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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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ready to inform us about all the important information at this moment, we will pass the floor to anya and briefly ask you to tell us about what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will work on the situation in the regions and what the audit in the ministry of defense showed, as well as many other events. next, be with espresso. i will start with the following: president zelensky signed the law on strengthening mobilization, the relevant information appeared on the official web portal of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. attack on ivyary time of donetsk region. the occupiers have transferred additional forces there to try to capture the city - said the spokesperson of the national government.
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part of the front is dynamic, the ukrainian defenders he noted that the current situation is that they are trying to get all directions and prevent an attack from the flanks. at the same time, the enemy mobilized reserves from the liman direction and is preparing to intensify the assault. this is evidence that time is very important for the enemy, mozychuk noted. a breach of 10 billion hryvnias was discovered in the ministry of defense. the department conducted an internal audit, he said deputy minister of defense yuriy dzhiger. according to him, the audit revealed inefficient decisions and risks in asset management. it was possible to eliminate some shortcomings already during the audit and thus save more than 1 billion hryvnias, dzhiger concluded. at the same time, the deputy stressed that internal checks in the defense department are ongoing. according to the results of audits, law enforcement officers have already initiated dozens of criminal proceedings.
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a 57-year-old woman and a 49-year-old man were wounded and treated, the russians dropped the cap after lunch to the village of zolochiv in the kharkiv region. according to the information of the head of the region, oleg sinyohobov, the building of ukrposhta was hit. there is a partially destroyed wall and broken windows. 15 people were injured as a result of berislav's attack in the kherson region. the enemy dropped an aerial bomb on the city, the prosecutor's office informed. region the wounded were treated in the city. residential buildings, shops and a pharmacy were damaged. also in the morning, the russians attacked the village of zolota balka. a 56-year-old man was hospitalized with a blast injury and a hand wound. you can take revenge on the russians with a donation. continues collection from espresso tv channel. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. in the hot eastern direction, they are in tough battles. choose our independence with you.
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thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 72,000. there are no small donations. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join, you can see all the details on the screen. polish farmers unblocked the checkpoint: dolgobychov u hryniv at the moment, registration and... the passage of trucks in both directions is carried out as usual, informed the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. according to the agency, there are currently 100 trucks waiting in line to leave ukraine in front of this checkpoint. another 30 trucks are awaiting registration on the territory of poland. earlier, the border guards reported that during the past day, polish protesters did not let a single car into poland at three checkpoints. on... on the temporarily
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occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, a local deputy of the occupation authorities, anton, was blown up yakymenko, an explosion rang out in the village of yakymivka. another traitor, volodymyr rogov, told about it. he noted that an attempt had been made and accused anton yakymenko of the ukrainian special services. in the fake local elections , one of the top three candidates from the party of the russian dictator putin, united russia. in what state is he now? not yet known. he made a business trip to europe, and went on his own business. employees of the state bureau of investigation opened a case against the deputy chairman of the poltava regional council. he is charged with official forgery and fraud. by according to the investigation, in march the official arranged a business trip to the polish city of bydgoszcz. apparently for holding official meetings. however, upon arriving in krakow, he immediately boarded the plane. and headed to portugal for
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a vacation. during this trip, he also received a salary. the official faces restriction of freedom for up to two years. it is important. conversation, us president joe biden met with czech prime minister petr fiala at the white house. together, they discussed security issues, as well as aid to ukraine, the roits agency reports. during the conversation, the american leader noted the support from the czech republic, in particular efforts to provide artillery ammunition for the ukrainians. biden separately emphasized the importance of congressional approval of the aid package bill. fiala is expected to visit the u.s. congress. convince its members to sign additional financial support for ukraine. and at least 17 people died as a result of flash floods in oman. the cause of the natural disaster was heavy rains on the arabian peninsula. as reported by the reuters agency,
