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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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from radio svoboda svoboda morning, we will return to the air at 9:45, well, at 9 o'clock i want to remind you that the whole country, we, the whole country, remember the memory of all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression, we honor this memory with a moment of silence. we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting an information day together with you, and in this broadcast... we talk about such topics. russia seeks to resume the work of zaporizhzhya jsc already this year. putin informed the iaea about this, the wall street journal writes. why is it in moscow and is it technically possible. four separate bills on aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan and national security priorities were presented to the republicans by the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson. the hill publication wrote about it. will these individual bills find the support of american lawmakers. and when they will consider aid
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to ukraine. before the truce during the olympics, what will be held in paris this summer, the french president is calling for the involvement of the chinese leader in the negotiations on a ceasefire in the main conflicts that are ongoing in the world, including in ukraine. will they be able to do it and what is it for macron and how such a freeze, such a pause can affect the course of hostilities. we will discuss these topics together with you, as well as other experts on our broadcast . news and also write in the comments which topic is important to you this morning, and i will also remind you that you can ask your questions to the guests of this broadcast, also in comments under this video. at night, the russian army again attacked the territory of ukraine with drones. shahe, where the aggressor launched from the occupied crimea. the command of the air forces of the ukrainian armed forces reported that all nine drones were destroyed within the kherson, mykolaiv, khmelnytskyi, poltava, cherkasy and dnipropetrovsk regions.
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no damage or casualties were reported as a result of the attack. the intensive combat work of the air defense forces lasted for about three hours, it was reported in the southern command. in the west of the zaporizhzhia region, the positional operations continue battles, but no confirmed changes on the front line have been recorded. this is reported by the american institute for the study of war. positional battles, according to analysts, continue to the south-east and north-east of the robot. in the general staff of ukraine , they say that the day before, in the area of ​​this settlement, russian forces struck from aviation. the russian ministry of defense claims that the forces of the armed forces of ukraine were hit by fire near the village of robotino and allegedly suffered significant losses of ukrainian units near this village. but in the defense forces of the south, the day before, they showed what does the settlement itself look like now, clarifying, it is impossible to call it a working settlement, because there is no population there. people were forced to leave, because there was no one left in the village. surviving house.
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i would like to remind you that the armed forces of ukraine, located on the orihiv tokmalo highway in the zaporizhzhia region, were vacated in august 2023 . oleksandr kovalenko, adviser to the head of the zaporizhzhya regional state administration, joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for taking the time. greetings, dear colleagues. the defense forces of the south have published this work footage foot is there not a single surviving house left? tell us about the situation there , yes, yes, yesterday we are all together with you , there were hundreds and thousands of views of this viral video , the military demonstrated what is now left after the russian occupier destroys, roams the zaporizhia region, terrorizes peace on the population, once before during the war , about 350 inhabitants lived there, it was flourishing.
