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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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after iran's attack on israel, the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson , said that he intends to put military aid to israel to a vote this week, but johnson did not specify whether funding for ukraine would be part of the package, as previously expected. or not. and this is, in fact, the most important issue for ukraine as of now. it is possible that iran's attack on israel will speed up the approval of aid for ukraine. the congress about... votes on this general package, which provides funding for ukraine and for israel, and for taiwan. yes, at least some experts think so. but there is another opinion. it consists in the fact that iran's attack on israel diverts the attention of the west and the world from russia's war against ukraine, and this increases the uncertainty regarding the fate of the very american aid to kyiv, well, it also plays into vladimir putin's hands quite a bit. oleksandr bogomolov, director of the national institute of strategic studies, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening.
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i have a direct, direct, basic and simple question to begin with, is there any connection between the attack on israel and aid to ukraine, does one depend, conditionally speaking, on the first, or are these two different parallel stories, and shouldn't ukrainians pay so much attention to it? well, you have already answered this question yourself, that there is a connection and the connection is happening in the united states, it depends on the attention itself. states to the middle east problems against the background of our problems for the relationship between these two problems, it is clear that we are least interested in having a conflict in the middle east, in order to have a real war there. and if say, if you say that the connection exists, is it still possible that an attack by iran on israel will still... contribute to the fact
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that ukraine will also receive aid, or on the contrary not contribute? well, it remains to be seen how the vote will go, it is unknown, it is simply unknown now, what will happen in the congress, how the vote will go, there is a very strong position in support of ukraine, and in such a way that one package of aid will be voted, as planned by the administration biden from the beginning, i hope so it will be, but... is the war between israel and iran beneficial to the kremlin? yes, obviously. in principle, we can talk about a very deep militarization of russia's foreign policy. both militarization and, in general, conflicts are in their hands, because they distract attention from their own actions. and this is absolutely beneficial for them, but someone
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can now mention that iran is actively supplying russia with weapons, and if iran itself starts to fight, then it itself will need all these weapons. well, as if so, but other factors are more powerful and more dangerous for us, that is, israel, in fact, as this last example showed, just needs help, that is, until now. it could be assumed that israel already has a sufficiently powerful army and potential, including air defense, but with this attack iran demonstrated that we know that the united states and other western countries have now joined in countering this iranian attack, and in fact their help was needed, and in the future so was israel at this rate.
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on the scale of the iranian attacks, then he, in principle, obviously, it will be difficult for him to fight back, and it will divert the resource, the corresponding and not least the resource of political attention to this whole process, because the history of relations between the united states and israel has been long, and it is traditional, it is for both parties, for the republicans, for the democrats, to support israel. well, yes, there were statements from representatives of both the republican and democratic parties about the need to support israel very quickly, but ukraine was hardly mentioned in this context, at least mike johnson, whom i quoted, tell me please, can israel now respond to iran's attack in such a rather harsh way and in what way it can do it, because we have seen the reports. from the american press
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about the fact that the biden administration allegedly does not advise the israeli authorities to do this, well, so does the biden administration and everyone is basically external. the players, let's put it this way, are not interested in escalation in the middle east, but can and does israel plan, well, it has been officially announced that israel is planning a response, but this response is delayed in time, and probably some further, it will depend, in principle , on the development of further events, i think to a large extent, because although iran has announced that as if... it considers the situation to be exhaustive, that it does not plan further measures, it has stipulated such conditions that for israel are not very favorable in fact, that is, it was conditioned by its conditions, its interests, and conditioned, in particular, by essentially curtailing the actions that israel
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has taken so far in relation to iranian interests in syria, for example, that is, we know that... israel conducted successively, and from the beginning of syriac war, initially the intervention in this war by hezbollah and directly by the islamic revolution guards corps, he periodically conducted various operations, and this is not the first time that israeli aviation was used on tsarist territory, and in fact. by its position, iran demands from israel to curtail all these efforts, which means, well, in fact, well, almost not that capitulation, but in fact very serious concessions, iran will continue, plans to continue its
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aggressive policy on the territory of countries neighboring israel, at the same time, i expect that israel is not going to answer that, and i don't think it's going to... that's how israel warns against answering, what are the risks for the united states, the risks are that it will then have to make a decision, or intervene in this situation, including by military means, do you support israel, depending on
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how israel will act, and if it is a direct attack on iran, then the same in response, that is... you can say that the response is iranian, it is an escalating step, in principle, it is larger in scale than that reason, to which they blow in such and such a way, reacted, that is, it leads to escalation. the united states would not want to get involved in a middle east war, and that is why he is pushing for de-escalation of the conflict. and the analyst. well, experts in middle eastern issues, and in the west, point to the similarity of iran's attack against israel to those attacks carried out by russia against ukraine. but the fact that israel has nuclear weapons may be a factor in the fact that
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allies are more active in defending israel than in defending it, rather than allies in defense of ukraine. do you agree with this statement? well, the support of israel from the outside. the united states and european countries, it's historical, it's older than the advent of nuclear weapons, it's not related to that in any way, and there are a lot of different reasons, which i think we don't have enough time to analyze, but it's quite is in no way related to the fact that israel has nuclear weapons, although israel does not officially recognize it. declares that it has nuclear weapons, but it is generally known that they exist, this is a factor of deterrence, in particular against iran and against other possible ones, but it didn't work, look, but right away it didn't work this factor, it didn't work, in fact, it didn't work, and you