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rescue operations are ongoing in the country. in flooded regions schools and government institutions are closed. the storm is still raging for the next few days in the northeast and north. weather forecasters expect heavy rains and russia is also drowning, this time a lot of water has reached the tyumen region, according to the local governor in the region, the probability of a dump breach or overflow in several areas has increased. the peak of the flood is expected on april 23-25, and according to forecasts, it will exceed the historical maximum. in the morning, the urgent evacuation of residents of the city of ishim, where about 60 russians live, began. the governor reminded that for refusal to leave people can be fined up to 30 thousand rubles. ukrainian scouts are working. in bryansk, russia , several military and
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industrial facilities were immediately left without power. there , a substation burned down at night, the main intelligence agency of ukraine said, due to the destruction of the transformer, the military unit was also de-energized. the 29th separate railway brigade and two factories for the production of military equipment are stationed, uhor concluded. rugby holiday in lviv. all-ukrainian children's tournament spring hopes took place in the city. eight teams from lviv, kremenets, ivano-frankivsk, khmelnytskyi and uzhgorod fought for the prizes in rugby 7 at the youth for hell stadium. the winners were athletes from khmelnytskyi. the second place was won by the lviv school kids team, and in general, the tournament was symbolic, the opening of the season, the organizers say, for the opportunity to hold it, both they and the players are grateful to the armed forces of ukraine, which protect the freedom and independence of ukraine. among them,
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the organizers note, there are many former players in reggae. 33 thousand laptops for the armed forces, from today in ukraine and... a campaign to collect used and new laptops, which our defenders need, has started. according to the data of the main department of communications and cyber ​​security of the ukrainian general staff, as of april of this year, exactly 3,300 computers are needed. anyone can send equipment by mail or deliver it personally. the recipient's address can be found on the website of the charitable fund together for ukraine. the need for 33,000 was declared and collected first of all according to applications from military units, that is, according to certain documents, according to certain reporting forms, every quarter we collect such data, and from this
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if this whole figure comes out, plus what is related to the deployment of information and communication systems, the main goal of this initiative is to secure the appropriate number of laptops, we hope that there may be more, although the critical need is 800, but this is a critical need, we are focusing on exactly 33, and this will allow, it is not about equipment, it is not about some kind of iron, it is about a tool that will allow us to quickly solve problems, that will allow us to increase the effectiveness of communication, increase transparency of our armed forces. an irreparable and sudden loss, publicist and public figure dmytro kapranov passed away in the morning. he was 56 years old, dmytro's brother vitaly reported the tragic news on their joint facebook page. the cause of death is currently unknown,
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the relatives will announce the date and place of the funeral tomorrow. brothers, kapranovs, ukrainian writers, publishers, publicists, public figures and bloggers. they founded a youtube channel named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko. about the history of ukraine. first, a full-scale invasion of both the brothers fought the russian invaders with weapons in their hands, in the ranks of the azov regiment. the entire team of the espresso tv channel expresses deep. condolences to the family and loved ones, at this moment i have everything, i tell you, see you already at 17:00, read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, be near and continue to work for you my colleagues marta olyarnyk and vasyl sima.
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new cases and challenges of the great war. the 21st ukrainian pr forum next took place in the capital. the slogan of this year's event: making our own way. ukrainian communicators, mass media and businesses shared their experience of the challenges they faced since february 24. these are the challenges that i faced first of all. the country and business, i.e. these are basically the risks of destroying everything, the risks of destroying the main backgrounds, i mean assets, buildings, well, who has production, yes, the risks that people will die, this is first of all, this is something that does not concern communications, communicators were supposed to simply support and , so to speak, prove that life is a joke, and maybe not zhevriye, but burning, due to the russian invasion, ukrainian companies suffered significant losses, but... they were able to readjust and restore their production. we lost our enterprise,
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our factory, which was located in the bare pier, to the occupied, now occupied territory. we do not know in what condition it is now, but we do not expect that everything will be fine, before the war a new, completely new line was installed there and it was expensive, but we were able to redistribute the volumes that were previously produced. today on the bare wharf, our other two enterprises in myrhorod and morshyn. some ukrainian businesses managed to reorient themselves as much as possible and adapt to the new demands of their consumers. we have branches that are based on motor vehicles, and they provide services where no other bank operates. as a rule, these are territories near the front or territories near the border with the occupying country. we mean the physical accessibility of departments, that is, a person with a disability, a person in a wheelchair. could really get to our branch and get the necessary services there.
