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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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losses and combining faith and science about these and other important topics in the magazine kraina. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in psarynsky, pamp and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour program format even more analytics, even
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more important topics, even more top ones guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are returning to our telethon, thank you for watching us, and just now ruslan muzechuk, spokesman of the national guard of ukraine, is joining our marathon. mr. ruslan, we congratulate you. good morning. dear, tell me, please. what is
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the situation at the front now? in general, we can see that the enemy continues to concentrate its main efforts in the area of ​​the temporary ravine in the bakhmud direction. also during this day there were skirmishes in the lymansky direction, avdiyivskyi, novopavlivskyi and orihivskyi. as far as our eastern directions are concerned, the enemy did not conduct active offensives in the kupyan direction. here , the positional defense continues, our units, which are involved in the performance of tasks, they monitor the situation, do not allow the enemy to prepare advantageous, let's say, positions, areas for possible attacks, in the area of ​​the polymansky direction, in particular in the area of ​​the serebryansk forestry, our servicemen repelled two attempts of assault actions during the day at the defense areas, and here the enemy is trying to apply. there are also
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quite a lot of drones used to strike, these are kamikaze drones, drones that carry out covert actions, and it is noted that recently the enemy's drones, operationally tactical level, have been quite active, these are types of eagles and halls that conduct aerial reconnaissance, well, of course, the enemy has been taking quite active actions for a long time, this is relative to the time gap, trying to advance. directly from the direction of bakhmut along the tracks and also along certain areas where he can, which he is trying to ensure further flank advancement, at the same time, despite quite active attempts at assaults , here the enemy uses units for his assaults as part of a detachment of up to two branches, that is, relatively small units of the parcel. armored vehicles, of course
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assaults, where the enemy is trying to succeed, are preceded by quite active work of aviation, active work of drones that carry a combat load with the aim of destroying our positions, equipment, firing positions, if we talk about the time of yaar, literally everyone remembers him now, the minister kyrillo budanov said the same thing about defense, at the mayor's office, and at the institute for the study of war. writes that the russians are now concentrating their efforts in this direction, and there is a danger of a breakthrough, is there really a danger of a breakthrough? er, always us we note that the situation is dynamic, well, on the part of the defense forces, quite significant work is constantly being done in order to hold all areas and, in particular, to prevent attacks from the flank relative to the temporary ravine, we see that the enemy is overturning here. and the reserves
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use quite large forces in order to carry out, achieve success, carry out an advance, of course, the defense forces are in more advantageous... positions, this is both relative to the fortification, and relatively in general, which is always noted, relative to the very location of the settlement yar times, that allows for more fire control for our units, and of course to repulse those attacks that the enemy tries to carry out in relation to the populated area, of course, we see even in some areas a certain, let's say, reduction of assault actions. in particular, the enemy threw certain units from the direction of the estuary to strengthen the attacks at times, so we see that this settlement is quite important for the enemy, and of course that he will try to gain at least some
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advantage here, to gain at least some advance, in in the near future, it is obvious, and of course , that the defense forces are taking appropriate actions, measures to... in order to gain a foothold, even on the approaches to kill the enemy as much as possible, not to give him a populated place. mr. ruslan, if we talk about assault actions, what tactics are currently being used by the enemy, are they changing, and if so, what is this related to. of course, last week we saw even in official summaries that there were more than 100 airstrikes in a day in some periods, and many of them. the amount she concentrated in that including in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, in the area of ​​other areas, in particular the novopavlivskyi direction, the orichivskyi direction, where the enemy is trying to achieve success, eh, at the same time, ee, regarding the assaults, for example, in
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the southern directions, during the last days we see that where the enemy does not even use aviation, he quite actively tries to use drones in order to, let's say, knock out our units from their occupied positions, this applies, in particular, to the battles that are currently taking place in the populated area point robotina, where the enemy is trying to storm it from the south and from the east, and, let's say, to narrow the gray zone, approaching closer to the positions occupied by the defense forces of ukraine. what are the current losses of the enemy in this direction. we want, i would like to note that during the past week, work was quite active with the use of fpv drones of our units, in general, about 70% of the enemy's equipment and firearms are even destroyed due to
