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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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by the way, in such countries, for example, such as egypt or jordan, well, they actually came to the defense of israel, helped israel in repelling this iranian attack, on this country, that is, even the arab countries, some, if not all, but nevertheless, they also understand all the danger that iran poses to the entire middle eastern region, and how, mr. volodymyr, china affects the middle east and , accordingly, including iran, well , considering that there is this conditional axis of evil, or at least this mutually supportive axis is russia, iran, north korea, china, syria, and here we see that olaf scholz, the federal chancellor of germany, has arrived there, and this visit has begun. day visit, then xi jinping
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is going to europe, and he will be formally at the anniversary meeting with macron, because it is 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, china and france, then he will travel around europe to smaller countries, or in this situation the position china can prevail in some way. shift the situation in the near east to the side of our western partners, well, for ukraine it is important enough that in the situation regarding the future of the global summit in switzerland, so that china would also play an important role, and this role would be for the benefit of the civilized world, that is, for the benefit of ukraine. it seems to me that china continues to take such an expected position, it, by the way... could
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have a much greater influence on the same iran, given that from an economic, from a trade and economic point of view, iran is very closely connected with china, it is an exporter of energy russia to china and an importer of many, well, large quantities of chinese products, so there are levers here influence on iran, but we don't see it yet, from the swiss point of view. which conference and china's role, here, here too, it seems to me that china still has not approved any final decision on whose side it should take, on the one hand it, it continues to insist on the fact that it should participate in this conference russia, and that this conference, well , it is only possible in general, well, let’s say, china’s participation in this conference is possible only if russia and ukraine support exactly this format, but...
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today it is unrealistic, on the other hand china still, i think is still thinking about taking part in this conference, regardless of whether russia will be represented there or not, because after all this is only the first stage, the conference is a process, it is quite a long one the process, if we recall, well, such analogues as, say, the conference on bosnia, or several international conferences on the same near east, all this dragged on. for years and hope that some decisions will be approved in switzerland right in june, well , of course, this is unrealistic, so for china there is still time to think, he could still take part, well, at least in some observer status or i don't know, in some other, in order to fix his place, his role in this process, because china is not for nothing came out, well, more than a year ago, from the so-called... peace plan, china wants to be
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the mediator, it was quite unexpected for many, because china until now, well before at least, has never played such an important role, let's say in the announcement conflicts in europe, well, for example, the same old one the yugoslav conflict, china's role there was absolutely zero, china is busy with its own problems, will go to the east of nazism and so on, eh, here for some reason he decided after all eh... well, no, no, not for some reason china wants to raise its role in of international affairs, it is a permanent member of the security council, a nuclear state, it wants to be a more global state, and that is why, it seems to me, they are trying not to stay away from the russian-ukrainian war. well, but for today still, uh, we have to, uh, state the fact that china, if he does not fully support russia, then at least, well, only... as her sympathizer, that is
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, he helps russia, maybe not so openly, not in the way that russia would like, but even in this diplomatic process of negotiation and preparation for the conference. china is always running around with this idea that russia must be there, that without russia this conference will not be successful and so on, so i think that by doing so, it is sending uh, well, in the end those signals, which he hears, or the requests he hears from the russians for a reason, they are rhetoric the chinese now became very active after lavov's visit to beijing, uh, it's clear that they discussed these issues there, and i'm sure that lavrov simply asked the chinese to voice these signals , in order to strengthen the russian position, but, well, for me personally , the fact is beyond doubt that with russia today, well