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allow that israel can use nuclear weapons against iran? at the moment it is difficult to say that he, i think that the situation has not yet reached such a point. that he would be forced, would he even consider this issue, i don't think so, israel has many other means to respond without nuclear weapons. iran must know about it, and, but it also does not work yet. there is a situation dynamic recently, iran's policy has become more aggressive, but this did not happen yesterday, it happened somewhere first with the withdrawal of american troops and later, later with the beginning of the syrian crisis, uh, iran began to work very actively. over strengthening its influence in the middle east, and it is in principle,
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well, for many, iran's policy in the middle east is actually very similar to russia's, that is , the similarity is not only in the way in which this latest iranian attack was carried out, but also in its very foreign militarization politicians of this country, they are very similar. with russia, it is not for nothing that they, in fact, have already become allies, they act in a very similar way and learn from each other. after this iranian attack on israel, a number of experts spoke about the final formation of the so-called axis of evil, moscow, tehran, pyongyang, and beijing, and in view of such a rather restrained, or even policy of restraint on the part of the united states, that they warned that they do not encourage and will not assist him in carrying out appropriate strikes on iran, or
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it would be correct to say that in the west , taking into account the united states and the european union, there is no concrete strategy to contain this axis of evil, if it has already formed, well, it is probably too early to draw such dramatic conclusions, but it is obvious that... what for now western countries in general and the united states are trying to act in a traditional way, and their strategic goal at the moment is de-escalation, so events will develop further and will depend on the actual dynamics and local dynamics, that is, the dynamics between israel and iran, in particular, many... of course, when considering this attack on israel, already in ukraine they are comparing the russian attacks on
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ukraine, and many of us started the program on this question, many people ask it, why can't the allies close the sky over ukraine in the same way as the allies closed it over israel , here, of course , there is a military answer in the military plane, yes, about patriots, about aid, about weapons, but probably also there is an answer to the question in the political plane, how would you answer it? and closing the airspace means a military presence, because the airspace the space we are trying to close on our own, but we don't have enough resources to do that, and for now, the more realistic scenario for us is to strengthen the air defenses that we have now, that is, more patriots, such other means that are used, that is a more realistic scenario , even with that there are significant
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delays, the policy of our partners or allies, from the very beginning, is not to engage, not to be directly present, not not to be directly involved, but to assist technical by... us, i.e. weapons, intelligence information and so on, i.e. they are still trying to get by in this format, and they are acting cautiously, trying to avoid a direct conflict between russia and the actual nato countries, why, of course, if russia did not have nuclear weapons, the issue would be resolved in a different way, but then probably the issue of closing the airspace would also look different. that is, this is the situation that has developed, that is, we cannot change anything here at the moment, if we were,
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thank you, thank you very much for your comment, oleksandr bogomolov, the director of the national institute for strategic studies, was on rfe/rl, we talked about the consequences of iran's attack on israel and ukraine. that's all, subscribe to radio svoboda channels on the internet until tomorrow. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolg up to 30% in the pharmacies psylasnyk bam and shchadnyk. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war now we will
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talk more about the war. serhiy will be with us, and what the world lives on. and now yuliy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. good evening. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on prideshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports on them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict and... with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback connection, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we talked with the man and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking. stories: his ex-wife left him, and i'm looking for him, i want him under to take her wing, she left the house, and then returned, but then she left again, and the whereabouts of her common-law wife, i do not know. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this
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territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left ... for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, and soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by social services in the occupied territory. sashka immediately removed from lysichanskyi, all this happened about a year ago, the service came and took the child away, after that i knew where he was, what he was, well , i relatively knew that he was there by rumors, by rumors, well, that he was somewhere in alchevsk, then he was transported to luhansk, and then his whereabouts are unknown, so i will look for him. whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied
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territory of luhansk region, or whether the boy was taken to russia, it has not been possible to find out the father so far. the man, of course, turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where the six-year-old son is. i 'm looking for my child, hrytsenko oleksandr oleksiyovych, i'm asking someone out there who cried for him, if someone can tell by signs that he will be suitable, boy, please, i will be very grateful to you. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look closely at... photo by sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair and an oval face. that he liked to play there and that like all children, but this child has the status
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of cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such wordings , if there is any meaning. sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he cannot always formulate his thoughts clearly, but he is very sensitive and persistent. to people, if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia child search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received more than 300 requests for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where
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the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service magnolia. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop krajm uua.
