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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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afternoon on friday were adopted, then it will be necessary to transfer it to the senate, because in fact the senate bill that you already mentioned, for 95 billion dollars, of which 60 billion is for ukraine, it is already divided into several bills and after that those laws , which will be adopted in the house of representatives, must be considered again by the senate, next week there will be again in both chambers of the congress... there will be a vacation, mr. yaroslav, and can the amount of aid for ukraine change in any way, because in that, well, the first the bill that was passed by the senate, and there was supposed to be 60, a little more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine, now we heard, you mentioned about it, that donald trump is no longer against aid for ukraine, but as loans, that is, it is like signal to shift the question, but can the amount really change? the amount
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will most likely change, because 60 billion is , well, like the ceiling that the senate said, it could allocate for ukraine, if there are several procedural points in terms of the allocation of this aid, then it will be, i really hope that after all, the grant part will remain, although not in the amount of 60 billion dollars, it was clean and without loans so far. it will be smaller by itself, in addition, the amounts that will be considered within the framework of the fourth draft law on national security priorities, they will also be smaller than what is actually needed in ukraine, and in addition, this will delay the entire process, because ukraine, let's say that help is needed as early as the day before yesterday, because this is a situation that does not even exist in... israel, and in taiwan,
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thank god, there are no fierce stages there yet battles, although israel was also attacked, we know for this weekend, but ukraine is in the most heated situation, if it is procedurally delayed again, and this will most likely be the case, then it will be bad for ukraine, but at least this process left and let's hope that these sums, let us... but will be approved, at this time europe, on the territory of which this largest military conflict after the second world war is taking place, must have its say, we are currently working with colleagues from the european union from nato countries on the european continent, so that they fill this gap that has formed, so that this amount will be less, but so be it. and summing up these two short questions.
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is the issue of israel or ukraine a priority for the united states at the moment, and is such an option being considered? in your opinion, they will consider other bills on aid to taiwan and israel, but ukraine will be put on the back burner? i think four bills will pass anyway, because mike johnson's promise, there's another johnson, boris johnson, our great friend, ex. the prime minister of great britain, who had a conversation with trump and said that you want america to be great again, america will not be great without providing, how it will provide the necessary military assistance to ukraine, that is , also such and such our friend borys jones came in, these issues will be considered separately, of course. and they can
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really delay until the end of the election campaign in the united states of america, as far as israel is concerned, they will wait, i think, for the answer, which should still come from of the israeli side to the terrible rocket attack that took place on the night of april 14, we do not yet know and have not yet decided what the response will be. the israeli side, it can be military and then, maybe in some way american lawmakers will express their displeasure, because after all, no one wants an escalation of the conflict, although israel is now saying that such a signal will be sent to iran, but not in such a way that , let's say, to bomb nuclear facilities on the territory of this country or to have some victims. so we will see how it develops the situation on the ground between
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israel and iran, and i also think that it will depend on how ukraine will receive this aid. military, especially experts, because even yesterday and the day before yesterday this help was needed. thank you for joining, yaroslav voydko, expert, internationalist, diplomat, was a guest of freedom mornings. meanwhile, the ministry of internal affairs of georgia announced the detention of 14 protesters who took part in a rally of the opposition and non-governmental organizations near the parliament building against the bill. ruling party georgian dream under the name of transparency of external influence. the detainees were accused of hooliganism and disobedience to the police, the georgian service of radio liberty informs. opponents of the georgian government consider the bill to be an analogue of the russian law on foreign agents. the georgian authorities say that
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the presented bill has nothing to do with the russian law. according to the organizers, the rally will continue until the ruling party abandons attempts to pass this law. the protesters consider him anti. democratic and anti-european at the meeting of the committee on legal issues of the parliament of georgia , the discussion of this bill continued yesterday in the morning, the discussions even turned into a fight between deputies from the government and the opposition. but the president of georgia, selome zorobishvili , criticized the actions of the police during the protest against the adoption of this draft law. she wrote about this yesterday on the x network. georgia will not succumb to new sovietization, this is a quote, that's what she wrote for... her post on this social network, this is the second attempt to pass such a bill, for the first time, the document was submitted to the country's parliament in the spring of 2023. next, as promised, we will talk about the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant,
