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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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with some, with some business that operates in the mini-city area that says it will close during the air raid alert, but the fact is that the shelling continues both during the air alert and before and after it her, this is a feature, unfortunately, of life in the de-occupied region, the baryslav district suffers a lot, traditionally, unfortunately, we even use such words, the tyagin community, well, in principle, everything is, as always, unfortunately, very, very powerful, unfortunately, weapons are used sometimes when shelling not much, this does not indicate that it has become quieter, they use very powerful weapons that reach the target and cause very great destruction, and what is happening in the occupied territories of the kherson region, well, here if here... you can tell a lot, if
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so briefly, well, first of all, the shelling continues, just yesterday we wrote about gola prystan, gola prystan and oleshki - this is some kind of taboo topic for the occupiers, because these are two cities located directly near the dnieper, which were very badly affected by flooding as a result of the russians undermining the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam, and if you follow this in retrospect, then very few russians write recently about the bareness of prystan and oleshka, because they... have nothing to write about, there are very few people left there, for example, the very famous salt lake in the bare the wharf, it is no longer salty, no, there is fresh water, there are very few inhabitants left, for example, the same bare wharf, there is a third of the inhabitants left, how many are in oleshki, i can’t say yet, very strong pressure continues from the russian local population, besides , which, for example, with the so-called occupation forces have almost left oleshok and goloi prystan... there are constant
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rotations of the military, from there they are constantly shelling the right bank, that is, the russians do not care about the local population at all, they don’t care, the main thing for them is to implement their own, shelling, shelling and destroying, so to speak in general, now the informational component has greatly increased, russians are opening new online media, but the fact is that there is not enough news, they simply repost or rewrite one news. in other words, and in the literal sense, they spread out to all their media, well, they are actively preparing for may 9, they don’t have much to show, but they prepare very hard for these holidays, spend their traditional saturdays there, clean something, sometimes it looks quite funny with tears, because the cleaning they organize these sabbatarians to plant trees under the flags of russia and the soviet union and together with them, for example, some orthodox
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images, that is, such a farce, for example, in the bare pier, that was the case in henichesk, skadovsk, that was the case, well, in short, russia is a country where everything is possible, where, and the soviet union, and modern russia, and the orthodox world, they somehow are friends with each other, you said about online media, but i read that it is not published online, but in paper media. a newspaper, you know, as khersonskaya pravda used to be, published by the communist party of the russian federation. i don't know if you have read this kherson truth, or had the opportunity, what is in it, what truth is written in it? well, the communist truth, yes, there are several paper publications, mostly, these are so-called, you know, publications that have been dead for a long time, on the territory of ukraine, and then.
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came to life, that is, they were published there in soviet times, like, for example, this one, forgive me, god, the truth, or there is another publication nadnipryanska pravda, it was also published in independent ukraine, then it was not published, and they decided to revive it, let's say so , on the er, occupied territory, the kherson truth is actually a herald of the cprf, you can say, well, there is someone to publish there, vitaly bulyuk is one of the main key people there. gaulleiter, he is from the communist party, there are many people from the communist party in kherson oblast who have been for years, decades this was all expected. and i wanted to show you one more thing, you see, just now we put this one on the screen, these are russian radio stations that work, for example, in genichesk, and here you can watch what you want, komsomolskaya pravda fm, radio tavria, kazak fm, spades, no, spades , probably now in our country it's called a bayraktar,
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but it's a road radio, a new radio, a car radio, a radio communication. in my opinion , it's a scrap radio station of the russian army. i don't always believe, let's say so, the balance is true, yes, the balance is true, it seems that radio tavria can be caught even in kherson, i don’t know if it’s true, well, it’s him a little, as always in... guesses, to put it mildly, the only thing is that they, for example, have a website, tavria , they have something like a publication, they have a video, a website, and , accordingly, a radio, so on the website you can watch, for example, the broadcast of what they say there, you can also listen to the radio from
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the website, that is, there is no broadcasting, about he invents it, really, but what about the ukrainian media, is it somehow possible, is it possible to catch them, are they present? or at all in ukrainian news, does our news reach the occupied part of kherson region? come mostly online, that is, everything that is said online, where there is broadcasting, for example, the same youtube, or sites, or radio that is broadcast on the site, it is possible in principle, if there is a desire, vpn and so on, the only thing is dangerous, because there can be sudden searches, but nevertheless people get information, what about radio stations per... moments like that, sometimes when you can be caught, but it's very, very rare, you know, just yesterday or recently i was saying on the air that the balance, the occupation governor ordered to prepare the beaches, in particular in genichesk, for
