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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live. is it possible to close the sky over ukraine, as the allies closed it over israel. on saturday night, iran launched more than 300 missiles and drones at israel. about 99 targets were transferred. either outside israeli airspace or over the country. the usa, france, great britain and even jordan helped shoot down israeli drones and missiles. ukrainians rightly ask why ukraine does not have such support? we will seek an answer to this question today. my name is vlasta lazur, let's start israel's success in repelling an iranian attack on saturday night underscores ukraine's vulnerability. before the strikes of russian missiles and
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drones, they write in their current summary of ukraine and from the territory of russia, which gives ukrainian air defense only a small part of the time that israel used to successfully repulse the strike. israel also has a powerful air defense system, while the capabilities of the ukrainian air defense system to protect against unknown strikes on a much wider front line continue to be depleted. ukraine is not has the ability to conduct air-to-air interception, as israel and its allies do, in addition, the large territory of ukraine complicates the task, complicates the task of creating a dense air defense system, especially against the background of delays in the provision of military assistance from the united states, according to experts of the american institute for the study war is it possible for allies or partners to help ukraine in the same way as israel? here's what volodymyr zelenskyi said about it in one of his last addresses? the whole world sees what real protection is. sees that
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it is possible, and the whole world saw that israel was not alone in this defense. allies also destroyed the threat in the sky. and when ukraine tells its allies that unity provides the best protection, its effectiveness, they already know well, know and provide it. and when ukraine says that the allies cannot turn a blind eye to russian missiles and drones, it means that... act and act strongly. ivan korychevskyi, an expert of the defense express military portal, joined our broadcast. ivan, good day. good day. listen well, in fact, it is difficult to disagree with zelenskyi, and with those who say that it is possible some kind of double standards, when ukraine is told that it is impossible to close the sky, but when such a large-scale attack by iran on israel took place, then the sky allies closed. explain, well, first of all for...
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our audience, who is asking this question, and why it is not possible to close the sky over ukraine, just as the allies closed it over israel? to begin with, i emphasize that i will speak here purely from a military and technical point of view, which will be somewhat contradict the political, because in this case, let's say, in this case, even if i talk about some military-technical realities that will contradict the political statements, it does not mean that we do not have to demand to close the sky, i will be here just to explain how it is, let's say, theoretically possible. because we are all the same and here i emphasize separately, regardless of what i say next, we all have to demand that we should be given the maximum number of anti-aircraft defenses, to which in principle can be reached there, because you know, talk about closing the sky there, when saudi arabia has 108 patriot launchers, israel has at least 32, but israel’s air defense relies mainly, you know, let’s say, precisely against classic aerodynamic and ballistic targets, relies primarily on... patriot,
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their iron dome occupies a niche there, well, something like in the russian army, and in principle it is also a zerk tor for shooting down small air targets. well, so to speak purely from a military-technical point of view, i am not just asking the question here, who said that it is called the closing of the sky, because let's first clarify by numbers, ah, on the night of april 14, 300 air targets were fired at iran, there yemen and also plus iraq, of which there are 130 drones, as far as i remember 100... well, how many more are there exactly how many there are 150 drones, relatively speaking, 130 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles, while the effectiveness of interception, even from those numbers, which were declared in the morning of april 14, she was not there no way there is 99%, at best it turns out to be 90%, because later, as israel itself admitted, more than 10 ballistic missiles fell on their territory, and plus five cruise missiles were not intercepted, plus, as it turned out, at least 25%, if not all 30 were intercepted.
