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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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the resolution on supporting the reconstruction of ukraine, we will have input from strasbourg and we will find out. about the main points of the document, as commented by the commissioner for human rights, the law on mobilization, and if ukraine does not stand up, will war with russia, nato countries, whether our partners will listen to zelenskyi's words. good evening, the news department is talking about the main events of the day that is passing by, annaeva melnyk is with you. the law on mobilization was signed by the president, relevant information appeared on the official web portal of the verkhovna rada councils people's deputies approved the document.
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april, it foresees, in particular, the lowering of the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, those who ignore the summons, the court will deprive them of the right to drive a vehicle. all conscripts must clarify their data in the military. the army will now accept students who are getting a second higher education, and those who received the second and third groups of disabilities after february 24, 2022 will have to pass the medical examination again. this also applies to limited. the commissioner for human rights of the verkhovna rada of ukraine commented as follows approved document. in my opinion, the draft law, which was adopted in the conditions in which ukraine is now, is the best option that we could hope for. now the procedure looks as democratic as possible, without coercion, everyone. military
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servicemen must go through the procedure of checking their data in the register, after that those who will not comply with the law will be subject to the actions, again , of democratic principles in our state. shame, that's how president volodymyr zelensky called the fear of russia's defeat in the war with ukraine, which has some western partners. the head of state gave an interview to an american. on the pbs channel, he noted that the west, in particular, is afraid of the migration crisis and worries about the future of nuclear weapons, and warned that if ukraine does not stand up, then other nato countries will have to fight with russia. everyone is afraid, god forbid, that china will be strong, god forbid, that putin will not be there, and there will be many states, what will happen to the nuclear weapons that are on the territory of russia? it's like now for... controlling nuclear weapons, and that's what
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i'm telling you about, all these voices, all these messages, all this is the shame i'm talking about. the south operational command has a new commander, brigadier general gennady chapovalov. the commander of the ground forces, oleksandr pavlyuk, introduced the new commander to the personnel, reported the headquarters of the southern command. shapovalov, a graduate of the ostroh academy and. of the us army military college built a military career from the commander of a tank platoon to the commander of a separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. he became a brigadier general in march 2022. consequences of bad weather overcome in in zaporizhzhia, over 450 trees and branches fell in the city due to the strong wind that blew the day before. power lines and traffic lights, as well as roofs, were damaged. many
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floors, more than 100 utility workers started work, sawing and removing trees, repairing street lighting, as well as cleaning roads and sidewalks from garbage, work, they say, will be enough for tomorrow. a postman from the kharkiv region will spend 11 years behind bars, the court found her guilty of collaborative activities, after the seizure of the raisin, the woman headed the enemy post office in the city, attracted like-minded people to the work and promised. to the new state, russian salaries and loyal treatment from the occupiers, also the perpetrator transferred all the property of the ukrposhta branch to the occupation administration. in her new position , she was also engaged in propaganda, distributing russian publications to local residents. after the release of izyum, the collaborator tried to hide in the territory of the district, changed her address, but failed. last year, in february, the sbu searched for her and detained her. in
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the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia , a local deputy of the occupation was blown up the government of anton yakymenko, an explosion rang out in the village. about this is another traitor rogov, he noted that an attempt was made and accused the ukrainian special services. anton yakymenko, in the fake local elections, was among the top three candidates from the party of the russian dictator putin, united russia, in which state he is currently unknown. support for the reconstruction of ukraine, a resolution under that name, is being considered today by the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. depending on the situation. in strasbourg , espresso's european institutions correspondent tetyana vysotska follows. tatyana, my congratulations and what exactly is said in this resolution proposed by parye deputies. greetings anna eva, greetings from strasbourg. actually,
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the debate is still going on, it 's coming to an end right now, and the vote on the resolution will happen literally in the near future, in the next few minutes or tens of minutes. and actually the draft resolution already. made public, it was discussed, and we can talk about it more objectively. the resolution must be very powerful, and primarily because the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe proposes to completely confiscate russian frozen state assets and transfer them to the reconstruction of ukraine and, first of all , to the payment of reparations to ukrainians, individuals who suffered from the war. reparations will also be paid to legal entities and the state of ukraine. before. the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, who is in strasbourg today, opened the debate before the deputies, and he also emphasized that ukraine needs europe's help, today more than ever, because the situation at the front is dramatic, and at the same time, putin and russia should
