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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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hemorrhoids 600 cure hemorrhoids without any oops. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more. analysts,
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even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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this is this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized the celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is it home. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the beck and call of their hearts and wallets. our next issue is dedicated to ensure that none of the sellers, who have so far escaped responsibility for
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treason, prepare fakes for the kremlin media and spread disinformation about ukraine. the technology of the office of the president is banal in its stupidity and so low-grade. recently, the security service of ukraine detained blogger dmytro korniychuk in kyiv. it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried. to dethrone the command of the defense forces in favor of russia. he also spread misinformation about the socio-political situation in ukraine. law enforcement officials note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively picked up by major russian tv channels and online publications, which created staged stories based on them. during the search , the pro-russian blogger was found to have computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities. korneychuk has 26 thousand subscribers on youtube and an audience of... 5,500
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in the telegram, however, its content spread much wider and russia actively used it. now the non-doblogger faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is serhiy mykolayovych cheravko, the former deputy mayor of kherson. and i will now tell you how he exchanged his political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, and now unites. soldiers on the battlefield and people who physically help to restore the economy, the social sphere of new regions, serhiy, 49, is from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics, since 1998 he regularly ran for office, in 1998 and 2002 he tried to get into the kherson city council, in 2015 he became the deputy mayor of kherson and part-time head of the regional organization.
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of the kherson party, then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of education issues for children who moved to the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. there is indeed a problem of accommodation and... provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. but later he forgot his native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. in 2017 , cherovko left the post of mayor and in the 19th ran for the verkhovna rada from the opposition bloc party, but did not pass. in 2020 , cherovko ran for the kherson city council, leading the list of volodymyr saldo's bloc. and flew again, was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the shipping district of the city of kherson. in his position, he takes care of the problems of demography region and the fact that ukrainians are leaving ukraine en masse. the situation is catastrophic, in ukraine, let's say, over the last 10 years, the birth rate
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has decreased by 40%. and a few days before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on lyubima's youtube channel. an interview is released, where cheravko convinces the presenter yevgeny brykov that there will be no war. how indicative that after february 24 , these two will betray ukraine and begin to serve bloody murderers. serhiy, well, now it is clear that everyone's attention is focused on only one question every day: will we have a war, i would like to it was not there, of course, 99.9% will not be, to everyone who bought buckwheat, matches, salt... etc., i recommend using them in cooking, for these traitors, the killing and torture of ukrainians, the occupation of cities and villages became no pain , and the opportunity they gladly took advantage of. our act, a meaningful act, definitely determines how we
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will build, with whom we will build our future. when the kherson region was occupied, cherevko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson, carrying the flags of the ussr. at first this traitor together with gauleiter volodymyr saldo participated in the creation of a kind of rescue committee for peace and order. the purpose of this committee was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the story about the creation of this commemoration committee was widely spread among the masses by the russian media. the invaders appreciated such fruitful work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military civil administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. this is the homeland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history. we see how massively citizens are drawn to polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor fled to the left bank kherson region together with other similar fertilizer. this enabled
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our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. now documents have been discovered there, reports on how the rashist pension system was created during the occupation and the work of the post office was improved. before that, cabbage. symbols of the russian federation and the scenario of events for victory day and russia day. it is a pity that there was no script before the day of defeat and disappearance not to the state, although we are writing it now with you themselves. on october 19, 2022, by presidential decree , cherepko was placed on the nsdc sanctions list, and at the end of last year, he was suspected of collaborating. each of us makes several important choices in life. and sergey made his choice. now this one is writing. the kremlin in the temporarily occupied genichesk inspects pharmacies, opens schools and hospitals, organizes new activities to worship the murderers, but he will not stay there for long, because soon the armed forces will reach the left bank of the kherson region, and it is not a fact that the cheruvak will be able to escape again.