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the drones that attacked the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on april 7 were probably launched near zaes itself, and therefore with a high probability. they could have arrived precisely from the territory occupied by russia, this is stated in the study of british military analysts, which they conducted on behalf of the international organization greenpeace germany. analysts say drones were used have a large radius, a small, more precisely , radius of action, it is 10-15 km, and that, although at first glance an attack on a russian-controlled military facility looks illogical, it was profitable for russia to blame ukraine for this attack in order to demonstrate the alleged... irresponsibility of kyiv on nuclear safety and to achieve the imposition of sanctions. meanwhile, the international atomic energy agency cannot say whose drones attacked the military. this was announced at a briefing after the meeting of the un security council in new york, which was initiated by the united states and partners regarding the situation at the military, stated
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the general director of the mht, rafael grossi. he says that the mht is concerned about this attack. first, the drone, as we all know, is technically sound. functioning has a diverse trajectory, it soars, it circles. remember, this plant is on the front line, it can enter the territory occupied by russia. it can go from different places. the technical, i would say, forensic evidence doesn't allow me to say that it's definitely something that came from here or there. at the same meeting of the security council in gros stated that the potential danger of a major nuclear accident remains very real, although the damage to the structures is superficial, the attack creates a very dangerous prese'. successful targeting of the reactor's protective shell, said general director magate. the permanent representative of russia to the un, vasyl ne benzia, accused ukraine of the attack on the armed forces, and the permanent representative of ukraine to the un serhiy kyslytsia denied these accusations , saying that the only guarantee of the nuclear and
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radiation safety of the armed forces is its demilitarization and deoccupation. i will remind you that on april 7, the ministry of defense announced the explosion of a drone on the territory of the armed forces. at least three direct hits in the structure of the protective shell of one of the six reactors, and it is known about one injured employee of the armed forces. according to the mht, nuclear safety was not violated. and the russian state company rosatom then blamed ukraine for the attack. the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine stated that kyiv was not involved in the attacks on the armed forces. on the other hand, simulated strikes on occupied military bases are a practice of russia - so say the uhurians. the other day, the general staff of ukraine announced that russia was preparing. a new provocation on the armed forces under a false flag. also, the american edition of the wall street journal, citing anonymous sources , said that during the recent meeting of vladimir putin with zerfeil grossi in sochi, the russian president informed the head of the mht about the plans to launch the military. i would like to note that currently
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all reactors of the occupied nuclear power plant are in a state of cold shutdown and do not produce electricity. we will talk about the situation at the armed forces later. expert nuclear center of ukraine joined our broadcast. greetings, thanks for joining. good a.m. tell us your version of why moscow is behind... with the au, is it technically possible? well, first of all, about the fact that they are going to produce at least one power unit per capacity for electricity production. grosi learned about this when he was at zas 7 in february of this year, and after that he planned to go to russia, but the visit to russia did not take place until march. and he received confirmation from. why do they need putin? the director of the occupation administration, chernichuk, said that
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this year marks 40 years since the first power unit zaes was connected to the power grid, i.e. 40 years of operation of the station, i.e. they, this is for such a propaganda purpose, first of all, this is the first, second, transfer of power unit 4 to cold shutdown. in a speech yesterday, grosi said that it was magate's recommendation. in fact, he is wrong. and he, er, because the transfer of all power units to a cold shutdown is a requirement of the ukrainian regulation on june 28, 2023, after the explosion of kakhovsky des. but they kept power unit 4 in a hot shutdown. despite the fact that there, even. the experts of the mission saw that the flow of coolant from the first circuit to the second and the fact
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that they switched to a cold stop on the rest can indicate two such ways: the first, or damage to the equipment of the steam generators, they have already lost three steam generators per curtain, or they are preparing to to the next provocation, i.e. to the switch to internal... needs for the consumption of electric power from the russian power system, and here is what gore said there yesterday, that under a foreign flag, it is possible to transfer to a cold stop precisely with this with the aim of having an additional weight of influence, playing on connected to the network and disconnected, you understand, now the as consumes electricity for the combined energy. of ukraine and grosi stated in his speech that the reserve line of 330 kv, which is zaporizhzhya thermal
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ferroalloy, was damaged due to russian shelling, well, he told me about this, of course, on our territory, from the other bank of the dnieper, and the russian military did not keep quiet, the possibility, the possibility to restore this line to the repair teams of ukrenergo, that is, they specially kept it under tension for four... months everyone, and in particular magatte, that is, the as was on one line of 750 kv, unreserved, that is, there are plans to switch, why is it still realistic, because if they will bring the reactor to power, then the generated electricity must be taken somewhere, you understand, that is, they will not produce it for unification. powerhouses of ukraine, so gur warned what he