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charity has become one of the most important strategies for ukrainian businesses. račniki say that volunteering is now not only their general duty as businesses, but personal initiatives of employees. when the war began, we did not need to organize people, because they began to organize themselves, precisely because they were united by common values. and our volunteer, she didn't start out as someone's company. united, and from the fact that people began to cooperate together, and we first had a charitable community, where people independently closed some unrealistic requests for medicine, for goods, for ammunition. therefore, the organizers of the forum note that despite the new challenges and conditions, business keeps its order to support ukrainians at all possible levels and make the rear reliable and unbreakable. well, we continue to work for you in the espresso studio, and in fact, we remind you
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that today zelenskyi signed a bill on strengthening mobilization, i want to briefly remind you what it says, so it means that this law will come into force after it is published in the voice of ukraine publication, a month later, after that, the law enshrines the lowering of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, cancels the status of limited suitability, in addition, civilian... men from 25 to 55 years old, who received disability of the second and third groups after a full-scale invasion, must once again undergo a medical and social examination to confirm its conclusions. also , those sentenced to a conditional term can be called up for military service, except for those who have committed crimes against the national security of ukraine. at the same time , there will be no mandatory mobilization of women, basic military service will be introduced instead of conscription, and citizens from 18 to 25 years of age will go through it. men under the age of 60 who have not completed basic general military training or military service will not be able to join
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the civil service. these are short quotes actually under this law, and there is also an important point about the mobilization of vehicles, it says that a person who has more than one car can have a vehicle seized, and actually this vehicle can potentially be used... to perform the tasks of the security and defense sector, such a vehicle can be withdrawn for the needs of the army. let's move on, we will add ivan karychevskyi, a military expert of defense-express, to our broadcast. mr. ivan, we welcome you. good day. if i may, i would like to start with one of the most extreme statements of air force spokesman ilya, ilya yevlash , that our air force is currently doing the best it can with the assets it has. also in one of the last interviews, zelensky reported that the trypilska tes was
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destroyed because we did not have missiles left for the actual anti-aircraft defense, which would... defend this thesis, and comment, please, give it to comment here, in my opinion, in fact it is so clear that, well, although, of course, there may be another nuance here, that if, on the one hand , we did not hide in open sources, that we still, let's say, from february 2022 year we are constantly sliding, on the edge of what we, well, let's say, on the edge the issue of the shortage of anti-aircraft missiles, well, now it 's just another stage when this... problem it comes out again, unfortunately, let's talk a little about the situations in the main areas where active battles are taking place, the latest, the latest information that i just read , now even i will open it for myself, so as not to be verbose, this is about chasivyar, about
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taking the enemy chasivyar, capturing chasivyar at a fast pace , the russians are not... there, again , he collected many units and real ones opportunities information is coming in, but it is very important to understand the real prospects of the enemy in view of the fact that there are sufficiently capable defenses taking into account what we have, taking into account what the enemy has, taking into account possible reinforcements, please, i would still, if it was possible, because i would still avoid accentuation, if we take exactly the bahmudian direction only at the time gap, because let's say this, on the one hand, it is really a very important psychological point for us. but there really are a few, let's say, what important units, there are constantly difficult battles, but if we take the situation in that direction in principle, then the russians are trying to advance in large numbers at 60 km along the 60-kilometer width of the front, which really starts from chassur and generally goes to belogorivka of the luhansk region, the
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same , which in may 2022 it was noted that the russians should be given a chance at the crossing, but the russians are simply in order to... open the way to pressing on kramatorsk sloviansk, they are attacking precisely in such a wide direction, and it turns out that, no focusing attention, let's say, focusing on the exploits of our defenders only in the area of ​​the temporal ravine, who are defending this city under the condition of an objective shortage of resources there, we ignore the exploits of our defenders in other sections of this 60-kilometer-wide direction of bakhmut, who are also doing their part case in conditions of scarcity of resources. moreover, if we pay attention all this time only to what is happening in the area of ​​the time ravine and do not look at what will happen there at other points on the bakhmut direction, we will in this way simplify everything the task for the russians is to show that, yes, it is psychologically important to win, if they have some progress in full time, because by and large the task for our troops is not even to