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sergey, don't forget the nightingale-ukrainian, because you will have to use it to justify yourself in front of the judge, and then listen to the sentence, and we hope it will be severe. and this is another one with... only with two suspicions serhii volodymyrovych mukhin , born in 1990, originally from henichesk. we were all horrified by the mass political inertia of our citizens. before his worthless collaborative life, he was involved in politics. he was an assistant to olga mykhaylenko, deputy of the seventh convocation from the communist party, at public events. in 2014, he unsuccessfully tried to of the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the already banned communist party. then in the 15th he became deputy of the heniche city council and the kherson regional council from the left opposition party. in 2020, in the local elections from the same party, he again got into the heniche city council. you have one more opportunity for five years to change something in our community. after that, on
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november 21st, he was the head of the henicheska municipal service of one of the communal enterprises and called for the active removal of garbage. when we start to find out. where do these elements come from? landfills, they don't come by themselves as if out of thin air, but in two years he betrayed the local people, his voters, and his oath, when genichesk ended up in... at first, he became a representative of the genetic organization of the political party just russia for the truth. from the first days, our political team has been helping the fighters in the area of ​​the special military operation, as well as the civilian population that suffered at the hands of bandera nazism. and then he received several more bonuses in the form of positions from the invaders. it was done on march 22 the head of the ribinspection of henichiv district, and from november of the same year, also the chief
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specialist of air, railway, sea and river transport at the occupation ministry of transport of the kherson region. we are one people, we have a common idea, and while our brothers are fighting valiantly and no less bravely on the front lines. this fly diligently performs its duties. he thanks the russian soldiers, spreads kremlin propaganda, restores communist ones. monuments and works on a common future with the under-state. for this mukhin from ours law enforcement agencies have two suspicions. the first was announced to him for collaborative activities, and the second for public use of communist symbols. as it turned out, he was displaying a red flag in honor of the victory day parade organized by the occupiers. serhii mukhin also published video materials promoting the totalitarian regime and depicting communist symbols on his social networks. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will get to
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muholovka and properly serve 15 years betrayal of ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, i am a colleague, i will be with you for the next hour and 43 minutes, well, today not all my colleagues will be there for various reasons, but the majority will be with you on the air, we will talk about the most important things, of course we will report on what will happen during. ether. well, let's start with the announcement of the collection. az press and the public organization baziya sprovit
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call for support for the collection of drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join us to make more of them happen more. our goal is uah 2 million. remember. nat on the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in our joint victory, i ask you to join, i ask you to support, in this case the 93rd and 72nd brigades. yes, well, we are waiting for inclusion from dnipropetrovsk region, you know that the enemy is constantly attacking, now he is already attacking more often the city of dnipro, dnipropetrovsk region, nikopol district, nikopol community, there are constant arrivals there, and manganets and... well , actually from on the other side of the former kokhov reservoir, or what remains of it, is the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant,
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there are enemies there, and they are constantly shelling the territory, today the territory of the region, well, in particular, the nikopol district, so we will ask, find out what the situation is there, both humanitarian and security, plus we know that the enemy is now hitting and hitting energy facilities, so it is clear that it is worth asking and what about electricity supply, with energy supply, because this, because this... it is important, apart from everything else, today, unfortunately, the enemy killed two citizens of ukraine, he targeted the kharkiv region , there are two dead wounded, i will tell you briefly, the russian occupation forces hit lukyantsi in the kharkiv region with a guided aerial bomb, as a result of hitting the school, unfortunately, two people died, at least four people were injured, and before that there was information from the head of the poltava regional of the military administration that the enemy had struck poltava, and at least there was information that there were no
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casualties, then i will make a short announcement on today's broadcast so that you understand what you should count on, definitely worth it count on good analytics, on a lot of up-to-date information with yuri fizar, we will talk in detail about what is happening there in the united states of america, the situation, you know, about what is happening in the us congress in the white house, between the congress and the white house , well, the senate made its decision, the upper house, it is meant. the question in the lower house regarding the aid to ukraine , yuriy fy and i, well, more yuriy fyza will tell, because you know, it would be such an interesting series on the one hand, and if it were not concerned today above all the life of our military and. who suffer from a lack of ammunition, weapons and equipment, of course the lives of our citizens, who also suffer, suffer due to the fact that there are not enough missiles for air defense systems and the air defense systems themselves, but we include in the conversation kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, ms. kateryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine,
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congratulations, glory to the heroes, glad to see and hear, let's talk, how was the day today in dnipro. in dnipropetrovsk oblast in the sense of the security of the enemy attack, shelling, consequences, please, today was relatively calm for dnipropetrovsk oblast, but if we talk about the consequences that we have since yesterday's attack, which was in the evening, then it is their liquidation of these consequences, well, in principle, as you know, the demolition of private houses is still ongoing. and damage to private houses in the private sector, from the debris of a cruise missile that was shot down right over the dnieper, that's why some people who were damaged, 43 reports have already been received about damage, and this is about 35 private houses and 11 cars,