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the holiday season, by the way, kherson beaches were visited by almost 5 million ukrainians in the pre-war period in the 21st year. internal tourism itself, well, in a word, they have already prepared, everything is okay, this is what the beaches of ginicheska look like now, well , this video was circulated by many publications, and they also sent it to us, well, this is a terrible video, and there is even such a one, the locals know it, they clean up, the russians seem to clean up garbage from the beaches, agenicheska, but in fact they clean up what needs to be cleaned up you can't, that is... the sea throws out some biological resources, you can't clean them, you have to wait until they mix with sand for the normal functioning of natural habitats, they clean everything, and beaches, yes, destroyed cafes, abandoned cafes,
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abandoned restaurants in general, there is a video over there, over there they approach all those restaurants, and they are all simply destroyed, the signboards hit, there is no one, it is deserted, wherever you want. come in, everything is taken out from the inside, here, my god, improvements in russian, and what is interesting, this is not typical for april, because in april, usually march-april, active preparation, all these cafes, all these locations, they were actively updated, a third were already working, for those who are on vacation, there, for example, on weekends, they came to rest, all this was working, there were very active repair works before the occupation, with the occupation there or... the russian military is stationed there, if these are sanatoriums, again there is information that they again rotated in the territories of the children's health camps in skadovsk, genichesk, and the adjacent territories, or something like that destroyed are standing, that is, people have left, or people, sometimes
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there is information that the owners of such cafes and establishments are in captivity, and so on, that is, yes, this is such such trash, such depression now in the resorts, eh. nevertheless, with henichesk also has one positive piece of news for us, i don't know how it happened, maybe it was the stars or natural forces, but there was a fire in henichesk, and this fire destroyed the warehouse where the uniforms of the representatives of the occupation police were kept, probably some kind of short circuit or something, ms. evgenia, you don’t know, well, there is such a feature in general, especially genichevsk, who was at the resort in 21. the first year there is an arabic lucky arrow, there were problems with the power supply there recently, the electricity could not withstand the load that was there, it needed urgent work, they were then performed, it was before the occupation, of course, it was a massive problem, but they started
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to solve it already during the holiday season, it was somewhere around august 21, of course, it was not solved until the end, because the occupation came, i am sure that this is precisely the consequence of... this a problem that has never been solved, and the russians are not at all unaware, they don’t know how to deal with it, there are no specialists, because a lot of people left following the examples of many... we know that about a third of the communities remained, that’s why i i think that this is the result of some kind of short circuit, not careless handling of electricity, because in the genichiv district, especially where there are resorts, there is a peculiar situation that requires intervention, repair of such a system, well, they don't do it, these are the consequences, russians have consequences because of what they are there they took away all the workers they would have had before the floods. to somehow fortify, and it was and recently i read that it was in kursk or orsk, i no longer remember where those orcs all
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live, there it turns out to be one of the problems, at least the opposition media, so that they made fortifications every year this dam, it's an earthy weakling there, but last year they didn't do it because everyone was sent to build the sorovikin line, well, actually there is such a version, i also heard a version that the animals ate it, the beavers came. and came to them at least god's punishment for what they did to kakhovskaya gs and kherson region. ms. yevheniya, thank you for the conversation, yevheniya virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavuon city, was with us, she told us that, for example, in the occupied territories, people can watch news from ukraine on youtube, so the youtube channel is at your service. dear friends, also the website, true information about what is happening and that ukraine does not forget about the occupied part of the kherson region, and of course, our
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military is doing everything possible to people finally came out from under the oppression of the occupiers. now we will move with you to sumy oblast, atriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences and head of the center for social research, member of the board of the sumy oblast intelligence public organization, is in touch with us. ms. andriana, good morning, please tell us about the night in sumy oblast and what is happening now on the borders of sumy oblast with russia. good morning, currently an air alert has been declared in the region, there is a threat of ballistic use of ballistic weapons, so let's stay safe, please are attentive, and although last night was relatively calm, yes, but yesterday, starting in the afternoon, the enemy systematically raided the border of the sumy region, well, it actually suffered. most of the settlements that are in the immediate