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word of mouth, now it has been turned into complete ruins, razed to the ground, there is not a single civilian left, even immediately after the liberation of this populated... point in august 2023, everyone was evacuated, all-round assistance, all-round support, humanitarian, legal, financial support was immediately provided, er, the regional government constantly communicates with the residents, now according to our information, we control it, they are already in a peaceful, controlled territory of course, mostly with their relatives, but if we speak in general about... in the current situation in zaporizhzhia, where can we say the most difficult, the most difficult situation in the region? well, i won't talk about right away military component, our military must and should comment on this, i will say in general about the situation, well, for example, over the past day, it
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is difficult, it is not easy, as it is for all the territories of our state, well, especially those regions that are as close as possible to dividing line. and where bloody hostilities are taking place, during the week we record 2.5-3 thousand arrivals, strikes by the russian occupiers, the number of strikes is increasing compared to the beginning of this year, well, let's say, in january, in february there were about 200, now 300-400, sometimes reaching half a thousand, for the past day. in particular, 310 strikes were carried out by deadly russian ironclads, of which 259 were artillery, 32, 32 attacks were unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, six guided aerial bombs
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hit our city of orichiv, which was actually destroyed by a russian terrorist, a russian occupier, like most of the population centers . where, let's say, lands, lands their their weapons. thank god, there were no victims this past, last day, although everyone received reports about the destruction, well first of all, this is the residential sector, these are objects of cultural and social purpose, they are never military objects, the regional authorities are doing their best to evacuate residents, there is a permanent hotline of the coordination humanitarian center, there are hotline phones of the national police, the national police offers the evacuation of civilians free of charge, because the main thing for
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us is to protect the lives of civilians, this is the most important thing, whatever will happen to everything that has been destroyed and, unfortunately, will continue to be destroyed, we will definitely refuse a... what is happening in the occupied territories of the zaporizhia region, what information do you have, are you in contact with anyone there, how are people, ukrainian citizens, and even more so with a pro-ukrainian position, what are the means for survival in general there are places where people earn money, take it to somehow survive, and is it possible for people to leave the occupation? well , it’s not easy to live, of course there are many pro-ukrainian people, i am the majority in this... the law did not remain in the controlled territory, they are constantly under under the pressure of the russian occupiers, then they are conducting a passportization campaign, let's say its involvement in the armed forces
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of the russian occupiers. . , unfortunately, it is not easy to do this in large geographical circles, through the autonomous republic of crimea, possibly through other territories, in order to get to georgia or the countries of the european union. i thank you sir oleksandr, who joined in on the situation in zaporizhzhia, spoke with oleksandr kovalenko, adviser to the head of the zaporizhzhia regional state administration. this is the freedom of the morning, be sure to subscribe to our channel and write comments, and if you can, share this video, it is important for this content to be seen by as many people as possible, then we will talk about the announced topic, a truce for a few weeks wants to organize emmanuel macron, the french president is working to
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ensure that hostilities in ukraine and the middle east during the olympic games were stopped, he stated this in an interview with the rms and bfmtv channels, this year the olympics will be held in... in paris from july 26 to august 11, for this macron even plans to appeal to the leader of china sidenpin, who will soon come to paris. according to macron, the olympics is a diplomat. important moment for peace, he also reminded that similar efforts were made by the leader of china before the winter olympic games, which were planned to be held in beijing, and that macron wants to involve other partners as well for the olympic intermission. officials in kyiv or moscow, so far, there has been no response to this proposal by macron, and it is worth adding that the olympic truce is a tradition that dates back to ancient greece, during the games all wars stopped, the holy was announced. armistice, ekecheria, and this tradition was revived by the international olympic committee in 1992.
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calls for a truce between russia and ukraine have been heard not for the first time since the large-scale war, so in 2022 the un called for an easter truce between ukraine and russia. at that time, secretary general antonio guterres proposed to stop hostilities for four days and open humanitarian corridors. ukraine agreed to the proposal. however, the truce did not materialize, russia refused to do so, as president zelenskyi announced at the time. petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine joins our broadcast. mr. peter, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine. heroemslav, a truce during the olympics, which macron wants to negotiate, is it possible, in your opinion, and will russia agree to it? in my opinion, no, it is impossible. russians are a unique nation in that they always are violate rules, even otto von bismann emphasized this trait of theirs at one time, that russians are such