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the use of drones, also during the past week, the guardsmen along the front line destroyed nine enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. er, which basically shows that the enemy is trying to secure certain areas and, let's say, certain places of accumulation of their equipment, er, near the contact line, because these anti-aircraft missile systems were hit not at a great depth from the line front, that is, the enemy thus tries to insure against possible air strikes by us, from possible applications of the same operational-tactical... level drones from our side, which can effectively detect targets along front line yesterday i had a conversation with a representative of one of the elite units of the armed forces, and they are now actually engaged in traveling around western ukraine, in particular , they are actually recruiting, or, one might say,
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hunting, new, motivated, physically well -prepared recruits, and i asked why not rely on mobiliz. and the answer was that there are no problems with mobilizing to get the required amount, but there will be a problem later with the quality of these people, it will suffer from pointers or people who have problems with alcohol, i am saying that i heard, it was an off-the-record conversation, how the charter, in particular the elite, you could say, the elite unit, the national guard brigade is engaged in recruiting, do you also rely more on recruiting than on the general mobile, i want to note that the charter brigade, it was originally created precisely as a volunteer formation, and their use even during the defense of kharkiv, during the kharkiv counteroffensive, they showed
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themselves as a motivated combat-ready formation, despite the fact that the majority of the personnel who were there, they did not have a significant combat experience, of course, what forces us... now to apply newer elements in recruiting, which primarily concern the simplification of the path itself, where a person can learn about positions, about commanders and... submitting the application itself, and secondly, what is it, now there is such an opportunity in other brigades, that is, it works like this, for example, our azov brigade, run, uh, that is, we are trying more to create conditions so that, the question of submitting an application, the question of understanding what exactly duties and positions are in the brigade, it was more accessible specifically for citizens who can or want to read or do. the choice of whether to join that other brigade, and of course the combat path of the brigade itself, the understanding of
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who the commander is, with whom the command will have to work in general, it also contributes to recruiting, in particular to such brigades as the charter. thank you very much, mr. ruslan, ruslan muzechuk, the spokesman of the national guard of ukraine, was on our airwaves, and we, gentlemen, will now go on a short break, i will remind... just that i will remind, that we continue our collection, of course, we continue our collection, we are very close to the 900,000 hryvnia mark, for this we need to collect only 26,000, even less than 26,000, dear friends, please also join us thank you for all the likes that you leave, leave under our youtube broadcast, thank you for writing your comments about what we are saying here, further... oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer, will be on our air, we will talk with her, but it will be after a short pause, stay tuned
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stronger dear friends, we are back on the air, we will continue our marathon. oksana korchynska, as promised, the frontline volunteer is now appearing on our airwaves. we include her in our conversation. ms. oxano, good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. ms. oxano, what news do you have? well, you probably know the news, the biggest thing we need at the front is shells. we have a big shortage, across the board. and especially now we have a big problem with the fact that, perhaps, after all, we need the means of destruction drones, it is very difficult for commanders to act in today's conditions, when the enemy has eyes tens of kilometers away, that is, for us, these means of destroying drones are now very fundamental,
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because sometimes ordinary peaceful people, and even some of me... in the headquarters, some workers , officials of various ranks, think rap is the one that shoots down drones, no, rap helps us shoot down drones, fpv drones, and that's why we need so many raps on the front lines, including for medical equipment, and for drones, it's like shake, it's a shake, well conditionally, so that you understand, this is a knockout, that is, it is knocked out, but when the drone continues and leaves the reb zone. he sees everything, he relays, moreover, he relays that signal and what he recorded before that, and that is why we really need, after all, the means of destroying drones, because it is important that the enemy does not see and does not have eyes on most of our territory, and we still have a need, as always, it is repairs
