states itself. but considering that the system patriot, it does not protect against nuclear weapons, which is probably, well, let's say, the main danger to the united states, to imagine an air attack against the united states by canada or mexico, well, personally, it is very difficult for me, i think it is completely unrealistic, and therefore the question arises, why those patriot systems that are located. well, in a state of preservation or somewhere in the reserve of the us army, they are not transferred to ukraine, yes, maybe no, no, not all of them, let’s say, well, in a state of normal operation, maybe something needs to be repaired there, to prove, but one way or another, all that
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has already been handed over to us, this, this is not enough, well, if we add to this the delay with the aid package for ukraine in the amount of 60 billion dollars, then it is even more difficult. situation, so i repeat once again, here the comparison is clearly not beneficial, eh, and i think our partners should think about this, i hope and believe that... this iranian attack on nezaal, it will force a little to stir up our partners, and the first signs of this are already there, this is the statement of the leader of democracy in the us congress, who said that some kind of compromise has already been allegedly reached on the issue of unblocking aid, which has been in the congress for many months, to both israel and ukraine. and taiwan, let's hope that happens within the next few days, if not
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weeks. and after this, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, called on international partners to take bold steps to provide ukraine with additional air defense systems, other weapons and ammunition. let's listen to dmytro kuleba. we urgently need additional ones. patriot and others modern air defense systems, weapons and ammunition. ukrainian air defense now protects not only ukrainian skies from russian aerial terror, but also neighboring moldova, romania and poland, from the immediate threat of missiles and drones entering their airspace. mr. volodymyr, judging by the reaction of israel's partners, western partners, they clearly understand what happens when... 100 rockets, or a combined attack, rockets and shahedis, land on one state, they
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understand what this leads to, and obviously, in the situation with ukraine, they also understand that 100 missiles, or there are 70 missiles and 30 shaheds flying in one night, they cause great destruction in ukraine, it is billions of dollars, they calculated, it seems that almost 500 billion have been caused to ukraine. during the last period only, how can you explain this indecision of our western partners, why , having 100 patriots, they cannot give seven patriots, as dmytro kuleb asks, or 25 patriots, as president zelensky asks? well, you know, understand it very much it is difficult, especially on an emotional level, and at the same time one must understand that, well, there is... withdrawal, let's say russia from iran, that is , the fear of nuclear weapons still prevails in russia,
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the status of russia, that is, our western partners continue to fear russia , continue to draw such, well, certain red lines for themselves, uh, well, through which they are not ready to cross, that is, they are afraid of escalation, although, well, more than once. our ukrainian leaders talked about the fact that, well, where can there be a greater escalation, we have already experienced so many such escalations that i do not think that giving ukraine more patriot systems or even such a rather radical step as the creation of a certain , if not unmanned, then at least a security zone, at least in the upper part of western ukraine. this could, by the way, be done from the territory of poland. even without handing over these anti-aircraft systems to us, let them stand
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in poland and at least protect the west of ukraine, well, if not the entire right-bank ukraine, then at least part of it, so that, well, at least the population of that part of our country feels safe , and by the way, it's the same refers to the same military production, i.e. it would be possible then in the west of ukraine to do many more things, some... impossible or unrealistic today given the constant danger of missile attacks, and actually speaking, this is how it happens, we see , that russia is constantly expanding the range of these attacks, and in contrast to the initial stage of the war, as of today, western ukraine is actually, well, the same exact target as eastern ukraine, that is, rockets regularly reach lviv and other western ukraine. parts parts of our country, that is, i repeat once again that even if the creation of such a
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security zone in the west of our country, it could contribute to a lot both in the sense of the security of ukraine and in the sense of preserving our critical infrastructure and military production and in general industrial production, because today , no resident of ukraine, no matter where he lives, cannot feel safe, and this is... a normal phenomenon. mr. volodymyr, after the attack of iran on the territory of the state of israel, a meeting of the security council was held un and representatives. at the un, gilad erdan urged to listen to the words of president zelensky regarding the threat that iran poses to the whole world. let's listen to what erdan said. president zelensky, when he condemned yesterday 's iranian attack, said that the sounds of iranian shahet drones, an instrument of terror, are
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the same in the sky, both over the middle east and over europe, and this sound should be a wake-up call. for the free world, listen to president zelensky and wake up. well, in fact, israel's un representative called for a free world to put an end to the axis of evil and start, as i understand it, with iran, because iran produces drones, shaheds, which attack, with which russia attacks ukraine, and accordingly, iran attacks the state of israel. can we count? in the current situation, that this free world and the united states of america, great britain, and germany and other countries that are in the middle east, will do their best to destroy the production of these shaheds and missiles that is going on in iran. iran, as far as i understand, was and remains under the sanctioned state, but this