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air bodies flying to the territory of israel were generally intercepted by us navy ships in the region, not counting the fighters of the british air force there, the statistics of which are unknown for the forces and means of mm... france, which were involved there, you know, if there is indeed a report that there are downed cruise missiles and drones jordan took part, you know, it’s a shame, it should have been just right for israel, because in jordan the basis of air defense is the old american mim-23, which are used in installations purely because, well, forgive something, the sky must be covered and in principle , they are useful against dozulka stolen missiles and shahedi and... again , i will repeat again, israel is, let's say, a country the size of one of our regions, which is supported by a patriot, only more patriots than we have in principle, there is, plus i connected there saudi arabia is very powerful, with its anti-aircraft defenses, where, in addition to hundreds of patriots, and in general
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, radar defense planes, well, if we had radar defense planes, we could independently conduct reconnaissance on the territory of the russian federation, but we do not have such, well, plus this is the vast resources of western countries. and so, coming out with such a thunder, they did not even completely successfully cope with the departure of such an attack, because , i repeat, according to the same official data from american officials, it turns out half of iran's ballistic missiles basically just fell on the route, well, because there were technical failures, so it's not called a closed sky from a military and technical point of view, it helped repel an attack once, despite the fact that israel alone has air defense means. more than ukraine, to calculate the strength of other participants in this process somehow, you know, it is not necessary, if we had an american, if our air defense did not spend the available resources so effectively, then we would have long ago i'm sorry, i'm confused, but i emphasize once again
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that everything i said here, from a military-technical point of view, does not mean that we should politically ask our allies to speed up their help to us, that's how i understand it. i understand that the answer to this question involves two components: it is the political side on the one hand, and the military-technical side, which you just mentioned, we will also talk about the political side with the experts a little later. also, experts, military experts first of all note that this attack of drones and missiles from iran to israel will show, shows, among other things, that iran is learning from russia to conduct such various combined operations. please tell me what this means for ukraine, maybe for russia, what does this indicate? that means, unless what you're quoting now are people who didn't even follow how iran's proxy forces hit saudi arabia's oil infrastructure, somewhere from 2015 to 2017, it seems
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even as early as 2019, 2020, that is the question of who studied from whom, or what do you mean, well, the question of who, who from whom studied because even, roughly speaking, even can be put even. the question is how to maximally adapt the shahe 136 for maximal damage to the energy infrastructure, it was not iran that learned from russia, it was russia that learned from iran, and iran, in its turn, tested all these technologies in saudi arabia at the time, there , moreover, it is just moving on to the question, who said that this is the closing of the sky, because when there, if you recall the history of strikes, let's say, iran by the hands of the yemeni houthis on saudi arabia, here and there already to start. remember these same 100 patriots of their own in saudi arabia, the us army transferred many patriot installations there, not to mention other countries. roughly speaking, to greece, when it was necessary, she sent two patriot batteries there for free and did not tell us to exchange them for new ones, please, as she does it with us, er,
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great britain threw something there, and some of air defense means, other countries of the west, roughly speaking, there, an even greater mass of forces and means could not cope when the yemeni houthis carried out. combo shots with those cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones, it is true that the intensity was somewhat less there, but nevertheless, the question still arises there, well , firstly, who learned from whom, and secondly, well, let's put it this way, some of the commentators she simply did not follow this process and now she is issuing some incomprehensible conclusions under the seal, if they are told about the entire history of conflicts between putin's russia and iran, starting, let's say, from the last 5 years, they will probably be very surprised. and you said at the beginning of our conversation, you questioned there, how many rockets were actually shot down by israel’s allies, so you said that some of them fell and did not reach the target, fox news, an american edition, also writes there, citing some of its sources, that approximately 50% of iranian
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ballistic missiles did not launched or fell and did not reach the goal, and what does this mean that what is still not so good with the production of rockets? in iran, or does it indicate something else? well, first of all, there may still be some technical problems, well, because a rocket does not just fall from a good life, we we can recall, let's say, the statements of the pentagon. there were the first weeks of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, where they claimed that about 40 percent of the 40 russian missiles that were launched on the territory of ukraine at that time fell somewhere, well, in principle, and even now, although the russians may be trying to solve some technical problems, the no less, even in their research, they, well , there are certain problems, but of course this does not remove the fact that russian missiles are dangerous for us, regardless of the type of mass application and the like and so on similar, well, but on the other hand, it just at the same time emphasizes that... well, this is the story with the number of iranian missiles that in fact did not fly because they broke, roughly speaking,