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, there is simply nothing to talk about at this conference, if we allow russia to this conference, it will turn into the same circus, as we observe today in the council security of the united nations. that is, we will hear all sorts of delusions, and this will completely undermine the whole meaning of this conference, so i think that this is the right decision, so that, at least at this stage, no russia will be there, we will see later when the position of those 80 or 100 countries, i don't know how many there will be in switzerland, the more the better, but when it will be a common position, if not even on all points of the so-called zelenskyi plan, er... or the peace formula, then at least on some of them , and there are such things, for example, nuclear security, energy security, food security, the situation on the black sea, that is, these are issues that are by no means limited to ukraine, these are issues that should concern not only ukraine of our
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partners, but also the so-called countries of the global half a day, then maybe we will be able to create, well at least... this is the first stage of this geneva, aka swiss conference, some common platform of these 100 countries, which will help us in the future to come to some formulas for the conclusion of this of this war, i i mean politically, although today it looks like the main negotiator from our side is the armed forces of ukraine, and it depends on them what the negotiating position of ukraine will be, both at this conference, er... and at the next stages. the scholz i mentioned, who is currently in beijing, plans to ask the chinese leader to influence the russian dictator putin and help end the war against ukraine, reuters writes. well, today the president of france, emmanuel macron, announced his
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initiative to cease fire in the main ones conflicts that are ongoing in the world, including the war in ukraine during the olympic games, which will be held in france and calculates. for the help of the chinese leader in this matter, you see, everyone is counting on the help of the chinese leader, so this is a star time now for xijin ping, who wants to be, if not the first, then at least the second, or neither the first nor the second, as he said one classic of ukrainian politics. tell me, please, this truce that macron is talking about, whether putin can go to it, and what this truce will give and first thing for ukraine, did you remember? what happened literally a few days after the end of the sochi olympics, by the way, there was also a visit, mr. xi’s visit to russia, and then putin came to china, and there were also calls, but literally
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a few days after the end of the sochi olympics, putin started a large-scale inundation on the territory of ukraine, i.e. never saw the olympic truce or called for them. and did not prevent them from behaving defiantly in the international arena, and by the way, if you go further into history, then remember august 2008, when the olympics were held, i no longer remember where, and what happened to russia at the time on the territory of georgia, that is, i always have the impression that russia, on the contrary, uses the olympic games to start some kind of war, in beijing , by the way, it was in 2008 year, so exactly in beijing, so thank you. mr. volodymyr, we have to go off the air, thank you for participating in the program, it was volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, former permanent representative of ukraine at the united nations. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for
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those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, join our platforms and participate in our vote. today, we ask you about the following: should we redirect funds from a single telethon? the armed forces of ukraine have intermediate survey results on tv 97%, yes 3% are against it, and on our youtube. ratio 95% yes, 5% - no. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa cape covers with a discount of only 599 hryvnias. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers, the upholstery is torn. covers sofa cape. tired of the color. sofa cape covers. one movement. and in front of you is your updated favorite sofa for almost nothing. just look at these incredible. dividing the furniture of our customers is so simple and so affordable, because the price of the covers is much lower than the price of
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by football together are stronger. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of the tv channel. my name is serhii rudenko. let's talk today about the mobilization law and who bit the ex. the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, hanna malyar, and also about the loan from trump and how the lviv customs officers work a little for the state and a little for themselves, well, at least that's what they say about themselves. let me remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who now watch us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and take. participation in our survey, today we ask you about the following: should the funds from the single telethon be redirected
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to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that the funds from the single telethon should be redirected to the armed forces (0800-2011). 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let's start our conversation with the law on mobilization and what, in fact, is provided for by this law. i would like to remind you that on april 11, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the draft law on mobilization as a whole, but parliamentarians removed from the document the provision that would have provided for the demobilization of military personnel after 36