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people that you cannot trust them, because they do not believe in themselves, and the crimean tatar people have another very good saying: you cannot rely on water and not you can trust the russians, they will definitely violate everything, i carefully follow what you said, you correctly emphasized that during the easter truce of 2022, the russians violated everything they could, and let's remember the infamous minsk agreements, they did not observe a single... day of silence of fire was violated almost every day, so i do not imagine what should happen now for the russians to take this step, but if we imagine, hypothetically, such conversations reach some kind of consensus, is it technically possible to do this at all, is it possible to stop shooting at 100%, but what is not possible, and what is technically, but the order is given to all the soldiers and they stopped shooting, there is no problem at all, but this point of the order must be reached. the russians will not reach it, i give 99.9% that such an agreement is impossible, of course not
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i can be 100% categorical, because it is not known what keys to putin's heart sidney pin can pick up, and objectively he can, but this is not the question, not the order, not the geopolitical expedient moment, for sindin pin to include some really serious levers, the order of the question is not the same, but some kind of military expediency, let's say, for such a pause, it can again hypothetically be for something to strengthen its positions, somehow rest, regroup, well, for ukraine and for russia? mutually, mutually, as if such a moment happened, then both we and they will rush to the next phase at a frantic pace, that is, it will definitely be used exclusively in the strengthening mode. well, then we will really follow how this story will turn out politically, in your opinion, we have heard about it, now to other important topics, in your opinion, whether the escalation in the middle east can... have a positive effect on the support of ukraine, although , for example, there is already a statement
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by the spokesman of the white house, john kirby, that the usa will not intervene in this war in ukraine and will not shoot down air targets, as, for example, they did in israel. let 's start with this second part, because there is a lot of speculation, unfortunately, and it is very unfortunate that they say why the allies are defeated there, they are not defeated here, it is simply the disproportion of the opponents, despite the fact that iran has an eschatological way. thinking, that is , they are determined to end the world in a nuclear apocalypse, but not this nuclear bomb, which is not there yet, because if it were enough, we would have definitely used it, and the russians already have it, and putin is bluffing, the question is how much by 80%, on 100 to 90 that he will use it, and considering that the doomsday clock has been moved forward 30 seconds, that's an incredible amount, there are 16 nobel laureates counting it all, then shooting down even a cruise missile that delivers strikes across ukraine. by the aviation of nato countries, this is a 100% entry into the war, i emphasize, a 100%
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entry into the war, and how it will all end, no one can predict, that is the harsh reality, to what extent is this surge of confrontation with iran, israel, here useful for us there are several cuts, some are useful, some are not useful, useful indeed, so there is hope that by the end of that week the aid will finally be voted on, and this blow really accelerated the process, which is called the political will of the republicans, but also the price of oil has crept up, and we realize that until now there is a freely convertible currency in the russian federations, even the russian federation in general. well, about the economic aspects, so to speak, the washington post wrote about the fact that high-ranking us officials were repeatedly urged by kyiv to refrain from strikes on russian refineries, because the priority they say, biden and the white house is supporting global energy markets to reduce inflation, and there were also doubts about the military benefit of these ukrainian attacks, and reuters writes that russia has already been able
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to repair some of the key oil refineries, in your opinion, from a military point of view point of view and taking into account the political... risks that arose with us partners due to these strikes on refineries, was it worth hitting these russian refineries? 100%, the more the better. let me remind you that the economy of nazi germany was broken by the bombing by the americans and the british of their factories for the production of synthetic gasoline. this is a historical fact. rakes, minister spers wrote in their memoirs: if this had not happened, then we would definitely have solved the issue of the eastern front. that is, the soviet union, the world is a hybrid, everything that fights has an internal combustion engine, one tank per day eats up to 300 tons of fuel per day, 300 tons of fuel per day, they emphasize, these are only tanks, and there are also self-propelled artillery installations, and there are also armored cars, other armored vehicles, ordinary cars and gasoline diesel generators
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need fuel, fuel, let's not forget, aviation is refueled with aviation gas, because it is produced precisely from oil at oil refineries, and the fact that the americans have begun to reflect so strongly indicates only one thing: we have felt a real pain point, and it is necessary to put pressure on it for very simple reasons of national interests, if yes, if it hurts you so much, then please give us as many weapons as possible, finally hand over the f-16, give them a large missile-bomb load, give one and a half thousand missiles atakams, and then we will think whether we will continue to hit this pain point or not. mr. petar, here is the volume of aid, in general, even the absence, for example, analysts of the institute for the study of war say that russian attacks can achieve significant and threatening success, especially west of bakhmut, if the usa does not provide aid to ukraine , and as if the russian troops are currently using the shortage of means of the ukrainian side to achieve minor tactical