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you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. the leaders of the g7 countries condemned iran's attack on israel and called on the parties to de-escalate. at the same time, as reported by the media, the united states declared that it would not support. led in case of military actions against iran. in the end, israel refused to immediately retaliate. a team of allies helped repel the enemy attacks of israel. great britain, france and the united states shot down most of the targets over iraq and jordan. at the same time , us state department spokesman matthew miller, responding to journalists' questions about why the united states does not do the same for ukraine, which is subjected to massive missile attacks every week, said that the united states is providing weapons and air defense systems to ukraine to help. to protect the ukrainian people from russia. we will discuss this in more detail with yulia yarmolenko, who is joining us from the white house. congratulations yulia. greetings maria. congratulations.
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katya you and i will talk about what is happening in the congress a little later. now i will ask the directors to still include yulia so that we can talk to her. maria, i hope you can hear me. i hear you please tell me exactly how the united states has helped israel repel these attacks of iran and... how can the situation in the middle east develop further? maria, the white house says that clearly the fact that israel managed to repel or neutralize 99% of the drones and missiles that iran launched into israel is a great military success, and they also say that it is a great defeat and failure and such a failure for iran, and that's the clearest message that, actually, or conclusion that can be drawn from this. attacks, but definitely maria israel managed to achieve this success not alone, but with the help of her allies and partners, of the united states in particular, and john kirby,
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the white house communications adviser, said that indeed the united states had helped to neutralize at least a few dozen drones, and the white house says this once again proves how ironclad the united states' support for israel's defense is, and that they will be ready and ... to continue to maintain this defense, we now know that the israeli war cabinet will be thinking about how and when israel can respond to this iranian attack. in the united states they say that the united the states do not want a war with iran, they do not want any escalation. and so it appears that the united states is at least publicly hinting, and perhaps privately and directly telling israel, that it wants israel to exercise restraint. in this situation, he actually took the success that israel managed to achieve as a victory. we know that the uk is talking about this publicly, and rishi sunak, the prime minister
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of great britain, who... will not be talking to the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, in particular, talk about that too. and we also hear it from official american representatives. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken once again emphasized today that the united states does not want escalation, it wants de-escalation, and said that it is necessary to approach this situation both from the side of strength, but also from the side of balance and wisdom. let's listen to his words. within 36 hours of an attack, we coordinate a diplomatic response to prevent escalation. strength and wisdom should be different sides of the same coin. i am in in close communication with colleagues in the region, and we will continue to do so in the coming hours and days. we do not want an escalation, but we continue to support israel's defense and protect our military in the region. yulia,
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we also know that on sunday , president zelensky noted that in the past week alone, the russians launched almost 130 drones, 80 rockets, and almost 700 guided aerial bombs over ukraine. he also emphasized that israel was not alone in its defense and urged its partners not to turn a blind eye to russian attacks on ukraine. is it possible that will the allies finally start helping ukraine repel russian drones the same way they did for israel? maria, of course, this question is heard not only in... from official ukrainian officials, from president zelensky, but also from a number of experts who monitor this russian war against ukraine and ask the same question, this question was also asked to the minister of foreign affairs today of british affairs to david cameron, who said that actually, he didn't think it was possible, because he said that the united states and great britain, the troops nato does not want a direct confrontation with russian forces, so as not to lead to
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escalation, this question was raised today at the state department, and the state department spokesman said that there are a number of ways that the united states is helping ukraine, and today we also put the voice of america this is also a question for john kirby, he's the white house communications adviser, here at the white house, and he said that actually the conflict in israel, the war in ukraine are different situations, president biden has clearly said that the united states will not be involved directly in this war , but at the same time, he emphasized the importance of congress approving the... the additional funding that the senate has already approved, and it includes aid to both israel and ukraine, and john kirby, the white house, insists that this would be the best aid from the united states right in ukraine, but let's listen to john kirby's full answer to these questions. i knew there would be questions, different conflicts, different airspace, different
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threat landscape. the president was clear from the beginning of the conflict in ukraine. the us is not going to participate in it in combat roles we provide ukraine with the necessary tools to protect its airspace. unfortunately, we cannot do this now, because we do not have additional national security funding, which ukrainians need so much. look, there are two good friends, israel and ukraine, who are definitely in a very different struggle. but are actively fighting for their sovereignty and their security, and in both cases, time is not on their side, so there is a need to move quickly and the best way to get help into the hands of the israel defense forces and into the hands of the ukrainian military, to pass the bipartisan bill that the senate passed. yulia, thank you, i will remind you that yulia yarmolenko told us about how israel managed to repel the attack of iran and whether the allies can repel russian missile attacks on ukraine.
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meanwhile, american lawmakers called on the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress on monday to vote on a package of additional funding for the financing of us national security priorities, which includes aid to ukraine and israel. this the package has already passed the senate with votes from both democrats and republicans, and we can send it to the president for his signature on monday night, said the appeal to johnson, which was signed by more than 90 congressmen. on sunday, after iran's attacks on israel, speaker johnson for... announced that the house of representatives will try again this week to approve necessary aid to israel and ukraine. we'll talk more about when congress will consider aid for ukraine with kateryna lisonova, who joins from the capitol. congratulations katya. congratulations, maria. katie, please tell me, can we expect congress to expedite consideration of aid to ukraine and israel after this attack by iran on sunday? and when can we expect some developments in aid to ukraine? yes, in fact, maria, it looks like this.


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