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months of service. let's look at the story about what and... and how it will happen from now on after the president signs the law on mobilization? two versions of the bill: more than three months of work, more than 4,000 amendments and , as a result, 283 votes in favor. the verkhovna rada finally adopted a new law on mobilization, its strengthening is a necessary condition for ukraine's survival as a state, ukrainian military personnel say. zahidna writes about it. the ukrainian government avoided the unpopular topic. supreme commander-in-chief president volodymyr zelenskyy in public speeches emphasized and continues to emphasize that the strengthening of conscription is an initiative of the military command. deputies are responsible for its implementation. with regard to the bill, or one of the bills regarding
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the mobilization amendments, that was voted on this morning. at our request. of our troops, the military leadership , there are some changes in the mobilization, and according to this mobilization, there is a strengthening of control over deviations, among those who voted for, most of the servant of the people faction and the voice, the trust group and former members of the banned opzh, the european solidarity faction and the country of origin did not support the document, primarily through the decision of the specialized committee. at the last moment to exclude from the draft law the provision on the demobilization of those who have been at the front since the first days of a full-scale invasion. i clearly emphasized our claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and for the army. the first is the lack of clear
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legislative guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 36 months, 18 of them in the front line. the second is rotation, which must also take place to restore the combat capability of a person and a unit. about exclusion the norms regarding demobilization after 36 months of service were requested by the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. the same position was followed by his predecessor, valery zaluzhnyi. there is an acute shortage of people at the front, what will happen in a year is unknown. the enemy exceeds us by 7-10 times, we lack personnel. we now have two, some departments have three or four men left in our departments. according to tactical standards , this unit manages to defend a guaranteed 100 meters of the
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defense front. if there are two men, they can to defend 20 m... the question immediately arises: who else has 80? position of the general staff to develop a separate draft law regarding the terms and conditions of mobilization. according to the ministry of defense , this should take about eight months, which means that for the time being, only one door will remain in the ukrainian army: the entrance. the way out is either a serious injury or a return from captivity. uncertainty increases tension among military personnel. many of... who want to know when exactly they will be replaced by others. the new law should help significantly replenish the ranks of the defense forces. it provides as a whip for dodgers, as well as gingerbread for those who will join the ranks of the army. in particular, all citizens of ukraine who are on military registration must, within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law, clarify their registration
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data. this also applies to those who are abroad. it will be possible to do this both in person and by phone or... through an electronic office, otherwise men of conscription age will not be able to receive consular services, as well as issue a foreign passport. basic military service is being established in ukraine instead of conscription, they will have to go through it citizens from 18 to 25 years old, up to 5 months in peacetime, up to three months during martial law. registration in the electronic cabinet is voluntary. the summons will not be sent through it. dodgers will be deprived of the right to drive a car, those who do not update the data will face a fine, previously up to uah 22,500. other restrictions, such as seizure of property until the final version of the law. didn't get in another innovation: all men who were first diagnosed with disability of the second and third
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groups after february 24, 2022 will have to undergo the vlc again. it does not apply to servicemen who were seriously injured during a full-scale invasion. a number of motivations are provided, for example, the right to a one-time compensation of 50% of the first mortgage loan payment and an additional payment of 100,000. hryvnias, plus another 100,000 after the second year of service, military personnel and their spouses will also not be charged interest for using the loan, and fines and penalties, if it is not about a car or mortgage, a month at zero will be counted as years of service for three, for the destruction or capture of enemy equipment, additional leave and remuneration, and at the request of the parliament, the cabinet of ministers still passed a resolution on additional payment of 70% uah per month for those on the front lines. the society is already actively discussing the new law. many civilians are unhappy with increased controls and sanctions.