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43 reports have been received about destroyed or damaged houses. one way or another, well , some have more, some have less, but as of now, all efforts are devoted to this liquidation, because the weather conditions in the dnipro are forecast to worsen in the next day, well, several days, and it is very important that to manage somehow, as much as possible, for whom it is possible, to arrange homes, there are windows, etc who else does the damage format allow. so that people don't just stay there later with a leaky roof or in general under the wind without walls, well , of course, where the damage is already such that it cannot be repaired, the resettlement is going very quickly, well, but in principle , the communal workers, volunteers, people there are trying to fix it somehow at their own expense and with our own strength, well, but in principle
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, we can throw our forces at it, of course, as always... already, unfortunately, we are talking about the damage and attacks in nikopol region and today, or rather yesterday evening, yes, we will say such a summary of information about yesterday, now there is no official information about poland as of this morning, but yesterday there were also attacks there, both drones and heavy artillery, but at least thank god that there are no wounded, well, the dnipro district was also affected in our country over the past day, because... there were also attacks there, but thank god, it was the people who were not damaged, but the infrastructure object, it was attacked. and please tell me if there is enough, well, in the city, at least there or in the shops, or who delivers, say if there are certain services of materials for, well , building materials, then there is a banal film, if
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the windows cannot be inserted immediately, some insulation, other things. well, isn't an artificial belly being created, that there are no problems with that, well, because we understand that it also flies to dnipro, but let's say, if we talk by region there by district, then of course that this is a constant need, and of course, well, to say that there is a problem in stores with the fact that there are no films or it has run out to the board in order to score or fix something, well, no, there is no such thing, because well, in stores there is everything, this... and a plus, but we understand that if, for example, people have to fix it at their own expense, then it all costs money, and to buy something you have to pay for it, so thank you to the volunteers who help with this, and in principle, of course, there is compensation from the city government there, compensation specifically from communal services, well, but there, if you don’t
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want to wait or don’t want communal assistance there, well... in principle, you buy it yourself, but plus or minus everything, i, well, as far as i know, plus or minus, everyone uses communal ones, that is, if you order a plastic window, then it will be brought and installed, right? well, well, it works somewhere , there are shelters deployed on the spot, where there are such tents for accepting applications, providing first aid, communal assistance, where it is possible, and where it is not possible, of course there already... and other procedures, but the submission of applications and documents to see all reimbursements, it, well, unfortunately, it is not very fast, because there are assessment commissions, when there... people submit applications to the city council, then the commissions come to them, assesses exactly what kind of damage, what exactly is its amount, what is the cost of all this, i.e. sometimes
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people repair at their own expense, and then receive compensation, well, that is, there are various cases, well, but plus or minus for the dnipro, for the location of the region, which suffers damage almost every day, then, well, in principle , the situation is more or less normal, well, and i would also like to ask about... about energy, what is the current situation with the supply, with the availability and supply of electricity, electricity, and secondly, well, everyone understands that 80% of the thermal generation in our country has been destroyed, if i am not mistaken, it is winter , actually, it will come, and are they already starting to think, well, at least on the level oblast, oblast council, i understand that the oblast military administration there has to work out certain solutions, how to do so, perhaps, to... protect ourselves as much as possible from such attacks, well, i won't say there now, it's up to us to determine what it's called, where you can make these smaller installations, where you can somehow
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place them, hide them, well, that is, so that everything is not tied to large objects, you know, well, just like a big target on the wall, if we do not have enough air defense and not a fact, that it will appear there in the near future in large quantities, the enemy can, in principle, continue shelling, even if you invest in... the restoration of some kind of road, in a few months it can be broken again, unfortunately, that is why this work is already underway, or at least there are plans and thoughts from about the fact that let's think about how we will prepare for the winter, well, to be honest, to say that at the level of the regional council or the city council , the question of where to install air defense systems in the dnipropetrovsk region or in the city of dnipro is being decided, well, there is no such thing, it is not is discussed and well, let's say so with... deputies or simply at council sessions, of course these issues are not considered and not brought up, if we talk about , well, in general, such decisions should be made
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by the government at the state level, of course, the government should consult with the local, well, with the local government , because the local authorities know the locations and regions better, but, as we know, these decisions are not made at a decentralized level, but at a centralized level. therefore, here, of course, we would generally pay attention to it earlier, because the consequences that certain infrastructural locations have, yes we will not say exactly, but certain infrastructural electricity supply locations that have already suffered very important, severe consequences in the dnipro and in general in the dnipropetrovsk region, they were, unfortunately, not sufficiently protected, that's why... well, of course , the approach of missiles, that fly up must also be calculated, but certain objects could be protected better, and you can