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it just emphasizes that in this case we do not need there to fall under the magic of numbers, including, you know, forming your political request, because you know, when we still had a media space, and we are so poor, lazy, wrong, we were not provided with as effective protection as israel, so that somehow we conducted politics so wrongly life for the last 30 years, well, we turn out... not only do we humiliate ourselves, well, but we also spit against objective data, well, because, well, if you look at it this way, somehow israel with its advantages and the west with its advantages come out, no yes, they did not deal with the physical shooting down of missiles there as effectively as it was believed at first glance, so here it turns out who else has to tear out whose hair and sprinkle ashes on their heads, and now i understand, the main intrigue is also whether will israel respond to iran's attack, and this is, of course, a question and v political planes lie, but joe biden allegedly said, to the prime minister of israel,
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said that the states will not join the potential attacks of iran, and generally advised biden to stop at this victory, please tell me, why so, you have understanding, these are some political reasons, is there really such a prospect of the start of a major war in the middle east, i suspect that the issue is that israel simply does not really have a long-range missile. and plant it on the territory of iran, here is the whole banal reason, well, because on the one hand, israel can boast that it has a certain arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles, precisely for nuclear weapons, and cruise missiles of the pope turbo, which should be launched from submarines, and there, according to one source, the descent range is only 200 km, there are 1,500 others, consider this the entire long-range arsenal of israel, and yes, if you take the existing missiles from the tzahal, then you know there, so it becomes clear why israel usually prefers. to fight against iran somewhere on the territory of syria, that's where israeli missiles of various bases can
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reach there, the official telyaviv , excuse me and well, i think it is necessary to fight, because there is nowhere else to hit, of course they were somewhere, it seems that it was in 2020 or 2021 of training, when the american aviation trained there, well, they trained the task of strikes on the territory of iran with the cover of israeli sensitive aviation, maybe it is well... the military and political leadership of israel, it may be in the head that, well, we were attacked, b-52s must arrive there for us as well pour a little bit of democracy on the head of the ayatollah, then the chief administrator comes out and says that no, we will not pour the democracy of the sb-52 on the head of the ayatollah this time, and in fact the question is, what does the usa have to do with hitting the territory of israel, well, because i'm sorry, on the territory of iran, so that you know, to cause some effective damage there, well, because... and so there is such a problem that the world is more or less fine with the number of available missiles,
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except for two countries, and they are not belong to the civilized world, well, that is, conditionally china and russia, so do they, and both of them, well, not both, russia is under sanctions, china, of course not yet, but it is probably worth noting about it, we, we will return to the issue of prospects and the war in the middle east today and about the situation in israel, let me ask a couple more questions exclusively about ukraine. well, first of all, i want to start with air defense, recently the minister of defense of germany announced that germany will transfer another patriot anti-aircraft system to ukraine, this is about pro-patriots on the territory of ukraine, and cnn also wrote about that after the winter, ukraine redeployed part of its air defense from the infrastructure, from the infrastructure facilities to the front line, and supposedly russia was waiting for this in order to launch massive strikes, it seems plausible. well, if you take what cnn writes, they try to explain in their own way
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what happened, believable or not, well, sorry, we have an article in the criminal code accordingly, so you know, somehow try to push, and what really moved around, we just somehow sometimes like to give out grades, as if they think that they know where they could move air defense equipment, which is inconvenient, you just know, usually people in this case ask for something... they hide something from us, they don't tell us something, and so on, we just have to understand this , these are the patriots that we have at the moment, with their well-established calculations, when no one expected even such massive strikes, you should have stood them up. read only to cover kyiv, well, that is, those patriots that we have, in principle, we do not have enough, even if, let's say yes, even if we assume in theory that there funds have not moved anywhere, they are simply objectively not enough to cover what is, well, another story, it consists in what we believe, as early as february 2022 , in the 22nd year, in fact, in a situation where we need
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more anti-aircraft missiles than we actually have, so in this case i can only judge that here... just trying to explain in my own way your audience, what actually happened, well, because i personally have some, you know, data from there are basically no open sources that would allow us to confirm or disprove there. please tell me, ivan, how do you understand the fact that the west and germany, in particular, are in no hurry to provide, to provide ukraine with patriots or other air defense systems, they are not physically present, or is this question once again a political issue ? you know, here the question is what to attribute to the west, if we take the old west, relatively speaking, france, germany, italy, then yes, they are not there purely physically, but i think that if now many would be surprised to say who has the most patriots in europe, greece, greece, ugh, greece 36, 36 batteries against the 10 available in germany, here it would seem, who should