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keep there or to keep there as much as possible to grind the russians in the area of ​​the temporal ravine. the problem, unfortunately, especially in the bakhmudian direction, is that it is necessary to make it as difficult as possible for the russians to transition to their summer offensive, and they consider this enemy, this operation in the bakhmudian direction, to be such a springboard for an offensive, if the springboard will be broken, the offensive will also, let's say, be broken, unfortunately, but the price of the question is much higher than simply how many kilometers the russians have to the temporary ravine and whether they will make it there by may 9 or not . well, i will only make a remark, i will not ask questions, marta will ask, because it is actually in the kremlin and they said that there is a new task for them to take time until may 9, so i think that they are focusing more on this, although , i perfectly understand, i agree with you that the situation is much more complicated than just a battle for one city, yet i would like to return to zelenskyi, to his
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statements, in an interview with pbs, actually, this is an extreme interview that zelenskyi gave, he said that now we have a ratio of shells one to 10, and planes one to 30, and he says that there is no chance of winning under such circumstances, and he says that in order to defend those territories, well, that is, it is only about defending ourselves, and we need to match russia in the number of guns, in the number of shells and for 10 russians, there should be 10 from ukraine, that is, full parity is needed in order to to at least defend yourself, no one is talking about it. in order to advance, i would like to ask you a question that is not simple, for sure, but at the expense of what can this parity be equalized now? and i think that... still, in this case , to answer only this point question, it makes no sense, because on the one hand, it can be stated that if the czech republic and estonia, and well, on their own initiatives, the european union
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in general will fulfill its obligations, then in our country it would be clearly better with the outfits to these conditions, which the head of state talks about, but he says, he said it for an american publication, accordingly, it could have been aimed more at trying to move the process in the united states of america already... on any military aid to ukraine, because, as far as i remember, the head of the state had previously talked about the fact that if we get military aid on credit, fine, we will take the credit, because we have no other option, the question is simply that if, for some reason, the united states of america has any arguments, for some reason they stop working and that's just the whole question hovered, although if necessary, israel would receive a projectile without any approval from the us congress. somewhere there were even jaydam guided air bombs, and everything that was needed was agreed, but for some reason not to us, you know, i only we did not talk about the law on mobilization, well, actually not to you, this
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question will probably be asked, because but it is about those 70,000, well, regarding the implementation, this is not written in the law, it should be there in the government resolution on the payment of 70,000 additional military personnel, which is at zero, which means that the promised money is not yet there, but they are thinking where to get it. so gitman, this is the chairman of the tax committee of the verkhovna rada, says... that this money should be taken at the expense of taxes, increases and bonds of the domestic state loan, you know, so that it does not happen that we pass something with the law on mobilization, and then we start thinking , what should we do, the situation is very difficult, the situation is now, i think that everything, well, i hope that everything was calculated before the president put his signature under it, put his signature under it, but now such a question , we very often hear that canada is preparing some missiles for us there, drones, somewhere, britain gives us some... drones, in my opinion, and we receive some kind of help, which is not talked about much, maybe it is so large-scale, but what are we if we do not reveal secrets that are not worth revealing to reveal, we will get something that can really affect
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the situation on the front line, from some cool guys to drones, to other things that are specifically arriving, but again, they do not make it to the top of the news, because it is not something like that not 300 abrams tanks please i think that it is high time for us to move away from the concept that if there is a sound somewhere that they should give us something, that it must have an effect on the battlefield, because , of course, we all had such information logic, which may still have worked in 2022 and 2023, what is there to show, look, if the measure stops there, well, the conditional measure has crossed a certain barrier there in terms of the nomenclature of weapons, then they say we use it there, and it brings us new capabilities, opportunities for many things, in this case this concept, which is necessary it is urgent to show some new capabilities on the battlefield, it no longer works, here it goes... we are essentially talking about consumables, if you will, because drones, they are, in principle, created from weapons precisely as consumables, that is, what is it these are weapons that should