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say that frankly, so it is difficult to say that something is being discussed directly, where what will be installed to protect it better, but it definitely would not prevented, more relevant the issue that is discussed more at the local level is, after all , fortifications, which is also... no less important, but it is also not very public and there is not much information on it in general, one can also say not much, but work on it and she is working on this and that issue, but let's say that it is possible and more active, the most important thing is that it should be, that it should be built and provided with everything so that in case of which the defense forces could give the enemy a break in those fortifications, but it wasn't just built, thank you thank you very much for helping... take care, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, and now we will talk with the capital, it is not so often that we have inclusion from the capital,
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but in fact, she lives her own life, and many things and things happen, decisions are made at the level of the city council, and these decisions must also be talked about, because kyiv itself, in addition to being a big city, is also the capital of ukraine, which fulfills its powers, there are many questions, zoya yarosh, deputy of the kyiv city council, i congratulate you. i know where do i start? well , there is a series of conversations between the deputies that kyiv has always been the most protected city, and now we have problems, let's say, well, as they say, i don't know, maybe we already have enough missiles, but now there are there may be certain problems and enemy attacks, and we must understand that we may not have such a shield as we had before, and how to live in the event that there are damages, and somewhere , perhaps, we need to allocate money for this, well, that is , some kind of... uncertainty, whether there is no such thing and there are no conversations, there is confidence that actually, well, it will be possible to defend myself and pass this difficult period, and well, actually, i have not
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heard such conversations, so i can say... only for myself, in any case, i remained in the city of kyiv even at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, and actually i intend to stay now. i hope that in any case we will fight, we will believe in the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and i think that somehow we will get help and an increase in the number of missiles. as for possible damage. since 2022, since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, we every year we are forming a reserve fund, thanks to which the restoration of damaged buildings and objects in the city of kyiv is taking place, so far, fortunately, we can restore, well, in fact , changes to the economic and social development programs
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of the city budget were approved by the kyiv city council, including even more 1.5 billion hryvnias to help the military, i will not go through the program here, but you tell me more about it, again, are there enough funds that can be accumulated in these changes to be prescribed for those things that are extremely necessary today, well and at the same time leave it as usual some funds so that the city itself could carry out repairs, provide for itself, well , new people are constantly arriving in the city, the city itself must live, and there should not be water in the streets, excuse me for the crap and so on and so on and so on. you can give up something, obviously, just like every city somewhere, but in principle, there should always be money for the city to live, to function, that's actually, it's a lot of things, well, plus finding money in order to well, to prescribe, let's say, to help the military, tell me more about these changes to programs of the economic and social development of kyiv, please, well, the first wording is sufficient funds for defense, i believe that in the period of such a difficult war, it cannot, in principle, sound like sufficient funds
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for defense. unfortunately, we do not have enough of them all the time, and it is very good that the city of kyiv and other cities find an opportunity to further finance the defense forces somehow. the latest changes added another 1.5 billion to the actual financing of defense needs, this is the defender of kyiv program, this is the care program, where funds are provided defenders and their families. these are 30 million subventions from the ministry of defense, these are funds for the construction of fortifications, in total since the beginning of the year it is already about 6.5 billion, in fact, at the beginning of the year we heard a lot of criticism from the public and on the air about the fact that kyiv allocates very little funds, because at the beginning of the year it was a little more than 1.5 billion,
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but as i said in every... broadcast , every time there is a budget adjustment, we increase and additionally allocate such funds, already understanding the income and expenditure parts of the budget, the main thing is that of course we cannot, you know, throw away everything, as you said, because the city has to live, there is such a thing as the actual spending budget, yes, we cannot take money from the salaries of teachers and doctors . from the construction of shelters, but of course from some such not so important, unprotected expenditure items, here we can redistribute such funds. here it was also important, well, let's talk about the perspective for a moment, and now it will be summer, of course, well, absence is possible, again in case of enemy attacks strengthening, we do not know what the situation will be, we believe in the armed forces and hope for the help of our
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partners, but in any case, a... summer is not critical for people's lives, at least in the absence of, say, heat supply there, well, electricity is more important, because here there can be different, by the way, about electricity, without revealing secrets, people who know how the city lives, in the communal sense, say that pumps that provide pumping out must be provided with, let's say, electricity , dirt there water supply, and even water purification, many, many things on which, again, the bottom line depends. life is the life of people, and if this does not happen, life will immediately become very difficult and even very, very difficult and complicated, or is it now, well, it is clear that this is what the executive power of the city should do, but it does not matter whether there are talks about and they are thinking about how to make it so that, in any case , it is possible to provide some generators, gas, some stations, anything at least to cover...


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