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of new cars, including medical cars, we, we are constantly looking for ee... cars , car cases, vaku, thank you to the ministry of defense health, they helped us, a few months ago they gave us a batch of cars, but unfortunately, it is usually for a very short period and not a very small number of brigades received, because a small number, we need much more, we hoped we hope now, that we were heard at the event, because the heads of the ministry of defense, the command of the medical forces were recently in ramstein. hope we are heard because we are heard, we need evacuation vehicles, we need buggies, we need atvs, we need argo, these are such ubiquitous little ones that can swim, including rivers, and evacuate in hard-to-reach areas, we need jeeps for evacuation, this remains the most urgent need, and of
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course we need help. reps, because we constantly repeat it, and drones, you probably see it at the meetings of all our volunteer and charity organizations, because rap is an opportunity to protect our soldiers , including to protect our wounded and our medics. now all units are looking rebs for medical vehicles, we are looking for rebs for our combat medics, who carry paramedics from the battlefield, because now the most difficult situation and task is timely delivery. seriously wounded to the 100th point, unfortunately, not all of them make it due to the fact that they are in shelter for a long time, the commanders do not give permission to move the wounded during the day, because this is a threat to the wounded, and a threat to the medics and those who carry them, and our main movement begins at night, this is only due to
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the absence of rebs on our sanitary vehicles and our evacuation vehicles, because i say again, use... at the front , not only medical transport is used, including atvs, buggies, including, you know, motorcycles, we now really need electric bikes for many units, this is extremely important, because especially those , who are fighting against drones, so yesterday i had a difficult discussion with the chaplains, when i saw that the chaplains of some dioceses of the ocu are collecting money for shepherds on... easter, i myself am an orthodox person, and every sunday i go, confess, receive communion, i go to the liturgy, but i would turn to our brothers, to our kermanychiya. the orthodox church of ukraine still collects money exclusively for things that the front needs, this is what they are talking about, the military themselves are also talking about it, they even
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saw a photo when a military man wrote about the fact that, look, the paskas are being transformed, because their so many that the military does not have time to eat them, they simply begin to bloom later and then simply end up in the trash, which is why it is really worth thinking about the correct redistribution funds now the military needs more, more drones, more slaves, more needed cars for evacuation. yes, this is the first need for us, and that is why we respect our chaplains very much, and i turn to bishop john, who is the senior chaplain, this is exactly his order that the chaplains explained to me, they carry out by collecting money for shepherds. vladyka, we are begging you to listen to the front, please listen to us, last year. i have 100 points, i have somewhere on average one serviceman who was brought to me sick or wounded, plus the staff of the stapunt, we had up to 28 belts for one military man,
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imagine 28 belts for one military man, we didn’t know, we then dried them on breadcrumbs, we distributed them, it’s impossible, yes, because the communities hand them over to the brigades, hand them over, they are handed over by friends, given to churches from the communities where they are located, we beg you, you should not... collect money for the shepherds, because these are consecrated things, it is still a big sin, then throw them away, the money should be collected for the church for sanitary purposes cars and on slaves who save the lives of our defenders. i i hope that your appeal will be heard, in the end the people themselves, who, the parishioners themselves, who are watching khtr now, can also tell their priests about what to give... maybe we will direct the funds to something else, the belts will definitely be enough for our military , and they, and they will celebrate easter, in the conditions in
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which they are now. ms. oksano, i wanted to ask you one more question, you are communicating with the military, and surely you have heard some of their opinions regarding the fact that the deputies who voted for the law on mobilization and some of them deputies did not vote for... the norm, which would be excluded, actually, according to which it would be possible to demobilize a military man who went to war on the first day of the russian full-scale invasion, which they say, the guys considered how this is like a blow in the back, without a doubt, because our military, they are military personnel, they are citizens of ukraine who have served their country, went to defend it, and it is very difficult for them to understand, but... they absolutely prepared for the fact that the service will not less than three years, that is most of my comrades at the front remain, and they believe that in three years