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successes, how do you assess the current situation in general, at the front, given the amount of aid weapons that are there at the moment... at the moment , in a strategic sense, we are in the zone of fire balance, by the way, again, nothing new, we are already the third, we are in the third time in in this zone of fire balance, the first time, forgive me, was the summer of 2022 , even before the kharkiv operation, then the whole, the whole year of 2023, we were in it, and now the enemy has acted again. there are some offensive actions based on the principle of selami tactics, that is, cutting off small pieces of ours territory, but there is still no potential for serious program operations, whether they will build up, they will build up, they officially announced that they will create 14 new divisions, 16 new mechanized brigades and two combined armies, let me remind you that a division
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is 12,500 personnel , the brigade is up to 500, but if they really had this potential. they would definitely apply it and implement at least the task before them: to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region. daughter 57% occupied, 43% still to go. mr. peter, if you have literally a minute there, i would also like to ask about the situation at the zaporizhzhia military base, we at the military base will continue to talk about this in more detail on the air, because it became known that as if putin turned to the magathe and informed about the fact that... russia is planning to launch the reactors of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and what is it for russia at all, because all these two years of full-scale invasion after the seizure of zas, we hear information, there are video footage that the russian military are directly at the station, that there is russian military equipment there, then they need the station in order to somehow
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store their forces there or to produce this electricity, and anyway, the station is a precaution. from the strikes on the troops that are stored there, we understand that the station behind the square is a very gigantic object, there are many, many different rooms, not only the reactor casings themselves, and it is really possible to successfully hide equipment and personnel there , because we will definitely not beat on this, and russia is playing a hybrid game, let's not forget that the dance is the biggest in europe, and there really is a huge amount of electricity that can be generated as such, plus they feel the pain points right away. in the western world, because they desperately need negotiations, and nuclear blackmail in their understanding is a kind of point before the negotiation process, through magate, the head of magate pokalov showed. themselves exclusively from a position of loyalty to the russian federation, and they believe that they can find this negotiating point, or will find it, in my opinion no, whether they can resort to nuclear provocation,
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more likely yes than no, but it is also very difficult to predict what is in the minds of the fugitives. thank you, mr. peter, for joining our morning broadcast and for sharing your analysis. petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. important topics, sharp statements, operational news, all this is on our air, join in the comments, subscribe to the radio liberty channel, and be sure to also ask your questions and write your thoughts about what we discuss here ether next, let's talk about us aid to ukraine. during the closed conference of the house of representatives of the republican party, the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson , presented four separate bills on aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan and america's national security priorities, writes the hill. it is expected that the document will be submitted for consideration already this week. johnson's plan, the media reported, citing
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republican lawmakers , is to move four draft laws under one procedural rule that would allow for amendments. earlier, more than 90 congressmen of the us house of representatives, representing both parties, made an open appeal to speaker mike johnson johnson not to ... secretly introduce bills passed by the senate with the help of israel, as well as ukraine. the text of this letter was published on his official page by congressman josh gottgerman, who is one of its signatories. i will remind you that back in february, the us senate supported the bill, which provides aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of 95 billion dollars, 60 billion should go to aid ukraine itself. however, the chamber of pres. where the republicans have a majority, has not yet considered this draft law, my colleague sashko shevchenko talked the day before with the famous
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american retired major general david grange about when the congress will be able to make a decision on aid to ukraine and who is to blame for the lack of zsu shells, let's listen, and the full version of this interview will be on the platforms radio svoboda, in particular ours. youtube channels. let's also talk about the resources that the ukrainian military has. in the coming weeks, russia will likely have a 10-fold advantage over ukraine in the number of artillery shells, unless the us approves additional military aid to ukraine. this was announced by the commander of the nato joint forces in europe, american general christopher cavoli. how do you assess the needs of the ukrainian army now? do you highlight such concern? i agree with the general, he is absolutely right. we thought it was an advantage