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meant, we will observe further, but that i do not like the whole situation, grosz did not say in his speech, who exactly violates these five principles that relate to the military activities, our partners the usa, france, poland, the permanent representative of... the eu, prion, great britain said about it, they were the ones who said about the mining of the perimeter with the as, about the mining of the cooling tank, great britain declared about such, equipped, even on the roofs reactor units, that there is military equipment, there is video and photo evidence that military personnel are moving there in any premises, even. to which there is no access , the staff of zaez grosi did not tell me about it, well,
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on the one hand, it is strange to me, but on the other hand, i understand such helplessness of all these international security organizations, from the mgt, which is nuclear-traditional security, to the security council, which in fact cannot do anything, and while the station is occupied, ms. olga, thank you for... olga kosharna studied , the founder of the non-governmental organization anti-crisis expert nuclear center of ukraine, was a guest of freedom in the morning, we talked about the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, for supporting our project with your likes, sharing this video and by subscribing to the radio liberty channel, stay with us every weekday from 9 o'clock, here on the radio liberty channel, also on the air of the tv channel. i am kateryna nykrecha and the entire freedom morning team, we wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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shape, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress instead of a full mattress. mattress pay only half. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon. andriy lesya vakulyuk. in this the studio is open for you until 12 o'clock, now we will add our next guest to our conversation, i want to remind you that we are collecting money and there is less than 19 thousand left in order for us to have 900 uah in our account 2 million necessary for our military,
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we are collecting drones for fpv for two brigades, so please join in, don't waste a minute or a second in order to, in order to do... in order to have that tick today that i helped the ukrainian today troops to repel the enemy. evgeniya kravchuk, national the deputy of ukraine is already appearing on our screens. ms. yevgenia, we congratulate you. greetings, good morning. mrs. yevgenia, i wanted to ask you about the session of the parliamentary assembly, which is currently underway, and actually about the news from there, for example, there was the name of the oil fields. russia is a legitimate target of ukraine. we heard calls from the americans that ukraine should not hit the refinery. pare says that this goal is still legitimate. what does it mean? this means that on wednesday this resolution still needs to be voted on, but in fact this amendment has already passed to the committee and it was submitted by an estonian deputy, so
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it even deviated from the actual one. which is a member of nato, and it is important, in fact, that even the organization that, in principle , deals with it, the council of europe, is talking about human rights, and, in fact, it is just some common sense, as they say, so healthy nonsense, and when everyone reads the news that there are calls to beat later, not to beat later, then do it... glust is winning, of course, that the resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is more like a public appeal, yes, it will be in new and by the way, in this very resolution there will also be an appeal to the united states, to congress, to finally vote for help, and there is
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a certain, well, i would say, even a flash mob in different countries, because the parliaments of different countries are now adopting it, in particular the french parliament, the national assembly, also an appeal to congress to accept aid to ukraine. ugh, another interesting one, too... us pari that pari did not recognize the legitimacy of russian president putin, that is , they do not consider him the legitimately elected president of russia, what does that mean, what does that give us? well, in fact, the venice commission, which is part of the structure of the council of europe, gave a conclusion a year ago that these are the changes to the constitution of the russian federation, the so-called, where putin extended himself. reigning for a virtually unlimited period, that is, he sneered at a two-term limit, well, this is the valetsian commission, that is, lawyers, so these
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are not even some political appeals, then, well, the elections should not actually take place in such a way, well, with the participation of himself putin, and also, if i am not mistaken, last year, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on the basis that's exactly... adopted a resolution that, well, no, the election cannot be recognized , including because there should not be such a candidate at all, and now this is already a continuation, in fact, on wednesday there will be such a debate, which will connected with the death of navalny there, with possible sanctions against those who were detained there and kept in karamurza prison, but our task and the tasks of our partners. to make these so-called resolutions, which are more about russia, to make them about the victory of ukraine, but we are actually trying to do this with different amendments
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do and will do, but today, among such resolutions, which are exclusively dedicated to ukraine, it is very important, it is a resolution on the reconstruction of ukraine, and it contains an important call and an important conclusion, including the committee on legal... issues that confiscation russian assets and their transfer to ukraine through such an international fund is absolutely necessary, legal, and sanctions are a consequence, and there must be countermeasures, but exactly countermeasures are the seizure of these assets and their transfer, transfer to the affected country. mrs. yevgenia, parliament voted for the mobilization law. it doesn't have, many of the important amendments that were debated were not supported, in particular the amendment about the possibility of demobilization after 36 months at