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vicinity of the border, this is a 5-kilometer zone, even now enemy shells are falling further and further, yesterday the village of ogroydy of the sumy district was affected, a terrorist country released a guided aerial bomb, in general , we are observing more frequent cases, such as bomb attacks there were raids in... villages as always, it is the civilian population that suffers here, and in fact official sources report that 14 private homes were damaged, well, i also wonder what the current situation is at the borders, is there any activity by enemy drgs, in principle, the sumy region is constantly suffers from hostile drgs, we have systematically. they record the entry of subversive groups into the territory
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of the sumy oblast, they are promptly stopped by the forces of the terro-defense force and the forces of the border guards , in principle there are cases when they actually carry out certain specific sabotages, including which end in civilian casualties . there were also cases when they found, well, caches of ammunition, which, most likely, were also left by such enemy drgs, that is, well, this is a history, a systematic, permanent history for our region, because firstly, the longest stretch with the country is a terrorist, secondly, secondly, well, the peculiarity of the border is that it is very difficult to ensure such proper control throughout... along the entire border, so, well, unfortunately, such
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small groups, as a rule, talk about that these are professionally trained, trained, such groups, that's how they get in and do their, their bad things like that. what is happening in those settlements, which russia the day before was very densely populated. bombyla, is it all a bit settled now? yes, during the last month , the velikopyseriv community has suffered a lot. and we observed a mass evacuation of the population, even in a part of the velykppisarivsk, medrebo community , the forced evacuation of the local population was applied, the last week, in principle, the situation normalized, relatively normalized, on the one hand, more than every second house, so more
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than half of the private sector buildings were destroyed. but since there are still people living who essentially have no resources, no money, and perhaps no health to go somewhere, people are beginning to return even to these half-ruined houses, hoping that they can at least travel here and there, and cultivate plots of land, so in principle, during the past week, people have been returning quite actively, as a rule, it is... which, as a rule, it is women of old age, if at least somehow their housing was preserved when the mass evacuation took place, then people abandoned their entire household, abandoned, abandoned animals, and that is precisely why they return, because they understand that it is necessary to restore order here on their land.
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well, thank you very much, mrs. andriana, andriana kostenko, was with us, a doctor of political sciences, the head of... the center for social research, a member of the board of the sumy region intellectuals. first of all, you know what else i wanted to say, now a little break from good news, and what should be good news definitely, especially in the morning, do you agree, yes, you are looking to see if we will have any more good news, i will say now, an economist who usually asks very sharp questions, for example, recently they wrote such an article predicting what will happen if ukraine loses . ugh, where they list all the problems the west will face and end the article by saying, the answer to the question of what will happen if ukraine loses should be, it must not lose, no, it must not lose, it must not lose, even so it is formulated like this in economist, an article by an expert on russia was published, which we will like from the title, russia 100%,
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no is sure will definitely lose to ukraine. will definitely lose in ukraine, the most interesting thing about this article is that its author is not some, i don’t know, lover of ukraine, some passionate, pro-ukrainian expert, and this is a japanese kremlinologist, so to speak, a japanese chinese, a chinese specialist around russia, a participant in all those valdai meetings with putin, for the all-rounder and so on, professor at peking university, feng yujun. and here fenyu, he still lives on in of course, yes, yes, he says that in fact russia has got involved in a war that it cannot win and names four factors that will eventually, not tomorrow, but unfortunately not the day after tomorrow, but lead to russia's defeat, in particular he says that russia has faced with the unity and
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resistance of ukrainians, which they did not expect. the second is that international support for ukraine, although weaker, remains significant and will always be so. the third factor is modern warfare. russia will lose technologically and will not be able to overcome this gap anyway, because their economy is not reformed and post is not post-industrial. and the last, fourth factor is the fact that russia has fallen into international isolation, its subsystem itself. and there are no mechanisms to overcome various corruptions and so on, what in them and what do they suffer from, so feng jun believes that russia is doomed over time, over time, maybe in 10 years, to defeat and even the loss of all occupied territories, this is his opinion , well , it would be better if this time came sooner,
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but listen, it is not possible to interview veristovych yet, what is going on, he is there lives in america. everything is fine with him there, he is eating there and we are here, what did he say, and we are here, he said that we are here, yes, we are going now for a short break, we are going for a short break, we will return, continue, move on to the kupyansk community, dear friends, stay with us, you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack the tv strong saw, just for you, with it, you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam,