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to pay for their crimes, and in the way that the deputies of the parliamentary assembly are proposing, they are proposing all the frozen assets of the russian federation on the territory of western states. transfer to a special international trust fund, which will accumulate them, and for this purpose, they appeal to the united states, the g7 countries of the european union, to help make this mechanism work. once the trust fund is operational, an international compensation commission will be created, which will already be to decide how the same russian money will be distributed. it is clear that pere's decision does not have direct ju... consequences, but as a first step, it is very important, and it is worth noting that an international compensation mechanism is already being created under the auspices of the council of europe, a register of losses was created last year, which will collect information about all losses from russia's aggressive war in ukraine, and actually already on april 2, the loss register began
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accepting applications from ukrainian individuals for one category, this is loss of property, i.e. now ukrainians can submit applications and in some way... claim that the russian money will be paid to them sooner or later, and it is also worth noting that after the reception of applications for destroyed real estate has already started, it will also be started accepting applications for complaints about loss of work, loss of business, loss of health and life, and for the state of ukraine it is uh... destruction of infrastructure, as well as environmental damage. studio. thank you for such news and the work of tetyana vysotska from strasbourg in detail about the resolution regarding support for the reconstruction of ukraine. an important conversation, us president joe biden met with czech prime minister petr fiala at the white house.
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together they discussed security issues, as well as assistance to ukraine, reports reuters. during the conversation, the american leader noted the support of the czech republic, in particular the efforts. provision of ammunition for ukrainians. biden separately emphasized the importance of congress passing a bill on the aid package. fiala is expected to visit the us congress, where he will try to convince its members to sign the additional funding support for ukraine. nato can help the armed forces. collection from the tv channel continues. means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot east. direction, they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. join,
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you can see all the details on the screen. more two houses of exotic animals died during a fire in the yevpatoria zoo in the temporarily occupied crimea. it burned down there at night. zoo tropik park reports that the enemy ministry of emergency situations has occupied the roof of the building. the fire quickly covered more than 600 m2 of territory. coping with the fire was difficult. due to the large amount of hay in the cages, almost all the animals were burned alive, only a few were saved, among them two bears, the cause of the tragedy is called by the occupiers a short circuit, an irreparable and sudden loss, he left in the morning publicist and public figure dmytro kapranov, he was 56 years old, the tragic news was reported by dmytro's brother vitaly on their joint facebook page. causes of death.
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the kapranov brothers, ukrainian writers, publishers, publicists, public figures and bloggers will announce the date and place of the farewell tomorrow. they founded a youtube channel named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko about the history of ukraine. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, both brothers fought the russian invaders with weapons in their hands, in the ranks of the azov regiment. the whole the espresso tv channel team expresses its deepest condolences to the family and. close ones and that 's all for a moment, i'll see you tomorrow, i'll be waiting for you in this studio at 2 p.m., then a big broadcast by vasylatsy. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis. the pain in the joints is so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow to move. i tried everything, i bought
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stronger. good evening, we are from ukraine. the armed forces of ukraine are fighting hard battles on many fronts. the president says directly: without the help of the usa, ukraine will not be able to win, and the united states of america already has four options for bills that it can bring to a vote. whether and when we will wait for help from our partners, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 44 minutes. this is the great ether program, my name is vasyl zima and we will talk. we know from the collection announcement. espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv are calling to support the collection at fp of sacks for the legendary 93rd kholodny yar brigade and 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, who are fighting at the front during and this a full-scale war and during the anti-terrorist operation, oos, but actually all this is ukraine's decade-long war against the aggressor russia. our own production,