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war was not supported, did you vote for that amendment, if as far as i know, you supported that amendment, if you look in the system, then they will say that i did not vote, but it was some kind of technicality. problem, i even wrote statements to count my vote, and you know, literally two days ago, your colleagues, if i'm not mistaken, it was radio freedom made such a short video, i would advise you to watch it, and it is 3 minutes long, and they interviewed, let's say, on the streets of kyiv, men of draft age, whether they would go to the tsc to update their data, so that was the first question, well, in fact, in my opinion, one person out of ten is there. they said, well, if they press hard, then i will go, well, as if what to do, and then the second question was, do you support or do you not support the fact that
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there was no rule on demobilization and there it will be finalized there about rotation and so on, so the same people said: well , of course i don't support it, it's terrible, and the journalist asks, don't you see the contradiction between the fact that you don't go to the tsc and the fact that it doesn't exist? er, this norm, so they are connected, and of course it is painful and, in general, the war is unfair to ukraine, but under these conditions, understanding that the russians recruit +300 thousand in the summer, then i understand that there will be additional sets of people in the fall, so the army just doesn't exist, it can't, there's no such possibility. is actually to do this complete demobilization, because it's a lot, it's hundreds of thousands of people during a full-scale invasion, that is, you, but the issues must be resolved by ...
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rest because it can't be that someone sits on the front line all the time and no, there is no rotation, in order to make these full-fledged rotations, and not just short-term vacations there, someone has to come to this first line, well, to replace the soldiers, as far as we know, you have people in your family who left defend ukraine? what do they say about it, these people are in every family, yes, friends, there are those who did not return, and this is also very painful, and it is clear that everyone wants a person to be at home, and i perfectly understand the families there, and that this is our first wish, so that everyone would return home,
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live a normal life, but... we have a choice, as that choice was in the 18th year in the unr, right? by the way, the central council voted for demobilization in the 18th year. how it ended, we remember, we can talk here for a long time, because it is, well, if history, which is not there, did not feel the value of this independent state, that the soldiers did not want to fight because they did not understand what they were fighting for, yes, but after that there was not just the occupation of ukraine, after that there was a famine and after that millions of people were destroyed. when the ukrainian people's republic actually lost, it stopped fighting against the bolsheviks. eh, regarding the latest strikes on the ukrainian energy system, in particular the destroyed trypilska velika tes. and the question that is currently being discussed at the expert level, in particular, is the question of whether they could have been protected better, or whether there is any sense in some kind of engineering protection? some think so, some experts say.
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that it is impossible to protect against a serious missile attack by engineering means, one way or another, there is, for example, a column written by mustafa naim, who heads the agency for reconstruction and development, and where he says that the government did not involve the agency in defense, for example, of trypil theses and is ready to report on the situation with the protection of energy facilities for members of the parliament, whether the parliament is being studied... the question, it may become a key, critical one in the winter, for example, and whether the agency and others will be invited, for example contractors who are and have been engaged in the protection of these critical objects in order to study what the situation is, maybe there are some abuses, maybe there is some incompleteness, well, of course, first of all, you need to listen to the minister of energy, so about
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the future. preparing for the heating season, because it is already obvious that it will be more or less difficult than even the last one, that is, there will also obviously be a lack of electricity, but here the issue of heating is also very acute, and especially for such a city as kharkiv, for example , where there are 7,000 homesteads, many live in multi-story buildings, and there are snakes when they are destroyed. which theses, moreover, not only shtrepilsky was destroyed, so the question of how , in fact, there will be heating in these houses, and there , well, certain measures, as far as i know, we have 30 seconds, is there any, or will galushchenko come to you on , well, we have according to the schedule that i see in the verkhovna rada yes, the previous calendar will be every friday, well, when the meeting is for the hour of questions to the government, it is obvious that on one of
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the days there will be the minister of energy or someone else responsible for the protection of energy resources, but when there is a flying dagger and it is a direct hit, well, no sand, no defenses, well, they will not help against a direct hit, so we need air defense, that is why we say that air defense will not attack us. thank you, mrs. yevheniya, yevheniya kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine was with us, and now we are watching a fresh selection of news, kateryna shirokopoyas is ready to tell you about it. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will promptly tell you about the most important events in... the country , congratulations, it's news time on the espressu tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. deadly road accident


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