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of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. but how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester? there were no unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. see in tuesday, april 16 at 5:45 p.m. collaborators program with olena kononenko on on the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover. the enemy with a flurry of fire and returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. so, gentlemen, what i wanted to tell you about at this moment is whether it was possible to protect tripelska tes from a russian strike, if you go to tripelska tes now, for example, in google, you will see a google maps mark there, closed forever, destroyed in fact the thesis, completely, this is one of the biggest theses of the kyiv region, and the question which arises today, whether it was possible to protect this test, what i was doing all year, because all year... there was a program to protect exactly such structures, and there are different opinions, but, for example, yuriy butusev wrote about the fact that it was
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actually it is a crime that it was not protected, he thinks so, he says that there are concrete structures that are built as a conditional upper sarcophagus, in order for them to detonate first and protect, accordingly, what is inside, and they had to deal with it, according to ... with a wave, here. on the other hand, this is maxim shkil, the head of the infrastructure development committee of the federation of employers from the autostrada company, in particular wrote, and is also quoted by butusov, about what was, in fact, the blocking of the protection of these energy facilities, and by the way, this is partially confirmed by mustafa nayem, who also wrote a column. the head of the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure, that they were not allowed to protect this tes power plant, and accordingly there are many questions, what
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happened? with that protection, how much money was stolen there and why it was not protected according to these blows, in what condition will it all be now, we will have an expert on energy issues today, we will talk about it, we will talk about it later, well, now we are in touch with andriy besyadin, the head of the kupyansk city military administration , mr. andriy, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, mr. andriy, what news from the kupyan region, the situation is stable. stable heavy, unfortunately, the shelling does not stop, every day the territory of the community suffers heavy blows, the enemy has all kinds of weapons, which are mlrs artillery, and guided aerial bombs, uh, lately the enemy has been actively trying to destroy logistics, the logistical infrastructure that allows us to ensure the vital activity of the left bank of kupyan region, this is kivsharivka, kupyansk
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nodal, and the zaaskiliya region, but again , thanks to our heroic communal services, to our structural units, employees, we are quickly fixing the consequences of the airstrikes there, and we are trying to do everything possible to ensure that so far it works, if we talk about the line of confrontation, then the situation there is stable, the enemy is stable receives such a cossack er... kick, if not to say, you know, it's rougher there, so we hold on, work and do everything possible to bring our victory closer, who is staying in kupinsk now, are there enough civilians, well, i don't know what means a sufficient number, how many of them there are, in fact unchanged, it is more than 7,500 people in the klupen community, 3.5 in the city of kupians, 218
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children, the situation does not change. and we constantly emphasize, we constantly carry out information and explanatory work, we say that for now it is better to leave the territory of the kupyan community to safer places, again, the entire algorithm has been worked out , all the conditions have been created, and a call center, a hotline telephone, and places of compact living in the city of kharkiv or in other safer regions of our country, but unfortunately, there are unfortunately, they refuse, well, thank you yesterday... no victims, no victims, but if we say this week and last week, then, unfortunately, there were injured, unfortunately, there were also killed civilians, so i want to once again call on everyone do not neglect your own safety, their loved ones, especially children, and leave the community for the time being. of course , thank you, mr. andriy, andriy besedin, the head of the kupyan city military administration, was with us, thank you very much for being able to join us after all, i know that
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there were problems with communication, we... appreciate it , gentlemen, well, now our first information hour from losivkuliuk is coming to an end, it is coming to an end, yes, but just at the end of this hour i have, you said that some good news is not coming in, i have one good news, news about yesterday , dear friends, you and i had a good start yesterday , we started this week at a good pace , 73 00 hryvnias, we collected 73 00 hryvnias, and now we have more than 1 million hryvnias. half of the amount we need gives less than 150,000, that's a very good result for a monday, monday is a hard day as they say, everyone is gathering so hard, thank you to everyone who got involved, please get more involved, we're raising for two teams for fpv drones, we want to collect as much as uah 2 million, but with you, we already have
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uah 851,536, as of now. hope this day will move at the same pace, and maybe we will collect even more with you. now let's watch the news, kateryna shirkopoyas is ready to tell us what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour. cather, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell about the successful work of the ukrainian air defense during the night attack of the shaheeds and about the new sanctions of the usa and canada against belarus. news time on spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. bad weather is flying in ukraine, due to strong gusts of wind in one of the districts of zaporizhzhia, tree branches fell on residential building, five were damaged.


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