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testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together, putting together such an ambitious, but real. the amount of uah 2 million the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already here, join us for more. our goal is 2 million hryvnias. we remember that donating to the armed forces of ukraine is , first of all, the least we can do. secondly, it is an investment in our victory. well, because today it is a real thing that can be, as once again, president volodymyr zelenskyy correctly said, at least with a loan, at least give us help, so that our state basically exists. therefore, we... can also do what we can do so that our state exists and our fighters are able to defend this state, having in their hands the necessary means of defeat, yes, it will be like this in our country now, now wait a second, for me must be found, oleksandr tolokonnikov is in touch with us, the head of the press office of the kherson
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regional military administration, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, always happy to see and hear from you, vasyl, congratulations. i will first ask about the security situation, in general and in kherson and kherson region, i saw that the enemy attacked boryslav region, if i am not mistaken, as of the evening, well, you can also mention the night, of course, what the situation was, what were the attacks, the consequences, please, indeed today boryslav was attacked, and the fun of the novokakhov community, this is the kakhovsky district, here we have two settlements that are under constant fire from this community, the cossacks are happy, today just for fun... the russians dropped two guided air bombs on berislav and two as a result of one explosion of one of these bombs in the center of boryslav, the post office there was damaged, or rather the building of one of the ukrainian communication companies, a house, a household, and
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17 people have already been injured in our country in the information about the victims. but only four sought medical help, all the others received acubotraumas and were sent home, they were given help on the spot, they refused to be hospitalized, thank god there were no victims, maybe people will return tomorrow, because it's just like that, it's hard to survive such explosions, four aerial bombs were dropped in total, also, zolota balka was under fire today, a man was also injured there, he was hospitalized, and kherson and the kherson region were also shelled at night, there is destruction, there are about nine 15 settlements were shelled, nine private houses were destroyed
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as a result of these shellings in the kherson region, there are also severed communications, today the whole day with... was engaged in restoring people's communal services. we see, besides that the enemy is actually turning the kherson region, at least where he can reach now, or the coastal part of the right bank, somewhere further on, and this is one thing that actually turns the human and infrastructural territorial area into a continuous wound again, plus i want to ask whether nature did not cause any damage, but water... now we all understand that it is all over ukraine, the enemy had blown up the dam before, then there was water, now it somehow affects, and again, if water harvesting, well, there is no revealing secrets, we understand perfectly. that the battles are going on there and in in the floodplains, and near those islands, and there we have certain bridgeheads somewhere on the left bank, whether the water helps or hinders, if we talk now about people, first, and then about
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the armed forces, well, again, without giving any information , which should not sound on the air, well, to be honest, we have such a big change, there are no big changes in the level along the dnipro and, in principle, along the rivers, in principle, we only have the dnipro. i am interested in this, in this perspective, early spring and it is already quite hot here, people are already planting, they have almost planted there is no such thing, and there is no such kind of help, nature, we perfectly understand how the river behaves every year, this year really. the situation is a little different, because there is no dam that regulated vodopillia as well, but there is no large water, fortunately, so
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we do not have such troubles either, i also want to ask, here was the information that the attempt was prevented, attempted assassination attempt on the head of the kherson regional military administration, and here with reference to this, i i certainly won't ask about how it will work there. but those people, or the special services or other representatives of the defense forces, who carried out their work, we honor them with praise and respect for what was prevented, but in general, this problem of people who, you know, what we conventionally call them zhduns, they can be greedy, they can be open agents of the enemy, because we know that, unfortunately, our fighters on the front lines, near the front line, suffer from this, it is no secret, but if there are such people in the city, how effectively their detect? well, how to say it correctly, i won't, because i wanted to say it differently, well, well , do everything so that they can't realize there, point at one or another object, well, in this
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situation, let's say, at one or another, and level their activities, they said correctly, to level their activities, and again how big a problem it is, because even now this time it was prevented, well, but there are some people who can plan something again next time, well, of course there are people, as they say in families are not... without a cripple in such an angle as this, such people, this is a 50-year-old uh the taxi driver, who, according to the information of the security service of ukraine, was not the only one to transmit information about the assassination attempt on oleksandr prokudin, he drove his car, hid the recorder somewhere and filmed it. including the positions that, where he stopped there, where the military was located, and he then tried to convey this information, but the sbu was already