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it does not prevent this state from producing all this nonsense. er, yes, of course, i really hope so, er, well, with all my pessimistic assessment, the possibilities of the un, and the un security council including, because you correctly say that iran is already under sanctions, as, by the way, north korea, but it did not and does not prevent iran or north korea from transferring weapons to russia, and for some reason the un security council does not react to this, this is confirmed once again. the deep state of crisis in which both organized nations are in in general, as well as the security council in particular, yes, there is russia with the right of veto, we all understand this perfectly well, but even so, i do not see any activity on the part of, well, at least other members of the un security council in order to strengthen sanctions against iran, or to introduce
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some other measures against this country, because israel is absolutely right, and who but ukraine has it'. we understand this very well, and add to that the tragedy that happened with mao's plane that shot down iran, and by the way, we still have not received any compensation, no apology, that is, all this impression that has already been forgotten, such a big war, may have pushed it to the background, but nevertheless, iran is by no means, well, not that our ally or ally. russia is just such an outspoken enemy of ukraine, and it seems to me that it is almost impossible to hide it, there are shaheds and supplies of other weapons, and in general, very close cooperation between iran and russia, i am not talking about support for international terrorism, well, that is, where don't look everywhere we see iran's hands,
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and it's not just its anti-israeli one positions, and the situation in general... in the east, it is not for nothing, by the way, in such countries, for example, such as egypt or jordan, well, in fact, they came to the defense of israel and helped israel in repelling this iranian attack on this country, i.e. even the arab countries, some, if not all, but none the less, they also understand the danger that iran poses to the entire middle eastern region, how about you sir? volodymyr, china influences the middle east and, accordingly, including iran, considering that there is this conditional axis of evil, or at least this axis that supports each other is russia, iran, north korea, china, syria, and here we see that olaf scholz,
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the federal chancellor of germany, has come there, this visit has begun. a three-day visit, then xi jinping is going to europe, and he will be formally at the anniversary, at the anniversary meeting with macron, because it is 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and france, then he will travel around europe to smaller countries, or in this situation china's position can prevail and... in some way tilt it to the side of the west of our partners, the situation in the middle east as well, well, it is important enough for ukraine that... in the situation regarding the future global summit in switzerland, that china also played an important role, and this role would be
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for the benefit of the civilized world, that is, for the benefit of ukraine . it seems to me that china continues to take such an expected position. by the way, he could exert a much greater influence on the same iran, given that from an economic, trade and economic point of view. very strongly connected with china, it is an energy exporter to china and importers of many, well, a large number of chinese products, so here there are levers of influence on iran, but we do not see it yet, from the point of view of the swiss conference and the role of china, it seems to me that china has not yet approved some final decision, whose side should he take, on the one hand he... he continues to insist that russia should take part in this conference, and that this conference, well, in general, is only possible, well, let's say,
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the participation of china in this conference is possible only if russia and ukraine are also present to support just such a format, but today it is unrealistic, on the other hand, it seems to me that china is still thinking about taking part in this conference, regardless of whether russia will be there... willing or not, because in the end it is only the first stage, the conference is a process, it is quite a long process, if you remember, well, such analogues as, say, the conference on bosnia, or several international conferences after that from the middle east, all this dragged on for years, and hope for that right in june some solutions were approved by switzerland, well , of course, this is unrealistic, so for china there is still... time to think, it could still take part, well, at least in some observer status, i don't know, in some other, with the fact that to still, well, fix its place,
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its role in this process, because it was not for nothing that china came out, well, more than a year ago with the so-called peace plan, china wants to be a mediator, it was quite unexpected for many, because china until now, well before at least never. did not play this an important role, let's say, in leveling conflicts in europe, well, for example, the same former yugoslav conflict, china's role there was absolutely zero, china is busy with its own problems, the east of nazism will go and so on, well, here he decided for some reason after all, well, no, no, not for some reason, china wants to raise its role in international affairs, it is a permanent member of the security council, a nuclear state, it wants to be a more global state, and that is why it seems to me that they are trying not to stay away from the russian-ukrainian war , well, but for today, we still