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military personnel have opposite claims to the document. briefly according to the adopted law. in my personal opinion, he should have been tougher. in terms of the responsibility of the dodgers, especially, because i don't see it there now effective norms in general, but taking into account the tenacity with which people's deputies worked. it's good that they accepted at least something. the age of those subject to mobilization is also changing. at the beginning of april, president zelenskyi finally signed the draft law, adopted 10 months ago, on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. ato veteran taras chmut, the head of one of the largest charitable funds return to life, in an interview with ukrainian pravda, expressed the opinion that the signature appeared too late. in my opinion, mobilization should take place from the 20th. we too much time has been wasted, if we want to survive as a country, we have to go back to the war, face it, accept it as a reality and
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start doing something about it, because otherwise it's all for nothing, all these hundreds of thousands of people who died, who were maimed, who are dying today, while we are talking here, it is all in vain, how many people... to be called up to the ukrainian army additionally. previously, the president voiced the figure of 500,000, saying that this was exactly the number the military leadership had asked for. but recently zelensky emphasized that the needs of there is currently no such large-scale mobilization, as the ukrainian general staff conducted audits and found internal reserves, that is, those military units that have not yet directly participated in military operations on the front lines. according to ukrainian intelligence estimates, on june 1 in russia under 300,000 additional troops are preparing a major offensive. ukraine's defense forces need to make up for the losses they suffered during two years of full-scale
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invasion. according to the estimates of the internet publication teksty.orgua, which rely on open data, the mobilization reserve of ukraine is 5,200,000 men aged 25 to 60 . these are those who are in the territory controlled by ukraine and do not have a reservation. or the right to a postponement, while the discussion in ukrainian social networks continued, and ukrainians discussed the lack of a norm on demobilization, mariana bezugla, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, stated that the law on demobilization will not be the end of martial law, and this is to blame... also russia, she says that while the war continues, there will be no demobilization laws, although the day before, the spokesman of the ministry of defense
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of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin, said that such a law could appear in 8 months. now we see what bezugla says, and we saw how bezugla did her business with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how she sought. his resignation and in the end the president of ukraine signed a decree on the resignation of luluzh from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and now maryana bezugla, the same bezugla herself, says that that there will be no law on demobilization, and she fully supported the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine hanna malyar, who quarreled on the public airwaves with people's deputy from the voice party inna. during the discussion of precisely the norm or topic of demobilization of the military, malyar began to persistently advise the servicemen, including her husband.
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inni sovsun read the constitution, where it is written that demobilization during martial law is impossible, which brought to tears the deputy, whose husband, as i said, for more than two years is at the front. let's see how it all turned out. my husband went to the front on february 24 , 22, and he is still there, and we are fighting for him. when he left, he knew the norm of the constitution, that...
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military personnel are made guilty, that they are monstrous, that they have not finished reading the constitution in our country, they ensured a rotation of rest.
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as for what they think about demobilization, hanna malyer, who was once the deputy minister of defense of ukraine and was responsible for communications there, does not want to, by the way , as a communicator, she should have understood that people must be listened to, including family and friends, those who are at the front. today, hanna malyar published an apology to inna savsun on her facebook, she admitted that she had no right to react so emotionally to the talk show, i will quote ms. mahler: i was outraged by the fact that people's deputy inna savsun refrained, that is, did not give my vote for a law vitally important for the country, but this does not justify me, i am wrong, i apologize to the people's deputy of the faction inna sovsun's vote, it is very a strange apology, to be honest, because hanna malyar should probably be asking the question. about the fact
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that the demobilization clause was removed from the law on mobilization, among other things, this demobilization clause about 36 months of service in the armed forces during martial law was proposed to this law by the deputy of the servant of the people, mariana bezugla, the same mariana bezugla, who now says that there will be no law on demobilization, and without demobilization, of course, this whole story... with the law on mobilization looks just like a stick, a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man who had would be in the form of demobilization, it simply does not exist, that is, ukrainians are told that you will be mobilized, but you will serve as long as necessary, not until the next mobilized replace you there in 36 months or 48 months, but until , as long as you
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serve. as long as you have the strength and as long as this entire war continues, frankly speaking, the behavior of hanna malyar disappointed me quite seriously, because i frankly thought that a person who was the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, after all after all, she will be more restrained and answer for her words and for what... she fights for what she did in her position, especially since it all happened on the air of the united telethon, and therefore it was very strange, frankly speaking, and it all sounded very strange, that's why, actually, that's not why we're conducting a survey and we're asking you today, friends, about whether it's worth redirecting the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine, because actually denis shmyhal...


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