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leading him then, and in principle, until he, until he made those mistakes, when he tried there to convey this information, he was taken. er, as they say, hot, and now he already is behind bars, and in principle the main thing is that, thanks to us, our security service, our scouts, there are fewer and fewer such collaborators, ah, who cooperate, there are in our territory, and among them, this is such a fuse and a warning to those who may, who may have. there are any thoughts about handing over something to the enemy, then let them know that the security service knows about them, they
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control them, and if someone has such an idea that they work for the enemy, then there is only one end to this - it is life-long imprisonment in a high-security prison, but we see what about you by the way, the man, i don't know if he is a russian father or not, because they smeared his face over there, but such a beard, i don't know, but who pointed at the objects in kharkiv was also found, here the question is , that this money that a person earns, and it will not give anything, it is simply better not to occupy it, in general, i think, for the audience, and for the citizens, well, i think our audience is conscious, but the citizens should be reminded that, in principle, whatever - any information that can one way or another reveal the location of the armed forces of ukraine or defense forces in the kherson region. or in another city, logistics, redeployment, well, in general , you don’t even need to write something about this to a familiar third cousin, because, well, in any case, this information, then they will check you, whether you just wrote like that,
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because you were happy about ... after seeing the tank and whether you pass this information on to someone, well, that's why it's important to just understand, i think you will support me, and i will also ask about demining, you said that people are already going out for garden work, in the field , well, field work and have been going on before, it started a long time ago, but to what extent it is now possible to carry out effective demining again, we understand that the enemy continues shelling and in such a situation it is obvious in certain areas, maybe this is not the case, how great is the risk for people today to work in such ... works on the land near the land, that is to say, on their awards or there, if the site is not surveyed, then it is really a very big danger, and there is a register of demined, demined land in the kherson region, all farmers know and are waiting for their turn , but i want to share such good news that if we only talk about the past eight months, then
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the number of personnel for demining the kherson region has increased almost five times, and thanks to this, we now have such optimistic plans to demine by the end of 2025 right bank, because before that 8 months ago we had only 300 people who were engaged in demining, now we have 1,100, and again thanks to the congress under the president. of local and regional authorities, at which we raised eight months ago in august it is a matter of the fact that we really need to increase the number in order to speed up demining, because we are an agrarian region, and without land we cannot do anything, we cannot raise the economy, people cannot, there is no place to work, and we were listened to, and we can already see the result, we will work, of course
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we still have the left bank ahead of us, which will also have to be demined very quickly, primarily logistics, infrastructure, energy infrastructure, because it is a priority, but we are ready for it, well and maybe it's me i will ask, i always try to ask in the kherson region, if we have the opportunity to communicate, if it is possible that some data is received or it is possible to learn about the consequences of the deaths of people, first of all, what is the situation behind... there down the dnieper, well, there is a bare pier, below there, well i'm already saying, and oleshki is higher, and the village of kozatske, there are many heroic ones, about how many people may have died, what was the destruction, whether the enemy is hiding this information, in some other way to find out about the real consequences, well, it's important , even for the application to the world community, it would be important, you know, if there were numbers and we could say, look, what a disaster the enemy caused by blowing up the kakhovskaya,
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kokhov dam, please, yes? well , it is really very difficult to understand something there, because in order to officially talk about something, you need to have the conclusion of the ukrainian expert, if there is no such report, then we can only rely on what eyewitnesses say, but there were a lot of reports that the people who died as a result of the blasting of kakhovsky as a result of flooding and these settlements. very many people died, but the russians registered them as the first people, even those who had relatives, registered them as a heart attack, that a person had a heart attack and not a person drowned in the water, and people made a lot of scandals about this, but it's hard to tell something there under a machine gun, we understand, there were also messages. about the fact
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that the russians took out a lot of corpses and buried them in mass graves, somewhere in kalanchak, i don't think i remember exactly, they also brought them to the morgue there, if they didn't show up relatives, they simply buried her in mass graves, if relatives showed up and expressed a desire to take her, they gave her away, but with such a diagnosis, oleksandr, it 's simple with us, in any case, i think that it will be the the story itself, as it was at one time in buch, in repin, in izyum, to many others, well, mariupol, unfortunately, we also do not have access now, but the fact that the enemy is now very actively building fortifications in the crimea, gives hope to understand that , that he roughly guesses that sooner or later with the help of our partners, primarily western important, and how


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