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first of all be divided on the same patriots, despite the fact that germany, but what if all the other batteries... are not physically located on the territory, they are assigned to other nato missions, at a time when one battery is supposed to go to us, as planned, the other has to cover the baltics somewhere, and maybe even others, but greece, she assigned herself 36 batteries patriots, there he will talk and talk about the fact that it is ready to supply ukraine only with soviet s-300s, and then in exchange for new patriots from the usa, and it is simply preparing to fight against turkey constantly, and he also tells us what we have there are some strategic contacts with turkey, so... you see, we dared to have some contacts for our survival, that's the problem, that is, if we look for where is the cynicism, where is there any procrastination and the like, then we it is necessary to look not to that side of the atlantic ocean, but to that side the mediterranean, there is a beautiful country there, which, let's say, the birthplace of european civilization, only it is not clear what is happening there, i understood you,
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and one more question about the time gap, because at least there was a statement from... about what russia is allegedly setting, the russian leadership is aiming to seize yar times by may 9, what is the situation there from what you of course see from open sources, and can this seizure happen, well, can it happen by may 9, i wouldn't make a clean guess there because, well, why for the enemy, let's say this, why give the enemy a psychological handicap here forward, because from what i now understand in principle, on the one hand... the russians are constantly trying to find some workarounds in our defense, there allowing even light convoys, let's call it that, on motorcycles, on other light vehicles along the necessary routes, not in a straight line. well, on the other hand, taking into account the relief of the area, well, the battles, the russians promise, they do not promise, to be easy for the czechs, let's put it this way, well, because the relief there is like that, well
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a specific one that contributes to the defense, and from the third side, it is necessary to single out here that, judging by everything, this is according to the plan of the russians. the time of the capture of the city, it should become a kind of springboard for the preparation of this very big summer offensive, which is expected there in the summer of this year, well, about which there have been constant alarms for the past few weeks, accordingly, there is even a question here, not how long it will last, will continue battles during the time of yar, let's say how difficult, bloody and difficult they will be for the russians, because even if, god forbid, they will be able to carry out their plan, but will suffer very heavy losses there, which will be forced, let's say, to pause a lot, as it is now happening to widows. direction, or in general, the kupinsky taliman directions are a miracle, an operational pause, the russians are not attacking there at all, then consider, well, despite the possible territorial pressures of the russians, all the same, it will be a strategic victory for ukraine, because the pace of the russian big offensive will be disrupted, if also god forbid, it will also happen that by may 9, in principle, the russians will not succeed with the time gap, well then it there will be a double victory, that's why
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we have to unfortunately look at it from this perspective, not only let's say the city itself. go, how much easier or more difficult it will be for the russians then to implement their plan in general. thank you very much for your comment, ivan karachevsky, an expert of the military portal defense express, we talked about the situation on the front and analyzed how israel managed to intercept almost, almost all the air targets that iran attacked the country with. thank you very much. so, i have already quoted oleksandr syrskyi. he said that the russian military the leadership has to... seize the city of yar by may 9. according to syrskyi, russia is concentrating its efforts to break through the defenses of occupied bakhmut to the west, seize the temporary ravine and create conditions for the future. promotion, well, in fact, what ivan karychevsky was talking about just now. about 700 people remain in the city of chasiv yar, and next we will show you a report from the city by our colleagues from kanal przystvo vremya. i will start
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directly with the main question. are there russians in the time era or not? well, no, that is, they ran in, but successfully knocked it out. mykola zinko just from the position, he is an officer of the fifth separate assault brigade, and this is mykola zinko in the past. our country over the past few years , our team has managed to improve the living conditions in raviruska. he is the mayor of the city of rava ruska, there is no more to the west, the border with poland, when the war started, he went to serve, and now mykola is on another frontier, the eastern one. the list of cities for which he fought can be enumerated for a long time. now he is part of the brigade that maintains the ravines. and against the background of almost panicky news about the city, mykola looks too calm. the classic assaults they have now are precisely bmp, mtlb vehicles that go on a track, that go with the landing party inside or on top of the armor, and
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they try to get to our front edge in order to jump into the trenches there. chasiv is strategic for ukrainian defense, if only because it is one of the highest points of the donetsk region. the whole city, it is divided into several parts, is ancient. the historical part, it is the center of the city, from here you could see most of the materials and reports, because it was here until recently that you could journalists work, and it is here that people still live, there is such a big, big siverskyi donets canal behind it, and a new part of the city was built behind the canal not so long ago, people call it the canal, it is the closest to the front line, and it is precisely ... the russian military is trying to enter this part of the city, there have been rumors for