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be used en masse, well, it’s not a pity to lose them, but simply at the expense of such invisible helping hands there, that there are some incomprehensible drones somewhere, it’s clear where they were taken from the same british or canadians, or germany, again declares about the military package. on the first look, there is a lot of interesting nomenclature, but the media is no longer interested, you know, due to precisely that, we still have such a status quo, which we can be surprised by, well, they think, it is possible to raise taxes in order to there to pay an additional 70,000 to the soldiers on the front line, well , just once we have already entered and once we, unfortunately, not with good will, but due to the aggression of russia entered the phase of total war, then do not consider every such help there by drones or by other means like this at first. a look at incomprehensible things to the military from there is different countries of the west, it at least postpones this moment when we will have to finally
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transfer the economy to war rails there with all these beauties of quotation marks, how there is a very strict distribution of electricity there, products on the card, but haven't we reached the moment when it should be done already, well , we just have the possibility of mobilization capabilities in this matter... there is no such thing, because this is an interesting specific rule that if there are two cars, then there is only one, she has, obviously the first one will be like that, well the first the test of the pen, how to do all this in this case, well, that is, you think that the further it goes, the more strictly the state will actually use its rights, because it is the right of the state to limit certain freedoms during martial law, and the state itself will resort to these rights in relation to... citizens, and now we see that with those cars, yes, the next stages may actually be the transfer of certain enterprises to military rails,
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well, come on, it is rather not about rights in such a political there or civil sensei, but rather about the mobilization of the economy, in this case any, we are about, i emphasize again, any such aid, which is declared from various western countries at the level of several million dollars, even if it is about some drones, this consider the moment as something simple for us to gain time for building up our own capabilities and for the internal mobilization of resources, without talking about any political aspects, well , unfortunately, because we are approaching this, if so... where is the quantitative expansion army, accordingly, it requires a quantitative expansion of the resource base, and where to get this resource base, especially, well, if we are still even, maybe we are even begging there, begging the americans for help that they do not want to provide, we are just losing the possibility of the entire resource base build up, well , because judging by all this, let's say this, the usa has entered the stage when it
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is ready to lose its locks under any president... of a great power purely in order not to spend an extra couple of extra millions or billions of dollars. thank you very much, mr. ivan, ivan karachevsky was with us, a military expert of defense express. and i, before we go on a break, you know when they say, you have two cars, give the extra one to the state, you know, so that it doesn't happen that the car costs 40 thousand dollars and some person comes to solve the issue, that you give five and the car stays with you, and it is taken from the one who can't give, well, that is, we already see it all, our audit has shown how much. therefore , when they say that let's push taxes more, let's go, i don't mind if mine taxes will go to the military, not to the fact that auditors will later find that these taxes have disappeared somewhere into bottomless pockets, and the people for whom these taxes disappeared somewhere during the administration of the ministry of defense are now holding positions, by the way, i just want to emphasize so as not to cause unnecessary panic in people, there is an explanation from fedir
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vanislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine , that if you have two or more cars, it does not automatically mean that they will be taken away from you. no it is not. it is about the fact that the needs of the armed forces will be studied, and actually will think about whether this is expedient or not, that is, a certain algorithm must work before seizing this car, and 90% of citizens should definitely not accept these norms, that's what vanislavskyi said, so actually these points should also be taken into account, which is not the case about the fact that already and immediately everyone who has more than one car will have it immediately , they once said that they would block their accounts, here people have withdrawn more money from their deposits than in the entire history of ukraine, now i think that it will increase very much selling cars, well, you just have to do it, well, these or the re-registration of cars are not for sale, and maybe they will start transferring them to relatives and so on, so that one person does not have more than one car, ukrainians are very resourceful in this regard, i have no doubt about it, let’s go
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