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have to state the fact that china, if it does not fully support russia, then at least remains its sympathizer, that is , it helps russia, perhaps not so openly, not in the way that it would like russia, but even this diplomatic process is negotiable. and the preparation for the conference , china is constantly introducing this idea that russia must be there, so that this conference will not be successful from russia, and so on, that is, i think that he thereby conveys it, well, in the end, those the signals he hears are the requests that he hears from the russians for a reason, because the chinese rhetoric has intensified so much right now after lavov's visit to beijing... it is clear that they discussed and discussed these issues there, and i am sure that lavrov i simply asked the chinese to voice these signals that would strengthen the russian position,
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but, well, for me personally , the fact that with russia today, well , there is simply nothing to talk about at this conference, if we allow russia to this conference , is beyond doubt , it will turn into the same circus, as we observe today. in the un security council named after us, that is, we will hear all kinds of delusions, and it will completely spoil the whole meaning of this conference, so i think it is the right decision, so that at least at this stage there is no russia there, we will see when it will be the position of those 80 or 100 countries is already consolidated, i don't know how many of them there will be in switzerland, the more the better, but when will it be a joint position, if not even on all points of the so-called green plan. or peace formulas, then at least on some of them, and there are such things, for example, as nuclear security, energy security,
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food security, the situation in the black. sea, that is, these are issues that are by no means limited only to ukraine, these are issues that should concern our partners not only in ukraine, but also in the so-called countries of the global south, then maybe we will be able to create, at least after the first stage this geneva, that is, swiss conference, well, some common platform of these 100 countries, which will help us to reach some formulas in the future. the end of this this war, i i mean politically, although today it looks like the main negotiator from our side is the armed forces of ukraine, and it depends on them what the negotiating position of ukraine will be both at this conference and at the next stages. the scholz i mentioned, who is currently in beijing, plans to ask the chinese leader to influence the russian dictator putin and to...
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help end the war against ukraine, reuters writes, and today french president emmanuel macron announced his initiative for a ceasefire in the main ones conflicts that are going on in the world, including the war in ukraine during the olympic games that will be held in france and counting on the help of the chinese leader in this matter, you see, everyone is counting on the help of the chinese leader, so this is a great time now for xi jinping , who wants to be, if not the first, well then... at least the second, or neither the first nor the second, as one classic of ukrainian politics said, tell me, please, this truce that macron is talking about, can putin will attack him and what this truce will give ukraine, first of all? and do you remember what happened just a few days after the end of the sovchyna olympics, by the way, there was also a visit, mr. xia’s visit to, to...
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russia, and then putin came to china, and there were also calls, but literally because a few days after the end of the sochi olympics, putin began a large-scale invasion of the territory of ukraine, that is , these olympic truces or calls never prevented russia from behaving defiantly in the international arena, and by the way, if we go further in history, then remember august 2008, when there was... there was an olympics, i don't remember where, and what happened then on tuesday in russia on the territory of georgia, that is, i generally have the impression that russia , on the contrary, uses the olympic games to to start some kind of war. by the way, i was in beijing in 2008, that's right, in beijing. yes, thank you, mr. volodymyr, we have to go off the air, thank you for participating in the program, it was volodymyr yedchenko, diplomat, former permanent representative of ukraine at
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the organization. nations friends, we work in live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, join our platforms and participate in our vote. today we ask you about whether it is worth redirecting the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine. there are intermediate poll results on tv 97% yes 3% against it, and on... youtube we have a ratio of 95% yes, 5% no. in 15 minutes, we'll be back in the studio with news from our partners at the bbc ahead. after the bbc news, i i'll go back to the studio, let's talk about who bit anna mahler, the loan from trump and how lviv customs works a little for the state, a little for themselves. wait for the...
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air, stay with espresso. iran launched a massive attack on israel. most of the strikes were repelled, but the united states and other tel aviv allies are urging israeli authorities to exercise restraint over the possibility. the escalation of hostilities throughout the region, but how this will affect the war in ukraine, this is the next 15 minutes of bbc live from london, dzaferov studio. so over the weekend, iran hit israel with about three hundred drones and missiles. iran said it was a response to an attack on the iranian consulate in syria two weeks ago. then the iranian high...


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