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russia has five times the number of missiles, now it's 10 times, which is unacceptable, but it's not just the responsibility of the us, other countries have to be involved, but we have a role in the world, whether we like it or not, as the leader of the free world, and we have to give ukraine everything we can to ... defeat the aggressor, and it was necessary to do it earlier, and it is better to over-execute the plan, which means using absolutely all means, except, of course, nuclear means, which neither side wants to do, it is better to win quickly than to drag out the war for years by providing inadequate weapons and resources for war. so, yes, it needs to be done immediately. the us is now faced with incredible challenges of the possible. preparing to fight on two fronts: in the pacific region and in europe. but we also have an unprotected southern border, and that is being used for
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political purposes by both parties in the us. and so far it looks like a stalemate. therefore, it is necessary to support ukraine. it should have enough artillery and other types of weapons, which are necessary to repel russian aggression and to repel the territories that belong to ukraine. it is worth noting that warfare has also changed somewhat, most people are now killed by drones and other means, but artillery is still key. you mentioned the stalemate in the us. do you believe that congress will eventually be able to approve funding for aid to ukraine before the presidential election. i think yes they should do it, kona is too much. people need to remember that it is not only about ukraine as such, but also about its geographical
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location. nato is necessary. to have a buffer, the placement of ukraine is of great importance, and that is why it must be protected, but despite this, the ukrainians themselves deserve it, we have such a motto in the us special operations forces, the opresso liber, which means freeing the oppressed. ukrainians are now under the oppression of the russians, we have to change that. i think a decision will be made. this has already taken longer than i would have liked, but better late than never. never, i think it will still happen. yaroslav voydko, international expert, diplomat joins our broadcast. mr. yaroslav, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you a our viewers. about this separate bill on ukraine, and the other three, do you think it has a better chance of support than the $95 billion aid bill for israel, ukraine, and taiwan, which...
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they can't pass for months, at least not yet some process has gone on in the house of representatives, even these four bills, they will be considered as early as this week, speaker johnson said that he will bring these documents this morning washington time, it is still late at night for us to add 72, 72 hours for legislators as required by the rules of procedure to review these documents. well, for ukraine, there will be two bills that will concern it, one separately for ukraine, i think it will be about grant aid, the second will be about us national security priorities, this is the fourth document that will be considered separately, and there too it will be about the fact that aid can be provided to ukraine, as from those assets that can be frozen
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by the united states. america, they are, however, there there are not so many russian assets in the usa, somewhere from four to 8 billion dollars, but still this is the amount that ukraine needs, in addition, some part can be provided in the form of loans, which is what trump and his supporters in the house of representatives are talking about , in particular, there are those who say that there is no need to even give credit, there are ... absolutely die-hard trumpists like margery taylor green, who says that as soon as johnson brings this document to the floor for consideration in the house of representatives , she can to launch his impeachment concept for the speaker of the united states house of representatives, mr. johnson, so there will be a big fight there, and first of all we will see how much it...
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there will be a procedural vote, that is , there are no such bills yet, and they will vote, on a procedural issue, as a rule, those who are in the majority in the chamber, they vote for the inclusion of these bills, those who are in the minority, they are against the inclusion of these bills, and there will be a debate about the fact that not only these four laws should be there. and still on that fourth the draft law, or the one that concerns ukraine, so they just picked on, let's say, what about ukraine, should include, excluded so far, in the section about the need to ensure security on the southern border of the united states, and aid should depend on this ukraine, that is, there will be a big fight, in addition, when these bills, i
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very much ... hope that they will be considered and passed by the end of the day on friday, uh, then it will have to be sent to the senate, because actually the the $95 billion senate bill that you already mentioned, with 60 of them for ukraine, it is already divided into several draft laws, and after that, those laws that will be adopted in the house of representatives must be considered by the senate again, next week there again in both chambers... congress will be on vacation. mr. yaroslav, can the amount of aid for ukraine change in any way, because in the first bill passed by the senate, there should have been 60, a little more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine. now we heard, you mentioned it, that donald trump is no longer against aid for ukraine, but how loans, that is, it seems like a signal to
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shift the issue, but... the amount may really change.


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