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a week that even the smallest part of the kanal neighborhood is under the control of the russian army. the information that the russians reached the outermost buildings of the city was reported, in particular, by the institute for the study of war. the ukrainian military claims that running to the houses does not mean controlling them. do they do bandzai attacks? yes, they drive there with equipment, and the equipment, for example, goes six by six meters, right? two of them return, because we burn four, and the infantry that remains alive, we simply finish them off, that is, they cannot establish themselves there, then they are not even houses, but such courtyards, as if houses, somewhere a small group lingered there, but that is, they were knocked out, that is, there was no big one there unit or, for example, the equipment that would go there, it is very unpleasant, but it does not pose such a danger as if they , god forbid, crossed the channel, it is ... in fact, a natural obstacle, everything is very simple, just as they could not to cross the seversky river at the beginning, as well as now the channel will be simply a huge challenge for them. attention
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has been drawn to the fierce fighting during the yar period for more than a week, although soldiers claim that the fighting for the city intensified in the winter. often, to withstand the pace of hostilities, soldiers you have to experiment. this is a laboratory of death. his call sign is a loaf, he is a jack of all trades and a rescue. ammunition from 250 g, a couple of days ago i chose a second profession, we produce 12-kilogram ammunition. most of his ammunition is made according to his own patterns, he gives them to volunteers, who produce the parts and give the loaf for finalization. there is a chocolate bar, ugh, this is the same kind of tube, we made it because there is a problem with vogs, ugh, we developed such a system, a detonator, and we release our
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vogs, microphone, microphone of the cube zone, fat guy, now all assaults are practically repulsed, well, i don’t want to run infantry, infantry, too, it’s the titans, ours, is repulsed with half-arms and resets, ugh, they inflict terrible damage on them, the fate of the temporal ravine is not guessed by the soldiers , the horizon of planning on the front line is several days, the military does not hide, they are tired, we need more people, shells, but one thing adds strength, but when sometimes you sit with your hands like this after a position, and especially a difficult one, you feel sick, you almost give up , and then you catch yourself thinking, who, if i have, if i go, who else, that is, i understand, well, why is this war going on, it is not going for some territories, russia is full of territories, these cannot be mastered, therefore the war is on for ukrainian identity. serhiy dekun and andriy osinkin for radio liberty.
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let's return to the situation in the middle east, can iran's attack on israel turn into a full-scale war and what effect will escalation in this region have on russian aggression in ukraine, because i will remind you, iran is an ally of russia, tagheran supplies moscow drones, as reported by the reuters agency, in february of this year, iran provided russia with a large number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, although i must note that there is currently no evidence of this. israel's defense minister said that the confrontation with iran is not over yet, military. israel's cabinet is discussing a possible response to iranian attacks, according to israeli media, the dilemma is only how to evaluate iran's actions by intentions or by results, because as a result, let me remind you, almost all of israel's air targets, its allies shot down. according to the sources of the american publication acsios in the white house, biden warned netanyahu that he does not support a retaliatory strike, moreover, according to the publication, the us president advised the israeli prime minister to be content with victory, they say. you
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won anyway. following iran's attack on israel, there is a risk of a wider middle east conflict. israel says more than 300 iranian drones and missiles have been launched over the country. the air strike was iran's first ever direct attack on the country. in terms of security strategies. it shows an escalation on the part of iran, an eerie sense of overconfidence on the part of iran, but i think there's also a political strategy behind it, which is to demonstrate a willingness to take greater risks. according to the israeli military, almost all iranian projectiles were intercepted. i think the main thing that the islamic revolutionary guard corps wanted from this strike was to be seen as having
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penetrated israeli airspace. the uniqueness of the attack of the islamic republic on israel's advantage lies in the fact that until now it has never carried out open strikes from its own territory on objects that are being defended. tehran says it acted in response to an israeli strike on iran's consulate in syria and has warned israel and its ally the us of retaliation. meanwhile , the prime minister of israel said that the confrontation is not yet over. i think the israeli government is probably considering two options right now. the first is a direct air attack on iran, the second is an attack on hizballah in lebanon. i think the last one the scenario is more likely. amid rising tensions, world leaders called for restraint, and us president joe biden said he would seek a united diplomatic response to the iranian attack. after
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iran's attack on israel, the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson, said that he intends to put military aid to israel to a vote this week, but johnson did not specify whether funding for ukraine would be part of the package, as previously expected. or not, and that in fact, perhaps the most important issue for ukraine at the moment, perhaps iran's attack on israel will speed up the approval of aid for ukraine. congress will vote on this general package, where the funding is provided. and for ukraine, and for israel, and for taiwan, at least some experts think so, but there is another opinion, it is that iran's attack on israel diverts the attention of the west and the world from russia's war against ukraine, and this increases uncertainty about the fate the most american aid to kyiv, well, as well plays quite into the hands of vladimir putin. oleksandr bogomolov, director of the national institute of strategic studies, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening.


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