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this is a normal amount for them, the main thing is to survive and without serious injuries, but nevertheless everyone was ready, and that is that the deputies should still remove this statue about demobilization, more, well, a lot of our defenders still took it as a blow in the back. it should not be like that, when a citizen of ukraine goes to defend his homeland, he should know the term of three years, that means three years, three years plus the term to demobilize, because i understood that it is impossible to demobilize half a million or 700,000 soldiers at the same time is unrealistic, which means that the schedule for demobilization will last for so many months. after three years , the schedule for demobilization must be followed . i understand how difficult it is now and the problems with mobilization, but nevertheless the absence of a law on demobilization poses threats to
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mobilization as well, because this is the factor that will not allow, will not exactly directly encourage mobilization, and i am very it hurts when i see that the guys who were going and had absolutely no doubts, including disabled people of the third group, that they... serve at least another year and have to, if plus or minus and there are still a few months, when they still now it's a little bit, well, i'll be a little bit older and among those boys who have three children, four children, i saw the reaction that they are still going to resign, and that's bad, because these are extremely valuable specialists for our armed forces, and therefore, i urge the general staff and deputies to do so as soon as possible. demobilization law, and women like mrs. myler keep quiet, she is a bad propagandist, people like mrs. mahler will,
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unfortunately, that's what they do. on the contrary , to disrupt the mobilization process, and this is very destabilizing, so it is fundamental for us that this does not happen, and of course, i also wanted to mention that now, in recent days, i had to deal with our boys, who passed a checkpoint with me a year and a half ago, and now they have it with amputations, these are servicemen with heavy amputations, with high ones, when there is no stump, in including as a result of the fact that the horizontal bar was the highest point. and they were evacuated for a very long time , more than eight hours, and now, according to the law, a year after the first prosthesis, after the mechanics, they have the right to electronic knees and to and to the increased functionality of the prosthesis, i was shocked that our ministry of social policy produces , that means, in addition to the fact that there is a special commission, where all documents must be collected again in order to submit a well-deserved protest with increased functionality, that is, with
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electronic root detection. which actually the amount allocated by the state for these high-functionality prostheses is not enough even for normal electronic knees, which, for example, my military wounded in the 17th and 18th years received when the state paid for them and they were prosthetics abroad, but i have there is such a roman maksymets, he is a triple amputee, he is missing an eye, he is one of the seriously injured, he is after the injury, after he got prosthetics from his son's three children, it is from... the money allocated by the state will agree to a worse electronic knee in prostheses, than it was put to him 7 years ago by the italians, this is nonsense, dear ministry of social policy and deputies, please, well, you can do it in the rear?
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deals with our seriously wounded, because in this case, when we send them to the hospital unit, we are convinced that they are worried about them, not only that, now no ministry, unfortunately, not the ministry of defense, not the ministry of internal affairs, not the ministry security did not do, not the ministry of veterans, including, did not do routing for the wounded when seriously wounded are treated in various institutions, both in military hospitals and in civilian hospitals, and when they need to go to... rehabilitation or the next stage, no one in the hospitals can tell them where to go next, where the rehabilitation stage will be, everything happens in manual mode, the wounded call , including me, who were passing through the city, the point and ask anatolievna, tell us where we should go next, because the doctors of the hospitals, including the ones in kyiv, do not tell us anything, where we will be sent next, where we should go to rehabilitation, a strange law for me, it seems about these two everything
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rehabilitation packages. for a year, as it was explained to me, a rehabilitation center, there are eight packages in total, but, but only for amputees, i categorically do not agree, and now i have asked for a meeting, of course, i will go to a meeting there with the deputy minister of veterans and i will seek the ministry of social policy, because it's nonsense when the military can't put high-quality prostheses on the newly wounded, but they are forced to put them, please excuse me, some yesterday, or for what cost... we'll talk about it with you later in our next broadcasts, thank you for the issues raised, oksana korchynska, a front-line volunteer was with us, dear friends, we remind you that our marathon continues, andriy saichuk and i work in this studio until the 12th, now eteresu will continue the project of our colleagues from radio freedom freedom morning, we
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will return at... at 9:45, well, at 9 o'clock i want to remind you that the whole country, we, the whole country remember the memory of all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, we will honor this memory with a minute of silence, we will honor the memory with a minute of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that... it was unleashed by russia.


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